Cheat of gta san andreas xbox: GTA San Andreas cheats | GamesRadar+

GTA San Andreas Cheats (PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One)

GTA San Andreas is dankzij de Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy — The Definitive Edition in een modern jasje gestoken en zo kun je als Carl «CJ» Johnson de game opnieuw beleven of voor de eerste keer spelen. Als het je allemaal niet snel genoeg gaat of gewoon lekker herrie wilt schoppen, dan helpen de onderstaande GTA San Andreas cheats je daarbij.

Je hebt natuurlijk de klassieke cheats die je onoverwinnelijk maken of waarmee je alle wapens krijgt. Daarnaast heb je er die het weer en de tijd veranderen. Maar in San Andreas heb je ook knotsgekke cheats die bijvoorbeeld alle voetgangers in Elvis veranderen of die zelfs heel het thema van de game veranderen.

Let wel op: veel van de onderstaande cheats kunnen niet ongedaan worden gemaakt. Dit wil zeggen dat sommige codes je kunnen verhinderen om de game uit te spelen. De game waarschuwt je op voorhand om je game niet op te slaan wanneer je cheats gebruikt. Hou hier rekening mee!

Om het overzicht te bewaren hebben we de cheats over twee pagina’s verdeeld:

Op deze pagina:

  • GTA San Andreas player cheats
  • GTA San Andreas wapens cheats
  • GTA San Andreas gameplay cheats
  • GTA San Andreas weer cheats
  • GTA San Andreas tijd cheats
  • GTA San Andreas thema cheats
  • Waarom werken mijn GTA San Andreas cheats niet?

Op de volgende pagina:

  • GTA San Andreas cheats: voertuigen en spawn cheats

GTA San Andreas player cheats

Dit zijn alle GTA San Andreas cheats die betrekking hebben op je personage zelf. Maak jezelf dus onsterfelijk, vul je health bij, zorg dat kogels je niet kunnen raken, verhoog of verlaag je Wanted-level of krijg maximum vet of spieren.

Maximum health + $250.000

  • pc: HESOYAM
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: R1, R2, L1 , X, ← , ↓, →, ↑, ←, ↓, →, ↑
  • Xbox: RT, RB, LT, A, ←, ↓, →, ↑, ←, ↓, →, ↑
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: RB, RT, LB , A, ← , ↓, →, ↑, ←, ↓, →, ↑
  • Switch: R, ZR, L , B, ← , ↓, →, ↑, ←, ↓, →, ↑

Onsterfelijk tegen kogels

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4: ↓, X, →, ←, →, R1, →, ↓, ↑, △
  • Xbox: ↓, A, →, ←, →, RT, →, ↓, ↑, Y
  • Deze cheat werkt niet in GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Oneindige longinhoud en zuurstof

  • pc: CVWKXAM
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: ↓, ←, L1, ↓, ↓, R2, ↓, L2, ↓
  • Xbox: ↓, ←, LT, ↓, ↓, RB, ↓, LB, ↓
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: ↓, ←, LB, ↓, ↓, RT, ↓, LT, ↓
  • Switch: ↓, ←, L, ↓, ↓, ZR, ↓, ZL, ↓

Pleeg zelfmoord

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: →, L2, ↓, R1, ←, ←, R1, L1, L2, L1
  • Xbox: →, LB, ↓, RT, ←, ←, RT, LT, LB, LT
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: →, LT, ↓, RB, ←, ←, RB, LB, LT, LB
  • Switch: →, ZL, ↓, R, ←, ←, R, L, ZL, L

Adrenaline mode

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4: X, X, ▢, R1, L1, X, ↓, ←, X
  • Xbox: A, A, X, RT, LT, A, ↓, ←, A
  • Deze cheat werkt niet in GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Verhoog Wanted Level

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4: R1, R1, O, R2, →, ←, →, ←, →, ←
  • Xbox: RT, RT, B, RB, ←, →, ←, →, ←, →
  • Deze cheat werkt niet in GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Verlaag Wanted Level

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: R1, R1, O, R2, ↑, ↓, ↑, ↓, ↑, ↓
  • Xbox: RT, RT, B, RB, ↑, ↓, ↑, ↓, ↑, ↓
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: RB, RB, B, RT, ↑, ↓, ↑, ↓, ↑, ↓
  • Switch: R, R, A, ZR, ↑, ↓, ↑, ↓, ↑, ↓

Geen Wanted Level meer

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: O, →, O, →, ←, ▢, △, ↑
  • Xbox: B, →, B, →, ←, X, Y, ↑
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: B, →, B, →, ←, X, Y, ↑
  • Switch: A, →, A, →, ←, Y, X, ↑

Zes sterren Wanted Level

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: O, →, O, →, ←, ▢, △, ↑
  • Xbox: B, →, B, →, ←, X, Y, ↑
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: B, →, B, →, ←, X, Y, ↑
  • Switch: A, →, A, →, ←, Y, X, ↑

Oneindige munitie

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: L1, R1, ▢, R1, ←, R2, R1, ←, ▢, ↓, L1, L1
  • Xbox: LT, RT, X, RT, ←, RB, RT, ←, X, ↓, LT, LT
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: LB, RB, X, RB, ←, RT, RB, ←, X, ↓, LB, LB
  • Switch: L, R, Y, R, ←, ZR, R, ←, Y, ↓, L, L

