Bestes shooter game: 25 best FPS games you can play right now

25 best FPS games you can play right now

(Image credit: Bungie)

There is no blueprint to creating the best FPS games that you should play today. Some of our picks offer fantastic single-player campaigns that we’re still thinking about decades later, others offer incredible social spaces where you can hang with your buddies, and there’s a fair few on here that will draw out your competitive nature. 

We’ve focused on core first-person shooters here, so you aren’t going to find games like Deathloop and Fallout 4 – excellent experiences which otherwise integrate action, adventure, and RPG systems to support their core mechanics. For more of those, you’ll want to find our ranking of the best shooters on the market. Otherwise, you should keep scrolling to find our pick of the 25 best FPS games that you can (and should) be playing right now. 

25. Splitgate

(Image credit: 1047 Games)

Developer: 1047 Games
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

One of the most original FPS games of the current generation is also one of its most fiendishly addictive. A snappy and ultra slick shooter, Splitgate answers the question: “what would happen if Halo and Portal had a baby?” Well, not only would the tyke have a seriously twitchy trigger finger, it would also behave far better than you would ever think. With an impactful arsenal that matches the Master Chief’s armory at its best, Splitgate’s frenzied free-to-player multiplayer mayhem always feels satisfying. Yet it’s the additions of those portals that add a layer of strategy and bristling chaos to what’s already becoming an iconic FPS. 

24. Valorant

(Image credit: Riot Games)

Developer: Riot Games

Riot Games’ attempt to take CS:GO’s competitive FPS crown. It’s like a mix of Valve’s twitchy shooter and Overwatch’s over-the-top heroes: it is, at its heart, still a tactical FPS in which positioning is king and you die in one headshot, but every class has flashy skills and abilities that can turn the course of a round. Some of them let you leap high in the air, others ping enemy positions, while ultimate abilities can damage enemies through walls and clear out entire areas. It’s more colorful than CS:GO, but the clean visuals prove that the emphasis is on substance over style.Its short stint in Early Access is a testament to how much polish Riot put into its design, and how balanced its maps and heroes are. Both will only improve over time. 

23. Back 4 Blood

(Image credit: Warner Bros. )

Developer: Turtle Rock Studios
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

A modern take on Valve’s classic Left 4 Dead, Back 4 Blood is one of the biggest third-party boons Xbox Game Pass has received in the last year or so. While solo play only offers bog standard zombie-slaying thrills, the action is oh so elevated by a fantastic co-op mode that delivers equal measures of camaraderie and chaos. The B-Movie charm and smart card system deliver dollops of slapstick and strategy to a game that makes you cherish every last gasp dive to that safe room… whether you make it there with your spleen intact or not.  

22. Battlefield 1

(Image credit: EA)

Developer: DICE
PC, PS4, Xbox One

Battlefield 1 is a WW1 shooter that showcases a terrifying amount of carnage. It’s got all the familiar BF modes that we’ve grown to love, including Conquest, Rush, and Domination, but this game adds the formidable Operations mode that takes the push and pull of war to new heights. This game works so well as a multiplayer shooter because of how finely it’s balanced — there’s no class, weapon, or tactic that gives an unfair advantage over others. 

By their very nature, WW1 weapons lack true precision and make up for this via brute force and close-quarters effectiveness, so this really levels the playing field online. The maps are brilliant too, and they constantly change as the bombardment of explosives and ruined vehicles scar the landscape. Single-player is pretty enjoyable too, with the emotional war stories giving a sampler of the various fronts WW1 took place on. Overall, it’s an immense package.

21. Dusk

(Image credit: New Blood Interactive)

Developer: New Blood Interactive

The best of a crop of unashamedly old-school shooters that have come out in recent years. Plenty of modern games capture the feeling of playing Quake or Doom for the first time, but Dusk is the smoothest, the fastest, the goriest. It’s like the best of the 90s, but with a few modern-day twists that make it stand out like detailed reload animations and inventive level design. Maps are varied and keep you guessing: one minute, you’re in a spooky old farm, clearing out barns with a shotgun, the next you’re in a science lab that twists back on itself, the walls becoming the floor when you turn your head.

Like the best old-school shooters, it’s simply bloody good fun. Beefy weapons turn enemies into a fine red mist, and you zoom through levels as if on roller skates, only pausing to line up the perfect shot. It’s topped off by a metal soundtrack that refuses to let you quit. 

20. Half-Life 2

(Image credit: Valve)

Developer: Valve
PC, PS4, Xbox One

It may be old enough to drive and gamble a young Gordon’s student loan fees under a bus, yet despite its age, Half-Life 2 still has a touch of G.O.A.T. status. This is an all-time shooter masterpiece. Whether you played it on a cutting edge rig on a debuting Steam in 2004, or first sampled its City 17 delights courtesy of Valve’s brilliant Orange Box bundle, the core of Half-Life 2’s greatness remains unblemished. 

Few other shooters before or since show such a level of masterly pacing. From the extra chilling Cold War opening vibes of that iconic plaza to the zombie-mangling Gravity Gun fun of Ravenholm, Half-Life 2 shuffles between thematic genres with unerring grace. He may never say a word, but Gordon Freeman’s actions carry more weight than pretty much every Call of Duty character combined.  

19. Far Cry 6

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Developer: Ubisoft
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

It may not be the most important game in the series – that nod goes to the iconic third entry – but Far Cry 6 is still a superior shooter. Does it still lean heavily on a lot of well-worn Ubisoft tropes? Obviously. Yet look past the dinky dachshund sidekicks named after a Spanish sausage and the typically assured, if samey stealth, and you’ll find an FPS that feels like a much needed turning point for Far Cry.

New additions like the Supremo Backpacks open up creative new avenues for both sneaky and explosive chaos, further enlivening Far Cry’s already intoxicating power fantasy. Better yet? With the introduction of freedom fighter Dani – who you can actually see, listen to and emote alongside in third-person cutscenes – Far Cry has finally given us a protagonist who’s actually worth rooting for. And all it took was half a dozen entries. When it comes to sandbox shooters, few do madcap spectacle better than Far Cry 6.  

18. Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition 

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Developer: People Can Fly
PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Never has a game so intelligent tried so hard to look like an idiot, or been so screamingly funny with it. On Bulletstorm‘s surface, you’ll find a brash, knowing, don’t-give-a-fuck attitude, sitting on a layer of the most gloriously creative cursing you’ve ever heard in a video game. Beneath, you’ll find one of the densest, most detailed, widest branching FPS systems ever devised.

The genius of Bulletstorm lies with its Skillshots. Imagine if a new Tony Hawk’s game served up tricks but replaced every Ollie and kickflip with increasingly gruesome ways of mangling mutants and you’re pretty much there. Boot a dude in the balls then kick his head off. Launch some men into orbit with an alt-fire rocket, then pick them out of the sky like they were clay pigeons. Shunt every second enemy you meet into a cactus, because there’s literally always a life-affirmingly sharp cactus lying around. What stings even more than the plant-based murder, though? The sad fact that we’ll probably never see such a brash, bright or commendably crude FPS like this again. 

17. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

(Image credit: Activision)

Developer: Raven Software
PC, PS4, Xbox One

The best Call of Duty campaign ever made… and it’s not close. Dragging the series kicking and screaming from the bloody and muddied trenches of WWII, Modern Warfare re-energized an FPS juggernaut with a breakneck, perfectly paced campaign that’s been copied by countless other military shooters since, yet never been remotely matched. 

Kicking down doors with the iconic Captain Price in an electrifying, rain-lashed tanker infiltration. Watching in scarcely believable horror as the character you’ve played half the game as gets vaporised by a pesky little mushroom cloud. Holding your actual breath as a sniping duo scuttle through the tall, grassy fields and empty, echoing playgrounds of Pripyat in the all-timer of a mission, ‘All Ghillied Up’. The original Modern Warfare is so good, you could throw every other COD at it and the remastered 2007 FPS would still boast more memorable moments than the entire series combined. 

16. Borderlands 3

(Image credit: Gearbox)

Developer: Gearbox
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

How to describe Borderlands 3… you could say it’s the underlying principles of the first and second Borderlands wrapped up in a more pristine shell. Or you could call it World of Warcraft: The First-Person Shooter. With its heavy emphasis on loot, loot, and more loot, Borderlands 3 drowns players in a sea of guns with varying abilities and stats (including a gun that shoots saw blades, and one you can throw like a boomerang while it carries on firing, wounding anyone nearby), conveniently color-coded by rarity. The colorful cast of characters breaks away from the traditional «fighter, wizard, rogue» archetypes, and each hero is memorable in their own right. 

It doesn’t quite have the character of Borderlands 2. We miss Krieg. Oh, Krieg, you crazy barbarian poet. And none of Borderlands 3’s villains fill us with anger the way Handsome Jack did. But in terms of shooting and looting, preferably in co-op, it still stands as the zenith of the Borderlands formula.

15. PUBG: Battlegrounds

(Image credit: PUBG Corp)

Developer: PUBG Corp
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

PUBG is the game that spawned the battle royale craze. Technically, it wasn’t the first battle royale game, but it popularized the staples of the genre we all recognize: randomized gear spread out on a big map; a starting plane from which players parachute; and an ever-shrinking play zone. A lot has changed since it first came out, and now it’s more polished, with a variety of maps that cater to all play styles, and it’s free-to-play at a baseline. On the biggest maps, you might go long stretches without seeing another player, and it’s that pacing, and the lethality of the realistic bullet physics, that set PUBG apart from the crowd. You can play with a squad of friends, but it’s always those nail-biting, stealthy solo moments that stick with me.

14. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

(Image credit: Valve)

Developer: Valve
PC, PS3, Xbox One

The seemingly everlasting king of Steam’s most played charts is an FPS every inch as iconic as Half-Life 2. Ever since its debut as an expansive Half-Life mod, the Counter-Strike series has constantly stayed on top of the competitive shooter scene. And though CS:GO is now the de facto way to play this Terrorists vs. Counter-Terrorists FPS on PC, it originally started life as a modernized port for consoles. 

CS:GO is all about tension: there are no respawns during rounds, so once you die, all you can do is watch and anxiously hope that your team detonates/defuses the bomb or rescues/retains hostages successfully. Each map is meticulously crafted to allow for myriad tactics requiring varying degrees of skill, and the lovingly modeled guns in your expansive arsenal all have minutiae in their firing rates and recoil that can only be learned through experience. The staying power of CS:GO is unreal, and screams volumes for its enduring qualities. 

13. Wolfenstein 2: New Colossus

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Developer: MachineGames
PC, PS4, Xbox One

This Nazi murder sim is smarter than it sounds. The guns are big, loud, and turn members of the Third Reich into bloody pulps, and the more bullets you pump out, the better. The ability to dual-wield any two weapons also makes New Colossus feel different than other old-school shooters. Most impressive of all is the narrative. You get to know more about the series’ broken hero BJ Blazkowicz than ever before through an origin story that’s not afraid to get dark, and a talented cast somehow manages to pull off a tale that pirouettes between the serious and the absurd.

12. Overwatch

(Image credit: Blizzard)

Developer: Blizzard
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch

Leave it to Blizzard to instantly restore our faith in a genre that we were ready to give up for good. Starting with the fundamentals of a class-based multiplayer shooter, the studio proceeded to sand off every little rough edge leftover from games like Team Fortress 2. It then replaced whatever personality that it lost in the process with an instantly beloved cast of MOBA-inspired heroes. 

Seriously, if you’ve been on the internet at all since May 2016, you’ve almost definitely seen at least one piece of Tracer fan art. It’s impossible to divorce Overwatch‘s winsome characters from the game’s appeal, but don’t let them overshadow the endless smart design choices that Blizzard made for its first foray into action gaming since, er… Blackthorne? Now stop lollygagging and get on the damn point.

11. Metro Exodus

(Image credit: 4A Games)

Developer: 4A Games
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

A shooter that’s truly driven by its story. The Metro series is known for blending stealth and shooting in oppressive environments filled with ravenous mutants that want to rip your throat out – Exodus is built from the same DNA, but finds a new level of polish and ambition. Levels are sprawling, and gorgeous, packed with details that encourage you to explore every crumbling building. From Moscow, you take a train through the Russian wilderness, stopping off in desert towns, snowy tundras, and military bases, each filled with secrets to find and enemies to blow to bits.

