Lösung hitman absolution: Komplettlösung Hitman — Absolution

Hitman: Absolution: Videos und Trailer — Gamesaktuell

X360 , PS3

Hitman: Absolution — Trailer zur kostenlosen ICA-App für iOS und Android

  Square Enix hat eine kostenlose Hitman: ICA-App für iOS und Android veröffentlicht. Mit dem Programm lassen sich unter anderem Statistiken und Hintergrundinfos abrufen sowie Aufträge planen. In einem neuen Trailer stellt Square Enix die Features genauer vor.

Leservideo PC , X360

Hitman Parodie auf Youtube — Leser-News von Mjfan1996

  Auf Youtube gibt es viele lustige Videos. Doch so etwas konnte man bisher noch nicht sehen: Eine Parodie auf Hitman, gespielt von Kindern im Alter zwischen 5 und 10 Jahren.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Absolution

  Ein Video zu unserer Komplettlösung zu Hitman: Absolution aus der Mission ‘Absolution’.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Blackwater Park

  Ein Video zu unserer Hitman Absolution-Gesamtlösung aus der Mission Blackwater Park

PC , PS3

Hire Hitman: Agent 47 schaltet eure Freunde aus

  Mit der Hire Hitman-App auf Facebook kann man Agent 47 den Auftrag geben seine Freunde auszuschalten, wenn sie nicht gut genug gekleidet sind, nie einen ausgeben oder einfach nur schlecht spielen.

PC , PS3

Hitman Absolution: Neuer Trailer für Deus Ex DLC

  Zu Hitman Absolution kommen zwei neue DLCs, die zusammen mit den Entwicklern von Deus Ex: Human Revolution entwickelt wurden. Dabei handelt es sich um “Deus Ex Anzug” und die “Deus Ex Zenith-Pistole”, mit denen Spieler Agent 47 im Contracts-Modus in Adam Jensens berühmter Kampfmontur verkleiden können.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: One of a Kind

  Ein Video zu unserer Hitman Absolution-Lösung aus der Mission One of a Kind

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Sledgehammer 2

  Ein weiteres Video zu unserer Hitman Absolution-Lösung aus der Mission Sledgehammer

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Sledgehammer 1

  Ein Video zu unserer Hitman-Lösung aus der Mission Sledgehammer

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Skurky’s Law

  In diesem Video zeigen wir euch Szenen aus der Mission «Skurky’s Law» aus Hitman: Absolution. Es ist Teil unserer Komplettlösung.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Attack of the Saints

  Die Mission «Attack of the Saints» ist Gegenstand dieses Videos aus unserer Hitman: Absolution-Komplettlösung.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Fight Night

  Eine Szene aus dem Level Fight Night — Teil unserer Komplettlösung zu Hitman: Absoltuion

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Death Factory

  Dieses Video ist Teil unserer Lösung zu Hitman:Absolution und zeigt Szenen aus der Mission «Death Factory».

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Dexter Industries

  In diesem Video geht es um die Mission «Dexter Industries» aus Hitman: Absoltuion. Der Clip ist Teil unserer Komplettlösung zu Square Enix’ Meuchlerspiel.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: End of the Road

  Die Mission End of the Road aus Hitman Absolution ist Gegnstand dieses Videos zu unseer Komplettlösung.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Shaving Lenny

  Weiter geht es mit den Videos zu unserer Hitman Absolution-Lösung. In diesem Clip seht ihr Szenen aus der Mission «Shaving Lenny».

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Welcome to Hope

  Die Mission «Welcome to Hope» ist Gegenstand dieses Videos zu unserer Hitman Absolution-Komplettlösung.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Birdie’s Gift

  In einem weiteren Video zu unserer Hitman Absolution-Komplettlösung seht ihr Szenen aus der Mission Birdie’s Gift.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Rosewood

  In diesem Video zu unserer Hitman Absolution-Lösung seht ihr Szenen aus der Mission Rosewood.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Hunter and Hunted

  Dies ist ein weiteres Video zu unserer Hitman Absolution-Komplettlösung und zeigt euch die Mission «Hunter and Hunted»

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Run For Your Life

  In diesem Video zu unserer Komplettlösung zu Hitman: Absolution zeigen wir euch Szenen aus der Mission «Run for Your Life».

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Der König von Chinatown

  Dem König von Chinatown geht es in diesem Video an den Kragen. In diesem Clip zeigen wir euch eine Möglichkeit, wie ihr die erste echte Mission von Hitman: Absolution lösen könnt.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Terminus-Hotel 2

  Auch in diesem Video zu Hitman: Absolution zeigen wir euch, wie ihr euch durch das Terminus-Hotel schleicht und meuchelt. Der Clip ist Teil unserer Komplettlösung zu Hitman: Absolution.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Terminus-Hotel 1

  In diesem Video zu unserer Hitman: Absolution-Komplettlösung zeigen wir euch einen Ausschnitt aus der Mission im Terminus-Hotel.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Lösung: Der Prolog

  Dieses Video gehört zu unserer Komplettlösung zu Hitman: Absolution und zeigt eine Szene aus dem Prolog des Spiels.

