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A zombified Sim in The Sims 3: Supernatural.

A Zombie is a life state that Sims and pets can be transformed into. This creature first became available in The Sims: Livin’ Large. In The Sims 2, it appears in the University, FreeTime, and Apartment Life expansion packs. It returns, with some differences, in The Sims 3: Supernatural.


  • 1 The Sims: Livin’ Large
  • 2 The Sims 2
  • 3 The Sims 2 (PSP)
  • 4 The Sims 3: Supernatural
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 External links
  • 7 References

The Sims: Livin’ Large[]

A Sim that has become a Zombie in The Sims: Livin’ Large.

In The Sims: Livin’ Large, if a Sim or pet dies a loved one can plead to the Grim Reaper and engage in a rock-paper-scissors game for their life. If the Sim loses, but the Grim Reaper is in a good mood, he’ll bring back the dead Sim or pet as a zombie. Zombies retain all of their skill points, but lose all their personality points and gain a green tint to their skin. Other than that, zombies function like normal Sims or pets in every way. Children can also become zombies.

As zombies lack any personality points, drinking a yellow potion from the chemistry set will give them 10 points in each trait. With Unleashed, Miss Lucille can restore a zombie back to their normal state for §200, but this process will not restore the Sim or Pet’s personality.

The Sims 2[]

Zombiism is introduced with The Sims 2: University, and also included with The Sims 2: FreeTime and The Sims 2: Apartment Life. In University, deceased Sims can be resurrected with the Paranormal career reward, the Resurrect-O-Nomitron. If a Sim bids between §998 and §4127 when using the Resurrect-O-Nomitron, the resurrection will fail and the Sim will be revived as a zombie. In FreeTime, a deceased Sim can become a zombie if another Sim makes a genie wish to resurrect them and the wish fails. In Apartment Life, the evil witch spell Vivificus Zombiae will resurrect a dead Sim as a zombie. Babies, toddlers, and children cannot become zombies under any circumstances. Pets can become zombies, but their appearance and walk style does not change so this state is not readily apparent with them. Sims who died pregnant will eventually give birth to their baby, though it will always be normal.

A Sim who is revived as a zombie will return with a blue-grey skin-tone and distorted facial features, a fixed personality (Outgoing 4, Active 3, Playful 1) and lose most, or all, of their skill points. The zombie Sim will have lowered daily and lifetime relationship with the Sim who brought them back as a zombie. Zombies cannot walk, skip, or run — they move with a slow shamble and will droop their heads, though they will walk up and down stairs normally. Zombies are also sterile and cannot conceive children. Their hygiene will decay more quickly than that of normal Sims, and other Sims may show disgust when a zombie is in their presence. They will occasionally think about brains, but it is not possible for zombies to actually consume them or convert other Sims into zombies.

Zombies are immortal and will never age, except for one specific situation: Teenage zombies are eligible for the Undead Educational Scholarship (worth §1500) and are able to go to college, at which point they will become young adults, and will become adults when returning home.

There is no in-game cure for zombiism; the changes are permanent. Third-party mods and tools such as InSimenator or SimPE can be used to reverse the life state.[1] A zombie’s personality can be altered with the Sim Modder debug object, and zombies can become pregnant through testing cheats, though any children they give birth will be normal Sims and not possess any zombie attributes.

The Sims 2 (PSP)[]

The PSP port of TS2 includes a mini-game in which the player can whack zombies in a whack-a-mole style in Paradise Place called Smack-a-Ghoul which can make the player nauseous. Additionally there are zombies in the graveyard behind the Meetinghouse in Deadtree which will lower the player’s sanity if the player gets too close. The player character cannot become a zombie in this game.

The Sims 3: Supernatural[]

Zombification in The Sims 3: Supernatural is mostly featured as a temporary condition, and not a full life state. There are several ways for Sims to become a zombie: Sims are able to transform into zombies by drinking an elixir, and can be restored to their normal state by drinking another potion; Sims who are bitten by a zombie will become one themselves; Sims who eat the quick meal Brain Freeze a la Mode have a chance to become a zombie after finishing the meal; A witch can cast the Reanimation Ritual at a tombstone to bring the deceased Sim back as a zombie. Babies, toddlers, children, and pets cannot become zombies under any circumstances.

Zombies have green-grey skin, distorted facial features, and black eyes. They move with a slow shamble and will attempt to attack and bite other adult and elder Sims. Zombies will also attempt to consume any plants on the lot. Zombies are unable to WooHoo, and will dance to any active stereos on the lot. Pets dislike zombies and will often exhibit negative behavior towards them.

Random inactive Sims will become Zombies every full moon of the lunar cycle. Zombie Sims will have the «Zombified» moodlet (-30 Mood), and will remain in this state for 48 Sim-hours. The only interactions available to zombies are «Arghhhh», which will scare Sims, and «Braiiins», in which the zombie attempts to attack and convert another Sim. A Sim who is bitten will collapse and be pulled below ground, before rising again as a zombie. Supernatural Sims are unable to become zombies through being bitten, but can still become zombies through use of elixirs or the Reanimation Ritual spell. Disabling the lunar cycle will prevent zombies from being randomly generated in the game.