You conduct missions alone, and venturing from the safety of your party is nerve-wracking. Thankfully, you have an armory of inventive, upgradable weapons to keep you safe, from crossbows to revolvers. Back on the train, you’ll get to know your hardy Russian companions, and the endearing cast will make you genuinely care about protagonist Artyom’s fate. If you’re looking for pure action, Exodus’s careful pace might turn you off, but the cross-country travel gives you a constant sense of progress. Once you’ve set the wheels in motion, you won’t want to get off.

10. Superhot

(Image credit: SUPERHOT TEAM)

Developer: SUPERHOT Team
PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Time only moves when you move. That’s the elevator pitch for Superhot, a cerebral shooter from a small, independent studio out of Poland, and it’s a perfect distillation for what makes Superhot so intoxicating. And all that slow-mo obviously helps, too. Cooler than Keanu in the original Matrix taking the ice bucket challenge, this effortlessly slick FPS is as much a puzzler as it is a shooter. 

While the act of pointing and pulling the trigger is simple enough – it’s hard to miss when you’re moving slower than a tortoise in treacle – the order you take enemies out in is an entirely trickier issue. Many levels have to be completed with Swiss watch-levels of precision, and killing a dude at the wrong time can send the whole slow motion house of bullet-strewn cards tumbling. That’s the central appeal of Superhot: it’s an FPS that’s as clever as it is cool. 

(Image credit: EA)

Developer: Respawn Entertainment
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

The battle royale for those that want to go faster. Your movement is as important as your aim in Apex Legends: you can parkour across roofs, shimmy up ledges, and slide down hills, scrabbling for positional advantage. The character classes and their abilities make Respawn’s shooter feel unique in the genre. One hero can see trails of enemy footsteps, another creates portals, and another can clone themselves to bamboozle their opponents. 

In a squad of three, which is the way it was designed to be played, you can combine these abilities in inventive ways to outfox enemy teams. The two maps are bright and varied, with plenty of ways to help you take the high ground, and Respawn is constantly tweaking the formula with new weapons and heroes. If you haven’t played it since the early wave of enthusiasm, it’s time to return. 

8. Black Mesa

(Image credit: Crowbar Collective)

Developer: Crowbar Collective

It’s what you get when you take one of the most beloved shooters of all time, Half-Life, revamp the entire disastrous ending and add prettier visuals, more characters, bigger levels, punchier weapons, and proper physics. Black Mesa is fan-made (and Valve-approved), but you wouldn’t know it: every room is crafted with the kind of care you don’t see from many AAA teams. This is more than just a remake of a classic – it’s a complete overhaul that brings one of the greatest shooters ever, and one of the greatest protagonists, the silent scientist Gordon Freeman, into the modern era.

Everything you love about Half-Life remains. You’ll shoot headcrab zombies, alien monsters, and human soldiers with an array of weapons, from a beefy shotgun to the prototype energy Gluon Gun, which melts enemies in seconds. But it’s the new additions that stand out. In the original Half-Life, the Xen locale, the setting for the final portion of the game, was lifeless. Here, it’s bursting with color, and every craggy rock and bizarre clump of plants is rebuilt from scratch. It’s far bigger and feels like a completely different game. Half-Life is finally whole.

7. Titanfall 2

(Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)

Developer: Respawn Entertainment
PC, PS4, Xbox One

Stupidly good, that’s what Titanfall 2 is. The weightlessness that comes with perfectly mastered wall-running makes you feel like you’re doing some sort of deadly ballet, letting you sail past your foes at impossible speeds, catching them unawares. The unforgettable BT-7274 and unbridled creativity dominate Titanfall 2’s campaign, whether it involves you switching between decades in the blink of an eye, walking through a moment frozen in time, or simply ripping other Titans apart when you step into titanic bot boots of BT-7274. 

Rewarding you for using the environment to your advantage, you can feel the moment when you start thinking differently, realising the possibilities a map offers. The physics-twisting Quake-like mechanics of its multiplayer mode strengthen an already sensational shooter package. But it’s that remarkable, barely betterered campaign that makes Titanfall 2 such an enduring shooter great. Let’s cross BT’s colossal droid digits that we eventually see a Titanfall 3. 

6. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Developer: Ubisoft
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

Rainbow Six Siege has quietly become one of the best multiplayer shooters around, combining the intensity and replayability of Counter-Strike with the unique abilities and personality of Overwatch (albeit with a more grounded cast). The real star of Siege is the impressive destructibility of your environment: walls, floors, and ceilings can all be fired through and ultimately destroyed, so you need to smartly choose which flanks to cover and which walls to reinforce, lest someone blast through them with sizzling thermite. 

You and your squadmates choose from a variety of highly skilled Operators, each with their own specialties that can complement each other for a rock-solid team comp, though your propensity for sneaking and aiming a gun are what matter most. Every round becomes a tactical, incredibly tense game of cat-and-mouse, as one team protects an objective while their opponents try to scout out danger and survive a breach.

5. Halo: The Master Chief Collection

(Image credit: Microsoft)

Developer: 343 Industries
PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

This is the ultimate serialized tale of John 117. Halo: The Master Chief Collection is all but unrecognizable from the Spartan car crash that launched in 2014. After years of server fixes, technical tweaks and graphical upgrades, this is now the definite way to experience golden era Halo. Whether experiencing the best second level in all of shooters in the original Combat Evolved or blasting buddies in PvP on Halo 3’s all-time classic Guardian map at a blistering 120 frames per second on an Xbox Series X, Halo has rarely felt more essential. We’re tickled (Needler) pink Chief got the redemption act he deserves. 

4. Half-Life: Alyx

(Image credit: Valve)

Developer: Valve

If VR headsets were issued at birth, there’s a chance Half-Life: Alyx would be our favorite FPS of all time. Sadly, the barrier for entry to enjoy this virtual reality wonder at its very best is loftier than the off switch on a Strider. Even if you merely ‘settle’ for experiencing this perfectly paced, incredibly atmospheric shooter on a Meta Quest rather than Valve’s painfully expensive Index, you’re still looking at dropping a huge chunk of change for a ten hour game. And yet the absolute highest praise we can heap on Alyx? We’d seriously consider paying the price of a PS5 or Xbox Series X just to play this one sensational shooter. 

