Styx shards of darkness komplettlösung: Styx: Shards of Darkness: Tipps & Tricks, Fundorte aller Poster, Abzeichen und Embleme

Styx: Shards of Darkness: Tipps & Tricks, Fundorte aller Poster, Abzeichen und Embleme

In Styx: Shards of Darkness müsst ihr wieder euer Schleichtalent unter Beweis stellen. In unserem Guide verraten wir euch, wie ihr möglichst unauffällig tötet und zum Stealth-Meister werdet. Außerdem zeigen wir euch die Fundorte aller Poster, Abzeichen und Embleme.


Bedenkt, dass ihr während dieser Zeit zwar nicht visuell zu erfassen seid, wohl aber noch zu hören. Gegner anrempeln, wild springen oder rennen gehören also nicht unbedingt zu den besten Ideen.

Verhindert Sturzschaden

Sollte Styx bei einer Kletterpassage den Halt verlieren, drückt schnell die entsprechende Taste zum Greifen, damit ihr nicht den ganzen Weg hinab stürzt und sterbt.

Keine Gegner töten

Wenn ihr keine Gegner töten wollt, trotzdem auf die Auszeichnung „Gnade“ nicht verzichten möchtet, nutzt Gifte im Essen, explosive Kisten/Fässer oder herunterfallende Objekte, um die Gegner auszuschalten. Das System sieht diese Vorgehensweise als Unfall an und nicht als Mord.


Behaltet immer den Dolch auf Styx‘ Rücken im Auge, da sein Leuchten euch verrät, wie gut ihr für den Feind zu sehen seid.

Feinde anlocken

Habt ihr vor einen Kronleuchter auf eure Feinde fallen zu lassen, lockt sie zuvor mit einem Ablenkungsgegenstand auf den roten Teppich direkt darunter, um so viele Gegner wie nur möglich auszuschalten.

Nahkampf vermeiden

Styx: Shards of Darkness ist ein reines Stealthgame und sollte entsprechend gespielt werden. Meidet mit eurer Figur den Nahkampf, da ihr hier hoffnungslos unterlegen seid. In niedrigeren Schwierigkeitsstufen kann Styx zwar parieren, einen Sieg bringt euch das aber auch nicht ein.

Eisenerz sammeln

Mit Wurfpfeilen könnt ihr Wachen im Handumdrehen ausschalten. Um diese kostbaren Waffen herzustellen, benötigt ihr jedoch das Erz. Haltet also die Augen danach offen und sammelt so viel wie möglich davon ein.

Alarm vermeiden

Abgesehen von der offensichtlichen Taktik, euch dem Feind nicht zu zeigen, solltet ihr euch stets die Zeit nehmen, alle Leichen, beziehungsweise bewusstlosen Körper zu verstecken. Bedenkt zudem, dass das Entdecken des Goblin-Klons nicht in die Statistik fällt. Löscht Lichtquellen und erkundet Räume also bestenfalls so.

Weg finden

Wenn ihr einmal nicht weiter wisst, aktiviert Styx‘ Goldharzsicht. So werden die Stellen markiert, an denen ihr klettern könnt.

Mehr Erfahrungspunkte

Um das Spiel deutlich einfacher zu machen, solltet ihr so viele Neben- und Sammelaufgaben wie nur möglich erfüllen. Dadurch könnt ihr schneller neue Fähigkeiten meistern und eure Aufgaben wesentlich effizienter zum Abschluss bringen.

Styx Shards of Darkness Guide: Fundorte aller Poster – Mission 0: Prolog

Poster #01 – Folgt den Anweisungen, die euch zu Abzeichen #01 führen. Im gleichen Raum, in welchem ihr dieses Sammlerstück befindet, hängt auch das gesuchte Poster an der Wand.

Poster #02 – Rechts von der Stelle zu Beginn, wo eure Goblin-Verbündeten in einen Kampf geraten sind, findet sich eine weitere kleine Hütte am Gestein. An der Außenwand hängt Poster #02.

