The witcher frauen: 15 Strongest Female Characters, Ranked

15 Strongest Female Characters, Ranked

The Witcher series has always had great characters populating its world. Even minor characters are fully fleshed out and three-dimensional, with their own goals and their own strengths. Witcher is also known for its cast of well-rounded female characters.

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In the past, the fantasy genre, unfortunately, hasn’t had the best track record when it comes to depicting women, but it’s gotten miles better in the last 20-30 years, and you can look no further than the Witcher series to see that. Though it’s not perfect, Witcher has amazing female characters, so let’s take a look at some of the strongest of them, from sorceresses to queens and everything in between.

Updated by Madison Lennon on February 5, 2020: The women in The Witcher are some of the best when it comes to the fantasy genre. The series is full of incredibly capable, vital, and interesting female characters.

We thought now — with the release of the Netflix series and the show on everyone’s mind — would be a great time to revisit this list of powerful women from The Witcher franchise. The majority of notable characters in the series are sorceresses and mages, but there are also women gifted with swords, healing, and more.

15/15 Jutta an Dimun

Considering Jutta an Dimun is also known as the «Iron Maiden,» it’s not hard to see why she would be considered one of the strongest women in the franchise, especially in The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. Jutta devoted much of her life to fine-tuning her enviable swordsmanship skills.

She also made a pledge to only marry a man that was capable of defeating her in combat. No one even came close to beating her until Geralt came along. If you manage to defeat her during the quest related to her character, you can choose to romance her.

14/15 Tomira

Tomira is a minor character that you meet early in The Witcher 3 when you’re still in White Orchard. She’s an herbalist and she quickly endeared many fans, some even wished that Tomira had been a romantic interest for Geralt.

You’re given the option to help Tomira when she tends to a younger woman named Lena who was seriously injured. You’ll get the option to help her out with a Witcher potion. You also get to regroup with Tomira later on in the game and depending on what choices you make, she may be in a number of different situations.

13/15 Priscilla

Priscilla is a gifted singer and a romantic poet that goes by the name Callonetta while she’s onstage. She and Dandelion have a very close relationship and Dandelion becomes distraught when Priscilla is attacked in the side quest «Carnal Sins.»

He requests Geralt’s help in finding Priscilla and tracking down the person behind her attack. Priscilla might not be as strong as the sorceresses in the game, but she has her own passion and quiet strength. She has to, or how else would she be able to put up with someone like Dandelion, who she obviously has a romantic attraction to?

12/15 Corinne Tilly

Corinne is another character that fans warmed up to and wanted to romance, but unfortunately could not. She’s a very gifted oneiromancer and she excels at dream interpretation. She even helps Geralt track down Ciri. Geralt winds up helping her because she realizes that her house is haunted.

He discovers a godling named Sarah who had been tormenting Corinne into having terrible nightmares. Luckily, you have the chance to help Corinne and save her from Sarah’s spell. Corinne is a very gifted mage, and she’s quite attractive as well.

11/15 Keira Metz

Keira Metz is yet another sorceress that you’ll encounter in the game, and part of the Lodge of Sorceresses. Some fans have mixed feelings on Keira since she does attempt to scam Geralt, and she makes some rather foolish decisions when it comes to her potential trusting of King Radovid (it will depend on your choices). But Keira is actually very intelligent and she’s got a vivacious personality.

She’s also very powerful and shown to be quite gifted with magic, particularly with summoning spells. While she may not be on par with someone like Philippa Earlhart or Yennefer, she’s still one of the most memorable characters in the franchise.

10/15 Shani

Shani can sometimes be an overlooked character in The Witcher series. She makes brief appearances in the first game as well as being a major character in the Hearts of Stone DLC for Witcher 3. She’s not only an important character in Witcher lore, she’s also a badass field medic.

Having studied at the University of Oxenfurt, Shani went on to be a medic at a field hospital during the Battle of Brenna, where she treated countless wounded soldiers with her medical expertise. Plus, she also lives to be 90 which, in a world based on medieval Europe where long lifespans were depressingly short, is nothing short of a miracle.

9/15 Cerys an Craite

Next up is Cerys an Craite, who appears in Witcher 3 and, depending on the player’s choices, can become the Queen of the Skellige Isles. She has more courage and stubbornness than any Skelliger, and she’s always ready to prove that she can do any task as well as a man can.

