Gta 5 anfangsmission: Die erste Mission bei GTA V überspringen? (PS4)? (PlayStation 4, GTA Online, Rockstar)

Die erste Mission bei GTA V überspringen? (PS4)? (PlayStation 4, GTA Online, Rockstar)

Letzte Aktivität: 25.01.2023, 19:04
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  • GTA Online
  • GTA
  • Rockstar
  • GTA V
  • PlayStation 4
  • Hallo,

    erstmal Danke für eure Antworten.

    Ich habe mir GTA V (Grand Theft Auto 5) für die Playstation 4 gekauft. Eigentlich hatte ich vor hauptsächlich online zu spielen. 😉

    Nun zur Frage: Kann ich die erste Mission (die ganz am Anfang kommt wenn man das Spiel das erste mal startet, nicht die Einführung in den Online Modus) irgendwie überspringen?

    Ich hoffe auf eine schnelle Antwort derTobinator 🙂

    5 Antworten


    02.03.2016, 22:13

    Das geht nicht.


    02.03.2016, 22:12

    Nein kannst du nicht. Ist ja nicht schlimm es dauert nicht lange. Und sowieso empfehle ich dir die Story zu spielen da es einen grossen Spass macht.


    im Thema GTA

    03.03.2016, 10:07

    Den Prolog kannst du nicht überspringen. Falls du öfters den Prolog spielen musst um online zu kommen musst du am besten die Story bis zu dem Punkt wo Franklin in sein Haus kommt, da speichern und dann wirste nie mehr den Prolog spielen müssen


    02.03.2016, 22:24

    Nein,kannst nicht.

    By the way : Sie dauert nicht lange.


    02. 03.2016, 22:11

    Eigentlich nicht

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    Kann mir jemand helfen bzw. Tipps geben?

    (Auch evtl. wie man den Heist schnell abschließen kann.)

    Danke und LG,


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    Passage of GTA 5. Missions — Difficulties, Father and Son, Chop

    ← GTA 5 Walkthrough — Prologue, Franklin & Lamar, Requisition↑ Walkthrough GTA 5 Walkthrough — Family Consultation, Daddy’s Daughter, Add as Friend →


    In this task we have to play for Michael and for Franklin. The mission opens immediately after the completion of the «Requisition». Franklin needs to take the wheelbarrow from the impudent teenager Jimmy. As it turns out, this kid is Michael’s son. Therefore Franklin moves home to Michael. You can climb to it by climbing over the wall of the tennis court. We see a pickup. We use it as a ladder and climb to the top floor. We find an open window and climb inside through it. Turn on the hidden mode and go down the stairs. We do not pay attention to the rooms that are on the right and left, but go straight to the hall. To our left is a staircase, and under it is the entrance to the garage. We wait until all the people in the kitchen turn their backs on us, and move to the garage. This must be done carefully so that we are not burned by those who are in the living room. We’re going back to Simeon. We’ll meet Michael on the way. He will tell us to burn the center window, which we will do.
    Now control passes to Michael. His intentions are clear — he wants to beat Simeon. Make it easy. We slow down time, hit it with our fist several times, kick it a couple of times — and you’re done. The wretched merchant has been put in his place.

    100% completion
    The task must be completed in no longer than 5 minutes.
    The gardener must be incapacitated with a sneak attack.
    Need to avoid damage during the fight with Simeon.

    Father and Son.

    Father and Son mission starts after Trouble. Here is the proposed management of Michael and Franklin. The mission starts at Michael’s house. We sit down in Amanda’s convertible with Franklin and move to the track. We see a trailer that pulls a trailer with a yacht. Michael’s son Jimmy is there. We drive closer to the yacht. Then Franklin can get on board. We are waiting for the moment when a sail hangs over the road, on which the figure of a person will be visible. At this moment, we sharply give gas and catch Jimmy. We keep the car next to the side so that our friend Franklin can get over to the hood. Here our car will have problems. We go to Los Santos Car Repair and rent a convertible for repairs. After that, we return home to complete the mission.

