Blizzard neues mmo: Create a new universe with us — All News — Blizzard News

Blizzard kündigt neues Survival-Game für PC und Konsolen an

In einem Blogpost hat Blizzard, der Entwickler hinter dem MMORPG World of Warcraft, ein neues Spiel angekündigt. Bisher hat dieses noch keinen Namen, lediglich ein Genre: Survival. MeinMMO verrät, was wir über das Projekt wissen.

Was ist das für ein Spiel? Im offiziellen Blogpost von Blizzard heißt es, dass das neue Spiel ein „brandneues Survival-Spiel für PC und Konsole“ sein wird. Features werden nicht konkret genannt, aber es soll eine Welt voller Helden, Geschichten und Abenteuern werden.

Der Fokus liegt anscheinend auf Erkundung und darauf, seine eigene Geschichte zu schreiben sowie die Welt aufzubauen. Das klingt nach klassischen Survival-Elementen im Stil von Spielen wie ARK: Survival Evolved oder Conan Exiles.

Im Post sucht Blizzard insbesondere nach Mitarbeitern in der Kunst- und Design-Abteilung sowie nach Software-Spezialisten für Software, Server und Audio.

Wann erscheint das Spiel? Ein Release-Datum ist bisher noch nicht angegeben. Da das Studio aktuell erst nach Entwicklern sucht, dürfte der Release noch einige Zeit in der Zukunft liegen.

Update: Allerdings befindet sich der unbekannte Titel auch schon in einem spielbaren Zustand.

Der Blizzard-Chef Mike Ybarra schrieb auf Twitter, dass er schon „viele Stunden“ mit dem Team gespielt hätte. Möglicherweise ist das Projekt also doch schon weiter fortgeschritten. Bildmaterial gibt es bisher aber nur wenig – neben unserem Titelbild hat Blizzard lediglich ein Banner gepostet:

Das sagt Blizzard: Laut Blogpost will Blizzard eine „Reise in ein ganz neues Universum“ mit dem neuen Spiel antreten. Es wird also kein bekanntes Setting in den beliebten Welten von Warcraft, StarCraft oder Diablo. Weiter ins Detail geht das Studio dabei allerdings nicht.

Auch die Features sind noch weitgehend unbekannt. Allerdings lässt die Beschreibung: „eine große Welt voller Möglichkeiten, die darauf warten, erkundet zu werden“ auf einige Genre-spezifischen Inhalte schließen:

  • eine Open World mit versteckten Orten, die es zu erkunden gilt
  • freies Klassen- und Skill-System, in dem jeder sich selbt aussucht, was und wie er spielt
  • möglicherweise Crafting und Bau, um die Welt nach eigenen Vorstellungen umzuwandeln

Da die Rede ebenfalls von einem „Platz voller Helden“ ist, dürfte es sich bei dem neuen Spiel um einen Multiplayer oder ein MMO handeln.

Das erste Teaser-Bild zeigt zudem eine grüne Landschaft mit einem fliegenden Schloss im Hintergrund, dagegen eher moderne Menschen mit einem Fahrrad im Vordergrund. Es ist gut möglich, dass es sich um ein Fantasy-Setting mit Bezügen zur realen Welt handelt.

Activision Blizzard kündigte vor kurzem erst an, dass eine mögliche, große Übernahme ansteht. Microsoft will die Firma aufkaufen und hätte damit mit Sicherheit auch die Finger mit in der neuen Ankündigung. Wenn hier also die Rede von „PC und Konsolen“ ist, könnte vor allem die Xbox gemeint sein.

Spannend ist ebenfalls, dass die Möglichkeit besteht, das Spiel dann im Game Pass zu erhalten. Sollte der Kauf von Microsoft bestätigt werden, stehen die Chancen gut, dass ihr das Survival-Game im ohnehin schon umfangreichen Spiele-Abo erhaltet.

So lange ihr auf das neue Spiel wartet, könnt ihr euch bereits in anderen Titeln des Genres austoben:

Die besten Survival-Games 2021/2022 für PlayStation, PC und Xbox

Heute stellt Blizzard ein neues Spiel zu Warcraft vor

Am 3. Mai findet ein neues Event von Blizzard statt, bei dem das neue Mobile-Spiel zu Warcraft vorgestellt wird. Wir von MeinMMO verraten, wann das Event stattfindet, was bisher zu dem Spiel bekannt ist und was es laut Leakern werden soll.

