Gute pc games: Beste PC-Spiele: Liste der beliebtesten Games

Die Siedler (2022) (PC) — Release, News, Systemanforderungen

Läuft gerade
Die Siedler — Maurice ist entsetzt, was Ubisoft aus dem großen Comeback gemacht hat




Siedler kann nur scheitern, weil es für nichts mehr steht

Meinung: Maurice liebt die Siedler. Ihr liebt die Siedler. Aber wir alle lieben so unterschiedliche Dinge daran, dass es kaum noch ein Siedler geben kann, das alle lieben.

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AKTUELLESzu Die Siedler (2022)


vor 3 Wochen

Fan-Remaster & Remakes: Tote Spiele, die dank ihren Fans weiterleben

Wenn der Entwickler ein Spiel verlässt, kommen Fans auf den Plan, die die Titel mit Patches, Source-Ports, Remakes oder Remastern am Leben halten.


vor 3 Wochen

Release verschoben: Alle PC-Spiele, die sich 2022 verspäten

Wir listen euch alle Spiele auf, die später kommen oder sogar gar kein Release-Datum mehr haben — und klären ihre Verschiebungsgründe.


vor 3 Wochen

Die Siedler trifft im neuen Update gute Entscheidungen, aber auch eine furchtbare

Im neuen Entwicklungs-Update zu Die Siedler geht es um Einheiten. Dabei wird eine klare Richtung deutlich. Doch nicht jede Entscheidung klingt auch gut.



Die Siedler: Ubisoft enthüllt mehr Details, doch der Kommentarbereich ist wütend

Ein erneuter Blogeintrag sollte nur das Nahrungssystem beleuchten, doch erneut gibt es im Kommentarbereich darunter Ärger mit den Fans. Das sind die Gründe.



Die Siedler: Ein halbes Jahr nach der Beta-Katastrophe wissen wir, woran gearbeitet wird

Über sechs Monate lang hat sich Ubisoft in Schweige gehüllt, jetzt wurde erstmals konkret darauf eingegangen, woran das Team von Die Siedler arbeitet.


10. 08.2022

Aufbauspiele mit Wuselfaktor: Die besten Siedler-Alternativen

Die neue Ausrichtung von Die Siedler hat viele Fans enttäuscht. Deswegen haben wir euch einige spannende Alternativen herausgesucht, die ihr jetzt spielen könnt!



Siedler kann nur scheitern, weil es für nichts mehr steht

Meinung: Maurice liebt die Siedler. Ihr liebt die Siedler. Aber wir alle lieben so unterschiedliche Dinge daran, dass es kaum noch ein Siedler geben kann, das alle lieben.



Experten-Analyse zu Die Siedler: Was Ubisoft bis zum Release noch ändern kann

Nach großer Kritik schickt Ubisoft Die Siedler wieder in die Werkstatt. Wie das Spiel dadurch gerettet werden soll, können wir nur erahnen. Wir haben deshalb einen langjährigen Branchenexperten nach seiner Meinung befragt.


14. 03.2022

Ubisoft zieht die Notbremse: Ist Die Siedler noch zu retten?

Ubisoft hat die Siedler verschoben — für Maurice und Fabiano die einzig richtige Entscheidung! Aber wie geht’s jetzt weiter? Wie kann es überhaupt weitergehen? Das Spiel muss verbessert werden, das haben die Entwickler eingeräumt. Allerdings haben sie bislang nicht verraten, wo sie genau ansetzen wollen und wie viel Zeit sie sich dafür nehmen wollen. Oder, um es pragmatischer zu sagen: Wie viel Ressourcen sie noch in das Projekt stecken können und wollen.
Maurice und Fabiano wagen eine Prognose, welche Änderungen noch kommen können — und welche vermutlich nicht. Und wie gut das Spiel am Ende sein wird.
Außerdem hat Fabiano eine Kolumne zum Thema geschrieben: Die Verschiebung ist eine Chance, aber nicht die Rettung.
Maurice streamt auch 5 Tage die Woche, schaut doch mal bei seinem Twitch-Kanal vorbei!



