Pokemon schild release: Nintendo Pokemon Schild+Erweiterungspass Switch Game Yellow| Techinn

Release und alle Infos zum 2. DLC!

Schon bald, genau genommen Mitte November, jährt sich der Release von Pokémon Schwert & Schild für Nintendo Switch zum ersten Mal. In der Zwischenzeit wurde es aber nicht still um das Taschenmonster-Rollenspiel, denn The Pokémon Company erweiterte das Game bereits Mitte Juni mit «Die Insel der Rüstung» um den ersten Teil vom kostenpflichtigen Erweiterungspass. Unseren Test des ersten DLCs findet ihr hier. Nun steht mit «Die Schneelande der Krone» Teil zwei an, los geht es bereits am 23. Oktober 2020 (Freitag). In einer Video-Präsentation gewährte Tsunekazu Ishihara, seines Zeichens Präsident von The Pokémon Company, einige Einblicke in die neue Erweiterung.

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Neue Areale, Pokémon und Co.

«Die Schneelande der Krone» erweitert die Galar-Region um neue Gebiete, die von klirrender Kälte sowie massig Schnee und Eis geprägt sind. Dort erwarten euch neue Abenteuer, neue Pokémon, neue NPCs und vieles mehr. Bei Dynamax-Abenteuern erkundet ihr besonders tiefe Pokémon-Nester als Viererteam und tretet gegen zahlreiche legendäre Pokémon der gesamten Hauptspielreihe an. Auch habt ihr die Möglichkeit, die besonderen Monsterchen nach einem erfolgreichen Kampf zu fangen

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Ebenfalls neu: Das Galar-Star-Turnier. Hier wählt ihr frei aus allen Trainern aus dem Hauptspiel sowie dem Erweiterungspass aus, die ihr getroffen habt, und tretet mit beziehungsweise gegen sie an. Bereits gestartet ist außerdem eine Pikachu-Aktion. In nächster Zeit ist es möglich, acht verschiedene spezielle Pikachus in Schwert & Schild zu sammeln. Ihr erhaltet ihr sie per Codes, die an verschiedenen Stellen veröffentlicht werden, zum Beispiel auf Twitter. Den ersten Code für Ashs Pikachu mit der ikonische Kappe gabs gleich im Video: P1KACHUGET.

Pokémon Go und Pokémon Home

Angekündigt hat Ishihara bei der Präsentation außerdem die Unterstützung von Pokémon Go durch Pokémon Home für Ende des Jahres. Dadurch entsteht erstmals eine direkte Verbindung zwischen dem weltbekannten Mobile-Hit und der aktuellen Taschenmonster-Generation. Verbindet ihr beide Spiele mit Pokémon Home, erwarten euch zudem spezielle Geschenke.

Interessant für Cartridge-Fans und Sammler: Am 06. November erscheinen Pokémon Schwert & Schild (jetzt kaufen 334,99 € ) als neue Retailversionen inklusive aller DLC-Inhalte. Abgeschlossen wurde die jüngste Pokémon-Präsentation schließlich mit einem Anime-Musikvideo und einem Song der japanischen Rockband namens «Bump of Chicken».

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Johannes Gehrling


Erweiterungspass für Pokémon Schwert und Schild (DLCs) — Pokémon Schwert und Schild — Editionen — Spiele — Bisafans.de

Erweiterungspass für Pokémon Schwert und Schild (DLCs) — Pokémon Schwert und Schild — Editionen — Spiele — Bisafans.de

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  • Erweiterungspass für Pokémon Schwert und Schild (DLCs)

Für Pokémon Schwert und Schild gibt es DLCs, bzw. einen Erweiterungspass, der im eShop gekauft und heruntergeladen werden kann. Das Erscheinungsdatum für den zweiten Teil des Erweiterungspasses zur Kronen-Schneelande ist für den 23. Oktober 2020 angesetzt.

Im Folgenden findet ihr alle wichtigen Informationen zu den beiden Erweiterungen für Pokémon Schwert und Schild.