Update 19:30 Uhr: Alle Infos zu Warcraft: Arclight Rumble findet ihr in diesem Artikel:

Update 18:30 Uhr: Wir wissen jetzt, dass das Spiel Warcraft: Arclight Rumble heißt.

Update 3. Mai 17:00 Uhr: In der Kompanien-App von WoW ist bereits die Rede von einem Strategie-Spiel zu Warcraft. Das deutet darauf hin, dass es wohl das Spiel im Stile von Clash of Clans werden könnte, das heute vorgestellt wird.

Wann findet die Vorstellung statt? Warcraft Mobile wird am 3. Mai um 19:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit vorgestellt. Den Livestream könnt ihr über die offizielle Webseite von Blizzard verfolgen.

Wir von MeinMMO werden direkt nach der Ankündigung alle wichtigen Informationen für euch in einem Artikel zusammenfassen.

Was wird das für ein Spiel? Das ist noch nicht wirklich bekannt. Allerdings gibt es bereits zwei interessante Aussagen von Bobby Kotik zu dem Spiel:

  • Es soll ein neues Premium-Produkt im Warcraft-Universum werden
  • Man möchte damit die Community von World of Warcraft aufrechterhalten und vergrößern
  • Außerdem gab es vor Jahren eine Stellenanzeige, in der nach Mitarbeitern für ein MMO-RTS als Mobile-Game gesucht wurde

Ob es tatsächlich ein Strategiespiel oder doch etwas völlig anderes wird, werden wir wohl morgen erfahren. Allerdings haben die Spieler einige Theorien und ein bekannter Gaming-Journalist scheint diese teilweise bestätigen zu können.

Wer übrigens nach einem neuen Strategiespiel von den Warcraft-Machern sucht, sollte Spellcraft im Blick behalten. Hier ein Trailer dazu:

Wird Warcraft Mobile eine eigene Version von Clash of Clans?

Was vermuten die Spieler? Folgende Spieler-Theorien zu Warcraft Mobile gibt es derzeit:

  • Ein Klon von Pokémon GO
  • Ein eigenes Mobile-MMORPG
  • Pet-Battles aus WoW als eigenes Spiel
  • Ein Hero-Collector
  • Ein RTS, etwa in Richtung von Clash of Clans
  • Ein eigenes MOBA, das man mit dem Sammelfaktor eines Hero-Collectors verbinden könnte

Der bekannte Gaming-Journalist Jason Schreier behauptet, dass Blizzard derzeit an mindestens zwei Mobile-Spielen arbeiten soll. Eins davon soll ein Spiel ähnlich wie Clash of Clans werden, eins wiederum soll an Pokémon GO angelehnt sein (via Resetera).

Welches dieser beiden Spiele morgen angekündigt wird, ist derzeit nicht bekannt. Allerdings soll das Warcraft GO bereits gecancelt worden sein, wie der Redakteur Jez Corden von Windows Central behauptet (via Twitter). Alles deutet also auf eine Art Clash of Clans hin.

Wie könnte ein Clash of Clans im Stil von Warcraft aussehen? Bei RTS und Mobile denkt man zuerst an Clash of Clans. Dort baut ihr euch ein eigenes Dorf mit Ressourcen, Wällen, Verteidigungsanlagen und Kasernen auf und greift von dort aus andere Spieler an – oder werdet von ihnen angegriffen.

Die grundsätzliche Idee passt also gut zur Warcraft-Franchise und ließe sich sogar mit ikonischen Persönlichkeiten aus der Welt verbinden.

Der Schritt wäre zudem für Blizzard logisch, denn Clash of Clans ist ein riesiger Erfolg und hat sogar eine eigene E-Sports-Szene. Das Spiel wurde 2016 von Tencent gekauft und half dem Gaming-Riesen noch größer zu werden:

Eine Gaming-Firma ist größer als Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft – Und ihr Wappen ist ein verdammter Pinguin

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what happened to Titan — Blizzard’s massive MMO — DTF Games

The story of one of the most mysterious canceled games in history.


Fan game logo

In the history of Blizzard, there were enough canceled projects: take at least Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans or action StarCraft: Ghost. However, Titan stands out among them, an ambitious MMO that was supposed to attract even more players than World of Warcraft.

