Sims 4 auf deutsch stellen: Sims 4: Sprache nach der Installation ändern

Sprache in Sims 4 ändern — so geht’s

| von
Tim Aschermann

Haben Sie die Sprache in Sims 4 falsch eingestellt, können Sie diese nachträglich ändern. Im normalen Game finden Sie allerdings keine entsprechende Option. Stattdessen müssen Sie tief im Spielverzeichnis wühlen und einen Registry-Key ändern. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie genau vorgehen sollten.

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  1. Drücken Sie gleichzeitig auf die Tasten [Windows] und [R], sodass sich der Befehl «Ausführen» öffnet.
  2. Geben Sie hier «regedit» ein und bestätigen Sie mit «OK». Anschließend startet der Registrierungs-Editor.
  3. Begeben Sie sich links zum folgenden Pfad: «HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/Maxis/The Sims 4».
  4. Anschließend klicken Sie rechts mit der rechten Maustaste auf einen leeren Bereich und wählen unter «Neu» die «Zeichenfolge» aus.
  5. Benennen Sie die Zeichenfolge mit «Locale», öffnen Sie den Eintrag per Doppelklick und wählen Sie als Wert «de_DE».
  6. Schließen Sie das Fenster wieder und starten Sie Ihren Computer neu. Anschließend startet Sims 4 auf Deutsch.

Sprache für Sims 4 ändern

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IT Profis gefragt, SIMS 4 SPRACHE ÄNDERN!? (Computer, Technik, Computerspiele)

Letzte Aktivität: 12.02.2023, 08:38
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  • Hallo, ich hoffe mir kann jemand helfen, da es darüber noch keine wirklichen Informationen gibt. Wir haben das neue Spiel Sims 4 geschenkt bekommen, jedoch hat dort jemand einen Fehler gemacht und es auf Englisch gekauft, d.h man kann auch bei der Installation nichts außer Englisch auswählen. Ich habe schon alles mögliche aus dem Internet befolgt, den Pfad geändert, Ordner angelegt um die Sprache auf Deutsch zu ändern ( Locale — de_DE ) , sogar Sprachpakete runtergeladen ( weiß aber leider nicht wie ich das entpacke ) ..also alles getan was man im Internet findet wenn man eingibt, das man vorhat die Sprache zu ändern. Leider erfolglos -.- für mich ist das alles kein Problem, nur meine kleine Schwester kann leider noch kein Englisch und daher wollte ich fragen ob es nun noch irgendeine Möglichkeit gibt die Sprache zu ändern. Umtausch ist leider nicht mehr möglich. Ich bitte um Antwort, damit wir es endlich auf Deutsch spielen können. Ich danke im Vorraus

    3 Antworten


    08.09.2014, 14:21

         Spiele und Programme  Übersetzung ganz einfach !
     gehe auf: <a href="http://www."></a>
     suche dein Spiel,runderladen,in Ordner des Spieles entpacken,umstellen Fertig
         (sims 4 ist neu und liegt noch auf der Startseite)
      Viel Spass 


    10.07.2015, 13:53

    Versuch es mal mit dieser Anleitung, damit hat es bei mir endlich geklappt:  



    08.09.2014, 12:03

    Das Sprachpaket «deutsch» muss einfach in den language Ordner. Dann erkennt das Spiel automatisch, dass deutsch existiert.

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    bitte um hilfe 🙁

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    Path to Glory gameplay questions

    1. How to build your brand?
    Requires bonus star Trading Lifestyle. If you have a bonus on your computer, the Create lifestyle brand action is available.

    2. How to get fame points?
    To get started, enter the Fame menu and click the Be in the Spotlight button (if Fame is disabled by default in your settings). After that, you need to perform various actions with the star (fame) icon, for example: broadcast using a drone, record and upload videos, donate money to charity, volunteer, complete stories on Simstagram or publish pictures through the options on your phone and much more. The actor receives a large number of fame points after successful filming or performances in front of the audience.

    3. Why doesn’t my sim star autograph her fans?
    This is not a stand-alone action. You need to approach and give autographs through friendly actions.

    4. A student has a performance in a drama circle and parents should come — how to do it?
    You need to select a parent and click on it Go to the performance.

    5. Is it possible to permanently remove the diamonds of standard stars?
    Alternatively, you can create your own stars and plant their plumbobs in the places of distant celebrities.

