Wow lvl 1 to 120: A guide to enjoying leveling 1-120 : wow

A guide to enjoying leveling 1-120 : wow

Introduction: Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to reading my guide. I have been playing WoW for 15 years. As a result of playing so long life eventually happens and I have had multiple periods of no subscription or missed whole expansions. This time I came back right at the very end of Legion with lots to catch up on and have been enjoying the game ever since. I think even with all the changes at Blizzard and its age WoW is still a great game. We have Classic, 8.2, and beyond to look forward to yet there’s always a lot of hate for the game on social media. So, I wanted to produce a positive piece of content of my own to help better the community.

Purpose: I see a lot of complaints about the grind to 120. I also see quite a few guides on how to speed level. What I never see are guides on how to enjoy the leveling process instead of treating it like a chore. We all know how easy it is to get a strong baseline gear at 120 so why not slow down and enjoy the content. Enjoy the journey because this is an active MMO so there truly is no actual destination. Destroy the illusion that the game has to revolve around max level and it can help return that RPG element to the game for you.

Who is the guide for?: My guide is catered to the experienced player. I am assuming you have at a minimum a full set of heirlooms and have a max level character that wasn’t boosted. If you’re brand new then please enjoy the read but more importantly slow down. This journey is most magical when its experienced for the first time.

Structure: I will break the content down into leveling brackets. I will rate the fun, difficulty, and speed of each bracket. For each of these I will give my opinion and explanations. In the speed section I will also include tips on speed leveling each bracket. I am only including the speed leveling piece because there is a lot of content out there and maybe you really hate Warlords of Draenor for example so you just want out as soon as possible.

1-60: (New) Old world! In Cataclysm the original content of WoW was all updated. As a result you wont have to do much backtracking to old areas, the quests will flow continuously, and there’s a lot of rich fun story elements out there to enjoy. Even though you can leave at level 58 I recommend staying until you get flying at level 60 because the questing wont flow as nicely in the 60-80 bracket.

Fun 5/5: This is an incredibly fun place to level in. You are learning your class one spell and talent at a time. The entire journey should only take you 3-5 zones to complete. This means you can pick a new path for your character every time you level. Plan this out in advance and make yourself not do the same zones you’re used to grinding. Use the dungeon finder to break the monotony of questing. Set a rule to queue every X levels or after completing X number story elements in zones. Switch your spec every 10 levels to force yourself to try new things.

Difficulty 3/5: The hardest part about this bracket is no flying or max speed mount. Depending on your decided zone leveling path you will also come up against elites that are hard to solo. Looking at you giant Yeti outside Tarren Mill!

Speed 3/5: The ground mount will slow you down but ultimately its just a lot of levels to clear.

Speed Tips: Purchase the heirloom flight points. Purchase enough heirlooms to get your level 1 mount. Avoid the dungeon finder. The Blood Elf and Draenai starting areas were not updated with Cataclysm so they are the oldest content in the game. The quest flow isn’t very good and you do a lot of backtracking.

60-80: (The real old world) Outland and Northrend! This is the oldest content in the game and the notorious alt killer but there are still fun things to enjoy.

Fun 3/5: This is the alt killing bracket that should take 3-4 zones. Many players give up on alts halfway through their first zone for several reasons. You are only going to get 1-3 spells and 1 of them is your passive mastery that often wont change your gameplay at all. Most players hop into one of the 3 standard starting zones and finish it which gets dry pretty quickly. I can do Hellfire and Borean with my eyes closed at this point. My recommendation is to get a baseline of gear from the starting zones and then use the board to pick a new zone. Chances are you haven’t cleared Storm Peaks or Shadowmoon on an alt for a while. Use that dungeon finder again. Alternate between Northrend and Outland so you never see the same dungeon twice.

Difficulty 4/5: You have to live through 10 levels of your 150% flying mount. You will be flying back and forth as quest fluidity is at its lowest point. If you are zone jumping like I suggested, you will come across more quests with difficult elites. Since these zones are less occupied it will be tough to get help for them. For these reasons I consider it one of the most difficult brackets to level in.

Speed 2/5: Bottom line here is its 20 levels of really old expansion content. 3-4 zones will take a lot longer than it did in you 1-60 bracket.

Speed Tips: Northrend quests are organized better in most cases so considering starting there. Borean, Grizzly Hills, and Zul Drak are all decently flowing. Avoid the dungeon finder again to speed things up. Have a friend clear Ring of Blood and the Amphitheater of Anguish for you for a quick boost.

80-90: Cataclysm and Pandaria! These zones are just gorgeous to look at. Between the two expansions there is just an incredible amount of variety.

Fun 4/5: A lot of people love this section of leveling. Probably because they just survived the 60-80 bracket but also because its just pretty. You are almost guaranteed to finish this is 1.25 zones. If you layer in the dungeon finder you will only finish 1 zone. Knowing this plan ahead and pick your zone along with a backup. Stick with it! Don’t just do the first Pandaria zone like everyone else. When was the last time you relived the glorious quests of Harrison Jones in Uldum? Again do some dungeons and alternate between Cataclysm and Pandaria.

Difficulty 1/5: Max speed flying and probably zero chance you’re going to die regardless of path chosen.

