Uncharted 4 lösungen: Uncharted 4: Komplettlösung — Alle Kapitel, Collectibles & Tipps

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End: Komplett gelöst

Wenn ihr euch mit Nathan und Sam Drake auf die Suche nach der verlorenen Piratenkolonie Libertalia begebt, erwarten euch allerlei Gefahren und Rätsel, die es zu bewältigen gilt. Wir haben Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End durchgespielt und verraten euch, wie ihr problemlos bis zum Abspann kommt.

Der Schwierigkeitsgrad: Wir empfehlen euch, Uncharted 4 zunächst auf dem Standardschwierigkeitsgrad durchzuspielen. Durch ihn verändert ihr die Stärke der feindlichen Einheiten und die Anzahl der Schüsse, die ihr einstecken dürft, bevor Nate das Zeitliche segnet. Zum Ende des Titels werden die Schussgefechte auf Standard bereits ziemlich knackig. Auf höheren Stufen könntet ihr bereits im frühen Spielverlauf frustriert werden. Nach dem ersten Durchlauf lässt sich jederzeit ein neues Spiel starten, ohne dass ihr euren Fortschritt verliert.

Passt eure Steuerung an: Die Standardsteuerung von Uncharted 4 wurde im Vergleich zu seinen Vorgängern leicht abgeändert. So ändert ihr Beispielsweise den Kamerawinkel beim Zielen mit einer Waffe nicht mehr mit dem rechten Analog-Stick, sondern mit der X-Taste. Solltet ihr bereits Zeit mit Teil eins bis drei verbracht haben, empfehlen wir euch, die Steuerung dementsprechend an eure Gewohnheiten anzupassen. Dadurch fallen euch zu Beginn vor allem die Feuergefechte leichter.

Zudem könnt ihr auswählen, ob die Zielassistenz direkt beim Anvisieren auf Gegner springt oder ob ihr euer Fadenkreuz manuell bewegt. Wer es sich etwas leichter machen möchte, lässt das Fadenkreuz direkt auf Gegner springen, um in hitzigen Kämpfen einen besseren Überblick zu haben. Gerade auf den höheren Schwierigkeitsgraden ist diese Mechanik ein tolles Hilfsmittel.

Kreide zeigt euch den Weg: In den Vorgängern zeigten meist gelbe Markierungen, wo und wie es im jeweiligen Level weitergeht. Uncharted 4 verzichtet zu großen Teilen auf diese Markierungen. So werdet ihr vor allem zu Beginn eures Abenteuers das eine oder andere Mal nach dem Weg suchen, wenn ihr die offensichtlichen Hilfen aus dem Vorgänger gewöhnt seid. Dieses Mal solltet ihr auf weiße Kreidemarkierungen achten, die stellenweise nur schwer zu erkennen sind.

Solltet ihr längere Zeit den Weg nicht finden, schaltet die Bildschirmhelligkeit über das Optionsmenü auf 10. Dadurch solltet ihr in dunklen Gebieten ohne Probleme die Markierungen lokalisieren können. Dieser Trick hilft auch bei einigen Rätseln, die das Absuchen bestimmter Bereiche erfordern. Wir haben uns bei normaler Helligkeitseinstellung öfters sehr schwer getan, alles zu finden. Mit diesem kleinen Trick sollte das aber kein Problem mehr darstellen.

Nutzt die Deckung und Blindfeuer: Immer wieder geratet ihr in Feuerwechsel. Damit ihr sie unbeschadet übersteht, agiert immer aus einer Deckung heraus. Vermeidet es, auf freiem Feld auf eure Feinde zu schießen. So seid ihr Kanonenfutter. Sucht eure Umgebung nach passenden Deckungsmöglichkeiten ab, sobald ein Feuergefecht beginnt, und plant, wie ihr von Schutz zu Schutz gelangen könnt. Sollten Gegner auf euch zustürmen, nutzt das Blindfeuer, um ihnen Schaden zuzufügen. Zwar ist eure Treffgenauigkeit in diesem Modus vermindert, gegen nahe Feinde solltet ihr dennoch großen Erfolg haben.

Müsst ihr gegen große Gegnergruppen kämpfen, finden sich in der Nähe meist rote Gasbehälter, auf die ihr feuern könnt. Durch deren Explosion könnt ihr euch zumeist Luft verschaffen und mehrere Feinde auf einen Schlag ausschalten. Vergesst zudem eure Granaten nicht. Sie lassen sich wunderbar aus der Deckung heraus werfen und treffen sogar Feinde, die nicht aus der eigenen Deckung vorkommen wollen.