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She’s clearly the better choice to rule Skellige, as she’s much more levelheaded than her brother, Hjalmar, the other choice to take the throne. Hjalmar is brash and quick to charge in blindly, while Cerys plans and investigates situations before rushing in. It’s that kind of foresight needed in a good leader.

8/15 Fringilla Vigo

The Lodge of Sorceresses has its fair share of frighteningly powerful sorceresses, and a notable standout among them is Fringilla Vigo, a sorceress that worked in Nilfgaard. She’s so strong that while she was fighting for Nilfgaard, she managed to blind Yennefer.

In The Witcher 3, Fringilla is imprisoned by Nilfgaard, but is later released at Yennefer’s request to help stop the Wild Hunt with a trap to keep the Wild Hunt in one place without a way to escape.

7/15 Saskia

Saskia the Dragonslayer is much more than she first appears. She’s an immensely skilled soldier who is a key player in the Battle of Vergen in Witcher 2, and she can become a queen depending on the outcome of the battle. Oh, and she’s also a dragon.

Saskia’s real name is Saesenthessis and she’s one of the strongest non-sorceresses in the series. In her dragon form, she nearly razes Loc Muinne to the ground and even gives Geralt a run for his money. Anyone who give can the protagonist, aka the strongest witcher in the series, a hard time has more than earned their spot on this list.

6/15 Sile de Tansarville

Sile de Tansarville is not one to play along and do what she’s expected to, she carves her own path. Where most mages are expected to serve as advisers to monarchs to influence politics, Sile instead devoted her time to research. She even stepped down from the Supreme Council of Wizards because it interfered with her research.

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Sile is also one of the founding members of the Lodge of Sorceresses, and one of the masterminds behind the assassinations of several kings in Witcher 2. Unfortunately, when the Lodge fell, so did she. Depending on player choice, she either dies in Witcher 2 or Witcher 3.

5/15 Philippa Eilhart

Of all the sorceresses in the series, none are perhaps more intimidating than Philippa Eilhart. She is widely known and respected as one of the most talented mages of her time, with skill enough to master the art of polymorphy, a type of shapeshifting.

As leader of the Lodge of Sorceresses, Philippa was the true mastermind behind the kingly assassinations all for the sake of creating a country ruled by magic. Even after having her eyes gouged out, she remains undeterred as powerful as ever. Needless to say, she’s not someone whose bad side you want to get on.

4/15 Triss Merigold

Triss Merigold is easily one of the most important characters in the entire series, having played key parts in every entry of the Witcher franchise, books and games, and she’s an incredibly powerful sorceress to boot. A founding member of the Lodge of Sorceresses, Triss is known mostly as a healer, but she isn’t afraid to go on the offensive and cause some damage when need be.

In The Witcher 3, she spends her time in Novigrad helping mages flee from witch hunters at great risk to herself. Even so, she doesn’t need anyone protecting her, she’s more than capable of protecting herself.

3/15 Queen Calanthe

One of the few non-magic users on this list, Calanthe was the queen of Cintra and was also Ciri’s grandmother. She ruled Cintra with a firm and calculated hand while giving a metaphorical middle finger to traditions that said men must rule while women only bore heirs, and proving to be one of the best rulers Cintra had ever seen.

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Calanthe was not only a queen, but also a fierce general, earning her the nickname «Lioness of Cintra». Where most generals would be sitting in tents during battles looking at maps, Calanthe was on the front lines personally leading her soldiers into battle.

2/15 Yennefer of Vengerberg

Undoubtedly one of the strongest magic users in the series, Yennefer is a smart and ambitious sorceress, a mother figure to Ciri, and the youngest member to be appointed to the Supreme Council of Wizards. In Witcher 3, she’s also sometimes called the Horsewoman of War because she brought marching armies after her wherever she went.

She’s known for her beauty as much as she is feared for her power, and she can sometimes be more ruthless than a witcher. She’s got enough power to stand toe-to-toe against the Wild Hunt and was an integral player in their defeat, so she’s not one to be trifled with.

1/15 Ciri

Finally, the most powerful female character (or any character) in the Witcher series is Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, aka Ciri. As a descendant of Lara Dorren, Ciri has elder blood flowing through her veins, giving her immense magical power that allows her to do things like traveling through space and time.

She was trained in swordplay by the witchers at Kaer Morhen, and is the only person to be considered a witcher without having to go through the horrific mutagens in the Trial of the Grasses. She was also trained in magic usage by Yennefer.