Speed 4/5: Its 1 zone so yeah its fast!

Speed Tips: Hyjal is an incredibly fast clear and depending on your +exp items can get you all the way to 90.

90-98: Warlords of Draenor! A very short visit.

Fun 2/5: I score this the lowest fun factor because no matter what you do you will not get to complete anything. Its 8 levels and you will get 1-2 of them just unlocking the expansion during the intro quest. The only thing you can do here to spice it up is use the board and get out of the starting zone. Do the bonus zone objectives. Level some parts of your garrison for fun. Hunt for world treasures.

Difficulty 2/5: I scored it 2 for those people without flying. With flying this is basically a 0.

Speed 5/5: Everything you do gives exp. Even your garrison gives you exp potions. Don’t blink or you’ll miss these levels.

Speed Tips: Want to go even faster? Get an addon to list world treasures on your map. Loot your garrison treasures and cache. Buy the exp potion and take to the sky. Fly to world bonus objectives and hit every treasure on the way. You will be done in no time.

98-110: The ever famous Legion! The expansion you won’t want to leave.

Fun 5/5: Legion leveling takes 2-3 zones. Chances are you probably already know how to have fun here. The best way to enjoy this expansion is to use your class hall as much as possible. The class campaign is fun and unique for every class. Unlock all your artifact weapons. Don’t skip the opening scenario. Start in a different zone every time. Feel free to use the dungeon finder. The dungeons are all fun but all the quest exp will be tied behind clearing a Legion zone. The Legion assaults are fun but know they will shave 1-2 levels off the process for you so it can reduce your overall personal experience in the expansion.

Difficulty 1/5: Again 1 for people without flying otherwise a 0. The mobs are really weak here for some reason. Regardless of class and spec you can take multiple mobs and not skip a beat.

Speed 3.5/5: It’s a larger bracket at 12 levels but the quests all flow perfectly. Class hall stuff is not as fluid.

Speed Tips: Bring a WoD exp potion with you for 98-100. Legion Assaults can be cleared in about 20mins and grant up to 2 levels. They are on set timers published online so you can plan your levels. Dungeon finder will slow you down a lot this bracket unless you happen to get a random bonus paired with a quest bonus. Either way best to avoid it. Once you get an Artifact weapon never touch the class hall again. If you aren’t doing this bracket in one sitting check your mission table before logging out. Often there are exp reward missions.

110-120: Battle for Azeroth! Believe me its not as trash as the posts say online.

Fun 4/5: What 4 on this crappy expansion?? Yes 4 because it offers some unique leveling components and azerite traits are essentially the first “new” thing your character has seen for 30+ levels. Also for the record BFA is not as bad as people make it out to be. This leveling also feels more rewarding because you know the reputation and quests completed apply to your end game. You will clear 1.5 zones to finish. If you’re going to end game your character then don’t worry about what zone you do for questing because you will just be finishing them at 120 anyway. Expeditions and the war campaign are how you break up the monotony here. Do your professions while you level, go out of your way for that herb, and kill that rare just because.

Difficulty 4.5/5: Welcome back Mr. Pony! You are grounded until 8.2 and if you can’t water walk its even harder. You will run through packs of enemies to go everywhere. Mobs will begin to out scale you in the 115 range and take longer to kill. You will also get quests for tough elites but there’s lots of players clearing them so finding help won’t take long.

Speed 3/5: The zones are longer than normal and you’re hoofing it!

Speed Tips: If you hate leveling here seriously just pay for that freehold boost spam you see every 15 seconds in trade chat! For questing use the pants, cloak, and ring heirlooms and ditch the rest.

You survived! But also consider:

-Watch the events calendar for holidays and the Darkmoon faire.

-I didn’t mention PvP once but yes layer that in if that’s your thing.

-Keep your pet tracking on at all times. Capture new pets. Battle pets can give you ¾ a quest in exp.

-Every time you hit a capital city do the Cataclysm fishing and cooking dailies.

-Do some professions. The old world stuff sells more than you may think.

-Timewalking is a great way to pre-gear with tokens. A way of justifying to yourself going slow is okay because you got a great start at 120 waiting for you

-Group with friends for everything!

-Join the first guild that doesn’t invite spam you. Leave it and join another if you need to. Don’t be shy and you’ll find nice people out there.

-Try out an RP server. Its not just for the sexkitty pride inn! The type of people here tend to be focused on fun and not end game just as this guide is trying to get you to do.

-Read the quests!!!!! Don’t just click through and skip cutscenes. You’re missing it!

Thank you everyone that made it through my first guide. I honestly hope it helps you find the magic in WoW again. Also please excuse any grammar issues.

Update: Thank you for all the feedback. Please do remember my goal here is to try to show you how I bring joy to the content that’s available. I’m not justifying what’s out there as the best it can possibly be. I obviously really do enjoy leveling and I actually do love the 1-60 zones. I get to visit a lot of places and enjoy my class being built level by level. All that matters is that if you’re not boosting you need to level and you should try to enjoy it. For me its slowing down and creating a different experience each time. I wish you all the best in Azeroth!

Complete 1-120 WoW BfA Leveling Guide with

Hi everyone! Today I want to show you some very useful tips for World of Warcraft – it’s my huge and thorough Battle for Azeroth Leveling Guide 1-120.

