Sims 4 veranda bauen: Sims 4: Fundament bauen — Ein Untergrund für das Haus

Die Sims 3 treppe bauen

Letzte Aktivität: 28.05.2022, 13:45
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  • Hey

    haben uns ein Fundament gebaut.

    Haus ist schon fertig ( 2 Stockwerke)
    wollten jez eig. ne Treppe bauen damit wir zur Tür kommen aber i-wie bekommen wir das nicht hin wegen des Fundaments ?! wie geht das????

    Danke und LG Brokolie

    4 Antworten

    Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


    28.01.2012, 17:39

    Hey erstmal,also ich bekomme das immer folgendermaßen hin:Wenn du dir Treppe direkt vor die Haustür machen möchtest,müssen mindestens zwei Kästchen abstand sein,dann suchst du dir eine beliebige Treppe aus und wenn du sie «In der Hand» hast und siehst,bewegst du sie ein bisschen in der nähe der Kante vom Fundament und ein bisschen darüber,dann passt sie sich ganz alleine an!!! Ich weiß nicht,warum die anderen das so kompliziert erklären und moveobjects musst du auch net benutzen,du brauchst gar keinen Cheat!!! Ich hoffe,ich konnt dir auch ein bisschen Helfen. ..LG Jenny ; )


    28.08.2011, 01:29

    Du musst praktisch in den Keller um die Treppe anzubauen. Probiers mal…Du möchtest doch 2-4 Stufen um ins Haus zu kommen? Das geht nicht im Erdgeschoss, sondern ganz unten im Haus…viel Erfolg.


    27.08.2011, 20:39

    Macht mal moveobjects on

    1 Kommentar


    im Thema Computerspiele

    28. 08.2011, 12:11

    die treppe braucht auch ein fundament . baue vor der tür noch ein fundament und du kannst die treppe anlegen .

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    Pergola ohne Lücken zwischen Säulen und Zäunen

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    Zäune über Säulen laufen lassen um eine Pergola zu gestalten, ohne dass zwischen ihnen eine Lücke verbleibt im Bau-Modus von Die Sims 3

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: einfache Bautechnik

    Säulen enden immer unterhalb der Decke, Zäune laufen hingegen oberhalb des Fußbodens. Überspannst du eine eine Fläche mit Zäunen (Darstellung von Balken), weisen diese immer eine Lücke zu darunter platzierten Säulen auf. Diese Lücke wird gewöhnlich mit einem Fußboden gefüllt. Ein Freisitz soll aber eben nicht mit einem Fußboden überdacht werden. Wir zeigen dir, wie du diese Lücke ohne die Benutzung von Fußböden schließen kannst!


    Fläche mit Säulen und Zäunen überdachen

    Ich habe einen sanierten Bauernhof mit Terasse plus Pergola ausgestattet. Wie du mehrere Säulen zu einer kombinieren kannst, erklärt ausführlich das Tutorial: Säulen mit beliebigen Längen und individuellem Aussehen.

    Ich habe hier je eine Säule auf der Terasse mit einer Säule auf dem Grundstücksboden kombiniert. Dazu habe ich

    • die Säulen auf der Terasse platziert
    • den Zaun über ihnen gezogen
    • am Ende die Säulen auf dem Grundstücksboden gestellt

    Zwischen den oberen Säulen und dem Zaun gibt es die unerwünschte Lücke:

    2. Untergrund minimal anheben

    Nun wähle ich das Gelände-Werkzeug > Gelände anheben und wähle eine mittelgroße Form. Mit dem mittelgroßen Pinsel klicke ich einmal auf den Boden. Auf die seichte Anhebung baue ich ein Stück Fundament:
    Nun wird der Cheat ConstrainFloorElevation false benötigt. Mit dem Gelände-Werkzeug > Gelände begradigen ziehe ich vom erhöhten Fundamentstück ausgehend über alle Terassenteile, auf denen eine Säule steht.
    Der Zaun wird mit angehoben, so dass sich die Lücke zu den Säulen vergrößert. Der Fuß der oberen Säulen verschwindet leicht im angehobenen Untergrund:

    3. Säulen anheben

    Um die Säulen anzuheben, nehme ich sie per Linksklick an die Maus, drücke dann aber gleich die Escape-Taste. Das platziert die Säule genau an dem Ort, wo ich sie aufgenommen habe. Ihre Höhe wird aber an den Untergrund angepasst.

    Die Säulen stehen nun höher:

    4. Untergrund auf alte Höhe absenken

    Nun baue ich erneut ein Stück Fundament auf einen nicht erhöhten Grundstücksboden. Von dort aus bringe ich mit dem Gelände-Werkzeug > Gelände begradigen das Fundament der Terasse wieder auf seine alte Höhe, damit werden auch die abgehobenen Zäune wieder in ihre alte Position gebracht:
    Die Säulen verbleiben hingegen in ihrer neuen Position und schließen so die Lücke zu den Zäunen:
    Möchtest du im Nachhinein die Säulen versetzten, musst du die ganze Prozedur wiederholen.