PC , PS3

Hitman: Absolution im Videotest

  Agent 47 ist zurück — und besser denn je. In unserem Testvideo nehmen wir PC- und Konsolenversionen des neuen Meuchlerspiels gründlich unter die Lupe und verraten euch, warum Hitman Absolution süchtig macht.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution angespielt: Die ersten 10 Minuten mit Agent 47

  Agent 47 kehrt nach langer Abstinenz zurück auf den PC — mit aktueller Technik sowie dem altbekannten Spielprinzip. Entwickler IO Interactive spendiert dem DX11-Titel allerdings diverse Komfortfunktionen, welche den Hitman besser denn je machen. Wir spielen zehn Minuten das Tutorial an.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution: die ersten 25 Minuten

  In diesem Video zeigen wir euch die ersten 25 Minuten aus Hitman Absolution. Darin seht ihr den Beginn der Story und ein ziemlich unterhaltsames Tutorial, in dem Agent 47 sehr viele Gegner in Wäschekörbe u.ä. stopft.

PC , PS3

Hitman: Absolution — Atmosphärischer Launch-Trailer

  Im offiziellen Launch-Trailer zu Hitman: Absolution geht es so richtig zur Sache, wie man es von Agent 47 gewohnt ist. Unterlegt mit knallharten Bässen will uns das Video auf den Release des Titels am 19. November vorbereiten.

PC , PS3

Hitman: Absolution — ICA-File-Video zu Agent 47

  IO Interactive und Square Enix haben zu Hitman: Absolution ein neues ICA-File-Video veröffentlicht, das sich dieses Mal um Agent 47 kümmert.

PC , PS3

Hitman: Absolution — Introducing the Ultimate Assassin

  In diesem siebten und letzten Teil der Introducing-Reihe zu Hitman: Absolution sehen wir wie der Spieler die Fähigkeiten von Agent 47 einsetzen kann, falls er das nötig hat, denn es geht auch ganz ohne. Wie schon in den vorherigen Teilen, so entstand auch dieses Video komplett mit Ingame Gameplay-Elementen, welche die Leistungsfähigkeit der Glacier 2-Engine demonstrieren.

PC , PS3

Hitman: Absolution — Video zeigt die lebendige Spielwelt

  In diesem «Living Breathing World» getauften Video zeigen uns die Entwickler die belebte Welt von Hitman: Absolution. Jeder Charakter im Spiel verfolgt seine eigenen Ziele und trägt so dazu bei, die Spielwelt so glaubwürdig wie nur möglich wirken zu lassen. Sämtliche im Video zu sehenden Sequenzen bestehen aus Gameplay-Szenen die mit der Glacier 2-Engine zum Leben erweckt wurden.

PC , PS3

Hitman: Absolution — Behind-the-Scenes zur Sprachausgabe

  In diesem Behind-the-Scenes-Video gehen Audio Director Thomas Bärtschi und sein Team auf das Dynamic-Sound-System ein, welches vor allem durch seine glaubwürdigen Dialoge und die Sprachausgabe zum Leben erweckt wird. Erst an zweiter Stelle stünden die Sound-Effekte und die Kusikuntermalung.

PC , PS3

Hitman: Absolution — Internationaler Kinospot

  Square Enix und IO Interactive präsentieren uns nun den internationalen Kinospot zum kommenden Hitman: Absolution. Der Trailer wird untermalt durch einen exklusiven Remix des Titels «Roadgame», erstellt von DJ Kavinsky.

PC , PS3

Hitman: Absolution — Bekleidungstipps für Profikiller

  Kleider machen Leute, das weiß jeder, doch Kleidung kann noch viel mehr! Sie kann einen zum Beispiel in der Menge unsichtbar machen oder als jemand ganz anderes erscheinen lassen. Seht in diesem Video wie wichtig der richtige Zwirn für einen Profikiller wie Nummer 47 ist.

PC , PS3

Hitman: Absolution Unboxing der Deluxe Professional Edition

  Dies ist das offizielle Unboxing-Video von Square Enix zur streng limitierten Deluxe Professional-Edition von Hitman: Absolution. Zusätzlich zu der Professional Edition, welcher ein gebundenes Artbook, eine umfangreiche Making-Of-DVD und der „Agency-Waffen-Pack“-DLC beiliegt, enthält die streng limitierte Deluxe Professional Edition außerdem eine exklusive 25,4 cm große Agent 47 Vinyl-Statue.

PC , PS3

Hitman: Absolution — Behind-the-Scenes zum Storytelling

  In diesem Behind-the-Scenes-Video zu Hitman: Absolution steht das Storytelling im Mittelpunkt. Square Enix und IO Interactive gewähren uns exklusive Einblicke in die Geschichte des Titels und beleuchten die Charaktere. Ebenfalls gezeigt wird wie die aufwändigen Zwischensequenzen erstellt wurden und welche Techniken man dafür verwendete.

X360 , PS3

Hitman: Absolution: Preview zum neuen Spiel mit Agent 47

  Am 20. November darf Agent 47 wieder zeigen, wie gut er schleichen kann. Fans der Reihe fürchten seichte Actionkost, doch IO Interactive verspricht die gewohnte Kost. Was dran ist, das erfahrt ihr in unserem Preview-Video

PC , PS3

Hitman: Absolution — Packender Kill Mode-Trailer im Video-Stream

  Square Enix und IO Interactive haben einen neuen Trailer zu Hitman: Absolution veröffentlicht, in dem gezeigt wird, wie man am besten unerkannt tötet. Wir haben den Clip für euch bereit gestellt. Klickt auf den Play-Button!

