Uncharted 3 lösung das schloss wandtafel: Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception — Komplettlösung

Uncharted 3: Komplettlösung mit Tipps und Tricks zu den härtesten Rätseln und Kämpfen — Update: Lösung komplettiert — Gamesaktuell

von Christopher Maier —
In unserer Uncharted 3-Komplettlösung halten wir hilfreiche Tipps und Tricks zum neuen Action-Adventure für euch bereit. Wir helfen bei den kniffligsten Rätseln und den schwierigsten Kletterpassagen. Dabei spielen wir Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception für euch durch und aktualisieren unsere Komplettlösung in den kommenden Tagen durch weitere Kapitel.

Gamesaktuell.de bietet euch eine Komplettlösung zu Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. Die Lösung liefert euch hilfreiche Tipps und Tricks zu den schwierigsten Rätseln im dritten Teil der Uncharted-Reihe. Zudem präsentieren wir euch in unserer Uncharted 3-Komplettlösung Hilfen für die kniffligsten Kletterpassagen. Dafür spielen wir Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception für euch komplett durch und erweitern unsere Lösung in den kommenden Tagen um weitere Kapitel.

Wo im Spiel geheime Schätze versteckt sind, erfahrt ihr in unserer Uncharted 3-Komplettlösung ebenfalls. Über unser Inhaltsverzeichnis am Ende eines jeden Abschnittes navigiert ihr euch an die jeweilige Stelle, für die ihr derzeit Hilfe benötigt. Auf dieser Seite unserer Lösung geleiten wir euch durch die ersten vier Kapitel des Action-Abenteuers. Weitere Level findet ihr auf den nächsten Seiten. Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß beim Durchspielen.

Kapitel 1: Noch eine Runde

In einem britischen Pub versucht ein Geschäftsmann Nathan und Sully übers Ohr zu hauen.
Quelle: Videogameszone

Nachdem Nathan Drake und sein Partner Viktor «Sully» Sullivan in einem britischen Pub einen antiken Ring verkaufen wollen, platzt der Deal, da die Geschäftspartner Nathan und «Sully» mit gefälschtem Geld täuschen wollen. Anschließend entsteht eine Kneipenschlägerei, in der euch die Steuerung von Uncharted 3 erklärt wird. Nachdem ihr einige Widersacher in der Kneipe mit Schlägen erledigt habt, geht der Kampf im Untergeschoss weiter. Dort begegnet euch ein Gegner, den ihr durch einige Quicktime-Events auf der Herrentoilette ausschalten könnt. Habt ihr die Schläger in der Kneipe erledigt, werdet ihr im Hinterhof von weiteren Gegnern gestellt und angeschossen. Anschließend nimmt eine blonde Frau, die scheinbar der Kopf der ganzen Bande ist, den Ring an sich und lässt euch angeschossen liegen.

Der Betrug mit dem Falschgeld artet in einer Kneipenschlägerei aus.
Quelle: Videogameszone

Kapitel 2: Großes aus kleinen Ursprüngen

Im zweiten Kapitel springt ihr 20 Jahre in die Vergangenheit und in Nathans Kindheit. Ihr macht euch mit dem jungen Nathan in einem Museum auf die Suche dem Ring, den ihr in Kapitel eins bereits gesehen habt. Dafür müsst ihr ins erste Obergeschoss gehen, und die Vitrine in der Mitte untersuchen. Nachdem ihr von einem Sicherheitsmann aus dem Museum geworfen werdet, folgt ihr dem 20 Jahre jüngeren Viktor Sullivan durch die Stadt. Nachdem ihr an einem Haus angekommen seid, klettert ihr an der linken Wand nach oben, um «Sully» nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren.

Der junge Nathan Drake verfolgt Sully.
Quelle: Videogameszone

Anschließend folgt ihr ihm unauffällig in dem ihr euch über die Dächer der Stadt begebt. Nachdem ihr «Sully» gefolgt seid, erfahrt ihr, dass er damals für die gleiche blonde Frau gearbeitet hat, die euch im ersten Kapitel den Ring abnahm. In einer kurzen Zwischensequenz seht ihr, wie Nathan einen Schlüssel von Viktor Sullivan klaut, mit dem er die Vitrine im Museum öffnen könnt.