If you’re doing your allied races or just wondering how you can level up efficiently, here it is – the fastest options to level in modern WoW. Get a cup of tea or something similar – you’ve got a lot of information incoming!

Leveling speed was seriously increased by devs in patch 7.3.5 because the previous system was way too long and tedious. Before that, progression was slowed down to increase the amount of time which people will spend on raising their characters, taking into account that even some experience buffs were drastically changed.

Now, leveling speed is increased by up to 40% for some ranges, and by 22% for level range 20-120 in general. It makes leveling much faster, especially if you’ve decided to do it now! Here you will find everything that can be interesting or helpful in your leveling – you’ve just found the perfect method to level up!

General Information

Before beginning your maximum level race, you should consider some aspects: your eagerness, your time, your reasons. Eagerness – to get things done fast without being morally burnout, you must want to get that level for your character. If you have 50 characters, you may find it extremely frustrating to raise another one. If you don’t have the right mood or inner energy for this – don’t start. Seriously, it will save your nerves and time, just get a leveling service or a boost of some sort.

Time – if you have two, one or even fewer hours a day to play World of Warcraft, you should also consider getting a boost or abandoning your idea. Such leveling will take a month or more of your time – and you probably won’t be satisfied with the result in the end (if you want FAST leveling, of course). Reasons – you must answer to yourself “why do I want this\another character”? If you can’t give a clear answer, then, probably, you don’t want that character for sure (and you must again consider getting a boost token from Blizzard or a leveling service.

If you’re determined, confident and ready to level up your character – well, then welcome to the world of fastest leveling you’ve ever seen (without RAF bonuses, of course). I’ll tell you some useful things that can save your leveling time.

Additional Experience Sources

Heirlooms: most powerful bonus experience source. You should easily acquire heirlooms of all types, excluding rings. If you weren’t playing during the Warlords of Draenor, or you don’t have a last-level shipyard in your garrison – don’t bother with it, it’ll take a ridiculous amount of time. A full heirloom gear gives more than 50% of additional experience. Heirloom items with Critical Strike are the best – you want everybody dead in a few swings or casts while leveling.

Enchants: get all possible or available enchants– bonus effects from enchants will allow you to kill monsters even faster.

Recruit a Friend: Recruit a Friend and inviting your friend in a group provides an extra 50% experience. It’s an ULTIMATE way to speed up your leveling – if you have a friend, who can or want to play World of Warcraft, it’s your best choice. I strongly recommend it, it’s superior!

Rest Zone: leave your protege in an Inn or in an Inn-like (try to read this sentence fast, it sounds fun) place to get the “well-rested” Bonus. To define if you’re resting, check your hero portrait and find a ZZZ mark instead of level depiction. If you still see your current level – then you’re not in the Rest Zone.

Experience Potions: Elixir of the Rapid Mind and Elixir of Ancient Knowledge are two extremely rare items with unique experience buff. In case you want to find them on your server (and even more – afford them), you can also use them. But seriously, I don’t recommend it – it’s overpriced as hell.

The Excess Potion of Accelerated Learning MUST be used while you’re in Draenor. Don’t forget to buy it from your garrison quartermaster. It can be used at level range 91 to 99, and it will allow you to get through Warlords of Draenor in a day.

Draught of Ten Lands is an item from Battle for Azeroth with a 10% experience buff with one-hour duration. Good thing.

War Mode: activate War Mode as soon as possible in your talent menu. It’ll give you from 10% to 30% bonus experience, it depends on your Faction. For Alliance, it’s almost a must-have! Nevertheless, you can be attacked by Hordies or Alliance and killed. Yes, there is an ‘anti-gank system’ that allows all players to have a chance against higher level players, but I don’t think that it’s that useful. In case of faction deficiency (Alliance, it’s our case), you’ll get a temporary call to arms buff with enabled War Mode.

Darkmoon Faire: it appears every month and has two options of experience buffs. You should use the carousel to get the WHEE! buff for 10% additional experience with one-hour duration. There is also the Darkmoon Top Hat which you can get by playing a few games, that will also give you a 10% bonus experience buff for a week. Still, it’s quite debatable – getting these buffs may take longer than actually doing some quests.

Insightful Rubellite: you can also use an Insightful Rubellite for your items with sockets for an additional 5% experience.

Guild Bonuses

It’s very useful to search for guilds that are aimed at alts or toons, especially if you’re not new to World of Warcraft. Also, try to find random people who will join you in your leveling process – it doesn’t matter, will it eventually last till the 120 level or end up after 30 seconds – leveling in a group is ALWAYS faster.

Guild Perks: There are some pleasant guild perks that you may find useful while leveling – faster mount speed, short hearthstone cooldown, and so on.

Useful Tips

Capacious bags: I always buy giant bags for my characters, although it won’t enhance my leveling. At least you won’t sell grey trash items that often!

Mount Speed: Always use your mount – learn the riding skill as soon as you can.

Food: Buy some food and drink to reduce your idle periods between fights and quests.

Hearthstone: Always tie your stone to the nearest Inn when you change your questing zone.

Goblin Glider Kit: it can be useful to get to some places when you can’t fly, but you can cope easily without it – it’s just your choice, it’s not that important, really.