PC , PS3

Hitman: Absolution — Ausführliches «Contracts» Playthrough

  Hier erleben wir ein 18-minütiges Playthrough durch den Multiplayer-Mode «Contracts» von Hitman: Absolution. Es wird kommentiert von Game Director Tore Blystade und Travis Barbour aus dem Community Team von IO Interactive. Der Contract-Modus erlaubt es Spielern eigene Aufträge zu erstellen und mit anderen zu spielen.Wie genau das in der Praxis aussieht, erlebt ihr in diesem Video.

PC , PS3

Hitman Absolution: Gameplay-Video zeigt Waffenarsenal

  Square Enix und IO Interactive haben ein neues Gameplay-Video zu Hitman Absolution veröffentlicht . Das Video zeigt das breite und zugleich ausgefallene Arsenal an Waffen, die Agent 47 in Hitman Absolution zur Verfügung stehen. Gewehre, Schraubenzieher, eine Tasse Kaffee oder auch ein Pümpel – in den Händen des Original Assassin wird jeder Gegenstand zur tödlichen Waffe.

X360 , PS3

Hitman: Absolution — ICA File zu Blake Dexter

  IO Interactive und Square Enix haben zu Hitman: Absolution ein neues ICA-File-Video veröffentlicht, in dem der bösartige Blake Dexter beschrieben wird, der von dem Schauspieler Keith Carradine gesprochen wird.

PC , PS3

Hitman Absolution: Blick hinter die Kulissen von Contracts

  Square Enix und IO Interactive A/S zeigen ein Behind-The-Scenes Video, in dem der innovative Online-Modus Contracts des kommenden Action-Hits Hitman Absolution genauer betrachtet wird. Hierin erklärt das Team von IO die Entstehungsgeschichte von Contracts und nimmt Fans mit hinter die Kulissen bei der weltweit ersten Präsentation im Rahmen der gamescom 2012.

X360 , PS3

Hitman 5: Absolution — Entwicklerinterview

  Toni hatte auf der Gamescom Gelegenheit, ein ausführliches Interview mit Tore Blystad von Io Interactive zu führen.

X360 , PS3

Hitman: Absolution — Video zum neuen Contracts-Modus

  Contracts ist ein neuer Online-Modus, der es Spielern erlaubt, eigene Aufträge innerhalb von Hitman: Absolution zu erstellen und mit anderen zu teilen. Ein neues Video visualisiert die Spielvariante.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution Sniper Challenge Gameplay

  Hitman Absolution Sniper Challenge Gameplay

X360 , PS3

Hitman: Sniper Challenge — Intro und Gameplay-Szenen

  Wir zeigen euch bewegte Eindrücke aus Hitman: Sniper Challenge, dem Zusatzspiel für Absolution, das jeder Vorbesteller des Hauptspiels Hitman 5: Absolution gratis bekommt. Neben dem kompletten Intro bekommt ihr auch Gameplay-Szenen zu Gesicht.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution: Behind the Scenes-Video von der E3 2012 im Stream

  Square Enix und IO Interactive A/S bieten im Video einen Einblick hinter die Kulissen der Hitman Absolution-Präsentation bei der diesjährigen E3. Das Video begleitet das Hitman-Team backstage und zeigt, welcher Aufwand nötig war, den Meuchelmörder auf die Bühne der Electronic Entertainment Expo nach L. A. zu bringen.

X360 , PS3

Hitman Absolution — Behind the Scenes Video von der E3 2012

  Square Enix und IO Interactive A/S bieten im Video einen Einblick hinter die Kulissen der HHitman Absolution-Präsentation bei der diesjährigen E3. Das Video begleitet das Hitman-Team backstage und zeigt mehr darüber, welcher Aufwand nötig war, den Meuchelmörder auf die Bühne der Electronic Entertainment Expo nach L.A. zu bringen.

PC , PS3

Hitman Absolution — «Streets of Hope» als 17 Minuten Demo

  Dieses Video zeigt die rund 17 Minuten lange Mission «Streets of Hope» aus Hitman Absolution, wie sie auf der E3 2012 gezeigt wurde. Zu hören sind Game Director Tore Blystad und Community-Manager Travis Barbour, die auf Englisch erzählen, wie Agent 47 Lenny «the limp» Dexter kidnappen muss.

Hitman: Absolution — Herausforderungen: Lösung und Tipps (XB360)

Seiten des Artikels  


Die Herausforderungen in Hitman Absolution sind bestimmte Aufgaben oder Bedingungen, die ihr im Einzelspieler-Modus erfüllen könnt. Jedes Kapitel hat eigene Herausforderungen, die nur in der entsprechenden Mission möglich sind. Darüber hinaus gibt es auch Herausforderungen, die in jedem Kapitel gleich sind. Dazu gehören beispielsweise «Chamäleon» und «Beweissammler», für die ihr alle Verkleidungen tragen oder sämtliche Beweise in der Mission finden müsst.