Work on Titan began in 2007, with over 100 people working on the game at its peak. But it was canceled after six years of development, and the finished developments formed the basis for Overwatch. For all this time, not a single video or screenshot of Titan has hit the network, but some information can still be found.

We tell everything that is known about Titan and the reasons for its cancellation.

Development progress

The first hints of Titan were found by fans in late 2007, when Blizzard’s website posted a lead 3D artist for a «Next Generation MMO». Players immediately began discussing the news on the World of Warcraft forums, and it received publicity in the media.

Blizzard’s community manager soon confirmed that the studio was indeed expanding for a new game. He clarified that it was not about an add-on for WoW, and that was the end of the official information. The public wondered what the project might be about: discussions included versions of MMOs based on StarCraft or one of the old franchises — The Lost Vikings, Blackthorne.

World of Warcraft

Blizzard started talking about the new MMO publicly in 2008. Studio CEO and co-founder Michael Morheim assured that the game would not be a sequel to WoW and would be noticeably different from it. According to him, Blizzard was not going to replace one MMO hit with another and hoped that there would be a place in the market for both games.

Meanwhile, WoW game director Jeff Kaplan joked that the setting of the next game would include sci-fi, near future, post-apocalypse, and history. The head of Activision, Bobby Kotick, in turn, mentioned in 2009 that the game would be aimed at a «wider audience» than WoW. At that time, the project did not have a working title.

Michael Morheim

It appeared in November 2010, when a document showing Blizzard’s release schedule for the next five years was found online. Thanks to the «leak», the public learned that the studio planned to release a new MMO codenamed Titan in the fourth quarter of 2013.

The same document stated that Diablo III would be released in late 2011 and would receive several expansions over the course of a couple of years after release. The studio had similar plans for StarCraft II. The leak also mentioned that a WoW movie would appear in 2012.

The Roadmap turned out to be rather inaccurate. So, the film adaptation of Warcraft was released only in 2016, and Diablo III launched in May 2012 — six months later than the designated date. By the way, the leak happened because of the Chinese division of Blizzard, whose general manager soon resigned. In 2011, the developers began to mention the mystery game again in interviews.

The media shouldn’t have heard about Titan. This is a new generation MMO, and we started talking about it in order to attract new developers — the best in the entire industry.

Frank Pierce,

co-founder of Blizzard

In February, Michael Morheim revealed that Titan was being worked on by experienced MMO developers who had been involved in WoW for several years. He reiterated that the game is fundamentally different from World of Warcraft, and it is quite expected that it will be possible to play with friends or guildmates.

Blizzard’s COO Paul Sams also mentioned the experienced team, promising that Titan would «blow the players out». In March 2011, according to him, the developers were already playing the new MMO with might and main, and they really liked it. Moreover, Sams hoped that the game would be relevant even 20 years after the release.

World of Warcraft

More encouraging news about Titan came from Blizzard game designer Rob Pardo in September 2012. He noted that work on the game was carried out for about four years, and at that moment more than 100 people worked on it. According to Pardo, Titan was in the middle of development, so from the outside it seemed that everything was fine with her.

Cancellation and rethinking

Everything changed in May 2013, when rumors surfaced that Titan was restarting development and that 70 developers were being pulled from the project. A Blizzard spokesperson quickly commented on yet another «leak», noting that the authors need to make major design and technical changes to the game. That’s what the rest of the team did.

Titan concept art posted by artist Chris Xia

In August of the same year, Morhaime made it clear that Blizzard was rethinking Titan: for example, the studio planned to abandon the subscription model, and also, apparently, port the game to a new engine. The developer assured that everything that happens with Titan is a normal Blizzard workflow. But at the same time, new vacancies for the game were quietly removed from the company’s website.

The next news about Titan turned out to be a closing announcement. They were shared personally by Morhaime in September 2014, noting that the decision was not easy for Blizzard. But he insisted that in the long run the studio will only benefit, as such events allow you to change the approach to work and gain experience. In addition, the developers did not want the studio to be associated only with MMOs.

We made WoW and became confident that we know how to make an MMO. So the team took on the most ambitious project imaginable. But nothing happened. We failed to make the game fun and exciting. You know that the development of Titan was restarted: it was then that the team wondered if they wanted to make just such a game. The answer turned out to be negative.