Kapitel 3: Fassadenarbeit

Das dritte Kapitel startet ihr mit Nathan, der sich auf einem Dach vor dem Museum einen Weg in das Gebäude ausschaut. Über ein gespanntes Seil klettert ihr auf das Dach des Museums, um von dort weiter nach rechts zu klettern und euch anschließend bis zum Fenster zu hangeln. Im Raumangekommen, warten bereits einige schwarzgekleidete Personen auf euch, die in Begleitung von Marlo, der blonden Frau, sind. Auch Sullivan ist dabei und ermöglicht euch die Flucht mit dem Ring. Ihr müsst nun mit Nathan durch das Treppenhaus auf das Dach fliehen. Dabei klettert ihr durch einige Fenster und springt von Dach zu Dach.

Ihr müsst dabei immer aufpassen, dass ihr genug Abstand zu euren Verfolgern habt, da diese euch sonst schnappen. Nach einiger Zeit hilft euch «Sully» bei eurer Flucht und hält Verfolger auf. Durch einige Sprünge über Hausdächer und Klettereinlagen an Häuserwänden könnt ihr schließlich entkommen.

Kapitel 4: Rennen zum Grund

Nachdem euch in einer Zwischensequenz erklärt wird, dass die Schüsse auf Nathan und «Sully» nicht echt waren und euch nur eine Kopie des Rings gestohlen wurde, macht ihr euch mit Charlie, der Teil des Plans war, auf den Weg zu Cleo, die in einem weißen Bus auf euch wartet und Marlo beobachtet hat. Diese ist in ein Lagerhaus gefahren, zudem ihr euch ebenfalls begebt. Dort angekommen klettert ihr an der rechten Regenrinne nach oben und hangelt euch einmal um das Haus herum, um in ein offenes Fenster zu Springen und die anderen in die Halle zu lassen.

Zusammen mit Charlie und Sully sucht ihr im Londoner Untergrund nach Marlo.
Quelle: Videogameszone

Anschließend durchsucht ihr das Lagerhaus, da Marlos Wagen nicht wie gedacht dort ist. Indem ihr mit dem Steuerkreuz den Raum absucht, entdeckt ihr die Reifenspuren von dem Wagen. Das Rätsel warum der Wagen nicht mehr in der Halle ist, löst ihr in dem ihr den Reifenspuren zu einer Wand folgt und dabei auf eine Bodenplatte steigt, die nachgibt. Nachdem sich auch Charlie, Cleo und «Sully» auf die Reifenspuren gestellt haben und ihr mit euren Taschenlampen Richtung Wand leuchtet, öffnet sich ein Geheimgang.

Bildergalerie (Ansicht vergrößern für Quellenangaben)

Seite 1
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception — Komplettlösung — Kapitel 1 bis 4

Seite 2
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception — Komplettlösung — Kapitel 5 bis 8

Seite 3
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception — Komplettlösung — Kapitel 9 bis 12

Seite 4
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception — Komplettlösung — Kapitel 13 bis 16

Seite 5
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception — Komplettlösung — Kapitel 17 bis 20

Seite 6
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception — Komplettlösung — Kapitel 21 bis 22

Seite 7
Bildergalerie zu Uncharted 3: Komplettlösung mit Tipps und Tricks zu den härtesten Rätseln und Kämpfen — Update: Lösung komplettiert

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Christopher Maier

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception — Drake’s Deception

The number of chases, catastrophes, collapsing staircases and cornices is so great that after a while rare skirmishes, when nothing collapses and turns upside down, are perceived as a boring routine. Drake in this part is not easy. Wherever he finds himself, rest assured, everything around him will be destroyed — and not because of him. Nature, with the help of fire, water and the desert, is trying to get rid of the presence of this corrosive treasure hunter, but he still gets out, provoking the next element to be even angrier.