Auf den folgenden Seiten findet ihr Tipps und Lösungen zu den Herausforderungen in den einzelnen Kapiteln:

  1. Ein persönlicher Auftrag
  2. Der König von Chinatown
  3. Terminus
  4. Renn um dein Leben
  5. Jäger und Gejagte

Diese Lösung befindet sich noch im Aufbau, weitere Missionen folgen.

  • Vorherige Seite
  • Inhaltverzeichnis
  • Nächste Seite

Veröffentlicht: 27.11.2012Aktualisiert: 27.11.2012

Tipps und Cheats zu Hitman: Absolution

  • Erfolge
  • Spezialwertungen

Lösungen und Guides zu Hitman: Absolution

  • Leitfaden mit Tipps für alle Herausforderungen
  • Fundorte der Beweise

Tipps für Hitman: Absolution auf anderen Systemen

  • Xbox 360
  • PlayStation 3
Navigation Lösung / Guide
  • Inhalt
  • Ein persönlicher Auftrag
  • Der König von Chinatown
  • Terminus
  • Renn um dein Leben
  • Jäger und Gejagte

Tipps und Tricks

Guide mit allen Collectibles für 100%: Artefakte, Raben, Kisten, Schreine, Walküren, Drachen, Gefallen, Schnellreise-Portale und noch mehr Sammelbares. Lesen »

Weitere Plattformen

Diese Lösung gehört zu folgenden Spielen:

  • Hitman: Absolution (XB360)
  • Hitman: Absolution (PS3)
Hitman: Absolution

Square Enix
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Hitman Absolution Part 26 Hitman Solution: Absolution Solution


Hitman Absolution Part 26 Hitman Solution: Absolution Diana Burnwood hid in a mansion in Chicago. The forty-seven must come in. The game starts at

Hitman Absolution Walkthrough Part 26. Hitman: Absolution Walkthrough

Diana Burnwood is hiding in a mansion in Chicago. The forty-seven must come in.

The game starts with practice. Listen and watch carefully. Clicking will take you to the information menu for the current action. There is a description of the background, tasks and inventory. Then to the left of the gate there is a passage to the garden. Duck [C] first, then use «instinct» for information. To the right of the guard there is a large hatch, go there and press [space] to use the cover. Use your instincts again. Without leaving cover, use the right movement button, reach the end of the cover and pull [E] to the next cover, which is next to the highlighted weapon. Take the KEY [F]. Hold the right mouse button to aim at the buckets and press [LMB] to throw the key. There is also an ax in the tree trunk to the left of the guard’s starting position. In the meantime, we move on ([space] get out of the cache), while the guard is busy.

The next guard needs to be hit. Lean on the fallen barrel, select the gun (by pressing alternately, you change the number of guns in the hands of the forty-seventh), aim, hold [RMB], stabilize the scope, hold your breath and fire [LMB] . Sneak up on the body, pick it up and drag it to the trash can, press [E] to place the body in the crate. Now select the rope, sneak up on the guard and press [Q]. Now you have a small green maze in front of you. You can already figure out how to deal with this on your own. You can go right, you can go left, you can kill, stun, distract. We have to get to the door. Use your instincts to find out his whereabouts.

Forty-seven crossed the garden. There are two guards here. Instinct will show them the way. Don’t worry, the guard won’t catch up with you. Take a knife and kill him. Punch yourself through the fence. The second one can be straightened with even more grace: just sneak up on it and press [E]. Now go to the table on which the gardener’s clothes stand. Now you are disguised and can safely pass by the guard and the gardener. You can also use the guard disguise. In the greenhouse, you must choose the path to the right or left, depending on your disguise. That is, if you are a gardener, go to the guards, and if you are a watchman, then go to the gardeners. You will reach a passage. There is a valve on the right, turn it. The guards will be doused with water and they will leave.

Forty-seven passed through the greenhouse. Kill the guards or slip past. Now go up the stairs. Approach the wall of the building and stand on the ledge [E]. Come over to the other side. Get the guard out of the window and enter alone. You can borrow a disguise from a local guard, or operate entirely in secret. Go through the door. Here is the estate. Go to the display room and turn off the alarm. There is also evidence: video. Take it with you. Go through the door on the first level. This completes the training, let’s move on to practice.

Homestead, ground floor. The cook is preparing food in the kitchen. A little further down the corridor, the head of security is giving an interesting briefing. After climbing the stairs, you can find sleeping pills in the bathroom. Go down to poison the food on the stove, which the cook will taste and then fall asleep. Change clothes and hide the body. Now the guards will not suspect you, although the cook could not be killed, but distract the guards by opening the blinds with the button from the second floor. In the room with the head of security, there is a cup of coffee on the bar counter, add sleeping pills there. Follow him, and when he falls asleep, take the map and hide the body. Climb the stairs to the second floor, find the door opened with the magnetic key.

Diana is here. After the cutscene, 47 will put on the suit again, preparing for battle. After going through the door, you will see four guards. Take cover, activate instinct, press [Q], hold right mouse button and left click on four heads. Press [Q]. Now open the door to Victoria’s room.