Achtet auf eure Munition: Habt stets ein Auge auf euren Munitionshaushalt. Gerade in längeren Kämpfen kann es passieren, dass euer Vorrat zur Neige geht. Dann helfen euch gefallene Gegner, deren Munition und Waffen ihr nach ihrem Tod stibitzen könnt. Wartet jedoch nicht, bis ihr die letzte Kugel aus eurem Magazin verschossen habt. Es ist hilfreich, noch einige Schüsse in Reserve zu haben, um sich zu den neuen Gegenständen vorzukämpfen.

Durchsucht jeden Winkel nach Schätzen: Wer alle Schätze in Uncharted 4 finden will, sollte jeden noch so kleinen Winkel erkunden. Vor allem in den größeren Arealen, in denen ihr mit Boot und Auto unterwegs seid, lohnt es sich, des Öfteren vom Hauptpfad abzuweichen. Dort lassen sich sehr viele Schätze finden, die jedoch sehr gut versteckt sind. Scheut euch nicht davor, mehrere Routen auszuprobieren.

(Fortsetzung folgt)

Uncharted 4 Rätsel: So löst ihr alle Puzzles

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Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End



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Uncharted 4 Review (PC) — Games on DTF


Hello everyone. I played Uncharted 4 and loved it. In this article, I will describe the plot, gameplay, graphics, and more. I will consider the advantages and disadvantages of this game.

It’s worth clarifying, I’m writing about the main game (Uncharted 4 Thief’s end), and not The lost legacy, which is positioned as a separate game, but, as for me, is more like a big story DLC. I will give him a separate paragraph. nine0003


  • Foreword
  • Plot
  • Gameplay
  • Graphics and optimization
  • The Lost Legacy
  • About localization
  • Results


I was not familiar with this series of games before. I passed the port on the PC, the previous 3 parts, unfortunately, were not ported. Of course, it was possible to play them through the ps3 emulator, but something didn’t really want to bother with it. I decided to watch a retelling of the plot of the first three parts. It seemed to me that you can play four without them. History is independent, only occasionally there are some references to the past. nine0003

In general, you can safely play it right away, only briefly knowing what was about there before.


Here I will first describe the plot of the whole story (these are the first 1.5-2 hours of the game in short, who do not want spoilers for this part of the game, you can skip this paragraph), and then the impressions of the plot as a whole

At the very beginning, we are trying to escape on a ship from someone who is catching up with us. Nothing really can be understood. Then we will be thrown along the timelines, which may not please someone and scare us away. But this will happen only at the beginning of the game, then everything will even out and will go mostly at the same time. Now about the timelines themselves: there are three of them. In the first, the main characters (and this is primarily Nathan Drake and his brother Sam) are teenagers, in the other they are young (a segment with a prison) and are trying to find a clue to solve the mystery of Henry Avery (such a pirate who, according to legend, had a huge treasure) and indeed the present. nine0003


In the first chronological timeline, we see very young main characters, what a difficult childhood they have, their dreams

Here they find the first clue (the diary of their mother, she was a researcher-historian) and, accordingly, they have an idea to find this treasure.


In the second timeline, they are trying to get into the closed territory through the prison, as prisoners (undercover), in order to find another clue. nine0195 Here, by the way, the game introduces us to the future antagonist — Wraith, who is so far for us . They still manage to find something, but at one moment everything is covered, and they have to flee . ..

Now more obvious spoilers that can slightly spoil the impression (from the first 1.5-2 hours of the game), so I’ll hide it.


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…Next Sam gets shot, Nathan thinks he’s dead, but in reality he gets caught and put in jail. After 15 years, Sam returns and says that one very influential person helped him to escape, who wants him to find Henry Avery’s treasure for him, for which he gives 3 months. Well, here, as they say, brother for brother, besides, Nate, in fact, is in his debt. In general, without telling the real reason for his departure to his wife (Elena), Nathan Drake, together with Sam, go in search, taking with him his old friend — Victor Sullivan …

*There was a timeskip above (15 years have passed)*.

…The same treasure is sought by Rafe, who has become the “enemy” of the main characters

He is searching with his assistant Nadine and a bunch of her mercenaries. This is where the main adventure begins. I hope you are interested 🙂

Now let’s abstract a little and talk about the plot in general. Just want to say — it’s interesting. I can’t say that it’s super-exciting and overly intense. He’s just awesome is all. The characters are memorable, their emotions are felt, their motivation is visible. It is interesting to watch them and their adventure. Staging cutscenes is a direct cinematic level (as in almost any game of this genre from Sony)

We (Nathan) are rarely left alone with ourselves. Often someone is nearby, constantly chatting with the main character, which greatly brightens up and softens the edges of the sometimes boring gameplay in my opinion

I would also like to note the extremely interesting plot twists that direct the story in a completely different direction. There are not many of them throughout the game, but they managed to impress me a lot. For this, as they say, a hotel like