Die Siedler: Diese Verschiebung ist eine Chance, aber nicht die Rettung

Meinung: Dass Die Siedler jetzt verschoben wird, ist eine gute Nachricht, die Fabiano hoffen lässt. Ein realistischer Blick auf die Lage dämpft die Stimmung aber wieder.

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Undecember (PC) — Release, News, Systemanforderungen

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Diablo-Fans aufgepasst: Undecember enthüllt Oktober-Release & düsteres Gameplay



vor 2 Wochen

Test: Undecember sollte Diablo-Fans begeistern, stattdessen enttäuscht es sie noch mehr

Juhu: Undecember ist nicht ganz so gierig wie Diablo Immortal. Eine Alternative ist das Action-Rollenspiel denoch nicht, wie unser desillusionierter Tester verrät.

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AKTUELLESzu Undecember


vor 2 Wochen

Test: Undecember sollte Diablo-Fans begeistern, stattdessen enttäuscht es sie noch mehr

Juhu: Undecember ist nicht ganz so gierig wie Diablo Immortal. Eine Alternative ist das Action-Rollenspiel denoch nicht, wie unser desillusionierter Tester verrät.


vor 2 Wochen

Undecember: Im Bosskampf lässt das Action-Rollenspiel Feuer regnen

Undecember kopiert Diablo und hat Unreal-Engine-4-Grafik. Für den kurzen Gameplay-Clip aus der Testversion legen wir einen Bossgegner mit unserem Wirbelwind-Barbaren. Autor Sascha Penzhorn hat das Video aufgenommen und den GameStar-Test zu Undcember geschrieben. Dabei hatte er weit weniger Spaß als vermutet und musste anschließend sogar noch ein Rootkit von seinem PC installieren. Damit es euch nicht genauso geht, solltet ihr vor dem Ausprobieren lieber unseren Test mit Wertung lesen!
Undecember ist ein Action-Rollenspiel auf Free2Play-Basis, der Download auf Steam ist kostenlos. Allerdings bittet euch das Spiel des koreanischen Entwicklers Line Games im Ingame-Shop für allerlei Annehmlichkeiten und Komfort-Features zur Kasse.


vor 3 Wochen

Undecember ist ein Action-RPG, das euch statt Klassen die absolute Freiheit bietet

Im Action-RPG Undecember metzelt ihr euch durch Horden von Monstern. Dabei bietet euch das Spiel ungeahnte Freiheit.


vor 3 Wochen

Diablo-Rivale Undecember schießt bei Steam nach oben, aber Spieler-Kritiken sind vernichtend

Undecember beeindruckt zum Release mit riesigen Spielerzahlen auf Steam — obwohl die Krtiken der Spieler vernichtend ausfallen.



Diablo-Fans aufgepasst: Undecember enthüllt Oktober-Release & düsteres Gameplay

Wenn ihr von Diablo Immortal gnadenlos enttäuscht wurdet und euch die Warterei auf Diablo 4 zu lange dauert, dann solltet ihr einen genaueren Blick auf Undecember werfen, das für PC und Smartphones erscheint. Das Spiel erschien bereits im Januar in Korea und will noch dieses Jahr den Schritt in den Westen wagen.
Hier erwartet euch alles, was ihr von einem Hack.and.Slay-Rollenspiel erwartet: Große Monstermassen, viel Loot und eine fesselnde Charakterprogression. Der Trailer konzentriert sich aber darauf, euch die primäre Gameplayloop zu demonstrieren: Die Kämpfe. Dafür seht ihr im Trailer die verschiedenen Fähigkeiten der einzelnen Klassen, mit denen die sich gegen die genannten Scharen von Dämonen zur Wehr setzen.
Lange wird es bis zum Release auch nicht mehr dauern. Denn zusammen mit dem Trailer wurde auch ein Releasetermin bekanntgegeben. Das Spiel erscheint noch diesen Monat am 12. Oktober 2022.
Wer lieber das echte Diablo in neuen Gewand spielen will, dem helfen Fans weiter! Die basteln nämlich gerne inoffizielle Remaster zu ihren Lieblingssspielen und mit DevilutionX gibt es eines zum allerersten Diablo, das ihr nicht nur auf dem PC, sondern sogar auf dem Smartphone spielen könnt!



