Besten battle royal spiele: Die 20 besten Battle Royale Spiele aller Zeiten

Die 20 besten Battle Royale Spiele aller Zeiten

Battle-Royale-Spiele sind auf dem Vormarsch. Zu den etablierten Blockbustern wie Fortnite und PUBG gesellten sich in den letzten Jahren Apex Legends, Call of Duty: Warzone und dutzende andere Battle-Royale-Spiele, die das Genre zu großer Beliebtheit katapultierten.

Die Formel ist einfach zu verstehen: Eine große Anzahl von Spielern betritt eine Map und kämpft darum, als letzter Spieler (oder Squad) übrig zu bleiben. Die sichere Zone der Karte wird typischerweise im Laufe des Matches kleiner und zwingt die verbleibenden Spieler in den Kampf gegeneinander. Da das Genre gewachsen ist, haben viele Spiele ihre eigenen Wendungen, wie z.B. Heldenfähigkeiten, magische Kräfte und die Möglichkeit, gefallene Teamkameraden wiederzubeleben oder sie zurück ins Spiel zu „kaufen“.

In den nachfolgenden Zeilen stellen wir euch die besten und erfolgreichsten Battle Royale Spiele aller Zeiten vor.


1. Fortnite

Fortnite, eines der beliebtesten Spiele der letzten Jahre, hat seinen Erfolg dadurch erreicht, dass es ein bestehendes Spiel mit Battle-Royale-Elementen ergänzt hat, anstatt es von Grund auf neu zu entwickeln. Ursprünglich war Fortnite nur ein „Rette die Welt“-Modus für Spieler, der sich auf das Bauen konzentrierte, aber Fortnite entwickelte sich auch zu einem kompetitiven Multiplayer-Spiel, behielt aber die Bauelemente bei, die die erste Version auszeichnete. Du wirst auf einer riesigen Karte abgesetzt und musst die Umgebung und nahegelegene Gebäude auf der Suche nach Waffen durchkämmen, während deine Feinde ihre eigenen befestigten Strukturen errichten und nach Zielen zum Töten suchen.

Fortnites Mischung aus Battle-Royale-Action und Crafting ist jedoch nicht das Einzige, was das Spiel erfolgreich gemacht hat. Epic Games hat sich zu ständigen Updates verpflichtet, sowohl um neue Inhalte hinzuzufügen als auch um die Spielqualität zu verbessern. Was dich immer wieder zurückkehren lässt, sind die Belohnungen und Anreize zum Spielen. Fortnite: Battle Royale bietet eines der robustesten und überzeugendsten Belohnungssysteme unter den Battle Royale- und Multiplayer-Spielen. Geld auszugeben ist tatsächlich optional und du fühlst dich auch nicht betrogen, da du sehen kannst, worauf du hinarbeitest und weißt, was du bekommst (es sind übrigens alles nur kosmetische Dinge). Dies hat zu einem Spiel geführt, das speziell für engagierte Spieler entwickelt wurde, und das hat sich in hohem Maße ausgezahlt.

2. Call of Duty: Warzone

Call of Duty verkauft sich bereits einmal im Jahr wie verrückt; wenn man eines der süchtig machendsten Subgenres der Branche obendrauf packt, kann man gar nicht anders, als die Leute anzulocken.

Der Vorteil von Warzone gegenüber anderen Battle Royales ist, dass es sich um einen ausgefeilten Ego-Shooter handelt, der in Zusammenarbeit mit einigen der besten FPS-Entwickler der Welt entstanden ist. Im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Spielen ist es bemerkenswert reduziert, ohne Spielerinventar und mit einer niedrigen „Beutegrenze“; es geht nur um den Adrenalinkick und darum, ihn so schnell wie möglich zu erreichen.

Wenn du rasante Shooter mit hoher Letalität magst, ist Warzone wie für dich gemacht. Der Tod fühlt sich nicht wie eine große Strafe an, da du dir Respawns für deine Teamkameraden kaufen kannst und in der Lage bist, ins Gefecht zurückzukehren, wenn du ein Duell im Gulag gewinnst. Auf der negativen Seite gibt es immer noch Killstreaks, die im Multiplayer von Modern Warfare unausstehlich sind und in Warzone, wo es immer enger wird, an der Grenze zum Spielverderben führt. Viele Matches enden damit, dass du wartest, bis die Karte so groß wie eine Briefmarke ist, dann einen Cluster Strike kaufst und dich zurücklehnst.

3. Apex Legends

Mit dem dystopischen Charme der von Mechs verwüsteten Welt von Titanfall und den intensiven Schießereien, die PUBG so fesselnd machen, ist es kein Wunder, dass die Spielerzahl von Apex Legends in der ersten Woche über 25 Millionen Spieler erreichte. Respawns Battle-Royale-Spiel kam aus dem Nichts und übertraf in den ersten sieben Tagen den Genre-Star Fortnite auf Twitch in Sachen Zuschauerzahlen.

Apex Legends kommt mit einem erstaunlichen Tempo daher. Sicher, es ist vielleicht nicht der Parkour und das Wallrunning, das wir von Respawns berühmtem Roboterspiel gewohnt sind, aber dieses Battle Royale spielt sich auf seine eigene Weise. Das Sprinten ist schneller als du erwarten würdest und das Gleiten führt dich über eine größere Distanz – vor allem, wenn man das bergige Terrain berücksichtigt. Auch das Gunplay wird von der Fortbewegung bestimmt: Wenn dein Team ein anderes in einem gut getimten Vorstoß erfolgreich flankiert, erhältst du dessen Kopfgeld.

Die Waffen in Apex Legends sind fein abgestimmt und zeigen das Vertrauen von Respawn, Apex Legends als vollwertiges Spiel und nicht im Early Access zu veröffentlichen. Schrotflinten feuern mit einem furchteinflößenden Knall ab, der einen schlecht getimten Vorstoß ebenso bestrafen kann wie ein gut platzierter Kopfschuss, der jedem hilft, der ein gutes Händchen für das Scharfschützengewehr hat.

