Tomb raider ps4 lösung: Komplettlösung mit Tipps und Fundorten zu verstecken Relikten, Schatzkarten, Grabmälern und mehr

Tomb Raider 9 — A Survivor is Born

Tomb Raider — A Survivor is Born
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fr Tomb Raider 2013:







Anmerkung: die

«Definitive Edition»
ist genau das gleiche, nur die Grafik ist etwas besser.
«GOTY» ist auch das
gleiche, das heit nur «Game of the Year» = Spiel des Jahres.


Hilfe — FAQ
— Steuerung




Original Handbuch Deutsch fr PC (PDF)


Karten mit allen Fundstellen
gibt es immer am Ende der betreffenden Lsung

Die ausdruckbare Lsung
ist fertig (sie ist immer in der jeweiligen Lsung)

Die Video-Lsung ist
auch immer in der jeweiligen Lsung


und Cheats


Errungenschaften — Erfolge — Trophen


Tomb Raider 2013
3D und TressFX


Die Anleitung fr den Mehrspieler-Modus
von Tomb Raider


 1. Level
Willensstrke — Hhle der Plnderer (Scavenger’s Den)

 2. Level
Lebenszeichen — Steilufer (Coastal Bluffs)

 3. Level
Frau gegen Wildnis — Kstenwald 1 (Coastal Forest)

 4. Level
In Bewegung bleiben — Bunker und Kstenwald 2

 5. Level
In einer Pattsituation — Kstenwald 2

 6. Level
Treffen am Berg — Bergtempel (Mountain Temple)

 7. Level
Hilfeschrei — Bergdorf, Zugang zur Basis, Bergbasis, Basisauenbereich
(Mountain Village)

 8. Level
Eine weniger bereiste Strecke — Klippendorf (Cliffside Village)

Level Schlechtes Gewissen — Bergdorf, Bergpa (Mountain Village)

10. Level
Noch mehr Schwierigkeiten — Kloster (Chasm Monastery)

11. Level
Ein Freund in Gefahr — Bergdorf, Bergabhang

12. Level
Offene Wunden — Barackendorf (Shantytown)

13. Level
Highway to Hell — Barackendorf

14. Level
Befreiung — Barackendorf

15. Level
Niemand bleibt zurck — Barackendorf, Kaverneneingang, Kavernen (Cavern

16. Level
Hinein ins Feuer — Solarii-Festung (Solarii Fortress)

17. Level
Schaff es zum Chopper — Festungsturm (Fortress Tower)

18. Level
Etwas Zeit fr sich — Bergwald (Summit Forest)

19. Level
Der schnelle weg nach unten — Barackendorf, Transportgondel, Strand

20. Level
Ein Piratenleben — Strand (Shipwreck Beach)

21. Level
Verschwunden — Strand, Bunker an der Klippe

22. Level
Sturmjger — Strand, Forschungsbasis (Research Base)

23. Level
Wieder rein — Bergpa (das ist der gleiche wie im 9. Level!), Festung,
Schrein, Zikkurat


Das neue Spiel, das schlicht und ergreifend «Tomb Raider»
heit (oder eventuell: A Survivor is Born), und nach der offiziellen Zhlung
Nummer 9 sein mte, da Anniversary und Guardian of Light nicht mitzhlen,
erschien am
5. Mrz 2013, und fr
Windows PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Und es ist erst
ab 18.
Bilder und
Videos siehe unten.
Erhltlich ist das Spiel fr Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 und PC. Fr Europa ist exklusiv die Survival
Edition erhltlich, die sich durch einige Zugaben, wie zum Beispiel den
Soundtrack auf CD, auszeichnet. Hier ist eine Beschreibung des neuen Spiels aus

Computer Bild, und hier ist eine weitere Inhaltsangabe aus:

Computer Bild



Bericht vom

Community Tag in Hamburg,
da konnte ich die Demo selber spielen. Weitere
Square Enix Deutschland lud ausgesuchte
Webmaster inklusive meiner Wenigkeit im Vorfeld ein zum

Community Tag in Hamburg, zum

Treffen auf der Cup San Diego, zur

Gamescom 2012, und zum

Event mit Nora Tschirner, der deutschen
Synchronstimme von Lara Croft.

