Cod warzone download größe: IT-News für Profis

Wie groß sind Warzone und Co. gerade?

Call of Duty hat verdammt viel Hunger auf Speicherplatz. Modern Warfare verdiente sich damit 2020 sogar den Titel des größten PC-Spiels (ohne Mods). Inzwischen gehören die Monster-Updates jenseits der 50 GB glücklicherweise der Vergangenheit an, die Entwickler haben die Downloadgrößen in den neuen Seasons deutlich verringert.

Trotzdem müsst ihr Warzone, Cold War, Modern Warfare und Vanguard immer noch viel Platz einräumen. Wie viel genau, verraten wir euch in unserer Übersicht. Dort findet ihr auch Tipps, wie ihr selbst den Speicherplatz komprimieren könnt. Bitte beachtet: Die genauen Zahlen können (geringfügig) schwanken.

Wie groß ist Call of Duty: Warzone?

Wenn ihr ausschließlich die kostenlose Standalone-Version auf dem PC von CoD Warzone bei herunterladet, ergeben sich aktuell folgende Größen:

Download: 188 GB
Festplattenspeicher: 87,3 GB

Mit jeder neuen Season stehen mindestens zwei weitere Downloads an: einmal zum Start und einmal das Midseason-Update. Die ändern aber üblicherweise nicht viel an der Größe, die Warzone auf eurer Festplatte belegt.

Welche Season läuft gerade? Alle Infos zu den Neuerungen und Inhalten der aktuellen Saison bekommt ihr hier:


Mehr zum Thema

CoD Warzone: Alle Infos zu Season 1

Wie groß ist Call of Duty Vanguard?

Der neueste CoD-Ableger lässt euch optional ein Paket mit hochauflösenden Texturen laden. Solltet ihr kein Platz mehr haben, könnt ihr dadurch einiges an Platz sparen, oder aber ihr installiert nicht alle Modi gleichzeitig.

  • Gesamtpaket Vanguard: 52,8 GB
  • Gesamtpaket: 51,6 GB
  • Nur Multiplayer und Zombies: 36 GB
  • High-Resolution-Assets: 32 GB

Während ihr auf den Download einer der Call of Duty-Spiele wartet, könnt ihr euch den Test zum aktuellen Vanguard anschauen:


Call of Duty: Vanguard — Test-Video zur Kampagne

Wie groß ist Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War?

Bei Cold War habt ihr einige Möglichkeiten, um den Speicherbedarf zu verkleinern. Dazu wählt ihr bei »Installation anpassen« und hakt die einzelnen Spielepakete an.

Wenn ihr das Spiel verkleinern wollt, dann lasst am besten die hochauflösenden Texturen weg. Die allein machen schon einen großen Unterschied aus!

  • Gesamtpaket: 151 GB
  • Nur Multiplayer und Zombies: 98,6 GB
  • Nur Kampagne: 88,6 GB
  • Hochauflösende Inhalte: 131 GB
  • Gesamtpaket Cold War inkl. 4K-Texturen: 125 GB
  • Nur Multiplayer: 35 GB

Wie groß ist Call of Duty: Modern Warfare?

Modern Warfare und Warzone hängen zusammen, das bedeutet, dass ihr das kostenlose Battle Royale automatisch mit installiert.

Um Modern Warfare zu verkleinern, könnt ihr bei einzelne, nicht mehr benötigte Datenpakete wie Kampagne, Multiplayer, Special Ops und Survival entfernen. Wählt dazu unter »Optionen« den Reiter »Installation anpassen« aus.

  • Gesamtpaket Modern Warfare und Warzone: 196 GB
  • Nur Modern Warfare Multiplayer und Warzone: 177 GB
  • Modern Warfare und Warzone: 136 GB

Warum braucht Call of Duty überhaupt so viel Platz? Darüber haben wir mit den Entwicklern gesprochen. Die Lage beim neuen CoD Vanguard sieht immerhin schonmal um einiges besser aus, als bei den vorherigen Teilen. Wirklich kleiner werden die Call of Dutys dieser Welt aber wohl nicht so schnell werden, da durch neue Inhalte und Patches immer wieder was dazukommen kann.

What is Warzone 2’s download size?

Call of Duty: Warzone 2

Looking to download Warzone 2 but not sure if you have enough storage space? We’ve got the game’s file size on every platform.