Rüstungsinsel (Teil 1) |
Kronen-Schneelande (Teil 2)

Teil 1: Die Insel der Rüstung

Bisher sind die folgenden weiteren Erweiterungspassinhalte bekannt:


  • Neues Gebiet: Schaltet die Rüstungsinsel frei
  • Neue Pokémon: Schaltet über 100 neue Pokémon (aus verschiedensten Generationen) frei
  • Neue Items: Schaltet neue Items, wie beispielsweise einen EP-Pin, frei. Der EP-Pin erlaubt es Pokémon schneller
    zu leveln.
  • Neue Attacken: Schaltet neue Attacken durch den Attacken-Helfer frei
  • Neue Kleidung: Schaltet neue Kleidung und Frisuren für den Spieler frei
  • Neue Ligakarten: Schaltet neue Ligakarten-Hintergründe und -Rahmen frei
  • Neue Kampfart: Schaltet die Kampfart Fokus-Sparring frei in der nur Pokémon eines bestimmten Typen in Kämpfen
    eingesetzt werden dürfen.

Teil 2: Die Schneelande der Krone (Erscheint: 23. Oktober 2020)


  • Neues Gebiet: Schaltet die Kronen-Schneelande frei
  • Neue Pokémon: Schaltet neue Pokémon (aus verschiedensten Generationen) frei
  • Neue Items: Schaltet neue Items frei.
  • Neue Attacken: Schaltet neue Attacken frei
  • Neue Kampfmöglichkeit: Schaltet das Galar-Star-Turnier frei.
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  • Erweiterungspass für Pokémon Schwert und Schild (DLCs)

Catch a Pokémon

The release of Pokemon GO in the USA took place on July 6 and had the effect of an exploding bomb: within a week, the parks and streets of the USA, Australia and New Zealand, where the game was available before anyone else, were flooded with people.

Focused on smartphones, they wandered erratically, wandering into cemeteries, police stations, churches and other, usually not so crowded, places. What can we say about Central Park in New York: there was a whole pandemonium, people with smartphones were catching Pokemon in the bushes.

The photo shows a group of players sitting down to relax in one of the cities of Alaska.

Insect hunting

The mobile game with augmented reality elements (augmented reality), which forced people to take to the streets in search of Pokemon, turned out to be a logical development of the ideas of the “father of Pokemon” — video game designer Satoshi Tajiri : in the early 90s he began to think about how to implement his childhood hobby — hunting for bugs to create a video game.

In 1999, he told Time magazine that urbanization was making things like bug hunting disappear:

“Now the children are more and more staying at home,” he said . This prompted him to the corresponding thought:

«I was thinking about a new game, and suddenly something clicked in my head: I decided to come up with a game with a similar concept. »

Thus was born «Pokemon Universe» — there are 721 varieties — which had to be caught and trained for battle.

This used to happen on computer screens and game consoles. Now Pokémon live among us — only not all of us know about it. And they can be found, caught with a smartphone camera, enclosed in pokeballs right on the streets. In the most unexpected places.

As of July 16, the game has been downloaded by 21 million people. The number of active users exceeded the number of Twitter users. The game has become more popular than Tinder.

According to RBC, since July 6, Nintendo shares have risen in price by more than 50%. The capitalization of the Japanese corporation increased from $17 billion to $30.95 billion. The game earns about $1.6 million a day for Nintendo.

What is the secret of popularity?

Tobias van Schneider, application designer and Medium blogger, analyzed the reasons for the success of the corporation’s new game, which has not been able to boast of any special achievements lately.

Experience . For app developer Niantic, this is not the first game based on augmented reality.

The developer has already released the game Ingress, created according to the same principle: in 2012 it was released for the Android platform, in 2014 for IOS. Despite the fact that the application was downloaded by 12 million people, it did not capture the minds — hardly anyone remembers it now.

The same can’t be said about Pokemon GO: since the game is based on a popular and well-loved story, it exploits nostalgic feelings. In a word, the popularity of Pokemon itself guaranteed her success. In addition, Niantic is owned by Google, which makes it easier to work with geolocation.

