Witcher 3 theaterstück text: The Witcher 3: The Play’s The Thing Walkthrough

The Witcher 3: The Play’s The Thing Walkthrough

The Witcher 3 gets a bit silly in The Play’s The Thing, and it’s absolutely fantastic.

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Our first step is to visit Priscilla in Novigrad and talk about Dudu. In one of those classic video game moments, you end up writing a play in order to lure the Doppler out of hiding.

Drama or comedy?

There is only on major decision to make here: drama, or comedy? SPOILER ALERT: skip past the italics if you don’t want to know the outcomes of your choices.

  • If you choose drama, a brawl will break out at the end of the play. This has no negative repercussions, really, and breaks up the talking.

Geralt doesn’t seem super excited about this process, but luckily Priscilla isn’t actually interested in his input, so say whatever you like to the other questions.

When Priscilla has finished composing, deliver the script to Irina. The door is locked, so talk to the ticket seller. There’s no way in besides coughing up 50 crowns for a ticket, for which you receive a measly 5 XP.

Next you’re off to hire some ushers – or more accurately, bouncers. I suggest saving when you arrive at the docks. Offer to try fighting the guys and see if you can win and get their services for free. If you fail you may wish to reload and pay them the normal rate. The fight’s not too hard if you are cautious. Keep circling so there’s only one able to hit you at any time, hit parry just as one attacks to trigger a small riposte, then hit him with two or three fast attacks. Immediately back off and set the same sequence up again.

However you achieve your ends, you’re next off to hire the Puffins to spread the word. This section is optional, but as Irina tells you, results in a higher share of the profits at the end of the performance. Skip past the italics if you don’t want to do it.

Enter the creepy looking building at the waypoint. The Puffins explain they’re too afraid to perform right at the moment due to a bit of intimidation by nasty gang. Go and find said gang just down the street. They really are unpleasant, aren’t they? It will be a delight to beat them up. If you use Axii in the conversation, you get XP but you still get to fight them, too! Hooray!

Back to Irina now, to report your success. You have to get involved with the casting, and learn, to Geralt’s discomfiture and apparent secret pleasure, that you’ll be in it. The choices you make here are of little consequence, except that you’ll receive more money for casting Priscilla. If you really want the play to go well, though, pick Irina and Abelard.

When on stage, you get to choose between lines. It doesn’t matter what you pick, but if you choose the “wrong” line the crowd will react with confusion, and you’ll hear much funnier lines. Here are the «correct» responses:

  • To slay beasts most foul. ..
  • Perhaps ‘midst the guests…
  • Seems men’s hearts…
  • But a base heart…
  • No monster is he…

Whatever you do, Geralt spots Dudu in the crowd and calls him onstage. Depending on your actions earlier, you may have a brawl now, but in either case, head backstage when you’re ready to chat with the Doppler.

In the course of your chat, you can ask Dudu to show Geralt what Ciri looks like now if you like. This is a pretty emotional moment and worth seeing, i think.

When you finish chatting with Dudu, the quest ends and you begin A Poet under Pressure.

Akt 1 — Suche nach dem Kind von älterem Blut | Komplettlösung | The Witcher 3

Bei dem Plan, den Geralt und Triss in den Hexenjäger Baracken schmiedeten, soll Priscilla helfen, weshalb ihr sie in der Eisvogel Taverne am Platz der Hierarchen besuchen müsst. Was die Suche nach Dudu angeht, ist sie jedoch zunächst wenig hilfreich. Alles bleibt wieder an Geralt hängen. Da Dudu einen Faible für die Füchse Schauspieltruppe hat, liegt es nahe ein Theaterstück aufzuführen, welches als versteckte Botschaft beinhaltet, das Dudu sich zu erkennen geben soll. Priscilla ist direkt Feuer und Flamme und schreibt das Stück quasi von alleine. Alles was ihr dazu beitragen müsst ist der Titel («Die Erlösung des Dopplers» oder «Die Rettung des Wandlers oder des Hexers Triumpf») und die Entscheidung, ob es eine Komödie oder eine Tragödie werden soll. Während die Wahl des Titels irrelevant ist, entscheidet die Art des Stückes über das Verhalten des Publikums:

  • Komödie
    Je größer die Menge wird, desto größer wird der Jubel am Ende.
  • Tragödie
    Statt Jubel bildet sich ein wütender Mob und je größer der wird, desto mehr Leute müsst ihr am Ende bekämpfen.