Hitman: Absolution — Returned from vacation. Overview At its best, Absolution makes the player feel like a real assassin improviser, capable of ending the life of a target

⇡#A suit for everyone

As flashy as the 47th red tie, there’s one basic trait that runs through the entire game: a huge sheer commitment on the part of the developers to make Absolution as friendly as possible to the widest possible audience. The first mission is an inconspicuous tutorial, during which we are shown the basics of the game mechanics. Very useful, because a lot has changed since Blood Money.

The game of disguise still exists, but implemented differently from its predecessors: only those wearing the same uniform can see through Agent 47’s disguise. This is a simple and logical solution that can be explained to someone who has never played Hitman literally with your fingers. In general, this works well, but it was not possible to completely abandon the conventions. It is clear that the guards of an important hill know each other by sight, but why is it the same with the pedlars in the seething mass of Chinatown?

Our killer relies on «instinct» to impress outsiders in such harsh conditions. At the press of a button, Agent 47’s perception is sharpened to the limit: safety lanes and silhouettes of people hidden behind obstacles become visible, and it even becomes possible to sneak past the always suspicious «clothed brothers».

The new 47th skill and the updated camouflage system have resulted in a significant change in gameplay. If at first it was necessary to carefully plan each step and only then act (usually for everyone to see), then in Absolution spontaneous decisions and lightning-fast actions are valued. Don’t think that’s a bad thing — the pace of the game has increased dramatically, but it’s still a unique killer sim. However, longtime fans of the series will not be thrilled by such a change.

Hitman: Absolution Evidence Guide 47 is not only a legendary killer, but also a professional who leaves no trace of himself. Hitman Absolution has a lot of clues scattered throughout the levels,

Hitman: Absolution Clues Guide

«Forty-seven» is not only a legendary killer, but also a professional who leaves no traces behind. In Hitman Absolution, there are a lot of clues scattered throughout the levels, the collection of which will not affect the gameplay itself, but will help you get the most points for the mission and, of course, your favorite achievement «Knowledge is power». In total, 45 tips are waiting for you in the game, to achieve the goal you need to collect all the items.

Attention! The collected evidence will be used to achieve the goal, only on the Normal difficulty level or higher.

1 mission: Personal contract.

Clue #1: Breaking into the property will immediately lead you to the security room. Here on the shelf is your first proof.

Hint n. 2. The second test on the coffee table in the hallway on the first floor.

Mission 2: King of Chinatown.

Hint #3 There is only one level of the test. He is in the pagoda (gazebo) in the center of the map, where the target sits.

Mission 3: Terminus.

Hint #4. Enter the hotel through the front door, there will be a reception desk on the right with proof on the table.

Hint #5. The second test is already at the second level. Take the elevator up to the next floor. After passing the banquet hall, you will enter the piano room. The desired item will be waiting for you there.

Mission 4: Flee.

Clue 6. The first test is located on the «Library» level, at the most visible point, on the bedside table under the statue.

Clue #7 Shangri-La level. After the scene in which the man in shorts flushes the bush down the toilet, you need to turn left. There, in the back of the room, on the windowsill, there will be material evidence.

Clue #8 The final test awaits you at the subway station. At the beginning of the level, you need to go into the room directly in front of you. There will be many representatives of law and order, and the evidence itself is on the table, near the stairs.

Mission 5: Hunter and prey.

Tip n. 9. In the Yard, leaving the basement, you find yourself in a parking lot where police cars are parked. The necessary folder is located on the cover of the central one.

Clue #10. To the left of the Fox Club entrance, you can climb up the building and move to the right. Climb into the only open window and find a box on the table.

Hint #11. Abandoned building floor. Turn left as soon as possible, there are cops standing and talking. The documents are right behind them, against the wall.

Clue #12 “Local store.” After walking across the rooftops, go down to the shop kitchen and go to the commercial floor. The box is located near the cash register at the entrance to the store.

Clue #13: Once in the «loading area», enter the building, stopping straight ahead. Everything is standard: a table with evidence.

Hint n. 14. The final test of the mission takes place during the Chinese New Year. Enter the group and turn left. Walk until you see a descending ladder and turn right. A little ahead there will be a building with a glowing inscription «TATUS», you need to follow it, and there, in a corner on the ground, there will be documents.

Mission 6: Rosewood.

Clue #15. In the «shelter rooms» exit the elevator shaft to the floor and go down the corridor. Turn the first door on the right and go down the stairs. We leave the door on the left and get into the reception room, where we remove the dirt from the table.

Hint #16. «Boiler room». Go through the only door and run down the corridor until you meet the talking guards. The clue lies right behind them on the building materials.

Mission 7: Welcome to Hope.

Tip #17. This mission has only one level. Our little thing is in the back of the bar. There is the fastest way to get there. At the beginning of the level, turn right and go to the bathroom. Find a grate there and climb into it. He will lead you to the right room, the cards are on the table, next to the TV.

Mission 8: Bird’s gift.

Tip #18. Again, level and test. Once inside the store, steal the keycard located behind the vendor’s counter and immediately enter the service building. Climb to the second floor and drop down from the balcony in front of you. Then you need to go down into the trench and go towards the shooters. On the right there will be a door (a magnetic key will come in handy here) to the bunker, behind which you will find a cassette in the tape recorder.