Bekommt Diablo 4 schon vor Release Konkurrenz? Bosskämpfe in Undecember enthüllt

Bosskämpfe gehören zu Action-Rollenspielen wie Zitronensaft aufs Schnitzel. Das kommende Hack&Slash Undecember stellt seine Akt-Endgegner im Trailer vor. Wie gewohnt geht’s gegen riesige Monster in die Schlacht, die Spieler mit massig Attacken unter Druck setzen.
Undecember erinnert mit seinem düsteren Stil an Diablo 4 und erscheint auch noch früher. Ob als ernsthafte Konkurrenz oder eher Wegzehrung, das müssen die Spieler am 12. Oktober entscheiden, wenn Undecember auf Steam erscheint. Bis dahin könnt ihr gern unsere Preview zu Undecember lesen.
Indes schlägt Diablo 4 in Sascha Penzhorns Augen einen Weg ein, der ihm so gar nicht gefällt. Und Maurice Weber spricht im Video zu Diablo 4 über die Sorgen vieler Fans hinsichtlich des Ingame-Shops.



Undecember: Das kostenlose Action-Rollenspiel pfeift auf Klassen — und genau das macht es so spannend

Mit einem neuen Ansatz bei der Charakterentwicklung möchte sich Undecember zum Rivalen von Diablo 4 mausern. Was hat der koreanische Titel sonst noch zu bieten?



Undecember: Der Diablo-Konkurrent lässt im actionreichen Trailer die Waffen sprechen

Im Action-Rollenspiel Undecember könnt ihr euren Charakter ganz nach eigenen Vorstellungen entwickeln. Das Spiel verzichtet nämlich auf das Genre-typische Klassensystem und setzt auf Runen, mit denen ihr euren Spielstil festigen und immer weiter spezialisieren könnt.
Klingt spannend? Dann schaut doch am besten in unsere Spielvorstellung rein, wo ihr noch viel mehr über das Spiel erfahrt. In Korea ist Undecember bereits im Januar gestartet, im Westen soll es ebenfalls noch 2022 soweit sein.

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The most spectacular games for those who do not like to play / Sudo Null IT News

Not everyone likes to play computer games. Imagine you are chatting with an ideal new partner who shares many of your preferences and interests, but when asked if he likes shooters or RPGs, he replies: “Oh, I don’t really play games much, but I like Candy Crush, does that count?»

Before you say «I see, bye» and retire surrounded by cats, remember that some PC games are just as fun to watch as they are to play, especially if the viewer is not a gamer. Perhaps they will even contribute to the fact that your significant other will try to plunge into the world of gaming. And now you are already organizing raids together and arguing which part of Fallout is better … or you will be left alone. But it’s still worth the risk.

Some genres of games are much more spectacular than others. Moving the sliders and looking at the stats in a grand strategy game can be fun for a player, but for most others it will be comparable to watching Excel spreadsheets in terms of fun.

In this article, we will present a list of the best games sorted into categories that will be interesting to watch. You’ll probably notice that horror is often on the list; they’re definitely fun to watch, and since most of these games don’t have weapons, it’s incredibly stressful to watch.

Interactive storytelling

The best genre of games for viewers. These cinematic masterpieces have come a long way from the garbage games of the 90s with FMV inserts to modern incarnations that have become much closer to the dream of «managing the movie», while providing much more interactivity than crap like Star Trek: Borg.

