Watch dogs 2 gamestar: Auf dem PC hackt sich’s am besten

Auf dem PC hackt sich’s am besten

Big Brother is Watching

Narrenfreiheit brauchen wir aber auch nicht — feindlich gesinnt sind unsere Gegner nur in Sperrgebieten, in der Stadt selbst lassen uns die privaten Sicherheitsleute von ctOS oder Gangsterbanden in Ruhe. Ähnlich ergeht es uns mit der Polizei, solange niemand dort anruft und ein Verbrechen meldet oder sie uns direkt beobachtet, können wir so viel Verwüstung anrichten, wie wir wollen. Immerhin bleibt sie aber hartnäckig an uns dran, wenn sie uns mal auf dem Schirm hat, Verfolgungsjagden sorgen also durchaus für Nervenkitzel und das Entkommen ist nicht einfach.

Aber wir können es uns einfacher machen, indem wir hacken: Wie im Vorgänger haben wir die Möglichkeit, das Verkehrsnetz zu manipulieren und unsere Verfolger über Ampeln, gesprengte Gullideckel oder sogar über gekaperte Fahrzeuge in Unfälle zu verwickeln. Das macht auch im zweiten Teil großen Spaß, ist aber gar nicht so einfach, da wir sämtliche Hacks über die mittlere Maustaste ausführen — mehr als einmal kommt es also vor, dass wir statt der Ampel ein Auto oder einen Passanten erwischen und wir statt des rettenden Verkehrsstaus plötzlich nur 36 Dollar mehr auf dem Konto haben, weil wir aus Versehen über ein Handy das Online-Banking der Person angezapft haben.

Das Hacken kann in den Missionen ebenfalls schnell fummelig werden, ist aber eben auch unser großes Ass im Ärmel. Wer es geschickt anstellt, kann wieder ganze Gebäudekomplexe infiltrieren und den Auftrag ausführen, ohne einen Fuß hinein zu setzen. Das funktioniert wie im Vorgänger über das Sicherheitssystem. Wir hacken uns in die Kameras und gelangen so immer wieder an neue Blickwinkel über die wir die Telefone von Wachmännern, Stromverteiler oder Gasleitungen manipulieren können und wahlweise für Ablenkung, einen nicht tödlichen Schock oder gleich eine Explosion sorgen.

So arbeitet ein Hacker: Wachmann per Handyklingeln ablenken, dann schnell mit der Drohne in Richtung Lüftungsschacht vorbeihuschen.

Des Hackers bester Freund

Einfach blind drauf loszuhacken funktioniert allerdings nicht: Wir haben über unser Botnet nur einen begrenzten Vorrat an Energie und müssen Fallen genau timen, wenn wir nicht wollen, dass das gesamte Sicherheitspersonal durch einen bewusstlosen Agenten oder eine Sprengung alarmiert wird. Übertreiben dürfen wir es außerdem auch nicht — sonst hackt das ctOS frech zurück und sperrt uns für einige Zeit den Zugang zu allen Systemen.

Oft ist es also cleverer, lautlos wie ein Geist zum Ziel zu schleichen. Hier reichen die Kameras allerdings nicht immer, denn komplexe Hackvorgänge können nur per Hand ausgeführt werden — oder per Drohne. Um Marcus nicht zu gefährden, schicken wir deshalb unsere kleinen Helfer in die Gefahrenzone. Mit Jumper oder Quadrocopter können wir das Ziel am Boden oder in der Luft per Fernsteuerung erreichen und wichtige Daten stehlen oder auch Feinde ablenken und neue Zugangspunkte freischalten. Eher selten muss Marcus tatsächlich selber ran, um etwa Akten oder Festplatten zu stehlen — dann helfen weder Drohnen noch Kameras.

Während das Hacking anfangs nur einen Klick erfordert, kommen später regelrechte Rätselpassagen hinzu, in denen wir verschiedene Knotenpunkte miteinander verknüpfen müssen. Vor allem unter Zeitdruck oder wenn ein anderer Hacker gegen uns arbeitet, kann das durchaus knifflig werden. Generell ist die Hacking-Mechanik das Herz von Watch Dogs 2. Das Zusammenspiel der Möglichkeiten macht durchweg Spaß und bietet genug Freiheit, um herumzuprobieren. In einer Mission müssen wir beispielsweise einen Truck aus einem streng bewachten Gebiet stehlen und schaffen es allein über die einzelnen Hacking-Möglichkeiten, den Wagen bequem aus dem Sperrgebiet heraus zu uns auf die Straße zu bugsieren. In solchen Momenten fühlen wir uns tatsächlich wie ein genialer Hacker, den Realismus mal beiseite gelassen.