When I showed competitors their sad place in a dark corner where no one will see their bitter tears and red ears, it is embarrassing to stop there. Champions enter the ring again, fight again, and win again. Nothing else is expected of them. This is the main trouble with the third part of Uncharted. The previous one did not just shine, it shone, eclipsing the work of the brothers in the shop. She showed perfect (within the framework of the platform) graphics, admired the talented work of artists, knocked down with the production of commercials and took the soul with acting. The game threw adventurer Nathan Drake on a whirlwind of treasure hunt adventures, ancient curses, frantic chases and gunfights in the most unlikely of settings. It made me solve simple puzzles, climb crumbling walls, rush headlong along a collapsing bridge and watch the death of the legendary city with sadness in my heart.

Trailer with a demonstration of game moments

Piece work, not conveyor stamping, very rare. Perhaps that is why the quality of Uncharted 3 was the least worth worrying about. And now the champion is back in the ring. He still has the same charming smile and fresh face, only instead of abs he has a beer belly, and the set of techniques has not changed. Yes, it’s still the same Uncharted 2, only boring. Stamps beaten back in Hollywood, predictable twists, a similar plot outline, ridiculous villains — today familiar game elements are served under such sauce.

When it comes to looks and technology, Uncharted 3 once again excels, leaving other titles to sniff their noses in resentment despite all their DirectX 11 effects and choice of PC as their preferred platform. One gets the impression that Naughty Dog ignores the hardware limitations of PS3, from somewhere from another dimension it gets extra gigahertz and gigabytes for processing information, so much their graphics surpass not only multiplatform projects — even brothers in the exclusive workshop awkwardly shuffle their legs and whisper they ask to share secrets. But the main talent of the studio is that it can show all the advantages of its own engine in an unobtrusive way.

Graphics juggle shadows easily. And Drake descends into the dungeons. The dancing light of the torch will disperse the darkness, and makes it shrink in fear behind every, even barely noticeable, obstacle. The developers have mastered the three fundamental elements, subjugated the nature of water, fire and earth. And Drake gets on a cruise ship during a storm. The waves toss the heavy vessel from side to side, causing seasickness in viewers on the other side of the screen. You get to the pool and freeze in shock at the sight of the water behaving. .. like water. It splashes, shimmers, simultaneously reflecting and refracting light. Fire shows its greedy character. In an old mansion, he crawls along the walls, jumps along the beams, devours paper and wood, turning a solid structure into a crumbling house of cards in flames. The earth is represented by sand. An ocean of sand. Desert. It is huge, boundless, hot, with dunes and dunes. The sand pliantly spreads under the boots, crumbles, making it difficult to move. Sometimes he shows his heavy temper, rushes at the heroes like an avalanche, buries everything under him that spoils the monotonous pattern of the landscape the color of linden honey.

The developers have implemented advanced anti-aliasing in the third part, improved the method of dynamic loading, so that the eye is not at all callused by ripples and objects and textures painted along the way. The picture looks natural, creating the feeling of a huge, seamless world, although it is limited by a narrow corridor. Behind invisible walls lie fields, mountains and cities. Alive, winking lights, clear — as opposed to most modern projects that cover distant plans with a hazy haze. But no matter how great the merit of programmers, art designers and artists have tried harder. It’s hard to imagine how much work was spent on making each (every!) corner of the created world look individual, whether it be an old mansion with paintings, statues and cracked furniture, or a pantry with a bunch of dumped belongings, which Drake flies over some then a second. Uncharted 3 rarely gives you time to calmly walk around, stroking uneven brickwork with your hands. It does not allow you to sit on the cracked, chipped steps or wander around the museum to your heart’s content in order to look at historical values ​​with your nose in the shop windows. And I really want to. The whole game is a total attraction. It’s a pity that Naughty Dog has once again bound itself within the framework of a linear adventure genre. Out of habit (oh, this Skyrim) you expect more interactivity, so that, for example, they will allow you to collect herbariums of exotic flowers, catch butterflies, stuff poorly lying treasures into your inventory, and then sell them to a merchant, save up for a glamorous colt encrusted with diamonds. But no. You just run past the scenery without the opportunity to even take a picture of this miracle as a keepsake. If only the graphics and art were amazing. Behind them, forcing the spirit of Stanislavsky to chant from the astral plane “I believe!” , the cast comes out, giving the characters their voices and gestures.