NEXT: The Witcher: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Geralt

Brutale Elfin als neue Frau an der Seite von Geralt

Insgesamt bringt Netflix dieses Jahr 84 neue Serien an den Start. Ganz vorne steht The Witcher. In die Umsetzung der populären Bücher- und Videospielreihe steckt der Streaming-Dienst viele Hoffnungen, auch für mehrere Staffeln. Genauso freuen sich Fans riesig auf die Abenteuer von Geralt von Rivia, der in der Serie von Henry Cavill verkörpert wird. Neben ihm wurden schon zahlreiche Darstellerinnen für die Frauen an der Seite von Geralt gecastet. Mittlerweile gibt es einige neue Casting-Meldungen. Wir erklären, wer die neuen und alten weiblichen Begleiter des Witchers in der Netflix-Serie sein werden.

Neue Frauen in Netflix’ The Witcher: Toruviel

Die Elfin Toruviel ist ein Untertan von Filavendrel, den wir in der Serie ebenfalls sehen werden. Sie wird von Natasha Culzac gespielt. Sie hasst Menschen, entführt und foltert sie und tötet auch auf dem Schlachtfeld auf grausame Weise. Im ersten The Witcher-Spiel hat sie einen kurzen Auftritt und eine Liebesabenteuer mit Geralt. In den Büchern ist sie ihm alles andere als wohlgesinnt.

Toruviel, Milva

Neue Frauen in Netflix’ The Witcher: Milva

Noch ist nicht bekannt, wer Milva in der Netflix-Serie spielt. Showrunnerin Lauren Schmidt Hissrich verriet bei Twitter  allerdings, dass sie in der Serie vorkommt. Sie ist eine Bogenschützin. Obwohl sie ein Mensch ist, ist sie für ihre Präzision und Schnelligkeit auch bei den Elfen bekannt und wird dort «Kleine Schwester» genannt. In den Büchern hilft sie Geralt.

Neue Frauen in Netflix’ The Witcher: Tea

Gemeinsam mit ihrer Schwester Vea wurde Tea bereits im Kindesalter zur Kriegerin ausgebildet. Letztere wird in der Serie von Adele Oni dargestellt. Die beiden werden vom Ritter Borch angeheuert, ihn zu begleiten. Er bezeichnet sie als «seine Waffen». Sie sind ebenso schön wie sie gute Kämpfer sind. In den Büchern hat Geralt Sex mit den beiden.

Neue Frauen in Netflix’ The Witcher: Sancia von Sodden

In einer Episode der Netflix-Serie soll Sancia von Sodden auftauchen. Gepielt wird sie von Katia Bokor. Sie heiratete den König von Temerien und wurde somit zur Stiefmutter von Foltest und seiner Schwester Adda. Ihn kennen wir aus den Witcher-Spielen. Sancia ist ganz und gar nicht davon begeistert, dass die Geschwister eine inzestuöse Beziehung führen. Ihr Casting deutet darauf hin, dass wir diese Geschichte auch in der Serie sehen.

Daneben werfen wir einen Blick auf die anderen, bereits für die Serie bestätigten weiblichen Darstellerinnen:

Die Frauen in Netflix’ The Witcher: Yennefer von Vengerberg

Die Magierin Yennefer ist Fans der Reihe auch aus den Spielen bekannt, wo sie in Teil 3 prominent auftritt.
Anya Chalotra wird sie in der Serie spielen.
Die extrem talentierte Magierin ist die wichtigste Frauenfigur in Geralts Leben. Als seine große Liebe sind die beiden auch durch einen Zauber magisch verbunden. Da sie wie alle Magierinnen unfruchtbar ist, wird sie für Geralts Ziehtochter Ciri zur Mutterfigur. Triss Merigold gehört zu ihren besten Freundinnen. Sie war außerdem das jüngste Mitglied des Hexenrates.

Yennefer (Anya Chalotra)

Die Frauen in Netflix’ The Witcher: Triss Merigold

Ebenfalls aus den Spielen bekannt ist Triss, in der Serie wird sie von Anna Shaffer gespielt. Auch sie ist eine mächtige Zauberin. Als Heilerin trägt sie viele Zaubertränke mit sich herum — allerdings ist sie selbst gegen sie allergisch. Anders als Yennefer ist sie eine der Gründerinnen der Magierinnenloge. Als Beraterin des Königs von Temeria war sie ihr ganzes Leben in Politik verstrickt. Zwar ist sie Freundin von Yennefer, jedoch genauso in Geralt verliebt. Für die junge Ciri ist sie wie eine große Schwester.