Professions won’t help you significantly, but they will provide substantial chunks of experience at some point. Consider choosing Herbalism and Mining – it’s the perfect profession combination during your leveling. Later you will be able to sell your ore and herbs and earn some gold, and in addition to that, you’ll also get some free experience.

Don’t hunt for ore and herbs while leveling – just pick everything on your way. Leveling with such technique is rewarding, especially at some level ranges. Don’t forget these if you gather something during such leveling:

Sky Golem: Famous mount. With it, you can take items and interact with objects without dismounting.

Monel-Hardened Stirrups: the same effect as the Golem, but it has a 2-hour duration.

Coarse Leather Barding: Prevents daze debuff when hit on a mount.

Enchant Gloves – Kul Tiran Herbalism / Enchant Gloves – Kul Tiran Mining: Makes herb or ore gathering really faster.


Azeroth Autopilot (my personal number one)

It’s THE BEST leveling addon I’ve ever seen. No, literally! The author of this guide finished all his Allied Races only with the help of Azeroth Autopilot. 😉 It’s very simple and convenient, and it’s the top-tier solution among leveling mods!

Azeroth Autopilot shows your optimized quest path and what quests should be generally taken, speeding up your leveling significantly. Azeroth Autopilot is nearly obligatory for those, who are trying to get the fastest results in the shortest period of time. Azeroth Autopilot, by the way, has some other very convenient features – like auto-repair, auto-sell trash items and so on. 100% quality, super leveling guaranteed!

Legion Invasion Addon

This addon just informs you about the next Demonic Invasion on Broken Isles. Invasions give you A LOT of experience for the level range from 100 to 110 – a single invasion can provide you with enough experience for 1-2 full levels.

Handy Notes

Well-known gatherer-style addon. It shows you all the treasures on your map. Also, don’t forget to install all Handy Notes extensions (modules?) for all expansions!

Dungeon Leveling (15+)

You can start doing dungeons now. Obviously, to save your leveling time, you need to complete each dungeon only once. Each dungeon run sometimes gives you a serious number of quests – take ‘em all, they are very easy and useful. Always do only random dungeons – there’s a huge experience gain after the completion of the dungeon. Also take notice, that for some level ranges (for example, 1-60) this ‘random dungeon queue’ bonus is sometimes equivalent to a whole level! Use dungeon queue whenever it’s possible.

The best option for Dungeon ‘farm’ is visiting each random dungeon only one time, and then continue questing while queued for next instances. The group finder tends to send you to a place you haven’t visited yet. If you have a full heirloom set equipped, you will reach 60 long before visiting all the vanilla dungeons (if you do your questing stuff while standing in dungeon queue, of course!).

You should also know that instances differ, especially at the beginning. Some are way better than others, because long dungeons take your time, while others are almost a one-shot style. There are also dungeons that have few tasks, while others have many of them. In theory, the perfect dungeon has several quests and is relatively quick, without multiple zones or floors.

A good point to save your time – if you get to a tiered or giant instance, especially that you’ve already finished, leave. It will save your time and nerves – you’ll get a “leaver” debuff, that prevents immediate queueing, but you’ll get more benefit from quests during this debuff.  Believe me, it works. But on the other side, some instances are extremely short and simple (Stormwind Stockade, Razorfen Kraul, Sunken Temple and so on), so it can still be a good run if you get here several times.

PvP & Battlegrounds

It is also an option if you prefer PvP over PvE in general. You’ll get some experience for your first random battleground. But it only works if you win, yes.

Nevertheless, such leveling MUST be diluted with standard leveling and by herbs and ore farm, because you’ll wait long minutes (sometimes – really long) waiting for the next battleground.If you decide to level up with PvP, consider getting a Defending Champion – a famous Gurubashi Arena PvP item. It’ll increase your battleground XP by 50%, that can give you a serious leveling speed advantage in some PvP ranges.


You won’t miss Vanilla, so let’s find out the beginning of your path. Nowadays all the zones scale, and as for the Vanilla, all zones here scale up to level 60.

WoW Leveling 1 – 20

If you’re not an Allied Race, then you’ll get your 15 to 20 levels in your safe starting zone. Such places have a big number of simple and small quests, that you’ll do in no time. 1 to 20 will take a few hours if you’re a complete novice in World of Warcraft. At level 20, don’t forget to learn the first riding skill.

WoW Leveling 21-60

Whole Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms are now open for you. Almost all areas are good and convenient, but consider the following ones for the smoothest walkthrough.

Eastern Kingdoms Leveling 21-60

  • Westfall
  • Redridge Mountains
  • Duskwood
  • Stranglethorn

Kalimdor Leveling 21-60

  • Southern Barrens
  • Dustwallow Marsh
  • Thousand Needles
  • Tanaris
  • Un’goro Crater
  • Silithus

Outland and Northrend

If you’re not tired of red (Red… red everywhere!) Hellfire Peninsula in Burning Crusade, you can move on to it. As for me and all new players out there – skip Burning Crusade, you can get there later. The expansion itself is really bad in terms of quest locations and quest chains – it’s not worth it. If you choose TBC over WotLK, you will simply slow down your leveling. And don’t forget to learn flying (it’s crucial!) as it will increase your questing speed tremendously!

