Weekend league tipps: FIFA 22: Die perfekte Weekend League-Strategie

FIFA 22: Die perfekte Weekend League-Strategie

Auch in FIFA 22 wird in der Weekend League geschwitzt ohne Ende. Mit welchen Tipps und Tricks ihr besser in der WL abschneidet, erfahrt ihr hier.

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Mit der FIFA 22-Saison hat EA SPORTS das uns bekannte Weekend League-System komplett überarbeitet. Am meisten sticht hervor, dass die Spielanzahl von 30 auf 20 reduziert wurde, was von vielen aus der Community sehr positiv angenommen wird. Darüber hinaus gab es große Veränderungen im Rang-System und den damit verbundenen Belohnungen. Diesbezüglich scheiden sich allerdings die Geister.

Wir haben eine ganz klare Mission – jeden Gamer weltweit schnellstmöglich besser zu machen! Egal, wann und wo. Ob ihr einfach nur mehr Siege einfahren wollt, vor euren Freunden flexen oder sogar Pro-Gamer werden wollt. Dafür entwickeln wir einen KI-basierten Gaming Coach. Wir sind ein Team aus Creatorn, (Pro-)Gamern und Techies. Game On.

Wer in der Weekend League gut abschneiden will, muss höchstkonzentriert agieren und darf sich kaum Fehler erlauben. Um allerdings den nächsten Schritt zu machen und am Wochenende Rang 1 zu holen, müsst ihr euch die Meta aneignen. Dafür müssen die Basics sitzen – sowohl in der Defensive als auch in der Offensive. Dabei dürften der Spielerwechsel und euer Abschluss sicherlich die wichtigsten Aspekte sein.

Hinter einem guten Ergebnis in der Weekend League stecken mehr Aspekte als nur das Spielerische. Euer Zeit-Management ist beispielsweise ebenso von großer Bedeutung. Das heißt, dass ihr versuchen solltet, eure Spiele möglichst gut aufzuteilen. Somit vermeidet ihr, dass ihr zu viele Spiele am Stück macht und Niederlagen kassiert, da mit der Zeit die Konzentration schwindet.

Zudem solltet ihr, so gut es geht, vermeiden, zu Stoßzeiten zu spielen. Das gilt vor allem für den Samstagabend. Da sind meistens sehr viele Spieler online und die starke Auslastung der Server führt zu Verzögerungen im Gameplay. Falls es euch zeitlich möglich ist, empfehlen wir euch den Sonntagabend, da hier die Server meistens besser sind. Zudem ist Chance höher, dass ihr Siege geschenkt kriegt.

Abschließend kommen wir zu dem wichtigsten Aspekt – die richtige Einstellung. Dabei gibt es einige Sachen zu beachten. So solltet ihr nach einer knappen Niederlage nicht direkt in das nächste Spiel gehen. Das Risiko einer weiteren Niederlage ist sehr hoch, da ihr das zu vorige Spiel nicht aus dem Kopf kriegt. Demnach solltet ihr eine kurze Pause einlegen und kurz runterkommen, bevor ihr in das nächste Spiel geht.

Als Letztes gilt, dass ihr nicht spielen solltet, wenn ihr sauer seid. Woche für Woche ist dieses Phänomen bei den verschiedenen Streamern der FIFA-Community zu beobachten. Gute Spieler verlieren gegen vermeidlich schlechtere Gegner, da sie ihren Emotionen unterliegen und nicht ihr richtiges Spiel aufziehen können. Versucht euch zu beruhigen, ehe ihr konzentriert in das nächste Spiel startet.

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FIFA 21 Weekend League — Tipps und Tricks

Die Weekend League ist der Höhepunkt der Wettkämpfe in FIFA Ultimate Team. Hier hast du die Chance, gegen die besten Spieler aus aller Welt anzutreten und dir die besten Boni zu sichern, die es überhaupt in FUT gibt.

Hier kommen einige Tipps, wie du Niederlagen in Siege verwandeln und dir bei deinem nächsten Auftritt in der Weekend League noch bessere Boni holen kannst.

Sorge im Team für Abwechslung

Trau dich ruhig, neue Spieler in deine Mannschaft zu stellen und so für frischen Wind zu sorgen. Suche auf dem Transfermarkt nach neuen Spielern, die dein Team stärken, oder schließe Squad Building Challenges und Aufgaben ab, in denen du upgegradete Spielerversionen als Belohnung erhalten kannst.

Tritt mit deiner neuen Mannschaft dann in FUT-Freundschaftsspielen oder in Division Rivals an, um genau die richtigen Leute für deinen Spielstil zu finden, bevor du in der Weekend League antrittst.

