Super metroid lösung: Super metroid walkthrough | Wikitroid — Super Metroid » Komplettlösung » Tipps & Tricks

Tipps und Tricks für Super Metroid (SNES — 1994)

  • Geheime Moves
    Ladet eure Energie einfach wieder auf, nutzt geheime Waffen-Combos.
  • Bombige Extras
    Mit Bomben kann man mehr als nur Gegner vernichten.
  • Der
    Jet-Sprung «Shinspark»
    Mit dieser Sprungtechnik erreicht ihr spezielle Orte ohne die dafür
    benötigten Utensilien zu haben!
  • Der
    Eine weitere Sprungtechnik, sehr nützlich.
  • Draygon schnell besiegt
    Zwei Super Missles und ein Grappling-Beam Schuß reichen aus!
  • Tierliebe zum Ende
    Rettet Ecetos und Dakoras vor der Zerstörung Zebes’.
  • Spiel Demos
    Super Metroid zeigt euch zu beginn vier Demos.
  • Action Replay Codes
    Diese Codes sind quasi «Cheats», mit Hilfe des AR-Moduls oder
    eines Emulators könnt ihr sie nutzen.


Chrystal Flash

Um diesen Move ausführen zu können, müssen eure
Reserve Tanks leer und eure Energie unter 50 sein. Zudem werden
mindestens zehn Missiles, zehn Super Missiles und elf Power Bomben
benötigt. Sind diese Anforderungen erfüllt, müsst ihr beim Legen
einer Power Bombe L, R, Unten und X drücken und solange gedrückt
halten, bis Samus von einem Energieball umgeben wird, der all ihre
Energy Tanks wieder aufladen wird.

Ice Bomb

Rüstet Samus lediglich mit dem Charge sowie dem
Ice Beam aus und wählt schaltet auf die Power Bomben um. Wenn ihr
jetzt den Beam aufladet, umgibt euch ein Schutzschuld bestehend
aus vier Eiskristallen! Die Ice Bomb benötigt eine Power Bombe,
um ausgeführt werden zu können!

Wave Bomb

Rüstet Samus lediglich mit dem Charge sowie dem
Wave Beam aus und schaltet auf die Power Bomben um. Wenn ihr jetzt
den Beam aufladet, umschweben euch pinkfarbene Explosionen! Die
Wave Bomb benötigt eine Power Bombe, um ausgeführt werden zu können!

Spazer Bomb

Rüstet Samus lediglich mit dem Charge Beam sowie
dem Spazer aus und schaltet auf die Power Bomben um. Wenn ihr jetzt
den Beam aufladet, fallen sechs Speazer Schüsse neben euch her!
Die Spazer Bomb benötigt eine Power Bombe, um ausgeführt werden
zu können!

Plasma Bomb

Rüstet Samus lediglich mit dem Charge sowie dem
Plasma Beam aus und schaltet auf die Power Bomben um. Wenn ihr jetzt
den Beam aufladet, umgibt euch ein Schutzschild bestehend aus vier
Plasma Kugeln! Die Plasma Bomb benötigt eine Power Bombe, um ausgeführt
werden zu können!


Bombiger Aufstieg (Bomb Jump)

Mit diesem Trick ist es möglich Orte zu erreichen, die erst später für eure Augen bestimmt sind. Dazu muss im immer gleichen Abstand Bomben gelegt werden, bis ihr höher und höher gelangt — grenzenlos.


Um eine Reihe, bestehend aus fünf Bomben,
legen zu können, muss Samus Aran ihre Waffe mit Hilfe des Charge-Beams
aufladen und sich dann zu einem Morph-Ball kugeln.


Jet-Sprung «Shinespark»

Der Shinespark

In dem Raum, wo ihr gegen den Miniboss Crocomire
gekämpft habt, könnt ihr euch durch den Shinespark einen
Energietank sichern. Rennt dank der Speed-Booster Lichtgeschwindigkeit
und drückt dann nach unten, wenn ihr euch nun hinkniet, blink
ihr, drückt nun das Steuerkreuz nach rechts und A gleichzeitig
und ihr fliegt los. Übrigens, Samus lernt diesen Trick in Brinstar
durch Hilfe des Dakora.