Noch besser ist, dass es hier eine Menge für Gelegenheitsspieler gibt. Apex Legends nutzt ein Ping-System, um die Kommunikation ohne Mikrofon zu erleichtern. Ein Klick auf das Scrollrad hebt interessante Orte, wertvolle Beute und angreifende Feinde hervor. Darüber hinaus sind die Charaktere in Apex Legends wunderbar vielfältig, schrullig und cool, von einem zeitspringenden Attentäter bis hin zu einem witzigen Roboter, der an der Seilbahn fährt.

4. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

Das gute alte PUBG ist immer noch da draußen und macht jede Menge Spaß. Bis Dezember 2019 wurden mehr als 60 Millionen Einheiten auf allen Plattformen verkauft, PUBG Mobile wurde 600 Millionen Mal heruntergeladen und das ist der Grund, warum wir jetzt überhaupt über „Battle Royale“ als Genre sprechen. PUBG genießt eine engagierte Fanbase, eine solide Twitch-Fangemeinde und eine eigene esports-Liga. Nach allen Maßstäben ist PUBG ein großer Erfolg und hat immer noch einen Pool an regelmäßigen Spielern, der bequem im sechsstelligen Bereich liegt… aber im Jahr 2020 wird PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds konsequent von allen Seiten von den Spielen überschattet, die es inspiriert hat.

Wenn du es jetzt spielst, fühlt sich PUBG bereits wie eine Zeitkapsel an. Fortnite ist verrückter, Apex hat bessere Bewegungsabläufe und ein besseres Loot-Handling und Warzone hat ein besseres Gunplay, aber PUBG ist immer noch die Basis für das Battle-Royale-Erlebnis, reduziert auf wenige Gimmicks. Man kann über einige der jüngsten Schritte der Entwickler, wie das Hinzufügen von Bots, streiten, aber es ist immer noch der Grundstein des ganzen Genres. Jedes andere Battle-Royale-Spiel hat einen Haufen Zeug draufgepackt, damit es so aussieht, als wäre es kein PUBG-Klon, und das allein ist schon ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal.

5. Spellbreak

Spellbreak erfüllt alle unsere Anforderungen an ein Battle Royale. Es ist ein Multiplayer-Shooter, in dem Dutzende von Spielern um die Vorherrschaft auf einem schrumpfenden Schlachtfeld kämpfen, das mit Waffen übersät ist. Spellbreak tauscht eine gewalttätige, militärische Ästhetik gegen eine gewalttätige, magische Ästhetik aus.

Anstelle von Waffen findest du verschiedene Elementarzauber und rüstest sie aus. Du kannst diese Kräfte zu stärkeren Versionen aufwerten und sie für verheerende Angriffe kombinieren. Eine Giftgaswolke in Brand zu setzen ist so befriedigend, wie es klingt. Neben den explosiven Kämpfen verwandelt Spellbreaks rasante Scharmützel in dramatische Superhelden-Schlachten.

Spellbreak ist kostenlos und unterstützt Cross-Play und Multiplayer-Action.

6. Fall Guys

Fall Guys war ein weiterer Hit, der im Jahr 2020 zu einem der beliebtesten Battle-Royale-Spiele der Welt wurde – und es ist leicht zu erkennen, warum. Das Spiel verzichtet auf die Waffen anderer beliebter Battle-Royale-Entwürfe und setzt stattdessen auf eine Reihe Rennstrecken. Jedes Rennen beginnt mit 60 Spielern, und mit jedem Match sinkt die Anzahl der Spieler, bis die Gewinner feststehen.

Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Rennen, die eine Vielzahl von Verfolgungssituationen beinhalten, und mehrere Taktiken, um Freunden zu helfen oder Gegner auszuschalten. Es ist eine verrückte Kombination aus Battle Royale und dem ausgelassenen Spaß von Mario Kart, und die Möglichkeit, deinen Fall Guy auf so viele Arten zu individualisieren (hauptsächlich über einen Kosmetikshop und Währung, die man nur durch Siege verdient), ist nur das Sahnehäubchen auf dem Kuchen. Gewinnen ist zwar schön, aber der wahre Spaß liegt in der Reise, und dank der laufenden Updates, die neue Rennen hinzufügen, wird diese Reise noch eine ganze Weile weitergehen.

7. Ring Of Elysium

Tencent, der Publisher von PUBG in China, beschloss, sein eigenes kostenloses Battle-Royale-Spiel zu entwickeln. Das Ergebnis war Ring of Elysium, das leider nur in bestimmten Regionen der Welt verfügbar ist; ein Jammer, da es einige wirklich spannende Wendungen in die Battle-Royale-Formel einführt. Es gibt Snowboarding und Schneemobile sowie ein Echtzeit-Wettersystem, das das Gameplay beeinflussen kann.

Außerdem erlaubt es insgesamt vier Spielern, auch im Solomodus zu entkommen/zu gewinnen. Das bedeutet, dass du Allianzen mit vier Spielern bilden kannst, die nicht deine Teamkameraden sind. Es liegt an dir (oder ihnen), ob ihr euch am Ende gegenseitig verratet, selbst wenn ihr zu viert den eiskalten Stürmen des Ring of Elysium entkommen könnt.

8. Cuisine Royale (CRSED: F.O.A.D.)

Es mag als Scherz begonnen haben, aber das Spiel, das offiziell unter dem Namen Cuisine Royale bekannt ist, verzeichnet auch mehr als ein Jahr nach seinem Start immer noch eine konstante Spielerzahl. Das Geheimnis des Erfolgs? Ein PUBG-ähnliches Gameplay, ständige Updates, die neue Inhalte ins Spiel bringen, und ein Free-to-Play-Modell, das nur Kosmetika enthält.

CRSED bietet auch seine eigenen Tweaks zur etablierten Battle-Royale-Formel. Die offensichtlichste ist, dass jeder Spieler statt militärischer Rüstung und Ausrüstung Töpfe, Pfannen und verschiedene andere Küchenutensilien benutzen muss, um sich vor Kugeln zu schützen. Andere Neuerungen wie eine stark reduzierte Spieleranzahl und einfache, von WW2-Spielen inspirierte Waffen sorgen für einfache und kompetitive Kämpfe. Wenn du auf der Suche nach einem semi-realistischen, free-to-play Spiel bist, dann ist Cuisine Royale eines der besten, die es derzeit gibt.