    6. I’m interested to know about the awards ceremony and the talent show — are they invited to the ceremony, or do I need to come to a special site? Is it possible to organize a talent show?
    You are not invited to the Starlight ceremony — you need to follow the calendar and go to the site where it takes place on the day of the award (by default, this is the PBP Studio cocktail bar). A talent show cannot be organized, this is also a standard event, moreover, the game does not provide awards for participants or winners. Read more about all the new events in this thread.

    7. How do I get an award at the Starlight Awards?
    The chance to win an award is great after a successful shooting in a film/series (to the gold level), as well as after successful actions in other careers or actions — for example, after publishing a quality video that is in line with market trends.

    8. I can’t complete the mission of my life goal — to be asked to take a selfie 3 times. What to do?
    Go to crowded places more often and hold an event Meet the Star — it will attract a large number of fans who will want to take a selfie with your star.

    9. How to arrange a charity banquet?
    The sim must have an impeccable reputation (maximum positive), in which case the banquet will become available in the Party Organization menu.

    10. Why can’t Sims rain money?
    So he doesn’t have enough money.

    11. What is the use of the divine crown?
    If your sim is a celebrity, then if you insert a rare crystal into the crown, then you can remove the negative celebrity trait. Otherwise, depending on the crystal, you can satisfy needs, accelerate the development of a skill, get rid of a particular emotion, etc.

    12. My star with an impeccable reputation began to receive such messages: «They say you like to steal . .. You are no longer an unwanted guest in my house.» Accompanied by a drop in reputation. What can this fly for if the sim is not a kleptomaniac?
    This situation occurs when a Sim has an acquaintance or fan with the kleptomaniac trait. Most likely this is a bug.

    13. I can’t finish filming a movie/TV series/commercial for gold, what should I do?
    Don’t skip the tasks at the beginning of the working day — make-up, costume, chat with colleagues, eat, rehearse, talk to the director and more. And only after that proceed to the shooting itself. Also, do not disdain home preparation for filming — pumping skills, rehearsals.

    14. Sim receives notifications that popularity is falling, what should I do?
    Maintaining popularity must be constantly worked on by performing daily activities with the star icon. The easiest and fastest way is to turn on the broadcast through the drone and go about your Sim’s normal activities.

    15. Is it possible to create a musical group in this supplement?

    16. How to record a video blog «Video Games»?
    Click on the drone and start recording a video, and send the Sim to play a video game.

    17. My Sim made an agreement with an agency and passed three castings. But that’s all. Where are the film offers?
    After each casting, if it is successful, information about the time of the shooting appears in the Career tab. Always test first, then shoot. Samples are skipped at high levels. The Sim must check for available jobs via their phone or crankcase panel.

    18. With the introduction of the reputation system, have Sims learned to «learn» about cheating?
    No, if your sim flirts with someone and someone gets jealous, then some friend will call with something like this «I’m not particularly adhere to moral principles, but they say you cheated on your partner, you need to keep such things are secret», will lower the reputation and that’s it.

    19. Is keeping a food blog, for example, very arbitrary?
    No, if the video is recorded correctly, then it belongs to one or another category that matches the actions of the Sim — a cooking video, a video about video games, etc.

    20. I recorded a video for advertising a culinary channel using a drone, I want to copy it to send it to them and nothing happens.
    Drag the drone closer to the system, or put it in your inventory, put your Sim on the system, and select the Copy Content to Video System action. After that, edit the video, if necessary, and publish it.

    21. How to take part in the talent competition? When you click on the bar, there are no associated options, on the microphones — too.
    Make sure you arrive at the right place at the right time. After the message about the competition appears, click on the bar and break through to the microphone. If you have not gone to an event on your own, but after accepting an invitation from friends, make sure you arrive at a cocktail bar that has a bar, microphone, piano or other musical item and that the event panel is present.

    22. My Sim won the Starlight Award for Best Video. The message said the reward was in my character’s inventory, but it wasn’t there.
    Need to check family’s luggage in build mode, not sim’s luggage.

    23. My sim works as an actor, but for the last two performances, the makeup artist has been unable to make up my character.
    This is a bug or conflict with mods. Restore the game through Origin or try this action in a clean save.