Mission 9: Shave Lenny.

# 19 The key to hope. Go to the workshop and go up the stairs. Once on the second floor on the left, you will see a man sitting on a chair. Documents lie on the table in a meter.

Hint n. 20. In the «Barbershop» the street is right in the spotlight: on TV in the center of the room, on the first floor of the building.

Mission 10: Dexter Industries.

Clue #21: Once at the Dead End level, head straight down the street. Then turn left and enter the sawmill. Turn left leaving a passage to the next level. Enter the room and collect evidence.

Clue #22 «Old Sawmill». Go straight and pay attention to the TV, from which the guard does not come off, there is evidence on it.

Clue #23 «Descent». Once on the level, turn left and go down the stairs, past the window with the guard and go down as low as you can. When you see the door, enter it (the guards are right behind the entrance). The cards you are interested in will be on the right side of the table.

Clue #24 In Factory Territory, cross the bridge and enter the factory building. As before, the evidence is located in a prominent and inconvenient place for a bald head — on a table in the center of the room.

Mission 11: Death Factory.

Clue #25. Once in the «Testing Center», you need to go to the test site. Find the access code in the interrogation room (to the right along the corridor, then to the right) and activate it on the computer (the room behind the glass in the interrogation room). You enter the open door and take the elevator down. After leaving the elevator, immediately turn left and go up the stairs to a higher level. Follow it to the opposite side of the polygon and enter the room. Documents lie near the computer on the left wall.

Clue #26 Move to the «disinfection zone» along the corridor. Once in the dressing room, go straight ahead and look at the bathroom, the evidence is on the coffee table.

Clue #27. Go down the spiral staircase from the Laboratory to the lowest level and go right. The cards are on the computer near the second empty chair.

Mission 12: Competition night.

# 28.Hint We are interested in the Patriot Hangar level. Entering the hangar, you will see a soldier’s trailer in front of you. The hint can be found on the crates right in the corner of the hangar, behind the van.

Clue #29 After winning at the Sanchez Arena, don’t rush to leave the gym. Exit the cage and turn left. Make your way through the crowd into the room behind the counter. Go to the second floor and immediately to the right. Right again and you are in the VIP room. The box is on the table next to the sofa.

Mission 13: When the Saints attack.

Clue #30. Get out of the destroyed hotel room in the Parking Lot and go to the blue SUV. The clue is on the suitcases next to him.

Clue #31 “Reception.” After leaving the building, go to the gas station. Before her again there will be suitcases with evidence.

Clue #32 Once in the Cornfield, head northwest from the spawn point. The documents are on the suitcases near the trailer, around which the second goal of the level walks.

Mission 14: Skerka’s Law.

Evidence No. 33. «Court». Once on the level, turn around and exit the classroom. There will be a security room on the left (the inscription on the door is a security room), enter it. Hint to the right of the entrance.

Clue #34. The crate is at the end of the Insulator level, turn left behind the large bars and look at the table.

Hint #35. Once in the «Prison», go to the end of the corridor and open the door using the remote control in the control room. Go through the door, go down. On the right there will be a small dark closet, where a policeman is talking on the phone, the evidence is right behind him.

Mission 15: Operation Sledgehammer.

Clue #36 After being freed in the «County Jail», exit the basement and go through the common room until it stops (holding on to the right wall). Turn left and you will see a workbench with evidence in front of you.

Clue #37 Overweight. Go straight between the cars, the evidence is on the suitcases of one of them.

Hint #38. «Archiving». Run along the only road until you reach the territory of the burning warehouse. Turn right and go through the open doors, then through the opening on the left. Finally, turning left, you will come across cards.

Clue #39 Once inside the Fair, exit the building and follow the main road to the black SUV barricade. Turn left and you will see the evidence on the suitcases by the vegetable counter.

Mission 16: Blackwater Park.

Clue #40 On the first level, run along the road to the right of the building until you reach the underground parking lot. The box can be picked up at the checkpoint of this car park.

Clue #41 After leaving the elevator shaft, you will find yourself in the «Attic». Immediately turn left into the room, then left again. You will be taken to an exhibition of weapons. When you get to the harpoon, which looks more like a warhead, look to the left. There will be a sofa with evidence.

Mission 17: Blackwater Park Rooftop.

Clue #42 You need to go up the only ladder (slightly ahead and to the right of the starting point) and turn right. Move to the room in front of you and take the card key there. Return to the stairs, but do not go down, but look to the right: there will be a door. Enter and take the folder.

Mission 18: Absolution of sins.

Tip n. 43. «Entrance to the cemetery.» Follow the path leading into the cemetery. Follow it to the fork and take the evidence lying on the column on the right.

Clue #44: In the Burnwood Crypt, go to the first left corner. Walking a little further, you will see the excavation site. The clue is right behind this place on the suitcases, next to the laptop.

Clue #45 Crematorium. Follow the path and go up the stairs, then immediately turn right. Documents lie on suitcases a few meters away.