9. Realm Royale

Ein Battle Royale Spiel in der Fantasy Variante. Nun, hauptsächlich Fantasy, da es auch Waffen hat… die jeden, den du tötest, in Hühner verwandeln. Da es sich um eine Fantasy-Welt handelt, hast du auch ein paar schicke Zaubersprüche, die du gegen andere Spieler einsetzen kannst. Neben dem Fantasy-Look werden auch einige interessante neue Mechaniken eingeführt, wie z.B. magische Waffen-Upgrades durch Schmieden.

Das Beste daran ist, dass die Bewegung und das Reisen in diesem Spiel ein Kinderspiel ist, da du dein eigenes Reittier beschwören kannst. Das stimmt, statt Autos kannst du auf Pferden reiten (oder manchmal auf Raptoren). Der berittene Kampf ist auch eine Sache und du brauchst keinen Beifahrer, um andere Leute zu erschießen, während du fährst (oder reitest), anders als in anderen Battle Royale Spielen mit Fahrzeugen.

10. Hyper Scape

Ubisoft hat das Battle-Royale-Genre mit einer von Tron inspirierten Welt, einer aufregenden Twitch-Integration und lächerlich schnellem Gameplay betreten. Der auffälligste Unterschied ist das Tempo von Hyper Scape. Es ist das schnellste Battle Royale, das es gibt. Mit einer Karte, die komplett urban ist, kannst du sehr wenig Ausfallzeit erwarten, während du in den Straßen und Wohnhäusern der Stadt kämpfst. Die Bewegung ist auch schneller als in jedem anderen Battle Royale, mit Doppelsprüngen und automatischer Manövrierfähigkeit, die zum vertikalen Spielen anregen. Hyper Scape-Hacks beschleunigen die Action und ermöglichen es den Spielern, Fähigkeiten wie einen Teleport oder einen verheerenden Gravity Slam-Angriff zu erlernen, der Thor erröten lassen würde. Natürlich kannst du auch Hacks erhalten, die dich unsichtbar machen, Fallen legen oder dich in eine gepanzerte, hüpfende Kugel verwandeln, wenn du etwas verstohlener sein willst.

Es fühlt sich an, als ob alles in Hyper Scape darauf abgestimmt wurde, dass du immer beschäftigt bist, was es zu einem großartigen Battle Royale macht, wenn du nicht gerne deinen Freunden zuschaust, nachdem sie eliminiert wurden. Stattdessen rennst du in Geisterform herum, spähst nach Feinden und suchst nach einer Wiederbelebungsstation, die praktischerweise auf jedem eliminierten Feind erscheint.

11. h2Z1

h2Z1 ist eines der neueren Battle-Royale-Spiele auf unserer Liste und es hat keinen großen Eindruck hinterlassen. Es ist klar, dass es größtenteils auf der Popularität von PUBG basiert, da es einen ähnlichen Grafikstil und Aufbau hat. Was viele Leute verärgert hat, war, dass die ursprüngliche Version des Spiels ein Erkundungsspiel mit Zombies war.

Die Entwickler haben es jedoch zu einem Battle-Royale-Spiel umfunktioniert. Das Spiel wurde dafür kritisiert, dass es seine Einzigartigkeit verloren hat und nur noch versucht, die Trends der Spieleindustrie zu nutzen. Trotzdem gibt es einige Dinge, die es gut macht.

12. Tetris 99

Ja, es ist ein Battle-Royale-Spiel, und ja, es ist eines der besten Spiele des Genres. Tetris 99 wurde ohne vorherige Ankündigung als Free-to-Play-Spiel für die Nintendo Switch veröffentlicht und verwandelt das klassische Puzzlespiel in ein totales Chaos, bei dem 99 Spieler gegeneinander antreten. Du spielst Tetris immer noch wie gewohnt, hast aber die Wahl, wohin du deine Bausteine schickst, z.B. zu einem zufälligen Spieler oder einem Spieler, der einen anderen angreift.

Spielst du zu aggressiv, wirst du feststellen, dass mehrere Spieler Angriffe auf dich starten, was zu einer frühen Niederlage führen kann. Spielst du jedoch zu defensiv, riskierst du, zu viele andere Spieler am Leben zu lassen. Zu wissen, wann du angreifen musst, ist genauso wichtig wie die Beherrschung deiner Stein-Spins und Hard Drops, und selbst die besten Tetris-Spieler werden eine Herausforderung finden, wenn sie gegen so viele andere Spieler spielen.

13. Dying Light: Bad Blood

Wenn du auf der Suche nach einer frischen Variante des Battle-Royale-Genres bist, wie wäre es dann mit einem brutalen Royale-Spiel? Das ist es, was Techland mit Dying Light: Bad Blood anbietet. In Bad Blood werden PvE- und PvP-Elemente miteinander vermischt und 12 Spieler kämpfen mit rudimentären Waffen darum, Blutproben zu sammeln und zu entkommen. Oh, und haben wir erwähnt, dass es Zombies gibt? Eine ganze Menge davon, um genau zu sein.

Genau wie im ursprünglichen Dying Light kannst du Parkour-Fähigkeiten nutzen, um die Spielkarte kreativ zu durchqueren, über Dächer zu springen und an Zombies vorbeizusprinten, um den Evakuierungshubschrauber zu erreichen. Mit blutrünstigen Zombies, ganz zu schweigen von anderen Spielern, die deine Blutproben stehlen wollen, ist Dying Light: Bad Blood nichts für Spieler, die gerne abwarten und irgendwo in Sicherheit campen.

14. The Darwin Project

Die Karten einiger Battle-Royale-Spiele können zu groß sein für ein optimales oder spaßiges Gameplay oder für diejenigen, die nur wenig Zeit haben. Wenn das eines deiner Probleme ist, du aber trotzdem Teil des Hypes sein willst, dann lässt dich The Darwin Project diesen Spaß haben, ohne viel von deiner Zeit in Anspruch zu nehmen. Die Karten sind klein genug für 10 Spieler, um ein gruseliges Deathmatch in dunklen, durch eine Eiszeit hervorgerufenen Karten zu haben.