    24. What is the fastest way to gain a good reputation?
    Be friendly until you become friends and good friends. To seek a common language with enemies, to apologize. Help mend bad relationships. Friendly — Other characters — praise another character, pick someone up to someone. For «pick up» reputation will grow only if the action is successful. Take out the garbage in front of witnesses, fix an object, play with the baby, even if you do it at home, and someone at a party sees it. For volunteering, reputation and charity are very well added.
    Reputation can increase by a whole bar when a Sim introduces, treats, or adopts a stray animal in front of witnesses.

    How to Become a Star in The Sims 4 Get Famous — SimsMix

    With The Sims 4 Get Famous , your Sims can finally become not only rich, but also famous. The celebrity system has been significantly redesigned from previous The Sims games, and it’s safe to say that it’s implemented in a very thoughtful and interesting way. It covers many aspects of the life of your characters, and thanks to the system of bonuses (perks), it allows you to acquire some useful advantages both in relations with other characters, and in career or money areas. In addition, celebrities, depending on their behavior and habits, will now acquire special traits that will also affect their lives. Of course they will be followed by paparazzi and fans, celebrities will be able to sign autographs and pose for photos and impress their fans so much that they will literally fall at the feet of their idols. And of course, the stars will have access to special events, such as fan meetings or the Starlight Awards, as well as a personalized nameplate, which they can solemnly place on the Walk of Fame in Del Sol Valley to a standing ovation from fans.

    How to Level Up a Celebrity

    The fame system in this expansion is designed so that most of the careers and skills in the game will allow your character to become famous. He can become a famous artist, writer, chef, gardener… even a DJ or an archaeologist! Because almost any activity from the base game and expansions can bring fame and notoriety to your character! All actions that increase the level of fame are marked with a special icon. Look for interactions with a special mark — each of them will bring you a little closer to the top. But it is important to consider that they all have different «weight» in the celebrity system. For example, participating in the shooting of a film is much more effective than, say, selling your paintings to collectors. Therefore, if you want to quickly place a name plate on the Walk of Fame in Del Sol Valley, you should look for the most effective ways. In particular, the new Actor Career and Skill 9 will help you a lot in this. 0126 Media production . Old careers will also allow you to increase the level of fame with new work scenarios. But be careful, in most cases, failure can turn into a job loss. Sims who reach the top of their careers will earn fame even just for going to work (exception is Secret Agent). In addition, Divine Crown with Crystal will help speed up the process a bit — using Diamond in it will increase the speed of obtaining Fame Points.

    By the way, fame is available to absolutely all your characters — even children can become famous, but they cannot get more than two stars. And if the Simenka’s parents are famous, then when growing up from a baby to a child and from a child to a teenager, he will receive a small percentage of the glory of his «star» parents.

    You can see the character’s fame progress in the Simology panel, in the Public opinion block, and in more detail in the Fame Details (to do this, click on the icon in the Simology panel).

    Each new level of celebrity will require more fame than the previous one, so reaching the top will not be so easy. And keep in mind that, as in life, fame is much easier to lose than to earn. If your character does not consistently maintain their popularity (in other words, does not perform fame-related activities for some time), their fame level may decrease. When you downgrade a celebrity level, your Sim will also lose access to bonuses corresponding to that level. At the same time, the fame points that were spent on them will be returned to him, so when the lost level of fame returns, the Sim will not receive them again.

    Effect of reputation on the celebrity system

    Speaking of celebrities, it should be mentioned that depending on the reputation, your character will also receive some interesting bonuses.

    There are seven levels of reputation from bad to perfect. Your character starts with a neutral, of course, and, as he develops a reputation in a positive or negative direction, he will gain access to new interactions that will speed up the progress of obtaining fame. In particular, this will be facilitated by special types of parties that can be arranged by characters who have achieved a bad or impeccable reputation:

    • Charity banquet — available only to characters with an impeccable reputation.
    • Satirical Party — Only available to characters with a bad reputation.

    All participants in such events will receive a significant increase in the «star».

    In addition, thanks to the reputation, new perks are unlocked in the bonus table, corresponding to the current reputation of the character:

    • Instigator — Bad reputation
    • Villain Role — Terrible Reputation
    • Bad Boy — Bad Reputation
    • Good — Good reputation
    • Rally! — Excellent reputation
    • Five Star Service — Impeccable Reputation

    We’ll talk more about Fame bonuses below.

    How to turn off a celebrity

    If you don’t like all the fuss and want your characters to live a quiet life, or you just want to temporarily pause character progress without losing stars, you can use the following methods.

