Zelda alle fotos: Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Alle Erinnerungsfotos finden

Erinnerungsfotos in Zelda Breath of the Wild: Alle Fundorte

| von
Anna Hegeler

In Zelda Breath of the Wild können Sie mit Erinnerungen Sequenzen freischalten. Alle Fundorte für Erinnerungsfotos zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp.

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Erinnerungsfotos in Zelda Breath of the Wild

  • Mit Erinnerungen können Sie in Zelda Breath of the Wild bestimmte Sequenzen freischalten. Auch können Ihnen die Erinnerungen helfen, die momentane Geschichte des Spiels besser zu verstehen und zu verfolgen.
  • Im gesamten Spiel können Sie bis zu 13 Erinnerungsfotos finden. Diese befinden sich in Hyrule.
  • Schalten Sie zu Beginn die Kamera für den Shiekah-Stein frei.
  • Beginnen Sie so früh wie möglich mit der Suche nach den Erinnerungsfotos. Nachdem Sie das erste Foto gefunden haben, erhalten Sie die beste Rüstung von Zelda, das Reckengewand.
  • Zum Schluss können Sie mit den Erinnerungsfotos das geheime Ende freischalten.

Zelda Breath of the Wild: Fundorte der Erinnerungsfotos

  1. Das erste Erinnerungsfoto finden Sie südlich vom Schloss Hyrule am Alten Festplatz. Gehen Sie dafür zum Schloss und suchen Sie südlich am Alten Festplatz.
  2. Das zweite Foto erhalten Sie westlich des Kolo-Sees sowie nordwestlich des Turms von Plateaus. Die Erinnerung können Sie schön vom Turm des Großen Plateaus aus leuchten sehen.
  3. Foto Nummer 3 befindet sich südlich des Tabanta-Turms bei den Antiken Steinsäulen. Das Erinnerungsfoto kommt automatisch in das Gedächtnis links zurück, wenn Sie sich in dessen Nähe befinden.
  4. Vor der Oase des Wüstenbasars können Sie Foto Nummer 4 finden. Der Wüstenbasar befindet sich in der Stadt Gerudo. Vor einer Oase liegt die Erinnerung.
  5. Erinnerungsfoto Nummer 5 können Sie westlich des Eldin-Turms auf einem hohen Berg finden. Erklettern Sie den Turm, um an die Erinnerung zu gelangen.
  6. Am See nordwestlich des Schlosses Hyrule können Sie Foto Nummer 6 einsammeln.
  7. Erinnerungsfoto Nummer 7 erhalten Sie in West-Necluda zwischen dem Panora-Berg und dem Adeya-See.
  8. Im Schloss Hyrule vor Zeldas Schlafgemach finden Sie Erinnerungsfoto Nummer 8.
  9. Westlich des Stalls von Ost-Akkala ist das Erinnerungsfoto Nummer 9 an der Quelle der Kraft zu finden.
  10. Bild Nummer 10 befindet sich im Sanidin-Park im südöstlichen Hyrule-Gebirge. In der Nähe einer großen Statue können Sie die Erinnerung entdecken.
  11. In Necluda beim Osttor der Ranellestraße liegt das elfte Erinnerungsfoto verborgen.
  12. Foto Nummer 12 befindet sich zwischen dem Bodenlosen Sumpf und dem Hylia-Fluss im Wald.
  13. Östlich vom Stall der Zwillingsberge auf der Baccanera-Ebene können Sie das letzte Erinnerungsfoto finden. Gehen Sie dafür zurück nach Impa.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Im nächsten Praxistipp zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie in Zelda Breath of the Wild Feuer machen und kochen.

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The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Stock-Fotos und Bilder


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Captured Memories: How to find all memory locations in Breath of the Wild — The Legend of Zelda

Quest Captured Memories can contain all The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild . There is no timer, and this is not a requirement to complete the game. But those who complete the quest will receive their reward. There’s a lot of storytelling in Captured Memories — and they even answer some annoying questions. In this guide, we will show you how to find them all.

Since the captured memories do not have names, we will look at them from left to right, starting from the top. The number in the image below corresponds to the number below it. We include written instructions with each photo and a gallery with several maps to help you find your way around wherever you are. And the hardest part is, we even made a video for you.

1. Sacred ground ruins

Transition to central tower . Your destination is through Hyrule Central, through Hyrule Field, and finally to Sacred Land Ruins .

2. Colomo Lake

Move to Grand Plateau Tower and jump off the edge of the terrain, paragliding on Field Hyrula to Hyrula Castle . Location on the shore of Lake Colomo .

3. Ancient Pillars

Transport yourself to Tabant Tower in Hyrule . Pass through the Piper Ridge to the Ancient Pillars. If you opened a fast travel waypoint at Shrine of Ten Ko’sa , you can move within a few yards of your destination.

4. Karakar Bazaar

Travel to Wasteland Tower in the Gerudo Desert. Drive on the road leading to Gerudo City . The captured memory is located on the bank of the pond in the middle of the bazaar.