Dies ist eine der einzigartigeren Varianten des Battle-Royale-Genres, da es viele Überlebensmechaniken beinhaltet, die auch im echten Leben anwendbar sind. Du kannst deine Feinde im Schnee verfolgen, mit ihnen verhandeln, Werkzeuge herstellen und jedes Mittel nutzen, um die Kälte zu überleben. Wie du vielleicht schon vermutet hast, gibt es hier keine Waffen. Die einzigen Projektilwaffen, die du haben kannst, sind Bögen… und Schneebälle. Ja, du kannst einen Feind mit Schneebällen in den Tod durch Unterkühlung schicken.

15. CS:GO Danger Zone

Valve’s Counter-Strike Franchise hat eine lange Geschichte der Dominanz in der Ego-Shooter (FPS) eSports Szene. Dieses Mal scheint es, als hätte sich das Spiel dem überwältigenden Ruf nach einem Battle Royale Modus gebeugt. In diesem Battle Royale kämpfen bis zu 16 Spieler solo oder 18 in einer Dreiergruppe gegeneinander.

Diese geringe Anzahl an Spielern pro Match tut dem Spiel aber auch gut. Die Matches dauern nur 10 Minuten statt der üblichen 30 Minuten für 100-Spieler-Battle-Royale-Spiele (vorausgesetzt, du erreichst die Top 10). Das Beste an diesem Battle Royale ist natürlich die Schieß- und Gunplay-Mechanik von CS:GO, die sich gut in das Deathmatch-Gameplay übertragen lässt.

Weitere Battle Royal Spiele:

16. Battlefield 5 Firestorm

Ein spaßiger und rasanter Battle-Royale-Modus, der 64 Spieler unterstützt und eine stark zerstörbare Umgebung bietet. Die Matches finden auf der größten Karte in der Geschichte von Battlefield statt.

17. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 | Blackout

Mit Enterhaken und Ray Guns und einer Menge Nostalgie – die Karte stellt eine Reihe von Schauplätzen aus früheren CoD-Spielen nach. Warzone ist allerdings das, wo die Action im Moment stattfindet.

18. Forza Horizon 4: The Eliminator

Bis zu 72 Spieler können über die Karte rasen und nach aufgerüsteten Fahrzeugen suchen und sich gegenseitig zu Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen in der offenen Welt herausfordern.


Es ist kostenlos, es macht Spaß und es ist schnell – es gibt buchstäblich keine Wartezeit, um ein Match in diesem browserbasierten Top-Down-BR zu beginnen. Es ist cartoonhaftig, aber lass dich davon nicht täuschen: es kann trotzdem Spaß sein.

20. Worms Rumble

32 Würmer kämpfenin Echtzeit-Kämpfen darum, als letzter Wurm übrig zu bleiben.

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The Best PC Battle Royale Games for 2023

Battle royale. It’s currently the hottest video game genre, having exploded in popularity and revenue since PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds 2017 debut. According to Market Research(Opens in a new window), battle royale games generate billions of dollars per year, and are poised to amass nearly $18 billion in revenue by 2027. Even if you aren’t a genre fan, you can’t dismiss the category’s impact.

Battle royale games haven’t just dominated the sales charts; they’ve made last-man-standing gameplay incredibly popular again, so much so that its elements have spilled over into non-battle royale games. Tetris 99, a «free-to-play» game that’s only available to Nintendo Switch Online subscribers, is a prime example of that. That said, it’s not quite a battle royale game.

What Is a Battle Royale Game?

If you aren’t hip to the gaming category, but have somehow stumbled across this article, you’ve probably asked «what is a battle royale game?» Simply put, a battle royale game is a title that combines the aforementioned last-man-standing shooter gameplay with weapon gathering and a shrinking playfield that drives player characters ever closer together. That shrinking playfield also eliminates those who find themselves on the wrong side of it.

PUBG, Fortnite, and Apex Legends: What’s the Best Battle Royale Game?

A battle royale game needs these three elements, otherwise it’s your standard multiplayer pew-pew title. So, all the critics who hold Fall Guys or Pac-Man 99 aloft as the «best battle royale game» in order to knock the genre need to slow their roll a bit, even if these off-kilter entries do borrow a lot from the formula.  That said, recent releases like the melee-focused Naraka: Bladepoint prove that the genre can explore others weapons beyond guns.

If you want to learn about the history of the battle royale genre and how it came to be, we recommend blocking off some free time and taking a trip to good, ol’ Wikipedia(Opens in a new window) to read about Arma2, Arma 3, and h2Z1. There’s a wild history of mods and offshoots that would drive us batty if we tried to recount them in their entirety here.

Are There Battle Royal Games on Steam Deck?

Most certainly, though some of the titles mentioned below are exclusive to their company’s game stores. If you find a battle royale game that’s available via Steam, there’s a good chance that it’ll run on Steam Deck. Check out Valve’s game compatibility list to see the games that work with SteamOS. Right now, there are more than 5,000 total games listed as a green-iconed Verified or yellow-icon Playable. The green checkmark means that game is fully verified to run well on Steam Deck; a yellow checkmark indicates that the game is playable on Steam Deck, “but requires extra steps or manual work from the user. ” Please note that games requiring an online connection may not be ideal for on-the-go-Steam Deck play unless you can find a Wi-Fi signal.

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The Battle Royale Games You Should Play

The battle royale genre’s popularity has seen video game publishers rush to get a sweet slice of that multiplayer pie. As a result, many battle royale games—or related modes attached to other games—have emerged. You can’t play them all. You shouldn’t play them all, as some are hot garbage. Instead, bring your skills to a battle royale game that’s of known quality and has a strong player base. The PC games listed below will do you good.

If you’re ready to begin, check out these excellent battle royale games.

Call of Duty: Warzone

$0.00 at Blizzard Entertainment

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What a timeline we find ourselves in, one in which an incredibly hot video game is free to play, published by Activision, and based on one of the most popular franchises. Yet, here we are. Call of Duty: Warzone has entered the competitive battle royale fray, with a few tricks up its sleeve to shake up the formula. 