Zombification can be cured through a few different methods: The Cure Elixir and Potent Cure Elixir will cure any alternate life state, including zombification; Witches can cast Sunlight Charm to restore a zombie to a normal, living state; Zombies who are attacked and defeated by a Peashooter will fall to the ground and return to normal; Zombies cannot enter through the Door of Life And Death, but the monster that lurks below the doormat may pull them under and fling them back out as a cured Sim. Additionally, as zombification is tied to a moodlet, removing the moodlet through any means will effectively cure the Sim.

The Peashooter is only available as exclusive content with The Sims 3: Supernatural Limited Edition, and is a reference to the PopCap game, Plants vs. Zombies.[2] They can be used to defend a lot, as all zombies will try to attack them first before destroying any garden plants. Peashooters can fail, resulting in the zombie destroying it and proceeding to attack garden plants and other Sims unimpeded.


A Sim being brought back to life as a zombie in The Sims

Jenny Smith having been transformed into a zombie

Zombified Sim in game demonstration

A Peashooter attacking a zombified Sim.

A zombie coming out of the ground

External links[]

  • SimsVIP Supernatural Fact Sheet


  1. ↑ Tutorial on how to use SimPE to turn a Sim into a zombie and vice versa however.
  2. ↑ PopCap Games is now a subsidiary of EA.

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How to Keep Zombies Out of the Garden (Sims 3 Supernatural)

by Cindy

Zombies are one of the most annoying features of The Sims 3 Supernatural expansion (at least in my opinion). And they’re even worse when you have an outdoor garden! They appear under the full moon, harassing your Sims and eating your fresh produce.

So, how do you keep zombies out of the garden? The best way is to place a fence around your plants and lock it, keeping zombies from entering. You can also use a Pea Shooter to fend them off, cure them, cheat, or disable them completely.

Fencing Your Garden

The easiest way to keep zombies out of your garden is to simply build a fence around it. Put a gate on the fence and lock it to everyone except your Sim or household. 

Build a fence to keep zombies out of your garden. Don’t forget to lock the gate!

If your Sim is low on money, build a fence at nightfall on the night of the full moon. Leave it up while the zombies are there. Then, sell it to get some money back once morning comes. 

Using a Pea Shooter

The Pea Shooter is an exclusive item that came with The Sims 3 Supernatural Limited Edition. If you pre-ordered the Plants vs. Zombies content, you can set this object to attack zombies that appear on your lot, keeping them out of the garden.

Sims 3 Promotional Image for the Exclusive Plants vs. Zombies Pea Shooter

This method doesn’t always work perfectly. Zombies can destroy the Pea Shooter and move on to your garden anyway. But, it’s worth placing a few of them down around your lot if you have access to them. 

Curing Zombies

Another option is curing any zombies that appear on your lot. You can do this with the alchemy skill or by having a high-level witch cast a spell. 

At level 2 of the alchemy skill, your Sim can create a cure elixir. At level 7 of the alchemy skill, your Sim can create a potent cure elixir. Click on the potion in your Sim’s inventory and choose “throw at Sim.”

Throw the cure elixir at a zombie on your lot to cure them.

Tip: Sims must “Research Alchemy” on the Alchemy Station to learn the recipe for the cure elixirs. This can take a while. And they also need to procure the correct ingredients to make the elixir.

If your Sim is a witch with at least level 8 spellcasting skill, they can cast the Sunlight Charm on zombies to cure them. Either option will get rid of the zombies on your lot temporarily, but more will appear at the next full moon. 

Cheats to Remove Zombies

When zombies are on your lot, use this cheat to remove them temporarily (for the current full moon). 

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the cheat console.
  2. Type in “testingcheatsenabled true” without the quotes. Press enter. 
  3. Shift + Click on the mailbox. 
  4. Choose Supernatural Population Control > Remove Supernatural Sims from the World > ZOMBIES!!!

This cures ALL zombies in your world at once. It’s a quick and easy solution if you just want the zombies gone NOW.

Disable The Full Moon

You can actually disable the full moon in the game options by setting a single lunar phase. If you do this, your game will never have a full moon – which means you’ll also never have zombies.

Go to the game options, then go to the “Seasons & Environment Options” tab. Click the button next to “Set to Single Lunar Phase” and choose any phase except full. (Keep in mind your moon phase will not change from this one.)

Disable the Full Moon phase in game options.

If you don’t want to get rid of the full moon completely, you can increase the length of the lunar cycle up to 10 days. This results in the full moon happening less often. It won’t stop zombies, but it will reduce the time you have to deal with them.

Disable Zombies

If you hate zombies as much as I do, consider completely disabling them. I prefer to keep my full moon cycle, but I use mods to prevent zombies from appearing in my world. If they don’t appear, then they can’t eat your plants!

Download and install the NRaas Retuner mod. Click on City Hall and choose:

NRaas > Retuner > Settings > General > ByTunableXML > Sims3. Gameplay.Controllers > LunarCycleManager > kChanceToSpawnZombie > 0

NRaas > Retuner > Settings > General > ByTunableXML > Sims3.Gameplay.Controllers > LunarCycleManager > kNumberSimsToBeZombifiedOnFullMoon > 0

Set both options to ZERO. No more zombies will spawn in your world during the full moon. Enjoy your gardens without worrying about zombies eating all your produce!