Poster #03 – Nähert euch dem großen Gebäude, bei welchem ihr per Quest die Rückseite erreichen müsst. Auf der rechten Seite hängt dieses Poster an einem der Holzpfeiler.

Poster #04 – Aus dem kleinen Raum, in welchem ihr die gesuchten Dokumente gefunden habt, geht es nach oben und über die Fenster in den hinteren Teil des Gebäudes. Achtet hier auf die zwei Wachen und umgeht diese. Im hintersten Raum erwartet euch dieses Sammlerstück.

Poster #05 – Dieses Poster befindet sich, genau wie Abzeichen #04, im Eingangsbereich des großen Gebäudes. Folgt ihr der Treppe nach unten, befindet sich das gesuchte Sammlerstück links an der Wand.

Poster #06 – Im Haus der Wachen steht ein großer Holztisch, recht mittig im unteren Geschoss. Das gesuchte Poster liegt auf besagten Tisch und wird von einer großen Gruppe wachen beschützt. Seid besonders vorsichtig.

Poster #07 – Dieses Poster findet ihr im Haus der Wachen, zweite Etage. Sucht danach in dem Raum, in welchem ihr auch den Lohn der Wachen finden könnt. Poster #07 hängt an einem der Holzpfosten.

Poster #08 – Habt ihr alle Objekte eures Auftrags gefunden, müsst ihr die Spitze des Gebäudes erreichen, um diesen Level hinter euch lassen zu können. Kümmert euch oben angekommen um die beiden Wachen, verlasst den Raum nach draußen und schnappt euch das Poster hier von einem der Holzpfosten.

Styx: Shards of Darkness Game Guide

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Don’t come out of the shadows! Styx: Shards of Darkness guide contains a walkthrough breaking down each mission and focusing on aiding new players in completion of quests and in solving puzzles. It also covers side finding collectibles, crafting, using skills and unlocking trophies.

Last update: Thursday, March 16, 2017

The guide to Styx: Shards of Darkness is the game’s compendium. Most notably, this guide contains a walkthrough breaking down each mission and focusing on aiding new players in completion of quests and in solving puzzles. It also contains numerous mechanics-related tips and tricks. In addition to that, the guide also contains both instructions on completing and finding tokens and elements of side quests (tiles, notes, posters). The Styx’ equipment and crafting items, which can be crafted by the protagonist. A list of skills can also be found here, along with some advice concerning the best choices, especially during the game’s initial stages. We have also prepared an achievement/trophies list along with advice on completing the hardest ones.

Styx: Shards of Darkness is the second entry in a series of games which fantastically combine stealth with more arcade, TPP action. The eponymous goblin tries to mind his own business (that is thievery), but he becomes involved in an inter-racial intrigue, which forces him to pick a part time job as a spy. The plot warrants huge diversification of locations and enemies that populate them. The players have a choice: they can either become a killer or avoid direct confrontation altogether by utilizing the multiplicity of options offered by the environment, skills and numerous gadgets. A huge advantage of this game is the ability of accomplishing mission goals in more than one way.

The guide to Styx: Shards of Darkness includes:

  • A walkthrough of main and side quests;
  • Locations of tokens;
  • A break-down of mechanics-related topics and numerous advice;
  • A break-down of the inventory and gadgets;
  • A description of skills and advice on unlocking them;
  • A list of trophies along with advice on unlocking them.

Patrick «YxU» Homa (

About Styx: Shards of Darkness Game Guide

Author : Patrick «yxu» Homa for

last update : July 11, 2017

Guide contains :
56 pages, 389 images.

Use the comments below to submit your updates and corrections to this guide.