    Ebenerdige Pergola

    Die Säulen der Pergola können auf die gleiche Weise auch direkt auf dem Grundstücksboden errichtet werden — platziere eine Säule, hebe das Terrain an, platziere eine zweite Säule auf der ersten und ebne das Terrain wieder ein:

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    Die Sims 3 Baututorials – Besondere Bautechniken und Grundstücke

    Weiterführende Die Sims 3 Themen

    Introducing Neighborhood Stories

    Hello The Sims fans! My name is Nate. I’m the game designer for The Sims™ 4.

    I joined the team during the development of Island Living and have since worked on some of the sets. Some of my accomplishments include Professor Sims from the At the University expansion (which we designed with SimGuruMorgan), the onsen bath from the Snowy Expanses expansion (it was surprisingly difficult to stop the servos from meeting their fate in the hot spring), and the cows and llamas from the expansion. Country Life! Today I want to tell you about a new game feature I’ve been working on. It’s called Neighbor Stories and will be available from November 30, 2021!

    Neighborhood Stories

    The Sims™ 4 has a wide range of options that lead to interesting and often unexpected situations in life. All these situations lead to incredibly important and unique cardinal changes . My team was looking into ways to make a world of difference throughout The Sims™ 4, and that’s how we came up with Neighborhood Stories. 0005 give more opportunities to neighbors living outside the active family. (Neighbors are basically all NPCs in the game, not just Sims who live on the same street as your family. However, NPCs do not include special NPCs like Death.) We have big plans for Neighborhood Stories , so we’ll continue to update this feature in the future. The first version applies to Sims that your family members know — co-workers, friends they met at the gym or library… the Sim they gave fruit cake for their housewarming party (pretty bold decision, as for me, but the taste and color of all felt-tip pens are different). Life goes on, your Sims change … neighbors change, because their life also does not stand still. For example, they can get a new job or have a baby. In future updates, we will add the possibility of dramatic changes for a wider range of Sims. For more information on this, see What’s Next? at the end of this post, but for now let’s talk more about the first version.

    How does the gameplay of Neighborhood Stories look like?

    The gameplay of Neighborhood Stories focuses on several aspects: dramatic changes in the lives of neighbors that your Sims can influence; cardinal changes in the lives of neighbors that occur on their own; events that fit into both of these categories. Regardless of whether the changes in the lives of neighbors occur on their own or under the influence of your Sims, they themselves decide on these changes from the very beginning. This means that these changes can occur without the need to switch to another family. «What if I don’t want my Sims to change on their own?» — No problem! Everyone has their own unique vision of Sim life, and many players spend a lot of time developing cities and multi-generational families! When we were working on a new gameplay feature, we always kept in mind that only you can decide how Neighborhood Stories will affect your game. Change can happen in different ways:

    1. Either you send one of your Sims to influence the neighbor to make a big change, or. ..
    2. …the neighbor will decide on his own to make a big change, but before taking the action, call your Sim and find out that he is about it thinks. You can influence the final decision by answering «Yes» or «No», or you can let the neighbor decide for himself.

    We want you to be able to decide whether this change will affect your Sims’ lives in any way, or let the neighbors decide what is best for them to do. Remember that dramatic changes do happen, and this takes time. Neighbors will keep your Sims up to date with all the news. Here is the full list of major changes:

    Major change (autonomous or influenced by active sims)

    Neighbors may decide to change on their own, but your sims may also coax them:

    • change current job to another;
    • have a child from a partner if they are in a relationship and can become pregnant;
    • Chat with other Sims to make new friends or strengthen existing friendships .

    Major Changes (Standalone Only)

    Neighbors can make major changes on their own, but they will consult with an Active Household Sim first. They just lack confidence! (Or they want to be dissuaded. Anything can happen!)

    • Try to get a promotion at your current job;
    • Accept a marriage proposal, if the neighbor already has a couple. So far neighbors will not marry autonomously.

    Dramatic Change (influenced by active Sims)

    Your Sims can do the following to incite neighbors to make drastic changes:

    • badmouth one Sim in front of another, which noticeably ruins the relationship between these neighbors;
    • try match two teen or adult sims;
    • try to talk a sim into a relationship leave or divorce his partner;
    • encourage an unemployed neighbor to find a job.

    New Aspirations

    On the occasion of the release of new and improved gameplay, we have added two new aspirations to the game: neighbors. Making new friends and helping others make a big change can earn you Trait «Confidant» , thanks to which conversations will become more pleasant. Have you ever

    in the middle of a party, the conversation became boring and awkward? Sims with the Confidant Trait experience these situations much less frequently.