Walkthrough Hitman Absolution — aiming, missions, tests. Problems, weapons passing Hitman: Absolute PC

Mission 15 — Skerka’s Law

Forty-seventh ended up in court, not because he was on trial for numerous «exploits», but because he found out that the location of Victoria can be found somewhere here. The number one task when completing Hitman Absolution missions is to get into the isolation ward. Traditionally, you will have several options, among which the most convenient ones are to look like a psycho in a hat made of foil (he will enter the toilet, we will stun him and take away chic clothes) or look like a judge. Mow under the psycho — you will be taken to the isolation ward. In the case of the judge, everything is a little more complicated.

You should wait for the judge in his office, which can be accessed through the window. You will find the window in the courtyard, which is patrolled by guards, which already complicates the task a little. The judge has free access to all cameras, because his suit will come in handy for us, by the way, in the same courtyard you can also find a policeman’s suit, but you can’t take it without a proper supply of instinct. And this same instinct, of course, at the beginning of the mission at zero. In any case, to take into account — in a cop suit, you can also get into the isolation ward without any problems.

Alternatively, you can get to your destination without changing clothes, but without some useful clothes, it will be more difficult to operate at this very place. Just in case — an alternative way is to break into the isolation room through a difficult route. First, look to the right side of the hall, there you will notice the door behind which there is a room. This room, in turn, has a ventilation shaft that will lead you to the door. Behind this door there is an insulator, but the door is locked. Accordingly, it will have to be hacked to begin with in order to continue the Hitman Absolution missions.

Now about the most convenient way with the judge’s clothes — sneak into his office, there is a computer, use it to turn off the TV, after which his honor will announce a break and come here, to the office. We can wait for him in a cozy closet to stun and pick up clothes and a key card at the same time. Hiding the body will be more of a problem, because the assistant referee is in the way. But she can be easily distracted by throwing something to turn away at the noise.

In the costume of a judge, proudly enter the hall, stand behind the podium. Sentence the defendant, after which the case is closed and we are free from professional duties. Aliens. You still have to do your own — go to the isolation ward. In the same clothes, you can visit the guards’ premises, there is evidence that it will not be superfluous to pick up.

In the isolation ward, first follow the guard, he will lead you to the right room, which has a ventilation shaft. Climb into it, wait until the path becomes free, then get out and break open the door on the right. Attention — if there are guards nearby, you may be noticed doing this, try to act so that this does not happen. You can distract them with something, for example. Having cracked the door, go through it, you will reach the control booth, you will need to press the large red button — with this action you will open the metal door, which will allow you to continue the Hitman passage.

Behind it you will see gloomy prison corridors — here your disguise is already powerless, be extremely careful and careful. Follow forward, you will reach the place where the impudent cops organized a brutal fight, kicking the prisoner with all their might. There you need to climb the stairs, you will reach the closed door. Hack it, then successfully complete this mission.

Mission 16 — Operation Sledgehammer

Our hero ended up in trouble, or to be more precise — in prison, but this adventure is just beginning, as you will soon see by breaking the loops and freeing yourself. Free hands do not yet mean freedom — we are still in prison, but there is a way out from here. It is enough just to turn on the fire alarm, and then sit back in a chair in a timely manner. A guard will come and start fiddling with the button — take advantage of the situation, attack him, strangle him and take his clothes. The body should be put in a box so as not to complicate the passage of Hitman.

Get out, go up the stairs, you will come across another guard — he is talking on the phone. If you wish, take a wire, not a string, of course, but you can also strangle them quite effectively. Sneak past the guard, climb into the ventilation shaft. Get out of it when the guard turns to the other side. You can use the property scattered here — a first-aid kit and a machine gun, take the latter with you, such a thing will not be superfluous for sure.

Go to the next room, pick up your favorite silverballers there, now we are quite ready to go on the warpath. But in order to get to her, you must at least leave the police station. There is nothing difficult in this task. It turns out that Hope was captured by the Agency, but we first need to slip through the outpost below, right next to the entrance to the prison. It is best to jump, keeping as close to the edge as possible, as carefully as possible.

Next, go to the next street, there is a fuel truck on fire, go to it. On the left side is a shoe store. We need to keep track of Skerka’s blood. On this path, you will very soon find yourself not alone — a detachment of attack aircraft will appear, these jokes are bad, so just go around their first group, and pass the second one from above, climbing the stairs. There will be more than one staircase, the Hitman algorithm for passing here is simple — they climbed, ran, climbed, ran.

Distract interfering enemies by throwing various objects. You will reach the target door, you will enter some bar. The special forces soldiers have already done things, and this is clearly visible through the window, the fair can be safely called a failure. In the meantime, the sniper has taken a position, if you wish, you can get rid of the adversary, but you don’t have much time, because the attack aircraft are already close. So, as soon as possible, go down to the fair, which by this time will already be completely occupied by enemy forces. It is best to move by keeping to the left side of this very fair — you will get there from the lowest floor of the bar, which we have just left.

Let’s continue the Hitman walkthrough — move carefully along the street, running from one counter to another, distracting enemies that interfere with throwing all sorts of objects that come to hand. So we got to the target door, enter Hope’s church. Skerke does not even think of giving up, so you have to deal with him — hold down the right mouse button, aim at the enemy’s head, press the left mouse button, and after it — the Q. Fatality key.

Return to Chicago in a luxury vehicle, to be more precise — in a hearse. We need to take and put on a black suit, while no one forbids trying on others. Some of them look very funny. Along the way, you can collect all sorts of rubbish lying around here. Dressed in a black suit, leave here.

