Battlefield 3 komplettlösung ps3: Battlefield 3 — Komplettlösung, Multiplayer-Tipps und -Taktiken

Battlefield 3 — Komplettlösung, Multiplayer-Tipps und -Taktiken

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Battlefield 3 bietet euch eine vielfältige Auswahl an Möglichkeiten. Nicht nur durch die Anzahl der verschiedenen Spielmodi, sondern vor allem durch die taktische Breite des genialen Multiplayers, der euch die nächsten Wochen, Monate oder sogar Jahre beschäftigen kann.

Daher bieten wir euch mal wieder eine Komplettlösung zum Spiel an, die sämtliche Bereiche des Titels abdeckt und in den nächsten Tagen stets erweitert wird.

Die Kampagne sowie den kooperativen Modus haben wir für euch jeweils auf dem harten Schwierigkeitsgrad durchgespielt und helfen euch durch die schwierigsten Momente in jedem einzelnen Level. Dazu verraten wir euch, wie ihr an die zahlreichen Erfolge gelangt, die von euch die verschiedensten Aufgaben in der Kampagne verlangen. Die gleiche Prozedur wiederholen wir dann in der kooperativen Story.

Anschließend folgen alle wichtigen Tipps, Tricks und Taktiken zum Multiplayer und wir verraten euch, wie ihr auf den Karten vorgehen solltet und welche Klasse am besten zu euch passt. Natürlich geben wir euch zu jedem Spieltyp ein paar allgemeine Tipps an die Hand, die vor allem neue Spieler im Battlefield-Universum die ersten Stunden im Einstieg erleichtern.

Für erfahrene Spieler fertigen wir zudem eine Liste mit allen Auszeichnungen an und sagen euch, wie ihr sie ergattern könnt.

Also schaut in den kommenden Tagen immer wieder vorbei, um die neusten Updates dieser Komplettlösung zu sehen.


  • 1. Battlefield 3 Komplettlösung: Mission — Semper Fidelis
  • 2. Battlefield 3 Komplettlösung: Mission — Operation Swordbreaker
  • 3. Battlefield 3 Komplettlösung: Mission — Aufstand
  • 4. Battlefield 3 Komplettlösung: Mission — Auf der Jagd
  • 5. Battlefield 3 Komplettlösung: Mission — Operation Guillotine
  • 6. Battlefield 3 Komplettlösung: Mission — Genossen
  • 7. Battlefield 3 Komplettlösung: Mission — Donnerlauf
  • 8. Battlefield 3 Komplettlösung: Mission — Keine Angst vor Bösem
  • 9. Battlefield 3 Komplettlösung: Mission — Nachtschicht
  • 10. Battlefield 3 Komplettlösung: Mission — Ein steiniger Weg
  • 11. Battlefield 3 Komplettlösung: Mission — Kaffarov
  • 12. Battlefield 3 Komplettlösung: Mission — Der grosse Zerstörer


  • 1. Battlefield 3 Mulitplayer: Tipps für Anfänger
  • 2. Battlefield 3 Mulitplayer: Wichtige Unterschiede zu Call of Duty (Und anderen Shootern)
  • 3. Battlefield 3 Mulitplayer: Burst Fire
  • 4. Battlefield 3 Mulitplayer: Squad-Guide

Erfolge und Trophäen

  • 1. Battlefield 3 Erfolge und Trophäen: Kampagne — Teil 1
  • 2. Battlefield 3 Erfolge und Trophäen: Kampagne — Teil 2
  • 3. Battlefield 3 Erfolge und Trophäen: Kooperative Kampagne
  • 4. Battlefield 3 Erfolge und Trophäen: Multiplayer


  • 1. Battlefield 3 Ordensbänder: Feinde ausschalten
  • 2. Battlefield 3 Ordensbänder: Fahrzeuge
  • 3. Battlefield 3 Ordensbänder: Bester Spieler und Runden gewinnen
  • 4. Battlefield 3 Ordensbänder: Rundenziele

Guide for Battlefield 3 — Story walkthrough

For the story walkthrough you will be required to complete on Hard difficulty which shouldn’t be too hard if you have played shooters before. If not the game shouldn’t provide too much challenge and I will point out all combat sections as-well as collectibles. This guide will focus on hard difficulty however with missions based achievements like not getting hit while in the jet you will want to do those on a lower difficulty to save some frustration.