    • Sneaky Partner is a Sim who enjoys ruining romantic relationships, including their own. Have your Sim break up with someone! Let him destroy the other couple! Sims doing such dastardly deeds get Trait «Heart of Stone» , due to which other characters become embarrassed and sad faster, and the Sim himself receives bonuses for communication for performing evil and dirty actions. Sims with the Heart of Stone trait simply don’t care about anyone else.

    New and improved gameplay is available to all owners of the base game. No additional content is required to use it. All new features are available in existing saves, so you don’t have to start a new game.

    How to try out the gameplay?

    Neighborhood Stories will be part of the core game update, which will be released on November 30, 2021. Check here to learn more about the update. After installing the update, your Sims need to make at least one friend from outside their family.

    If we are talking about autonomous cardinal changes, then the neighbors will rely on factors like character traits. This means that not all Sims are considering drastic changes. Wait for the moment when the neighbor really thinks about the change. But the more close friends a Sim has, the higher the chance that one of them will think about drastic changes. We tried to balance everything so that the changes occur measuredly and are often repeated.

    Speaking of changes that your Sims can influence, here’s how it happens.

    To make a positive impact on your neighbor’s life, use these new and improved friendly social activities. (They’re especially useful for Sims with the new Trusted Neighbor aspiration.)

    • Recommend doing things they love:
    • Discussing new additions to the family
    • Other Sims… > Praise another Sim
    • Other characters… > Match

    In order to spoil the relationship of a neighbor, use these updated evil communication actions. (They’re especially useful for Sims with the new Aspiration Mean Partner.)

    • Other Sims… > Slander Another Sim
    • Other Sims… > Break Relationship With

    What’s Next?

    Let’s talk about the future of Neighborhood Stories, but first, let’s remember our main goal: give more opportunities to neighbors living outside the active family. In the next update, we will implement this goal in more detail through the following:

    • Cardinal changes will be able to occur for all neighbors

    , regardless of whether they know the active family or not. Just because my Sims don’t know anyone from a certain family doesn’t mean it doesn’t change.

    • Gameplay settings that allow you to choose which cardinal changes can happen to your neighbors and which ones can’t.

      • Thanks to these settings, players will be able to choose the rules of the game for each family.
      • Neighborhood Stories settings are different in all saves.

    Users who have played The Sims™ 3 are probably thinking about the story development by now. Both story development and Neighborhood Stories add dramatic changes to the lives of Sims from across the game. However, I want to highlight two main differences.

    1. Story progression is one huge system that can be turned on or off, leaving players to choose between a crazy world and a boring one. While Neighborhood Stories greatly expands the gaming experience, it takes into account the most important:

    only you can decide how Neighborhood Stories will affect your game.

    1. The progression of the story affects a lot of factors in The Sims™ 3. And Neighborhood Stories in the beginning affects far fewer drastic changes. This is because most of our work takes place on the main systems. And, as I mentioned, the gameplay can be customized. This means that we use better tools for a better gaming experience. But first we need to do everything!

    Oh, this canvas came out! I hope I explained the Neighborhood Stories feature well, and you’re as intrigued as I am! See you soon! Nate P.S. Some gameplay was previously only available in packs. We decided to use it because it is great for Neighborhood Stories and improves the quality of the game overall. Below is the complete list.

    • Conceiving a child with a partner.

      • A stand-alone version of this dramatic change was introduced in the Green Living expansion. We’ve added support for feelings, so the Sims’ version of change is brand new.
    • Accept a marriage proposal.

      • This action was previously introduced in the Green Living expansion. Added support for feelings.
    • Make new friends or strengthen existing friendships.

      • These activities were previously featured in the Get Together! Added more dynamic outcomes: If your Sim encourages a friend to hang out with someone they despise, they won’t like it! But if they become friends, they may start to have positive feelings towards your Sim.
    • Throw mud at one Sim before another.

      • This action was previously introduced in the Get Together expansion. Added more dynamic outcomes: Sims will not be happy if you badmouth their friends. Added special settings for angry and snooty sims.
    • Try to bring two Sims together.

      • This action was previously introduced in the Get Together expansion. Added more dynamic outcomes: Neighbors will not pair up if they have conflicting traits (Kindness/Angry), and the active Sim will react more sensitively to all possible outcomes.
    • Try to talk a relationship sim into leaving or divorcing their partner

      • This action was previously introduced in the Get Together! Added more dynamic outcomes: the strength of the relationship between sims plays a big role, and if you try in vain to destroy a couple, it can cause negative emotions in your direction for one or both partners!

    Thank you for your attention!