Call of Duty: Warzone is a game based on Modern Warfare’s 2019 reboot. Warzone introduces unique battle royale elements, such as loadout kits and respawn matches, that separate it from the competition and greatly impact how the game plays. These additions are hit-or-miss, but the overall package is highly polished. Warzone has enough meat to attract traditional first-person shooter fans regardless of its battle royale designation.

Call of Duty: Warzone (for PC) Review


$0.00 at Epic Games

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Epic Games’ Fortnite, which is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Mac, and mobile, has no walls between its player bases. That’s right, Fortnite lets you play with strangers and buddies regardless of the platform on which they play. Combine that with Fortnite’s incredibly affordable price tag (free!), and it’s easy to see why the game has become the face of the battle royale genre. Oh, and Ninja(Opens in a new window) streaming Fortnite helped skyrocket the game’s popularity, too.

Like PUBG, Fortnite airdrops you into a map either alone, with a duo, or as part of a three- or four- person crew. Then, the mission is to survive the wilds using the weapons, vehicles, and other items you find. Fortnite goes the extra mile by letting your scavenge the land for materials to build protective structures that’ll safeguard your character from weaponry.

Fortnite (for PC) Review

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (for PC)

$26.99 at Green Man Gaming

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Available on PC, PlayStation 4 Xbox One, Android, and iOS, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, colloquially known as PUBG, has the most interesting origin story of all battle royale games. The game that would become PUBG has its roots as a Arma 2 and Arma 3 mod, before being licensed by Sony Online Entertainment for use in h2Z1. PUBG became PUBG when its creator, Brendan Greene, became the Creative Director at Bluehole Studio.

In terms of gameplay, PUBG supports up to 100-person sessions in which you can play solo, as a duo, or in a four-person squad. It’s of utmost importance where you land after you parachute from a passing plane to start the game, as you must scour the environment for armor, weapon, vehicles, and other objects that’ll keep you alive when you encounter other players.

Sadly, PUBG lacks cross-platform play, a feature that its biggest rival happily boasts.

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (for PC) Review


Visit Site at Epic Games

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Want to participate in a battle royale game that doesn’t require you to shoot opponents? Check out Iron Galaxy’s wrestling-centric Rumbleverse. The free-to-play battle royale game has a unique focus: melee combat versus 39 other combatants. Despite Rumbleverse’s non-shooter nature, the title features the expected genre staples: a large map, a shrinking ring, and tiered loot. Still, the over-the-top moves (you can chokeslam someone from a skyscraper’s roof!) give the game a unique vibe.

Rumbleverse (for PC) Review


$0.00 at Epic Games

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Spellbreak checks all of our battle royale boxes. It’s a multiplayer shooter that lets dozens of people compete for dominance on a shrinking battlefield that’s littered with weapons. In a nice touch, Spellbreak swaps a violent, military aesthetic for a violent, magical aesthetic.

Instead of guns, you find and equip various elemental spells. You can upgrade these powers into stronger versions, and combine them for devastating attacks. Setting a cloud of poison gas on fire is as satisfying as it sounds. Along with the explosive combat, Spellbreak’s high-flying player movement turns skirmishes into dramatic superhero battles. Need to make a tactical retreat? Just bolt directly into the air. Spellbreak is free, and supports crossplay, multiplayer action.

Spellbreak (for PC) Review

Why You Should Game on a PC

Beyond Battle Royale Games

  • The Best PC Games
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  • The PCMag Steam Curator Group(Opens in a new window)

Top 10 Android Battle Royales in 2022

  1. Call of Duty: Mobile (Free)
  2. FOG: MOBA Battle Royale Game (Free)
  3. Apex Legends Mobile (Free))
  4. Bombergrounds: Battle Royale (Free)
  5. (free)
  6. Bullet League — Battle Royale (Free)
  7. Knives Out (Free)
  8. Zooba (free)
  9. Garena Free Fire: Rampage (free)
  10. PUBG Mobile (Free)

The Battle Royale genre is not new in itself, but in recent years it has become very popular with games such as Fortnite, PUBG and others, which have been very well received by gamers. The most interesting part of battle royale games is that they allow you to play with dozens of other players (several hundred in some games) at the same time in real time. You don’t fight bots. Instead, you can play with real players who love this game just as much as you do. Battle Royales tend to have huge maps, the landscapes and geography of which players can explore for a long time. This is a unique gaming experience that every avid gamer should try.

This article lists the top ten battle royale games for Android that you can play in 2022.

1. Call of Duty: Mobile (Free)

Call of Duty: Mobile isn’t a standalone battle royale game, but it opens our list of the top ten battle royales for Android. The free-to-play shooter Call of Duty: Mobile has become hugely popular over the past few years thanks to its diverse game modes, stunning graphics, and many references to earlier Call of Duty titles. From characters to maps, Call of Duty: Mobile will bring fans of the series a wave of nostalgia.

As already mentioned, Call of Duty: Mobile has several game modes, the most popular of which is multiplayer. In it, players can compete in both ranked and non-ranked matches. The multiplayer mode itself has several sub-modes: Frontline, Team Deathmatch, Hardpoint, Kill Confirmed, etc. Along with this, there are also several timed modes that periodically appear and disappear. The developers are constantly adding new multiplayer modes such as Sticks and Stone, Capture the Flag, One Shot One Kill, etc.

Another popular mode, and the reason Call of Duty: Mobile is on this list, is Battle Royale, which lets hundreds of players face off on a single map. The Battle Royale mode in Call of Duty: Mobile allows you to play alone or as part of a team of two or four people. The advantage of playing alone is that you are not tied to a team and can stick to whatever tactics you like. This gives you more flexibility as you can instantly adapt to changing match environments and move around the map with ease. However, playing in a team also has its advantages. You can plan your match strategy ahead of time or right during the match using the in-game voice and text chat. Playing as a team also gives you more room for error, as you can count on your teammates to cover your back if you overlook or miss an enemy sneaking up behind you with your weapons. Teammates can also revive each other in case one of them dies in combat. This means that you have a better chance of survival if you play with a team.