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GTA 5 trifft Splinter Cell

Und dabei ist Hacken nur eine Möglichkeit von vielen: Es ist zwar keine gute Idee mit gezogener Waffe ein Sperrgebiet zu stürmen, aber auch nicht unmöglich, wenn wir schnell verhindern wollen, dass Verstärkung gerufen wird. Oder wir schleichen mit Marcus einfach von Gegner zu Gegner, lenken sie ab und schalten sie dann lautlos nacheinander aus. Oder spielen geschickt die einzelnen Fraktionen gegeneinander aus — hetzen also Gangster auf Gangster oder alarmieren heimlich die Polizei und sehen gemütlich zu, wie die Beamten unsere Arbeit erledigen.

Diese Freiheit hebt Watch Dogs 2 angenehm von anderen Open-World-Titeln ab, wir können es wie GTA 5 oder wie Splinter Cell spielen, trotz eigenem Fähigkeitenbaum für Schusswaffen wird das Schleichen aber klar bevorzugt, Hackernaturen haben es einfach leichter.

Wer also mit der Hacking-Mechanik überhaupt nichts anfangen kann und keinen Spaß an Stealth und den rätselartigen Hacking-Passagen hat, für den ist auch Ubisofts Open-World-Fortsetzung nichts. Denn trotz der GTA-ähnlichen Open-World-Anmutung bleibt der Titel grundsätzlich ein eher ruhiges Spiel, in dem man besonnen vorgehen sollte.

Während wir auf der PS4 oder Xbox One eine Mission allerdings meist neugestartet haben, sobald wir entdeckt wurden, lassen wir uns auf dem PC von ein paar Gegnern nicht von unserer Mission abbringen. Denn dank vorbildlich angepasster Maus- und Tastatursteuerung spielen sich die Schusswechsel samt Deckungsmechanik auf dem PC deutlich präziser und spaßiger als auf den Konsolen. In den Optionen dürfen wir zudem wirklich jedes Detail an unsere persönlichen Bedürfnisse anpassen – von der Stärke der Zielhilfe über die Maussensivität bis hin zu einem zuschaltbaren Tempomaten beim Autofahren. Selbstverständlich dürfen wir sämtliche Tasten auch frei belegen und das sogar separat für Laufen, Fahren und Drohnensteuerung.


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Moscow Watchdog 🐶 — dog personality and care tips

Compared to other dog breeds, the Moscow Watchdog is a very young breed.


The Moscow watchdog was bred less than 100 years ago. Despite this fact, according to its characteristics, this is one of the most outstanding service and working breeds of dogs.

The appearance of the Moscow watchdog is due to the order of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, according to which it was required to breed a universal breed of dogs for official use.

To breed the Moscow watchdog, German and Caucasian shepherds, St. Bernards and Newfoundlands, as well as greyhounds and hounds were crossed among themselves. Already by 1958, as a result of painstaking selection work, a breed standard was drawn up. In the 70s, the breed began to spread throughout the Soviet Union.


Today, the Moscow Watchdog is a breed that combines the qualities of a St. Bernard and a Caucasian Shepherd, but more muscular and agile.

Males are somewhat larger than females by modern breed standards. Weight of males — from 55 kg., height — from 68 cm. Weight of bitches — from 45 kg., height — from 66 cm. The transition from forehead to muzzle is short and well defined. The muzzle itself is broad, blunt and voluminous. The breed boasts powerful, wide jaws with large, white teeth. The bite is scissor-shaped, so that the teeth fit snugly together.

Eyes small, dark, rounded. The small ears are triangular in shape with rounded ends. Two colors are recognized in the Moscow Watchdog breed: spotted and red-piebald, both with specks.

Character and habits

The Moscow watchdog needs obligatory training. This does not mean at all that a dog can only be a guard dog and is not suitable for keeping in a family. The point is that the genetic potential of a guard dog should simply be realized.

Watchdogs must not be beaten (as well as other dogs, by the way), or lashed out at them. In the training of the Moscow watchdog, patience is required, and the animal itself is treated with respect.

The Moscow watchdog gets along well with children and pets in the house, but can often be distrustful of guests and alien dogs. Due to the lack of training and socialization, distrust can turn into poorly controlled aggression, which should not be allowed. If you do not have sufficient experience in handling dogs, it is best to seek help from a cynologist.

Properly educated Moscow watchdog is a balanced and independent dog with a calm, gentle temperament.


The Moscow Watchdog is an undemanding dog in terms of care.

In addition to regular veterinary examinations and procedures, this breed requires timely brushing. Water procedures are carried out several times a year. In addition, the Moscow watchdog requires daily (2-3 times a day) long walks, as they are useful both for the psyche and for the health of the whole body of the dog.

Disease susceptibility

The Moscow Watchdog has virtually no genetic predisposition to diseases. As with most large breeds, articular pathologies are possible — hip dysplasia.