Der Wandsprung

Beigebracht von den Etecos in Brinstar kann sich
Samus mit dieser Technik an jeder Wand hocharbeiten, fast wie der
Space Jump, man hüpft dazu nur an die Wand und in dem Moment
wo man die Wand berührt, drückt ihr in die andere Richtung
und springt wieder.

Draygon schnell besiegt

Draygon schnell besiegt

Der Miniboss aus Maridia ist eigentlich ein ernst zunehmender Gegner, gebe es da nicht die Möglichkeit, ihn ohne einmal selbst zu beschießen, zu besiegen. Wie? ganz einfach. Wie auf dem Bild zu sehen ist, die Plasma-Kanonen an der Wand mit einer Super Missle zerstören, warten bis Draygon euch packt, und dann mit dem Grapple Beam auf die zerstöre Kanone schießen und halten. Diese Aktion wird euch und Draygon eine Menge Energie kosten, wenn ihr aber volle Energytanks habt sollte Draygon vor euch das zeitliche segnen.

zum Ende

Rettet die Etecos
und Dakora

Wenn ihr Mother Brain besiegt habt, ertönt
die Selbstzerstörungssequenz, beeilt euch auf eurem Weg zurück
zum Schiff und schaut nochmal in dem Raum nach, wo ihr die Bomben
bekamt, dort warten nähmlich die drei Etecos und das Dakora,
schießt mit dem Hyper-Beam rechts ein Loch in die Wand und
sie flüchten, ihr könnt dann, wenn der Planet explodiert
eine Rettungskapsel rechts wegfliegen sehen, das ist auch der Grund
wieso diese Tier in Metroid Fusion auftauchen.


leider kein Bild verfügbar

Verschiedene Spieldemos

Wenn ihr das Spiel startet und keine Taste betätigt,
zeigt euch das Super Metroid nach dem Intro vier Spiel Demos, in
denen man einige nette Sachen sehen kann.

Action Replay Codes

Action Replay Codes

7E09A910 — 50 Power Bombs und alle Beams

7E09C50B — 28 Energytanks

7E09C60A — unendlich Missles

7E09CA0A — unendlich Super Missles

7E0905Dx — x für Anzahl der Reservetanks

FA86-4760 — MASTER CODE (muss an sein)

62C5-14A6 — Starte mit Hyper Beam

C225-3005 — Unverwundbar gegenüber Gegnern

DDCF-4461 — Levelwahl

7E09-C263 — Moon Jump

7ED908FF — Alle Karten aufgedeckt


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Komplettlösung für Super Metroid (SNES — 1994)

  • Walkthough

    — ZIP/Word Dokument, 1,3 MB
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    Word-Viewer (Microsoft. de)

  • Tipps & Tricks — Geheime Moves und Attacken
    Nicht im offiziellen Nintendo Spieleberater enthalten!
  • Super Metroid Karte 1
  • Super Metroid Karte 2
  • Super Metroid Karte 3 (Achtung: 1,11 MB)
    Eine im Maßstab 1:25 Level Karte von Stefan Schropp.
  • Super Metroid Karte 4
    Von einem Super Metroid Entwickler skizziert.

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Usurper :: Russian Steam Community



Perhaps such a high-profile title should be commented on right away: the game really absorbed many of the hallmarks of the famous Dark Souls . Being a typical (in the good sense of the word) metroidvania, Usurper at the same time stands out noticeably against the background of other projects in this genre: despite the fact that the fundamentals of the gameplay, like all similar games, are based on the basic principles laid down by the legendary Super Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night feel like Dark Souls in 2D to Usurper.


Of course, the similarity of these two games is purely formal. Usurper has its own ambiance, quite gloomy even compared to the games in the series Castlevania . It combines magic and futuristic technology; worship of the ancient gods and monarchical loyalty to law, order and the queen; gloomy dungeons, sinister dungeons and creepy laboratories; finally, there are not only swords, rapiers, katanas, bows, but also firearms, electric whips and even a lightsaber! Of course, in terms of content and plot, Usurper is completely original, but its main mechanics are clearly borrowed from the famous game series from the Japanese developer From Software.