Each Battle Royale match starts with the user only being given a knife as a weapon. You fly over the map and decide where you want to land. The map is very large, with several separate locations. Each location has its own architecture and layout. Scattered throughout the map are weapons and equipment that players can pick up and use. The arsenal of weapons available to users is very large. Call of Duty: Mobile has everything from knives, grenades and axes to assault and sniper rifles and shotguns.

The battle royale mode also has several vehicles available for driving. Two-wheeled vehicles such as motorcycles provide high speed and maneuverability, while heavier vehicles such as tanks provide increased damage protection and carry powerful weaponry.

Call of Duty: Mobile has over 100 million downloads; it has a rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars on the Google Play Store.

2. FOG: MOBA Battle Royale Game (Free)

The next game on our list of the best battle royale games is FOG: MOBA Battle Royale by Playneta Limited, a fantasy battle royale. The map is surrounded by a deadly mist that kills anyone caught in it. However, the most interesting part of the game is that you do not fight with modern weapons, but with magic. Being in the Middle Ages, you must fight your enemies with swords, bows and arrows, and other weapons of that era.

Monsters and other evil creatures are also waiting for you in FOG. When you fight other players to win a match, these AI-controlled opponents will get in your way and try to kill you wherever they can find you. The game has several boxes available for unlocking. You will start with bronze and work your way up to nuclear. These crates contain several weapons and equipment to help you defeat enemies more effectively and win matches.

FOG: MOBA Battle Royale Game has over 1 million downloads; its rating is 4.4 out of 5 stars on the Google Play Store.

Next on our list is Apex Legends Mobile, published by Electronic Arts in 2022. Apex Legends Mobile takes place in the Apex Legends universe. This is not a mobile port of the popular console and PC game, but a completely new version, created anew, taking into account the needs and capabilities of mobile platforms. The main draw of Apex Legends is the Legends, each with unique abilities that can be used to defeat other players in a match.

The core concept of Apex Legends Mobile remains the same as in other battle royale games. Players must form teams, after which they land in any place on the map of their choice. Once on the ground, players can pick up whatever weapons they can find and use them to

dispatch their opponents and be the only team left standing. As already mentioned, Apex Legends Mobile differs from other games in its characters, called legends, and their unique abilities. For example, one of the starting legends, Bloodhound, has an ability called Pathfinder that can be used to see where other players have gone. Bloodhound also has the Eye of the Allfather ability, which allows him to see hidden traps set by enemies. From these abilities, you can understand that Bloodhound is a legend who is excellent at finding enemies and prefers an aggressive fighting style. It is better for the player to choose a legend whose abilities match his playstyle, as this will increase the chance of survival for the whole team.

Apex Legends Mobile also has other game modes besides Battle Royale that users can play. There is a Quick Battle mode, which is a shortened version of the original Battle Royale, as well as a Team Deathmatch mode where users can choose the weapon they prefer to use before the match starts. In a Team Battle, the player must kill members of the opposing team as many times as possible to reach the score limit. The first team to reach the limit wins the match.

In addition to a huge arsenal of weapons to choose from, as well as amazing maps and arenas, Apex Legends Mobile also has tons of content that is only available in the mobile version of the game. The game has a customizable user interface and connects to a controller. Apex Legends Mobile has amazing graphics and sound design, as well as realistic gameplay. This is a must-have game for all Battle Royale fans.

Apex Legends Mobile has over 10 million downloads; its rating is 4.4 out of 5 stars on the Google Play Store.

4. Bombergrounds: Battle Royale (freeware)

If you are tired of big and serious battle royales with realistic graphics and gameplay and just want something cute, then Bomberground: Battle Royale is your choice. Bomberground: Battle Royale by Gigantic Duck Games is a 25-player battle royale in which they must survive on an ever-shrinking map filled with traps.

Bomberground: Battle Royale allows you to have fun in the Royal Battle. You do not need to carefully prepare for it, choosing the right strategy and understanding the intricacies of the game. Instead, Bomberground: Battle Royale lets you participate in

Battle Royale without worrying too much about the outcome of each match. In Bomberground: Battle Royale, players must place bombs on the map so that other players step on them and die. Bombs can also be used to open treasure chests, which are very useful for winning a match. These chests can include power-ups to help you get stronger and faster, which is an obvious advantage in any Battle Royale.

If other players place bombs against you, you can use your bat to hit it and send the bomb towards the opponents. So you will destroy them and find yourself at a safe distance from the explosion. The bat you use to move bombs can also be used to stun other players. Hitting an opponent with a bat will temporarily stun him, and the next hit will knock him out.

Once you get used to the gameplay and controls, you can start killing opponents with ease and become the leader in the match. To win, just like in any other battle royale, you must be the last one standing. Bomberground: Battle Royale supports a controller and also allows you to play in a team of three. The game has a complex ranking system, with a leaderboard. This is necessary so that users with a similar skill level play in the same match. This approach to the selection of opponents makes every match fair. The game is heavily inspired by retro art and video games from a bygone era, which brings nostalgia to anyone who has been into video games for the last few decades.

Bomberground: Battle Royale has over 1 million downloads; its rating is 4.4 out of 5 stars on the Google Play Store.

5. (Free) is a 2D battle royale that has become one of the most loved games in this genre in recent times. Played by over thirty-three million people, Zombs offers users many game modes besides the classic Battle Royale.

In the classic battle royale mode, you can play alone, as part of a duo or as part of a squad. The game allows up to one hundred users to play a match at the same time. Apart from this, there are also several disappearing game modes, such as Zombie, in which you and your comrades have to fight hordes of zombies and stay alive for as long as possible. Another game mode is called 50 vs 50, in which players form two teams of 50 people each and fight each other. The team with the last remaining player wins the match. Game Mode

Superpower allows you to collect upgrades and bonuses by killing enemies and advancing towards victory. These bonuses will help you move faster and your weapons to shoot farther and more accurately. has several other interesting game modes that users might enjoy.