1. Semper Fidelis

This is the first mission of the campaign and will introduce you to the controls as-well as some QTE’s. You will first be jumping on a train to get at some threat, the game will quickly run you through all the standard tutorial duck, shoot and take cover kinds of things. Anyway, you will fall through a window of the train and be tasked with fighting through the bad guys to get to the end.

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You can quickly kill the two attackers with the pistol in front of you and move through the train carriage until you get to the next fight. Again, kill the five or so enemies in here, pick up a AK47-U and move on to the next train cart to find it blocked by a M104 shotgun stuck in the door. Remove it and a cut-scene will ensure where your guy will get ambushed. After killing him, you will run forward to watch a guy with a bomb trigger ignore him and jump out the window to the left.

Follow the QTE queues to get across the train carts and avoid getting shot as there is no cover on top of the train. After shooting a few guys off the side of the train, an explosion will occur shortly after and you will shoot a guy. Drop down and quickly mow down the line of people running at you, then move on to shoot up the next cart taking cover where necessary.

After the firefight is over keep on going to the final cart to meet a bad-guy in a mask and engage in fisticuffs with another bad guy who will ambush you. Now we will flash forward and get an achievement:

2. Operation Swordbreaker

After the last mission’s cutscene ends Blackburn will now recount his time spent during Operation Swordbreaker in Iraq. This will be just a follow along for now enjoying the scenery and get some dialogue before moving into the combat section.

After the briefing, you will be tasked with some combat while finding Marines in the area, so follow your squad around through some back-streets and a school. Some foreshadowing about Earthquake tremors and you will cross a street and enter a garage where combat will suddenly break out with sniper fire. Drag the injured marine by spamming the X button and you will then be in the middle of an engagement.

Use the sniper rifle you have to pick off enemies and duck in cover as necessary to recover health. They will spawn across from you and jump down into your area, so should be easy to take out the first wave of enemies. Now your AI team-mates will inform you of enemies moving to your right so snipe them as they jump over railings to get at you. Explode cars with your bullets to clear them out a bit quicker.

Once the area is clear follow your team-mates to clear out the sniper nest. Head up the stairs of the garage building and once at the top ignore the sniper fire and move across with your M16 at the ready to deal with the enemies that will come through the door in front of you. Clear them out and move on listening to more talk about Al Bashir.

Once on the roof, remember to only move from cover after the sniper has fired a burst at you. Move across until there is no cover and go prone to the edge of the roof. You will be tasked with firing a rocket at the tall building with a yellow sign, once your team-mates start firing then you can hit the orange marker with the rocket. Watch the best destruction of the campaign and move on to the left.

You will need to protect a group of soldiers moving through the neighborhood, which shouldn’t be too hard. Using the sniper, first to your left there will be one group of soldiers who will try their hardest to shoot you, take out the guys on the roof and then the guys on the street. Second group will happen after Doc moves up, shoot the bad-guys on the street and then the two guys appearing in an apartment building to the left.

If they say many thanks and run off down an alley, you will unlock:

A video:

Credit: Roosterteeth

You will get to street level eventually after waiting for your team-mates to make a bridge and jump down the buildings. Go through the marketplace and your team-mates will open a door leading to an in-door marketplace. Grab some ammo from the crate and throw grenades to clear out the alley. Use M16 to clean up enemies, no need to worry about ammo just mow them down. Move up and clear more enemies out with the M16, then head back for some ammo. Move past the dead Marines to get to a street to then be instructed on defusing a bomb which is to your right.