You should still choose where you want to level in – either Outland or Northrend.  But nevertheless, I strongly suggest choosing Northrend – just believe my expertise. Its areas are less time-consuming than Outland ones by all means, but it’s just my preference, I guess. You still can use the dungeon queue here to get additional experience chunks.

You can stay here till 80 – after this level, you should immediately go the next expansions.

Alternative Path 60 – 80

You may have some issues with the 60 to 80 range and may look for other options. Currently, our only other options for that 60 to 80 range are gathering and battlegrounds.

A battleground win grants 60% of a level experience requirement at 58-79 range. If you believe that you can win most of the time, you may find this option valuable for your progression. A battleground loss (an ordinary thing as for me, I honestly tell you, it happens all the time) gives only a 15-20% of a level.

In respect that, you’ll be waiting in PvP queues – continue your questing or gathering herbs/ore anyway.

Collecting herbs or ore can bring you a nice amount of experience. It’s the same in every zone, but you probably can concentrate on Sholazar Basin (Northrend) or Zangarmarsh (Outland), because most of the creatures there are neutral and have a good emplacement – you can get tons of herbs and ore that you can easily take! Farming ore and herbs will bring you approximately a level with every hour spent on such an activity.

Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria

Choose between Cataclysm or Mists of Pandaria areas after hitting level 80. Unlike previous expansion, choose really anything you want – because both options are absolutely good. Some players prefer Cataclysm, some players prefer Mists of Pandaria, and some prefer even a mix of both expansions! In Cataclysm, you probably should pay attention to Hyjal and Vashj’ir, and in Mists of Pandaria, you may like Jade Forest and the Kun-Lai Summit. These locations are the best places to play until your level 90.

In Pandaria, use your previously installed (you didn’t forget about my recommendations, did you?) Handy Notes – Pandaria Module for an additional free experience – just collect different treasures and you’re good! By the way, pay your attention to this continent and its lore – it’s magnificent! Dive deep into the river of Wisdom and calm your soul in these spiritualized places, traveler! Pandaria can give you more than you think. Believe me, I know it.

As for Cataclysm, don’t forget that all its zones have their portals in your main city (Stormwind and Orgrimmar)!

Warlords of Draenor

Draenor… It’s good if you’re leveling an alt and have Draenor Pathfinder completed. If you don’t have flying in Warlords of Draenor, you’ll just need to spend more time in this expansion. Nothing serious, but it will slow you down for a while. With flying unlocked in Warlords of Draenor, getting through the whole expansion will take only several hours! You’ll complete it within a day, literally – I’ve tested it myself and I was able to do that without any obstacles. Personally, I did it multiple times recently (yeah, allied races, you name it) and I’m glad I have my flying in Draenor completed back those days. Your future alt leveling will be unbelievably faster with flying it this expansion – so, if you know that you will (or at least there is a realistic probability) level up your other characters here – get that Draenor Pathfinder thing, seriously. It’s completely worth it. Mixing quests and big local tasks, while flying around and gathering treasures will shorten your indwelling here ten times.

Even if you can’t fly in Warlords of Draenor, don’t forget to install the Warlords of Draenor Handy Notes Module! In case of unlocked flying just fly and pick up all the treasures that you see on your map – free experience everywhere! But you should also know, that some treasures are not worth it – they can be located in a deep cave, hang in a secluded area, surrounded by packs of monsters or have an internal mini-event, that will take your time. And your time is valuable! So in case you realize you spend more that one or two minutes per treasure – forget about it, it’s not useful for your leveling. Just skip this one and continue your questing or search for other treasures – there are plenty of them in each Warlords of Draenor location.

You don’t need to gather all treasures in a certain zone – just take the most convenient and easy to get ones. As for my personal experience, you will enter only three zones on your 90-100 level range – your Warlords of Draenor starting zone (they differ for each faction), Gorgrond, and, in some very rare cases, Spires of Arak.

The same rule is true for bonus objectives – some are really quick while others are quite long or have some special requirements. You probably don’t need to do all the bonus objectives out there, but in my case, I’ve completed them all.

Oh, and another really IMPORTANT THING! Remember to get an Excess Potion of Accelerated Learning from your garrison! A free (yes, for some garrison resources, but you’ll have those) 20% additional experience flask, which effect lasts even after your death. Excellent!

Range 100 to 101 only took 10-15 minutes – I’ve gathered some treasures and completed some initial quests. The whole level range 90-100 was completed in under 8 hours – even though I was playing completely in a relaxed state. Bonus objectives, combined with some questing and treasures gave me the most intense experience boost I ever saw in terms of “casual fast” leveling.


Leveling in this section is also extremely quick, even though it may not seem that at the very beginning. If you have your heirlooms upgraded all the way to 110, you’ll do it even faster. As for me, I’m always too poor for upgraded heirlooms, so I did it without them.

Legion Invasions are a TREMENDOUS experience boost and you can always get at least a level or almost two just from one invasion! Here you should use Invasion Timer to know the exact time of the next invasion on Broken Isles.

In Legion, you can also find the same local objectives in the zone you are playing now in. Finish them as well, because the also give you a serious amount of experience. And finishing all the zone quests, you’ll find a dungeon quest that also rewards you with a massive experience lump.