As in it, here the main gameplay unit is souls (named here by the unambiguous word «life», or « vitae » in the original), obtained from killed monsters. These souls serve both as a resource for leveling the hero and as a currency for buying items. They are also lost after the death of the hero, but they can be collected back if you return to the place of death and do not die on the way again. And this feature significantly distinguishes Usurper from fellow Metroidvanias. The player is not let go by a constant feeling of anxiety — the more souls you carry with you, the more terrible it is to move further along the map, moving away from a safe checkpoint. And when there is a long path behind, the door to the boss is ahead, and there is little health left (by the way, there is no treatment provided in the game, the health bar is replenished only at the save point) … The fear of losing the cherished souls accumulated by hard work at once makes you be careful, not rush forward headlong, but methodically lure out opponents one by one, retreat in time and generally not meddle where it is obviously too early to meddle. Remember that feeling when you foolishly fell into the abyss and lost 30,000 souls, which you diligently accumulated for a whole hour? And 100,000 souls? Usurper lets you experience it again.


Some linearity of the game is a bit frustrating. Yes, oddly enough, despite the abundance of locations and the many paths you can take, a clear line laid down by the developer involuntarily peeps through. And the reason for this is the overly chatty Waltham, which the protagonist carries in himself (similar to the brilliant Spanish metroidvania UnEpic ): he literally leaves no choice, bluntly speaking, where to go! This at one time distinguished the masterpiece Super Metroid and the much less successful Metroid Fusion : if in the first the player had to figure out what to do on his own, then in the second, the kind computer uncompromisingly directed us to one or another zone, politely closing the doors to all other locations until it was needed there according to the plot. It’s the same here: the soul asks for freedom, yearns for discoveries, but the persistent Waltham deprives us of any pleasure to study the map ourselves, leading us along a predetermined route.

By the way, unlike most metroidvanias, locations in Usurper suffer from gigantism somewhat. From the usual rooms and corridors, the game moves towards large-scale open spaces with many floors, dead ends and stairs. There are not much more zones here than in any other game of this genre, but often some of them are just … one room! Yes, a whole location, with a unique atmosphere, music, opponents, can be dedicated to just one room — huge, long and wide, but still one. This, admittedly, seriously dulls the exploratory spirit: you always want to know where the road leads to the right, where it leads to the left, and where it goes up or down, and you can’t decide which direction to go first. Large locations deprive this interest. Moreover, one of the NPCs can buy a full map of the whole game — every turn, every platform, every corner is visible on it, except that the monsters and chests are not marked. This reduces the element of surprise to almost nothing, where you can see the entire location before you enter it for the first time.


It is impossible not to mention the character’s abilities. They are often the most intriguing and distinctive element of any Metroidvania game. Roll into a sphere? Stop time? Turn into mist? Every time you think what else the developers will come up with to surprise the sophisticated player. Unfortunately, quite hackneyed tricks also wander from game to game — a double jump that allows you to get to high platforms, all kinds of «keys» that give access to a new location simply because some «door» blocks the way to it … And Usurper brings little to the genre in this regard. Against the background of the standard set, only Shift Blade can be distinguished — the ability to move through narrow cracks in the walls for short distances (something similar could be seen in the amazing Axiom Verge , where the character, using the «glitches» of the system, could pass through rather thin walls), as well as the Guard system — a very inventive game mechanic! This is at the same time a scale of endurance spent on certain actions — attacks, dodges, use of a shield; and protection of the character, capable of saving him from certain death, depending on how full this scale is. Such a gameplay element forces us to completely reconsider the tactics of warfare — it makes it impossible to mindlessly «plug» opponents, teaches us to realize a simple truth: each attack reduces the character’s defense, and therefore a delicate balance between attack and parry is needed.

