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SimCity (2013) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC


Corey Feldman Interview

Cheat Codes

While playing the game in Sandbox mode, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code
Add 100,000 Simoleons to city budget [Alt] + W
Increase budget by $5,000 per hour [Ctrl] + [Alt] + W
Toggle Air Pollution [Alt] + A
Toggle Crime [Alt] + C
Toggle Fire [Alt] + F
Toggle Garbage [Alt] + G
Toggle Ground Pollution [Alt] + P
Toggle Health Issues [Alt] + M
Toggle Homeless Sims [Alt] + H
Toggle Sewage [Alt] + S

Infinite water

If you place a water pump (using filtration pumps) directly next to a sewage treatment plant, it allows for unlimited water. The sewage treatment plant adds back into the ground water table at that spot. The filtration pumps ensure your water will not get polluted from the ground pollution that occurs. When using this trick, you can pick one of the four clustered cities in your tradable region to keep using the trick repeatedly. This will provide a massive amount of water that can be purchased. You can then buy from that massive source while building the other three cities. This will save you the need to place a water source and sewage treatment plant. This can be done for any utility/service.


Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding disaster:

    Big Lizard: Burn 100 tons of garbage in an Incinerator at the Garbage Dump.

    Earthquake: Mine 100 tons of coal or raw ore in your city.

    Meteor Strike: Have 200 tourists arrive on flights at the Municipal Airport in a day.

    Tornado: Have 24 Wind Turbines at Wind Power Plants.

    UFO Encounter: Ship any resource to a Space Center Great Work.

    Zombie Attack: Add a Diagnostic Lab to a Hospital, and have 15 Sims die in a day.


Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement:

City Management

    Sand Through My Fingers: Have total expenses of $15,000+ per month.

    Money Cube: Have a total income of $15,000+ per hour.

    Good Credit: Pay off $1,000,000 in bond debt.

    Multi-Millionare City: Have $10,000,000 in your treasury.

    Busy Downtown: Have at least 100 Commercial buildings in your city.

    Big Government: Place one of each of the City Hall departments on a single City Hall.

    Quid Pro Quo: Place one of each of all the modules on a single Mayor’s Mansion.

    Industrial Revolution: Have 100 Industrial buildings in your city.

    Suburb City: Have 10,000 residents living in your city.

    Population Boom: Have 50,000 residents living in your city.

    Metropolis!: Have 100,000 residents living in your city.

    Jumbo Region!: Have 500,000 residents living in a region

    Mega-Region!: Have 1,000,000 residents living in a region.

    Suburbitopia: Have 500 Residential buildings in your city.

    My Favorite Mayor: Have 24 hours of a 75% or better Approval Rating.

    ‘Worst. Mayor. Ever.: Hold an Approval Rating of below 50% for 24 hours.

    Best Mayor Ever!: Have an Approval Rating of 95% or more.

City Services

    Reolving Doors: Have 25 criminals released from jail cells in one day due to overcrowding.

    Bad Move, Creeps: Have your Police capture their first criminal.

    Redemption of the Sims: Rehabilitate 50 criminals in a day!

    SimCity University!: Have a University with each School module.

    No Child Left Behind: Plop 20 School Bus Stops in one city.

    High Tech Fire Fightin’: Add the HazMat Garage, the Fire Helipad, and the Fire Marshal Office to a Large Fire Station in your city.

    You’re on Fire!: Extinguish 1 HazMat fires in your city in a day!

    Only You Can Prevent City Fires: Put out more than 10 fires in a day.

    Green Plumbobs: Pick up 10 tons of recyclables in your city in a day!

    Dump City!: Have 560 tons of garbage in your Garbage Dumps!

    Garbage Man!: Pick up 10 tons of garbage in a day!

    Medical Miracle: Plop a Hospital and treat 200 sick Sims in a day.

    EMT ASAP: Pick up and treat 50 injured Sims in one day.

    All-Powerful Region: Place of each type of power source in a region (Coal, Oil, Wind, Solar and Nuclear).

    Super-Powered: Have a city that consumes over 300 mW of power per hour.

    Ick or Treat!: Treat 200 kgal/hr of sewage at a Sewage Treatment Plant.

    Sewage Stuffing: With 10,000 or more residents, prevent sewage issues using only Sewage Outlet Pipes.

    Main Attraction: Have 300 low wealth tourists leave your city satisfied in one day.

    Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!: Run a successful stadium event in your city.

    Cruisin’ Along: Have 2,000 Sims take a cruise in a day.

    A Streetcar Named SimCity: Have 1,000 Sims travel by streetcar in a day.

    All Aboard: Have 1,000 Sims take the train in a day.

    Sludge-Free H-2-0!: Pump 50 kgal of fresh, clean water in an hour.

    Aqua Max: Have a city that has over 100 kgal of water needed per hour.

City Specialization

    You Mean Business!: Plop every City Specialization HQ in the game.

    King Coal: Extract a total of 100 tons of coal.

    Electrical Magic: Assemble 4,000 crates of processors in a day.

    Sin City: Place one of each type of Casino in a single city.

    Penny Slots: Generate $200,000 in total revenue from casinos.