3. Doom Eternal

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Developer: id Software
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

Though we didn’t exactly shower it with praise at the time, in retrospect, Doom Eternal really is at the pinnacle of the FPS genre. This is everything that the genre is about, distilled into one, glorious, searing, defiant roar. It’s a force of will. It’s also a remarkably elegant experience in motion, especially for a game that makes you garotte a demon every 17 seconds. Like Mario 64 or Mirror’s Edge, Eternal feels flawless when you tap into its joyous rhythm. Every gun feels perfectly tuned, each level impeccably paced, while every monster dragged screaming from the depths of Hell has clearly been designed to coax just the right measure of aggression out of the Doom Slayer.  

Amazingly, it’s brilliant on pretty much every modern platform, too. Whether you’re playing on an OG Xbox One, ripping Cacodemon eyes out at a 120 frames per second on a cutting edge PC, or yanking spines on the impressively assured Switch port, Doom Eternal kicks ass whatever your choice of format. If every PS5 and Xbox Series X game ran as well as id’s technically peerless shooter, we’d probably never need another generation of consoles. 

2. Call of Duty: Warzone

(Image credit: Activision)

Developer: Infinite Ward, Raven Software
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

Arguably, the best of the best battle royale games. For a year, three games had a stranglehold on the genre: Fortnite, PUBG: Battlegrounds, and Apex Legends. But Call of Duty: Warzone has blown it wide open by twisting every element of battle royale into something that feels fresh, but still familiar – exciting, but accessible. The new stuff: when you die, you get one shot to respawn by taking on another dead foe in a 1v1 fight. You get cash from completing contracts spread across the map, hunting down enemies, searching for chests, or defending an area. You can then spend that cash on loadouts, which you’ve designed between matches to suit your playstyle.

Then there are the old, comforting bits: the ever-shrinking play zone, a flawless “ping” system to flag items for your teammates, and vehicles to transport you to distant circles. It’s like the greatest hits of the genre so far, all backed by Call of Duty’s tried and tested low-recoil gunplay, which gives everybody a shot at racking up the kills. You can play it solo, but jumping in with friends in Duos, Trios, or even the chaotic four-soldier squad mode is where the real fun is found.

1. Destiny 2

(Image credit: Bungie)

Developer: Bungie
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

No one expected Destiny 2 to be as good as it is. And we really, really love Destiny. Instantly making the first game look like a set of prototypes, Destiny 2 improves in every area. Actually, scratch that. It evolves, taking the seed of the first game’s MMOFPS idea and building a whole new, entirely richer, deeper, and broader experience around it. Now existing in a fully fleshed world, full of humanity, character, detail, and story, Destiny 2’s campaign alone is enough to justify it. Entirely more curated, crafted, and built of great, in-the-moment narrative and set-piece design, it is a hell of a good Halo game. 

But it’s only the start. With a simplified, streamlined leveling system running through every one of Destiny 2’s vastly expanded activities — from story-driven side-quests to spiraling, multi-part Exotic Questlines, to treasure hunting, to exploration, to in-world lore hunting, to the brilliantly creative new Strikes and puristic, tactically reworked Crucible PvP – every single thing you want to do, however, you want to play, will push you forward. And then there’s the far more freeform approach to load-outs, further energized by more creative and expressive weapon design. Even better, with the dawn of Destiny 2 New Light, you can access a lot of the action for free, while regular die-hards can pay for The Witch Queen: the best Destiny expansion ever. 

Paid maker of words, goes by many names: Meiksy… Macklespammer… Big Hungry Joe. Obsessive fan of Metal Gear Solid, Nathan Drake’s digital pecks and Dino Crisis 2. Loves Jurassic Park so much, may burst at any moment.

With contributions from

  • Josh WestUK Managing Editor, GamesRadar+
  • Heather WaldSenior staff writer

Destiny 2 review: «This isn’t Destiny. This is something new. Something bigger, smarter, richer, and better»

GamesRadar+ Verdict

Evolved beyond what anyone imagined, Destiny 2 realises the FPS-RPG dream with a richness, warmth, and player-minded benevolence that needs to be played to be truly understood.


  • +

    A genuinely stunning, affecting story campaign in a Destiny world that is now truly alive and human

  • +

    The open-world is now a fully-fleshed RPG, catering to any experience you’d like to explore

  • +

    The new progress systems are streamlined, friendly, and constantly empowering, whatever paths you choose

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Destiny 2 is a very, very different game to the first, but it’s impossible to tell that without playing it. On a surface glance, everything looks the same, albeit rendered with arrestingly greater detail and vitality. Campaign missions. Strikes. Open-world planets. Public Events. PvP. The bullet-point list reads like business as usual. But this is anything but.  

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Destiny 2’s radically new personality and philosophy are first laid out in its campaign. Where the first game’s many joys were largely systemic, living within its beautifully honed and deliciously malleable combat and character crafting systems, here, that stuff is ‘just’ the core of something much greater. What we have in Destiny 2’s story campaign is almost incomparable to the first game’s narratively-linked series of escalating arena fights and dungeon crawls. It still makes use of such things, of course, as it cuts a path through Destiny 2’s multi-planet open-world. But what we have here is also a full-blooded, immaculately paced, pure FPS campaign, built with all the story, scale, and set-piece insight Bungie perfected over the 13-year period of its pre-Destiny shooter work. 

Destiny 2’s campaign is a hell of a good Halo game, basically. While we expected the quality of dynamic, emergent, cat-and-mouse gunplay exemplified in the first Destiny to ring loud and true through Destiny 2, in truth this sequel has an even louder pulse. Brought to vibrant life by way of many aggressive, upgraded evolutions to enemy types, AI behaviours, and increasingly imaginative, more freeform weapon design, Destiny 2’s core combat is a constantly surprising, demanding, and exhilarating experience, even to those of us who spent upward of 800 hours with the first game. That it now exists in a campaign framework of far greater ambition, in all areas, from escalation to emotion, makes for an engrossing and at times dizzying experience.