Letzte Aktualisierung:

Tomb Raider — A Survivor is born


Lara Croft ist eine junge
Hochschulabsolventin auf der Suche nach Abenteuer und dem Drang, sich in der
Geschichte der Archologie zu verewigen. Mit ihrer besten Freundin Sam schliet
sie sich an Bord des Forschungsschiffes «Endurance» einer Expedition an, deren
Ziel die Suche nach dem verschollenen Knigreich «Yamatai» ist. Dieses
Knigreich wurde irgendwo vor der Kste Japans vermutet, blieb aber seit
Jahrhunderten ein Rtsel. Conrad Roth, der Kapitn der Endurance, glaubt an
Laras Vermutungen, und lenkt das Schiff in das als gefhrlich bekannte Gebiet
des «Drachen Dreiecks». Hier kommt es aber zur Katastrophe, und Lara erkennt den
wahren Preis des Abenteuers


Es handelt sich hier um die
junge Lara, die noch nie ein Abenteuer erlebt hat. Laras Geschichte beginnt also
hier vllig neu! Und jetzt bitte nicht fragen, warum und wieso, einfach mal so

Meine Meinung:

Das neue Tomb Raider macht sehr
viel Spa, und die Richtung stimmt. Und Ende.

Oder soll ich noch was loswerden?

Nora Tschirner ist DAS
Highlight des Spiels. Sie hat der neuen Lara eine neue, echte Seele gegeben. Und
da ja die Grafik auch schon so gut wie echt ist Eine neue Lara ist
geboren. Es bringt auch nichts, sie mit der alten Lara zu vergleichen. Man kann
einen Braten auch nicht dauernd wieder aufwrmen, er wird nicht besser. Die
Spiele entwickeln sich weiter. Die Richtung stimmt wie gesagt.

An Laras Erscheinungsbild hat
sich im Prinzip nicht viel gendert. Vergleicht man die neue Lara mit den
klassischen Spielen (man beachte das Bild rechts oben), so drfte zunchst mal
die lange Hose im Vergleich zur kurzen, klassischen Version auffallen, aber die
guten alten

Armeekampfstiefel sind geblieben. Ein
gravierender weiterer Unterschied: Lara hat nun nur eine Pistole,
im Gegensatz
zu den legendren «Doppelpistolen»

Das Spiel
versorgt dich mit gewaltigen Bildern und Landschaften, manche Stellen sucht man
nur deswegen wieder auf. Man kann viel suchen und erkunden, stellenweise kann
man auch frei herum laufen, wie im Bergdorf oder am Strand, was ich sehr schn
fand, und auch das Zielen mit den Waffen macht nach etwas bung viel Spa. Es
sind teilweise sehr viele Gegner, aber es soll ja auch etwas herausfordernd
sein. Die Horror-Elemente finde ich zum Teil etwas bertrieben, aber na gut, es
geht noch. Jedenfalls zieht dich das Spiel in seinen Bann, in einen Sog aus
Traum und Realitt, aus Wahnsinn und Wirklichkeit




Bilder und Videos:

Link 1

Bilder, Musik, Videos und so weiter:

Link 2


Meine Playlist mit allen Videos:
oben im Abspielfenster kann man das gewnschte Video auswhlen:

Trailer: «Crossroads» mit deutschen Untertiteln, vom





ich stelle hier jetzt nicht alle Bilder
rein, denn man kann die ja auf Link 1 und Link 2 (siehe etwas weiter oben)
Auf das Vorschau-Bild klicken!

Crossroads 3.6.12
Concept Art 6.6.12
Screenshot 6.6.12

E3-Interview mit
Karl Stewart:
Englisch mit bersetzer *

PDF englisch *

TXT deutsch
Anmerkung: den deutschen Text habe ich jetzt
mal auf die Schnelle mit einem bersetzungsprogramm angefertigt, also nicht
wundern, aber immerhin besser als nichts, und eventuell bersetze ich das noch
selber und besser.


Letzte Aktualisierung:
23. 09.2021


Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 4 (PS4)

Corey Feldman Interview

Getting the Lockpick and Rope Ascender

The Lockpick and Rope Ascender are unlockable gadgets. The Rope Ascender allows you to destroy heavy barriers. The lockpick allows you to open locked Conquistador treasure chests. These items are optional gear that you do not need to complete the main story. However, if you want to access every area and complete all puzzles, you will need them. To purchase both of them, play the «Find Takiy’s Dice» side mission in The Hidden City. The side mission starts in The Hidden City (Paititi) at the following location. There is a boy sitting at the foot of the hill, close to the market square. Talk to him (Takiy), and he will tell you a dead man stole his dice. Lara will agree to look out for the dead man and get back the dice from him. The side mission requires you to talk to five outcasts. After talking to the first four, the fifth one will get marked on the map. She is a vendor that sells the two gadgets. They can be bought from her for a total of 6,100 gold. You may have noticed locked treasure chests early in the game that required lockpicks. You can fast travel back to those locations after completing the story and unlock the treasure chests.