    100% completion
    Complete the mission without damaging Amanda’s car.
    We need to save Jimmy in 10 seconds.


    In this mission, the player will control Franklin. The mission becomes available after the end of «Favor» and «Requisition». This task is not related to the main storyline and comes as an additional quest from the Freaks and Strangers series. In this mission, Franklin will cooperate with the dog Chop in order to grab one bastard who has annoyed the main characters.
    Lamar wants to kidnap a bandos and ransom him. But he runs away. We need to catch him. The target moves on a motorcycle, so it will be quite problematic to catch up with him, because our rattletrap is moving too slowly. But we come across a bus that will help in our pursuit. We chase the dude through all the backyards to the very railway depot. We need to search the wagons. We bring Chop to the case as a guide. The player here has the opportunity to examine the area through the eyes of Chop. However, he will become infatuated with another female dog for a while. You can drag him away or let him finish what he started. Now we are again scratching for Chop around the area and in one of the cars we find the escapee. The faithful dog will cling to the target, and we will only have to grab him and drag him into the van. But then Lamar will make a mistake, and we will have to let the bandos go.

    100% completion
    Franklin’s special abilities must be used within 7 seconds.
    Complete the mission with minimal damage to Lamar’s van.
    You need to complete the mission with minimal damage to health and armor.
    It is necessary to inspect the area through the eyes of Chop within 10 seconds.

    ← GTA 5 Walkthrough — Prologue, Franklin & Lamar, Requisition↑ Walkthrough GTA 5 Walkthrough — Family Consultation, Daddy’s Daughter, Add as Friend →

    Freaks and Strangers in GTA V

    In Grand Theft Auto V Michael, Franklin and Trevor will meet many strange characters. The requests of these people lead, as a rule, to funny additional missions. The place of the first meeting with each of the eccentrics is marked on the map with a question mark.

    Like the letters on the radar in story missions, the «?» painted in the colors of the characters: green is for Franklin, blue is for Michael, and orange is for Trevor. Drive up to the place marked on the map to start the scripted scene. Many of the strangers give more than one task. In this case, the second and subsequent encounters with them will be marked on the map by the character’s initial with a question mark. Like Tony or Barry.

    We shot a video for each task, in which we passed it to the gold medal. The conditions for receiving the award are also given in the descriptions. Note that although this is not very difficult, it is not necessary to fulfill all the conditions for “gold” at once. It is possible to replay the mission, each time performing only one part of it “correctly”.

    A small example. The screenshot shows that we have one silver medal left in the Beverly «Paparazzo» task. This is because the required number of shots was received, but it was not possible to knock the competitor out of the saddle on the first try. If now using the menu to go through the mission again, deliberately failing the condition with photos, but throwing Madison off his bike, then the final statistics will still take into account the «gold» in the sum of both attempts, although only «silver» was obtained in each individual of them .

    In the case when some task can not be completed in any way, after several unsuccessful attempts, the game will offer to skip the difficult fragment. By agreeing, the player will automatically receive «bronze» upon completion of the mission.

    For the convenience of readers who play the Russian version, the translation of the names of the missions and the conditions for passing to «gold» from the official localization of the game is indicated.

    All quests in the list are marked with the color of the hero they are intended for. Mandatory for obtaining 100% statistics are only 24 missions, next to the name of which there is a light green star (Franklin’s missions), with the exception of the very last one — «The Last One».

      Abigail Mathers

      Abigail is the widow of Frank Mathers, a well-known TV presenter and naturalist. At first she worked as his assistant, but later she turned from Miss Winthrop into the second Mrs. Mathers. For the sake of a new marriage, Frank left his sick first wife and five children.

    • Death At Sea
    • What Lies Beneath
    • Barry / Barry

      Barry is an activist for the legalization of marijuana smoking. He independently grows high-quality goods and, as part of the fight against the “tyranny of idiots”, offers everyone to try it.