And of course, the main stumbling block of the game can be confidently called the most banal and at the same time atypical ability for this genre — flight. Since the acquisition, it completely breaks the whole perception of the game. It destroys all platforming, negates all the skills that the player has worked hard to hone in Super Meat Boy and I Wanna Be The Boshy . Flying makes the protagonist almost… omnipotent! From now on, no enemy poses a threat when you can simply fly around him. Searching for caches becomes boring when you can easily get to the most remote corners of the map. With the ability to fly, you can be sure you will never run on your own two feet again — and the pace of the game changes dramatically, from cautious, measured and wary to impetuous, indifferent, hurried. If the locations are walked slowly and for a long time, then with the flight you can fly around absolutely the entire map of the game in just twenty minutes! This ability is truly revealed only in a fight with the main villain, as if referring to Sonic’s famous pursuit of Dr. Eggman in the final Sonic 3 & Knuckles , when the antagonist is trying to escape through endless outer space, and we need to catch up with him and stop him — however, the scale is somewhat smaller here, and instead of space, the main character will have to surf the expanses of the London night sky.

VERDICT : Usurper successfully combines classic metroidvania mechanics with elements of the Dark Souls series, has a memorable late 19th century London setting in an alternate universe with futuristic technology, ancient gods, melee and firearms and magic. The game is moderately difficult (especially NG+), gloomy (this is a separate merit of the atmospheric soundtrack) and cruel (not dismembered, of course, but there is enough blood), which makes it a very noticeable instance in the library of similar projects.

RATE 8/10

Metroid Dread for Switch Reviews


  • Publisher:


  • Release date:
    Oct 8, 2021
  • Summary

  • Critic Reviews

  • User Reviews

  • Details & Credits

  • Trailers & Videos



Generally favorable reviews

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8. 6

Generally favorable reviews- based on 2558 Ratings

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  • Summary:

    Join intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran in her first new 2D Metroid™ story in 19 years. Samus’ story continues after the events of the Metroid™ Fusion game when she descends upon planet ZDR to investigate a mysterious transmission sent to the Galactic Federation. The remote planet hasJoin intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran in her first new 2D Metroid™ story in 19years. Samus’ story continues after the events of the Metroid™ Fusion game when she descends upon planet ZDR to investigate a mysterious transmission sent to the Galactic Federation. The remote planet has become overrun by vicious alien lifeforms and chilling mechanical menaces. Samus is more agile and capable than ever, but can she overcome the inhuman threat stalking the depths of ZDR?

    Face off against unrelenting E.M.M.I. robots

    Once DNA-extracting research machines, the imposing E.M.M.I. are now hunting Samus down. Tensions are high as you evade these E.M.M.I. to avoid a cruel death while finding a way to take them down. Find out what turned these robotic wonders into the scourge of ZDR and escape with your life.

    Feel Samus’ power grow as you gain maneuvers and abilities

    Acquire new and familiar abilities as you traverse the many environments of this dangerous world. Parkour over obstacles, slide through tight spaces, counter enemies, and battle your way through the planet. Return to areas and use your new abilities to find upgrades, alternate paths, and a way forward. Explore the sprawling map, evade and destroy E.M.M.I. robots, and overcome the dread plaguing ZDR.


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  • developer:

    Mercury Steam

  • Genre(s): Action, Action Adventure, Platformer, Open-World, , Metroidvania
  • # of players:
    No Online Multiplayer
  • Cheats:
    On GameFAQs
  • Rating:
  • More Details and Credits »


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Metroid Dread — 5 Minutes of Off-Screen Gameplay

Score distribution:

  1. positive:

    out of 124

  2. Mixed:

    out of 124

  3. Negative:

    out of 124

  1. Quotation forthcoming.

  2. Metroid Dread is a triumphant return for both Samus Aran and developer MercurySteam. This is a super-slick, hugely entertaining and exquisitely designed entry in the Metroid franchise that plays better than anything we’ve seen from the series so far. With a bunch of fantastic new abilities, super tense and enjoyable stealth sections, plenty of great big boss fights and a story that fans will definitely enjoy, we can’t really see how this one could have been any better. Best Metroid game ever? This could be the one.

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