Getting the Reinforced Knife

The Reinforced Knife is an unlockable gadget upgrade that allows you to cut through rope barriers. This item is optional gear that you do not need to complete the main story. However, if you want to access every area and complete all puzzles, you will need it. You can buy it from a merchant in The Hidden City (Paititi) at the following location. The vendor is found in the market square (north of the bridge to the Upper City). The item to buy from her is called «Knife Upgrade» and costs 2,900 gold. Alternately, find an NPC on some stairs in the Upper City to begin the «Stay Of Execution» side quest. Successfully complete the quest to unlock the Reinforced Knife upgrade.

All story puzzle solutions

The following video shows a walkthrough of all puzzles in the main story. These are the ones you need to solve to progress in the main story.


    1. Mission: Hunters Moon (Cart and Bell puzzle) — 0:05
    2. Mission: Rough Landing (Bridge puzzle) — 1:22
    3. Mission: Brave Adventurer (Young Lara in Croft Manor / Globe and Chessboard) — 3:13
    4. Mission: Path Of The Living (Lava Room with Spinning Dots puzzle) — 6:17
    5. Mission: Path To The Hidden City (Spider Trial and Eagle Trial) — 9:31
    6. Mission: The Hidden City (Trial Of The Serpent) — 17:02
    7. Mission: Eye Of The Serpent (Water Spigots Puzzle — Part 1) — 20:27
    8. Mission: Eye Of The Serpent (Water Spigots Puzzle — Part 2) — 22:27
    9. Mission: Via Veritas (Finding the Secret Crypt Entrance in Church) — 24:15
    10. Mission: Via Crucis (Holy Cross and Light Beam puzzle in Secret Crypt) — 26:15

All Challenge Tombs locations and solutions

The following video shows a walkthrough of all nine Challenge Tombs in the game. None of the tombs are missable. They can all be completed in free-roam mode after the story. No extra gadgets are required for them; they can all be done as soon as you reach their respective area through story progression. The goal is to reach the stele (small statue) at the end of the tombs. Each tomb unlocks a new skill — so they are also required to get all skills in one category for the «Specialized» trophy.


    1. Peruvian Jungle (Underworld Gate) — 0:11
    2. Peruvian Jungle (Judge’s Gaze) — 7:17
    3. Kuwaq Yaku (Howling Caves) — 13:12
    4. The Hidden City (Path Of Battle) — 19:59
    5. The Hidden City (Temple Of The Sun) — 27:21
    6. The Hidden City (Ancient Aqueduct) — 36:28
    7. Cenote (San Cordoba) — 45:08
    8. Mission Of San Juan (Tree Of Life) — 53:29
    9. Mission Of San Juan (Thirsty Gods) — 1:03:56

All outfits/costumes showcase

The video below shows what all outfits/costumes/armor sets in Shadow Of The Tomb Raider look like, including Croft Edition outfits, Vestige outfits, and rewards for completing the previous Tomb Raider games. There are 34 total outfits in the base game. Three outfits are from buying the Croft Edition (the special version that includes the season pass). Ten are «Vestige Outfits» that you get from side quests, crypts, and merchants (need to be restored at base camps for resources). Seventeen are from completing previous Tomb Raider games and general story progression in Shadow Of The Tomb Raider. One is from a wandering merchant. Three are from New Game+ mode.


    1. Tactical Adventurer (Black) — 0:05
    2. Robes of Puka Huk — 0:26
    3. Explorer — 0:48
    4. Blue Heron Tunic — 1:10
    5. Serpent Guard — 1:31
    6. Adventurer — 1:53
    7. Survivor — 2:16
    8. Remnant Jacket — 2:35
    9. Commando — 2:54
    10. Desert Tank — 3:14
    11. Infiltrator — 3:34
    12. Siberian Ranger — 3:53
    13. Shadow Runner — 4:11
    14. Wraithskin — 4:28
    15. Leather Jacket — 4:50
    16. Gray Henley — 5:11
    17. Blue Henley — 5:31
    18. Angel of Darkness — 5:51
    19. Tomb Raider 2 — 6:11
    20. Bomber Jacket — 6:32
    21. Crimson Huntress — 6:53
    22. Yaway’s Set — 7:01
    23. Six Sky Set — 7:31
    24. Ch’amaka’s War Set — 7:53
    25. Empress Jaguar Set — 8:13
    26. Condor Cowl of Urqu Set — 8:32
    27. Manko’s Set — 8:56
    28. Eveningstar’s Set — 9:18
    29. Nine Strides’ Set — 9:43
    30. Kantu’s Gilded Set — 10:04
    31. Tactical Adventurer Set — 10:30
    32. Three Fangs’ Tunic — 10:51
    33. Ozcollo’s Tunic — 11:11
    34. Tactical Adventurer — 11:31