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Walkthrough Styx: Shards of Darkness. Prologue — The city of the thieves

The continuation of the adventures of Styx begins with an introductory video in which goblin , using almost all his tricks, steals a box with their salary from a group of guards. After the cutscene, the prologue starts loading, and you can read a little about the plot. So, several decades have passed after the events of the first part of the game ( Styx: Master of Shadows ), the goblins filled the human empire and 9 was created to fight them.0007

The main character, however, does not care much.

squad C.A.R.N.A.G.E. . Styx has taken refuge in a small village Toben in the middle of the swamps and works for the owner of the local tavern.

After downloading, you will take control in your hands, and the game will actively help you, suggesting the purpose of the buttons. Go to the right and climb into the doorway , clogged with boards. In a small room there is a torch that can be extinguished, and a door. Before opening door , through the keyhole examine the situation so as not to run into a guard.

In this case, there are no dangers behind the door, so you can safely open it. Jumping over dips , get to a spacious area with a torch. Next, you need to jump down and, grabbing the edge, climb over the obstacle. This is done by a simple step forward into the abyss with the right mouse button previously held down. Sticks will grab at the edge of and thus be able to get over to the other side. Then jump over to the neighboring roof, then climb over the rope to the platform and from there — up the small ledges in the rock. At the top of the player is waiting for another rope leading down. Drive down it to the next building and go inside. Search the first floor, collect crafting ingredients and climb up, then look around on the second floor and climb up to loft .

In the attic there is a


that can be used to reach the next building. Then run through the ruined house to the failure and jump to


, on it you need to swing to the left side and jump over the abyss

. Right before the eyes of the protagonist, the guards will kill one of the goblins. But do not rush to take revenge, especially if you are going to act without

And this is the most reasonable approach in this game

kills. As soon as the guards calm down, make your way towards your goal, jumping over the gaps.

At this stage, one more subtask will appear — to tear down the propaganda posters of Detachment C.A.R.N.A.G.E. . If you wish, you can run around the district and destroy campaign materials. To complete the main goal, move to the pointer. Near

the brazier

there are two guards, they can be distracted

Appropriate hint will appear

clone of Styx and sneak into the hole in the wall.

Once inside, go through the first door, there are no guards in the room, but there is


, where you can craft. One of the guards wanders behind the second door. If desired, it can be

Stab or poison food on the table

dispose of. However, extra points will be deducted for killing, so wait until he turns away from you and go to the right, grab


from the barrel and

There is a value of

on the table that the man approaches, go to the stairs.

After going upstairs, first turn on the «amber vision» (R button if you don’t already know) and inspect the cabinet on the left. One of the books is highlighted, and if you move it, the passage to the secret room will open. Inside there is a vial with

Consumed for the invisibility of Styx, indicated by a yellow scale

amber. Further, using the same «vision», slip past the guards on the floor

to the stairs

. Climbing up, you go out to the corridor along which the guard roams. Wait for him to go back, and at the very beginning of the corridor, inspect the first


on the window sill on the right. Further past the guard, make your way to the other side, the door ahead is closed, so use the open


, go over the small platform and climb into the next open window


There are several enemies ahead. First, extinguish torch , wait for the guards to finish talking, then exit the corridor and go up the stairs to the left. To get past the guard above, you can use invisibility . Go outside, sticking to the left side, pass the guards, run to the rope and go down. nine0007

From the platform jump onto rope . Get down and jump from the suspended load to the next rope . Next, you need to use a few more ropes to get to the window, which is marked with sign . Wait for the guard to leave, climb inside and take loot from the table opposite the window. Then grab money guards and leave the room through the door. Climbing up the low stairs, take the poster from the table and go right to stairs to the second floor.