As for the Broken Isles in general, you can choose any area you prefer –  you’ll be doing everything with the same speed in each, they all are well-balanced. In general, one level takes 45-60 minutes if you possess full Heirlooms, all leveling in Legion must be really quick for you.

If you ask the author of this guide, where does he start, the answer will be Azsuna. Why? I’m fond of elven spirits, this premonition of impending storm and naga threat… and Runas the Shamed. This guy is one of my favorite characters in World of Warcraft, and his phrases about Zarkenar are pure gold. And every time I finish his quest line, I stand there during his last moments. It’s sheer epic, guys. That’s the character we all deserve! (*Presses F). When I’m done with Azsuna, I go to Highmountain, and if I’m not 110 after it, I do some tasks in Val’sharah.

Battle for Azeroth

Finally, you’re in Kul-Tiras or Zandalar! Your power ascension is almost completed, hero! Battle for Azeroth leveling, in my opinion, is one of the most interesting of all the Azeroth – I really enjoyed every location and its story, even after doing them multiple times.

If you want some additional experience bonus, get your Insightful Rubellite and use War Mode bonuses.

Continue using your Azeroth Autopilot – it’ll make things much quicker. In Battle for Azeroth expansion, I suggest you questing only because dungeons here won’t have that effect in terms of saving our time. Use Handy Notes Treasures here as well. It’ll mark all the BfA treasures on your map – just loot most of these treasures while questing.

If this character is your first one, you also need all the main storylines completed in each zone, as well as those foothold dislocations for the 7th Legion (Alliance) or the Honorbound (Horde). Doing so will allow you to get your Pathfinder, Part One. And, of course, you will be prepared for the Pathfinder, Part Two! Personally, I wasn’t prepared for it – Nazjatar and Mechagon simply killed my brain at the beginning, so much grind there was…

You can go to any area you want, but there is an order that may be faintly efficient than others:

  • Kul-Tiras: Drustwar > Tiragarde Sound > no difference
  • Zandalar: Vol’dun > Zuldazar > no difference

All Battle for Azeroth quests are solvable by all classes. If you find a hard one (you can’t kill some elite target from the first attempt) just wait for other champions (if there are some leveling players around you), or join this quest via group finder (green eye icon). Don’t wait too long for that to happen, anyway. We do want your maximum level as soon as possible, don’t we?

Complete Battle for Azeroth dungeons ONLY when you get the appropriate dungeon quest at the end of your current storyline. Otherwise, BfA dungeons are a huge waste of time in terms of fast and efficient leveling.

Honorable Mention

Timewalk Farm

If you have an active timewalk event now, participate in it – it’s quite a way to level up. Approximately twenty runs will give you your desired 120 level (if you’re 110 at the moment).

Island Expedition Farm

Try some Islands and see for yourself, what amount of experience you’ll get. Unfortunately, they were nerfed (or should I say “fixed”) some time ago, and you can’t use the “locked experience” character in your group anymore. There’s a “Set Sail” task that can be completed once a week – it’ll give you 100k+ experience.

Professions 110-120

Collecting herbs and ore won’t be better than classic questing. But it’s a good option to distract yourself from your current activities and earn some gold – you’ll be gathering modern ore and herbs, that will be 100% sold on your AH. With a rested bonus, one level takes roughly two hours – but you can make 10-25k gold per hour, in case you need it badly.


They should be mentioned here as well, but I personally don’t even bother doing them. They can’t be compared to Legion Invasion by any means. But yes, if there is an Incursion nearby, it is still some free experience.

My sincere congratulations on reaching level 120! You did it! I honestly hope you will discover hidden pleasure and mysteries of the Battle for Azeroth – it’s still a good expansion, even though it has some drawbacks for sure. Stay calm and keep playing.

You now have all the leveling expertise you need. Enjoy World of Warcraft – and we’ll see you in Azeroth!

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Shadowlands — DTF games

Everything to help newbies.


The total number of levels a character can reach will be reduced from 120 to 60, and all novice players will be placed in a new area where they will learn the basics of the game.

When creating a new character, the player will have a choice of starting location. All newcomers will be placed by Blizzard in Exile’s Reach, and upon reaching level 10, the latest add-on, Battle for Azeroth, will be forcibly activated. There they will level up to level 50 and will be able to start playing Shadowlands.

Experienced players will be different. They will be able to choose a classic starting zone for their race, and upon reaching level 10 they will have access to any addon of their choice.

The system was developed specifically for novice players, so as not to scare them off with a large amount of content available.

Through countless playtests and chatting with friends, we realized that it can be intimidating for new players to play World of Warcraft for the first time. They will have to go through all the numerous additions that we managed to add again and swing in levels. If you’ve never played WoW before, or have taken a very long break, we’ll place your new character in a neatly crafted environment with other newbies. There you will not be touched by experienced players while you are learning the basics.

John High, Executive Producer, Blizzard

After the introduction of the new system, the developers expect that each achievement of a new level will be felt in a special way.

We want to make sure you get something cool on your next levelup. You will get an ability, not just a click that turns off the light.

John High, Blizzard Executive Producer

At the same time, players whose characters have already been pumped up to level 120 will not feel weakened — the strength of the heroes will be the same. The team also hopes that the new system will speed up character development and reduce the amount of grinding.