Maximum skill alle wapens

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: ↓, ▢, X, ←, R1, R2, ←, ↓, ↓, L1, L1, L1
  • Xbox: ↓, X, A, ←, RT, RB, ←, ↓, ↓, LT, LT, LT
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: ↓, X, A, ←, RB, RT, ←, ↓, ↓, LB, LB, LB
  • Switch: ↓, Y, B, ←, R, ZR, ←, ↓, ↓, L, L, L

Maximum skill alle voertuigen

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: ▢, L2, X, R1, L2, L2, ←, R1, →, L1, L1, L1
  • Xbox: X, LB, A, RT, LB, LB, ←, RT, →, LT, LT, LT
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: X, LT, A, RB, LT, LT, ←, RB, →, LB, LB, LB
  • Switch: Y, ZL, B, R, ZL, ZL, ←, R, →, L, L, L

Maximum respect

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: L1, R1, △, ↓, R2, X, L1, ↑, L2, L2, L1, L1
  • Xbox: LT, RT, Y, ↓, RB, A, LT, ↑, LB, LB, LT, LT
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: LB, RB, Y, ↓, RT, A, LB, ↑, LT, LT, LB, LB
  • Switch: L, R, X, ↓, ZR, B, L, ↑, ZL, ZL, L, L

Maximum sexappeal

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: O, △, △, ↑, O, R1, L2, ↑, △, L1, L1, L1
  • Xbox: B, Y, Y, ↑, B, RT, LB, ↑, Y, LT, LT, LT
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: B, Y, Y, ↑, B, RB, LT, ↑, Y, LB, LB, LB
  • Switch: A, X, X, ↑, A, R, ZL, ↑, X, L, L, L

Maximum stamina

  • pc: VKYPQCF
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: n. v.t.
  • Xbox: n.v.t.

Maximum spieren

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: △, ↑, ↑, ←, →, ▢, O, ←
  • Xbox: Y, ↑, ↑, ←, →, X, B, ←
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: Y, ↑, ↑, ←, →, X, B, ←
  • Switch: X, ↑, ↑, ←, →, Y, A, ←

Maximum vet

  • pc: BTCDBCB
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: △, ↑ ,↑, ←, →, ▢, O, ↓
  • Xbox: Y, ↑, ↑, ←, →, X, B, ↓
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: Y, ↑ ,↑, ←, →, X, B, ↓
  • Switch: X, ↑ ,↑, ←, →, Y, A, ↓


  • pc: BTCDBCB
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: △, ↑ ,↑, ←, →, ▢, O, →
  • Xbox: Y, ↑, ↑, ←, →, X, B, →
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: Y, ↑ ,↑, ←, →, X, B, →
  • Switch: X, ↑ ,↑, ←, →, Y, A, →

Nooit honger

  • pc: AEDUWNV
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4: ▢, L2, R1, △, ↑, ▢, L2, ↑, X
  • Xbox: X, LB, LT, Y, ↑, X, LB, ↑, A
  • Deze cheat werkt niet in GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Harder slaan

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: ↑, ←, X, △, R1, O, O, O, L2
  • Xbox: ↑, ←, A, Y, RT, B, B, B, LB
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: ↑, ←, A, Y, RB, B, B, B, LT
  • Switch: ↑, ←, B, X, R, A, A, A, ZL

Hoger springen

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: ↑, ↑, △, △, ↑, ↑, ←, →, ▢, R2, R2
  • Xbox: ↑, ↑, Y, Y, ↑, ↑, ←, →, X, RB, RB
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: ↑, ↑, Y, Y, ↑, ↑, ←, →, X, RT, RT
  • Switch: ↑, ↑, X, X, ↑, ↑, ←, →, Y, ZR, ZR

GTA San Andreas wapens cheats

In GTA San Andreas heb je geen cheats om je één specifiek wapen te geven. Wel zijn er drie verschillende cheats die je telkens een heel verschillend arsenaal aan wapens geeft! Als je alle wapens wil in GTA Andreas, moet je dus deze drie cheats gebruiken.

Wapens 1

  • pc: LXGIWYL
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: R1, R2, L1, R2, ←, ↓, →, ↑, ←, ↓, →, ↑
  • Xbox: RT, RB, LT, RB, ←, ↓, →, ↑, ←, ↓, →, ↑
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: RB, RT, LB, RT, ←, ↓, →, ↑, ←, ↓, →, ↑
  • Switch: R, ZR, L, ZR, ←, ↓, →, ↑, ←, ↓, →, ↑

Wapens 2

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: R1, R2, L1, R2, ←, ↓, →, ↑, ←, ↓, ↓, ←
  • Xbox: RT, RB, LT, RB, ←, ↓, →, ↑, ←, ↓, ↓, ←
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: RB, RT, LB, RT, ←, ↓, →, ↑, ←, ↓, ↓, ←
  • Switch: R, ZR, L, ZR, ←, ↓, →, ↑, ←, ↓, ↓, ←

Wapens 3

  • pc: UZUMYMW
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: R1, R2, L1, R2, ←, ↓, →, ↑, ← , ↓, ↓, ↓
  • Xbox: RT, RB, LT, RB, ←, ↓, →, ↑, ← , ↓, ↓, ↓
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: RB, RT, LB, RT, ←, ↓, →, ↑, ← , ↓, ↓, ↓
  • Switch: R, ZR, L, ZR, ←, ↓, →, ↑, ← , ↓, ↓, ↓

GTA San Andreas gameplay cheats

Hieronder staan alle GTA San Andreas cheats die de gameplay van de game veranderen. Van prostituees die CJ in Pimp Mode betalen tot voetgangers die elkaar met raketwerpers aanvallen. Chaos verzekerd!