It’s important to remember that the best way to protect your dog from disease is through regular preventive maintenance, adequate feeding and exercise.

Feeding advice

The Moscow Watchdog should be fed super premium food. It may seem to owners that a low-maintenance dog will do just fine on a home-cooked diet, but this will negatively affect the dog’s health in the future.

An excellent choice for the Moscow Watchdog is Purina® PRO PLAN® Dog Large Robust for large and massive dog breeds. The line of these feeds is ranged by age and has a convenient plate for calculating feeding rates depending on the age, weight and daily activity of the pet. This is very convenient, because it allows you to feed your pet in strict accordance with physiological norms and easily adjust the diet in case of gaining excess weight or losing weight.

If you are determined to buy a Moscow watchdog, we recommend that you contact qualified breeders or officially registered kennels. So you can get a healthy and thoroughbred pet that will delight you for many years. The answer to the question of how much a puppy costs is also better to get from professional breeders: the price can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the pedigree, the sex of the pet and the region in which the kennel is located.

description, nature and main features


  • What can be called service dogs?
  • Australian Shepherd (Aussie)
  • Akita Inu
  • American Staffordshire Terrier
  • Beagle
  • Boxer
  • Border Collie
  • Welsh Corgi (Pembroke & Cardigan)
  • East European Shepherd
  • Golden Retriever
  • Doberman
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Moscow watchdog
  • German Shepherd
  • Rottweiler
  • Black Russian Terrier
  • St. Bernard
  • Terminals

Dogs are man’s best friends and faithful helpers. Representatives of some breeds steadfastly serve on a par with people, participating in search and guard activities. A sharp scent, a strong psyche, courage and endurance are the qualities that a real service dog should have.

Of course, these dogs can also be kept as companions. Cynologists recommend that owners of service dogs take at least a general training course (OKD) in order for the pet to become obedient and well-mannered.

Does your heart belong to the service breed? On the eve of the holiday — Defender of the Fatherland Day — we have prepared material about the most popular of them.

What can be called service dogs?

Service breeds are divided into:

1. Hunting. Their task is to hunt down and pursue prey.

2. Shepherds. Helping to graze livestock in all weather conditions.

3. Security. They stand guard over objects and people.

4. Investigative. Carry out a search for people in danger, prohibited substances.

5. Customs. Find items and substances that cannot be brought into or taken out of the country.

6. Bodyguards. Dogs guarding people.

7. Search engines. A keen sense of smell helps to find people who are missing, trapped under rubble, etc.

8. Guards. Protect the borders of the state.

9. Riding. Designed for transporting people and goods in difficult weather conditions.

10. Sappers. Find explosives, help clear the area.

11. Assistance dogs for people with disabilities (guide dogs, rehabilitation dogs, therapeutic guard dogs).

Australian Shepherd (Aussie)

Good-natured dogs that, despite their mischievous nature, will never offend themselves or family members. They prefer to dominate, so the owner will have to be patient to find a common language with the pet.

Australian Shepherds have historically been used as herding dogs, making them responsible babysitters. They are often recruited into the border guard and also trained as guide assistants.

Akita Inu

These people from the land of the rising sun are owners of a difficult character who need training skills. It is impossible to bring up a “plush toy” from an Akita Inu — a proud and independent disposition will not allow this.

They do not like the presence of strangers, and they will growl at other dogs, clearly marking their territory. Spending time in nature, chasing toys is their favorite pastime. The dog of the Akita Inu breed will become an excellent guard, to whom you can safely entrust your home and family.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Strong and hardy staffs are distinguished by high intelligence. Despite the formidable appearance, this dog never attacks just like that — it is quite difficult to get him out of himself. Aggression will be manifested only in case of a clear danger.

The training of the Staffordshire Terrier should begin at a very early age — the dog must be clearly aware of how to behave with family members and with other people. The character of the guard, laid down by nature, makes representatives of the breed reliable companions with whom you can feel completely safe.


The Beagle is a hound breed, so the presence of a small fidget in the house is guaranteed. The activity of this dog can only be envied. Beagles adore a large number of people, whose attention is attracted with pleasure. They do not like to be left alone, in the absence of the owners for a long time, they can begin to destroy the house, expressing their extreme indignation.

They get along with other dogs, but cats are not respected — the hunter’s temper affects. The Beagle is an ideal breed for a large family, which will delight owners with optimism and inexhaustible energy until their advanced years.


Fearless boxers are excellent watchdogs, therefore they are often used by law enforcement agencies as service dogs. These are dogs that will be faithful to their owners until their last breath. With the right upbringing, a reliable family member, active and friendly, grows out of a boxer.

Another distinctive quality is increased alertness towards strangers. However, you should not be afraid of a boxer: he always feels those who pose a real threat. Boxers love children, they are happy to participate in their games, and in case of danger they will be the first to come to the rescue.