Oh, there are no nasal types here, wearily reading phrases from a piece of paper into a microphone. Here the actors were dressed in ridiculous outfits with light bulbs for Motion Capture, they were forced to act out scenes like this: chatting, hugging, shaking hands and wrestling. Thanks to this, Nathan and his old friend Sally are really see each other in commercials. There’s none of that traditional, subtle video game sham in which voices and animations are recorded separately and then glued together. There was a real, theatrical, if you like, work. And the developers then simply erected the scenery and pulled other costumes and masks on the heroes. Trying to surpass themselves, the developers succeeded. If you take almost every parameter of the game separately and carefully consider it, you will be amazed at how much effort was invested, and how carefully everything was executed. However, when you look at the picture in general, it immediately becomes clear that different parts were made by different people and at different times. The project is sorely lacking in integrity. And the weakest part is the plot. The story does not resemble a sprinter at all, who, after a shot from a pistol, tears from the spot and breaks the finish line in euphoria. Rather, it looks like part of a marathon race without a clear start and a peppy ending. Or a torn piece from a fairy tale: “Go there, I don’t know where. Bring something, I don’t know what” The heroes are looking for something, but they don’t understand what it is. They themselves run into conflict with a mysterious organization, fight endlessly identical «Agent Smiths» in strict suits, ask Drake to stop, change his mind, but he, not bothering to formulate a clear reason, still pulls them further and further.

Cute characters familiar from Uncharted 2 appear, bow to the audience, blow kisses and, after performing a number, disappear into the night. The only one who is attached to Drake with a ponytail is his old friend Sally. The boy-girl relationship does not develop, there is not a single tragedy, not a single victim has been brought to the altar of drama. The plot because of this seems too insipid, simple, created according to the template of spineless teenage series, where there is no violence, the protagonists are always well done, the villains are deliberately mannered and inconsistent. Either they send an army of thugs to Drake, then a minute later, when there is no longer an army or thugs, they jump out of the corner with a cocked pistol, asking them to drop their weapons, take the found treasure and disappear into the shadows. And so over and over again within the framework of a relatively small (7-8 hours) adventure game. Naughty Dog tried to diversify Drake’s leisure time and slightly went too far. There are almost no normal situations that allow you to calmly think, look around, if you do not take into account the solution of simple puzzles in which friends treat Drake as an underdeveloped: they tell you what to do, where to go, how to turn around. something big and falling apart, then chase the villain. It is worth starting to climb somewhere, and the support will surely crumble, the ladder falls off, the pipe bends. There were separate episodes with scuffle, performed according to the rules of Batman Arkham. That is, we hammer on one button, Drake famously waves his fists, and occasionally we counterattack when the pictogram that lights up on the screen asks for it. But there are many of them, they are well-aimed. Hiding behind cover, you barely have time to throw back the grenades that fell nearby. One, two, three, how many can you?! Ride like a monkey without letting the snipers take aim. Somersaulting from flying missiles, swearing at armored reptiles with shotguns, cursing the reinforcements that have fallen on your head. The shooter turns into uncontrollable chaos, where victory depends more on luck and memorization of the sequence of actions than on skills.

Despite the fact that the Uncharted 3 start screen is made in the tradition of Modern Wafare and shows three windows with a campaign, multiplayer and co-op, the last two lead to one section. And there the eyes run wide from the number of options and opportunities blocked for the time being. The game modes in the multiplayer remained unchanged, the authors did not add anything fundamentally new. Still popular are team skirmishes, fighting for an artifact and holding key points. As before, especially powerful weapons are waiting for their owners in the secluded corners of the arenas, so players have to take into account possible surprises in the form of a direct hit from a grenade launcher followed by a beautiful somersault of the body over the head. , jumped on rooftops, climbed walls and jumped over numerous obstacles. Some cards came from Uncharted 2 in a slightly modernized state. Others are completely new, based on locations from the campaign of the third part. But what has undergone a major change is the character development system, created in the image and likeness of — you’ll never guess — Call of Duty. Players gain experience and levels, their bank account accumulates shameful capital necessary to buy boosters (the same perks that enhance basic abilities), weapon modules, pants and t-shirts for the avatar. Up to a heap there were awards for a series of murders. So do not be surprised if the enemy is suddenly shrouded in a mysterious glow and takes off from the spot, as if he is going to break the world record in the hundred meters. Or if a rocket launcher materializes in his hands — it is better not to argue with such an argument. It is safer to dive into the window opening like a swift swallow and pray that it will blow over.