We’ve received some feedback on the scaling system that’s coming to Legion. The players liked it and gives a lot of variability, but in general it seems too slow. And when you need to level 60 instead of 120, it will feel faster.

Johnny Cash, Senior Game Designer

Experienced players will be able to choose which expansion they will complete to reach the maximum level. For example, you can walk through the lands of Northrend again in Wrath of the Lich King or replay Legion. At the same time, the time for the passage of addons will remain the same.

The developers are not worried about the fact that the new system can divide the gaming community.

We have technology that brings people together. For example, you can play through cross-realm. So hopefully we will avoid a low player population. But even if you play the viola, you must have the appropriate social groups. And if you’re a completely new WoW player, that’s one of the reasons why we put all newbies under the same conditions.

John High, Executive Producer, Blizzard

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is scheduled for release in 2020. Judging by the words of the developers, ray tracing may appear in the game after the addon.

Devastation Demon Hunter — PVE Guide — Patch 8.0.1 | Demon Hunter Game Guide | WoW Manuals

Aloha! Welcome to this Demon Hunter Devastation Pve guide, in which I’ll explain the changes we’ve made since patch 8.0.1 and how to take advantage of them.


  • 1 Extraction of hunters for demons
  • 2 Changes in patches 8.0.1
  • 3 Talents
  • 4 LVL
  • 5 LVL 100
  • 6 LVL 102
  • 7 LVL 104
  • 9005 8 LVL 106

  • 9 LVL 108
  • 10 LVL 110
  • 11 Secondary statistics
  • 12 Chara
  • 13 Precious stones
  • 14 Flag and potion
  • 15 Rotation
  • 16 BIS
  • 17 Azeritic features
  • 18 Useful Extras

Demon Hunter Devastation

The Illidari use fel and chaotic magic, energies that have threatened Azeroth for centuries and are considered essential in the fight against the Burning Legion.

Patch 8.0.1 Changes

  • Chaos Nova Now stuns all nearby enemies for 2 seconds, and each enemy stunned by Chaos Nova has a 30% chance to spawn a Lesser Soul Fragment.
  • Rage limit increased from 100 to 120.
  • Chaos Strike now has a 40% chance to return 20 Fury.
  • Eye Beam Cost reduced to 30 Rage, cooldown reduced to 30 seconds, and your primary target takes 50% more damage.


Now I’ll tell you which talents I’m more comfortable with in our build, and I’ll tell you about all the available talents.

  • Level 99: Corrupted Blade.
  • Level 100: Aura of Immolation.
  • Level 102: A trail of destruction.
  • Level 104: Soul rupture.
  • Level 106: The first victim.
  • Level 108: Unleashed power.
  • Level 110: Nemesis.

lvl 99

  • Demonic Appetite: Chaos Strike has a chance to create a Lesser Soul Fragment. Consuming any Soul Fragment grants 30 Rage.
  • Macula Leaf: Throws yourself at your target, dealing (66.69% of Attack power) Fire damage. Demon’s Bite has a chance to reset the cooldown of Infested Blade. Creates 30 p. rage.
  • Blind Rage: Eye Beam generates 40 Rage per second and its duration is increased by 50%.

Talents to choose from: Macula Leaf y Blind Fury depending on the type of encounter.

For general use and in unitarget macula sheet.

For multi-target blind rage.

lvl 100

  • Insatiable Appetite: Demon’s bite generates up to 10 additional Rage.
  • Demon Blades: Your basic attacks have a 60% chance to deal additional Shadow damage and generate Fury.
  • self-sacrifice aura: Engulfs you in flames, instantly dealing (24.57% of Attack power) p. Fire damage to enemies within 8 (9.1728% attack power) for me. Fire damage every second. Lasts 10 sec. Creates 80 p. rage for 10 sec.

self-sacrifice aura This is the best talent for general use of highlighting in multi-targeting.

Another viable talent is Demon Blades which removes your rotation demon bite to speed it up, but it doesn’t stand out as much in damage and would be relegated to using a more unitary target.

lvl 102

  • path of destruction: Inflicts the final blow of Blade Dance (56% attack power) with additional chaos damage over 4 sec.
  • Vile Barrage: Unleash a torrent of fel energy for 3 seconds, dealing [(13) * (22% of Attack power)] pages of Chaos Damage to all enemies within 8 yards.
  • Vile Mastery: Increases the damage of your Fel Rush spell by 100%.

path of destruction is the best damage-increasing talent of the leaf dance, a required skill in your rotation and in synergy with the first minimum talent.

Nasty Barrage This was another very good talent, but with the damage reduction and cooldown increase, it’s not as attractive as the previous one.

lvl 104

  • bottomless road: You slide into the void, increasing your movement speed by 100% and making you immune to damage, but you cannot attack. Lasts 5 seconds.
  • Desperate Instincts: Dispel now reduces damage taken by an additional 15%. In addition, you will automatically activate Dispel when your health is below 35%. This effect can only trigger if Dispel is not on cooldown.
  • Soul Rip: Your returns are increased by 10%. Gain 10% more recovery while Metamorphosis is active.