Detroit: Become Human

Few companies excel at creating interactive storytelling the way Quantic Dream does. Once upon a time, their biggest hits were PlayStation exclusives, but in 2019year, PC players could finally rejoice that these projects appeared on their platform. Let’s start with the most recent and successful game called Detroit: Become Human .

D:BH has all the hallmarks of a cinematic game: complex choices with lasting consequences, lots of quick-time events, and a great story (three stories, to be exact). Diagrams shown at the end of each chapter show how events could have unfolded and motivate you to replay the game.

The audience watches a film about the prejudices the androids face in the future, complete with excellent performances by Jesse Williams, Clancy Brown and Lance Henriksen. You genuinely empathize with the characters, and despite the fact that the game has a lot of civil rights allegories that not everyone takes lightly, it remains one of the best representatives of the genre.

Heavy Rain

Originally released on PlayStation 2 in 2010, this thriller became ayear another hit for PC. Eleven years ago, it was revolutionary enough to win a bunch of awards and be one of the best reasons to buy a PlayStation.

Would you trust this person?

Although less technically advanced than Become Human, Heavy Rain is an excellent kidnapping detective story that keeps viewers guessing (often wrongly) until the very end about the identity of the Origami Master’s killer. Achieving the «best» ending is a lot of fun, and the game also boasts a soundtrack that would fit right in with a real feature film.

With technical flaws and at least one plot hole, Heavy Rain is nonetheless an absorbing, emotional experience. Don’t be put off by its age, it’s still a great game to play and fun to watch.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan

If Quantic Dream is Intel’s analogue of the cinematic genre, then Supermassive Games is AMD. This British studio challenged the leader in 2015 with the brilliant Until Dawn, which allowed many PS4 owners to convince their partners that buying a console is a good idea. Unfortunately, this game remained a console exclusive, but the company released a similar Dark Pictures Anthology series on PC, starting with Man of Medan.

The game, which mainly takes place on a gloomy ship, allows you to choose response options, guided by the «head» or «heart» of the character, or by remaining silent. As in Until Dawn, the goal is to make sure that as many people as possible survive to the end, and there are several endings. Losing characters is genuinely frustrating, especially if you’ve become attached to them.

Man of Medan has stayed about the same as Until Dawn, some of the quick-time events are as complex as Indigo Prophecy, and the main plot twist can be a little disappointing, but those negatives don’t stop you from enjoying the horror movie.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope

The second part of Dark Pictures Anthology is more like not a «Ghost Ship», but a «Witch» with a share of Silent Hill. It contains most of the features, gameplay elements and mechanics of the previous game, but also has several improvements.

Luckily, the developers got rid of the clunky management, and the intensity of quick-time events has been reduced. The game contains several «screamers» and has a sinister atmosphere, as well as six different endings. Another reason to buy is the participation of actor Will Poulter (We’re the Millers, Detroit, The Maze Runner), who excels in each of his roles.

The final plot twist may seem controversial, but the game is still Supermassive Games’ best project since Until Dawn. Let’s hope that the third part of the series, House of Ashes, which will be released this year, will be even better.

Indigo Prophecy (Fahrenheit)

Indigo Prophecy, known outside of North America as Fahrenheit, is another Quantic Dream game. It is closer to traditional games, but still allows viewers who are not involved in the process to enjoy the story. Plus, she’s a little crazy.

You can understand that Indigo Prophecy is a little eccentric when in the tutorial we meet the head of the company, David Cage. It’s rare to see a company founder explaining how to play her game through a virtual movie scene, but here it is.

From there, the game turns out to be just as strange: Maya sacrifices, AI rebelling, and the quest for eternal life are all part of an often confusing plot. But it’s definitely entertaining and contains a lot of cinematic-style combo shots.