The campaign’s last few hours in particular revel in a glorious acceleration of peril, design, ideas and craft. If you need a reminder of why Bungie is such an important studio – hell, if you need a reminder of just why you fell in love with story-driven shooters in the first place – Destiny 2’s campaign is that. With the narrative advantages that come with three years of a persistent, lived-in universe, set upon a raft of background lore than has been studiously pored over for just as long, Destiny 2 nonetheless delivers a story of total immediacy and in-the-moment drama, able to electrify long-term fans without at all leaving newcomers out of the party.

But this, to trot out the inverted commas once again, is ‘just’ the in-road to Destiny 2’s wider world. And it is a world altogether more human, direct, relatable, and immersive than it has ever been before. This is Destiny evolved into something brand new, through a combination of warm, emotive, radically expanded character focus and consistently canny construction. I said in one of my early entries in our review diary that Destiny 2 feels like stepping up to Destiny: The Movie. Andy said that it makes the first game feel like a prototype. A couple of weeks later, both of those statements now stand even stronger than they did when we wrote them.

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A world that at times previously felt like it existed as a description of itself is now a real place, that lives, breathes, and matters. New players will find a fantastic and absorbing universe to play in. To stalwart Guardians, the evolution will be an initially strange experience, but a rather beautiful, oddly profound one as well.

But that is, in every sense, just the start.

A literal world of options 

Destiny 2 is such a vast game that I have to break its component parts down individually in order to discuss them, but in truth, Destiny 2’s triumph comes from the fact that they are inseparable. While the campaign is a focused salvo of shock and awe, it rapidly melts and disseminates its influence throughout the open-world. Dense with a steadily expanding, nonlinear array of spin-off story missions (known as Adventures), and later, multi-stage Quest narratives, the world that Destiny 2 builds around its campaign truly delivers the dream of a fully-fleshed, open-world RPG/FPS hybrid.

Although spread over four smaller, self-contained planets rather than one vast map, the richness of Destiny 2’s world blends the options and exploration freedom of a Far Cry with the spiralling, free-form, narratively-driven side-quest structure of a Witcher. But just as good as the breadth and depth of the world is its spirit, which ensures that its experiences come without hierarchy. Destiny 2 is a world of vastly different, organically linked experiences, and it resolutely ensures that all of them are worthwhile, both in the immediately gratifying moment and in terms of the long-term journey of loot and character evolution.

“This is the idea of Destiny evolved and elevated into something it has never been before”

Want perpetual combat and frequent gear drops? The Strike playlist has you covered. But if you wish to potter around at your own pace, exploring side-stories, engaging in dynamic skirmishes, investigating secret areas, and completing challenges and treasure hunts, you can do just as well with that. Destiny 2 is a game that wants you to enjoy whatever you feel like doing at any given time, and it wants you to know that it always approves of your decision. Forget the old days of being mechanically funnelled through specific, ‘elite’ content lists, toward increasingly narrow caches of high-level loot. Destiny 2 is the game you want it to be, whether that’s a rambling, single-player, open-world FPS with a levelling system, a gear-grind focused MMO, a welcoming, co-op hangout, or anything else in between. And for all the wealth of vastly different content that lives in its open-world, it’s the new, stripped-back progress system that really makes everything gel into a single organic whole.  

  • Best Destiny 2 weapons
  • How to get the Mida Multi-Tool Exotic scout rifle

Streamlined, simplified, but far more purposeful and empowering than before, Destiny 2’s Token system, which bestows redeemable, universal gear currency for every activity completed in any given area, ensures that every single event enjoyed – from a hardcore, co-operative Nightfall Strike, to a lore-filled, narrative side-quest, to a meandering, solo hunt for the many Lost Sector mini-dungeons and hidden treasure chests – is equally meaningful, pushing you forward with a real sense of control over your experience. Everything is an investment. Nothing is wasted. Everything pays forward eventually, without demand or coercion.  

A journey you’ll want to take 

And the way that Destiny 2 reveals its journey, too, is the product of a transformative rethink. Steadily building out the world around its campaign, it quietly introduces its greater scale and possibilities to new players and old alike while holding back any serious hint of the long-term, RPG game until the end of the campaign. All of the big-picture stuff, and the many different ways of tackling it, Destiny 2 leaves until later, bedding each element in a logical narrative off-shoot and ensuring that it only appears at the exact moment the player is ready to embrace it. At times, Destiny 2’s empathy for the player experience is borderline clairvoyant.

With such a rich world and a clear-cut progress system, levelling up in Destiny 2 is about feeding and serving the gameplay experience, not the other way around. The basic trading up of gear leads to new means to earn more special gear. That in turn leads to the means to customise and increase the power of that gear, which leads to access to new activities, and further means of customising and empowering. And the bountiful currency fuel for all of this remains constant, arriving in reward for every move you choose to make, with a generosity that will make players of the first game crick their necks in surprise. Unlike the first Destiny, this is not a game about fighting to reach an arbitrary final number, but one concerned with revealing and discovering new ways to play, that in turn create more new ways to play, along whichever of its many paths you wish to take.

“This is Destiny set free. It’s Destiny democratised. It’s a warm, human, generous Destiny for everyone”

Those paths are paved with design excellence, whichever routes you choose. The combat-intensive Strike missions are now far more than ‘tough levels with boss fights’. Taking inspiration cues from all of the first game’s greatest successes – particularly the experimental, abstract, combat-puzzle extravaganzas of the Raids – Strikes now have unique personality and stand-out demands. A hint of conceptuality even, at times. In one case it might be a boss fight that requires methodical, role-switching, co-operative tactics to best. In another it might be the grand scale of a cinematic, insta-kill obstacle course. Or it might be a dash of darkness-hampered exploration platforming, or a surprisingly dramatic blend of gameplay mechanic and narrative through-line. 

This creativity is also rife in the Adventure and Quest missions, which frequently take advantage of their spin-off nature to twist and rework Destiny 2’s gameplay and story beats in some strikingly surprising directions. I’ll spoil nothing, but I will tell you to make sure you absorb everything on the map at some point. The Token system might make it all profitable, but the quality and imagination present make everything thoroughly worthwhile in terms of pure experience.