Alle voetgangers Elvis

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: L1, O, △, L1, L1, ▢, L2, ↑, ↓, ←
  • Xbox: LT, B, Y, LT, LT, X, LB, ↑, ↓, ←
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: LB, B, Y, LB, LB, X, LT, ↑, ↓, ←
  • Switch: L, A, X, L, L, Y, ZL, ↑, ↓, ←

Voetgangers met wapens

  • pc: FOOOXFT
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: R2, R1, X, △, X, △, ↑, ↓
  • Xbox: RB, RT, A, Y, A, Y, ↑, ↓
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: RT, RB, A, Y, A, Y, ↑, ↓
  • Switch: ZR, R, B, X, B, X, ↑, ↓

Iedereen valt je aan

  • pc: BAGOWPG
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: ↓, ↑, ↑, ↑, X, R2, R1, L2, L2
  • Xbox: ↓, ↑, ↑, ↑, A, RB, RT, LB, LB
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: ↓, ↑, ↑, ↑, A, RT, RB, LT, LT
  • Switch: ↓, ↑, ↑, ↑, B, ZR, R, ZL, ZL

Iedereen valt je aan met wapens

  • pc: BGLUAWML
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: X, L1, ↑, ▢, ↓, X, L2, △, ↓, R1, L1, L1
  • Xbox: n. v.t.
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: A, LB, ↑, X, ↓, A, LT, Y, ↓, RB, LB, LB
  • Switch: B, L, ↑, Y, ↓, B, ZL, X, ↓, R, L, L

Voetgangers vallen elkaar aan

  • pc: AJLOJYQY
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: ↓, ←, ↑, ←, X, R2, R1, L2, L1
  • Xbox: ↓, ←, ↑, A, RB, RT, LB, LT
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: ↓, ←, ↑, ←, A, RT, RB, LT, LB
  • Switch: ↓, ←, ↑, ←, B, ZR, R, ZL, L

Rellen en chaos

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: L2, →, L1, △, →, →, R1, L1, →, L1, L1, L1
  • Xbox: LB, →, LT, Y, →, →, RT, LT, →, LT, LT, LT
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: LT, →, LB, Y, →, →, RB, LB, →, LB, LB, LB
  • Switch: ZL, →, L, X, →, →, R, L, →, L, L, L

Agressieve bestuurders

  • pc: YLTEICZ
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4: →, R2, ↑, ↑, R2, O, ▢, R2, L1, →, ↓, L1
  • Xbox: →, RB, ↑, ↑, RB, B, X, RB, LT, →, ↓, LT
  • Deze cheat werkt niet in GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Rekruteer iedereen

  • pc: SJMAHPE
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: ↓, ▢, ↑, R2, R2, ↑, →, →, ↑
  • Xbox: ↓, X, ↑, RB, RB, ↑, →, →, ↑
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: ↓, X, ↑, RT, RT, ↑, →, →, ↑
  • Switch: ↓, Y, ↑, ZR, ZR, ↑, →, →, ↑

Rekruteer iedereen met raketwerpers

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: R2, R2, R2, X, L2, L1, R2, L1, ↓, X
  • Xbox: RB, RB, RB, A, LB, LR, RB, LT, ↓, A
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: RT, RT, RT, A, LT, LB, RT, LB, ↓, X
  • Deze cheat werkt niet in GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

GTA San Andreas weer cheats

Alle GTA San Andreas cheats om het weer te veranderen.


  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, △
  • Xbox: RB, A, LT, LT, LB, LB, LB, Y
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, Y
  • Switch: ZR, B, L, L, ZL, ZL, ZL, X
  • In GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition veroorzaakt deze cheat ‘Avond’

Extreem zonnig

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, ↓
  • Xbox: RB, A, LT, LT, LB, LB, LB, ↓
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, ↓
  • Switch: ZR, B, L, L, ZL, ZL, ZL, ↓


  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, O
  • Xbox: RB, A, LT, LT, LB, LB, LB, X
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, B
  • Switch: ZR, B, L, L, ZL, ZL, ZL, A


  • pc: ALNSFMZO
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, ▢
  • Xbox: LB, ↓, ↓, ←, X, ←, RB, X, A, RT, LT, LT
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, X
  • Switch: ZR, B, L, L, ZL, ZL, ZL, Y
  • In GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition veroorzaakt deze cheat ‘Extreem zonnig’


  • pc: CFVFGMJ
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X
  • Xbox: RB, A, LT, LT, LB, LB, LB, A
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, X
  • Switch: ZR, B, L, L, ZL, ZL, ZL, B


  • pc: OFVIAC
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: ←, ←, L2, R1, →, ▢, ▢, L1, L2, X
  • Xbox: ←, ←, LB, RT, →, X, X, LT, LB, A
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: ←, ←, LT, RB, →, X, X, LB, LT, X
  • Switch: ←, ←, ZL, R, →, Y, Y, L, ZL, B


  • pc: CWJXUOC
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: ↑, ↓, L1, L1, L2, L2, L1, L2, R1, R2
  • Xbox: ↑, ↓, LT, LT, LB, LB, LT, LB, RT, RB
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: ↑, ↓, LB, LB, LT, LT, LB, LT, RB, RT
  • Switch: ↑, ↓, L, L, ZL, ZL, L, ZL, R, ZR

GTA San Andreas tijd cheats

Alle GTA San Andreas cheats om de gang van de tijd te beïnvloeden.