Millions of players have dropped into Warzone 2 to see Al Mazrah for themselves, but many might not be sure if they have enough storage for the download. We’ve got a breakdown of the Warzone 2 file size on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC.

Warzone 2 has enjoyed a successful launch, with millions of fans visiting Al Mazrah since it arrived on November 16. Those who played the original battle royale couldn’t wait to see how the sequel improved the formula, and it delivered with new circle mechanics, a revamped Gulag, and plenty of post-launch updates.

But those who were on the fence might only be trying out Warzone 2 for the first time now, wondering if their console or PC can handle installing the game.

Luckily, we’ve put together a guide on the Warzone 2 download size on each platform so you know exactly how much storage to free up.

The base version of Warzone 2 requires a download of between 55 GB and 70 GB on console, and 22 GB and 24 GB on PC. The original Warzone required a notoriously large download to install it, and Infinity Ward have clearly made an effort to make Warzone 2 slightly less of an undertaking.

That being said, it will still take up a fair chunk of storage space, so you may have to clear some room before installing.

Check out a full breakdown of the Warzone 2 file size on each individual platform below:

  • PS5: 83.6 GB
  • PS4: 55.7 GB
  • Xbox Series X|S: 62.0 GB
  • Xbox One: 70.0 GB
  • PC (Steam): 22.6 GB
  • PC ( 23.6 GB

There have also been two major updates since Warzone 2 launched, Season 1 and Season 1 Reloaded, which will only increase the download size. Check out the size of each update below:

Warzone 2 Season 1

  • PS5: 18.1 GB
  • PS4: 31.4 GB
  • Xbox Series X|S: 68.0 GB
  • Xbox One: 84 GB
  • PC (Steam): 32.9 GB
  • PC ( 49.3 GB

Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded

  • PS5: 11.2 GB
  • PS4: 11.2 GB
  • Xbox Series X|S: 24.81 GB
  • Xbox One: 24.81 GB
  • PC (Steam): 11.6 GB
  • PC ( 11.6 GB

It’s also worth keeping in mind that if you own a copy of Modern Warfare 2, Warzone 2 comes baked into its files. This means if you have an up-to-date version of MW2 installed, then the battle royale sequel is already there waiting for you.

For more on Warzone 2, be sure to check out our other guides:

Best guns in Warzone 2 | Best controller settings for Warzone 2 | Best PC settings for Warzone 2 | All DMZ Building 21 rewards | Best Warzone 2 landing spots | Best FOV settings for Warzone 2 | Best audio settings for Warzone 2 | How to get a nuke in Warzone 2 | Best keyboard & mouse settings for Warzone 2 | Best Assault Rifles in Warzone 2

Image Credit: Activision

Related Topics:Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded

Check out the list of 7 CoD Warzone submachine guns

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s arsenal is full of weapons for the happiness of all types of players who are passionate about this FPS. In this guide, I’ll show you several CoD Warzone submachine gun options to help you excel in the game.

See also: 5 shotguns used in CoD Modern Warfare and Warzone

Cod Warzone | list of submachine guns Cod Warzone

Submachine guns Coz Warzone


Aug | submachine guns

Fully automatic modular submachine gun configured for mobility and close combat. This weapon can use 5.56 caliber ammunition, which is used primarily for assault rifles. With this ammo change, you can hit more distant targets and deal more damage. You will unlock level 5 in the game.


Pp19 BISON | warzone submachine guns

Balanced automatic submachine gun with high capacity screw magazine. Check out the stats for this submachine gun below. You will unlock 42 level in the game.


mp5 | cod combat zone submachine guns

9mm automatic submachine gun. It offers the perfect balance between stability, portability and power. Even if the trigger is pulled firmly on the trigger, you can still count on successful hits from the MP5. To unlock this weapon, you need 12 level in the game.


Submachine guns Mp7 cod warzone

Compact in design, this fully automatic weapon features a high rate of fire and low recoil. The MP7 outperforms other submachine guns and assault rifles in terms of dealing with mid-range threats due to its heavy damage drop. To unlock weapons, you need 54 level .


P90 | cod warzone submachine guns

Bullpup automatic submachine gun. The unique top-mounted bay holds ample 5.7×28mm high-velocity ammunition. To unlock the weapon, simply 1 level .



Fully automatic open rifle submachine gun. Simple, stable and efficient. To unlock the weapon you need 34 level .