This game has more than a thousand different characters, each of which is unique in its own way. The game also has seasons that last for several weeks. Each new season gives players unique character cosmetics, challenges, and rewards. As already mentioned, the action of the game takes place on a 2D map, which makes its gameplay unlike other Battle Royales. The characters look nice, and the gameplay is quickly addictive. All this makes an incredibly fun game. has over 5 million downloads; its rating is 4.3 out of 5 stars on the Google Play Store.

6. Bullet League — Battle Royale (Free)

Bullet League is another find in 2D Battle Royale. Bullet League was created with mobile users in mind, and this is clearly seen in the short waiting times for matches. Each battle lasts around three minutes, which is a record short time for a Battle Royale, but that’s what sets Bullet League apart from other games in the genre. Shorter matches mean a high density of action as all players must try to survive for a very limited amount of time.

The game has many features that make it very interesting. Bullet League has amazing weapon physics. Also in the game there are special buildings that are destroyed when attacked. This means that you can strategically use buildings like this to hide from opponents, as well as lead them into a trap. The game has a variety of weapons that can be upgraded as you progress through the game. Bullet League lets you play alone, as part of a duo, or in a squad of three. In addition, the game also allows you to fight with friends, you can even create a closed leaderboard among friends in which you will compete with them for the best survival rates in matches. Users can also create separate rooms and fight only with their friends to see who is the best player.

Bullet League has a huge map for users to explore. It has many hidden areas and strategically placed objects that can be used to the advantage of the players. The map is quite confusing, so it’s interesting to study it. Users can choose from over thirty different characters to play with. Each character has unique abilities and characteristics. The game also features a stunning art style, and the overall design is pleasing to the eye.

Bullet League has over 1 million downloads; its rating is 4.0 out of 5 stars on the Google Play Store.

7. Knives Out (Free)

Knives Out, developed by NetEase Games, is the next game on our list. Knives Out is one of the most exciting Battle Royales. It features a huge map filled with weapons, vehicles, and other items that players can use during matches. The game follows the basic concept of Battle Royale, in which up to a hundred players appear on the same map to battle each other. As already mentioned, the map is simply huge, which means that users can explore many locations that have their own type of terrain and other distinctive characteristics. One part of the map can be covered with dense forest, while the other part is a city where users can hide in buildings and have a peculiar fighting style.

The game has four different modes available to choose from. You can enter a match alone, in a duo, in a trio, or in a squad of four. All weapons will have to be found on the map itself, so get ready to move around it in its entirety to find the best equipment for yourself. For long distance travel, there are many vehicles available to drive. From classics like armored trucks and motorcycles to sports cars and other trendy vehicles.

Knive Out has over 10 million downloads; its rating is 3.8 out of 5 stars in the Google Play Store.

8. Zooba (Free)

The next Battle Royale on our list is Wild Studios’ Zooba, which features

zoo animals. As you can already guess, the main idea of ​​the game remains the same as in other battle royales, except that its characters are animals. The main idea behind Zooba is that the animals have broken free and are now fighting each other to survive. The game allows 45 players to fight on one map, who must find weapons and try to destroy all other players in the match. In Zooba, you not only fight against other players, but also against the zoo guards who are trying their best to get the animals back in their cages.

There are more than twenty different zoo characters for users to choose from, including Nyx the fox, who has an excellent balance of attack and defense, Bruce the gorilla, who uses her strength to defeat opponents, and Lizzie the lizard, who uses her natural agility to dodge enemy attacks. All characters in the game have their own strengths and weaknesses that affect how they should be played in a match. Characters in Zooba can be improved and new skins unlocked for them. Defeat your opponents in style!

Zooba has over 50 million downloads; its rating is 3.9 out of 5 stars on the Google Play Store.

9. Garena Free Fire: Rampage (Free)

Garena Free Fire: Rampage is a fast-paced battle royale game where fifty players fight to the death for ten minutes. Players can land anywhere on the map they wish. The map has separate locations with unique terrain characteristics. Some of them are quite open, while others are like a weaving of narrow corridors, in which it is easy to hide. The game also has a variety of vehicles with which users can explore the map, as well as quickly leave their pursuers. Terrain types also have a big impact on gameplay. For example, many players use bushes as an excellent sniper position.

Garena Free Fire: Rampage differs from other Battle Royales in short matches. As already mentioned, each match only lasts ten minutes, which means that all fifty players quickly enter into a confrontation, during which only one strongest player or squad will survive. Rampage allows you to form squads using in-game voice chat, which only increases the tactical depth of the game. Users also have access to a third-person view, which makes it easier

spot enemies you probably wouldn’t spot in first person.

In addition to the main Battle Royale mode, Garena Free Fire: Rampage features a 4v4 mode known as Clash Squad, in which two squads of four players each must battle each other to see which team is better. In this mode, users must purchase weapons and equipment for a certain limited amount of money before the start of the match, unlike Battle Royale in which all weapons are picked up on the map itself.

Garena Free Fire: Rampage has incredibly realistic graphics and enjoyable gameplay, which makes the gameplay unforgettable.

Garena Free Fire: Rampage has over 1 billion downloads; its rating is 3. 9 out of 5 stars on the Google Play Store.

10. PUBG Mobile (Free)

Rounding out our list is arguably the most popular Battle Royale, PUBG Mobile, created by Tencent Games. Over the past few years, it has become incredibly famous for its amazing gameplay and graphics.

The game has approximately the same gameplay mechanics as the Battle Royales described before. Players parachute onto a huge island with locations that have different geographic features. As soon as all users land on the map, a border is formed around it, which narrows every few minutes. All territory within the border is designated as a “safe zone”. Leaving this zone causes the player’s health to drop permanently until they die if they don’t return to the safe zone. Along with this, red zones also appear on the map, which are subject to airstrike. Players caught in the red zone need to urgently seek cover or flee the area in order to survive.

All weapons that the player can use are on the map itself. Players must choose the weapon that best suits their fighting style in order to gain an advantage over opponents and win. There is no shortage of weapons in PUBG. From assault rifles to submachine guns and flamethrowers, it’s all here! Along with weapons, there are special boxes (airdrops) in the game, which are dropped by aircraft to a random place on the map within the safe zone. These crates often contain the best weapons and defensive gear in the game.

PUBG Mobile has a wide variety of maps available to players. Along with Battle Royale, you can take part in other game modes such as Payload, Arena 4 vs 4 and Infection mode.