The developers promised that the players will always find where to spend their money, and they kept their word. Items are not open all at once. The most delicious and nutritious essential for survival is the privilege of seasoned adventurers. But even when they open, there is not enough money for everything. The pursuit of treasures is held in high esteem here. Sometimes, very rarely, chests with trinkets from different sets fall out of opponents, which open access to named weapons and clothes. There are many prizes, and different treasures drop out in different modes, so if you want to show off, if not with skill, then at least with your appearance, you have to tinker here and there. Competitive multiplayer is followed by co-op, which allows you to seriously extend your acquaintance with your favorite heroes . There is a collection of story missions with their own scenarios for two or three people. Not only do they captivate with history, battles with crowds of enemies, the need to cover each other, but they also hit the saint with terrible force — a warm memory of the first and second Uncharted. Most of the levels are slightly reworked, well recognizable locations from there. And even Lazarevich is more alive than all the living. The pleasure is spoiled only by periodic oddities, such as the heads of key characters falling off and getting stuck in place. The story does not move on, you have to start over. In addition, for the quartet of shooters and scuffle seekers, there is a traditional survival mode in a small arena. Waves of completely different opponents roll over the players. The farther, the thicker their armor and more powerful weapons, it is not easy. But the development of the hero is even in the cooperative. Killstreak rewards, boosters, weapon upgrades — high-level players are clearly held in high esteem here.

The last most popular co-op mode strongly resembles a truncated version of Left 4 Dead. Two heroes are forced to deliver three treasures to three different chests. They are confronted by a crowd of mercenaries, among whom a couple of players have wormed their way. At first, they are armed with inferior pistols, but as they complete tasks, they earn points that can be spent on a more advanced class the next time they are resurrected. Unfortunately, the 2v2 combat is too sluggish. Players spend almost all their time exclusively looking for each other.

In a way, Naughty Dog has outdone themselves. The number of chases, catastrophes, collapsing staircases and cornices is so great that after a while rare skirmishes, when nothing collapses and turns upside down, are perceived as a boring routine. Drake in this part is not easy. The control commission from the Guinness Book of Records would unequivocally recognize him as the most unlucky person in the world, if she watched his misadventures with her own eyes. Wherever he finds himself, be sure that everything around him will be destroyed — and through no fault of his own. Nature, with the help of fire, water and desert, is trying to get rid of the presence of this corrosive treasure hunter, but he still gets out, provoking the next element to be even angrier. At the same time, Uncharted 3 lost its former grace when the game elements gently flowed into each other. Now everything is divided into pronounced phases of chases, climbing, massacre, puzzles and fights. Only isolated battles are reminiscent of past prowess, although they are roughly pasted into the narrative. Exhausted, hungry, dehydrated Drake, who was roasted by the sun for several days, the next moment suddenly begins to jump on the roofs, destroy enemies with the power of rough fists and casually, from the hip, shoot the oncoming reinforcements. As if nothing had happened. And there are plenty of such «as if nothing happened» in the game. Dramatic notes and romantic relationships with the opposite sex have disappeared from the plot, it has become simpler and largely repeats the moves of Uncharted 2, which is why the final part of the story suffers especially. We saw it, we know it. Only the scenery is different.

However, Uncharted 3 does not end with the campaign. It is followed by cooperative modes with the ability to take part in story missions with two friends or fight off oncoming hordes of mercenaries. Well, multiplayer… Of course there is multiplayer! He took a lot from Call of Duty, but retained the monkey agility and romance of treasure hunting. Players climb walls, throw each other off balconies, and easily jump from the third floor to the first to cling to the enemy and wring his neck. Fervently, fun, but it seems an endless development system tenaciously holds interest.