Sobald Priscilla das Manuskript abgeschlossen hat, fällt euch die Aufgabe zu, es zu Irina Renarde zu bringen. Das sind nur wenige Schritte, da das Theater ebenfalls an den Platz der Hierarchen grenzt und direkt neben Triss ursprünglicher Wohnung ist. Das Wegfindesystem von Witcher 3 versucht euch an der Stelle möglicherweise über den Hinterhof zu lotsen, was ein riesiger, verschlossener Umweg ist.

Am Eingang des Theaters habt ihr keine andere Wahl, als 50 Kronen für eine Eintrittskarte zu bezahlen. Irina ist von dem gesamten Vorhaben angetan, gibt jedoch zu bedenken, dass für eine solche Aufführung Ordner benötigt werden und jemand das Stück bekanntmachen sollte. Als Ordner könnt ihr Sofus den Bullen an den Novigrader Docks anheuern. Er und sein Bruder willigen ein, wenn ihr ihm entweder 70 Kronen zahlt, oder sie im Faustkampf besiegt.

Die «Lunden» Schaustellertruppe sind optional für diesen Questabschnitt. Das liegt darin begründet, dass er je nach Art des Stücks (nicht) sinnvoll ist. Bei eine Komödie wollt ihr einen hohen Bekanntheitsgrad, weil das Publikum am Ende jubelt. Im Falle einer Tragödie greift es euch jedoch an. Womit mehr Gäste auch mehr Feinde sind. Falls ihr die Schausteller also anheuern wollt, sucht ihre Wohnung in den östlich gelegenen Scherben (gleich neben Triss aktueller Wohnung) auf. Die haben ihrerseits aber gerade Probleme mit Fettsacks Bande, welche ihr die Treppe runter vorm Haus findet. Egal welche Gesprächsoption ihr bei dem Trio wählt, kommt es zum Kampf. Sobald ihr einen von ihnen zu Boden geschickt habt, ist der jedoch schon wieder vorbei. Die Lunden sorgen als Dank kostenlos für Publicity.

Kehrt zu Irina Renarde zurück und trefft die letzten Entscheidungen für die Besetzung des Stücks. Was die Rolle des Hexers angeht, habt ihr keine andere Wahl, als diese selbst zu übernehmen. Für Prinz und Prinzessin gibt es jedoch eine Auswahl.

  • Prinzessin Priscilla
    Priscilla ist die junge und schöne Wahl, auch wenn sie manchmal etwas steif wirkt. Diese Wahl sorgt für höhere Einnahmen.
  • Prinzessin Irina
    Irina hat mehr Bühnenerfahrung, ist aber zu alt für die Rolle.
  • Prinz Abelard Rizza
    Er ist die sichere Wahl und sorgt für mehr Einnahmen
  • Prinz Maxim Boliere
    Gerne mal besoffen und vergisst seinen Text.

Zum Abschluss stößt Zoltan noch hinzu, um sich über Geralt lustig zu machen und dann beginnt die Aufführung.

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  • Talk about script
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  • Presentation

Location : DOKI in NoviRAID/Theater IREN RENAR/Cutting

Type : Basic

9000 Recommended level0021 : 11

Award : 25 OO

after the completion of the Okhni-Royven Hunting and Treasure and Treasure of Count Royven, where we met our old familiar Sigismund Diyskstra and finally killed this obsessed with this obsessed. maniac Bastard Junior (if you didn’t see fit to save his life), it’s time to visit Priscilla again and try to implement Triss’s plan to involve Doppler to save Buttercup.

Scenario 9 talk0055

Dopplers are quite interesting creatures that try not to draw attention to themselves, which means that finding them will be extremely problematic.

How can you lure him into talking? Indeed, after the last meeting, Dudu tried to hide all his traces.

It is with these questions that Geralt goes to Priscilla, who lives in the Kingfisher tavern.

From a conversation with her, it becomes known that Dudu at one time was seriously interested in theater and performances, and what is important, he took an active part in several performances. nine0003

This interest can be used to your advantage, which leads to the development of a plan, the main points of which are as follows:

  1. Put on a performance, rumors of which will reach every corner of Novigrad;
  2. Encrypt a message for Dudu in the script of the play;
  3. Get him to cooperate.