Availability . For Russia, this is still not very relevant, but still: downloading the game is elementary. It was released for both Android and IOS at the same time, which is rare. It’s easy to register — all you need is a Google account.

Simplicity . The game will be understood even by those who hear about Pokemon for the first time. It is easy to start and make the first successes in it. It is very easy to get into it — no explanations are needed. Something is constantly happening in it, Pokémon are caught at every turn — and you no longer notice that you spent two hours chasing pocket monsters and do not regret it. You simply move from one task to another and get the desired reward step by step. In addition, there are no tedious tasks in the game like making “friends”, you do not need to constantly share your achievements on social networks — you are not forced to make unnecessary gestures. Just catch Pokemon. They are somewhere nearby.

How to download Pokemon GO in Russia

Despite the fact that the game has not yet been officially released in our country, and the official release date is unknown, Russian users have already found an opportunity to join Pokemon hunters:

For Android : allow the installation of applications from an unknown source in the smartphone settings, then download the APK file with the game.

For IOS , there is only a workaround for installation. First you need to get an account in the United States, New Zealand or Australia, where the game is already available. Then:

1) Sign out of your current Apple ID on your smartphone. This can be done in the «iTunes Store and App Store» settings.

2) In «Settings» — «General» — «Language and Region» you need to change the region to the USA, New Zealand or Australia

3) Next, in the App Store, you need to download any free application and select «Create a new Apple ID» when the system prompts

4) After that, you need to fill out the form and indicate any address of the region that was selected in the second paragraph. It’s easy to find this information online.

5) When all the information is specified, it will be possible to download Pokemon GO without any problems, log out of the new account and change to the main one.

At the same time, due to the change of Apple ID, the settings of some services may be lost. For example, an Apple Music subscription is tied to an Apple ID, so it is recommended to wait for the release of the game in Russia

How it affects people

The effect of the appearance of Pokemon GO on society has already become the subject of active discussion.

Warnings appear: it’s easy to get hit by a car or fall into a hole while chasing Pokémon. There are doubts about whether it is ethical to look for Pokemon in cemeteries, in churches and in the corridors of power structures (according to MK.ru, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation has already publicly advised not to look for pocket monsters in the Kremlin).

The United States Holocaust Museum and Arlington National Cemetery, where «pokestops» were set up — places to replenish resources — required that players refrain from visiting these places.

State Duma deputies, according to Gazeta.ru, have already asked Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to limit officials and security forces in the game Pokemon Go, since playing during working hours can «cause serious harm to the interests of the service and jeopardize the safety of citizens» .

However, most experts see the game’s popularity as pluses rather than minuses.

The game helps to satisfy the primitive instincts.

Namely, the desire to hunt, that is, to chase prey and capture it.

Moreover, along with the hunting instinct, the thirst for knowledge and new discoveries is satisfied. People enjoy getting new goals and objectives, successfully coping with them and moving on to new ones, moving towards new discoveries step by step.

The game gives you the opportunity to move more.

And even travel — for example, the author of The Verge, in search of new Pokémon, decided to get out of Manhattan and Brooklyn, and went on a car trip to Canada, catching rare varieties of pocket monsters along the way and counting the catch. What can we say about those people who walk tens of kilometers and walk their dogs for several hours a day, giving those the opportunity to finally run.

The game brings joy from achievements.

A person needs to regularly receive approval and reward: in the game she waits at every turn, and accordingly, joy can be experienced almost every two minutes.

The game allows you to be satisfied with yourself — this is important in a world where there are more stresses and demands than rewards.

The game helps to communicate in real life.

Even social phobes, that is, those who usually prefer to fight alone in «tanchiki» in their odnushka in Perovo, suddenly find themselves buried in a smartphone next to people like them. These people, strangers, already have something in common. They can talk to each other — and it will not look strange. The game connects the digital world with the real one: virtual reality allows people to meet in person. It’s better than Tinder!

World of News

Since the advent of the apps, news feeds have been flooded with reports of Pokémon being found in the Israeli President’s office and in churches during funerals.

