Gta online hangar kaufen: Wohnbereich, Werkstatt etc zu Hangar dazukaufen? (GTA V)

Wohnbereich, Werkstatt etc zu Hangar dazukaufen? (GTA V)

Gta Online hangar kosten?

Ich möchte mir einen Hangar mit Werkstatt kaufen und wollte nur kurz fragen ob es zusätzliche Kosten gibt wenn ich die Werkstatt erst später dazu kaufe?

Danke im vorraus

…zur Frage

Kann man in GTA online einen Jet ohne Werkstatt im Hangar verkaufen, wenn ja wie?


Möchte gerne meinen Jet verkaufen, habe aber keine Werkstatt im Hangar gekauft.


…zur Frage

GTA 5 ONLINE Hangar Flugzeug weg??

Hey, Ich habe mir nun in GTA 5 Online ein Hangar mit einer Flugzeug Werkstatt geholt. Dort habe ich mein Cuban lackiert und mit streubomben ausgestattet. Dieser ist jetzt kaputt gegangen und er ist natürlich nicht im Hangar. Kann ich den jetzt wieder bekommen oder muss ich einen neuen Cuban wieder für so viel Geld mit Bomben ausstatten?

…zur Frage

GTA online Hangar Upgrade?


Ich hab mir nen Buzzard gekauft und finde den ziemlich schlecht, obwohl der eine Recht gute Bewertung hat.

Nun habe ich gelesen das man den nur wieder verkaufen kann, wenn man eine Werkstatt im Hangar hat.

Deswegen meine Frage wie ich den Hangar Upgraden kann, damit ich den Buzzard wieder los werden kann.

…zur Frage

GTA Online Hangar wechseln?

Hallo ich habe mir den billigsten Hangar in GTA Online gekauft, den es zum kaufen gibt. Möchte nun wissen ob ich den Hangar den ich besitze verkaufen kann, damit ich mir den Hangar im Fort Zancudo kaufe und halt nicht 2 besitze.

Und gibt es einen billigeren Preis weil ich ja schon einen Hangar habe? Und muss ich die Werkstatt erneut kaufen?

Ich habe genug Geld und weiß nicht was ich damit kaufen soll. (Grade ca. 6 Millionen)

…zur Frage

GTA Nachtclub verändern?

Kann man sein GTA V Online Nachtclub im Endeffekt nachdem man es gekauft hat noch verändern? Also eine 2. Etage zB. bauen für Lagerplätze oder die Beleuchtung und Tänzer verändern? Weil ich kann mich gerade echt nicht zwischen den Sachen entscheiden..

…zur Frage

GTA 5 — Flugzeuge (Luxor etc. ) kaufen? aber keinen «Platz» im Hangar?

Hallo zusamen 🙂

Ich bin grad voll im GTA 5 — Fieber und habe das Spiel schon durchgezockt und wollte mir mit meinen 35 Millionen ein Flugzeug «Luxor» (auf der Website) kaufen. Aber annscheind hat mein Hanger «zu wenig» Platz ?! LOL

Also ich hab mal gehört man kann einen Hangar am richtigen Flughafen von Lost Santos kaufen — aber ich weiß nicht ob das stimmt — wenn ja wie ? 😀

Freu mich schon auf die Antworten 🙂



…zur Frage


Hallo ich hab Mal die Frage , ich habe in GTA gerade angefangen und hab ein wenig geld verdient und hätte die Frage was zu erst kaufen soll ein Büro , Basis , Hangar , Bunker oder einen Nachtclub ? Ich habe jedoch schon vor etwas längerer Zeit ein Clubhaus gekauft und dann wäre die Option dieses zu nutzen oder nicht ( dann lieber dich ein Nachtclub kaufen )

. ..zur Frage

Gta 5 online Hangar Nagasaki Havok?


ich habe eine kurze Frage.

Der Mechaniker im Hangar arbeitet nach dem Kauf an einem Nagasaki Havok Heli, bekommt man den gratis wenn man z.B die Hangar Werkstatt kauft oder ist das nur zur Dekoration?

Danke im Voraus!

…zur Frage

abzocke?, die Honda Werkstatt meinte es kostet ca 500.- nur die zylinderkopfdichtung für einen 4 takt roller 125 zu ersetzten, tropft nur wenig, sonst ok?

…zur Frage

GTA V CEO Tower Upgrades im Nachhinein kaufen?

Hi, Da ja grade die Hauptsitze runtergesetzt sind wollte ich mir eins holen, aber auch grad nur 600K habe und mir einfach gerne direkt den Tower kaufen würde und erst im nachhinein die Upgrades (also Waffenschrank, Tresor, Design). Kann ich die auch im Nachhinein kaufen oder muss ich mir die direkt kaufen?

…zur Frage

Lohnt sich der Hangar in GTA Online?

In der Neuen Event Woche gibt es 40% Rabatt auf alle Hangars, Und zu den Hangars hab ich 3 Fragen:

  1. Kann ich mit dem Hangar Geld verdienen wenn Ja mach ich viel Geld oder wenig Geld ?
  2. Welchen Hangar soll ich mir Kaufen ? in der Militärbasis oder am Flughafen von LS
  3. Kann ich geklaute Flugzeuge, Helikopter in dem Hangar speichern wenn ja kann ich sie auch über mein Handy anfordern ?

…zur Frage

Lohnt sich «Arena War» in GTA Online?

Derzeit ist die Arena War Werkstatt um 50% reduziert. Lohnt sich der Kauf? Die Arena War Fahrzeuge, die man damit kaufen kann, sind ja leider auch sehr teuer.

Ich bin in GTA zwar nicht so arm wie im echten Leben, habe aber nicht mehr so viel Motivation, mühsam Geld zu farmen.