Nutze die Dynamischen Taktiken

Mit den Dynamischen Taktiken kannst du die Spielweise deines Teams in FIFA 21 im Laufe einer Partie drastisch anpassen. Egal ob du es auf Ballbesitz oder auf Konter abgesehen hast, oder ob du deine Außenspieler an die Seitenlinie schicken willst, um das Spiel in die Breite zu ziehen — in FIFA 21 kannst du deine eigene Taktik festlegen und sie an deinen Spielstil anpassen.

FIFA 21 ermöglicht dir bis zu 5 Spielstile und Formationen, die du deinen ultra-defensiven, defensiven, ausgewogenen, offensiven und ultra-offensiven Taktiken zuweisen kannst. Im Spiel kannst du dann mit der Links-Taste und der Rechts-Taste des Steuerkreuzes zwischen diesen Taktiken hin- und herwechseln. Du kannst sogar einzelne Aspekte deines Spiels mittendrin anpassen. Beispielsweise, indem du deine Stürmer bittest, defensiv auszuhelfen, oder indem du deine Außenverteidiger mit dem Steuerkreuz nach vorne dirigierst.

Wenn dir in der Weekend League mal eine Niederlage droht, solltest du ruhig mal ein wenig mit unterschiedlichen Formationen experimentieren. Vielleicht kannst du so die Abwehr deines Gegners knacken und das Spiel noch drehen.

Schau dir die neuen Gameplay-Features genau an

FIFA 21 bietet neue Möglichkeiten, deine Kreativität am Ball und abseits des Balls auszuspielen. Also schau dir die FIFA 21-Neuerungen unbedingt mal an, bevor du deine nächste Weekend League startest.

Hier kommen einige wichtige neue Features, die dir zu einem noch stärkeren Offensivspiel verhelfen werden:

  • Das Agile Dribbling (R1/RB halten und gleichzeitig den linken Stick bewegen) sorgt für noch engere Ballführung im Dribbling, sodass deine Spieler schneller und reaktiver sind. So kannst du an Verteidigern vorbeiflitzen und Torchancen rausholen.
  • Die Kreativen Läufe geben dir noch mehr Möglichkeiten, die Abwehr auszuhebeln und deinen Spielaufbau noch stärker zu kontrollieren. Lege dich auf einen einzelnen Spieler fest (drücke beide Sticks gleichzeitig — L3/LST+R3/RST), steuere die Läufe deiner Mitspieler (L1/LB, dann rechten Stick flicken) und mehr, um dich in aussichtsreiche Positionen zu bringen.

Detaillierte Infos zu den neuen Gameplay-Features in FIFA 21 findest du hier.

Wärme dich auf

Kein Fußballer steigt ohne Warmup in eine Partie ein. Also solltest auch du vor jeder FUT Champions-Session einige Division Rivals-Partien oder FUT-Freundschaftsspiele absolvieren, um in Schwung zu kommen. Erst dann solltest du dich in den Wettkampf stürzen.

Teile dir deine Spiele ein

Die Weekend League besteht aus 30 Spielen, die von Freitag bis Sonntag gespielt werden. Achte darauf, dir zwischen deinen Spielen Pausen zu gönnen, und nutze alle 3 Wettkampftage, um die größten Erfolgsaussichten zu haben.

Beobachte die Elite

Schau dir an, wie die besten Weekend League-Spieler ihre Teams zusammenstellen und wie sie spielen. Rufe den Champions-Channel über das FUT-Spielmenü auf, um dir Wiederholungen von Partien zwischen hochrangigen FUT Champions-Spielern anzusehen. Lerne, wie sie verteidigen und angreifen, und schau dir sogar innerhalb der Spiele ihre genauen Tastenaktionen an. Die besten FIFA 21-Spieler erlebst du auch bei den Events der FIFA 21 Global Series im gesamten Saisonverlauf. Hier kannst du dir viele Tricks abschauen.


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FIFA 22: Valuable tips on how to get the most wins in the Weekend League

O FIFA 22 Ultimate Team is the most popular mode in the game, where you build your dream team from scratch using player collectibles. With thousands of players available on Ultimate Team , the ways you can build your squad however you like are endless.

In the midst of this mode, as popular as FUT, there is the much talked about Weekend League FUT Champions for the most competitive players, which is the ranking of the weekends in the game. This competitive mode requires patience and a lot of challenges to get the best scores and the best rewards. That’s why we’ve highlighted a few tips that will surely help you excel in the game. Come on? nine0007 FIFA 22: Invaluable tips for getting the most weekend league wins

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    Buy the so-called «Super Subscriptions»

    FIFA 22: valuable tips to get the most wins in the weekend league | Electronic Arts, Fifa 22, Multiplayer, PC, PlayStation, Xbox | weekend league

    Many games last longer than 120 minutes, so it’s important to have spares. I already miss Simon TOTS, but FIFA 22 also has these cards. Look for fast, nimble and restless players who can decide the outcome of the game when one of the wingers runs out of strength. Bailey from Aston Villa, Rodrigo from Leeds or Malen from Borussia BBC are some examples.