Follow the lead into a building, through a duct turning right when possible to find the bomb room where you will unplug the wire only to be ambushed again (This game loves doing that). Watch Blackburn beat him up and then head back out now the bomb is defused. You will be instructed once outside to man an LMG, but don’t do that. Instead use the stairs leading up as cover and snipe the enemies running down the street, until the enemy’s numbers are shot up by a Little Bird. Then run back to the enemy jeep and use the LMG to mow down enemies until an earthquake finishes the mission.

3. Uprising

  • Shock Troop

    Survived the quake

Story based achievement. Any difficulty.

Now a cutscene will play with you Blackburn being interviewed by some guys, once the cutscene ends we will continue the story in Uprising.

You will need to battle your way through enemy filled streets but first we have to wait for the enemies to leave with your team-mate. You will only have a knife for now, so stealth is key until you have a gun and aren’t so out-numbered. Crouch walk and prone crawl through the trench looking at the very scenes playing out around you, at the end of the trench you must kill an overly aggressive rat (Yikes!).

Enter a room and stealth takedown the first guy, upon which you must quickly shoot the other two enemies with your newly acquired gun. Kill reinforcements and move up shooting as you go, clear and move. At the end of the hallway you will need to press up on the d-pad so we can the next achievement, run through the trench ignoring the enemies. Once at the end of the trench run to the right and up on a ledge, notice the yellow car. We will crouch walk on the ledge until we are at the car and spam B to knock the car off the ledge. This should kill the two enemies patrolling below for an achievement, if not reload the checkpoint. Should get:

Clear the car park with grenades and AK fire taking cover as needed, more reinforcements will come for you. Just shoot them as they come from the right then check the left part for enemies. Move up, use the cars as cover as some enemies will be hiding in the building to the right. Move in there and grab some ammo. Throw a grenade at the roller door when it starts moving to get the enemy and take cover as enemies are just outside. Kill them all and move towards the red bus, it is important that you stay in this bus.

Kill the three enemies just outside with the flashlights as normal, then move to the back of the bus (DON’T LEAVE THE BUS) to spot two enemies off in the distance. If you look closely while still in the bus you may notice the black tops of their heads, if not just shoot at the objects in front of you until the achievement pops:

A video if you are finding them hard to see like I did:

Credit – gamespot

Move forward and the building will crush anyone who may have been still around and move in the building to the left and be prepared. As you move in, there will be a hallway with two enemies to the right. Once you kill them, you will exit and meet up with a team-mate who will help you out of the nightmarish landscape. Turns out the PLR are causing trouble in the area, anyway rush the vehicle and a short cut-scene will ensure as your guy gets in. Use the turret to blast the enemies at the rendezvous point, once done a VTOL bird will try to land but is driven off by RPGs. Your Humvee will blow up and RPGs will rain down. Rush to the VTOL as it lands to extract to the scenery of crumbling buildings.

4. Going Hunting

Ok before doing this mission I must stress what a perfect run exactly is:

  • No hits from the enemy jets
  • No reloading checkpoints, must restart mission each time you fail
  • There is no “dashboarding” to avoid mission restarts
  • And only one missile hit allowed for each jet
  • If there is a fast beeping sound that means you will need to dump flares, only do when you see the missile fire otherwise it will hit you.

Another cutscene interview will ensue with some more questions will lead up to another segment, not about Blackburn this time. The achievement for this level begins at the start so a mission restart will mean you have to do the long walk to the jet each time you fail. This will drive you nuts and I recommend doing it on Easy to make it far less stressful. For this I will presume you are doing it on Easy to try and guide you to the achievement.

Anyway, no need to guide you through this bit as it is strictly on rails, once you get to the jet follow the button presses on-screen to prepare the jet for take-off. You soon will take-off in what is one of the more tedious on-rail segments you will see after a few playthroughs of it. At some point after flying around you will oversee weapon defences and ensuring that the jet does not get hit. For this achievement, you will not want to get hit. I highly recommend watching a video because that will give you a better idea of timing. As this is a fast paced section I will list order of enemies, the first enemy to buzz you doesn’t count as a hit as it is scripted.

