Two worlds 2 ps3 cheats: Blocked IP Address — GameFAQs

Two Worlds 2 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Two Worlds 2

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Corey Feldman Interview

Cheat Codes

While playing the game, hold L1 + R1 and press Start, Up, Start, Down to display the console window. Press Square to display a virtual keyboard. Enter «twoworldscheats» as a code to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheats will prevent trophies from being earned. To reactivate the ability to earn trophies, restart the game, and load a saved game where cheats were not used.

Result Code
Level 100, all skills, God mode god 1
Toggle immortality immortal [0 or 1]
Full health healh
All skills ec. dbg skills
Set player level ec.dbg levels [number]
Set gold amount setgold [number]
Add indicated amount of gold addgold [number]
Add experience points addexperiencepoints [number]
Add skill points addskillpoints [number]
Add param points addparampoints [number]
Level up ec.dbg levelup
Add 10 levels ec.dbg levelup10
Add item to inventory ec.addobjecttoinventory [item code] [number]
Set all attributes to 1000 ec.dbg iamcheater
Set strength setstrength [number]
Spawn item create [item code]
Spawn a boat eq_boat_01
Spawn a horse horse_[01-04]
Kill your horse when mounted killhorse
Teleport to pointer position jump2
Toggle ignored by enemies until you attack player. invisibleforenemies [0 or 1]
Full map resetfog
Increase sprint speed hero.move.fastrunspeed [number]
Increase jump height ms.grav [negative number]
Walk up rocks and mountains physx.char.slopelimit.rock [large negative number]
Walk up any slope physx.char.slopelimit [large negative number]
Set clicks needed for maximum horse speed [number]
Toggle motion blur when running and riding a horse graph.setfastrunspecialefx [0 or 1]
Center camera while riding horse cam.mount.xoff 0
Set time of day time [0-255]

Item codes

Use the following values with the «create [item code]» or «ec.addobjecttoinventory [item code] [number]» code:

Item Code
Chainmail ep_chainmail
Fabric ep_fabric
Gold ep_gold
Iron ep_metal
Leather ep_leather
Steel ep_steel
Essence of Air ep_wind
Essence of Death ep_necro
Essence of Earth ep_earth
Essence of Fire ep_fire
Essence of Water ep_water
Wood ep_wood
Lockpick lockpick
Personal Teleport Platform personal_teleport_platform
Teleport Stone personal_teleport
Waterwalking Potion potion_waterwalk_01
Invisiblity Potion potion_invisible_01
Oculus flyingeye1
Oculus Draconis flyingeye2
Oculus Infernus flyingeye3
Oculus Infernus flyingeye4
Golem’s Lifeforce Crystal ing_57
Master’s Finger ing_106
Scapulari Brain ing_192
Werebeast’s Spinal Cord ing_155
Alchemy ingredients
Yellowroot ing_01
Hemlock ing_02
Screama Badilla ing_03
Bloatroot ing_04
Hot Rot ing_05
Spurge ing_06
Ostrich Plumes ing_07
Blue Eye ing_08
Adder Brother ing_09
False Shoes ing_10
Flagelle ing_11
Lavender ing_12
Tongues ing_13
Paturin ing_14
Swordleaf ing_15
Traveller’s Joy ing_16
Centaurium ing_17
Saffron ing_18
Northern Frostroot ing_19
Forest Burnhand ing_20
Foxglove ing_21
Diptame ing_22
Eagleclaw ing_23
Friend to Foe ing_24
Anemone ing_25
Might of Nine ing_26
Mountain Breed ing_27
Aconite ing_28
Angelica ing_29
Arborusia ing_30
Rabbit Bladder ing_31
Beaver Fat ing_32
Goose Liver ing_33
Unicorn Horn ing_34
Dodo Feather ing_35
Viper Poison Glands ing_36
Grass Snake Tongue ing_37
Rattle Snake Rattle ing_38
Foodball ing_39
Pearl ing_40
Spider Gland ing_41
Scorpion Poison Gland ing_42
Trachidis Egg ing_43
Dragon Scale ing_44
Wolf Heart ing_45
Bear Claw ing_46
Boar Tusk ing_47
Wyvern Lacrimal Gland ing_48
Ripper Muscle ing_49
Zombie Thyroid ing_50
Werewolf Spinal Core ing_51
Skeleton Bone Marrow ing_52
Ghoul Brain ing_53
Demon Eye ing_54
Winged Demon Eye ing_55
Headless Heart ing_56
Earth Elemental Crystal ing_57
Wing Membrane ing_58
Meat ing_59
Fox Liver ing_60
Sulfur ing_61
Salt Crystal ing_62
Quartz Crystal ing_63
Garnet stone ing_64
Chalk stone ing_65
Amber ing_66
Diamant ing_67
Rubin ing_68
Opal ing_69
Azurit ing_70
Blood Stone ing_71
Magnesite ing_72
Sand Rose ing_73
Glowing Earth ing_74
Byrill ing_75
Topas ing_76
Silver ing_77
Yellowroot (grene) ing_78
Yellowroot (red) ing_79
Yellowroot (blue) ing_80
Quest items
Sprosse der Heimsuchung the_taint
Orc camouflage armor orc_armour
Unknown Qitem_008
Grom totem Qitem_009
Unknown Qitem_012
Unknown Qitem_013
Unknown Qitem_015
Unknown Qitem_028
The key to the grave of the king Qitem_031
Satrius Crown Qitem_032
Insect egg Qitem_038
Large pack of food Qitem_040
Small pack of food Qitem_042
Anti-Taint Inspection Device Qitem_045
Key to the caves of Tharbakin Qitem_051
Ancient key of the dwarves Qitem_061
Cure Qitem_063
A Dwarven Contraption Qitem_070
Unknown Qitem_071
Report of the Excavations Qitem_072
Key — Excavations Qitem_073
Merchants’ Association Package Qitem_096
Underpants Qitem_104
Letter Qitem_111
Whiskey Qitem_112
Necrowonder against Orcs Qitem_128
Depoisoner Qitem_136
Order for armor Qitem_146
Summon Spider Figurine Qitem_154
Arrows for Rigwell Qitem_157
Beautiful flower Qitem_161
Love Potion Qitem_165
Wilcor’s Braid Qitem_174
Catapult trigger Qitem_175
Compass Qitem_181
Moon Eye crystal Qitem_191
Throglin Statue Qitem_204
Falsification Qitem_214
Moonshine Qitem_221
Archmage Earth Staff Qitem_225
Family ring Qitem_234
Hangman’s Rope Qitem_241
Voodoo doll Qitem_242
Engagement ring Qitem_255
Magical mirror Qitem_264
Red dress Qitem_270
Key to the temple in Ashos Qitem_271
Blacksmith’s Will Qitem_272
The mayor’s medicine Qitem_273
Magic Dust Qitem_278
Letters of the poet Qitem_286
Soldier armor Qitem_292
Poison Qitem_295
Medal Qitem_296
Necklace of the wife Qitem_303
Family heirloom piece Qitem_304
Necromancer poison Qitem_353
Mana potions
Small mana potion potion_mana_01
Medium mana potion potion_mana_02
Large mana potion potion_mana_03
Healing potions
Small healing potion potion_healing_01
Medium healing potion potion_healing_01
Large healing potion potion_healing_01
The Relic Relic_00
Relic with earth element Relic_01
Relic with water element Relic_02
Relic with earth and water elements Relic_03
Relic with fire element Relic_04
Relic with earth and fire elements Relic_05
Relic with water and fire elements Relic_06
Relic with earth, water and fire elements Relic_07
Relic with air element Relic_08
Relic with earth and air elements Relic_09
Relic with water and air elements Relic_10
Relic with earth, water and air elements Relic_11
Relic with fire and air elements Relic_12
Relic with earth, fire and air elements Relic_13
Relic with water, fire and air elements Relic_14
Relic with all four element stones Relic_15
Lightning damage + 10 % art_add_electric10
Lightning damage + 20 % art_add_electric20
Lightning damage + 50 % art_add_electric50
Poison damage + 10 % art_add_poison10
Poison damage + 20 % art_add_poison20
Poison damage + 50 % art_add_poison50
Fire damage + 10 % art_add_fire10
Fire damage + 20 % art_add_fire20
Fire damage + 50 % art_add_fire50
Shock damage + 10 % art_add_spirit10
Shock damage + 20 % art_add_spirit20
Shock damage + 50 % art_add_spirit50
Cold damage + 10 % art_add_cold10
Cold damage + 20 % art_add_cold20
Cold damage + 50 % art_add_cold50
Creates a horse mo_horse_01
Creates a horse mo_horse_02
Creates a horse mo_horse_03
Creates a horse mo_horse_04
Creates a horse mo_horse_05
Creates a horse mo_horse_06
Creates a horse mo_horse_07
Creates a horse mo_horse_08
Creates a horse mo_horse_09
Creates a horse mo_horse_10
Creates a Mutari mo_mutari_01
Creates a Mutari mo_mutari_02
Creates a Mutari mo_mutari_03

To add damage crystals, use the following code: ec. addobjecttoinventory art_add_damage_[level 01-07](#edamage[fire, cold, poison, spirit, electric]) [number].