Tijd sneller

  • pc: YSOHNUL
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: O, O, L1, ▢, L1, ▢, ▢, ▢, L1, △, O, △
  • Xbox: B, B, LT, X, LT, X, X, X, LT, Y, B, Y
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: B, B, LB, X, LB, X, X, X, LB, Y, B, Y
  • Switch: A, A, L, Y, L, Y, Y, Y, L, X, A, X

Gameplay sneller

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: △, ↑, →, ↓, L2, L1, ▢
  • Xbox: Y, ↑, →, ↓, LB, LT, X
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: Y, ↑, →, ↓, LT, LB, X
  • Switch: X, ↑, →, ↓, ZL, L, Y

Gameplay langzamer

  • pc: LIYOAAY of SLOWIT↓
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: △, ↑, →, ↓, ▢, R2, R1
  • Xbox: Y, ↑, →, ↓, X, RB, RT
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: Y, ↑, →, ↓, X, RT, RB
  • Switch: X, ↑, →, ↓, Y, ZR, R

Altijd middernacht

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4: ▢, L1, R1, →, X, ↑, L1, ←, ←
  • Xbox: X, LT, RT, →, A, ↑, LT, ←, ←
  • Deze cheat werkt niet in GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

GTA San Andreas thema cheats

Alle GTA San Andreas cheats om het thema van de game helemaal te veranderen. Probeer ze zeker allemaal een keertje uit!

Pimp thema

  • pc: BEKKNQV
  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4: ▢, →, ▢, ▢, L2, X, △, X, △
  • Xbox: X, →, X, X, LB, A, Y, A, Y
  • Deze cheat werkt niet in GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Strand thema

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: ↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ▢, O, L1, R1, △, ↓
  • Xbox: ↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, X, B, LT, RT, Y, ↓
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: ↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, X, B, LB, RB, Y, ↓
  • Switch: ↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, Y, A, L, R, X, ↓

Funhouse thema

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4 / PS5: △, △, L1, ▢, ▢, O, ▢, ↓, O
  • Xbox: Y, Y, LT, X, X, B, X, ↓, B
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One (X) / Xbox Series X en S: Y, Y, LB, X, X, B, X, ↓, B
  • Switch: X, X, L, Y, Y, A, Y, ↓, A

Ninja thema

  • PS2 / PS3 / PS4: X, X, ↓, R2, L2, O, R1, O, ▢
  • Xbox: A, A, ↓, RB, LB, B, RT, B, X
  • Deze cheat werkt niet in GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Waarom werken mijn GTA San Andreas cheats niet?

Als je problemen hebt om je GTA San Andreas cheats te activeren, dan zijn er verschillende mogelijke redenen. Snelheid is een mogelijke factor. Je moet de combinaties namelijk snel genoeg ingeven vooraleer ze activeren. Het is dus goed om eerst even te oefenen zodat je de combinatie hebt gememoriseerd. Voer ze daarna aan een hoog tempo in.

Er is ook een tweede reden waar jij niks aan kunt doen. Ontwikkelaar Rockstar heeft namelijk laten weten dat het bepaalde cheats uit GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition heeft gehaald voor technische redenen. De studio zegt dat de nieuwe engine (de Unreal Engine) waarop die remaster is gebouwd, namelijk niet goed reageerde op sommige cheats. Je kunt hierboven in de lijst vinden welke cheats er zijn verwijderd voor die versie van de game.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Xbox Cheats


Spawn Caddy:
B, L, Up, R, White, A, R, L, B, A.

Spawn Bloodring Banger:
Down, R, B, White, White, A, R, L, Left, Left.

Armor, health, and money:
R, Black, L, A, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

Adrenaline effects:
A, A, X, R, L, A, Down, Left, A.

Aggressive traffic:
Black, B, R, White, Left, R, L, Black, White.

All traffic lights remain green:
Right, R, Up, White, White, Left, R, L, R, R.

All cars have nitrous:
Left, Y, R, L, Up, X, Y, Down, B, White, L, L.

Bounty on your head:
Down, Up, Up, Up, A, Black, R, White, White.

Cars fly away:
X, Black, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, White, A.

City in chaos:
White, Right, L, Y, Right, Right, R, L, Right, L, L.

Commit suicide:
Right, White, Down, R, Left, Left, R, L, White, L.

Lose Health Slower:
Down, A, Right, Left, Right, R, Right, Down, Up, Y

CJ jumps higher:
Up, Up, Y, Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, Black, Black.

Drive on water:
Right, Black, B, R, White, X, R, Black.

Destroy all cars:
Black, White, R, L, White, Black, X, Y, B, Y, White, L.

Kinky theme:
X, Right, X, X, White, A, Y, A, Y.

Beach party theme:
Up, Up, Down, Down, X, B, L, R, Y, Down.

Carnival theme:
Y, Y, L, X, X, B, X, Down, B.

Rural theme:
L, L, R, R, White, L, Black, Down, Left, Up.

Yakuza theme:
A, A, Down, Black, White, B, R, B, X. A

Cloudy weather:
Black, A, L, L, White, White, White, Y.

Foggy weather:
Black, A, L, L, White, White, White, A.

Stormy weather:
Black, A, L, L, White, White, White, B.

Sandstorm weather:
Up, Down, L, L, White(2), L, White, R, Black.

Cloudy weather:
White, Down, Down, Left, X, Left, Black, X, A, R, L, L.

Very cloudy weather:
Black, A, L, L, White, White, White, X.

Sunny weather:
Black, A, L, L, White, White, White, Y.

Very sunny weather:
Black, A, L, L, White, White, White, Down.