Die meisten anderen Gebäude besitze ich bereits (Office, MC, Bunker, Hangar, Facility, Auto Shop, Agency, Casino Penthouse, Night Club, Arcade, Large Warehouse, Vehicle Warehouse). Yacht, Kosatka, MOC, Terrorbyte und Avenger ebenso.

Alternativ zur Arena War Werkstatt würde ich Fahrzeuge kaufen. Oppressor Mk II und einen Kampfjet habe ich z.B. noch nicht.

Was meint ihr?

…zur Frage

GTA Online Next Gen Xbox extreme Probleme?

Hoffe mir kann hier jemand helfen! Habe mir eine neue Xbox Series geholt und gestern direkt GTA geladen. Seit ich in Online einen neuen Charakter erstellt habe, funktioniert es nicht richtig. Ich kann das Interaktionsmenü nicht aufrufen, es kommt lediglich das Geräusch als würde es aufploppen und es blendet nur alles aus wie Spielernamen oder Einladungen…Ich kann in keine Tuning Werkstatt und auch sonst jedes Menü, wie zum Beispiel die Auswahl wenn man telefoniert und z.B. Lester anruft ist nicht zu sehen…So zu spielen macht echt wenig Spaß, kann mir da jemand weiterhelfen der sich mit Xbox auskennt?

…zur Frage

GTA 5 Online: Hangar Guide

In unserem Hangar-Guide zu GTA 5 Online zeigen wir Euch, welche Produkte lohnenswerte Boni geben. Mit diesen Tipps haben Solo- und Gruppen-Spieler gute Möglichkeiten, schnell Geld zu verdienen.

Ihr habt in GTA 5 Online viele Optionen, um Geld zu verdienen. Wer sich als CEO bereits einen Hangar gekauft hat, kann dort Missionen erfüllen, Produkte beschaffen und diese dann verkaufen. Wer dabei auf die besonderen Boni achtet, kann sich zusätzliche Kohle einstecken.

Wir zeigen Euch, auf was Ihr bei den Hangar-Deals in GTA 5 Online achten solltet.

Hangar als CEO kaufen

Die Hangar-Businesses kamen mit dem “Smugglers Run”-DLC zu GTA 5 Online. Wer ins Hangar-Geschäft einsteigen will, muss dafür zunächst den CEO-Status erlangen.

Dieser Guide richtet sich speziell an die Spieler, die bereits einen Hangar gekauft haben oder unbedingt Flugzeug-Missionen spielen wollen. Profitabler wäre ein Kauf eines Bunkers, den Ihr dann zusammen mit dem Import-Export-Geschäft betreibt.

Ihr solltet Euch also jetzt keinen Hangar mehr kaufen, wenn Ihr am effektivsten Geld in GTA 5 Online verdienen wollt.

Wer aber sagt: “Flugzeuge sind genau mein Ding, da verdiene ich auch gerne etwas weniger pro Stunde, muss dafür aber keine Bunker-Missionen machen”, der kann sich bequem Ingame einen Hangar kaufen. Öffnet dazu Euer Handy im Spiel, öffnet die Internet-App und klickt auf die “Maze Bank”-Anzeige.

Dort findet Ihr fünf Hangars:

  • Zwei im Los Santos International Airport
  • Drei in Fort Zancudo

Der Vorteil an den Hangars in Fort Zancudo ist, dass Ihr dort eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis bekommt. Ohne diese würdet Ihr direkt Fahndungslevel erhalten und vom anwesenden Militär verfolgt werden. Doch mit einem Hangar auf diesem Gelände werdet Ihr dort geduldet.

Die Preise der Hangars in GTA 5 Online zeigen wir Euch in dieser Übersicht

Werkstatt (Workshop) im Hangar

Habt Ihr genug Budget, könnt Ihr Euren Hangar mit einer Werkstatt ausrüsten. Dort lassen sich Flugzeuge dann direkt anpassen oder aufrüsten.

Wer seiner Hydra also einen einzigartigen Look verpassen will, kann das in der Werkstatt machen. Allerdings lässt sich bei der Hydra nur die Lackierung verändern. Das gilt für die meisten Flugzeuge, die Ihr durch den Pegasus-Service bestellt.

Bei vielen Flugzeugen aus dem Smugglers-Run-DLC gibt es weitere Anpassungsmöglichkeiten.

Tipps zum Verkaufen

Um Geld mit dem Hangar zu erwirtschaften, bringt Ihr Produkte ins Lager und verkauft diese später in einer Verkaufsmission. Begebt Euch zunächst zu Eurem Büro im Hangar und nutzt dort den Computer.

Wählt den Reiter “Beschaffen”. Hier stehen Euch acht verschiedene Kategorien zur Verfügung, in denen Ihr Produkte beschaffen könnt:

  • Betäubungsmittel
  • Chemikalien
  • Medizinische Vorräte
  • Tiermaterial
  • Kunstgegenstände
  • Schmuck & Edelsteine
  • Tabak & Alkohol
  • Gefälschte Waren

Wählt Ihr eins der Produkte aus, startet eine Mission mit Ron. Der erklärt Euch, was Ihr zu tun habt. Da gibt es verschiedene Szenarien, in denen Ihr beispielsweise eine Titan vor gegnerischen Buzzards beschützen müsst oder Störsender zerstören sollt, damit sich die gesuchte Fracht auf dem Radar offenbart.

Tipp: Für jede Mission stellt Ron Euch Missions-Vehikel wie Hubschrauber oder Flugzeuge bereit. Diese müsst Ihr nicht nehmen. Wenn Ihr Euch mit dem eigenen Buzzard oder der eigenen Hydra sicherer fühlt, könnt Ihr darauf zurückgreifen und diese beispielsweise über die CEO-Fähigkeit im Menü anfordern.