    Blast Furnace: Smelt a total of 100 tons of metal.

    All Oiled Up: Pump 10,000 barrels of crude oil in a day.

    Refined Tastes: Refine 40 barrels of fuel and 40 crates of plastic in a single city in one hour.

    To Be Ore Not To Be: Extract a total of 100 tons of raw ore.

    A Lot of Lots: Place 6 unique Storage Lot types on any Trade Depot or Trade Port.

    Trading Empire: Ship 250,000 Global Market export shipments.

    Moving Pictures: Assemble 100 crates of TVs in one day in a single city.

    Specialist First Class: Select «Guide Me» for any city specialization.


    The Big (Insert Fruit Here): Have 50 high density, low wealth commercial buildings in your city.

    Technophile: Have 40 high density, high tech industrial buildings in your city!

    Skyscraper Magnet: Have 10 high density, high wealth commercial buildings!

    Billionarie’s Playground: Have 10 high density, high wealth residential buildings in your city!

    Elite Estates: Have 50 low density, high wealth residential buildings in your city.

    Office Parks: Have 50 low density, high wealth commercial buildings in your city.

    Apartment Rows: Have 50 high density, low wealth residential buildings in your city.


    Llamahound: Have a municipal bus from a neighbor make 100 trips into your city within a year.

    Godfather: Have 50 crimes in one month in a region of 5,000+ residents.

    Extraditions: Have your police capture 50 criminals in neighbors’ cities.

    A Burning Region of Fire: Have 50 fires extinguished in your region in a day.

    Time to Relocate: Have 200+ garbage issues at once in a region.

    Team Mayor: Grant approvals for 10 buildings for the region.

    The Philanthropist: Gift $200,000 or more to a neighbor.

    Make Sure You’re Grounded…: Provide both power and water to a neighbor, at the same time.


    Bronze Anniversary: Play a city for 10 years.

    Silver Anniversary: Play a city for 25 years.

    Golden Anniversary: Play a city for 50 years! Take a break!

    Dug Too Greedily and Too Deep: Mine 100 tons of coal and metal to gain access to the Earthquake disaster.

    What Goes Up Must Come Down: Have 200 tourists in day arrived in your city by air to gain access to the Meteorite Crash disaster.

    Laboratory Outbreak: Add a Diagnostic Lab to a Hospital and have 15 Sims die in a day to gain access to the Zombie Attack disaster.

    What’s Cookin’?: Burn 100 tons of garbage in an Incinerator at the Garbage Dump to gain access to the Big Lizard disaster.

    We Are Not Alone: Ship any resource to a Space Center Great Work to gain access to the UFO Encounter disaster.

    Blowin’ in the Wind: Have 24 Wind Turbines at Wind Power Plants in your city to gain access to the Tornado disaster.

    2 Kilometer Island!: Have Nuclear Power Plant melted down.

    Mayor Yuck: Have 500 Sims complain about dirty water in a day.

City Nationalities

British City Set

    UK Character: Have 1,000 Sims picked up by double-decker buses from the Double-Decker Buss Terminal.

French City Set

    French Authority: Lock up 10 criminals at the French Police Station.

German City Set

    German Efficiency: Have 5,000 Sims take trips on trains from the German High-Speed Rail Station.

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SimCity 2013 Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips

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SimCity 2013
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0 — 9
SimCity 2013
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K. 
Press any of the following key combinations for the desired cheat effect. A ticker 
at the top of the screen will confirm successful cheat code entry.
Code              Result
[ALT] + W       - Add $100,000.
[ALT] + F       - Toggle Fire On/Off.
[ALT] + C       - Toggle Crime On/Off.
[ALT] + M       - Toggle Health Issues On/Off.
[ALT] + A       - Toggle Air Pollution On/Off.
[ALT] + P       - Toggle Ground Pollution On/Off.
[ALT] + H       - Toggle Homeless Sims On/Off.
[ALT] + S       - Toggle Sewage On/Off.
[Alt] + G       - Toggle Garbage
[Ctrl]+[Alt]+W  - Increase budget by $5,000 per hour.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding disaster:
Big Lizard    - Burn 100 tons of garbage in an Incinerator at the Garbage Dump.
Earthquake    - Mine 100 tons of coal or raw ore in your city.
Meteor Strike - Have 200 tourists arrive on flights at the Municipal Airport in a day.
Tornado       - Have 24 Wind Turbines at Wind Power Plants. 
UFO Encounter - Ship any resource to a Space Center Great Work.
Zombie Attack - Add a Diagnostic Lab to a Hospital, and have 15 Sims die in a day.
British City Set:
UK Character: Have 1,000 Sims picked up by double-decker buses from the Double-Decker 
Buss Terminal. 
French City Set:
French Authority: Lock up 10 criminals at the French Police Station. 
German City Set:
German Efficiency: Have 5,000 Sims take trips on trains from the German High-Speed 
Rail Station.
Infinite Water Trick:
Placing a water pump (using filtration pumps) directly next to a sewage treatment plant
allows for infinite water. The sewage treatment plant adds back in to the ground water 
table at that spot. The filtration pumps ensure your water won't get polluted from the 
ground pollution that will occur. Using this trick, you can pick 1 of the 4 clustered 
cities in your tradeable region to use this trick over and over. This will provide a 
massie amount of water that can be purchased.  You can then buy from that massive source
while building the other 3 cities. This will save needing to place a water source and 
sewage treatment plant. This can be done for any utility/service.