Destiny 2’s Crucible PvP has had as fundamental a rethink as everything else, and has benefitted just as much. With one-hit kills now a rarity – whether they come from scarcely fuelled Power weapons, or super abilities that now require a great deal more nuance to use effectively – and team sizes reduced to four, the chaos that sometimes hampered the first game’s PvP has entirely left the arena.

Replacing it is a set-up that really lets Destiny 2’s competitive combat shine in a tight, focused, clear, and tactically co-operative format. Playing with a fully communicative Fireteam is a relentless joy, as intellectually stimulating as it is knife-edge exciting. But even when playing pick-up games with randomly match-made players, the clarity of battle both supports and encourages the drum-tight team tactics that make the new Crucible feverishly compulsive and rewarding.

Increasing the challenge, while keeping things simple 

And then, of course, there’s that Raid. Leviathan, the first of Destiny 2’s grandiose, hours-long, six-player combat puzzle dungeons picks up the baton admirably and, although we haven’t finished it yet, has already more than justified its place. At their best, Destiny Raids are — systemically and in terms of team camaraderie — some of the best experiences in modern gaming. Uncompromisingly challenging, and brutally demanding of shooting skills, co-ordination, and lateral, deductive thinking, the process of deciphering and defeating a Raid should deliver a nourishing high and team bonding experience like no other. And while it would be deeply remiss of me to spoil anything – discovery, after all, is the whole point – even by just the third section, Leviathan’s grand, slightly more cinematic take on the Raid format has bestowed all of that in spades. Completing it is our team’s new life obsession, and will remain so until we emerge victorious. At which point we’ll certainly go back in for better gear.

And rounding off all of this brilliance are the many quality-of-life improvements marinating the entire Destiny 2 experience. Taking many cues from the ways its community played the first game, Bungie has instilled Destiny 2 with a plethora of over-arching systems that smooth any last hint of pain out of the journey. Clan support lets any player, whether running a packed-out friends list or playing solo, feel part of the community, and share in material rewards for cumulative success on a weekly basis. Guided Gameplay (currently in beta) finally opens the doors to high-level activities for everyone. Can’t put together a six-person Raid team? No problem. Just hook up with a clan taking part in the Guided program, and they’ll embrace you as one of their own for the duration.

Looking to farm Public Events for XP and Tokens? Timers on the map (because there is actually an in-game map) will tell you exactly where and when they’re going to occur. And planet-specific challenges – which often dovetail with bigger, weekly Milestone tasks – will amplify their worth, and give you plenty of other profitable activities to engage in along the way.

This isn’t Destiny. This is something new. Something bigger, cleverer, richer, and much, much better. It’s the idea of Destiny evolved and elevated into something it has never been before. It’s Destiny set free. It’s Destiny democratised. It’s Destiny really allowed to live. I said at the end of my review of the first game that I was leaving a point off the score to leave space for the game’s potential to grow and improve. This time round, there’s no need. Destiny 2 is already much more than we ever imagined it would be.

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Long-time GR+ writer Dave has been gaming with immense dedication ever since he failed dismally at some ’80s arcade racer on a childhood day at the seaside (due to being too small to reach the controls without help). These days he’s an enigmatic blend of beard-stroking narrative discussion and hard-hitting Psycho Crushers.

Top 100 shooter games — best games, rating of the best shooter games

GenreMMORPGMOBARPGArcadeVisual NovelSurvivalRacingCardLogicSandboxAdventureSimulationStrategyFightingHorrorShooterAction

PlatformPCPlaystation 3Playstation 4PlayStation 5XboxXbox 360Xbox One Xbox Series X|SWiiNintendo SwitchBrowserMobileStadiaApple Arcade





Expected only

We present to your attention the «TOP 100» best games in the Shooter genre and their rating. The rating has a system of filters by genre, which allows readers to immediately jump to specific areas.

This section provides a rating of the best games «TOP 100» in the Shooter genre, based on the popularity of games in this direction among our readers and the assessment of the editors of MMO13. The rating is updated on a regular basis, depending on the relevance, current popularity and status of the game.

The rating system is under development, the algorithms are constantly being improved and optimized. A system of user reviews and ratings will be introduced soon.

Half-Life 2

Released 11/16/2004

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase


Released 11/8/1998

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Half-Life: Alyx

Release 03/23/2020

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Unreal Tournament 2004: Editor’s Choice Edition

Released 3/17/2004

Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase


Released 08/03/2007

Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase


Released 08/21/2007

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition

Released 3/17/2008

Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Mass Effect 2 (2010)

Released 01/28/2010

RPG | Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Released 10/10/2007

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

System Shock 2

Released 05/10/2013

RPG | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Released 01/10/2011

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Resident Evil 2

Released 01/24/2019

Horror | Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One


💰 One-time purchase

Call of Duty

Released 10/13/2006

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

Released 08/27/2009

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Released 11/12/2007

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Left 4 Dead

Released 11/17/2008

Horror | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Released 01/06/2011

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Nuclear Throne

Released 05. 12.2015

Arcade | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam

Released 12/18/2010

Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Counter-Strike: Source

Released 11/01/2004

Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase


Release 09/19/2022

Action | Shooter | Arcade



💰 One-time purchase

Deus Ex: Human Revolution — Director’s Cut

Released 10/25/2013

Action | RPG | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter

Released 8/30/2019

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase


Released 11/12/2015

Arcade | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Half-Life 2: Episode One

Released 06/01/2006

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Mass Effect (2007)

Released 12/19/2008

RPG | Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Hotline Miami

Released 10/23/2012

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Tomb Raider


Action | Shooter | Logical | RPG | Adventure


Single, Multiplayer

💰 One-time purchase

F. E.A.R.

Released 05/21/2010

Adventure | Horror | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase



Action | Shooter | Sandbox | Adventure


Singleplayer, Multiplayer

💰 One-time purchase

Rez Infinite

Released 08/09/2017

Action | Arcade | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase


Released 06/07/2017

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Serious Sam Classic: The Second Encounter

Released 08/30/2019

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Dead Space 2

Released 01/25/2011

Adventure | Horror | Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Rising Storm

Released 05/30/2013

Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Released 08/03/2007

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase


Release 06/20/2019

Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

Released 2/25/2001

Action | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Giants: Citizen Kabuto