Climbing up, go through the first door, there is loot in the room and master key . Exit and move to the next door. Having opened it with a master key, do not rush to enter, guard is wandering near the door. He does not care about the opened door, so wait until the enemy stands at the table on the right, and go forward. A poster hangs on a column, and a little further on the shelves there is another jewel. Now turn around to the door, wait for the guard to move away from the table, grab salary guards and come out. Behind the door, go right to the farthest door, open it and go outside. Climbing up the stairs, turn right and, after jumping over the railing, climb into the window . After passing by the guards, grab the last box with money and climb out the window. It remains only to get to the exit from the level, and the mission will be completed. Climb up to the roof following the sign. On the way to the balloon, you can rip off the poster. As soon as Styx sits in the ball, the prologue will be completed. To be continued…

Written by Folstaad for

Editor: DolanDuck

Keywords: Styx: Shards of Darkness, Shards of Darkness, Goblins, Styx, Karngar, Toben, C.A.R.N.A.G.E, document, gems, prologue

9000 Walkthrough Styx: Shards of Darkness

League of Shadows / Dungeon — Page 3 — Discussing individual factions




Sent by 02 October 2014 — 13:57

Flag_Dungeon2.png 62.05K
1 Number of downloads Units


Introducing the Dark Elves (07. 10.14)


Voting results Dungeon vs Inferno (02.10.14-31.10.14)


Voting for Dark Elf unit lines (01.11.14-14.11.14)


  • Nekit and Nerion liked it
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Sent by 04 October 2014 — 10:35

Nick, give me a link. It’s interesting to see what they write.

  • Top
  • nine0196



    Sent by 04 October 2014 — 10:56


    You should dilute your perception with something other than just heroes 3. The swamp is dead.

    At the expense of the nonsense of the hydras, Shalas and Malas sisters, so this can be anywhere.

    In addition, she was the sister of Cerberus and guarded the entrance to the kingdom of the dead Hades. So at least attribute it to inferno, to be honest. nine0007

    To be fair, she was closer to Dungeon when he was a haven of chaos in the 4th part. But even now it fits quite well.

    As far as I remember, the river of the dead leads to the kingdom of Hades, like in the Greek version it is the styx. Yes, and the kingdom of Hades is far from hell and inferno.

    • Top



    Sent by 04 October 2014 — 11:01

    Urgash and Asha are also brother and sister. )))

    Regarding Hades: I did not invent it myself, everything is on Wikipedia, the link is above.

    • Top



    Sent by 04 October 2014 — 11:06

    Nick, give me a link. It’s interesting to see what they write. nine0008

    What do they write, where do they write? Hydra was a Sanctuary creature in Heroes Online, which means it will most likely be an alternate champion.

    Darkness is the absence of light. (с) Well-known student

    • Top



    Sent by 04 October 2014 — 11:23

    What do they write, where do they write? Hydra was a Sanctuary creature in Heroes Online, which means it will most likely be an alternate champion.

    There is no Sanctuary faction in Heroes Online.

    • Top



    Sent by 04 October 2014 — 11:42

    I understand that we are talking about the coastal creatures of the Jade Shore. Judging by the rest of the members (kenshi, kappas, wanizame) this is Sanctuary. nine0007

    But the creatures are full of Pe. Like the oaks at Inferno. I don’t think we can equal them.

    Post has been edited by Hendrixx: 04 October 2014 — 11:44

    • Top



    Sent by 04 October 2014 — 14:33

    [OFFTOP]my yours don’t understand[/OFFTOP]

    Finally, I have a computer, I can safely write.
    And if you imagine a story like this:
    Previously, hydras were the creation of Shalassa and lived mainly in water caves. That is, the naga shoguns could catch them and then use them for their own purposes — to guard treasuries or bite enemies in fierce battles. But Malassa became interested in these creatures. And there are 2 options:
    1) Malassa sends a vision to the priest, he asks several professional thieves and assassins (TE) to steal hydras. They steal them, they carry out a bloody ritual in the dark vein of the dragon, during which the hydras «refuse» Malassa and accept darkness. After the ritual, several hydras break free, the remaining TEs are selected and bred in order to use them in the army.
    2) A few faceless ones seduce the hydras in the naga camps, they riot, blood, guts, meat… and then the faceless ones take them to the caves. There hydras evolve for several (hundreds?) years, then they are captured by TEs and bred for the army.
    P.S. I used to write from the phone, for some reason only part of the information comes to the site from the phone.