There is even a completely non-erotic sex scene in the game, which looks like two crash test dummies mating and is accompanied by the longest quick-time event sequence in history.

Episodic games

Episodic games mimic television series and are released in small installments, making them ideal for watching. Their hallmark is the mechanics of choices and consequences.

Most Telltale Games

The collapse of Telltale Games in 2018 was a sad event. The company has been a master of episodic games, turning many famous franchises into series that force you to make frantic decisions until the timer runs out, always remembering that some character will “remember your choice”.

Here are the best Telltale games (in descending order of interest) that we heartily recommend:

  • The Walking Dead: The TellTale Definitive Series (all 19 episodes)
  • Tales from the Borderlands
  • The Wolf Among Us
  • Batman: The Telltale Series
  • Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy

The Walking Dead is widely regarded as Telltale’s best game, but Tales from the Borderlands, Minecraft: Story Mode, Batman, The Wolf Among Us, and Guardians of the Galaxy are also great.

If you’re a fan of the respective franchises, then you’ll probably enjoy Telltale’s interpretation of them.

Life is Strange franchise

French developer Dontnod has proven with its Life is Strange series that it can create episodic games as well as Telltale. The best is considered the first part, which tells the story of Max Caulfield and her ability to rewind time back.

The rewind time mechanic helps Life is Strange stand out from other similar games. Despite the slight tenseness of the stealth parts and the controversial ending, the overall plot is emotional and memorable.

A prequel to the series called Life is Strange: Before the Storm will be a good addition for those who liked the first game. However, the time manipulation has been removed from it and has been replaced with the Skirmish ability, which can improve or aggravate the situation.

Before the Storm, Dontnod released Life is Strange 2. It starts a little slower, but then the pace picks up, and political topics can cause disputes between the player and the audience. Or even quarrels.

Narrative games

The main thing in them is the plot. While this can be said of all the games featured here, narrative games do not place more emphasis on choice/consequence mechanics, but rather on telling a memorable story.


A first-person game about a firehouse in the Shoshone National Forest, set in 1989, might not seem like much of a deal, but the characters, dialogue, story, and relationships between protagonist Henry and his boss, Delilah, communicate between them only on the radio, implemented just fine.

Among other elements that make Firewatch such a spectacular action, it has a cute graphic style, has an emotional impact and contains a mystery that contributes to the rising tension. It’s hard to find other games with better voice acting that makes the game feel more like a movie than a traditional game.

As with many of the games featured in this article, the ending can be a little disappointing, but that’s the only downside.

What Remains of Edith Finch

Since its release in 2017, Giant Sparrow’s What Remains of Edith Finch has received a ton of nominations and awards, and it’s easy to see why. The player explores the maze-like home of the Finch family, unraveling the mysteries of the curse that caused all but one of the children to die in every generation.

Each allegorical tale of how each member of the family met their demise is told in a magical way, despite the dark subject matter. Some disparagingly call these games «walking simulators» (walking simulator), but in addition to movement and observation, they also have interactivity, and each scene offers players something new.

The game stands out for its beauty, creepiness and unforgettable; in addition, Edith Finch can be completed in just two hours, making it perfect for viewers who are fed up with Netflix and Amazon Prime.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

Any project that begins with the words «this game is a narrative process that will not lead you by the hand» gives an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat awaits the player. The Vanishing of Ethan Carter combines many elements: puzzles, exploration, and yes, walking.

Here you will find a good horror story, and the graphics and environments look amazing even seven years after the release of the game; often the gameplay resembles a journey through a creepy postcard. The passage takes 4-6 hours, so the audience will not get bored.

The mine scene is pretty repetitive, but The Vanishing of Ethan Carter remains one of the best games in its category.


Oxenfree differs from most of the first-person games described in the article, it uses a 2. 5D perspective. The game has many dialogue options, but the main focus is on story, exploration, and puzzles.

Released in 2016 by Night School Studio, this project proudly showcases its 80s film influences: fans will see references to films ranging from The Goonies to Poltergeist.