The order of the jets:

  1. Plane 1: Defend first. Fire after 2nd flare is dropped by enemy
  2. Plane 2: Fire as soon as you’re locked
  3. Plane 3: Fire as soon as you’re locked
  4. Plane 4: Defend first. Fire after 2nd flare is dropped
  5. Plane 5: Fire as soon as you’re locked. Defend against two enemy jets.
  6. Plane 6: Fire after 2nd flare is dropped by enemy
  7. Plane 7: Fire after 3rd flare, 2nd flare jet will do a barrel roll so don’t fire.

If you get through all seven enemy jets without getting hit or firing more then one missile per jet, after a hefty amount of flying your achievement will pop wants your guy switches screens. You will get:

You should use this video as an additional tip:

Creditt: 360GameTV

Now that the worst is over with, time to help out with some bombing runs, you will receive targets and will need to lase them for the bombers to take out. First you will need to take out the SAMs which is just placing your circle over them until the missiles blow them up. Then lase the fighter jets using the infrared feed to take them out, you must remain over them until the bomb hits. Then take out a helicopter and some on-foot hostiles to finish up the mission. Once your jet lands back on the aircraft carrier, the mission will end.

5. Operation Guillotine

A cut-scene will play as usual, this time they want to know about the nuke in Tehran.

When you start you will be in overwatch on an hill looking over Tehran getting briefed on the mission. You are part of the mortar team for this mission, run down the hill following the other soldiers. Don’t worry about the explosions as those are scripted just do your best to get into position. Once the mortar is setup and the cutscene plays showing you load the mortar for firing. After one shot you will go over a wall and move down a small incline while being shot at. Use the rocks for cover and grab a better weapon off the ground if you want. After killing a small group of enemies, you will move to the right into a rive where more enemies will shoot at you. Take cover and pick them off one at a time.

After that you will see some stairs where they came from, move up them but still use them as cover as you engage the entrenched enemies. A grenade or two will clear the closest position however you will need to move to the cover in front of you to get at the enemy position in the distance. Here is where a better gun may help due to distance and you being prone to absorbing bullets it is best to shoot at them until you have killed them all. Your team-mate may insist on flanking the MG nest nearby but that is a bad idea while there are guys shooting at you. Anyway, once the area is clear, move up to the wall and use it as cover. Move to the right and prepare to help take out the MG nest, move up the stairs and throw a frag into the window your team-mates are talking about. A burning man will fall out the door to the right of the window, go in there and follow your allies to the next area. When at the door mash the button as prompted and quickly kill the three soldiers waiting for you.

Afterwards you will need to get into a Humvee outside where you will be driven to the next combat section. After a long drive there will be a rather obvious ambush setup and you will need to clear a roadblock. As soon as the Marines are blown up by a RPG you will want to run for some cover and stay there until you are told to follow a Marine. Kill a few enemies but don’t bother trying to kill them all, run forward and prepare to flush out the attackers on the bridge.

Follow the Marines to the top of the bridge and use the truck on the left of the bridge as cover, pick off enemies as usual and take pot shots at the ones that are hard to hit. Once enemy fire dies down a bit move up to the car in front of the truck and clear out the rest of the bridge. Be very careful here as it is easy to get killed as the darkness and smoke make enemies hard to see. Move across the bridge, until you find some cover that gives you a shot on the MG nest. Quickly hose him down with bullets and the objective will be complete.

The pattern will repeat itself once you climb up the wrecked bridge section, take cover behind cars and fight your way across the streets. Plenty of cover so take your time clearing out the enemies, notice there spawns from the left jumping down and the back where they will run down the street towards you. Once they are all dead a tank will show up and your Marines will rush down a trench, follow them and get blown into a building. Not much to the next section just follow your fellow Marines until they take you across a street and up some stairs. Quickly kill the enemies and drop your least used weapon for a Javelin. In front, an objective marker will point out a T90 that needs to be taken out. Lock on and fire to take the sucker out, fall back as soon as the tank blows up. Use the building as cover until the second tank shows up, then pop out and blow him up. Quickly turn left and lock on to the next tank, fire.