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Tips & Strategy Guide to Build the Ultimate City Touch, Tap, Play

EA has just launched the iPhone and iPad version of its popular SimCity called SimCity BuildIt is a freemium approach to the popular city building sim and a game that is completely not as terrible as you might think.

But we’re not here to praise the game — although we have some reasons — and instead we’re going to share with you some SimCity BuildIt Cheats and tips to help you build the city of your dreams quickly and without going crazy.

While the complexity of classic SimCity games isn’t here, we do have some pros and cons to complete, so read on to find out everything in our strategy guide filled with SimCity Build It tips and cheats .

1. Always keep buildings running
Whether we are talking about factories or shops, you must constantly produce them. Factories produce basic goods normally, while more advanced buildings turn them into rarer materials and help you upgrade your residences to improve your city.

It is very important that they are open at all times in order to be ready for quick deals or upgrades that your property requires.

2. Watch out for maintenance requirements
You have a virtually unlimited number of residences you can build as long as you have the materials — and they are easy to get — but in order for your city to really thrive, you need to provide their newly built houses with services.

Monitor the requirements for a service by clicking any service in the build menu (for example, Power) and then browse the top menu for icons and see the requirements for each service type. You always want your opportunities to be equal or higher than the demand for your Sims to be happy.

3. Look for Deals
Look for the coin icon that randomly appears above some of your buildings and click on it — you will be presented with various types of deals requiring various items for you and paying you in gold (simoleons).

Since getting more simoleons is really hard in this game, I would suggest taking all the deals that are offered to you because the materials will be built back in time.

4. How to get upgrade materials
Some of your buildings can be upgraded — like city storage, an extremely important useful part of your city.

To get the materials you need, you have to keep an eye on your residences and click on the icons that appear above them — a bubble will appear telling you if they are happy or sad about something.

You must click on this bubble too, and you have a chance to get a special item needed for upgrading.

5. Plan your city early
It’s true that you can move buildings and change things around as you please, but a little planning never hurts.

Personally, I would suggest creating an industrial area and a residential area and keeping them apart: an industrial area will be dirty and unpleasant to live in, so make sure you always have a plan and don’t mix residential buildings with those that pollute the air.

6. Spend your sim money wisely
The first Sim Cash investment I made was in an additional building supply store location (4 Sim Cash in total) and it was a really smart move that I recommend to you too.

You don’t really need to spend Sim money to speed up production anywhere, so focus on increasing the capacity of your stores because the goods produced there take the most time and are extremely valuable.

7. Your main goal is to expand your population
Success in SimCity BuildIt is measured by your city’s population, and many cool things are unlocked as you get more. Therefore, make it your main goal to increase the population of your city as much as possible by building new residences and upgrading them.

Provide services to your people, build parks to keep them happy, and your city will be perfect. And don’t forget, the happier your Sims are, the more coins you’ll collect per day from City Hall!

In the end, you have to keep track of all the statistics — and the more you develop your city, the more services you will have to take into account, be patient and wait until all the materials are ready, and you will have a bustling city that everyone will envy . So keep working on it and never give up!

Do you have other SimCity Build It tips and tricks? Share them with us in the comments section below!

SimCity BuildIt Hack 100%, Cheats (coins, resources, residents.


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City building simulator with your favorite Sims characters. Many of us live in big cities and understand how life works there, what is, what is not. Some are satisfied with everything and they live a normal consumer life, while others want to change something, improve something. Now, if you suddenly are a person from this number, then you will definitely need to try to play a game that will simply expand your ability to manage a large city and maybe bring your qualities to a high level, because it is the large scale that often scares novice managers. Now you no need to get SimCity BuildIt hack apk, because you can get all you need even without downloading any files. Hacking iOS games and Cheats for Android games is our field of activity. On this site you can get the SimCity BuildIt 2023 hack without any obstacles (The codes are written below). I repeat once again — this is not a hacking program that you need to download, here you do not need to download anything, you only need to copy the codes.

Cheats for SimCity BuildIt,, cheats, money, codes

As you might guess, we are talking about a city building and management simulator called SimCity BuildIt Cheats. But the system will not be much different from what we are used to. Here you will say so, the only city that exists on the planet and the entire territory of the globe, this is essentially your territory. Mod Apk files are a thing of the past. Now for hacking Android and iOS games, we have Cheat Codes. This SimCity BuildIt hack (no human verification) is working with all version of the game. iOS and Android cheats are an absolutely legal way to get any item in the game. All the secrets of the game will be revealed with these codes. Due to such a huge scale, you will have to monitor the whole world. You are the owner of this globe, the question is whether you can stay afloat and develop the system and satisfy all the needs of your inhabitants. Do not forget to monitor and care for your livestock, otherwise you will not be able to earn money on it, as well as lower the quality level, thereby losing suppliers, thereby net profit.