Michael Morheim, co-founder of Blizzard

Analysts speculated that Titan apparently lacked uniqueness, so Blizzard decided to cancel it. The studio was not even stopped by the $50 million spent on seven years of development. Its leaders understood that the financial losses could be much greater if the game failed.

In addition, the authors probably felt that the new MMO would not be able to compete with shareware games that took over the market in the mid-2010s. One of them, by the way, was Hearthstone from Blizzard itself.


However, the developments for Titan still came in handy. In recent months, a team of 40 people has been working on the game, led by game designers Jeff Kaplan and Chris Metzen. After the cancellation of the MMO, Blizzard bosses tasked the developers with six weeks to come up with a new idea. Otherwise, they would all be transferred to other departments.

With the popularity of Team Fortress 2 and the MOBA genre in mind, the team assembled a prototype team shooter from Titan assets that would later be called Overwatch. The management liked the developments, and the game was launched into development. It was released in May 2016 and launched a new studio franchise.

Overwatch 2

Despite the fact that Overwatch and Titan were significantly different, there were still overlaps between the two games. So, the Temple of Anubis map was originally developed for MMO, and the game classes from Titan were rethought into heroes: for example, Tracer is based on the Jumper class.

Morhaime left Blizzard in 2019 and mentioned Titan again in one of his first interviews after leaving. According to him, the developers were unable to cope with the scale of the game, and the engine did not allow to implement everything planned.

Titan was very ambitious and was considered a next generation MMO. The game took place in a new universe, it had several modes and much more. It was as if we were making two games that could not be put together.

Michael Morheim,

co-founder of Blizzard

Titan’s story began in 2007 and ended seven years later. Since then, Blizzard has not talked about the game, but some details did make it to the net.

Game details

There have been rumors about Titan for several years, but not a single video or screenshot has hit the net. In April 2013, possible details about the game appeared on the forums, but it is far from certain that they were true.

According to that leak, Titan had a deep history, time travel, lots of Warcraft Easter eggs, and a huge arsenal ranging from firearms to magic. Moreover, Blizzard hired well-known writers to work on the story: for example, Richard Knaak, the author of books on Warcraft.

Titan concept art posted by artist Chris Xia

However, you can understand what MMO was like thanks to Jason Schreier’s material for Kotaku. After the game’s cancellation, the journalist spoke to some of Titan’s developers, who chose not to reveal their names.

According to them, the action of the game took place in the near future on «a sci-fi version of our planet», where the earthlings managed to fight off an alien invasion. The player character led a double life: during the day he was engaged in ordinary work (mechanic, cook), and at night he fought in the ranks of one of the factions for control of the planet.

Titan concept art posted by artist Trent Kanyuga

Fights took place in large arenas in the so-called «shadow world», located all over the globe — from the USA to Australia. Blizzard wanted to make the world of Titan huge and was going to constantly expand it through add-ons.

Schreier’s interlocutor, familiar with the game, told how it was supposed to work. For example, a character could cooperate with a corporation and help it run a store. Then the faction called the hero on a mission, and he, changing clothes on the go, went to fight the enemies along with a group of friends. The player could ignore the request for help and continue with the routine — fixing cars or building a business.

Titan concept art posted by artist Trent Kanyuga

The game had five character classes with their own abilities, items and skins: Reaper, Jumper, Titan, Ranger and Juggernaut. «Jumpers», for example, teleported, and the Rangers became invisible. Game modes were familiar: the heroes could participate, for example, in deathmatch or capture the flag.

Visually, the game looked like a cross between the StarCraft II cinematics and the Incredibles cartoon with a touch of Team Fortress II. Titan had two views — third and first person. Apparently, the first one was used in the daily life of the heroes, and the second one was used during battles in the shadow world.

Titan concept art posted by artist Chris Xia

Blizzard planned to work out both game modes to the smallest detail. For example, in the ordinary world, there had to be a convincing simulation of life. So, NPC vendors recognized the player and communicated with him in different ways: depending on how often he bought goods from them.

Since the heroes had the opportunity to start their own business, Blizzard intended the cities in Titan to resemble busy metropolitan areas filled with player heroes and NPCs. It was planned that the characters would even be able to start a family, further deepening social bonds with others.

Titan concept art posted by artist Trent Kanyuga

Schreier noted that this was the original vision for the Titan.