    • Grass Roots — Michael (Agitator — Michael)
    • Grass Roots — Trevor (Agitator — Trevor)
    • Grass Roots — Franklin (Agitator — Franklin)
    • Grass Roots — The Pickup (Agitator — Goods)
    • Grass Roots — The Drag
    • Grass Roots — The Smoke-In (Agitator — Strike)
    • Beverly Felton / Beverly Felton

      Beverly is a celebrity-obsessed photographer. He loves and hates them at the same time. He constantly seeks to sniff out even the smallest details of their personal lives and believes that people should know everything about their idols.
      On the photographer’s page on the Lifeinvader social network, you can find a message from his father that he and his mother do not approve of his son’s choice of profession. Beverly’s missions will be marked on the map with a symbol (for «paparazzo»), apparently to avoid confusion with Barry’s missions.

    • Paparazzo (Paparazzi)
    • Paparazzo — The Sex Tape
    • Paparazzo — The Partnership (Paparazzi — partner)
    • Paparazzo — The Highness (Paparazzi — Princess)
    • Paparazzo — The Meltdown
    • Paparazzo — Reality Check

      Cletus Ewing / Cletus Ewing

      Cletus character is a typical redneck. He is very friendly towards Trevor, although he speaks disrespectfully about some of his other neighbors. Probably a veteran, as he wears a soldier’s badge around his neck. In his assignments, he teaches Trevor the basics of hunting, and at the end he offers a joint business: send him photographs of dead animals and get money. More details in our dedicated section.
      In addition to the missions below, you will not be able to meet Cletus, except that after the story mission «Minor Turbulence» he will send a message that he left a pie with Patricia in Trevor’s trailer.

    • Target Practice
    • Fair Game
    • Dom Beasley

      Hedge broker and extreme. Selfish and doesn’t like to lose. Not much is known about his life: we only know that Beasley has a daughter. The girl’s mother tries to contact him through the social network Lifeinvader in a desperate attempt to return the father to the child.
      After getting to know Dominic, in addition to his adrenaline-filled tasks, you will discover skydiving from helicopters, from buildings, structures and cliffs throughout San Andreas.

    • Risk Assessment
    • Liquidity Risk
    • Targeted Risk
    • Uncalculated Risk
    • Epsilon Program

      The Epsilon Program has for many years allowed its permanent leader, Chris Formage, to enrich itself at the expense of gullible followers. In the end, the fraudulent cult even won recognition by the San Andreas State Supreme Court as a church and tax exemption.

    • Seeking The Truth
    • Accepting The Truth
    • Assuming The Truth
    • Chasing The Truth
    • Bearing The Truth
    • Delivering The Truth
    • Exercising The Truth
    • Unknowing The Truth
    • Hao / Hao

      By day, Hao is a mechanic of all trades at Los Santos Customs near Los Santos International Airport. But at night, a modest Chinese becomes a thunderstorm of local street racing. Through acquaintance with him, Franklin also enters the world of street racing.

    • Shift Work
    • Josh Bernstein / Josh Bernstein

      Josh Bernstein is an unsuccessful real estate agent. His company collapses due to the financial crisis and the betrayal of a former business partner. Married with a second marriage, but the less we know about the relationship of this couple, the better.

    • Extra Commission (Commission)
    • Closing The Deal
    • Surreal Estate (Hot offer)
    • Breach of Contract
    • Mary Ann Quinn

      Mary Ann is obsessed with workouts and a healthy lifestyle. In her 39 years, she has never been married or had children, but she has reached the position of senior vice president of the company. Constantly angry at everything and everyone. He often talks a lot about his problems and treats men contemptuously. A swim coach put her on a blind date with a boyfriend named Adam. This acquaintance lasted only a week, when the meeting with Trevor made its own adjustments. Nothing is known about the fate of their relationship.
      Runs a microblog in Blitter under the nickname @TriathlonMaryAnn, after meeting he is also added as a friend to Michael in Lifeinvader. In addition, all three heroes receive her phone number, but Mary Ann cannot be reached. Meeting Miss Quinn outside of her missions is also not possible.