Forward 45

Forward 45 | submachine gun

A highly impact resistant submachine gun with a 0.45 Auto chamber that allows shooting at greater distances than other weapons in its class. Moderate rate of fire provides an automatic weapon. To unlock the weapon, all you have to do is Get 2 kills while sliding while using an SMG in 5 different matches.

See also: New Operator Death: Italian Cowboy in Warzone

So what do you think of these submachine guns? Comment on your favorite game!

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

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The coolest fish: the best cod in the world is frozen in Russia

On March 21–23 at the Moscow exhibition Metro Expo 2018, Norebo, the largest domestic fishing holding, will demonstrate a new quality of Russian northern fish. It has already entered the metropolitan and federal retail chains under the Borealis brand. Elena Chekalova — about how cod, one of the types of sea fish, fed the whole of Europe, and the Russians learned how to freeze it best.

Do you like cod as much as I do? Yes, I know: Russians still don’t see it in the lists of fish delicacies. Unless someone remembers the Russian sea foie gras — cod liver. Everything else, even the best parts — loins, fillets cut from the back — are considered by many to be everyday rather than luxurious products. But if you go to some good restaurant in Italy or Spain, then cod dishes are among the most expensive ones. And all because, until recently, it was difficult for us to find this fish of good quality: more often it came across frozen, dry and at the same time tasteless and watery. You definitely cannot decorate soup with such fish, it is usually fried in breadcrumbs and swallowed as a healthy protein. But believe me, cod can be fantastically delicious! And in order to cook it well, you need to understand its internal code.

Cod itself is part of the world’s cultural code. And not only because in English it is cod. For centuries, many nations thanks to this white fish literally survived. As Elena Molokhovets said, «our culinary everything», cod is the only product after bread, without which it is impossible to live. I, too, from childhood considered it unpretentious food. For the first time this fish struck me in the Spanish San Sebastian. There, in pintxos bars and restaurants (expensive, medium and very cheap), over and over again, tasting cod, I was amazed that it could be like this.

Cod tongues with parsley sauce

© Personal archive of Elena Chekalova

The Russian magic fish is the pike, the Basques have the cod. I was told a local legend about how a fisherman pulled a huge cod out of the sea, and she suddenly spoke in Basque. It is understandable, because in the Middle Ages, fortunes were made here on cod. On fast days, the Catholic Church forbade eating flesh, except for the so-called cold foods, which included fish that came from the water. «Fast days» (including all Fridays, on one of which Christ is believed to have been crucified) were almost half of the year. Therefore, one can understand the Basques, who deified their goldfish and traded it throughout Europe.

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For a long time, another thing remained incomprehensible: where do Basques get cod from? After all, she had never been in these waters. The Basques used to tell tales that they had a secret, magical land of abundance called Euskadi, whose waters teemed with fish. As it turned out later, they really went for cod on a long journey to the shores of North America, and long before Columbus, but they carefully concealed this: the trade secret was much more important for them than the great geographical discoveries. When at 149On the 7th, John Cabot landed near the island of Newfoundland and declared these lands an English possession, people from his team noticed Basque ships near the shallows with inexhaustible supplies of fish. It was later nicknamed «the big Newfoundland can».

Cod and flounder catch

© Sean Gallup/Getty Images

The Basques were not the first to save cod. Centuries earlier, Vikings traveled from Norway to Iceland, to Greenland, and to the same future Canada. For long trips, they dried cod by hanging it in the frosty air until it lost four-fifths of its weight and became hard, almost like wood. The Vikings chewed this «vobla» like crackers. The ancient world also knew corned beef. But it was the Basques, who had excellent salt from sea shoals dried in the hot sun, who learned how to make bacalao, that is, salted and dried cod — and of the highest quality.

The fact is that salted fat quickly loses its taste, and in cod it is almost absent, only 0.3%. But there is more than 18% protein. And when the cod is dried, the protein concentration reaches almost 80%. It turned out that correctly restored through soaking bacalao even surpasses fresh cod in taste.

The Catalans explain the origin of this word in this way. The cod was the queen of the fish and was so proud of itself, boasted so much that God straightened her up, they say, Va callar! («Be quiet!»)