    Disable celebrity for all characters in game settings . This method will affect all your new characters, and so those who do not yet have glory.

    Disable celebrity for a specific character . Click on the icon in the Simology panel, and then in the lower left corner of the Fame Details that appears, click the «Relinquish Fame» button. The character will lose all celebrity levels, fame bonuses and special traits, and will no longer receive fame points. So if you change your mind and decide to make it popular again, you will have to start all over again (to do this, select «Be in the spotlight» in the same menu).

    In addition, the celebrity of a particular character can be reduced, removed completely, or temporarily frozen in fame using the developer code. Enter developer code testingcheats true and press the Shift key to click on the character. In the menu that appears, select «Public Opinion». In this menu, you can choose the level of fame, change the reputation as you like, and add or remove special character traits.

    Celebrity levels

    Each new level obtained opens up additional opportunities for the character. There are five such celebrity levels in total.

    Notable newcomer

    After receiving the first star, you get the opportunity to purchase the first bonus, as well as unlock one slot for a special feature.

    Rising star

    Your Sim can now sign autographs, but be prepared for them to be rejected. You can also pose for photos (click on your Sim and select the action «Posing for photos»). Autographs and photos, by the way, will raise the level of fame a little. You can also organize fan meetings using the phone menu «Schedule a social event» (by the way, you can even invite one fan, the rest will still pull themselves up to the meeting point). You can also purchase two more Fame bonuses.

    Almost famous

    Now your star will sometimes be followed by paparazzi on public lots, and he will also have real fans. Because of this, a Sim can use a mirror to disguise themselves from prying attention from others (note that while a Sim is wearing a disguise, they will not level up celebrity!). Sims can take selfies and hug fans. In addition, he will receive two more new perks and unlocks a new slot for a special trait, and also at this level the first reputation perk becomes available, if of course it is sufficiently pumped in a positive or negative direction.

    True Star

    Now your star will shine in the truest sense of the word. Fortunately, the glow can be turned off in the character menu. He will also have access to a special star walk, which is disabled in the same way. When in the midst of their fans, a Sim can «Get Cheers», turning on the audience. .. or causing a negative reaction from envious people. Two additional Fame bonuses are also available for purchase.

    Super Duper Star

    So, you have reached the pinnacle of glory. At this level, you will no longer need to maintain your popularity so carefully — it will decrease a little more slowly, but you should not relax completely either. But below the third level, it will definitely not fall. You can now buy three more perks, as well as access to the third and fourth slots for special traits. In addition, you receive a nameplate that can be placed on the Walk of Fame in Del Sol Valley at a special ceremony.

    Special Traits

    As your Fame level increases, and depending on your behavior, characters will be able to gain additional special traits that will affect both their behavior and certain aspects of life. For example, you can become a paparazzi darling, get a crazy fan, or even become a juice addict. There can be a maximum of four such traits, but don’t worry, with the help of a special helmet or a potion, you can get rid of a boring trait to make room for a new one. You can view your Sim’s special traits, as well as learn more about all of them, in the Character Fame Details.

    For more information on special traits, see of this article.

    Fame Bonuses

    Celebrity levels allow your characters to acquire various interesting bonuses (perks). As soon as your character becomes a Notable Newcomer, he will have access to the very first perks that can be purchased with Renown Points. Perks, as well as special traits, are found in the Renown Details menu.

    Fame points he will receive with each new level according to the following scheme:

    Level 1 — 1 point
    Level 2 — 2 points
    Level 3 — 2 points
    Level 4 — 2 points
    Level 5 — 3 points

    And one more bonus point can be obtained for completing the new World Celebrity aspiration.

    As a rule, each bonus has certain requirements for the level or the presence of a particular perk. In the bonus table, all perks are divided into several «branches», each containing bonuses designed for a specific gaming area. Conventionally, they can be designated as follows:

    • Bonuses affecting media production
    • Popularity and relationship bonuses
    • Bonuses affecting career and skills

    In addition, there are two more short «branches» for bad and good reputation (more on that below). Each «leg» is interesting in its own way, but, unfortunately, you can only choose ten bonuses from the available twenty-one (eleven if you have completed the World Celebrity aspiration). In the table below, we have given a brief description of the features of each bonus.