    • Exercising Demons — Michael
    • Exercising Demons — Franklin
    • Exercising Demons — Trevor

      Maude Eccles

      Maud lives in a trailer on a farm near Grapeseed and Sandy Shores. She owns Canine Renditions, a small business to find suspects hiding from the investigation. After a single mission, which is just an introductory video, Maud will start sending Trevor orientations for the fugitives, for the capture of which (alive or dead) a good reward has been announced.

    • Special Bonds
    • Minute Men / Community Patrol

      Joe and his Russian friend Joseph (part-time husband of Janet, owner of the Yellow Jack Inn bar) are on guard of national security. A keen eye and a faithful stun gun are their weapons in the fight against insidious illegal immigrants. This couple of Nazis is the last stronghold of America, protecting from the invasion of the country of strangers and «defilement of the indigenous population. »

    • The Civil Border Patrol
    • An American Welcome
    • Minute Man Blues
    • Nigel & Mrs. Thornhill / Nigel and Mrs Thornhill

      Nigel and his friend Mrs. Thornhill are elderly British freaks who are obsessed with celebrities. Arriving in the United States of America, overseas pensioners arrange a merciless and in every sense bloody hunt for the property of local celebrities.

    • Nigel and Mrs. Thornhill
    • Vinewood Souvenirs — Willy
    • Vinewood Souvenirs – Kerry
    • Vinewood Souvenirs — Tyler
    • Vinewood Souvenirs – Mark
    • Vinewood Souvenirs — Al Di Napoli
    • Vinewood Souvenirs – The Last Act
    • Omega / Omega

      An eccentric and highly paranoid hippie. Believes in the presence of aliens and issues a task to search for parts of a crashed UFO. Uses a detector like the ones Epsilonists carry around with them. Omega is somewhat reminiscent of our old buddy The Truth from GTA: San Andreas , right?

    • Far Out
    • The Final Frontier
    • Peter Dreyfuss / Peter Dreyfuss

      Famous director in the 70s. He left the cinema after his last film, Last Will and Testament, was not accepted by the audience and critics. Over the following decades, his films began to gain popularity again. However, Dreyfus’s reputation remained tarnished due to the fact that several actresses who worked with him earlier accused the director of sexual harassment.
      In 1975, he killed the young actress Leonora Johnson and abused her corpse. The crime was never solved, although Dreyfus wrote about the atrocity committed to David Richards (the father of Solomon Richards, whom Michael meets in the course of the story). The killer said that he cut the starlet’s body and from time to time tortured the girl’s relatives by sending them parts. However, the confession letter never made it into the hands of the police. Fragments of it can still be found in the nooks and crannies of the state.

    • A Starlet In Vinewood
    • Tonya Wiggins / Tonya Wiggins

      Tonya is Franklin’s childhood friend and grew up in the same neighborhood. Meets with JB, another native of their ghetto. He somehow managed to get a job as a tow truck driver, although he is constantly stoned and unable to perform his job duties.

    • Pulling Favors
    • Pulling Another Favor
    • Pulling Favors Again
    • Still Pulling Favors
    • Pulling One Last Favor
    • Rampages / Slaughterhouses

      Formally, rage missions in GTA V also refer to the tasks of strangers and weirdos. However, all the slaughterhouses are deprived of a single employer and are built according to the old, well-known formula: destroy N enemies with the provided weapons in the allotted time. The only connecting element in the rampage series is Trevor’s excessive temper and violent rampage.

    • Rampage One: Rednecks (Slaughterhouse 1)
    • Rampage Two: Vagos (Slaughterhouse 2)
    • Rampage Three: Ballas (Slaughterhouse 3)
    • Rampage Four: Army (Slaughterhouse 4)
    • Rampage Five: Hipsters (Slaughterhouse 5)
    • Mrs.