5. Eldin Canyon

The captured memory is located in Eldin, between Eldin Tower and Tower Woodland . From Eldin Tower go past Goronbi Lake . If you need to escape the heat, just paragliding around the mountains. From Woodland Tower head for the mountains.

Captured memory is at the top shown in the gallery above. If you are short on stamina, prepare food and elixirs that can restore it while climbing.

6. Irch Plain

Go to Ridgeland Tower . Cross the nearest road and you will find this Captured Memory near the lake at Irich Plain . You will be able to see this big tree even when paragliding down from the tower. If you get lost make sure Hyrule Castle is on the horizon.

7. West Nekluda

Warp to the tower of the Great Plateau and paragliding (toward the Duel Peaks). Cross Scout Hill and look for a tree with a rock at the base sitting on a hill.

8. Hyrule Castle

This is the most difficult of all captured memories because it lives in the terribly dangerous Hyrule Castle . Approach the castle from the bank of the moat using your paraglider, to cross the water. The map of Hyrule Castle is 3D, like the maps for Divine Beasts, and you are heading to the top of the tower as shown in the gallery above.

It’s dangerous wherever you are at Breath of the Wild . It is best to sneak along the winding road. So we made a video to show you the way.

9. Source of Power

Akkala Tower is the closest but not quite close to this Captured Memory. If you find yourself there, follow the road leading to Akkala Highlands . Keep going until you reach Stables East Akkala and Katosa Aug. (Or, if you can simply teleport to the shrine, do so.)

Take a horse from East Akkala stables and go to a grassy field. Check out the maps in the gallery above to see your path. It’s not difficult or far.

10. Sanidin Park Ruins

Go to Central Tower and go through Daphnes Mountain and Regencia River . Walk across the big hill in front of you and you will find Horse Statue in Sanidin Park Ruins on the far side.

11. Lanaryu Road — East Gate

This Captured memory of is not just next to any tower, but near with Lanaryu Tower and Duel Tower Pyx . Ta’loh Naeg Shrine near Kakariko Village is a much better starting point.

Climb up the hill and exit the village as if you were heading for Great Fairy Fountain . Pass through this area and follow the trail through the mountains to Lanaryu Road — East Gate , which is even conveniently named on your map. We’ve mapped out the path in the gallery above.

12. The Hairula Field

next to Central Tower and Tower Duel Pixes You will find this captured memory on the path of the Khilia River Fields Chirul .

13. Blatchery Plain

After you find 12 captured Memories places on your Shiekah slate, return to ITAM in Kakariko village. She will tell you about the 13th and final Captured Memory and show you on her wall to help you get there. If this sounds familiar to you, it’s because you’ve probably been to the field of broken cars at the start of the game when first hit Hateno Village .

Trek to Hateno Tower . Your destination is over the river Quarrel , in field full of broken cars, in front of Fort Hateno . See the map in the gallery above for to know the exact location of , which is in the area of the Blatchery Great Plain .

You won’t find a big reward, but be patient. Retrieving this 13th captured memory adds a scene to the ending of Breath of the Wild .

All 18 Link’s Lost Memories Locations

MartinAugust 65, 2020Last updated: August 3, 2022


Link slept for 100 years, and at that time he lost a lot of his memories of what happened in the past. Although the story of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild refers to Link in an attempt to stop Calamity Ganon and save Hyrule, there is a subplot to restore his memories.

There are 18 memories that Link will need to get to get the whole picture of what happened 100 years ago. While some of them are part of the main story, many of them will take on some extra detective work.

SPOILER WARNING! The following will probably mess up the Breath of the Wild story. If you don’t want to know about it before the game, go back.


These memories are directly related to history and the main mission. Players do not have to search for any specific location, as these memories will be restored as part of the story. (Note: this list is still being compiled.)

Zora’s Domain

Gerudo Town

Rito Village

Goron Town


When you reach Kakariko Village, you will be tasked to find Pura from the Hateno Ancient Technology Lab and she will teach you more about your shian Sheik. She will actually unlock the final rune in your slide by completing the task for her. This last rune is a camera feature that has images of different landscapes in Hyrule taken by Zelda 100 years ago.

Pura believes that if Link finds these places, the fragments of his memory will return. There are 18 memories in total and 12 of those you need to find.

As long as you can figure out what landscapes are in the photographs, there is one person who can help you. The artist’s Pikango can be found in Kakariko village (in front of Impa’s house) and will tell you about the location of one photo.

You won’t see Pikango until you find him in the stables scattered around Hyrule. He will appear in some stables and will tell you the general location of one photo each time you find him. Once you find the location, you will see a ring of light that will allow Link to remember the memory.

Here is a list of places where you can find lost memories Link (note: this list is still being compiled).

Photo #1 — Location of the knightly ceremony south of Hyrule Castle.

The first lost memory place in «Breath of the Wild»

Photo #2 — Lake Kolomo

The second lost memory cell in «Breath of the Wild»

Photo #3 — Ancient columns directly cross the Tabanta bridge, where in the south is big rock.