Bonus codes

Select the «Bonus Code» option, then enter one of the following codes to get the corresponding item:

    Anathros sword: 6770-8976-1634-9490

    Black Legion Axe: 1775-3623-3298-1928 or 4802-6468-2848-6286

    Dragon Scale Armor: 4149-3083-9823-6545 or 9199-0035-9610-2338

    Dusty Scroll: 8233-3296-3311-2976

    Elexorien two-handed sword: 3542-3274-8350-6064 or 4677-1553-6730-1272

    Hammer: 6231-1890-4345-5988

    Labyrinth map: 1797-3432-7753-9254

    Lucienda sword: 9122-5287-3591-0927 or 6624-0989-0879-6383

    Scroll bonus map: 6972-5760-7685-8477 or 8233-3296-3311-2976

    Two-handed hammer: 3654-0091-3399-0994

Mage spell tricks

The following tricks can be performed with mage spells:

Adventure PvPing

Use in your Spell Amulet and follow in order and row:

    1. Row 1: Power effect card, missile carrier, homing modifier.

    2. Row 2: (Offensive) effect card, damage modifier, trap carrier.

    3. When you or a friend walks over a trap, it will explode and hurt them.

Double Missile Slots

Use in your Spell Amulet and follow in order and row:

    1. Row 1: Any effect card, damage modifier, missile carrier, homing modifier. Press Square on missile carrier card.

    2. Row 2: Altar carrier, time modifier, press Square on altar carrier card.

    3. Row 3: Any effect card, damage modifier, missile carrier, spray modifier.

    4. Row 1: Add missile carrier.

    5. Row 2: Press Square on time modifier card.

    6. You should notice the slots move together and your spell has two missile slots.

Infinite Health

Use in your Spell Amulet and follow in order and row:

    1. Row 1: Life effect card x10, area effect carrier, time modifier, protection modifier, damage modifier.

    2. While fighting, make sure you have this spell on before you enter the fight. When you run out of HP, you will auto-resurrect and the spell will stay active.

Invisible Death

Make these spells and cast them together in order:

    1. Spell Amulet 1: (Offensive) effect card, area effect carrier, time modifier, damage modifier.

    2. Spell Amulet 2: Air effect card, enchant carrier, time modifier

    3. Run near enemies, and they will die with the effect and cannot see you.


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    The Great Escape (Bronze): Escape from Castle Vahkmaar.

    Into the Fire (Bronze): Complete Alsorna Introduction.

    Alchemist (Bronze): Create a potion (Single Player Campaign).

    Grey Wizard (Bronze): Create a spell (Single Player Campaign).

    Hammer Time! (Bronze): Upgrade a weapon or piece of armor (Single Player Campaign).

    Clairvoyant (Bronze): Use the Oculus (Single Player Campaign).

    Minstrel Hero (Bronze): Perform a song, hitting 100% of the notes (Single Player Campaign).

    The Antaloorian Job (Bronze): Lockpick 50 locks (Single Player Campaign).

    Sleight of Hand (Bronze): Steal from 25 people (Single Player Campaign).

    Fearmonger (Bronze): Effectively use Battle Cry 75 times (Single Player Campaign).

    Crazy like a Lox (Bronze): Kill 30 enemies using Fire Arrow (Single Player Campaign).

    White Wizard (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies with magic (Single Player Campaign).

    Who’s Next? (Bronze): Kill 20 enemies using Death Strike (Single Player Campaign).

    Hero For Hire (Bronze): Complete 10 Bulletin Board Quests.

    Hero (Bronze): Reach Level 20 (Single Player Campaign).

    Fortune & Glory (Bronze): Explore 25 dungeons (Single Player Campaign).

    Adventure Part I (Bronze): Complete Chapter I in the Multiplayer Campaign.

    Adventure Part II (Bronze): Complete Chapter II in the Multiplayer Campaign.

    Adventure Part III (Bronze): Complete Chapter III in the Multiplayer Campaign.