    Due to server and gameplay: do not play all games on Friday.

    One thing many FIFA players underestimate. Servers often go down on Fridays. Everyone wants to play, you can’t wait. We feel the same. nine0003 But don’t make the mistake of playing all the games in one day, especially when you notice how incredibly slow the gameplay is, including lags and bugs. Saturdays and Sundays are usually quieter so you can play more relaxed (plus, most jerseys play on Friday).

    Weekend split games. Now this has nothing to do with the servers, but with your state of mind. All games in one day do not lead to a good rating! After an embarrassing defeat, you play worse, more aggressively, you defend like Phil Jones. Basically, your performance is degraded if you play too many games in a row. For example, play five on Friday, seven on Saturday, and eight on Sunday. On Sundays, in particular, the opponents are noticeably weaker…

    Creating matches and defeats

    Probably the hardest part: coping with losses or the moment when matchmaking suddenly comes. If you’re doing well and have a ranked game coming up, you’d better take a break. After a few hours, the streak usually ends in a ranked game (i.e. if you have a win to a new rank). Just like when you realize that EA suddenly starts creating matches and nothing else works.

    So how do you deal with defeat? nine0003 You’re on fire, the controller is almost broken… and yes, it looks so easy now, but don’t play more games, it doesn’t get any better! You always think that when you’re angry, but you’re not! Turn off your PlayStation or complete SBC, and your Weekend League ranking will be affected. Almost the most important thing in a tense weekend championship is to survive defeats. If you control it, anything is possible. Therefore, we really believe that you will win it all.

    Goal in FIFA 22

    FIFA 22: Tips on how to get the most weekend league wins | Electronic Arts, Fifa 22, Multiplayer, PC, PlayStation, Xbox | weekend league

    Of course, if you want to win, you have to play well. At least most of the time. And, of course, pay-to-win players are showing up, but if you understand the FIFA 22 meta and know what matters, you’ll win against them too. Therefore, it is very important at the moment to use long-range shots, for example, or R1-R1 shots in front of the goal. The same is true for defense. nine0007

    Don’t join the Weekend League right away

    It’s a good idea to warm up in Division Rivals or Squad Battles before starting the Weekend League. Since it often takes a while before your fingers get warm, the skill movements will be just right and you will really get into competition mode.

    So the warm-up game will not prevent you from getting in the right mood. Moreover, your opponent will most likely be warmed up by previous games.

    If you are in the lead at the start of the Weekend League with a few goals and already believe in a certain victory, your concentration can easily drop. You look at your mobile phone, think about something else, and suddenly your opponent scores one goal after another. nine0007

    To avoid this, you should always try to stay focused and give your best until the last minute. Many players also find it helpful to listen to music or turn off the commentators in order to be more focused.

    FIFA 22: Insightful Tips for Getting the Most Weekend League Wins | Electronic Arts, Fifa 22, Multiplayer, PC, PlayStation, Xbox | weekend league

    There is no room for experimentation in the Weekend League. When you start a competition, your best team should be on the field. You also had to thoroughly test your formation and tactics beforehand in Division Rivals so that you were familiar with the lanes and positions of your players. nine0007

    Also, make sure you have a strong bank. Being able to replace a few strong super-substitutes at the end can often make a difference.

    Don’t put pressure on yourself

    An absolutely mandatory number of wins is not a good condition for the Weekend League. Instead, you should think from game to game and not put pressure on yourself. It’s much easier to play that way.

    Lack of time is also an important factor. Don’t play another game unless you really have time and your mind is completely different. nine0007

    take enough breaks

    The Weekend League has been reduced by 10 games, so there are only 20 games left. However, trying to complete them as quickly as possible is usually not the best idea.

    For example, if you’re on a losing streak, it’s tempting to want to «at least stop at winning.» But things can go completely wrong: you keep playing, lose enthusiasm for the game and concentration — and quit game after game. It is better to draw a line and continue the game later. Then take a break and try again later or the next day. nine0007

    Meet the FIFA 22 meta

    FIFA 22 tips for getting the most weekend league wins | Electronic Arts, Fifa 22, Multiplayer, PC, PlayStation, Xbox | weekend league

    In the Weekend League you will meet experienced players who are well versed in the game. So, in order not to be at a disadvantage, it is important to know which passes, shots and tricks are effective in FIFA 22. Here is a quick overview:

    These are the strongest shots:

    • Long range kicks in front of the penalty area: hold R1 / RB and press the throw button. nine0016
    • Power Shot Sixteenth: Hold down the fire button and aim at the farthest corner.
    • Close Range: Hold R1/RB and L1/LB, press the fire button and aim at the desired angle.