Cod Confit

© Elena Chekalova’s personal archive

Perhaps for the first time in history, a royal product in terms of taste was so cheap that it was available even to the poor. Firstly, because there are a lot of cod. As Alexander Dumas said: «The fertility of cod is equal to its gluttony: if nothing interferes with the hatching of fry from eggs, then it will take no more than three years so that the Atlantic Ocean can be crossed on foot on the backs of fish.» In addition, cod is easy to catch: it is so omnivorous and greedy that it is ready to swallow any bait, it also loves to swim in shallow water, close to the shore. Secondly, there is almost no waste from cod. Everything is edible: heads, caviar, skin (in modern modernist cuisine, wonderful popcorn is made from it), bones, tripe, and even a swim bladder. In New England, cod was called sacred, and according to the local version, it is the very fish that Christ fed the hungry crowds with.

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The emergence of bacalao in the Middle Ages was comparable only to the discovery of quick freezing in the 20th century. And in the 21st century, literally before our eyes, a new technological revolution took place — the quality of fish freezing has sharply increased.

The first time I tried delicacy cod was in 2016 in the Murmansk village of Minkino, on the shore of the Kola Bay. As part of a group of journalists, I was invited here to the opening of a fish factory of the Norebo holding, which now sells its products under the Borealis brand (in Latin, the word means «northern, cold»). What I saw there completely amazed me. Ultra-modern equipment, Japanese sterile cleanliness, full computerization. Imagine: fish is unloaded to the factory directly from their own ships (the holding has a whole fleet, more than 40 modern ships), and then every carcass is counted by a computer. Then, at the exit, using the barcode, you can find out how much the fish was, who, when and where caught it, who cut it and how.

Elena Chekalova (on the right) during her visit to the fish factory of the Norebo holding

© Personal archive of Elena Chekalova

But what struck me most of all: completely fresh portions of cod fillets, which have not lost their natural colors, come off the conveyor and haddock, catfish and halibut steaks, squid carcasses. And just by touching, you understand that all this is deeply frozen and even packed. The film under vacuum simply wraps around the product, showing its quality, color and structure.

Super Chilling technology, developed in Iceland, preserves the natural taste of wild fish and all its benefits. To do this, immediately after production, the fish is placed in a special ice made from sea water. At the factory, raw materials are gently moved through production lines using chilled fresh water with sea salt. After that, it enters the Super Chiller, a device where the product is cooled down to -0.9 °C. At this temperature, all biochemical processes in fish tissues are significantly slowed down, while maintaining its structure and juiciness. With the technology of single freezing, the fish is defrosted exclusively and immediately before cooking!

The skin packaging is also completely innovative. Pieces of fish appear as if in a hard and transparent shell — just space, the film is not visible at all! But the quality of this fish is truly cosmic: wild cod or even slightly drier haddock turn out to be tastier and much healthier than farmed salmon.


© Personal archive of Elena Chekalova

But besides luxurious fish steaks, under the Borealis brand, you can find another delicacy that we hardly know about. I mean cod heads, from which they cut out small, but the most tidbits — tongues and cheeks. So they call the most tender meat near the gills and the lower part of the fish jaw, something like a second chin. There are no bones in these pieces, but there is a lot of gelatin, so they are more fatty and tender than the fish itself. If cooked properly, they taste better than scallops.

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Once thousands of fish heads were delivered to the royal table. After all, the ear from the cheeks and tongues of herring and cod was a favorite dish of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. She was especially appreciated by our most famous gourmet in the world — Count Stroganov. However, in Russian cuisine, these delicacies have not been established. It was cheaper for the fish companies to discard the cod heads than to cut them into tender slices by hand. Fish tongues and cheeks gained real fame in Scandinavia, in Canada, but above all in the Basque Country. Have you heard about their culinary bestseller — kokochas? This is what it is — the tongues and cheeks of hake and cod.

Cod tongues

© Personal archive of Elena Chekalova

Properly frozen wild cod is so tasty on its own that it’s better to cook it quite simply: do not stew or fry, but, for example, only 15 minutes to stew in olive oil at low temperature (about 60 °C). It is best to do this in a slow cooker. It is enough to sprinkle cod fillet slices with a mixture of salt and sugar (for 2 tsp of salt — 1 incomplete tsp of sugar) and leave for 10 minutes so that the fish flesh hardens a little, and then put it into the multicooker bowl along with a little fried onion, garlic and lightly chopped chili pepper.