Triss (Anna Shaffer)

Die Frauen in Netflix’ The Witcher: Tissaia de Vries

Die Magierin Tissaia kommt nicht in den Spielen vor. Sie gehörte zu den mächtigsten und Zauberern ihrer Zeit und wird von MyAnna Buring verkörpert. Sie ist besessen davon, jung und schön auszusehen. Sie nahm die junge Yennefer unter ihre Fittiche.

Die Frauen in Netflix’ The Witcher: Prinzessin Renfri

Renfri ist die Tochter des Prinzen von Creyden, einem kleinen Herzogtum nahe Kovir und Poviss. In der Netflix-Serie wird sie von Millie Brady gespielt. Sie ist verflucht, da sie während einer Sonnenfinsternis geboren wurde. Laut einem magischen Spiegel werde sie ihre Mutter und viele andere töten. Sie entwickelt sich zu einem brutalen Schneewittchen.

MyAnna Buring, Millie Brady

Die Frauen in Netflix’ The Witcher: Fringilla Vigo

Fringilla Vigo hat in The Witcher 3 einen kurzen Auftritt. Mimi Ndiweni spielt sie in der Serie. Sie ist eine nilfgaardische Zauberin und Mitglied der Zauberinnenloge. Sie kämpfte im Ersten Nördlichen Krieg für ihr Reich und stand damit gegenüber von Yennefer. Eine Liebschaft mit Geralt wird ihr nachgesagt.

Fringilla Vigo (Mimi Ndiweni)

Die Frauen in Netflix’ The Witcher: Sabrina Glevissig

Auch Sabrina Glevissig ist Mitglied
der Zauberinnenloge, Meisterin der Illusionen und außerdem Beraterin des Königs von Kaedwen. In der Serie verkörpert sie Therica Wilson-Read. In The Witcher 2 taucht sie auch in den Spielen auf. Bekannt für einen provokativen Kleidungsstil, ist sie sowohl Rivalin als auch Freundin von Yennefer.

Sabrina Glevissig (Therica Wilson-Read)

Die Frauen in Netflix’ The Witcher: Königin Calanthe

Calanthe, in der Serie von Jodhi May gespielt, ist die Großmutter von Ciri. Sie ist Königin von Cintra, einem der Nördlichen Königreiche. Ihr Neffe ist Crach an Craite. Bereits mit 14 bestieg sie den Thron. Sie ist bekannt für ihre Schönheit und Tapferkeit — ihre erste Schlacht gewann sie mit 15.

Jodhi May, Inge Beckmann

Die Frauen in Netflix’ The Witcher: Aridea

Aridea ist die Stiefmutter von Prinzessin Renfri, in der Serie verkörpert sie Inge Beckmann. In den Büchern kommt sie nur in Erwähnungen vor. Sie wird als schlau und gebildet bezeichnet.

Die Frauen in Netflix’ The Witcher: Ciri

Geralts Ziehtochter wird auch in der Serie eine tragende Rolle spielen. Verkörpert wird sie von Freya Allan. Sie ist die Tochter vom Kaiser von Nilfgaard, Emhyr van Emreis. Als Geralt dessen Leben rettet, löst er das Gesetz der Überraschung ein.

Ciri (Freya Allan)

Das Gesetz besagt, dass ein Mann einem Hexer, der ihm das Leben rettet, das erste Unerwartete geben muss, was ihm bei der Rückkehr nach Hause entgegenkommt. Da Ciris Mutter überraschend schwanger ist, muss sie Ciri Geralt übergeben. Das Mädchen ist widerstandsfähig, tapfer und frech, doch ihre ungewisse Zukunft schüchtert sie ein.

Neben den Darstellerinnen wurden noch mehr andere Rollen bereits besetzt. Die 1. Staffel von The Witcher soll 2019 auf Netflix erscheinen. Alle Informationen zur Witcher-Serie haben wir für euch im Überblick.

Auf welche Figur freut ihr euch in der Serie am meisten?