PUBG Mobile has over 500 million downloads; its rating is 4.0 out of 5 stars on the Google Play Store.

Top 8 Best Battle Royale Games

As much as part of the gaming community doesn’t mind that once just a mode, Battle Royale has taken over the session market and become a full-fledged genre, but that’s the way it is.

One of the founders of the gaming genre was the game h2Z1, which was originally created as an open world survival game in a zombie apocalypse. However, later it received an unusual mode, which gained popularity among the players under the name «Royal Battle», and gave rise to many new and no less interesting projects.

This top contains games of the «royal battle» genre that have ever been played, or are currently being played by members of our editorial board. Go!

Eternal Return: Black Survival

Battle Royale Eternal Return: Black Survival is not very popular, but the idea itself still attracts new players. Eternal Return: Black Survival is an isometric battle royale game with elements of the MOBA genre, released by the Korean studio Nimble Neuron.

In Eternal Return, each character has their own unique abilities and, as in any MOBA, it is desirable to learn the skills of not only your favorite hero, but also others, in order to know what awaits you in the battle against them.


Even though Bloodhunt’s Battle Royale is at the bottom of our list, it’s not bad at all. We only put it here because the KB in The Masquerade universe is in early access, and the developers have a long time to refine it, fixing a lot of problems.

Bloodhunt’s combat takes place in the city of Prague, where at night vampires of all clans from the Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines lore took to the streets (or climbed onto rooftops) to find out who is the best, strongest and boss — all in the best the tradition of the battle royale genre.

Bloodhunt received a very popular setting, not used in games of this genre before, and this, at the moment, is its main feature. In addition, this battle royale offers really nice shooting, which does not take long to get used to, interesting classes with unique skills and really dynamic battles. Oh yes. The game is also free.

NARAKA: Bladepoint

NARAKA: Bladepoint is a very unusual Chinese battle royale game with a fantasy setting that managed to be a top seller at the very launch on Steam. This project offers us a classic battle royale in its understanding, only instead of the usual weapons you will use swords, katanas, bows, crossbows and even cannons that shoot cannonballs.

NARAKA: Bladepoint has over 150,000 online users since its release, which for many may be an indicator of interest in this project. By the way, we played Naraka twice on the stream and, in general, there were only positive impressions.


Like h2Z1 mentioned at the beginning of the article, Fortnite was originally conceived as a tower defense game in a zombie apocalypse setting, where the main task was to build up your territory and repel waves of zombies using traps, weapons and building skills in real time. However, Epic Games, seeing interest in the popular PUBG: Battlegrounds at the time, quickly added a Battle Royale mode, which created a real sensation for the genre as a whole.

Fortnite is a battle royale project with nice colorful graphics and a lot of really unique mechanics that are unique to this game. In addition to a good ability to shoot, the beginner will have to work hard on his construction skill, without which you simply cannot survive here.

Fortnite has become a true esports discipline, where players must multitask phenomenally in order to compete at a high level with the world’s game stars. There is a downside to this — over the years, Fortnite has become more and more difficult, as the level of the game even in public is growing by leaps and bounds. Of course, Epic Games tried to fix the situation a little by introducing bots for the non-ranked mode, but you will still meet strong players there.

Although the hype around Fortnite has subsided a little, the game continues to be popular, and the developers are constantly adding new content, large-scale events and much more.

PUBG: Battlegrounds

While PUBG: Battlegrounds is slowly fading away and more fast-paced and arguably more casual titles of the genre are climbing in its place, PUBG still boasts frequent content updates and is still good online.

PUBG: Battlegrounds is one of the first games in the Battle Royale genre that quickly won the love of gamers. The gameplay of PUBG can most likely be attributed to a hardcore battle royale, since many mechanics, unlike other games in the top, are closer to realism: ballistics of weapons close to the truth, a lot of body kits that need to be put on guns right during the battle, the feeling character weight when moving and much more.

There have been rumors not too long ago that PUBG: Battlegrounds could go free-to-play in the future, which should take the online servers much higher than they currently are.

Apex Legends

As much as we would like to put this game in first place, Apex always reminds us of its main problem. It’s no secret that Apex Legends suffers from weak servers and many players from all over the world are experiencing connection problems, disconnections, out of sync, and so on. However, recently the developers announced that they are closely involved in the issue of upgrading servers, so you just have to wait and believe.

But enough of the bad stuff. Apex Legends is a unique game in its genre that has many legends, each with their own unique abilities. Each of the skills that the heroes have is perfectly combined with each other, which gives rise to many effective bundles of legends. Apex is one of the few games where teamplay is not that important — there is absolutely no way without it, since at the moment there are only two modes for the «Royal Battle» in the game — a game of two and three.

It is also important that lately Apex has been rapidly developing as a cyberdiscipline: various tournaments are constantly held with the participation of teams from all over the world, and the prize money is growing every year. In addition, competitions are also held in the 3×3 Arena mode, which was introduced relatively recently, but has already received several tournaments on the professional stage.

Call of Duty: Warzone

This game of the «Royal battle» genre also has a big problem that everyone knows and talks about — these are cheaters. Despite the fact that Activision regularly bans dishonest players, the anti-cheat itself is updated too infrequently for a game of this magnitude. Nevertheless, similar problems are found in many of the above projects, although not with such frequency.

I guess no one will mind if we call Call of Duty: Warzone a hot mix of PUBG: Battlegrounds and Apex Legends. Why exactly? Warzone has absorbed all the best of these games — a realistic setting from PUBG, and the dynamics and speed of gameplay from Apex. Every battle, especially group battles, is like shootouts from action movies 90s, captivating players with its entertainment and returns from the gameplay.

Call of Duty: Warzone regularly receives updates in the form of content (new modes, challenges, events, etc.), as well as permanent bug fixes, weapon rebalances, and more. In addition, Activision has finally begun to test the waters for the introduction of rating modes, which players have been waiting for since the start of the project.

In addition to all of the above, I would like to add that if you like to make your own assemblies of modifications and body kits for weapons, and then test them directly in battle, then Warzone is definitely for you.