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Zombies in The Sims 2

If you have The Sims 2: University add-on installed, you can turn your Sim into a zombie. Zombies are interesting and unusual creatures in their own way. In the game, they are embodied in the classic version, like the walking dead, walking corpses. Therefore, carefully weigh the pros and cons before the reincarnation occurs, there will be no turning back.

So what are the conditions for your Sim to become a zombie? To begin with, you will have to allow your ward to die. It doesn’t matter if he burns in a fire, drowns or dies of old age, the main thing is that the character is not alive. nine0005

Next, you need a Sim who knew the deceased during his lifetime. It can be a spouse, a family member or just an acquaintance. And most importantly, you will need a necrophone.

Necrophone can be obtained in two ways:

The first way.
If you are playing as a student, you can join a secret society. To do this, find three members of the society in the city and make friends with them, a green friendship emoticon must be displayed in the relationship panel. The guys who are members of a secret society are easily distinguished from other students by a specific uniform — a black jacket with a lama emblem. If you did everything right, then at eleven in the evening a black limousine will drive up to the student dormitory or house that your student rents. After a member of a secret society handcuffs your student and rather impolitely pushes him into a car, you will go with him to a secret area. nine0005

Do not be afraid and do not be horrified, you have almost reached the goal. Upon arrival at the secret area, you will be given a black jacket of the society — from now on you are its full member and can use all the items located in the secret area, including the necrophone.

The second way.
If your Sim is long past student age, but once graduated from university, then you can get a job in the Mystic realm (unfortunately, for Sims who have not graduated from university, this vacancy is not available when searching in a computer and a newspaper). Upon reaching the fifth step of this career — the position of Mystic, you will find a necrophone in the career rewards section of your Sim. nine0005

Using the Necrophone

In order for a dead Sim to return to you as a zombie, you need to call the Grim Reaper through the Necrophone. First, you will be prompted to choose from a list required to resurrect a Sim. The Reaper will then demand a certain fee for his services. Since your goal is to resurrect the zombies, offer the Reaper a small amount, this will make him very angry.

Having warned you that greed does not lead to good, the Reaper will wish you good luck with your new ward. So, here he is standing in front of you, the revived dead man, making terrible sounds and unnaturally throwing back his head. What changes have occurred in your Sim, who became a zombie? nine0005

Features of zombies

All zombies have a bluish tint to the skin and lips, boils can be found in some places on the body, and huge sagging folds of skin around the eyes. There are no eyes themselves, instead of them, emptiness gapes in the eye sockets. When moving, the zombie limps, dragging its leg behind it, now it can no longer walk as fast as normal Sims.

Since normal Sims are horrified at the sight of zombies, the relationship between the resurrecting and the resurrecting dead will drop slightly, about 20% on the short-term and long-term relationship scale. nine0005

From time to time, thoughts about the brain will appear over the head of the ward, a hint of cannibalism not embodied in the game, which, according to legend, is inherent in the living dead.
All zombies in The Sims 2 share the same set of traits, regardless of what zodiac sign the Sim had before they died.

Distribution of character points:
Sloppy/Clean – 0
Introvert/Extrovert – 4
Contemplative/Doer – 2
Borer/Eternal Child – 10005

Mental abilities will also deteriorate, your ward will have no more than 4 points in each skill after resurrection. So get ready to retrain your Sim if you plan to reach the top of your career or graduate from university.

Since zombies are not inherently alive, you can forget about the offspring. If at least one of the zombie partners, regardless of gender, the conception function will disappear from the romantic action menu.

Zombies have only one advantage over normal Sims — they don’t age. But they can still die from fire, starvation, lightning, etc. Unlike vampirism and lycanthropy, zombies cannot be cured by purchasing a magic potion from a fortune teller. Even if a zombie dies a violent death, resurrecting it won’t give you a regular sim, no matter how much money you offer the Grim Reaper this time. nine0005

Later expansions introduced two more ways to resurrect a Sim as a zombie.
If you have The Sims 2: Freebies installed, the fortune teller will occasionally bring a magic genie lamp to the Sims’ home. By rubbing the lamp, you can make a wish to resurrect from the dead. With this, there is a certain chance that the Sim will be resurrected by a zombie.

Since the genie does not ask money for the fulfillment of a wish, there is an assumption that the outcome of the resurrection will be determined by the level of relations between the resurrected and the resurrected. nine0005

If you own the The Sims 2: Moving to Apartment add-on, then evil witches can use the Zombie Summon spell to resurrect.

When resurrected, the relationship between the zombie and the sorcerer does not fall, but rather improves, apparently due to the penchant of black magicians for everything evil and disgusting.

sims 2 university sims 2 university sims 2 university university sims 2 sims 2 hobbies sims 2 moving to an apartment hobbies moving to an apartment sims 2 free time sims 2 apartment life apartment life free time magic

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