The supernatural plot is gripping, the use of the radio to communicate with the otherworldly is terrifying, and the time loop mechanics are well thought out.

Although Oxenfree has occasional pacing issues, it is only four hours long. As in the case of games where there are options for phrases, here the audience can also influence the gameplay. Plus, there are no «bad» options that are in most games.

Other genres

Many games do not fall into one of the above categories, but they are still great entertainment for the audience …

The Medium

The most recent game on our list was so successful that it paid off its development and advertising costs in just a few days. The Medium is an incredibly atmospheric project that managed to combine an exciting well-developed plot with moments of horror and a couple of «screamers».

The cinematic gameplay is enhanced by the use of a unique split-screen mechanic that is a lot of fun to watch. Spectators and players are constantly in a state of intense tension, and the partially fixed camera brings back memories of 90s horror movies like Alone in the Dark and Resident Evil.

The puzzles aren’t particularly difficult, the story is gripping, and some parts of the game are downright suspenseful. In addition, multiple cutscenes make the passage even more cinematic — Hollywood should definitely work on a film adaptation of the game.

A Plague Tale: Innocence

A Plague Tale: Innocence manages to combine many genres — adventure, puzzle, stealth, action — but the «glue» that holds it all together is a compelling story.

Set in the year 1349, the game follows Amicia and her younger brother Hugh as they flee the Inquisition through plague-stricken France while avoiding hordes of rats who want to eat them.

A Plague Tale: Innocence feels like you’re taking control of the characters in an oil painting. The game is a pleasure to watch, and while the final boss is a bit out of style, it remains one of the best examples of a game that is beautiful, fun to play, and fun to watch.

Blair Witch

A few years before the creation of The Medium, the Bloober Team released another horror game, a kind of sequel to the Blair Witch Project.

Some moments of Blair Witch where the player doesn’t know what to do next can be too boring for non-gamers, but the closeness to the film’s source material, cinematic scenes and scary sequences help to increase entertainment.

Blair Witch takes about six hours to complete and has five different endings, so it’s definitely worth exploring for those who don’t like games but love horror movies.

Outlast 1 and 2

Despite its similarities to Blair Witch, the Outlast series instills less of an intimidating sense of menace, relying more on «screamers». There are no fights in the game, to stay alive, you need to sneak, hide and run.

The most important gameplay mechanic in these games is the camcorder’s night vision mode, which you should definitely use in complete darkness. Players must look for batteries to keep the camera from running out of power, and this adds to the feeling of horror. When the camera «dies» and you hear something approaching you in the dark, it’s really scary.

But not everyone likes screamers, and some moments of Outlast games can make you change your pants, which is problematic if a potential lover is watching your game.

Other games worth mentioning

Gone Home : An excellent Edith Finch style game. Sometimes viewers will have to read quite voluminous texts.

Assassin’s Creed Origins / AC Odyssey / AC Valhalla and Red Dead Redemption 2 : Many modern open world games are like very long films, and these Ubisoft and Rockstar games are some of the most cinematic. They look amazing, but too long travel, collecting items, minor side quests and actions can seem boring to viewers.

Resident Evil 2 and 3 remakes : Efficient inventory management and block dragging doesn’t seem like much of a thrill to viewers, but there are enough scary, impressive moments in these games that fans of the George Romero movies, as well as former gamers who have played in the originals of these parts of the games.

Observer : Another Bloober Team horror game starring the late Rutger Hauer. This is an excellent game that combines cyberpunk and horror with a detailed world, but some of its lengthy parts are not particularly suitable for viewers.

Have we missed any of your favorite games? Share them in the comments.

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Pirates of the XXI century (History of the Corsaray Game) 9000 heading «Computer games»

  • in the author’s column fox_mulder
  • All the heroes of this drama

    From the filibuster to the master of science

    They will converge on the edge of this pit,

    Where Flint buried the chest with piastres.