The main points of the plan have been worked out, but the key nuances remain, and here Geralt faces the choice of name and genre:

  1. When choosing a comedy genre, the guests who came to the performance will not take seriously the events shown on the stage, so the performance will go smoothly.
  2. When choosing a drama — some visitors are worshipers of the Eternal Flame, which will result in a fight at the end of the performance.

Priscilla will start developing the script, but for now Geralt can sleep.

Read the text carefully before delivering it to Irene Renard, this will increase the fee for the performance, and Madame Irene will help with the performance. nine0003

Advertising Company

Madame Irene’s Theater can be found near Hierarch’s Square in Butcher’s Lane. The passages to the theater are closed, and the only available entrance is guarded by an usher who will demand 50 crowns from the witcher for a ticket.

If you do not want to pay, then you can get to the theater through the courtyard of the house of the banker de Jonker, which is adjacent to the building we need.

A conversation with Madame Irene will be productive, and she will gladly take over the organization of the performance, but Geralt needs to provide protection and appropriate advertising. nine0003

It’s up to you to decide what to look for first, if you go to the docks you will find some tough guys from Mettina who will be the best fit as a guard.

It won’t be easy to get them to work, as their life comes down to one thing — fisticuffs.

Their love of gambling can be used — choose the option that will allow Geralt not to pay for their services, in case of victory in a duel with two opponents of level 12 at once.

In battle, use dodges with counterattacks and fast attacks, because the tough guys can deal serious damage if you miss a couple of hits from them.

Further, the necessary interest in the production among the numerous inhabitants of Novigrad can be provided by the musical group «Kairy», who live in the center of Obrezki.

When talking with them, it will become known that they are under the serious influence of Tolstoy’s bandits, which Geralt will have to deal with.

It won’t be difficult to find the robbers, they can be seen nearby, mocking another poor fellow.

You will have to fight them anyway, but a gang of three level 11 opponents will be easily frightened off with just a few blows.

In gratitude for getting rid of «Kairy» they will agree to advertise the show and do it at the highest level.


Returning to the theater of Madame Irene you will meet one of her actors — Maxime Beaulieu, who will obviously not be in the conditions required for a role in a play. nine0003

Finally meeting with Madame Irene, you will again have to face a choice, distributing the main roles to the actors:

  • It is you who must play the Witcher (of course, with Geralt’s hands), because Dudu must immediately understand that the witcher is participating in the plan;
  • Either Priscilla or Irene herself can play the princess, the former has less practical skills, but more charm, and the latter will bring more stage experience to the play;
  • For the role of the prince, it is better to suggest Abelard Rizet, who will perfectly cope with his role and will not screw up like Beaulieu.

Once you’re done with the preparation, you’re ready to start the show.

If you forgot your words, then Geralt’s lines are as follows:

  • «Getting rid of monsters is my life and work!»
  • “Maybe he is among the guests and can hear me now?”
  • «That’s a couple: a princess — and a polymorphic individual!»
  • «And an evil temper like that servant’s!»
  • «Not the monster who looks many-sided.»

When it got dark and numerous spectators gathered, the master of ceremonies announced the beginning of the performance.

Do not mix up your lines by choosing the above options at the right moments, and keep looking for Dudu in the crowd.

In the planned scenario, there will be a place for the direct participation of the doppler, who will be invited to the stage.

The performance itself will end with thunderous applause (if you have chosen the comedy genre) and a long-awaited conversation with Dudu’s doppler.

As you probably remember from Triss’s plan, Dudu must play the role of Menge, giving the order to transfer Buttercup to Oxenfurt, where Geralt and company will ambush on their way.

Only optional dialogue moments and speaking fees remain.

On this quest «Long live art!» will end, and the task «A Poet in Disgrace» will begin.

P/S If you were able to find out where Dijkstra’s treasury is in the quest «Treasures of Count Reuven», then in a conversation with Dudu, new lines and a new task will appear in the next quest.