Now we run across the street following your team-mates again, you will need to seize the building in front. Follow your team-mate that runs off and before moving up again clear out some enemies before going in. Run to the left and you will sandbags for perfect cover, mow down a dozen enemies not using cover. Then get boosted over a wall to the next area, wait for your team-mate and he will want a boost up this time. He will drop a ladder for you to climb up and follow his risky parkour then engage in a QTE to kill the guy that jumps you.

The cover in the building isn’t the best so just take cover where you can and just spray the positions with bullets and grenades. Mover around the floor to get at the guys on the other parts of the sections, as you move up grab the sniper rifle near the dead guy in a blue shirt. That should allow you to finish off this section with ease. Abuse prone to get to better positions as most of the cover is waist high and terrible for engaging enemies. Notice that enemies shoot from the floor above, just keep moving around until they are all dead. Next grenade the bottom floor to get the rest of the Marines in the building.

Now we head into the sub-basement level, once again following our team-mates who will insist on rappelling down an elevator shaft. Your character will then be tasked with dropping a flashbang in there and then heading in. Once in just shoot the first four guys and take cover on the wall a little further down to the left. Pick off enemies hiding behind the shelves and corners of this corridor, hopefully your team-mates do a good amount of the killing. They will blow open a gate once the area is clear, hoping to find the biggest bad-guy in Tehran. Instead after a lengthy talking segment it turns out they want to nukes some places, you will find one of the nukes but are missing two. The mission will end with a fade to black and some ominous words from your team-mates.

You will get at the end of the mission:

  • Where are the other two?

    Found the nuke



You will be driving down a Parisian road with some Russians, you are Dima and must prevent the Paris nuclear attack. Enjoy the background information and scenery while you drive to the destination. Once there, you will have to hit some wires with a knife. Run through the car-park, as we are on hard no need to rush. Pick off the enemies to begin the firefight to the right are some cars to use as cover. Kill all exposed enemies and move up to clear out the harder to hit enemies.

Once clear we go the back and go down some stairs to clear the next area. These guys will be heavy hitters, so try and get an angle on them without getting shot apart and go down the ramp once clear. Here the enemies will be shooting RPGs at you, kill that guy first as he should stick out. Then do the same thing as before and pick off enemies as you see them, moving only as needed until the area is clear. The final enemies will be hiding behind the railings at the back, now you can follow the exit signs up some stairs and through some corridors. Your team will stop at a door where some terrorists where setting up a bomb, once that is all cleaned up chase after your team-mates once again. At the top of the stairs you will be ambushed yet again and engage in another round of fisticuffs which end up with the guy being thrown off a balcony.

Move through the office space your first real opportunity to utilise the micro-destruction to blow apart walls and dividers to kill enemies without needing them to come out of cover. With that and grenades this area should be cleared out fairly quickly. Move through the cubicles and take on some enemies in a large office area and rush up the stairs ignoring the remaining enemies for now. Once you breach the upstairs door enemies will rush at you so take them out and as more reinforcements rush in marvel at the destruction you cause with grenades. Enemies won’t stand much of a chance so rush out of here to breach a massive media room.

In the media room, there will be enemies upstairs and using pillars at the back as cover. If any are in the booths flush them out with grenades. Shoot the exposed enemies behind the pillars to regain control of the ground floor of this room, once that is done your team-mates picked off a lot of the top floor. You can now proceed across the room through another door. Here yet again you will have a QTE with some terrorist, this one will get a taste of his own medicine literally. Follow them through the door the main guy went and blast the two enemies in here.

We are now exiting into a large open street area with plenty of police running around, with again many enemies. Clear the few enemies here and move to the right to engage in a large firefight that continues down the street. As usual clear out one group and then move up, clear out the next group and you will see a van pull up full of enemies. They will make easy targets, follow your team-mates making short work of the remaining enemies. At this point we have run towards a side street and seen one of our guys get taken out by an RPG. These guys really are organised and well-armed for terrorists in the middle of Paris. Anyway, say goodbye to your team-mate and rush down the alley, over the railings and up to the metro station to complete the mission and watch your failure to stop the bomb.