Released 12/2/2016

Action | RPG | Shooter


Single, Multiplayer

💰 One-time purchase


Released 10/15/2015

Action | Arcade | Shooter


Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Co-op

💰 One-time purchase

Saints Row: The Third

Released 11/17/2011

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase


Released 05/12/2020

Arcade | Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Co-op, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Call of Duty 2

Released 10/13/2006

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

The Binding of Isaac

Released 09/28/2011

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Black Mesa


Adventure | Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Grand Theft Auto III

Released 01/06/2011

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009))

Released 11/11/2009

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Bleed 2

Released 02/08/2017

Arcade | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase


Released 09/30/2021

Action | RPG | Logical | Shooter


Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Co-op

💰 One-time purchase

Hell is Other Demons

Release 05/20/2019

Action | Arcade | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Devil Daggers

Released 02/18/2016

Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase


Released 02/18/2014

Arcade | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Single

💰 One-time purchase


Released 06/06/2014

Arcade | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell

Released 04/01/2008

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Far Cry 3

Released 11/28/2012

Adventure | Shooter


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase


Release03. 08.2007

Adventure | Horror | Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Dead Space (2008)

Released 01/09/2009

Adventure | Horror | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

BioShock 2

Released 02/09/2010

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase


Released 11/16/2011

Arcade | Shooter




S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

Released 03/20/2007

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six 3: Gold Edition

Released 09/25/2008

Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Pistol Whip

Release07. 11.2019

Arcade | Shooter | Action

PC, PlayStation 5


💰 One-time purchase

Saints Row IV

Released 8/22/2013

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Single

💰 One-time purchase

Hitman: Blood Money

Released 3/15/2007

Action | Shooter | Sandbox | Logic



💰 One-time purchase



Adventure | Horror | Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Red Dead Redemption 2

Released 05.11.2019

Adventure | Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, Stadia, Xbox One

Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

S. T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat

Released 02/11/2010

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase


Released 06/08/2011

Action | Shooter | Arcade


Single, Co-op, Multiplayer

💰 One-time purchase

System Shock: Enhanced Edition

Released 10/22/2015

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Just Cause 2

Released 03/23/2010

Action | Sandbox | Shooter | Adventure



💰 One-time purchase

Call of Duty: World at War

Released 11/18/2008

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30

Released 05/13/2008

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Sleeping Dogs

Released 08/17/2012

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Resident Evil

Released 01/19/2015

Adventure | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Astebreed: Definitive Edition

Released 05/30/2014

Arcade | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase


Release 03/10/2016

Arcade | Shooter


Co-op, Single

💰 One-time purchase

Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2

Release02. 03.2018

Action | Shooter | Arcade


Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Co-op

💰 One-time purchase

TRON 2.0

Released 10/10/2014

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Call of Duty: United Offensive

Released 10/13/2006

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

Released 05/22/2013

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Divide By Sheep

Released 07/02/2015

Logic | Shooter | Adventure



💰 One-time purchase


Release 11/15/2018

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4. 1 The Shadow of New Despair

Released 07/18/2016

Action | Shooter


Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Co-op

💰 One-time purchase

Alien: Isolation

Released 10/06/2014

Adventure | Horror | Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch


💰 One-time purchase

Metro 2033

Released 03/16/2010

Adventure | Horror | Shooter | Action




Alan Wake

Released 02/16/2012

Adventure | Horror | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Metro Exodus

Released 02/14/2020

Adventure | Horror | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

STAR WARS Republic Commando

Released 07/08/2009

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

Released 09/09/2015

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Assault Android Cactus

Release 09/23/2015

Arcade | Shooter


Co-op, Single

💰 One-time purchase

Hitman 2

Released 11/13/2018

Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One


💰 One-time purchase

Blood: One Unit Whole Blood

Released 07/14/2014

Adventure | Horror | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Control Ultimate Edition

Released 08/27/2020

Adventure | Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Resident Evil 5

Released 09/15/2009

Adventure | Horror | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Ion Fury

Released 08/15/2019

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Sunset Overdrive

Released 11/16/2018

Action | Shooter | Sandbox | Adventure



💰 One-time purchase

Unreal Tournament 3 Black

Release 03/05/2009

Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon

Released 11/13/2001

Shooter | Action


Co-op, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Blood: Fresh Supply™

Released 05/09/2019

Action | Shooter | Horror


Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Co-op

💰 One-time purchase

Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition

Released 09/15/2009

Shooter | Action


Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase




Top 100 shooters for 2022

GenreMMORPGMOBARPGArcadeVisual NovelSurvivalRacingCardLogicSandboxAdventureSimulationStrategyFightingHorrorShooterAction

PlatformPCPlaystation 3Playstation 4PlayStation 5XboxXbox 360Xbox One Xbox Series X|SWiiNintendo SwitchBrowserMobileStadiaApple Arcade





Expected only

We present to your attention the «TOP 100» best games in the Shooter genre for 2022 and their rating. The rating has a system of filters by genre, which allows readers to immediately jump to specific areas.

This section provides a rating of the best «TOP 100» games in the Shooter genre for 2022, based on the popularity of games in this direction among our readers and the assessment of the editors of MMO13. The rating is updated on a regular basis, depending on the relevance, current popularity and status of the game.

The rating system is under development, the algorithms are constantly being improved and optimized. A system of user reviews and ratings will be introduced soon.