90,000 covers of forest hostesses from Krivogovoi Topei (The Witcher 3

made Dryante Music from games Cover Cover os Music & atmosphere Folki … The Witcher Fandom Percival Marcin Przybyłowicz Wheel LIRA

Cover of the Forests from Krivoukhovy (The Witcher 3 — Ladies of The Woods)0039

In The Witcher 3, when witches appear from the Crooked-Ear Marshes, rather intense music starts playing, performed in saz and Byzantine lyre. I made my own version, which is less intimidating but more dynamic thanks to the percussion. The recording uses such instruments as the viola beep, hurdy gurdy, shaman tambourine, cajon, bouzouki and topshur. And in the video, in addition to playing music, we depicted how the Skellig girl got lost in Velen, wandered into the swamps and walks along the «sweet path» — the path along which the witches tied sweets to lure lost children from nearby villages.

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The Witcher 3 — Ladies Of The Woods — Cover by Dryante,Music,Dryante,Driante,Cover,Cover,witcher cover,witcher song cover,bouzouki,bouzouki,hurdy-gurdy,the witcher cover,wild hunt,wild hunt,witcher velen music,witcher ladies of the woods,ladies of the woods,ladies of the woods cover,cajon,Patreon page:
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Hurdy-Gurdy & Cajon —
I have already said more than once that what I like most of all is to make such videos, where you can show in the frame something other than a hairy dude with pipes. Less than eight years have passed since I rivet videos, as I finally managed to shoot a full-fledged video with Nastya as a plot character. We took the witcher story as a basis. In Velen, in the swamps, the Mistresses of the Forest, they are forest witches, hung all kinds of sweets and gingerbread on the branches of trees in order to lure children from nearby villages to their lair. So Nastya will follow such a «trail» of donuts in colored glaze, not even suspecting that at the end of the route she may find herself in a cauldron.
My favorite type of videos are those where you can show something interesting in addition to a long haired dude with tin whistles. Less than eight years have passed since I started to make videos, and I finally managed to shoot a full-fledged video with Stacy as a plot character. We took a Witcher’s story about Ladies of the woods. In the Velen swamps the forest witches hung all kinds of sweets and gingerbread on the branches of trees to lure children from nearby villages to their den. So Stacy will follow such a «trail» of donuts in color glaze, not even suspecting that at the end of the path she may find herself in a cauldron.
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did it myself, drew it myself, took a picture of it myself, wrote it myself, invented it myself, translated it myself, Dryante, Music from games, Games, cover, cover, The Witcher 3, The Witcher 3, The Witcher, The Witcher, Witcher ,fandoms,music,Music&Atmosphere,folk,Wheel lyre,OST,Marcin Przybyłowicz,Percival

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«The Witcher: Blood Origin» / The Witcher: Blood Origin — a full trailer for the prequel of the main Netflix series with Ukrainian subtitles

Last weekend, several trailers of future major premieres were released almost simultaneously. Among them is a full-fledged trailer for The Witcher prequel, which introduces the key characters of the miniseries, played by Michelle Yeoh, Lawrence O’Fourante and Sophia Brown, closer.

The main characters were already shown to us a month ago in the previous short teaser, and the new one reveals the details of the plot, and also introduces the world, its magical component, characters and monsters closer.

The series will tell about the appearance of the first witchers and the prerequisites for the fateful Conjunction of the Spheres — a magical event that led to the merging of the worlds of monsters, humans and elves. In the story, seven strangers unite to fight back against a rampant empire, and despite the enmity between their clans, Eile and Fjall must learn to trust each other. Subsequently, they realize that in order to defeat the monster, they will have to create their own monster.

Perhaps most unexpected in the trailer is the return of an already well-known character from the original series — the bard Buttercup, again played by Joey Betty. There is not much point in his return, because the events of The Witcher: Bloodline take place in the world of elves 1200 years before the time of Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri. This may be due to the mysterious magical monoliths shown in the trailer, which are portals to other worlds. Also in the trailer you can see the heroine of Minnie Driver — Seanchai. Netflix describes the character as a constantly shapeshifting and shape-shifting keeper of knowledge with the ability to travel between time and worlds. At the end of the trailer, she asks the disheveled lover to «bring the story to life in a song.» Also in the trailer you can see a group of exiles



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Blood Origin showrunner and writer of one of the episodes of The Witcher on Netflix Declan de Barra also confirmed the appearance in the show of the young Avallac’h, one of the strongest elven sorcerers traveling between the worlds of the Alder and Gir peoples, who greatly helped Ciri find her assignment in the CDPR game.