Fast motion:
Y, Up, Right, Down, White, L, X.

Slow motion:
Y, Up, Right, Down, X, Black, R.

Always 00:00 or 12:00:
X, L, R, Right, A, Up, L, Left, Left.

Always 21:00:
Left, Left, White, R, Right, X, X, L, White, A.

Speed up time:
B, B, L, X, L, X, X, X, L, Y, B, Y.

Slow down time:
Y, Up, Right, Down, X, Black, R.

Gangs and workers:
Left, Right, Right, Right, Left, A, Down, Up, X, Right.

Gangs only:
White, Up, R, R, Left, R, R, Black, Right, Down.

Pedestrians are Elvis:
L, B, Y, L, L, X, White, Up, Down, Left.

Pedestrians have weapons:
Black, R, A, Y, A, Y, Up, Down.

Pedestrians attack with guns:
A, L, Up, X, Down, A, White, Y, Down, R, L, L.

Pedestrians riot:
Down, Left, Up, Left, A, Black, R, White, L.

Recruit anyone into your gang with rocket launchers:
Black, Black, Black, A, White, L, Black, L, Down, A.

Recruit anyone into your gang with guns:
Down, X, Up, Black, Black, Up, Right, Right, Up.

Super punches:
Up, Left, A, Y, R, B, B, B, White.

Spawn Vortex:
Y, Y, X, B, A, L, White, Down, Down.

Spawn Trashmaster:
B, R, B, R, Left, Left, R, L, B, Right.

Spawn Stunt Plane:
B, Up, L, White, Down, R, L, L, Left, Left, A, Y.

Spawn Stretch:
Black, Up, White, Left, Left, R, L, B, Right.

Spawn Romero:
Down, Black, Down, R, White, Left, R, L, Left, Right.

Spawn Rhino tank:
B, B, L, B, B, B, L, White, R, Y, B, Y.

Spawn Rancher:
Up, Right, Right, L, Right, Up, X, White.

Spawn Parachute:
Left, Right, L, White, R, Black, Black, Up, Down, Right, L.

Spawn Quad bike:
Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, X, B, Y, R, Black.

Spawn Monster Truck:
Right, Up, R, R, R, Down, Y, Y, A, B, L, L.

Spawn Jetpack:
Left, Right, L, White, R, Black, Up, Down, Left, Right.

Spawn Hydra:
Y, Y, X, B, A, L, L, Down, Up.

Spawn Tanker:
R, Up, Left, Right, Black, Up, Right, X, Right, White, L, L.

Spawn Hunter:
B, A, L, B, B, L, B, R, Black, White, L, L.

Spawn Hotring Racer #2:
Black, L, B, Right, L, R, Right, Up, B, Black.

Spawn Hotring Racer #1:
R, B, Black, Right, L, White, A, A, X, R during game play.

Spawn Dozer:
Black, L, L, Right, Right, Up, Up, A, L, Left.

Taxis upgraded:
Up, A, Y, A, Y, A, X, Black, Right.

Massive BMX bunny hops:
Y, X, B, B, X, B, B, L, White, White, R, Black.

Flying boats:
Black, B, Up, L, Right, R, Right, Up, X, Y.

Manual weapon control drive bys in cars:
Up, Up, X, White, Right, A, R, Down, Black, B.

Reduced traffic:
A, Down, Up, Black, Down, Y, L, Y, Left.

Beater traffic:
White, Right, L, Up, A, L, White, Black, R, L, L, L.

Rural traffic:
Y, Left, X, Black, Up, White, Down, L, A, L, L, L.

Sports car traffic:
Up, L, R, Up, Right, Up, A, White, A, L.

Black traffic:
B, White, Up, R, Left, A, R, L, Left, B.

Vehicle of death:
L, White, White, Up, Down, Down, Up, R, Black, Black.

Flying cars:
X, Down, White, Up, L, B, Up, A, Left.

Invisible cars:
Y, L, Y, Black, X, L, L. Repeat this code to toggle off.

Faster cars:
Right, R, Up, White, White, Left, R, L, R, R.

Perfect handling:
Y, R, R, Left, R, L, Black, L.

Pimping missions completed:
Right, White, White, Down, White, Up, Up, White, Black.

Maximum vehicle skills:
X, White, A, R, White, White, Left, R, Right, L, L, L.

Unlimited health:
Down, A, Right, Left, Right, R, Right, Down, Up, Y during game play.

No hunger:
X, White, R, Y, Up, X, White, Up, A.

No fat or muscle:
Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, B, Right.

Maximum fat:
Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, B, Down.

Maximum muscle:
Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, B, Left.

Maximum lung capacity:
Down, Left, L, Down, Down, Black, Down, White, Down.

Maximum sex appeal:
B, Y, Y, Up, B, R, White, Up, Y, L, L, L.

Maximum respect:
L, R, Y, Down, Black, A, L, Up, White, White, L, L.

Wanted level never increases:
B, Right, B, Right, Left, X, Y, Up.

Lower wanted level:
R, R, B, Black, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down.

Six star wanted level:
B, Right, B, Right, Left, X, A, Down.

Raise wanted level:
R, R, B, Black, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right.

Unlimited ammunition:
L, R, X, R, Left, Black, R, Left, X, Down, L, L.

Hitman level in all weapons:
Down, X, A, Left, R, Black, Left, Down, Down, L, L, L to receive dual wield.

Weapons Tier 1:
R, Black, L, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

Weapons Tier 2:
R, Black, L, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left.

Weapons Tier 3:
R, Black, L, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down.