Mission 17 — Blackwater Park

Sheriff Skerki, dying, managed to let slip that Victoria was being held in Blackwater — of course, our hero, without delay, is heading there. It is required to get Dexter, but there is no point in entering the building, because it is no longer a secret for Blake that we have come for him. Therefore, the entire territory is cordoned off and tightly guarded by many soldiers, and this is not Call of Duty for you. So stay on the street for now, continuing the Hitman passage, go to the right side of the park, hide from prying eyes, make your way to the parking lot.

Detect the guard standing by the car, he is constantly on the move, due to which it will not be a problem to get around him from the back. Our goal is the most distant door, a mechanic is still working there, in whose office you will see a ventilation shaft, through it you will exit to the office premises. Go up the stairs, enter the lobby, where the number of guards per square meter just rolls over. If necessary, borrow a suit from some worker to slip through without too much trouble.

Soon you will see the security office — they are watching the elevator, and we will go further along the corridors. So you will go around almost the entire building in a circle, but you will get to the opposite end of the lobby. There is a guard near the doorway, he does not radically complicate the passage for us — all the same, we are now on our way to the laundry. The laundry room has a chic bonus — a general’s uniform. It works magically — we can wander past the police as much as we like, but we will not penetrate the office premises.

The retinal scanner in the office we entered for the first time after the foyer is to be blocked, this will allow you to freely enter the elevator. We exit the elevator through the top, which has already become a good tradition — it was timely. Forty-seventh’s further task is to find Layla, Dexter’s ally. The latter is well guarded, the security guards do not let her out of sight. On the left you can go up the stairs, a couple of guards are actively discussing the order not to enter the room. They are hindering us for now, but the dialogue will end and they will disperse.

Now we can enter the bedroom without any problems, pick up the key card there, and the room to the left under the lasers can boast of the presence of poison. Leila can be poisoned with poison, her food is in the very first hall on the lower level — it stands right on the salt. In instinct mode, there is a hidden room marked in blue — go up the stairs, so it’s much more convenient to get into this very room.

You can go to the same room to wait for Leila (if you don’t want to mess with the poison) in order to kill her by direct impact. It’s better to wait not inside, but outside the room, Hitman’s passage is periodically buggy and when you are inside the room, Layla can simply pass by and not go inside. So we are waiting outside the door, she enters — we are behind her, in the same place inside and remove the target.

Another option is to use a lever to drop the hefty whale bones hanging from the ceiling in the museum onto her, but not everyone will like this idea, because the falling bones will almost certainly crush not only Layla, but also her guards. In any case, kill the target and make your way into the very room visible when the instinct is activated.

Mission 18 — Blackwater Park Roof

Here we are on the roof of Blackwater Park, and Dexter wastes no time — he is eager to get out of here with a helicopter, and then calmly blow up the buildings. You must not let him do this. The enemy, who is standing near the stairs, bothers us a lot — you can get rid of him. Including in an original way, by shooting at the chain that holds the stacks. Continuing the Hitman passage, get out onto the stairs, climb on it to an even greater height, bypass all the guards, of which there are quite a lot. True, a very thick fog is our true ally here, it is much easier to hide.

So you will reach the minefield, here instinct is the surest assistant, because this mode will show the detonation radius of explosive devices. After passing the mines, on the right side you will see a ventilation shaft, climb into it. There is a lock on the door ahead, but it is easily eliminated with a well-aimed shot from a silverballer. To complete the mission, get rid of Dexter by strangling him.

Epilogue — Absolution

Hitman Absolution left one global goal for a snack — our former employer. Forty-seventh has already sat down with a sniper at a favorable position, well-shootable in the right direction. But if you want to pass like a pro, not looking for easy ways, we will achieve the desired result as quietly as possible.

The cemetery is extremely tightly guarded, in order to pass this cordon, you need to remember exactly how the guards move. And always carry with you some kind of object that can divert the attention of the enemy in a timely manner. It is best to bypass the cluster of opponents on the right side, but at the same time you still have to turn left, because there are two enemies at once in the far corner on the right and are not going to leave anywhere.

Having reached the next location, we must also get rid of Jade. Keeping to the right side of the location (although you can also use the left side, to each his own), go forward, you will reach a place where you can get hold of a scientist’s uniform. After changing clothes, find Jade, she is calmly standing near some kind of burial. Just above it there is a crane holding a massive tombstone. Also, pressing the large red button will cause this slab to fall on the target’s head — for players who have obtained the scientist’s uniform. Now go back almost to the very beginning, there you will find a way out.

Next in line are the Praetorians, the Agency’s elite warriors, but they aren’t that hard to deal with either. The task is only complicated by mines with laser sensors placed everywhere, so try to use your instinct. Enemies can be strangled one at a time, like a kite chickens. The stairs are very effectively mined, so we will climb up, pulling ourselves up. Having dealt with opponents one at a time, pick up explosives, plant a bomb on the door of the crematorium, blow it up, watch the final video. After which the passage of Hitman Absolution ends, but the conclusions are that we will still see at least one part of Hitman. Considering the quality of part five, this will be a highly anticipated event.