    Adventure Part IV (Bronze): Complete Chapter IV in the Multiplayer Campaign.

    Adventure Part V (Bronze): Complete Chapter V in the Multiplayer Campaign.

    Adventure Part VI (Bronze): Complete Chapter VI in the Multiplayer Campaign.

    Ruthless (Bronze): Win 5 Deathmatches.

    Duelist (Bronze): Win 5 Duels.

    Gemologist (Bronze): Win 5 Crystal Capture matches.

    Settler (Bronze): Build 5 buildings in Village Mode.

    Contractor (Bronze): Build 15 buildings in Village Mode.

    Old Wounds (Silver): Complete Chapter I in the Single Player Campaign.

    The Road Less Traveled… (Silver): Complete Chapter II in the Single Player Campaign.

    Last Stand (Silver): Complete Chapter III in the Single Player Campaign.

    Sweep the Leg (Silver): Effectively use Knockdown 30 times (Single Player Campaign).

    Man in Tights (Silver): Kill 50 enemies using Multi Arrows (Single Player Campaign).

    Beastmaster (Silver): Summon 50 monsters (Single Player Campaign).

    It’s A Trap! (Silver): Set 40 traps or bombs (Single Player Campaign).

    I Am Spartacus! (Silver): Survive the Arena.

    Last Man Standing (Silver): Complete the Brotherhood Questline.

    Dances With Mops (Silver): Complete the Mage’s Guilde Questline.

    Prince of Thieves (Silver): COmplete the Thieve’s Guild Questline.

    The Merchant of Antaloor (Silver): Complete the Merchant’s Guild Questline.

    Legend (Silver): Reach Level 40 (Single Player Campaign).

    Lost (Silver): Collect all 4 Lost Runes: Human, Elven, Dwarven and Orcish (Single Player Campaign).

    Liberation (Gold): Completed the Single Player Campaign.

    Adventure Part VII (Gold): Complete Chapter VII in the Multiplayer Campaign.

    The One (Platinum): Collect all Trophies.

Additionally, there are three secret trophies:

    Desert Rose (Bronze): Confront Mirage.

    It’s Alive! (Bronze): Wake the Army of Golems.

    I See Dead People… (Bronze): Receive the gift of the Scavengers.

The following trophy requires the «New Multiplayer Maps» bonus downloadable content:

    Return of the Fellowship (Silver): Complete 4 new multiplayer adventure maps.

The following trophies require the «Pirates Of The Flying Fortress» bonus downloadable content:

    Grim Reaper (Bronze): Slay the Bailif and his minions.

    Blind Fury (Bronze): Kill the Basilisk.

    Lovers’ Conspiracy (Bronze): Finish the Lovers’ Conspiracy storyline.

    Who Watches the Watchman? (Bronze): Defeat Corr Amarok.

    Primal Fears (Silver): Annihilate the Phobias.

    Pirates of the Flying Fortress (Silver): Complete Pirates of the Flying Fortress.

    The Pursuit of Happiness (Bronze): Find your Treasure.

    Tell Willy I Got ‘Em (Bronze): Kill 100 enemies with crossbow (single player campaign).

    Yo-ho, Yo-ho! (Bronze): Reach 100 points of reputation amongst the pirates.

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Two Worlds II Cheats, Tips & Secrets

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Select the «Bonus Code» option, then enter one of the following codes to get the corresponding item.

Anathros sword: 6770-8976-1634-9490

Black Legion Axe: 1775-3623-3298-1928 or 4802-6468-2848-6286

Dragon scale armor: 4149-3083-9823-6545 or 9199-0035-9610-2338

Elexorien two-handed sword: 3542-3274-8350-6064 or 4677-1553-6730-1272

Hammer: 6231-1890-4345-5988

Lucienda sword: 9122-5287-3591-0927 or 6624-0989-0879-6383

Scroll bonus map: 6972-5760-7685-8477 or 8233-3296-3311-2976

Labyrinth map: 1797-3432-7753-9254

Two-handed hammer: 3654-0091-3399-0994

Hold L1 + R2 then press Start, Up, Start, Down to display the console window. Enter twoworldscheats as a code to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheats will prevent trophies from being unlocked.

Effect Code

Use one of the following entries with the create code.

The following tricks can be done with mage spells.

Double Missile Slots

Use in your Spell Amulet and follow in order and row.