Infinite nitro:
Equip a car with nitrous, and save it in your garage. Then, while the car is in the garage, activate the nitrous, and blow it up; it will respawn with infinite nitrous.

Skip Pilot School and Get Your License:
In the first city, hop the fence and get into SHAMAL. Keep flying South until you get your license and gain access to every airport.

Skip Bike School and Get the NRG-500:
On the first island, get to the sewer that goes straight through the city. Follow the sewer and you'll see a tunnel at the end. Go into the tunnel and drive all the way to the end, keep driving, go out of the alley and make a U-turn to your right, into the parking garage. Go up to the second floor. If you don`t see a motor, just go to the upper floor then go to the end. There you will find an NRG-500.

On the second island, go to the airport. On your map, you will see, at the right side of the airport, 4 hangars -- go there. Drive to the last one (way north) and between 2 of the hangars there is an NRG-500.

Get Into the San Fiero Airport without Getting your License:
Just hop on a bike and go to the fence all the way at the end of the airport. Drive into the fence as fast as you can and just before you hit the fence, pop a weelie. Now you can get into the airport.

Free ammo:
If you're low on ammo with a particular weapon, enter an Ammu-nation shooting range with it equipped, and then walk out again.

Foil attacks on your neighborhood:
If you hear that one of your territories is under attack, just go to a safe-house and save the game.

Keep weapons if busted:
Date Barbara.

Keep weapons if wasted:
Date Katie.

Get Casino Codes Easily:
Just kill Millie. But be careful, she will take alot of hits to off.

Unlockable suits:
Get your relationship to 100% with the indicated woman.

Fetish suit Millie
Medic clothes Katie Zhan
Overalls Helena
Pimp suit Denise Robinson
Police uniform Barbara
Racing suit Michelle


Clothing Bonuses:


white t-shirt +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
cowboy hat +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
sandals +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
eyepatch +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
LS t-shirt +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
yellow watch +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
sandals and socks +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
blue jeans +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
leopard cowboy +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
flip-flops +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
joke mask +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
trucker hat +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
pink watch +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
joke glasses +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
gray pants +0 respect, +1 sex appeal
red rag +1 respect, +0 sex appeal
beige pants +1 respect, +0 sex appeal
blue rag +1 respect, +0 sex appeal
dogtag +1 respect, +0 sex appeal
black rag (front) +1 respect, +0 sex appeal
black rag (back) +1 respect, +1 sex appeal
africa pendant +1 respect, +1 sex appeal
black boxers +1 respect, +1 sex appeal
blue low-tops +1 respect, +1 sex appeal
blue rag (back) +1 respect, +1 sex appeal
blue rag (front) +1 respect, +1 sex appeal
black low-tops +1 respect, +1 sex appeal
red rag (back) +1 respect, +1 sex appeal
red rag (front) +1 respect, +1 sex appeal
cowboy boots +1 respect, +2 sex appeal
heart boxers +1 respect, +2 sex appeal
sharps t-shirt +2 respect, +0 sex appeal
green rag +2 respect, +0 sex appeal
watch cap +2 respect, +0 sex appeal
urban camo +2 respect, +1 sex appeal
hi-top knicks +2 respect, +1 sex appeal
white tank top +2 respect, +3 sex appeal
black tank top +2 respect, +3 sex appeal
checkered shirt +3 respect, +0 sex appeal
green low-tops +3 respect, +1 sex appeal
green rag (front) +3 respect, +1 sex appeal
green rag (back) +3 respect, +2 sex appeal
sweat pants +3 respect, +2 sex appeal
hi-top sneakers +3 respect, +2 sex appeal
olive pants +5 respect, +1 sex appeal
track pants +5 respect, +5 sex appeal
eris t-shirt 2 +5 respect, +7 sex appeal
track top +5 respect, +9 sex appeal
woodland camo +6 respect, +1 sex appeal
green track pants +9 respect, +2 sex appeal
combat jacket +10 respect, +0 sex appeal
green shirt +15 respect, +3 sex appeal
green hoody +15 respect, +5 sex appeal
green jeans +15 respect, +5 sex appeal
eris t-shirt +15 respect, +7 sex appeal


Haircut Bonuses:


elvis haircut +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
pink hair haircut +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
pink moahwk haircut +0 respect, +0 sex appeal
cesar haircut +5 respect, +15 sex appeal
jheri curl haircut +5 respect, +25 sex appeal
cesar and goatee haircut +10 respect, +0 sex appeal
red hair haircut +10 respect, +0 sex appeal
blue hair haircut +10 respect, +0 sex appeal
green hair haircut +10 respect, +0 sex appeal
mohawk and beard haircut +10 respect, +0 sex appeal
blonde haircut +0 respect, +15 sex appeal
cesar and beard haircut +10 respect, +10 sex appeal
blonde mohawk haircut +10 respect, +15 sex appeal
bald haircut +10 respect, +20 sex appeal
high afro haircut +15 respect, +0 sex appeal
cesar haircut +5 respect, +15 sex appeal
afro and goatee haircut +20 respect, +0 sex appeal
afro haircut +15 respect, +10 sex appeal
bald and goatee haircut +15 respect, +10 sex appeal
bald and stash haircut +15 respect, +15 sex appeal
bald and beard haircut +15 respect, +15 sex appeal
blonde afro haircut +15 respect, +15 sex appeal
jheri curl haircut +5 respect, +25 sex appeal
slope haircut +20 respect, +10 sex appeal
mohawk haircut +20 respect, +10 sex appeal
high fade haircut +20 respect, +20 sex appeal
wedge haircut +20 respect, +20 sex appeal
afro and stash haircut +20 respect, +5 sex appeal
afro and beard haircut +20 respect, +5 sex appeal
flattop haircut +25 respect, +25 sex appeal
detail cut haircut +25 respect, +30 sex appeal
cornrow haircut +30 respect, +30 sex appeal
blonde cornrow haircut +30 respect, +30 sex appeal
groove cut haircut +30 respect, +30 sex appeal

Thanks to Revolution readers Jesse, Siktwzt, kevin, SuperNova007, Michael Davis, Arko Koppens, Mr. Dannemann, Brandon, LUIS VIGIL , James Davis,  REX, and connor!