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Wild Hunt» — FAQusha.RU [Wiki]

  • Step 2: Take the piece to Irene Renard

  • nine0249

    Step 3: Hire the guards from the docks

  • Step 4: Hire jugglers from the Guillemots group

  • Step 5: Assign roles and start the show

  • Step 6: Talk to Dudu in Irene Renard’s room

Step 1: Tell Priscilla about Dudu

After completing the search for Count Reuven’s treasure for Dijkstra, Triss wishes to return to her home. Saying goodbye to the sorceress, we once again visit Priscilla in a room on the second floor of the Kingfisher tavern in the center of Novigrad. We share with her information about Dudu and Buttercup obtained from Caleb Menge at the Hunters headquarters. The girl, on reflection, will offer to arrange a grand performance at the Irene Renard theater in order to attract the attention of the doppler lying at the bottom. Regardless of how the script is written and the production is played, the result will not change — Dudu will still come to watch the performance out of curiosity. nine0003

  • We choose any name for the play — «Deliverance of the Doppler» or «Substitute Saved, or The Witcher’s Triumph».
  • If you choose comedy from the two proposed genres , then the performance will end peacefully and everyone will quietly disperse. If choose melodrama , then the performance will be spoiled at the end by riots and a massacre with bandits, the number of which depends on how to deal with the Guillemots (see below).

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Step 2: Take the piece to Irene Renard

After a few hours, the script will be ready. Priscilla will give it to Geralt and send it to Irene Renard in the Butcher’s Lane, located behind the road sign «Market in Hierarch’s Square». At the entrance to the theater we buy a ticket for 50 coins. Before the stage, we find Irene Renard, tell her about Buttercup’s problems and the missing Duda, and ask her to help organize the performance. The woman will agree, but first she will offer to find security guards for the theater and hire a group of jugglers from the Kaira group to draw the attention of the inhabitants of Novigrad to the upcoming premiere. After a conversation with Irene Renard, we inspect the two floors of the house and the theater courtyard, we take a lot of alcohol from bags and boxes to make potions and craft materials for disassembly into component parts. nine0003

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Step 3: Hire guards from the docks

In order to find suitable guards for the Irene Renard theater, we go to the docks of Novigrad, located in the southwestern part of the city. We hire guards at the end of the southern pier. After a hand-to-hand duel, the brothers from Mettina, Sof Bychara and Gal, will agree to keep order during the theatrical performance for free, and the double bet for the bet will return to the witcher’s pocket. If you don’t want to fight the brothers from Mettina, you can just pay them money and hire them as guards. Regardless of the method of hiring, the effectiveness of protection remains the same. nine0003

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Step 4: Hire jugglers from the Guillemots group

The jugglers and comedians live in a house east of the Kingfisher Tavern, across from Triss’s rickety hideout, between Hierarch’s Marketplace and Oxefurt Gate. The «Guillemots» will agree to take to the streets of the city only after the witcher has dealt with three thugs from Tolstoy’s gang, who do not allow them to work in peace and constantly extort money. The Trinity stands at the stairs next to the house. We drive out the bandits, bribe with money or subdue the Sign of Axii. Regardless of the chosen method of solving the problem, the Guillemots will help the witcher to organize the performance. nine0003

  • If helps the «Kairs» get rid of the bandits , then a lot of spectators will come to the theatrical performance. If melodrama was chosen as the genre of the play, there will be more punks and rebels among the crowd.
  • If does not help the «Kairs» to get rid of the bandits , then few spectators will come to the performance and less money will be earned.

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Step 5: Assign roles and start the show

After completing all the instructions, we return back to the theater in Butcher’s Lane. Irene Renard will offer to choose the actors to play the roles. The final reward and satisfaction of the audience with the performance depends on the correct choice of actors and correctly pronounced words. Comedy or melodrama determines only the text that Geralt will need to repeat on stage as a witcher. If you make mistakes and choose the wrong phrases, incoherent speech will affect the final amount of experience and money. The correct text is written in the script, which is in the inventory on the «Things from tasks» tab. nine0003

  • If Priscilla is chosen for the role of princess , the girl will perfectly cope with the role, despite her restraint and coldness. The huge popularity of the troubadour among the inhabitants of the city will bring more money to the troupe. If is chosen for the role of Princess Irene , due to her age, the woman will not fit well into the role, which will not allow her to earn additional bonuses, although everything will be played perfectly.
  • If choose Abelard Rize for the role of the prince, the actor will professionally cope with the role and increase the remuneration. If to choose for the role of Prince Maxime Beaulieu , during the performance, the actor in a drunken stupor will periodically forget the words and have a lesser effect on the audience.

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Step 6: Talk to Dudu in Irene Renard’s room

After the introduction, ask Dudu about Ciri and about escaping Bastard Junior’s domain.