Release 09/19/2022

Action | Shooter | Arcade



💰 One-time purchase

Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2: Deluxe Edition

Release 05/16/2022

Action | Shooter


Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Co-op

💰 One-time purchase

Fashion Police Squad

Released 08/15/2022

Action | Shooter | RPG



💰 One-time purchase

POSTAL: Brain Damaged


Action | Shooter | Arcade | Survival



💰 One-time purchase

Metal: Hellsinger

Release 09/15/2022

Arcade | Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Sniper Elite 5

Release 05/26/2022

Adventure | Shooter | Action

PC, PlayStation 5

💰 One-time purchase

Call of Duty: Warzone 2

Released 11/16/2022

Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S


Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Release 03/25/2022

RPG | Adventure | Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

Co-op, Multiplayer, Single player

💰 One-time purchase

Rogue Company

Released 06/09/2022

Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Co-op, Multiplayer


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022)

Released 10/28/2022

Shooter | Action

Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef

Released 10/20/2022

Arcade | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Apex Legends Mobile

Release 05/17/2022

Shooter | Action





Release 09/13/2022

Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S


💰 One-time purchase


Released 12/15/2022

RPG | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

High on Life

Released 10/22/2022

Adventure | Shooter

Xbox Series X|S, PC, Xbox One

💰 One-time purchase

Evil West

Released 11/21/2022

Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Gungrave G. O.R.E

Released 11/22/2022

Adventure | Shooter | Action

Xbox Series X|S, PC, Playstation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One


💰 One-time purchase

Serious Sam: Tormental


Arcade | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® II

Released 10/27/2022


PC, Playstation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

💰 One-time purchase

Quake Champions

Released 8/18/2022

Shooter | Action




Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

Released 11/30/2022

Horror | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer

💰 One-time purchase

Splatoon 3

Release09. 09.2022

Arcade | Shooter | Action

Nintendo Switch


💰 One-time purchase

Saints Row (2022)

Released 08/23/2022

Adventure | Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

Co-op, Single

💰 One-time purchase

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Extraction

Released 01/20/2022


PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One

Co-op, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase


Release ~ 01.2022

Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Knives Out: EXTREME

Release ~ . 2022

Shooter | Action

Playstation 4, PlayStation 5



Avatar: Reckoning

CBT (Closed Beta)25.01.2022

MMORPG | Shooter



T3 Arena

Release 05/26/2022

Shooter | Action




Hyper Front

CBT (Closed Beta) 06/25/2022

Shooter | Action




ZOZ: Final Hour

Released 05/26/2022

Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Singleplayer


Space Punks

OBT (Open Beta) 04/20/2022

Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer


Release05. 07.2022

Arcade | Shooter | Action

PC, PlayStation 5


💰 One-time purchase

Golden Bros

Release 07/28/2022

Shooter | Action

PC, Mobile



Wild Arena Survivors


Shooter | Action




Special Force Rush

OBT (Open Beta) 05/10/2022

Shooter | Action





Released 08/31/2022

Arcade | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase


Released 08/24/2022

RPG | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase

Shadow Warrior 3

Release01. 03.2022

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Red Wings: American Aces

Released 03/31/2022

Arcade | Shooter | Action

PC, Nintendo Switch

Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase


Released 02/10/2022

Shooter | Action

Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S



Gundam Evolution

Release 09/22/2022

Shooter | Action




The Cycle: Frontier


Shooter | Action




World War 3

OBT (Open Beta)29. 09.2022

Shooter | Action




BrainBread 2


Horror | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player


Lost Light


Survival | Shooter | Action

PC, Mobile



DeathVerse: Let It Die

Released 05.10.2022

Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, PlayStation 5



A.V.A Global

Canceled 02/15/2017

Shooter | Action




Catalyst Black

Released 05/25/2022


PC, Mobile


Alien Shooter 2 — New Era

Release 06/15/2022

Action | RPG | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Resident Evil Re:Verse

Released 10/28/2022

Shooter | Action

PC, Playstation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S


💰 One-time purchase

Destroy All Humans! – Clone Carnage

Release 06/01/2022

Adventure | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer


One Life

Canceled01. 01.2015

Shooter | Survival



💰 One-time purchase

Nine to Five

Released 05/16/2022- 01/18/2023


PC, Stadia

Co-op, Multiplayer, Singleplayer


POSTAL 4: No Regerts

Released 04/20/2022

Adventure | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Tank Warz!

Release 11/14/2022

Action | Arcade | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Cosmic collapse


Arcade | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Gravity Ace

Released 05/26/2022

Arcade | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase


Released 05/16/2022

Action | Shooter | Arcade



💰 One-time purchase


Release05. 07.2022

Action | Arcade | Shooter


Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Co-op

💰 One-time purchase


Released 04/07/2022

RPG | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase


Released 04/18/2022

Action | Arcade | Shooter


Single, Multiplayer

💰 One-time purchase

Lux Ex — Legacy

Release 06/17/2022

Action | Arcade | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase


Released 10/14/2022

Action | RPG | Shooter


Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Co-op

💰 One-time purchase


Released 10/16/2022

Adventure | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase


Release 03/25/2022

Action | Arcade | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Ultra Imposer

Release 05/19/2022

Action | Arcade | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Self gunsbase

Released 11/17/2022

Action | Shooter | Arcade | Logical | MOBA



💰 One-time purchase

Danger Forever

Release01. 11.2022

Action | Shooter | RPG | Arcade



💰 One-time purchase


Released 01/05/2022

Action | Shooter | Arcade



💰 One-time purchase


Released 02/15/2022

Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase


Released 03.02.2022

Action | Shooter | Arcade



💰 One-time purchase

Urban Mage


Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase


Release 02/18/2022

Action | Arcade | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Esse Proxy

Released 07/11/2022

Action | Arcade | Shooter | Fighting



💰 One-time purchase


Release 09/20/2022

Action | Arcade | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Help me please


Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Beers and Boomerangs

Released 11/22/2022

Action | Survival | Shooter | Sandbox



💰 One-time purchase


Released 10/13/2022

Action | Arcade | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Boney’s Research On Humans!

Released 08/24/2022

Arcade | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Infested : Space Colony

Released 10/22/2022

Arcade | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase

Metacell: Genesis ARCADE

Release 08/19/2022

Arcade | Shooter | Action



💰 One-time purchase


Released 07/28/2022

Action | Shooter | Arcade


Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Co-op

💰 One-time purchase

Cloaks and Capes

Released 10/14/2022

Action | RPG | Shooter | Arcade



💰 One-time purchase


Release 06/01/2022

Action | Arcade | Shooter


Single, Multiplayer

💰 One-time purchase


Release 06/16/2022

Action | RPG | Shooter | Arcade



💰 One-time purchase


Release 03/18/2022

Arcade | Shooter | Action


Co-op, Multiplayer, Single Player

💰 One-time purchase


Released 04/29/2022

Action | Arcade | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Timore Redo

Released 07/26/2022

Action | Horror | Shooter



💰 One-time purchase

Roze Blud