A little bit about the bad: at one point there was a dissonance between the plot and the gameplay. First, we kill more than a dozen people, but in one of the cutscenes, when you can’t give up slack, the main characters give out something like that it’s not their style and they can’t do that. There the situation was of course more complicated, but in general, the essence is this. I won’t write down the shortcomings, since this happened only once (maybe more than one, but I didn’t notice anymore)

In a nutshell, the ending is very good. It is logical, understandable, puts an end to the story. Almost nothing to complain about

Game completed in 15 hours: https://howlongtobeat. com/game/20077


The very concept of it is quite simple. It is divided into 3 parts:

1) Climb. Parkour, which of course is loudly said, since the process is rather slow, a lot. A big part of the game is that you have to climb somewhere. In some places, it is even quite exciting when you have to climb to a great height, there is an abyss below, some stones crumble, the main character jumps at the last moment, and the like

But damn, how much of this. This is exactly what I called boring in places above.

Sometimes it’s impossible to jump somewhere, *or something else happens ahem-ahem*, and the main character falls (more than once per game) . After such falls, the question arises how our hero did not break all the bones

By the way, he won’t specifically fall here

2) Battles with enemy units. At our disposal:

a. nine0009 Stealth. He is simple. There are bushes, there are covers, the enemy can be silently killed from behind, and others can notice him and go into the search phase. You can also kill someone in the bushes, then the body will not be found (heh). You can also throw the enemy off a cliff when you hang under him, and jump on him from a hill. Well, at least it is not mandatory in any segment of the game and does not affect anything

Hugs 🙂

b. Shooting. It’s a little more interesting here. We have two types (slots) of weapons: short-barreled (pistol) and long-barreled (assault rifle / shotgun). As a rule, what falls from the enemy is what you pick up. Only I did not use shotguns, I usually have to shoot from behind cover at some distance. nine0003

Opponents are not stupid (during combat, in stealth, of course, stupid). They are trying to get around, drive out of the shelter, throwing grenades. I even died sometimes (and I played on medium difficulty).

We also have grenades in our arsenal. They are highly desirable to use when fighting armored enemies. At some points, they even let us shoot from RPG

The territory for battles is a kind of arena. You can approach from different sides, thinking over the route for a smart stealth or looking at what kind of shelters it will be easier to hide from bullets behind. nine0003

3) Puzzles. There are no such things that you have to directly break your head over. But some of them I really liked. One of them is shown in the screenshots below:

There are still moments with a trip by car. This part surprised me. Climbing through a pile of mud into the mountains, constantly skidding in search of a more suitable path and sometimes using a winch, turned out to be very entertaining

Graphics and optimization

First, about the schedule. Speaking of the environment, it’s normal. Nothing outstanding, but the game is not new and was developed for ps4. In some places the views are certainly beautiful, but they could not impress me. Objects in the distance are, frankly, of poor quality

If you don’t look too closely, then in general the view is beautiful, but there are not enough polygons for houses.

But what impressed me was the development of the characters. They are incredibly detailed. At present, to do so, everyone will praise, but then it was 2016. The animations are also of high quality. Cutscenes — very high level

A small lyrical digression. (swear at amd)

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I’m having some problems. At the beginning of each chapter, the game would freeze during loading. But then I rolled back the drivers to the previous version on my amd rx 6600 xt, and it became normal. No way they ***** learn to do normal drivers. But these are my personal problems.

In general, everything is fine with optimization. Played in 4k at high with fsr 2.0 performance. nine0003

FSR 2.0 (already 2.1 or even 2.2) is a magic-magic technology that gives a lot of FPS, practically without worsening the picture (not to be confused with FSR 1.0, which is a regular filter).

In my previous review, I described how I installed the mod with fsr 2.0. Right there, everything is simpler, because this technology is already there right in the game in the graphics settings. Turn it on, set the sharpness as you like, and enjoy life

*The picture is quite clear (at least it was before compression)*

I would like to note one more problem that I encountered, maybe it will help someone .
What’s the matter: usually everything was fine in the game, but it was worth going to some location (as I understand it, more loaded), and the FPS dropped sharply from 60 to 30-40. A very unpleasant situation. Empirically, I found that when the textures are lowered to medium, the FPS drawdowns disappear. There were no warnings about video memory overflow in the menu (there it was shown that it was enough for ultra textures). In terms of picture quality, I didn’t notice the difference (I didn’t compare it head-on). nine0003

The Lost Legacy

Still, I can’t consider it a separate game, it looks more like a DLC. Structurally — about the same, we climb, solve puzzles, shoot, stealth at will. The plot is much weaker than the main game, but, in general, it will do. If Uncharted 4 Thief’s end was not enough, then you can play this too

About localization

Another disadvantage is Russian localization. The voice acting itself is cool, conveys emotions, all that.