    Everything will start from the old map,

    As a result, some will not collect the bones,

    And the island that could be a resort,

    The object will be diabolical passions.

    (m\f «Treasure Island» , 1988)

    Whether we like it or not, modern society loves to idealize the marginalized. Calculate, somehow at your leisure, how many books have been written to justify the crimes of cruel bandits with streamlined formulations from the series “but they are also people” and how many films try to idealize the images of innocently “shot” guys and other whites. However, not a single criminal gang in the history of mankind has received such a share of interest and admiration from the common public as sea pirates. One-legged, one-eyed, crowned with earrings, bandanas and parrots sitting on their shoulders, barking greasy marine curses under their breath and singing their favorite song about a bottle of rum — these characters have long migrated from the usual reality to the fictional world of mass stereotypes, where any gloomy overgrown kid is right there takes on the guise of the charismatic Johnny Depp and turns out to be not an ordinary thief or murderer, but another romantic rebel for no reason. At times like these, it even becomes a little pitiful that people who sincerely admire pirates have never had the opportunity to cross the ocean on the ship XVII and experience in their own skin the same primeval horror that inevitably overtook the crew and passengers at the very moment when they realized that they are pursued by another ship under the Jolly Roger, inhabited by human garbage, ready to kill anyone just because it is much easier to pick out a gold tooth from a corpse than from a living person. Even those works where pirates are depicted not as charming hooligans, but as bloodthirsty bandits like Stevenson’s «Treasure Islands» still contributes to the romanticization of this image, because in addition to the cut throats, there is also an old pirate map with Flint’s notes, and the island that is put into the name, fraught with untold riches — that’s romance! And which of us, as a child, did not imagine himself standing on the mast of a ship plowing the seas under a black flag, who did not dream of fierce fencing fights and the subsequent sharing of treasures with his comrades? And who at night did not see breakers crashing on the shores of a mysterious island and did not hear the hoarse voice of an old parrot repeating: «Piastres! Piasters!»

    But first, a little chronology.

    1987 Sid Meier’s Pirates! , developed and published by «MicroProse» . As the name suggests, the author of the game was 33-year-old Sid Meyer , the future creator of «Civilization» , and «Pirates» became one of the first steps that ultimately led Sid to the very top of the gaming Olympus, making him one of most famous game designers in modern history. «Pirates» was based on a slightly modified concept «Elite» (1984) — actually the first representative of the privateer \ trader simulator genre in gaming history, only from far outer space the action was transferred to the area of ​​the Caribbean archipelago during the heyday of piracy. As you probably guessed, you had to play as the captain of a small pirate ship that plowed the sea between 40 islands, each of which you could go to, buy goods in the store for sale in a neighboring colony, replenish your team with regulars from the local tavern, or get a task from the governor. However, most of the game took place at sea, where we had to hunt down ships and make sure that we ourselves were not tracked down by anyone else. In a collision with an enemy ship, the game turned from a strategic view from above into a two-dimensional arcade slasher with the participation of two captains — ours and the enemy, and the outcome of the battle was decided in the course of the good old fencing duel with swords and competition, who calls out to whom faster. Sid Meier’s Pirates had no plot or pre-written characters, but it was actually one of the first full-fledged open world games in history, so it was just incredibly popular. The original was developed for the Commodore 64 platform, but over the next six years, «MicroProse» produced a huge number of ports to other platforms, including the Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, NES, Sega Genesis, Sega CD and Windows 3.x. Back to top 9In the 0s of the last century, «Sid Meier’s Pirates» was considered one of the most sought-after games in the history of the industry, and its simple concept was forever imprinted in the minds of the then gamers: when we say «a game about pirates», it is not the face of Guybrush that immediately comes to mind Threepwood from the magnificent series «Monkey Island» , and above all the same boat that plows the harsh expanses of the Caribbean Sea.