1. Row 1: Any effect card, damage modifier, missile carrier, homing modifier. Press Square on missile carrier card.

2. Row 2: Altar carrier, time modifier, press Square button on altar Carrier card.

3. Row 3: Any effect card, damage modifier, missile carrier, spray modifier.

4. Row 1: Add missile carrier.

5. Row 2: Press Square on time modifier card.

6. You should notice that the slots move together and your spell has two missile slots.

Infinite Health

Use in your Spell Amulet and follow in order and row.

1. Row 1: Life effect card x10, area effect carrier, time modifier, protection modifier, damage modifier.

2. While fighting make sure you have this spell on before you enter the fight. When you run out of HP you will auto-resurrect and the spell will stay active.

Adventure PvPing

Use in your Spell Amulet and follow in order and row.

1. Row 1: Power effect card, missile carrier, homing modifier.

2. Row 2: (Offensive) effect card, damage modifier, trap carrier.

3. When you or a friend walks over a trap it will explode and hurt them.

Invisible Death

Make these spells and cast them together in order.

1. Spell Amulet 1: (Offensive) effect card, area effect carrier, time modifier, damage modifier.

2. Spell Amulet 2: Air effect card, enchant carrier, time modifier

3. Run near enemies and they will die with the effect and cannot see you.

Trophy How to unlock

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

Trophy How to unlock

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

Trophy How to unlock

Use the following entries with the ec.addobjecttoinventory code.

Use the following entries with the ec. addobjecttoinventory code.












To add damage crystals, use the following code: ec.addobjecttoinventory art_add_damage_[level 01-07](#edamage[fire, cold, poison, spirit, electric]) [number]

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

Trophy How to unlock

Cheats for Two Worlds 2










Two Worlds 2: Trainer/Trainer (+12) [2. 07.3] {iNvIcTUs oRCuS / HoG}


Two Worlds 2: Save/SaveGame (Step by step, full boost)


Two Worlds 2: Save/SaveGame (Step by Step) [Steam]


Two Worlds 2: Save/SaveGame (Game Start, All Weapons, Armor, Crystals)


Two Worlds 2: Trainer/Trainer (+12) [2.0.5] {iNvIcTUs oRCuS / HoG}


Two Worlds 2: Table for Cheat Engine [2.0] {Recifense}


Two Worlds 2: Trainer/Trainer (+5) [2. 0] {MrAntiFun}


Two Worlds 2 HD — Call of the Tenebrae: Trainer/Trainer (+10) [2.0] {FLiNG}


Two Worlds: Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 04/28/2017] {ColonelRVH}


Two Worlds 2: Trainer/Trainer (+10) [1.3.7: DX9 & DX10] {sILeNt heLLsCrEAm / HoG}


Two Worlds: All console codes, with translation


Two Worlds 2: Save (Playing on Jade Master difficulty)


Two Worlds 2: Trainer/Trainer (+10) [1. 3.5: DX9 & DX10] {HoG/sILeNt heLLsCrEAm}


Two Worlds 2: Save (Absolutely everything has been completed, everything is open, the character has been pumped to the maximum. There are a lot of both ordinary and exclusive weapons and armor)


Two Worlds 2: Trainer (+10) [1.3] {HoG}


Two Worlds 2: Trainer (+10) [1.2 — Update] {HoG}


Two Worlds 2: Trainer (+9) [1.2] {HoG}


Two Worlds 2: Trainer (+5) [1. 0] {h5XX0R}


Two Worlds 2: Trainer (+7) [1.0] {DEViATED}


Two Worlds 2: Frequently used codes


Two Worlds 2: Save (Storyline completed. Champion of the arena. In each guild, respect above 10. Good sword and armor. Houses bought in Hatmandor and New Ashos.)


Two Worlds 2: Editor (*.WD Files)

Two Worlds 2: Chapter 3 Activation (reg file)


Two Worlds 2: Chapter 2 Activation (reg file)


Two Worlds 2: Save (the game is completely passed, lvl 180, skills are pumped by 200, dragon armor, dragon needle, all magic has been studied). nine0003


Two Worlds 2: Codes (leather, steel, crystals, etc.)


Two Worlds 2: Cheats {Tjay Light Group}


Two Worlds II: Game Not Installed Fix


Two Worlds 2: Cheats (Sword, Armor, Map)


Two Worlds 2 Trainer: (+8) [1.0] {KelSat}


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Two Worlds 2 — Trainer / Trainer (+10) [2.

0] [FLiNG]