Nachdem Ihr den ersten Teil der Mission erfüllt und die Fracht eingesammelt habt, müsst Ihr diese jetzt zu Eurem Hangar bringen. Eine Kiste ist ohne Bonus 10.000 GTA-Dollar wert.

Bevor Ihr erneut eine Mission in derselben Kategorie starten könnt, müsst Ihr (je nach Geschwindigkeit) erst eine Abklingzeit abwarten. Für eine bessere Effizienz empfiehlt es sich also, ein weiteres Produkt einer anderen Kategorie zu beschaffen, statt die Abklingzeit abzuwarten. In folgendem Beispiel seht Ihr die Abklingzeit für die jeweiligen Produktkategorien:

Pro Mitspieler steigt die Abklingzeit um eine Minute

Es ist gut, wenn Ihr maximal zwei Kategorien habt, zwischen denen Ihr Euch abwechselt. Jede Kategorie hat ein Platz-Limit von 50 Kisten. Die Kategorien solltet Ihr nicht willkürlich wählen, denn es gibt verschiedene Boni, die Euch auf lange Sicht mehr Geld einbringen.

Bonus-Zahlungen und Unterschiede bei der Fracht

Es gibt verschiedene Boni in den unterschiedlichen Fracht-Kategorien. Diese Boni bringen ab einer bestimmten Menge Fracht mehr Geld und lohnen sich für verschiedene Anwendungsgebiete mehr oder weniger. In folgender Grafik wird das Prinzip verdeutlicht:

Verkaufsboni – Anklicken, um zu vergrößern

  • Betäubungsmittel, Chemikalien und Medizinische Vorräte erhalten ab 25 Kisten einen Bonus von 35%. Diesen Bonus gibt es erneut bei 50 Kisten, was zu einem Bonus von insgesamt 70% führt, wenn Ihr 50 Kisten auf einen Schlag verkauft.
  • Tiermaterial, Kunstgegenstände und Schmuck & Edelsteine erhalten für jeweils 10 Kisten einen Bonus von 12% (20 Kisten = 24%, 30 Kisten = 36% usw.). Das führt zu einem Bonus von insgesamt 60% bei einem Verkauf von 50 Kisten auf einen Schlag.
  • Tabak & Alkohol und Gefälschte Waren erhalten alle 5 Kisten einen 5%-Bonus.  Insgesamt macht das einen Bonus von 50% für einen Verkauf von 50 Kisten auf einmal.

Ihr seht, dass hier Euer Spielstil eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Habt Ihr es eilig und wollt nur schnell ein paar Zehntausend Dollar für Munition besorgen? Dann lohnen sich die Produkt-Kategorien Tabak & Alkohol oder Gefälschte Waren, bei denen Ihr den Bonus bereits ab 5 Kisten erhaltet.

Verkaufswerte – Anklicken, um zu vergrößern

Empfehlung: Habt Ihr mehr Zeit und wollt effizienter Geld verdienen, nutzt Ihr die Kategorien mit den 12%-Boni wie Tiermaterial, Kunstgegenstände oder Schmuck & Edelsteine. Diese drei Kategorien “Tiermaterial, Kunstgegenstände und Schmuck & Edelsteine” sind unsere Empfehlung in diesem Guide!

Die Kategorien mit den 35%-Boni, haben einen besonderen Kniff, auf den wir im nächsten Abschnitt genauer eingehen.

Solo oder Gruppe

Welche und wie viele Produkte Ihr verkaufen solltet, hängt davon ab, ob Ihr alleine oder als Gruppe spielt. Je nach Größe der zu verkaufenden Fracht müsst Ihr als Verkaufsmission mehrere Vehikel von A nach B bringen. Für Einzelspieler könnte die fehlende Zeit zum Bewegen der vielen Vehikel dann ein Grund sein, warum die Verkaufsmission scheitert.

Die GTA-Community fand heraus, dass es in der Regel zu folgenden Szenarien bei der Verkaufs-Mission der Hangars kommt:

  • Verkauf von 1-10 Kisten – Ein Vehikel. Sollte es die Mission sein, bei der Ihr mit den Havoks fliegt, werden es 3 Havoks. Sollte es die Mission mit den Ultralights sein, werden es 2 Ultralights.
  • Verkauf von 11-25 Kisten – Zwei Vehikel. Havok: 12, Skylift: 4, Ultralights: 6
  • Verkauf von 26-50 Kisten – Drei Vehikel. Havok: 24, Skylift: 6, Ultralights: 9
  • Bombushka-Missionen haben immer nur ein Vehikel
  • Für Solo-Spieler sind Bombushka- und Ultralight-Missionen nicht verfügbar.

Da es die 35%-Boni erst ab 25 Kisten gibt, lohnen sich diese Produkte also eher in der Gruppe als für Solo-Spieler. Schließlich müsst Ihr mehr Vehikel von A nach B bringen, um die Waren erfolgreich zu verkaufen.

Hangar oder Bunker – Wo gibt’s mehr Geld?

Wie bereits zu Beginn erklärt, ist der Hangar nicht die profitabelste Möglichkeit in GTA 5 Online, um Geld zu verdienen. Diese Jobs richten sich an Flugzeug-Fans oder Spieler, die bereits einen Hangar besitzen.

Mehr Geld verdient Ihr mit Arbeiten im Bunker. Dort besorgt Ihr Vorräte und Euer Team arbeitet passiv für Euch, während Ihr als CEO unterwegs seid. Die gängigste Methode ist, mit dem Bunker Vorräte herzustellen und in der Zwischenzeit Autos mit dem Import/Export-Geschäft als CEO zu verkaufen.