Easy «Chain Gang» trophy

This trophy is missable because there are no enemies after the story, and it only works in certain story sections. Serpent’s Fury is a skill (green) that can be bought at base camps. First, buy «Serpent’s Strike» (one skill point), and then «Serpent’s Fury” (two skill points). To perform the move, you must stealth kill two enemies standing next to each other. Quickly press Triangle repeatedly and Lara will jump from the first enemy to the second, killing both of them. It is fine if other enemies spot you doing this, just to initiate the move you have to be unseen. Repeat this on three pairs of enemies to get the «Chain Gang» trophy.

Easy «First Blood» trophy

This trophy is missable because there are no enemies after the story, and it only works in certain story sections. Shortly after reaching Kuwaq Yaku (Mission: Path Of The Living, Objective: Infiltrate the Porvenir Camp), during the second enemy encounter, there will be a mud patch on the floor with a tutorial text showing above it. Press Square to cover Lara in mud. Then, proceed to the next waypoint. There will be a group of enemies and a mud wall. Lean against the mud wall, and kill one of the enemies walking by to get the «First Blood» trophy. This only works when Lara is covered Lara in mud.

Easy «Gunslinger» trophy

This trophy is missable because there are no enemies after the story, and it only works in certain story sections. A good place to do this at is the second enemy encounter in the game, shortly after escaping the big cave in Cozumel (Mission: Hunter’s Moon, Region: Cozumel, Objective: Get through the Dig Site). There are three enemies standing around a forklift. Equip the pistol and stand behind the single enemy near the bushes. Then, shoot them from right to left, all headshots within three seconds, to get the «Gunslinger» trophy. An autosave is created after killing them. Therefore, it is highly recommended to keep a separate save slot before this section. This allows you to reload it from the main menu, in case you fail and need to try again. In that case, make sure after reloading a save to immediately save in another slot again (the game always overwrites the selected slot with an autosave). If you fail in this section, you can also move on to the next objective. Lara will slide down to an enemy base where three enemies stand in front of her. You can restart the checkpoint in this area to try again.

Easy «Como Te Llama» trophy

You can find five llamas in The Hidden City (Paititi). One is in front of «Unuratu’s Home» base camp. One is close to it at the hillside (corner of the map). Two are at the market square in town. Another is between the houses, up the hill southwest of the market square. You can also find two of them in the «Mission Of San Juan» area in the stables. Press Triangle to pet them. It has to be five different llamas to get the «Como Te Llama» trophy.

Easy «Playing With Fire» trophy

This trophy is missable because there are no enemies after the story, and it only works in certain story sections. You need an enemy section with a bottle. The bottle can be picked up and crafted into a Molotov cocktail. Then, throw it at two enemies standing close together. A good place to do this at is the second enemy encounter in the game, shortly after escaping the big cave in Cozumel (Mission: Hunter’s Moon, Region: Cozumel, Objective: Get through the Dig Site). There are three enemies standing around a forklift. On the forklift are some bottles. Hold RB to craft one into a Molotov, then throw it at the two enemies standing close together to get the «Playing With Fire» trophy.

Easy «Surprise!» trophy

This trophy is missable because there are no enemies after the story, and it only works in certain story sections. You automatically unlock the Eagle’s Talon skill through story progression. You can then climb on tree branches and hold Y to fire a Rope Arrow into an unsuspecting enemy, hoisting them up and killing them. Only one body can be suspended from a branch. After you unlock the skill, you are forced to perform one kill with it. Do this in any stealth section with enemies. A good place to do this is during Mission: Path Of The Living, Region: Kuwaq Yaku, Objective: Return to Kuwaq Yaku. You can farm kills using checkpoint restart.

Easy «Thanksgiving» trophy

First, buy the «Serpent’s Glint» (green) skill to unlock the Flare Round attachment for the pistol. Then, fast travel to the «Mission Of San Juan», Base Camp «Ruined Tower» region. There are four turkeys running around the base camp in this area. Search around the ruined tower, as you may have to walk around a little bit before they spawn (they are usually sitting in the bushes and start running when you go near). Shoot a turkey with the pistol’s flare round to get the «Thanksgiving» trophy. Note: When you acquire this skill, you automatically get a few flare rounds, but they can also be crafted. You can change your save slot before doing this and reload it to get the skill points back.