Additional branch of survival. Choose the one that best suits your game.

lvl 106

  • cycle of hatred: When Chaos Strike returns Fury, it also reduces the cooldown of Metamorphosis by 3 seconds.
  • first minimum: Decrease 20 p. Blade Dance Fury cost and increase its damage to p. against the first hit target.
  • Dark Fissure: Cuts through an enemy, dealing (53.703% Attack Damage) pages of Physical damage and increasing your Chaos damage by 40% for 8 seconds.

The best first minimum. Combines well with the Destructive Path talent, reducing its cost and increasing its damage.

lvl 108

  • Glaive: Throw Glaive now has 2 charges and slows all enemies hit by 50% for 6 seconds.
  • power: Removes the rage cost of the Chaos Ring and reduces its cooldown by (- 20000/600)%.
  • demon: Strikes the target for (32.76% attack power). Chaos damage, stun for 4 sec.

Similar to branch 104, another optional branch to add control. Choose the one that best suits your game.

lvl 110

  • Inertia: Fel Rush increases your damage dealt by 15% for 6 sec. Vengeful Retreat’s cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds and grants 80 Fury for 10 seconds if it damages at least one enemy.
  • Nemesis: Increases the damage you deal to the target by 20% for 1 min. When the target dies, you will deal 20% more damage to all creatures of the same type as the original target (humanoid, dragon, etc.) for the remaining time.
  • Demonic: Eye Beam causes you to take on the form of a demon for 5 seconds after it finishes dealing damage.

The 3 talents are really good, but we’ll go one by one depending on their importance.

Nemesis This is the one that stands out the most out of the three. 1 minute with +20% damage helps bosses a lot, even if we have to «sacrifice» 2 minutes of DC if he is not killed. He also thinks of multiples, since most of the time the add groups belong to the same race, we would focus on one to finish it and get another +20%, but globally for that whole race (even sometimes the boss shares the same race that yours adds).

demonic is another good talent, but it forces you to pick the 99 blind rage talent to get the most out of it.

inertia this can be beneficial in multi, but the damage bonus is not as amazing as the previous one. What we’re highlighting about this talent compared to previous talents is the low cooldown, as it depends on the Infamous Accusation.

Secondary Stats

Speed ​​=> Versatility > Critical Strike > Mastery


  • Enchant Weapon — Quick Navigation: Permanently enchant a weapon to sometimes increase movement speed by 50 for 30 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. When you reach 5 stacks, all stacks are consumed to give you 600. Haste for 10 seconds.
  • Enchant Weapon — Versatile Navigation: Permanently enchant a weapon to sometimes increase Versatility by 50 for 30 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. When you reach 5 stacks, all stacks are consumed to give you 600. Versatility for 10 seconds.
  • Enchant Covenant Ring of Haste: Permanently enchant a ring to increase Haste by 37.


  • Quick Owl Eye: +40 Speed.
  • Kraken Eye of Agility: +40 Agility.

Flasks and potions

  • Infusion of currents
  • Battle Potion of Agility
  • Swamp fish with chips



  • Metamorphosis always on CD.
  • aura of self-sacrifice always on CD.
  • Nemesis always on CD.
  • Combines a vengeful retreat + a vile accusation to move away or approach the superior in case of emergency to move.


  • Agility Battle Potion
  • aura of self-sacrifice
  • Nemesis
  • Metamorphosis


  • heinous accusation
  • stain sheet
  • eye ray
  • leaf dance
  • aura of self-sacrifice
  • stain sheet
  • eye ray
  • chaos strike
  • Demon Bite

BIS team

groove Part name Bis The boss who lets go
Weapon Glaive of the Guardians MOTHER
Casco Cowl of Dark Wonders Mythrax the Destroyer
Shoulder pads Usurper’s Bloodstained Spaulders Suhl
Cover Whisper Cloak Suhl
Pechersk Sanguine Deity Warrior G’huun
Bracers Wristbands of Flowing Miasma Vectis
Gloves Downward Madness Gloves Taloc
belt Chitin cord replication Zek’voz
Pants Pathogenic links MOTHER
boots Quarantine protocol loot Zek’voz
Ring 1 Ring of Certain Destruction Mythrax the Destroyer
Ring 2 Rot watcher mother
Keychain 1 Distress Mushroom Hongdeath (elite)
Key fob 2 Quadified banana Zayoos (Elite)

Azerite Features

  • to the Cowl of Dark Wonders we will choose Laser Matrix, Azerite Beads y Gem Hide .
  • to Bloodstained Spaulders of the Usurper we choose Archive of the Titans, Overwhelming Power y Soul Trader .
  • to Sanguine Deity Warrior we choose Furious Gaze, Hear My Call y Far Walker .

Useful add-ons

ElvUI: An addon that changes your entire interface to pretty much everything you want to see.

Bartender4/Dominos: Add-on for customizing action bars, adding keyboard shortcuts, etc.

MikScrollingBattleText: Floating text addon for combat, healing, skill damage, etc.

deadlybossmods: An addon that warns us about the abilities of gang leaders.

Narrative/Damage Counter Skada: Addon for measuring damage per second, aggro generated, deaths, heals, damage taken, etc.

EpicMusicPlayer: Addon for listening to personalized music. It’s always good to listen to Judas Priest or Type O Negative while taking down bosses.

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