    Icon Name Fame level Description
    Bonuses affecting media production
    Corporate relations 1 level The character will get more fame by uploading clips and tracks through the video system and music center. In addition, he will receive orders from agencies to record videos on a specific topic for a fee.
    Authoritative Advisor Level 2 The Sim will regularly receive various gifts in the mail — from pastries to collectibles and various decorations.
    Night watch 3 level The character can recharge when tired, as well as organize 24-hour charity broadcasts using a drone or video system. After the broadcast ends, he will increase the level of reputation and gain fame.
    Pioneer 4th level Any video uploaded through the video system will be popular and bring in a lot of income. other Sims will copy your Sim’s outfits and dress like them.
    Shopping lifestyle 5 level Using a computer, you can create your own brand, which will bring daily income if you keep it up to date. The character can talk enthusiastically about their brand and pay attention to other characters who are talking about it.
    Popularity and relationship bonuses
    Contacts and acquaintances Level 1 Sim makes friends faster, can chat with more famous Sims. Communication with friends and celebrities will increase the fame of the character.
    PR Agency Level 2 Using the phone, you can order a good or bad article, which will affect the reputation and fame of the Sim. You can also get on the guest lists for a party where other celebrities will be present.
    Regiment of Fans 3 level Allows you to ask a fan to increase the fame or reputation of any family member (other characters will have a new interaction menu «Celebrity. ..»). In addition, the character can now take a pose, from which his fans can even faint.
    Friendship in the blink of an eye 4th level When your Sim greets another Sim, they get a positive moodlet. In addition, you can now instantly make friends and romantic partners.
    Suite 5 level The character can gather a retinue of close friends who will accompany him everywhere (but they will not be able to enter the club if their level of fame is not high enough). The members of the retinue will be dressed in the same way as your character. You can turn to them if your character needs emotional support.
    Bonuses affecting career and skills
    Notable success Level 1 The character gains additional renown through skill and career-related renown-boosting actions.
    Glorious potions Level 2 Every day, the character will receive a random potion in the mail, which will have a random effect: for example, it can satisfy needs, improve mood and increase the speed of mastering skills.
    Recognition 3 level Increases the cost of items made by the character (paintings, crafts, etc.), The amount of royalties for publications also increases. Characters in the Actor career will now get roles without auditions. They may also choose not to wear make-up or costume for filming without negative repercussions.
    Career aspirations 4th level A Sim can start their career at a higher position. He quickly moves up the career ladder. If he decides to quit, he can always return to the same position.
    Sweet life 5 level The character’s salary is doubled. He always comes home from work in a good mood. It also increases productivity even faster.
    Reputation Bonuses
    For the good Level 3 and good reputation Increases the amount of reputation received. The character can donate various items from his house to his fans, increasing the level of fame. The more valuable the donation, the more glory the character will receive.
    Rally! Level 4 and excellent reputation The character can give inspirational speeches. Nearby Sims will learn skills faster. After giving a speech, all of your Sim’s social interactions will be more successful.
    Five-star service Level 5 and Flawless Reputation All services, food and drinks are free! Also, when your Sim appears in a public place, other Sims will throw confetti in their honor.
    Bad reputation bonuses
    Bad guy 3 level and bad reputation Character loses reputation faster. Interactions from the Mischief category will bring him fame.
    Villain role Level 4 and terrible reputation Evil interactions will bring glory to the character. Nearby Sims will encourage this behavior and ask for an autograph and photo together.
    Instigator Level 5 and bad reputation Character can start a Starfeud with other characters (except family members). After the start of enmity in the phone, computer, as well as in the menu of interactions with another character, special actions will appear marked with a key icon. News of the progress of this feud will bring satisfaction to the character. But you can always strike a truce by trying to find a common language.

    You can use special codes to purchase absolutely all bonuses of fame.

    If you made a mistake with your perk choice or just want to try something new, you can use your phone to order Star Loadout — the character will lose all current Fame bonuses and Fame points will be refunded. The procedure is inexpensive, so you can easily redistribute bonuses depending on your gaming goals.

    The life of the rich and famous

    Perhaps, throughout the review, you wondered — what is all this for? Well, there is probably no definite answer, but maybe you and your character will like the bright whirlwind of the life of the rich and famous with all the ensuing consequences such as autograph and photo sessions, awards and insanely expensive things, as well as harassment by the paparazzi and crazy fans. And of course, how about crazy antics like scattering simoleons or wooing in a pile of money! Of course, in such a life it will be difficult to maintain a good reputation, but in the end there are many ways to become famous.