Dazu verraten wir Euch mehr in unserem Geld-Guide: 10 Wege, um in GTA 5 Online schnell Geld zu verdienen.

Properties in GTA V | GTA RiotPixels

According to the original plans of the developers, it was not possible to buy real estate in Grand Theft Auto V . Just 10 months before the release of , Dan Houser talked about it in an interview with Game Informer magazine. However, under pressure from the fans, it was decided to change plans, and Rockstar Games returned to us enterprises in which to invest their many millions.

The ability to buy business objects opens with the passage of Trevor’s story mission «Nervous Ron». However, the choice at that time is small: there are only four offers on the market in Blaine County, and even then two of them are not available to Trevor. After the «Friends Reunited» quest, the ability to switch between all three characters is returned to us, and there are much more ways to invest funds. Now you can buy almost all objects on the map, the only exceptions are the fine parking lot, the Tequi-la-la bar and the old sonar station — the availability of their purchase is associated with additional conditions.

In total, our heroes can become owners of 27 real estate plots. Trevor will receive two of them for free during the story campaign, the remaining 25 must be purchased independently. However, you cannot buy everything with one character — there are points, the owner of which can only be a specific hero (or one of the Michael-Franklin pair). Each object available for purchase is marked on the map with a special black icon . Its background color changes to orange, blue, and green depending on which character has taken over: Trevor, Michael, or Franklin, respectively.

Before entering into a deal, make sure that the selected character has enough funds to purchase. Then drive to the Dynasty 8 sign located at each of the 25 toll properties. Approaching the sign, press / on the gamepad, confirm your intention by pressing the same button again and become a full owner.

In addition, only 16 out of all points are profitable establishments, the remaining 11 are «storage facilities» for vehicles of various types. Each hero can have a personal garage, pier, hangar and helipad. At the same time, Trevor receives his mini-airport for free immediately after the mission «Nervous Ron».

You don’t have to own all 16 businesses to complete the game 100%, you only need to buy 5 of them.

Management and weekly income

Some of the businesses open access to additional missions in which you will have to help the manager in managing your business. And don’t think that the boss in GTA V only collects proceeds — here you have to try yourself in the role of both a driver and a security guard. The text messages that come to your smartphone are sometimes so annoying with their frequency that Roman Bellic and his ineradicable love of bowling are already remembered.

If you ignore the requests of an incompetent manager (why hasn’t he been fired yet?), then the establishment loses profits and the amount of weekly revenue decreases. Once a week, money from all offices is automatically transferred to the character’s account, and a message about the amount of payments from the intermediary company Minotaur Property Management is sent to his e-mail. Sometimes income depends on certain conditions, this is additionally indicated in the description of each specific object.

Object List

Sandy Shores Airfield

Location: Grand Senora Desert, Blaine County
Potential owner: Trevor
Cost: 9,00065 ° C)
Bonuses: hangar for aircraft and military equipment, helicopter pad

This airfield goes to Trevor for free from the biker gang Lost after the Nervous Ron mission. In the hangar located here, the owner can store aircraft and military equipment, and helicopters can be stored in the site next door. Visit and to purchase suitable vehicles. To manually enter each address, go to the Travel and Transport section of the homepage and click on the banners you need. Please note that delivery of vehicles may take up to 24 in-game hours. Previously, due to the small size of the premises, Elitas Travel refused to sell Shamal and Luxor airliners to Trevor. However, in one of patch Rockstar Games removed this restriction and now all large planes appear at the end of the runway, and not under the roof of the hangar. Of course, this does not prevent you from trying to save stolen copies here.

To call the desired type of transport, you need to go to the hangar or landing site and select the desired model from the list (press / on the gamepad), then it will magically appear in place. However, stolen aircraft are saved very reluctantly — the last parked copy will remain in the hangar, but then you won’t be able to select it from the list later.

Mckenzie Field Hangar

Location: Grapesed, Blaine County
Potential owner: Trevor
Cost: 000 + $ 5,000 for a terrestrial mission, $ 7 $ for airs : 30 ground or 22 air missions
Availability of missions: arms smuggling

By paying 150 thousand greens for the hangar, Trevor will have access to two types of missions: air and ground arms smuggling to his Mexican partner Oscar. To get the TP Industries Arms Race trophy (TF Industries Arms Race), it is enough to complete only 10 tasks, five of each type. But you can complete missions an unlimited number of times, earning money and honing your pilot’s skills.

The Hen House

Location: Paleto Bay, Blaine County
Potential owner: Any character
Cost: $ 80 000
per week
Personnel Availability of missions: 4 types

The Hen House bar is located in the remote town of Paleto Bay, which is probably why it is so cheap. However, the weekly income of the Chicken Coop leaves much to be desired — only 920 bucks. However, the rate of return on investment is still quite high by the standards of the game. As in the case of buying other bars, sometimes you will be called to help against an unbridled paparazzi or a robber who covets the cash proceeds of the institution.


Location: North Chumash, Blaine County
Potential owner: Michael or Franklin
Cost: $600,000 9004 week 95 $ Income: 0045 Payback: after 128 in-game weeks
Availability of missions: 4 types

The main visitors of Hookies are bikers, so Trevor, for obvious reasons, cannot become the owner of the establishment. This is an average return on investment. From time to time, the manager will disturb you with requests to protect the bar from the attack of a gang or deal with other problems that have arisen.