  • Excellent graphics
  • Excellent art design
  • Excellent implementation of fire, water and sand
  • Excellent animation
  • Excellent acting
  • Sunny Creeds 9006 modes (including co-op story missions)
  • Big, long, interesting progression system in multiplayer

    2011-12-02 03:36:00

    Vitaly Kazunov

    Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

    Need for Speed: The Run — Across the Continent

    Assassin’s Creed: Revelations — an unconvincing revelation

  • as I understand it, all the minuses of anch 3rd are only that it is 3rd . .. I had the same opinion after passing the single … they raised the bar too high in the 2nd, there are some improvements in the new part , but not a revolution anymore… although, if this part was the second, it would again become the game of the year for many publications

  • Thanks to the author for the excellent review, allowing you to plunge into the experienced emotions again. U3 is good, but in my memory it will be after U2, too many changes ND tried to make and I didn’t take everything with pleasure. True, they didn’t leave without chocolate either 🙂

  • And here’s what I thought. In the first and second parts, very well-known secrets were taken — Eldorado and Shambhala. And in this one they took Atlantis of the sands — Iram. Agree not the most famous and publicized secret on the planet. On the one hand, this is good, because. for example, I found out about him thanks to the game … I already read what I found on the internet, the film about Lawrence of Arabia is next in line, and then you look and it comes to books — learning something new is always good. But from a business point of view (hello to Cliff) in a AAA game, every element should be branded, and even the secret should be such that everyone knows about it …. so let’s hope that the real Atlantis or, for example, the secrets of the pyramids, or Bermuda the triangle, or Easter Island statues, have been saved for the next part, which will be on the new generation. In the meantime, ND needs to be distracted by some other project, and get some ideas so that there is less self-repetition.

  • I also agree with the review. And the first third of the game had to be cut out altogether — a dreary wall climbing with occasional liquid skirmishes. The game is gaining momentum only from 7-8 chapters. Well, you always have the feeling that you are playing for the terminator — you will score a dozen thugs in hand-to-hand combat, climb on one hand where even super-professional climbers cannot resist, well, the episode with the dying in the desert is very correctly noticed — dies, dies and .. . all won. Management wadded, again. In general, worse than the second part, but better than the first.

  • Excellent review! Everything is labeled exactly! The game lacks drama, romance. All game Drake runs with old man Sally. Stamps are everywhere! The ending reminded me of the movie The Mummy. The cartoon in the second part was better, and in the third, everything was complicated. Full of all sorts of bells and whistles and all for money

  • The game is excellent, but the plot, characters and their relationships in the second part were much more interesting, for me personally. And there were more WOW moments of gameplay, but here I really liked the chases.

  • Thanks for the review, I agree with a lot. I did not like the crumpledness and presentation of the plot, and this is the only negative. The cartoon is awesome. GOTI and the best adventure (Skyrim is only the best RPG). All IMHO 🙂

  • In general, I agree with the review, technically, the notes squeezed more out of PS3, and the game was ruined in terms of plot. The motivation is unclear, [sp]why was it necessary to tell that Drake is just a pseudonym,[/sp] the fame of Batman haunts the notic? Batman is still crazy, especially after the ending of Arkhem City, and Drake gets the same crumpled ending (the ending is a separate nonsense, both in Iram itself and in the very final video) There are no epic battles in the game, as it was with a tank or a helicopter. I didn’t really like the idea of ​​a sand city, the snow was closer (probably because it’s Russian).

    The game became full of delirium, there is a moment when Drake and Lenka are pushing the jeep up the hill, then Drake needs to get on the jeep and get out the window. It seems simple, but the jeep rolls down the hill!!!!!! Okay, Lenka is blonde, but how can a drake not know about the handbrake? Such details spoil the impressions of the game, Anch3 flew with goths, Geov3, Batman — all of them were let down by the stagnation of ideas in the gameplay and no finals, really only Skyrim remained.

  • Spoiler: I laughed at the creepy moment when Drake returns home to Elena after the ship graveyard. He knocks on the door, comes in — and then he had to add a joke from the Friends series 🙂 And in the second part, there were so many wonderful moments, especially with a wounded reporter.