Ac 3 monturen: Assassins Creed 3 Wie Monturen wechseln? (PlayStation 3, ac3, umhang)

Assassins Creed 3 Wie Monturen wechseln? (PlayStation 3, ac3, umhang)

Letzte Aktivität: 04.06.2022, 15:53
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  • Assassins Creed
  • PlayStation 3
  • ac3
  • umhang
  • wie kann man die monturen/umhänge wechseln, wenn man sie gekauft hat bzw wo findet man sie dann?

    3 Antworten

    Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


    24. 01.2013, 21:59

    Du musst einfach in einen Gemischtwarenhandel gehen und dort auf Monturen gehen dann kannst du die Farbe der normalen Assassinen kleidung wechseln und um das ganze outfit zu ändern geh ins Herrenhaus in den keller müssten da direkt sichtbar sein

    17.11.2012, 19:46

    Die im Laden gekauften Monturen kannst du wieder im Laden wechseln.

    Einfach mit A/X auswählen, damit die Montur ausgerüstet wird.


    17.11.2012, 17:21

    Im Herrenhaus. Da musst du in den keller gehen. Dort hängen deine Umhänge. Sofern sie vorhanden sind

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    Ich hab zwar schonmal eine ähnliche Frage gestellt, aber da meine Liste sich ein wenig geändert hat, hier nochmal 🙂

    Meine Favoriten:

    1. Jacob Frye (AC Syndicate). Ich liebe Jacob einfach, seine Art und sein Humor sind einfach klasse 😀 zumal er noch ganz gut aussieht hihihi..

    2. Edward Kenway (AC Black flag) Edward find ich einfach toll, er unterscheidet sich total von den typischen Assassinen wie beispielsweise Ezio oder Altair. Bevor ich Syndicate gespielt habe war Edward auch mein totaler Favorit, und der Abstand zwischen Jacob und Edward ist immernoch nicht sehr groß!

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    4. Evie Frye

    5. Connor, Arno, Altair (zwischen ihnen kann ich mich nicht entscheiden :D)

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    Wie seht ihr das?


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    Wer ist der beste Assassine?

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    Lohnt sich Assassins Creed Black Flag?

    …zur Frage

    Wie interpretiert ihr den Stammbaum bei Assasins Creed zwischen Desmond\Connor\Ezio\Altair?

    es ist ein umstrittenes Thema in Assasins Creed. die verwandschaft zwischen Altair, Ezio, Connor und Desmond.

    Ich habe ein Bild hochgeladen worin der Stammbaum von den 4 gennanten personen verdeutlicht wird.

    Der Stammbaum wirft aber grose lucken auf.

    Altair muss von Adam und Eva abstammen da sie die ersten Assasinen waren und als einzigen das Adlerauge besitzen konnten (wie in Assasins Creed 2 erklaert)

    Ezio’s Stammbaum ist ein eigener, keine direkte Verbindung zu Altair. Jedoch muss er ebenfalls von Adam und Eva abstammen um das Adlerauge besitzen zu koennen. (in Assasins Creed 2 erklaert durch vererbung)

    Connor stammt von den Templerfuerer Haytham ab der wiederum von dem Piratenassasinen Edwart abstammt dessen Eltern unbekannt sind. somit muss er Jedoch entweder vod Adam und Eva, Ezio und Sofia, Claudia oder von einem Grossenkel von Altair aus der verlorenen generation sein.

    Desmond Stammt direkt Muetterlicherseits von Connor ab von seinem vater sind die Eltern unbekannt wo jedoch wurde von Ubisoft schreibern erwaehnt, dass er von Ezio abstammt

    Kurz gesagt da sie alle das Adlerauge besitzen welches man nur als erbe von Adam und Eva haben kann sind alle miteinander verwandt

    Teilt ihr meine Meinung oder was sagt Ihr

    Ich freue mich jetzt schon eure Interpretationen zu lesen

    . ..zur Frage

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    The Fall read online by Anne Provost (Page 4)

    N THE SUN was already hot from the early morning, and I decided to go to Montourin for a haircut first. My hair stuck to my neck and forehead and irritated me. It was a mistake, now I understand. Mentally rewinding the events back, I see: just then my troubles began. Although now what to say. No matter how much I lay with my face buried in the pillow, no matter how much I scratch my head, dreaming of turning back time, I understand that this is impossible. Never again will I wake up with a clear conscience as I did that morning. Only in a dream sometimes I manage to believe that I dreamed all this.