Los Santos Customs

Location: Route 68, Grand Senora Desert
Potential owner: Franklin
Cost: $ 349 000
income: $ 1 600 per week
Pensation: Game weeks
Missance: NO 9004 Bonus free vehicle tuning

After purchasing the workshop, any modifications to Franklin’s cars and motorcycles in this (and only this) garage will become free. The weekly income is by no means great and you will have to wait 4 years for a full refund. However, you can save a lot of money on tuning, unless, of course, you are not too lazy to drag yourself to distant lands for the sake of it.

Grove Street Garage

Location: Grovis
Potential owner: Franklin
Cost: $ 30,000 / free
income: NO
Bonuses: garage for storing 4 vehicles

Franklin’s personal garage is located at the Auto Fix Factory on famous Grove Street, a couple of blocks from our character’s first home. Bicycles, motorcycles and cars will be delivered here, which you purchase through,, and To manually enter each address, go to the Travel and Transport section of the homepage and click on the banners you need. Please note that delivery of vehicles may take up to 24 in-game hours.

There are four places in the garage, and you can also store stolen cars in it: drive up to the gate and press / on the gamepad. To leave the premises, select the desired vehicle or go out on foot through the door on the side.

However, do not rush to lay out thirty grand for the garage, especially at the beginning of the game such an amount seems unbearable for a guy from the ghetto. On PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles, you can honestly save on your purchase and get a free garage with an Elegy RH8 sports car to boot. You just need to register on the Rockstar Games Social Club website and link your LIVE gamertag or PSN ID to your account.

Vinewood Garage

Location: Spanish Avenue, West Vinewood
Potential owner: Michael
Cost: $ 30 000
Bonuses: garage for storing 4 vehicles

Michael’s private garage is located behind the Gallivanter (Land Rover in-game parody) in West Vinewood. Its capabilities and functions are similar to those of Franklin’s garage, and membership in the «Social Club» R will also allow you to get this useful piece of real estate on PS3 and Xbox 360 along with a sports car for free.

Pillbox Hill Garage

Location: Adam’s Apple Boulevard, Pillbox Hill
Potential owner: Trevor
Cost: 9000 $
Income: NO 9000
Bonuses: garage for storing 4 vehicles

Trevor’s personal garage is located in an abandoned Vapid car dealership, just off the Olympic Expressway. You can get and use this room in the same way as its counterparts on Grove Street and Vinewood.

Car Scrapyard

Location: El Burro Heights, Murrieta Oil Field
Potential owner: any character
Cost: $275,000
Revenue: salvaged car0045 Payback: 1834 salvaged cars
Availability of missions: 1 type

The junkyard recycles old car parts and assemblies, so the weekly income from its activities directly depends on the number of broken cars in San Andreas during this period. For every car destroyed during regular gameplay, you will receive $150. Sometimes you will be asked to drive up to the territory of the landfill and beat off the “collision” of the gang.

Downtown Cab Co.

Location: Tangerine Street, East Vinewood
Potential owner: Franklin
Cost: $ 200,000
Income: $ 2,000 per week
Permit: 9000 Bonuses: free taxi ride

After purchasing the taxi company, Franklin will receive a call from the manager of the company, Raul. He will offer our hero a series of additional tasks, which are described in detail in the Taxi Depot Missions in GTA V section.

Smoke on

Availability of missions: 3 types (7 varieties)

Vespucci Beach Pharmacy sells medical marijuana to its patients. The income from the business relative to its value is quite good — it is the highest ratio among businesses with a fixed amount of weekly profit. The manager will contact you when he needs help in doing business: be ready to earn extra money as a driver and security guard for the supply of medical products.


Location: Corpsy CLINTON Avenue and Alta Street, Downtown Vinewood
Potential owner: Any character
Cost: $
9000) weeks
Missions available: 4 types

Another bar, this time in central Vinewood. The location slightly affected the price of the institution, however, the profitability is noticeably higher than that of the same Hookies. Once purchased, Pitchers will also need to be protected from frequent attacks and robberies.

Cinema Doppler

Location: Vinewood Boulevard, Downtown Vinewood
Potential owner: Michael
Cost: Availability of missions:
2 types

A good investment for Michael, which will start to bring a net profit in less than two years. Like other cinemas, Doppler will have to be protected from forcible removal of proceeds. From time to time, you will need to advertise the establishment by dropping leaflets from the air. 9Ol000 Availability of missions: 2 types

Another film distribution establishment with a decent rate of reaching full payback. This business will also have to be protected from raids. Sometimes you will be asked to scatter promo flyers over the city.

Tivoli Cinema

Location: MorningWood Boulevard, Morningwood
Potential owner: Michael
Cost: $
after 2100 300 300 missions: 2 types

The most expensive (and least profitable in terms of investment) cinema of all three. As with the cheaper options, sometimes you will need to return stolen proceeds and distribute flyers. Yes, and do not take the word of the manager who called after the purchase: despite all his promises, the entrance ticket to the session will leave you 20 bucks from the nose (the inviter pays for friends). No discounts, not even for the owner.

Los Santos Golf Club

Location: GWC and Golfing Society, Richman
Potential owner: Any character
Cost: $ 150 000
$ 264 500 per week Pensive game weeks
Availability of missions: no
Bonuses: free golf

The most expensive establishment in San Andreas is a golf club. By paying your hard-earned (and bloody) 150 million for it, you can enjoy the game of millionaires for free without changing into stupid outfits that golfers love so much. Due to its high cost, a golf club is the worst type of investment: its full payback period is 11 (!) game years. But the call of the manager, colorfully describing all the advantages of the new property, will make you feel like the richest man in San Andreas. Well, at least one of the three… 😉

Puerto del Sol Marina

Location: Tackle Street, La Puerta
Potential owner: Franklin, Michael and Trevor
Cost: $ 75 000
Income: missions: no
bonuses: marina for storage of water transport

For the first time in the GTA series, we have the ability to store watercraft in our own docks. Each of the characters can buy a place here: Michael’s playground is located next to the stairs, Franklin Pier is next, and Trevor parks boats at the third pier.