New Zealander, 24 years old, quit his job to devote his full time to chasing Pokémon.

Restaurants in the UK attract players by hosting PokéStops in their premises. In Missouri, robbers have used Pokémon to lure defenseless teenagers into deserted places.

A man in Washington State was forced to stealthily catch a pocket monster while his wife was giving birth. A resident of the United States, trying to catch a Pokemon, while driving a car, crashed into a tree. Over the past week, this and other news about Pokemon GO players has been regularly appearing in the media.

And here’s the latest news: on July 16, when the application was officially released in 26 European countries, the game’s server went down. And not because of the number of downloads: according to the Independent, the hacker group PoodleCorp claimed responsibility for the collapse of the server — the attackers announced on Twitter that it was they who subjected the server to a DDOS attack.

Reality bites

1. Watch your step while playing Pokémon GO.

2. Don’t look for Pokémon in the Kremlin.

3. When you see a Pokémon on the train tracks, be careful: trains move even faster than pocket monsters.

Illustrations: flickr.com , celebcafe.org.


Sergey Kozlov, General Director of Megaplan

The explosive growth that we have been seeing lately is typical only for B2C. All these MSQRD, «Prisma», «World of Tanks» are rare for our Megaplan B2B segment. In general, if I am going to make my own startup, then I will take on Cheburashka and Gena in B2C.

Do you guys play games?

Catch Pokémon

Back to News

On Wednesday, the official release of the Pokemon Go game was released in Russia. Now the fun is available to the Russians without unnecessary tricks (previously, players registered in the Internet segment of those countries where catching pocket monsters is already in full swing). Kursk youth even anticipated the events. Advanced smartphone users have been playing Pokemon Go for weeks now!
On Wednesday in Russia came the official release of the game Pokemon Go. Now the fun is available to the Russians without unnecessary tricks (previously, players registered in the Internet segment of those countries where catching pocket monsters is already in full swing). Kursk youth even anticipated the events. Advanced smartphone users have been playing Pokemon Go for weeks now!
Summer evening in the city… The scorching heat was replaced by coolness. It is easy to breathe and from the fact that the working day is behind. Young people are not in a hurry to go home. Companies and one at a time “hang out” near smart shopping centers.
Met a friend on a bicycle here last week.
— Skating?
— Catching Pokémon.
— Wow! Already? And how many did you catch?
– About a dozen so far… There’s one hiding in a church in the Northwest…
– Don’t you feel sorry for the time for this?
— I don’t hunt Pokémon with precision. I just ride a bike every day. The phone is in your pocket. And if there is a pokemon nearby, the gadget vibrates. It makes riding even more fun.
– What if you get hit by a car or tram tracks?
— I’m not a zombie! I don’t go around with bulging eyes, I don’t throw myself under cars and trams. If there are such, then this is rather a personality defect, and not a toy.
Passion for Pikachu
The excitement around Pokemon Go flared up long before the launch of the game. In Russia, both deputies, and the media, and ordinary people took up arms against hunters for pocket monsters.
— What a horror these Pokémon are, they are deadly! — a regular reader went to the editorial office and casually found out about the topic of the material, but immediately clarified: — Do you play? What is the meaning of the game? What should be done there?
Anti-advertising is also advertising. Representatives of the older generation who are not happy owners or active users of technological innovations are unlikely to get involved in catching Pokemon: no smartphone — nothing to talk about.
Another thing is youth. They have long chosen a cozy virtual reality: online and friends number in the hundreds, and you are a superman, and time flies behind a toy unnoticed. And suddenly they are offered a new level — Pokémon from the network settled on real streets.
For those who are not in the subject,
Pokemon Go is a mobile application for smartphones (Android and iPhone). We launch it and walk around the city. One of the main goals is to catch Pokemon. The application sends a notification that there is some kind of Pikachu near you, for example, in a nearby park. Through the camera of the phone, the image of the Pokemon is superimposed on the picture of the real world. Your task is to catch him.

but offer
Which fruit is the sweetest? That’s right — the one that can not be! You can ban the game, but it is unlikely to change anything.