Border Collie

Border collies are considered to be the smartest dogs in the world. They are easy to train and able to learn complex commands. These are workaholic dogs who need someone to take care of all the time.

The ancestors of modern border collies were herding small livestock, so watchdog skills predominate in them at the genetic level. They will surround the whole family with their care, especially small children. These four-legged friends require constant exercise — a passive lifestyle is not for them.

Welsh Corgi (Pembroke & Cardigan)

«Big dog in a small body.» This is exactly what the owners say about the Welsh Corgi. Active and cheerful shepherd dogs conquer with high intelligence and amazing artistic abilities.

They perfectly feel the mood of their owner, understanding when to insist on communication, and when to step aside. They need to keep abreast of events all the time, because they don’t want to miss something interesting! Corgis are inherently fearless, so if necessary, they will engage in a fight with an enemy that is significantly superior to them in physical data.

East European Shepherd

Our «compatriots» — East European Shepherd Dogs — are born guards and watchmen. With such a dog, you don’t have to worry about your own safety. If you decide to get an East European Shepherd, be prepared for the fact that you will have to go through a training course with it, and more than one — they need to periodically consolidate the acquired skills.

Friendly to children and wary of strangers, this breed makes excellent companions.

Golden Retriever

The breed was popular among the English nobility, who spent their free time hunting. The dogs carried shot game, and it was not difficult for them to climb into thickets of thorny bushes or a cool reservoir.

To this day, many hunters choose a golden retriever as a four-legged companion. They also train search engines, rescuers and guides.


Graceful Dobermans only seem dangerous. A properly trained dog will never show aggression. The breed is highly intelligent and easily learns commands.

A distinctive character trait of any Doberman is vigilance. He is always on the alert, so you can not be afraid for the safety of the home. Attacking without warning is not about the Doberman: nature has endowed these dogs with a strong and balanced psyche.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

They are also called wolfhounds — they are ready to defend their master to the last. The nature of Caucasians is complex, sometimes aggressive, so they need a firm hand. Despite the harsh disposition and outward brutality, these four-legged pets are infinitely devoted to their family, they treat children with sensitivity and care.

They are quite loyal to other pets, especially representatives of miniature breeds. They are wary of strangers, but they will show aggression only in case of a real threat.

Labrador Retriever

One of the most popular breeds in the world. Labradors are suitable for keeping in a large family where there are other animals and small children. Aggression is alien to them, and the positive disposition of the pet is able to cheer up anyone.

These dogs have innate hunting instincts, but in the modern world they are widely used as guides, searchers and rescuers.

Moscow watchdog

The name speaks for itself — this is a guard dog that will steadfastly carry out guard duty. The blood of St. Bernards and German Shepherds flows in their veins, so the character is quite controversial: sometimes «Muscovites» show ferocity, sometimes they amaze with their phlegm.

These large quadrupeds are hyper-responsible nannies, but kids need to be careful. A wild dog can accidentally knock a child down.

German Shepherd

They are distinguished by high intelligence, excellent security and search qualities. That is why representatives of this breed are most often used by government services as assistants. They are easy to train and enjoy learning new commands. The character is loyal and balanced.


The Rottweiler is a guard dog that requires responsible maintenance. A dog that has not completed a training course can grow aggressive and attack not only other animals, but also people. It takes a long time to raise an obedient dog. Recognizes the authority of only one owner, treats other family members friendly.

Black Russian Terrier

A hardy and prudent dog, bred by Soviet cynologists as a service dog. At the moment, representatives of the breed are used as rescuers, searchers and security guards. These are calm four-legged animals with an excellent memory. Responsibly protect their home, family members.

St. Bernard

Calm St. Bernards have historically been used by humans as rescuers — they easily found people under avalanches. Dogs are good-natured, peaceful, therefore ideal for keeping in the family.

Their character can be called imperturbable — they are indifferent to strangers, however, as well as to other animals. The Saint Bernards, despite their outward melancholy, love games and take part in joint fun with pleasure.


Our advice to future service dog owners:

1. Carefully study the information about the breed: character, features of maintenance and care, etc.

2. Buy a puppy only from trusted kennels that have the necessary certificates.

3. Prepare your home for the arrival of a new family member: purchase food and water bowls , bed or mat , toys .

4. Feed your dog only quality food premium, super premium and holistic . Such diets are fully balanced and have a high protein content.

5. You will need 9 for walking0055 Collar, leash and ID tag .

6. Consider who will train the dog. If you decide to train your dog yourself, take care of the appropriate equipment and accessories .

7. Do not forget to treat your pet regularly for parasites .

8. To prolong your pet’s life, once a year go through a comprehensive examination at a veterinary clinic.