You will get:

For the achievement that requires a speed run, you will need to do the mission’s ending in 2:30 so use a time if needed. Do this on easy, do not try on hard or it will be just making it way harder than it needs to be. Simply rush all positions follow the hard guide except being much more absorbent you can get away with more haste.

The timer will begin once you exit out onto the streets where a cop car gets blown up that is when the timer starts. Just run past enemies, ignore them for the most part as they won’t be able to spawn quick enough to overwhelm you on easy. Shoot enemies in your way with a spray of AK fire, they will die really quick and you won’t lose much time.

When you see your friend get blown up most time will be lost to this cut-scene just rush through this side-street afterwards and this should pop-up:

Otherwise restart the mission as you would have triggered too many checkpoints.

Here is a video:

Credit: NextGenWalkthroughs

4. Story Walkthrough 7-12
2. General hints and tips

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This walkthrough is the property of This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. and its users have no affiliation with any of this game’s creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners.

Battlefield 3 Premium [PS3] [PAL] [Ru/En] [Repack] 2011

game for free » download » Download torrent Battlefield 3 Premium [PS3] [PAL] [Ru/En] [Repack] 2011 | R.G. Inferno free in Russian


  • Size: 18 GB
  • Category: download / PS3 games
  • Downloads: 2 451
  • Comments: 0
  • Update date: 01/14/2013

Battlefield 3 Premium review

Release date: October 25, 2011
Release date in Russia: October 27, 2011
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Website: ea. com/ru/battlefield3


: EA Digital Illusions CE
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Publisher in Russia: Electronic Arts
Released by: R.G. Inferno

Interface language: Russian, English
Voice language: Russian, English
Subtitle language: Russian, English
Localization: Electronic Arts

Platform: PS3
Publication type: Repack
Region: PAL
Disc code: NPUB-30742
Firmware/Manager: CFW 4.21 / CFW 4.30
Description: Media type: Internal HDD 9002

Battlefield 3 in the ranks of the valiant American Marines, players will take
participation in fictional international conflicts in different parts of the world
ball — from the crowded streets of Paris and New York to the deserted suburbs
Tehran. In single player campaign, multiplayer and
joint passage of hostilities will unfold on the ground, in
air, in the open sea — depending on the venue
operations will have to vary tactics.


  • Frostbite 2.
    Battlefield 3 Introduces Frostbite 2, Incredible Technology
    lifting animation, destruction, lighting, scales and sound on
    hitherto unseen heights. Built on this powerful Battlefield 3 engine
    completely immerses players in the game world.
  • Feel the fight.
    Feel the impact of bullets and explosions, pull the wounded comrades out of
    the thick of the fight and shoot point-blank from virtually any surface.
    Stunning Battlefield 3 animations, stunning special effects and
    the realism of the battle will allow you to fully feel the real
    feeling of war, as in no other game of this genre.
  • The whole set of equipment.
    The best gaming embodiment of battles using technology becomes
    more perfect, pushing in one battle supersonic fighters with
    an impressive range of land, air and sea equipment. Among the others
    fan favorites and returning features — cards for 64
    players and the ability to lie down on the ground.
  • Battles in cities.
    Go with the battles of modern warfare through the legendary and unexpected places in
    USA, Mid-East and Europe, including narrow streets, central
    areas of megacities and open types that allow the use of technology

Release features:

  • Nothing was transcoded
  • Cut all the localizations (except Russian and English)
  • Game of the latest version 1.08
  • Sented 10 DLC (Back to Karkand, Close, Close, Armored Kill, Aftermath, Online Pass, Weapon Packs, etc.)
  • Launch via XMB icon (Without manager)
  • Installation split into 5 DVD5
  • Repacked by [R.G. Inferno]


  • Installation instructions from disk:
    1. Burn the file to disk.
    2. Insert the disc into the console and go to Game \ Install Package Files
    3. Select the installation file and press X .
    4. Repeat the procedure from point 1-3 with other files.
    5. Start the game in HMV.