In total, space in the docks allows each character to store up to 8 vehicles. On, you can buy a leisurely Marquis sailing yacht, Jetmax, Squalo, Suntrap and Tropic fast and pleasure boats, as well as a frisky Seashark jet ski. Please note that delivery of vehicles may take up to 24 in-game hours.

Vespucci Helipads

Location: Shank Street, La Puerta
Potential Owner: Franklin and Michael
Cost: $419 850
Income: n/a
Payback: n/a
Availability of missions: n/a
Bonuses: helicopter storage area

This is where the heroes can save their rotorcraft purchased via the Internet, as well as those that you borrowed for free and landed on the site. To select the desired helicopter, go to the site and press / on the gamepad.

As with garages, piers, and hangars, helipads are strictly private and cannot be used by other heroes. Of all the trio, only Trevor does not have the opportunity to invest his money in the site here. But after completing the Nervous Ron mission, he already received a free airfield in Sandy Shores, where there is both a hangar and a helicopter landing area.

Helicopters available for purchase can be found at and To manually enter each address, go to the Travel and Transport section of the homepage and click on the banners you need. Please note that delivery of vehicles may take up to 24 in-game hours.

Airport Hangars

Location: New Empire Way, Los Santos International Airport
Potential Owner: Franklin and Michael
Cost: $1,378,000
Income: no
Payback: no
Availability of missions: no
Bonuses: for aircraft and military equipment

You can buy a personal hangar at the entrance to the Los Santos International Airport — Dynasty 8 sign is located right in front of the checkpoint. From the moment of purchase, the owner receives free access to the official part of the airport and the right to be on the airfield without attracting the attention of the police.

Michael’s hangar — Pegasus Concierge — is the last in a series of buildings in the southern part of the airfield. And Franklin’s unnamed possession is the second in the same row. A nice bonus for him is a free grenade launcher on the bridge above. Trevor does not shine to acquire his own premises on the territory of the city airport.

Here you can store stolen and honestly purchased planes and military vehicles (tanks, army trucks and jeeps). Despite the fact that there are three slots for storing equipment in the hangar, your aircraft are stored in only one of them. To call the desired view, you need to go to the slot and select the desired model from the list (press / on the gamepad), then it will magically be in place. By the way, stolen aircraft are saved very reluctantly — the last parked copy will remain in the hangar, but it is unlikely that you will be able to choose it from the list later.

Aircraft and military equipment available for purchase can be found at and To manually enter each address, go to the Travel and Transport section of the homepage and click on the banners you need. Please note that delivery of vehicles may take up to 24 in-game hours.


Location: Evipse Boulevard and Milton Road, West Vinewood
Potential owner: Any character
Cost: 9000,000,000
9000 :
after 122 in-game weeks
Mission availability: 4 types

In the past, the establishment served as a restaurant for the mafia until it was closed by the authorities in 1982 after the scandal with Adam’s apple in soup. A year later, Tequi-la-la was reborn as a rock bar and soon became a popular destination for hairy metal musicians and their fans from all over the country. Rumor has it that Love Fist’s song «Dangerous Bastards» was based on a mescaline party they held here with transgender twins.

The legendary bar can be purchased after completing Trevor’s side mission «Vinewood Souvenirs — Willie» from Nigel and Mrs. Thornhill. The club will be put up for sale for $2 million after you fulfill the request of elderly celebrity souvenir hunters and get them a gold tooth from one of the members of the Love Fist rock band, whose concert is scheduled exactly in Tequi-la-la.

Sonar Collections Dock

Location: Paleto Cove, Blaine County
Potential owner: Any character
Cost: $ 250 000
income: $ 23,000 per barrel with radioactive waste + The final bonus $ 250,000 for all 30
Pensation: 11 collected barrels with waste
Availability of Missies: Missions: unlocks Abigail’s «Death At Sea» and «What Lies Beneath» quests

The opportunity to purchase this abandoned marina will appear a little later than most real estate objects, after completing the mission «The Merryweather Heist». Complete with a pier, you will get a bathyscaphe, with which you can go to collect barrels of nuclear waste from the bottom of the ocean. The Trackify application will be installed on the character’s smartphone, which will give the location of the container closest to you. The program itself starts when landing in the bathyscaphe.

In total, there are 30 containers with dangerous contents in the depths of the sea, for each of which a generous bonus is due (money is credited to the account instantly). Please note that any of the heroes can engage in «spearfishing», but the payment for the work is transferred only to the one who owns the dock.

This business does not bring in a weekly income, but by collecting only 11 barrels, you will recoup your purchase costs. And if you get the rest, you’ll also make good money: in addition to the standard payouts for each raised barrel, at the end you will find an additional reward of $ 250,000 for all 30 poisonous containers and, in addition, the Waste Management achievement.

Vanilla Unicorn

Location: Elgin Avenue, Strawberry
Potential owner: Trevor
Cost: Free
9000 no
Bonuses: Trevor’s lodging and wardrobe in Los Santos

The Vanilla Unicorn strip club is given to Trevor for free and without any effort. It is enough to complete the «Hang Ten» story mission and a new business facility that brings even a small but stable income will be at our disposal. Here Trevor can sleep in and change out of his blood-splattered clothes for, ahem, relatively fresh ones.

Among the additional bonuses of this acquisition, we note the loyalty of local bouncers. Henceforth, they will not mind if the new owner or his friends (Mr. Clinton and Mr. De Santa) want to caress the girls during a private dance.

Properties in GTA 5 —

  • Buy any 5 properties that generate income.