90,000 The Trilogy discovered a secret cheat. Code for Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch

The players went to explore the updated games of the GTA series and found a surprise prepared by the developers

Earlier it became known that the games in the collection of remasters Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy — The Definitive Edition lost some of the cheat codes from the original games: GTA 3, GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas. This is due to «technical reasons». nine0003

However, it has been hinted that something else has been added to the game instead.

Some players were able to access the updated games a little earlier and find a new cheat code.

The author of the YouTube channel GTA Series Videos presented his work in all 3 games of the collection.

The cheat code is available on Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch consoles, to activate it is necessary to repeat the combination below. It is not yet clear how to activate the cheat code on PC. nine0003

It should be noted that using cheats can block trophies/achievements.

2021-11-11 19:09:22

Boris Piletsky

Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy — The Definitive Edition

Rockstar removed some cheats from the GTA trilogy remasters, but did not say which ones. Allegedly, players will be more interesting this way

nine0002 New World players are instantly banned for entering the test server



Already today! How AI is replacing game developers

Artificial intelligence has learned to make games. So far, these are text quests, but the army of ordinary game developers has tensed up. Artists are already ready to raise an uprising against robots. Scriptwriters and programmers are looking at artificial intelligence as a competitor. We, the players, are interested in something else. And will the games created by AI be better than those offered to us today by humans? nine0003

The standard of horror. How Dead Space was created

The release of Dead Space Remake is definitely the main event of January and the most important release of 2023. But the remake is made by other people, and the developers of the original game have nothing to do with it. We decided to take a look at the approach Visceral Games took when they created one of the best survival horror games to this day.

Potential hit? What is known about Hogwarts Legacy


The major Harry Potter games have faded into obscurity with the release of the latest J. K. Rowling movie. Despite the Hogwarts Legacy scandals, what’s the chance that a new Avalanche Studios game is the first sign of a great gaming year? Let’s figure it out!

How not ashamed? CRSED mobile battle royale review: Cuisine Royale

War Thunder is a popular project, its developers are loved in Russia and are interested in their projects. For the mobile version of the battle royale CRSED, Gaijin acted as the publisher. The game was released on smartphones and already in advance has collected positive ratings from loyal fans of the company. But Gaijin does not deserve such advances. On the contrary, the attitude of the company towards the players deserves only censure. nine0003

Games bit anime. What is isekai and what is worth seeing

Anime games have been around for a long time — Pokemon and Dragon Pink as an example. But at one point, this genre became popular in earnest, and the conveyor began massively riveting anime, where the main characters enter the game universes. Is there anything worthwhile among them? Let’s tell now!

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Xbox 360) game review

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Xbox 360)

Release: October 26, 2014,
Developer: Rockstar North, Grove Street Games
Publisher: Rockstar Games go through it in its entirety, enjoying the once-missed moments and causing bewildered glances from comrades in the disease. Yes, I’m different from the vast majority of video game-loving teenagers, after all, I’m well past forty. I spent a good chunk of my worthless life trying to earn a bit of a decent amount of money and finally live normally, praise the Creator, these attempts are in the past. Now I can be content with little and enjoy the very fact of life, ignoring the values ​​dictated by public opinion and despising the very concept of “what will people say to this”. I don’t like these people that much, bite their alligator, but a good video game allows you to bring to life the most gory and meaty scenes of my bedtime fantasies, and the Grand Theft Auto series is a good example of this. nine0003 Source:

My first acquaintance with, without exaggeration, the great «Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas» took place on the PS2, and the disc was quite naturally pirated, even people far from consoles know about the translation of which into Russian. The phrases “spent” and “cool the fuck, carbon fiber” have long become memes and are used not only by men with large cohones, but also by quite respectable personalities from Grove Street (or even Roshi, it will be more authentic). In those old days, I didn’t like the game and was abandoned to gather dust on the mezzanine, but this extremely important circumstance did not prevent GTA: SA from becoming a favorite and cult for hundreds of millions of fans around the world, so it definitely deserves attention. The Xbox 360 version was released in 2014, according to both TrueAchievements and its Russian clone Stratege, only Wiki mumbles something about the Xbox Original version, dating back to 2005. The game is no longer available for purchase in the Xbox Live store, but you can and even need to download it from the company’s servers if you managed to buy it ahead of time. Only two gigabytes on the hard drive — and you again plunge into the confusion of street fights. Well, «ah shit, here we go again»? nine0003 Source:

  I suspect that even a simple list of options available to the player, if it doesn’t shock the newly-minted adept to the core, then it will definitely make this old man treat this old man with respect. Steal a variety of vehicles from bicycles to vertical take-off planes and use them for their villainous purposes, make acquaintances with girls who are pleasant in all respects with the same calculation, win back entire urban areas from gangster gangs — a sort of series «Brigade», where management is the main hero is concentrated in the sweaty palms of an enthusiastic player. Judge for yourself, isn’t it nice to whip a traffic policeman to bloody snot with a half-meter purple dildo? What do you say, “how could you think such a thing about us, we are not like that, we are educated and educated people”? I read your posts in Tentacle, so don’t post here! The inhabitants of the humiliated, offended and feeble-minded part of the population of any country in the world living in the ghetto love to fulfill themselves in trampling the foundations of human relationships and violence against their successful neighbors, as they tell us in Mother Russell on TV, but they won’t lie there! nine0003 Source: trueachievements. com

The fate of the protagonist Carl Johnson, or CJ, as his friends call him, generally resembles a suddenly revived wet fantasy of a pupil of a special shelter for juvenile hooligans. Judging by the houses of local residents stuffed with big-ass kinescopes and shiny varnished VCRs, the action takes place somewhere in the blessed nineties, and the shape of the car bodies, as if descended from the inserts of the Turbo chewing gum, only confirms my assumption. CJ returns to his hometown of Los Santos, in the state of San Andreas, in order to bury his mother shot in a street war and close a couple of gestalts with his older brother Sweet and sidekick Ryder. Of course, the appearance of an old acquaintance on the scene did not escape the thoroughly corrupt police, so CJ is first accused of killing one of the cops, and then made a pawn in the game of big bad guys. Carl is easily and naturally drawn into a pastime familiar from childhood: robbing houses, killing gangsters from other groups and doing other things that are no less pleasant to the heart of a young hooligan. In general, everything is like in the song of Mikhail Krug, only fun, without anguish and with a perky tune. nine0003 Source:

It must be said that the scale of the game map is surprising even now. The city of Los Santos itself is quite large and is heavily filled with various gaming locations, such as eateries, gyms and other hospitals and train stations. In the course of the game, two more cities, San Fierro and Las Venturas, are gradually opened, and the space between them is not at all a desert scorched by the sun. Well, in some places it is, but even in the desert there are enough military bases, small provincial towns, orphan airfields and other nonsense, which dramatically increase the replay value of the project and attract the traveler with their secrets. Bridges, road junctions, marinas and motels — the population density in this world is no less than in the same «Fallout: New Vegas», except that it will be more difficult to find radscorpions or ghouls. For the first ten or twenty hours, I was even interested in simply moving between locations behind the wheel of a good car, like in some Forza Motorsport 3, turning on the K-Rose radio station and singing at the top of my voice about “all my ex’s live in Texas”. And about the night city perspective from the cockpit of a combat helicopter, I better keep silent, it is beautiful, like Eos, the goddess of dawn. nine0003 Source:

However, «GTA: San Andreas» does not live by machines alone in the hearts of its fans. An indefatigable thirst for profit seized the entire population of a single state, without exception, therefore, it seems to me, one of the radio stations is simply obliged to play Mephistopheles couplets about “people die for metal, Satan rules the show there” from the opera “Faust”. We will have to destroy some of the satanatoms with our own hands, and CJ himself, in his desire to get rich and become famous, does not go far from the aforementioned satanatoms, since there are enough weapons in the game. Pistols, machine guns, rifles, submachine guns, explosives — the Christmas sale is in hell today! Cartridges pour in abundance from defeated enemies, it is recommended to replenish the arsenal in specialized shops, and the most fratricidal things-dryuchki and wunderwaffles, like a jetpack or a deadly tank, can be obtained in the process of completing missions. nine0003 Source:

It’s hard to believe, but this abundance seemed to the creators not enough, so they flooded GTA: SA with built-in games and mini-tasks that bring excellent income and allow you to pump the hero to the maximum. For example, if you pass twelve levels of an orderly (and you will pass, did I understand correctly?), CJ’s health scale will forever double, and by looting and handing over ten thousand dollars worth of junk, you can get the ability to endlessly fast run. As I understand it, the shkolota who played the PC version of San Andreas simply adored the various cheat codes that still pop up in the search engine when this part of the game is mentioned. To me, the need for cheats seems extremely doubtful, because igrodely did their best, but who am I to condemn hot young heads? Survive the 24-hour Beat the Cock marathon, steal thirty cars from the secret list, fuck one of your girlfriends or even all of them in turn, win a lot of money at the casino or at the races — the choice is yours! nine0003 Source:

There are also enough regular missions in the game, my counter easily exceeded a hundred already on the first playthrough. True, the first passage remained the only one, because for now I don’t want to return to San Andreas at all. Perhaps it was just the overwhelming amount of violence that sometimes didn’t even need to add the prefix “ultra-” and dilute it with a glass of milk. The creators simply enjoy the pain, fear and aggression towards their characters, they didn’t even forget the bloody trace from the wheel after hitting a pedestrian, but at the present time there is enough violence already in abundance. The right word, if I went through this game that way in the tenth or twelfth, the score would be at least nine out of ten possible. Now, in almost every town, over the town hall of which a faded tricolor flutters in the wind, something similar is happening that we are shown in the game, only in reality and with live participants. Instead of CJ — going to success Chocolate, instead of the CIA officer Toreno — KGB officer Semyonych, and everything is still the same. nine0003 Source:

  I rather liked the game, although I simply cannot give it the highest rating out of moral convictions and my own scale of values. It is quite old, so connoisseurs of nasty graphics will come to awe and cover any screenshot of the game with a thick layer of blasphemy, but who cares about their precious opinion, except for themselves? The plot is interesting, albeit one-time, but unexpected twists and a variety of missions easily compensate for boredom from performing monotonous mini-tasks.