    I followed the shepherd’s path, as I have always done since early childhood. How to quickly and safely overcome the Shallon cliff, my grandfather showed me. In recent years, he himself no longer dared to descend: it was too difficult, and he had nowhere to hurry — he could calmly go down the main road. I took only some money and a plastic bottle of tap water with me. I hardly looked around; I was walking and imagining how my friends and I were having a barbecue in the yard. But when he reached the orchards, he noted that a surprising number of Arabs were employed in the harvest, even more than last year. And on the road through Circle Meunier, it was striking that on every corner, in courtyards and even in parking lots, houses made of corrugated iron had grown up, and mattresses of seasonal workers were stacked inside.

    I was going to a hairdresser named Nadine, my mother’s age, I had been getting my hair cut by her since childhood. She worked quickly and took not as expensive as the capital’s masters. The door and window of the saloon were thrown open to let in a draft.

    — You won’t regret it later? Nadine asked before picking up the scissors.

    She dipped the comb into a glass of warm water. Her fingertips were black-brown with paint, her short nails were bitten off, and her hands looked like monkey paws.

    “Long hair is too hot right now,” I replied decisively, and the scissors clicked.

    I imagined water-blackened shavings of my brown hair falling onto the tiled floor and felt a mixture of joy and regret. The neck was gradually exposed — a strange sensation.

    — Do you use baby shampoo? Nadine asked.

    “Yes,” I answered without moving my head.

    — I understood by smell. You can’t confuse him with anything.

    Her hand crawled back and forth over my head like a scorpion.

    “Your hair is thick,” she said. — This is your family. Your grandfather also had such a mane.

    She was silent for a while and unexpectedly added:

    — It’s probably unusual for you to rest here now — without him.

    Nadine lowered the scissors to hear the answer, but I didn’t speak, and she went back to work.

    — And it was necessary for those two to come to Sister Beate just now. In the city they say it’s a coincidence, but to be honest, it’s hard to believe.

    A warm breeze blew and the fly curtain on the front door swayed. I didn’t really listen to Nadine’s chatter. She apparently understood this and pressed her fingertips on my neck.

    — Do you remember the woman with her daughter from New York? Black-haired girl, you played together, even though you were forbidden.

    Taking my chin, Nadine turned my head. She left the hair on the top of her head long, much longer than the hair on her neck, and brushed it neatly down.

    — Your mother, I remember, told how you hid from Sister Beata in the basement of the monastery.

    Nadine reached over me to grab the serrated scissors. She was hot too. On the back of her T-shirt, between her shoulder blades, was a dark wet spot.

    «Caitlin,» I said, and I was surprised that the name came to mind. I haven’t thought about this girl for years. And yet, when he heard about the monastery cellar, he immediately remembered her name.

    «That’s right, Caitlin,» Nadine repeated, almost relieved.

    The longer she worked, the clearer the outline of my face became — thin, almost girlish… I looked at the reflection, as one looks at an old photograph, looking at myself with curiosity and with disapproval at their then clothes.

    «So they’re back — Caitlin and her mother,» Nadine concluded. — We decided, go, that now there is nothing to be afraid of.

    She did not touch the bangs, and they covered my forehead, tickling my skin. My hair is thick but thin. Nadine tried to shape the haircut, but the strands slipped out from under the scissors and fell off at random.

    When finished, Nadine untied her apron and shook it in front of her like a bullfighter. I handed her the money, she pulled out a drawer and gave me the change. I glanced at myself in the mirror.