    Sexuality in The Sims™ 4

    Sexuality in The Sims™ 4

    Hello everyone! This is SimGuruJessica, Lead Designer for The Sims™ 4 High School Expansion Pack. Today I’m going to talk about the sexual orientation settings coming to the base game with the next update.

    Past, present and future

    The Sims team values ​​creativity, self-discovery, inclusion, and experimentation above all else, and we strive to make our game reflect the idea of ​​representation, equality, and openness. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce the sexual orientation mechanic to all The Sims fans. Pronoun customization has recently been introduced to the game, and these two updates were important steps towards bringing all the endless variety of real life to the game.

    Let me emphasize that we have only just outlined the direction of further development. We still have a long way to go and while I can’t go into detail about our plans, rest assured that we will continue to work on improving the representation of LGBTQIA+.

    When such things are discussed, the question of the team’s involvement in real issues often arises, and this is a very correct question. I’ll open the door a little behind the scenes and tell you how we approached this important topic. There are many LGBTQIA+ representatives in our team, and I myself am one of them. However, each of us can only talk about his personal, that is, limited, experience. So we turned to GLAAD and the It Gets Better project for help, and they helped us gather the widest possible palette of opinions on how to reflect the issue of sexual orientation in the game in its entirety and complexity.

    How it works

    The Sexual Orientation settings allow you to select several characteristics for your Sims that determine their preferences in choosing partners. Below you can see how we implemented the orientation settings in the character creation editor.

    Romantically attracted to this character:

    This is where you specify who your Sims find attractive. When Sims who do not match this gender offer your Sims romantic interactions, they are rejected.

    To determine a Sim’s romantic orientation, simply select any combination of the items you want (you can select all or none). Later, we will be able to add to the list of items, including gender identities that are not represented in the game at the moment.

    Of course, you will pay attention to the gender binary of the current options. The fact is that so far there is no non-binary mechanic in The Sims™ 4. Pronoun customization has greatly improved the representation of non-binary, but certainly pronouns are not the same as gender identity. We are well aware that we have much to strive for. More on this in the questions and answers.

    My Sim is experimenting with orientation:

    This setting determines whether Sims’ sexual orientation can change during gameplay. We added it to reflect two different situations in the game.

    The first of them is a clear, unambiguous understanding of one’s preferences. These Sims don’t experiment with orientation. If you choose the appropriate setting, your Sims’ orientation will not be able to change during the course of the game: they will firmly reject anyone whose gender does not suit their preferences.

    The second situation is an unfinished process of self-determination. For Sims who experiment with orientation, the initial sexual orientation settings selected in the previous step may change over time. Experienced romantic interactions can lead them to a whole new understanding of themselves.

    Character Woohoo Preferences:

    This setting determines who your Sim can woo with. For Sims you intend to be asexual, you can leave all options unchecked. For Sims you intend to be aromatic, you can select the Woohoo Preference but leave the Romantic Attractiveness setting blank. More on this in the questions and answers.

    You can create even more ambiguous situations in the game: for example, some Sims may be attracted to different genders, but in terms of physical intimacy they are only interested in one.


    Do I need to purchase the High School add-on to customize my sexuality?

    No! With the release of the High School expansion, sexual orientation settings will become available to absolutely all players.

    Why are there only two gender options?

    This is a natural question, given that we just recently added pronoun settings to the game.

    I would like to answer it very directly. The reason is technical limitations. As stated above, there is currently no non-binary mechanic in The Sims™ 4. When creating a character, you always have to choose between two genders, no matter which pronouns you use. Hopefully, the addition of things like gender settings to choose a body type, clothing preferences, the ability to get pregnant or impregnate other Sims, and the way you use the toilet show enough to show how serious we are about improving the representation of different genders. We consider pronoun settings to be an important step towards non-binary representation, but of course, pronouns are not the same as gender identity.

    The Sims™ 4 is now 8 years old and is based on systems designed around a binary understanding of gender. Over the years, we’ve added a number of important new features to the game, such as gender settings, pronoun selection, and sexual orientation. However, there is still a long way to go. Providing support for non-binary is one of the stages of this path.

    How do you woo sims who aren’t interested in romance?

    A very important question, because WooHoo usually follows romantic interactions. To better reflect aromanticism and diversity in the game, we’ve given all young, adult, and old Sims the opportunity to invite close friends to become WooHoo partners.

    If they agree, you can woo-hoo without being in a romantic relationship. The key word is if. As with other such interactions, there are mismatches followed by awkward conversations.

    I would like to note once again that sexual orientation is a very complex, subtle topic. Right now, we have only introduced the first version of the new system to the players, and we will certainly think about how to improve it so that you can implement even more diverse stories in the game.

    Is it possible to manually change the sexual orientation of Sims during the game?