Easy «Total Party Kill» trophy

This trophy is missable because there are no enemies after the story, and it only works in certain story sections. This trophy requires the «Jaguar’s Fear» skill (Warrior skill tree). It is automatically unlocked during the story. After unlocking it, there will be a tutorial on how to use it. You can simply farm the kills during the tutorial using checkpoint restart. Use D-pad Up to select the bow, and hold R1 to craft Fear Arrows. It requires a Silent Arrow, Cloth, and Dart Poison. These arrows cause enemies to frenzy and turn on each other. The enemy you hit with a Fear Arrow will start shooting other enemies around him, resulting in «friendly fire. «


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    Chalice of Torment (Platinum): Earn all trophies.
    Completionist (Gold): Reach 100% completion.
    Help thy Neighbor (Silver): Complete a Side Mission.
    Tomb Raider (Silver): Complete all Challenge Tombs in the main campaign.
    Archeologist (Bronze): Complete an Artifact Collection.
    Asking Price (Bronze): Buy an item from a merchant.
    Better Equipped (Bronze): Get 3 pieces of equipment.
    Chain Gang (Bronze): Perform the Serpent’s Fury 3 times.
    Como Te Llama (Bronze): Pet 5 llamas.
    Deadly Obsession (Bronze): Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on difficulty.
    Dr. Croft (Bronze): Complete all Artifact Collections.
    First Blood (Bronze): Perform a Stealth Takedown from a mud-covered wall.
    First Steps (Bronze): Purchase a Skill.
    Good Samaritan (Bronze): Complete 8 Side Missions.
    Gunslinger (Bronze): Perform 3 headshots in 3 seconds with the pistol.
    In the Moment (Bronze): Kill 10 enemies while Focus is active.
    Last Known Position (Bronze): Lose the enemy 10 times.
    Legendary Hunter (Bronze): Hunt and loot 5 rare animals.
    Like a Shadow (Bronze): Stealth takedown 25 enemies.
    Look, Over There! (Bronze): Kill 3 enemies while they are distracted.
    Made to Endure (Bronze): Takedown 10 enemies while Endurance is active.
    Makeshift Arsenal (Bronze): Fully upgrade a weapon.
    Marksman (Bronze): Perform 20 headshots with the bow.
    New Heights (Bronze): Complete a climb after finding the Overhang Climbing Gear.
    On the Go (Bronze): Craft special ammunition 50 times.
    One with the Jungle (Bronze): Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on difficulty.
    Playing with Fire (Bronze): Burn 2 enemies simultaneously.
    Point of Interest (Bronze): Learn of 5 interesting locations from civilians.
    Quite the Adventure (Bronze): Finish the main storyline.
    Resting Places (Bronze): Uncover 3 Crypts’ secrets.
    Rite of Passage (Bronze): Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on difficulty.
    Sixth Sense (Bronze): Hunt and kill 10 enemies while Perception is active.
    Smart and Resourceful (Bronze): Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on difficulty.
    Specialized (Bronze): Earn all Skills in one category.
    Stele Hunter (Bronze): Complete 3 Challenge Tombs.
    Surprise! (Bronze): Perform 5 Eagle’s Talon takedowns.
    Tables Turned (Bronze): Kill 5 enemies while they are searching for Lara.
    Thanksgiving (Bronze): Shoot a turkey with a Flare Round.
    That’s a Knife! (Bronze): Fully upgrade the knife.
    Thread the Past (Bronze): Restore 5 vestige outfit pieces.
    To the Nines (Bronze): Restore and equip a matching vestige outfit.
    Total Party Kill (Bronze): Kill 5 enemies with friendly fire.
    Treasure Hunter (Bronze): Find and open all the Conquistador treasure chests.
    Treasures from the Past (Bronze): Decipher a Monolith.
    Underwater Archeologist (Bronze): Collect 5 underwater Artifacts.
    Untold Riches (Bronze): Gather 40 gold ore.
    Up to the Challenge (Bronze): Complete 5 Challenges.
    Zoologist (Bronze): Collect 20 critters.

Additionally, there are 16 secret trophies:

    Queen of the Damned (Silver): Make an unlikely ally.
    Beast of Legend (Bronze): Defeat the Nahual.
    Unwelcome Guests (Bronze): Get rid of the pillagers outside of Kuwaq Yaku.
    I Believe Hakan Fly (Bronze): Rescue Hakan from the cultists.
    Hearts and Minds (Bronze): Retrieve Manko’s Necklace.
    Path of the Stars (Bronze): Decipher the Path of the Stars.
    Día de Muertos (Bronze): Remove the dagger from the Temple of the Moon.
    Recipe for Disaster (Bronze): Survive the flood.
    Survival Instincts (Bronze): Defeat the Empress Jaguar.