    — But don’t trust them! Nadine said in a conspiratorial tone, folding her apron with sharp movements. Don’t believe their stories. They will tell you such things — Caitlin’s mother and Beata’s sister, just let them open their mouths! And don’t listen. I knew your grandfather. He was a good man.

    Running my fingers through my hair, I walked to the door and stood in the aisle, sniffing the car exhaust. Nadine took the brush and swept her hair into a pile. Throwing the curtain over the half-open door, she swept the trimmings onto the sidewalk with a single sweep and pushed the curtain back into place.

    That day, I climbed the top of the hill faster than usual, too fast in fact: on the approach to the house, white spots danced before my eyes, and my feet itched from sweat. I went into the house to take a shower. Instead of my mother, I found a note in the kitchen. Mother went to the lower city to report the break-in. I automatically crumpled up the note and tossed it into the trash can.

    Going outside, I did what I was always forbidden to do: I climbed over the vine-covered wall of the monastery and headed through the garden to the main building. Having reached the low bushes, I got down on all fours and crawled further, to a place overlooking a small monastery courtyard. There wasn’t a soul there. I moved on, past the old cacti in pots, and was about to cross the yard, when suddenly a shadow flickered in the doorway, the bell rang. Taken by surprise, I darted behind the trunk of a stunted willow.

    Sister Beata came out into the yard with a brass bell in her hands. Jingling softly, she smacked her lips and clicked her tongue, and tabby cats came running from different corners of the garden. Among them was Copernicus, an old grandfather’s pet. The nun leaned over and placed the bowl on the ground. The last time I saw her was in the winter, when she wore medical stockings, and on top of her usual ones. Now her legs were bare, with bluish skin.

    The cats approached silently, their tails up. They walked around the bowl on all sides and in small sips, like well-bred ladies, sipped the brew, in which pieces of meat floated. Without stopping, Sister Beata dived into the coolness of the convent. I got up and, like a chicken escaping from a chicken coop, darted past the door. The cats ignored me. They swallowed food, their bodies shook. I passed the apothecary’s garden and the tombstones by the monastery wall.

    The hardest part was getting past the four geese in the paddock. Seeing me, they were alarmed, cackled, and did not let up until I reached a small pond among the grass. I pulled off my T-shirt and untied the laces of my sneakers.

    Feet slipped through the warm mud. I entered the water, making my way through the long stalks of wild iris and shaggy reeds. The rhizomes did not allow deep immersion in the silt. The water was warm, I felt cool only when I went up to my waist. Bubbles of air floated up along the legs, bringing black sediment to the surface.

    I relaxed a little. Exactly what is needed! Much better soul. Much better than this disgusting house with this stupid garden. Now they would envy me — friends from the capital with their barbecue …

    I sniffed the smell of rotting plants through my nose. When I stood motionless, blue arrow dragonflies glided across the water towards me. There was almost no wind, but ripples sometimes ran through the pond. The air hummed with insects.

    I had already dried off and put on my shoes, when suddenly voices came from the yard. I could not see anything from here, but again I was afraid to pass by the geese and decided to wait. I lay down on the grass, stretched out on my stomach and felt the drying mud tighten the skin on my legs.

    A cat ran past, scaring me to death. I rolled head over heels to the side, under a bush, and thank God, because someone’s steps followed the cat, and a girl’s voice shouted: «Come here, love!» [Over here, my good! (English)] That’s when I saw Caitlin after a long break.

    I calculated: the last time we played together was eight years ago. Her walk was vaguely familiar, but I only caught a profile out of the corner of my eye—not enough to recognize it. A straw hat hid her hair and shaded her face. I only saw her chin twitch at every Come here! .

    Caitlin caught the cat and disappeared. A little later, I heard her voice again, this time from afar, it seems, from the direction of the garden. I lay as if paralyzed. Fragments of memories did not add up to one picture. Most often, large cool cellars and the songs that we sang there popped up before our eyes — not because we liked to sing, but to hear how our voices echoed off the bare whitewashed walls.