In each part of the fourth generation, the main characters were not up to business — buying profitable real estate and building your own financial empire can be done in GTA: Vice City, GTA: San Andreas and GTA: Vice City Stories. In GTA 5, the player can again and even must make businessmen out of heroes. To do this, the game has 25 real estate objects of various types: bars, garages, hangars, cinemas, etc. Three of the twenty-five, separate garages for cars and motorcycles, are described in a separate article. But about helipads, piers and hangars designed to store vehicles and not incoming money, it is written here. There are 15 income-generating objects in total. In addition, after purchasing some establishments, certain services (for example, taxis or tuning) will be free. The list of 22 (already with the deduction of garages) strip club «Vanilla unicorn», which, even though it is considered profitable real estate, is not included. Since it becomes available in the story and is a shelter, more about it in the article «Shelters».

Some establishments are available to all three heroes, the other part is available only to a certain protagonist, and only a few are available to Michael or Franklin. However, there can only be one owner. After the purchase, the establishment will be marked on the radar and map with a color (blue — Michael, green — Franklin, orange — Trevor) house and a dollar sign inside. To purchase, you need to drive up to the DYNASTY 8 sign. Of course, you need to have enough money to complete the transaction. After that, the manager or manager of the establishment contacts the new owner, for many of which you need to complete several (sometimes, as in the case of the MacKenzie airfield, a dozen) tasks called management.

As for access to real estate, it opens after the mission «Nervous Ron», but then only a few objects outside the city can be bought. After the Friends Reunion mission, everything becomes available (if you have enough money) with the exception of the Tequi-La-La bar, the water station and the penal area — they have different “opening” conditions.

The order of the list is determined neither by the high cost of the institution, nor by the moment when it becomes available for purchase.

McKenzie Airfield

One can argue whether we are buying a hangar at the airfield or the airfield itself, but this is, in principle, equivalent, since there is only one hangar near the runway. No one else will stick around.
After the purchase, there will be a plane in the hangar (the corresponding icon on the radar and map), and next to it — a buggy (steering wheel icon). Sitting in one of the vehicles, we activate the task related to the arms business of Trevor and his Mexican colleague Oscar. After completing 5 ground and 5 air raids, we will get the achievement «Arms Race TF Idastries». Read more about the arms race in the corresponding article. By the way, having completed the work on the delivery and receipt of weapons, you can use the plane and the buggy for personal purposes after completing the task. After returning, we simply pick up the vehicle and drive / fly where we need to. Despite the presence of a hangar and a helipad, Trevor’s air transport will be stored elsewhere.

«Downtown Cab Co.»

Buying is available for Franklin
Available for purchase after plot mission “Friends Reunement”
Address: East Vinewood (East Vinewood)
$ 20045 VIP VIP VIP VIP Income: $2,000 per week
Bonus: free taxi

Buying a taxi fleet is not only for special unique tasks for transporting special passengers, but also part of the condition for obtaining the “Taxi for All Ages” achievement, as well as a free taxi, which very practical. In case of need telephone operator Downtown Cab Co. crammed into the phone initially. Note that after the acquisition of the taxi company, Franklin will have two numbers with the name of the office in his phone. The one with the yellow-black logo is the number of the operator, and the other, from the photo of the taxi company itself, is the number of the manager of the establishment. He will call and ask for help in customer service. There are free taxis in the parking lot of the taxi company. After completing just one challenge, the player will be rewarded with the «Taxi for All Ages» achievement.

Water station

Buying is available for Michael, Franklin and Trevora
Available for purchase after plot mission “Merriuer robbery” Address: Paleto Cove (Paleto Cove)
9064 9066 Tenies waste
There is no weekly income, the maximum income is $940,000
Bonus: bathyscaphe and scuba motorboat on board

After any of the two options for the Merryweather Heist mission, a water station will become available for purchase, at a small pier where a bathyscaphe will appear. It will need to collect barrels of nuclear waste, scattered in the waters of the ocean around the state. In any case, a certain professor will ask about it. A scuba boat will be moored next to the bathyscaphe, but its appearance is tied to Abigail’s mission to collect parts of the sunken ship. After collecting the barrels and debris, both the bathyscaphe and the scuba boat will be available for free use. In addition to the pier and water transport, the water station complex includes a small building, which, however, is not of great interest. And in front of the stairs leading down to the water station, BF Injection is often parked.

Penal area

Buying is available for Franklin
Available for purchase after “Last favor”, fifth mission of Tony
Address: Ranchoi
Cost: 9065 $ 150 000
9064 Tasks 906
$500 for one towed car

During the next trip with Tonya for the specified car, a friend will casually say that JB can fly out of work, because either he lost, or where else to do his rights, if the new owner will not be loyal to him. After five monotonous tasks, you can buy a penalty area, and again you will have to deal with towing … There is nothing in the parking lot except a tow truck (you can arrange fun chases with a patrol car on its tail, literally), no.

Car junkyard

Purchase available for Michael, Franklin and Trevor
Available for purchase after «Friends Reunion» story mission
Address: El Burro Heights, Murrieta Oil Field
Cost: 000
Type of tasks: car delivery for scrap metal, protection from gangs
Income: $150 per car

There is a junkyard in the east of Los Santos that can be purchased. The income depends entirely on the number of cars delivered for scrap (we did the same in GTA 3). In addition, gangs can attack the landfill, from which you will need to fight back.

Los Santos Customs

Purchase available for Franklin
Available for purchase after Nervous Ron story mission
Address: Route 68, Grand Senora Desert
Cost: $349,000
Type of tasks:
Income: $1,600 per week
Bonus: free tuning

But it’s all about the bonus — all vehicle modifications for Franklin will be completely free, and, as you know, you can spend a fortune on tuning, and with this purchase you can save a fortune.

