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How To Not Go AFK In WoW Classic (3 Ways)

by Arlen

how to not go afk in wow classic

Almost every MMORPG has an AFK system in place, due to which when a player is AFK for an extended time the player is teleported to a safe zone. In the world of warcraft, you are sent to the character selection screen if you’re AFK for around 30 minutes.

If you’re still unresponsive on the character selection screen for 30 minutes you get disconnected from the server. Here is a list of ways you can avoid getting disconnected even when you’re AFK.

  1. Using 3rd Party Software

One way to get around the problem of getting disconnected from the game while you’re AFK is to use 3rd party software. You can set macros in these 3rd party programs that will log a key strike after every 10 minutes or so. This will prevent your character from logging off and you can do other things while the queue timer completes.

But the thing is that using 3rd party programs is against the terms of service provided by Blizzard. Even though your program might not get detected and you can potentially keep getting away with going AFK during queue times. Other players however say that this makes it unfair for the players which are actively waiting for the queue time to end.

So, keeping all that in mind if you still want to AFK your queue times and not get kicked out of the game then using 3rd party programs can prove to be quite helpful. Just link them to your game and bind a skill or movement button to them. After the specified period, your character will move which will reset the AFK timer to 0.

  1. Auto-Key Pressing Device

If you’re skeptical about using a 3rd party program because it might have viruses or your account might get locked if these 3rd party programs are detected by the Blizzard client. To stay on the safer side of things you also buy a device online that will press a key on your keyboard.

If you want you can make one at home as well by attaching a point object like a pen to your table fan and it will press either movement keys or skill keys. It is next to impossible for the game client to detect this as a breach of terms of service.

  1. Strafe After 10 Minutes

The best option to stop getting disconnected from the game for being AFK is just to press one of the movement keys yourself after 10 minutes. It has no back draws and you are free to do your school or office work in between these 10 minutes as the queue goes on. Just have the game open on your desktop and move your character as soon as you believe you’re close to getting kicked out of the game.

This method is recommended by most players as it does not break any terms of service and it is completely fair to other players as well. You can enjoy the raid as soon as queue time is up and are still free to do whatever you want in the meanwhile.

Anti AFK AHK script for WoW · GitHub

; Ade’s Anti AFK AHK script for WoW
; How to use this script
; Make sure WoW is running
; Start this script by right clicking on it and selecting «Run Script»
; Press Shift+Ctrl+F9 to activate the script
; You can minimize WoW if you wish
; Commands will be sent to WoW only, not to other windows/processes
; Press Shift+Ctrl+F9 to deactivate the script
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. +F9::
if (enable := !enable)
setTimer, MoveAround, -1
while enable
ifWinExist, ahk_id %wowid%
ControlSend,, {w down}, ahk_id %wowid%
Sleep, 100
ControlSend,, {w up}, ahk_id %wowid%
Sleep, 250
ControlSend,, {a down}, ahk_id %wowid%
Sleep, 100
ControlSend,, {a up}, ahk_id %wowid%
Sleep, 600
ControlSend,, {d down}, ahk_id %wowid%
Sleep, 100
ControlSend,, {d up}, ahk_id %wowid%
Sleep, 400
ControlSend,, {s down}, ahk_id %wowid%
Sleep, 220
ControlSend,, {s up}, ahk_id %wowid%
Sleep, 300
ControlSend,, {Space}, ahk_id %wowid%
Random, r, 5000, 15000
Sleep r

What is AFK? What does AFK mean?

You may have seen AFK in multiplayer games or chat rooms and wondered what it means. If your first thought was that it looks like an AF expression, rest assured that it is not.

AFK stands for: away from the keyboard

AFK is a common expression. AFK can be used in both upper and lower case.

Entering entire sentences in uppercase is considered rude shouting.

How AFK is used

AFK is used in chat to let people know that you won’t answer for a few minutes because you’ll be away from your computer. AFK is commonly used with a descriptor such as «afk bio» (you go to the toilet) or «afk phone» (you answer a phone call).

Nusha Ashjaee / Lifewire

AFC Examples

Example 1

User 1: Joan? Are you there?

User 2: sorry, AFC was talking to Chris.

User 1: np, I just wanted to share your thoughts on this email I want to send to a client.

Example 2

Person 1: Ermahgerd! I just had my first plum donut from a Polish bakery!

Person 2: (no answer)

Person 1: Tuan, are you there?

Person 2: (no answer)

Person 1: dude

Person 2: sorry was afk in the bathroom. Where is this Polish bakery?

Example 3

Person 1: Oh my god, I just got a legendary drop from this quest mom!

Person 2: (no answer)

Person 1: GUYS! Check out my new legendary!

Person 2: I was afk, took out dogs. Wow, congratulations on that new pair of gloves! This is amazing!

Expressions similar to AFK

The expression AFK, like other expressions on the Internet, is part of the culture of communication on the Internet. Here are other Internet expressions that mean almost the same thing as AFK:

  • BBIAB : come back a bit
  • TTYL : talk later
  • CU : See you!
  • CUL8R : See you later!
  • BRB : Come back
  • BRT : be right here

How to capitalize and punctuate web and text abbreviations

Here are some rules to follow when writing Internet abbreviations:

  • Use of capital letters in text messages and chat jargon does not matter : you can use all uppercase (eg ROFL) or all lowercase (eg rofl) and the meaning is identical. Try not to type entire sentences in uppercase as this means you have to yell online.
  • Proper punctuation does not matter for most text message abbreviations : for example, the abbreviation «Too long, not read» can be abbreviated as TL; DR or as TLDR. Both are acceptable formats, with or without punctuation.
  • Never use period(s) between slang letters : this defeats the purpose of speeding up thumb typing. For example, ROFL will never be spelled as ROFL and TTYL will never be spelled as TTYL

Recommended Etiquette for Using Web Pages and Text Jargon

Knowing when to use jargon in your message means knowing your audience, knowing if the context is informal or professional, and then using common sense. If you know people well, and this is a personal and informal communication, then use the abbreviation jargon. On the other hand, if you’re starting a friendship or professional relationship with another person, avoid cuts until you’ve developed a relationship.