  • Installation instructions from Flash card:
    1. Copy file(s) to media.
    2. Insert Flash into the console and go to Game \ Install Package Files
    3. Select the installation file and press X .
    4. Repeat the procedure from point 1-3 with other files.
    5. Start the game in HMV.

Battlefield 3 Premium [PS3] [PAL] [Ru/En] [Repack] 2011 | R.G. Inferno
stay on the distribution

Battlefield 3 Premium [PS3] [PAL] [Ru/En] [Repack] 2011 | R.G. Inferno


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Brief blog. A little opinion about Battlefield 3 — Games on DTF


Toooo, tooduduooo, tooduduoo, tooduduoo, tooduduoo, toodudududuuuu. ..

My story with Battlefield 3 started much later than the release of the game — in 2020 — when I bought a disc for my PS3 . Yes, already now many will say: BF3 is primarily a PC game. And, probably, I agree, but I didn’t have this alternative, since my “old man” at that time pulled it very badly. Perhaps, having played on the Orthodox platform , I would have had a different experience, but the story turned out differently. So, may be those who may — that is, that is.

I’ll start right away with dispelling the main myth: the game is quite playable on Playstation 3 . Yes, of course, there are small framedrops up to 28 — sometimes up to 24 frames, but something catastrophic, as I heard in some videos at YouTube was not. We are now talking about multiplayer and some very difficult situations. The single surprises with the graphics, within the framework of the «curling iron», of course. With the PC version, of course, it is incomparable, but for iron of 2005-2006, is very, very good. At the same time, resolutions of are almost 720p — 1280 * 704 (let’s just say, if you don’t know, you won’t notice — «soap» is not observed). For such a technological game, this is a miracle, nothing less.

Now let’s move on to the game itself.

The starting mode for me was multiplayer, and the first map was Metro . On it I learned the basics and understanding of the gameplay. At some point, I got bored, and I gradually moved to Sen and Bazaar , and then to Kaspiyka , Firestorm and Khark Island . In parallel with this, I changed classes, starting with an attack medic and ending with a close-range sniper, bypassing the support class (it didn’t really go to me). Subsequently, Kaspiyka and Firestorm became my favorite maps, although I often returned to the Metro, Bazaar and Khark — the Seine was not always lucky, as it seems to be very popular. On it, by the way, there is one unpleasant glitch: at some random moment, the game can simply freeze tightly when choosing a class and a respawn point. It is treated by rebooting the console. What is the reason, I did not understand, but this happens exclusively on this map. By the way, I played almost always at Conquest mode : I liked it the most. It also reminded me of the times when I played with bots in Battlefield 2 .

At some point I decided to try a single. Here, of course, I can’t say that I greatly regretted it, but I also can’t say that I received some fundamentally new impressions either. In my opinion, single player is clearly not the strongest side of the game. The BF3 single turned out to be some kind of squeeze of the best ideas from the series Modern Warfare and Black Ops which is great but not surprising. Still, in this indicator, the main competitor of Modern Warfare 3 , in my opinion, is stronger, although I can’t call it a standard with all my love.

Unfortunately, I can’t say anything about the cooperative, because I haven’t been able (yet) to feel it.

Well, it’s time to talk about online.

Let’s just say that is still alive after 10 years. Yes, there are probably no over-peak online for a long time, but at the same time, I had no problems with finding a server or a queue. Basically, I played on Czech, Hungarian and, it seems, Polish servers, which were already slowly filling up at 20:00 Kyiv time. Overall, good online observed in period from 20:00-01:00 . It seems that the men came from work and sat down to nostalgic. Sometimes, when my main ones were empty (most often during the day), I played on other European and sometimes American servers, but there the ping jumped in places. Most of the servers, of course, were private, but I did not notice any difference: the standard regulation is mainly used.

Balance is the only thing you can find fault with. Quite often, newcomers end up with tough hardened guys where they just can’t do anything. And I think it’s not even, in fact, in experience, but in knowledge of and understanding of the cards themselves .