Smoke on the Water

Bar «Pitchers»

Purchase available for Michael, Franklin and Trevor
Available for purchase after «Friends Reunion» story mission
Address: Downtown Vinewood
Cost: $750,000 Delivery Type: Type: 906 Delivery 65 Tasks , catching robbers, protecting against gangs
Income: $7,100 per week

«Pitchers» is located in a very expensive area, and its cost, as well as income, will be solid. This bar, like the next few, specializes in booze. In such establishments, there will be something to do — delivery of cargo, protection from gangs, or the capture of a robber.

Bar «Tequi-La-La»

Purchase available for Michael, Franklin and Trevor
Available for purchase after «Friends Reunion» story mission
Address: corner of Eclipse Blvd & Milton Rd in West Vinewood 9064 Cost:
Type of tasks: catching robbers, protecting against gangs
Income: $16,500 per week

If «Pitchers» is an expensive establishment, then «Tequi-La-La» and even more so. It costs no less than two million. Any of the trio can buy it, but only after Nigel’s task «Souvenir — Willy» for Trevor.

Bar «Hookies»

Purchase available for Michael and Franklin
Available for purchase after Nervous Ron story mission
Address: North Chumash
Cost: $600,000
Type of tasks: capture robbers, protection from gangs
Income: $4,700 per week

Bar on the highway in the direction of Los Santos — Paleto Bay.

Bar «The Hen House»

Purchase available for Michael, Franklin and Trevor
Available for purchase after Nervous Ron story mission
Address: Paleto Bay
Cost: $80,000
0664 Job Type: Catch Robbers, Protect Against Gangs
Income: $920 per week

The Hen House is the only place available for purchase in Paleto Bay.

Cinema «Doppler»

Purchase available for Michael
Available for purchase after the «Friends Reunion» story mission
Address: Power Street in Downtown Vinewood
Cost: $10,000,000
Type of tasks: capture of robbers, protection from gangs
Income: $132,200 per week
Bonus: —

It is Michael, who will become the co-producer of the film in the course of the story, who is more suited to the role of the owner of the cinema. «Doppler» is the cheapest of the cinemas, although this «cheapness» is relative to other similar establishments. You have to pay 10 million.

Cinema «Ten Cent»

Available for Michael
Available for purchase after The plot mission “Reunction of friends”
Address: Textile City (Textile City)
Cost: $ 20,000,000
Type of tasks: Band of robbers, protection against gangs
9066 9 : —

«Ten cents» is twice as expensive as «Doppler» — 20 million, however, and the income is twice as much.

Cinema «TIvoli»

Available for Michael
is available for purchase after plot mission “Reunning friends”
Address: Boulevard Morningwood (Morningwood)
Cost: $ 30,000 000
Type of assignment, Banding of robbers, 9064 C week

But Tivoli is ten million more expensive — 30. Only with worse income.

Los Santos Golf Club

Purchase available for Michael, Franklin and Trevora
is available for purchase after plot mission «Reunning friends»
Address: Richman (Richman)
Cost: $ 150 000
Testing Mind:
$ 9065 $ 9065 —

$ 9065 —
$ 9065 —
$ 9065 —
$ 9065 per week
Bonus: free golf and the ability to play in any clothes

The most expensive real estate in the state. However, buying it will seem like a daily chore if you use our enrichment tips. After that, it will be possible to spit not only on the cost of the game, but also on the dress code of the club.

Two hangars at the airport

One hangar available for Michael and Franklin
Available for purchase after «Friends Reunion» story mission
Address: New Empire Way, Los Santos International Airport
Cost : $1,378,000 for one hangar
Type of tasks:
No income
Bonus: free access to the airport

Before buying, be sure to fulfill the conditions for the «Three Heroes» achievement according to our advice, otherwise, after the purchase, the hero will not receive three stars for entering the airport territory.

Hangars and the following facilities (helipads and piers) are non-income-generating properties, as they are designed to store vehicles. Such an acquisition is not cheap, but very practical. Both stolen and bought on the Internet, aircraft and tanks will be stored here. In addition to free access to the airport, it is possible to freely steal any aircraft near the runways and in other hangars. Of course, you can get a couple of wanted stars, but what would be easier than evading air pursuit?

Two helipads

Available for one helipad each for Michael and Franklin
Available for purchase after story mission «Friends Reunion»
Address: La Puerta
Cost: $419 850 for one site —
does not generate income

Like garages, hangars or piers, helipads have neither income nor management. This is a place to store rotorcraft. Purchases from the Elitas Travel and Warstock websites will be delivered here: be it Buzzard Attack Chopper, Cargobob, Frogger or Maverick. To get the desired helicopter, you need to select from the list (it will open by pressing the key indicated on the screen). By the way, the helipads are located next to the yacht club, where you can buy piers for all three.

For those who are wondering why one hangar and helipad can only be bought for Michael and Franklin, let’s explain. After the mission «Nervous Ron» Trevor can store his planes (and tanks, by the way) in the hangar of the airfield in Sandy Shores, and helicopters in the area nearby. So the airfield won from the bikers from Lost MC will save Ti a lot of money.

Three piers

One pier available for Michael, Franklin and Trevor
Available for purchase after The plot mission “Reunning friends”
Address: La Puerta (La Puerta)
Cost: $ 419 850 for one pier
Task type:
9064 does not bring
: 9065: 9065. next to the helipads, across a small bay, there is a yacht club. Here you can buy one pier for each hero to store their water transport. The location is marked on the radar and map with an anchor icon. Michael’s dock is the one closest to the stairs, next is Franklin’s, and third from the stairs is Trevor’s.