    Top Moves:

    • Death Pass Raised Pass: At the right moment, press and hold L1 (LB) and double-tap triangle (Y).
    • Full tension flank to switch sides: hold R1 (RB) and then square (X). nine0016
    • Fake shot for sudden change of direction: To do this, press the fire button, and then press L2 + R2 (LT + RT) and the desired direction with the stick.



    The first thing you need to do is prepare for your opponents, which means it’s very important to have a good starting team as the opponents are GOATS (Greatest of All Time). In any case, you need defenders with 90+ rhythms…

    Like Lacroix, Saint-Just, Mbabu and Davis. This would be a very good start because no dirty opposing player can get past your defense if that’s the case. Then it becomes clear that the enemy is hacking…. You also need Manuel Neuer in goal, who shoots from 50 meters or two. nine0007


    Now we come to the gameplay… The most important part of the whole MANUAL, because it all depends on whether you are good or bad. To be good you have to play strikers with more than 90 rhythms like Mbappe. So you should always send your Mbappe into the race because he’s fast and PSG is partnered with EA which means he’s a dirty guy anyway.

    The most important thing in FIFA 22.

    The absolute most important thing about this game is this: once you go forward with a goal, you still have to hope that the opponent knows that you are the king, after that you have to set it to «Very defensive «. to guarantee with a chain of 5 in the back, once you play Very Defensive, you have to make the game time. This means passing the ball back and forth on defense and generally slowing things down. That’s what a real top 200 player does. nine0007

    How to Win the FUT Champions

    FIFA 22 Playoffs: Insightful Tips for Getting the Most Weekend League Wins | Electronic Arts, Fifa 22, Multiplayer, PC, PlayStation, Xbox | weekend league

    If a friend is in love with FIFA come back from the moon and ask us about the new FUT champions, we would say that’s good/bad news. The good news is that the FUT Champs Finals is a treasure city of gold, with entry rewards higher than most players won in previous years. The bad news is that the playoffs can be a terrible experience if you’re careless. nine0007

    The problem is twofold. First, you can only enter the playoffs seven times in a season. This means that if you fail to achieve five victories on many occasions, you may be excluded from the FUT Champs Finals at the end of the season. Weekend without Weekend League?! Unfortunately, this will be the case for some of us.

    The second question is matchmaking. Like the finals, the playoffs use «uniform» so if you win the game, the system will try to match you with someone who also won the game. If you missed a few, you should find someone in the same boat. But there’s no reason why each of these «null» players can’t be much better than you, and given that the playoffs are based on fewer matches, any unfortunate inconsistencies are less likely to iron out than they would be. . in previous years there were over 30 games. nine0007

    On top of that, you also have form-distorting players who refuse matches because they already have their wins, and the player pool itself is tougher on the weekends or early in the week when only the best players are ready to re-qualify.

    What is the purpose of FUT?

    N/A FUT 22 goals are in-game challenges you can complete to earn rewards for your FUT and progress throughout the FUT 9 season0004

    What does a UT technician do?

    Em FIFA 22, o treinador is present in Ultimate Team mode as a card that affects your team on the field… As with the athlete cards, treinador has two characteristics that, if they connected with the players, favor the so-called «chemistry» of the team.

    Translated from sites such as Early Game , Well Caught! , Gameplay

    «To the limit», but in the final. Omsk comedians will compete for the main prize of the International KVN League

    • SI «Omsk Here» November 22, 2022, 11:32
    • seal

    Author: Daria Puchkova

    The Omsk KVN team took second place in the semifinal and advanced to the final.

    Omsk KVN team reached the finals of the International League of MS KVN. The decisive game took place last weekend in Minsk. nine0007

    Comedians representing UMC «Khimik» («On the Limit») competed for reaching the final with 23 teams from Tula, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Murmansk, Voronezh and many other cities of Russia and Belarus. Omsk on the basis of the game won second place, earning 40 points. The Isadora Duncan team managed to score more — they have 42 points.

    The International League of KVN is one of the television leagues of MS KVN. It is considered the fourth league in terms of status in the International KVN Union, however, teams from the Major League and the Premier League play in it. nine0007

    — Making it to the International League final means a lot to our team. Being a finalist is a great honor. We have been waiting for this trip for almost a year. For the first time in two years, the International League returned to its homeland — Belarus, but the games were constantly postponed and postponed. Only now managed to play the first game of the season. In addition, this is the first final for our team in the league, outside of Omsk. We went to Minsk with great hopes and a fighting spirit, and, in fact, our expectations and labors were justified. We just fell in love with Minsk and are already looking forward to going to the finals, we are starting to prepare hard, — shared with «Omsk Here» team members «On the Limit».