    • Top



    Sent by 04 October 2014 — 15:07

    Cool. Where did you get such a smut? In the black vein of the dragon?

    • Aruga liked it
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    • nine0196



      Sent by 04 October 2014 — 18:03

      Cool. Where did you get such a smut? In the black vein of the dragon?

      Well… Do you know how the scorpicores turned out? They were bathed just in a dark dragon vein.

      • Top




      Sent by 04 October 2014 — 19:24

      Well… Do you know how the scorpicores turned out? They were bathed just in a dark dragon vein.

      Nyyy you turned it down. Let’s start with the fact that there is no dark blood of the dragon, the dragons of ashi have one and the yrgash has another, only this way.

      The same griffins also received a dose of dragon blood.

      • Top




      Sent by 04 October 2014 — 21:45

      Nyyy you turned it down. Let’s start with the fact that there is no dark blood of the dragon, the dragons of ashi have one and the yrgash has another, only this way.

      The same griffins also received a dose of dragon blood.

      in my opinion he meant the blood of malassa, but the idea is still not very good. I think that the rarzrabs will not play with hydras and drag them from one faction to another, they were declared as pets of TE, and will remain them IMHO

      • Top



      Sent by 04 October 2014 — 21:57

      More interesting is the origin of hydr. Are they really descended from dragons?

      • Top




      Sent by 04 October 2014 — 22:10

      More interesting is the origin of hydr. Are they really descended from dragons?

      Doesn’t look like it?

      • Top



      Sent by 04 October 2014 — 23:02


      Doesn’t it look like it?

      Similar. But I would like to know how exactly they appeared. In the case of hydras, explanations of the origin of other creatures do not work (magicians injected the blood of the beast; griffins and lions drank from the same pool of blood; Sylanna created horned horses).

      Plus the divine essence of dragons may impose certain properties on hydras.

      However, another possible origin of hydras would be from snakes and some other reptiles. Or this topic will simply be hushed up. Or there will be no hydro. nine0007

      Post has been edited by SonOfMalassa: 04 October 2014 — 23:02

      • Top



      Sent by 04 October 2014 — 23:08

      I don’t think you should bother with hydras like that. People in Ashan also did not originate from monkeys, so any, even the most crazy, theory of their origin will go with a bang. nine0007

      • Top



      Sent by 05 October 2014 — 00:07

      I don’t think you should bother with hydras like that. People in Ashan also did not originate from monkeys, so any, even the most crazy, theory of their origin will go with a bang.

      So I would like to know this theory. And humans are the original race. Asha herself created them. nine0007

      • Top



      Sent by 05 October 2014 — 00:50

      So I would like to know this theory. And humans are the original race. Asha herself created them.

      You are the son of Malassa. How do you not know this?

      But seriously, wait a minute. Soon you will have stories about hydras and stuff (if there are hydras at all in 7-ke). nine0007

      • Top



      Sent by 05 October 2014 — 01:13

      in my opinion he meant the blood of malassa, but the idea is still not very good. I think that rarzrabs will not play with hydras and drag them from one faction to another, they were declared as pets of TE, and will remain so IMHO

      They are NOT TA’s pets. They were never in the dungeon in the old universe. They were in the swamps and EVERYTHING. The Sanctuary in Ashan is the reincarnation of the swamps and the hydra should be there as an alternative to the Kirins.

      Darkness is the absence of light. (с) Well-known student

      • Top



      Sent by 05 October 2014 — 01:20

      They are NOT TA’s pets. They were never in the dungeon in the old universe. They were in the swamps and EVERYTHING. The Sanctuary in Ashan is the reincarnation of the swamps and the hydra should be there as an alternative to the Kirins.

      Warlock (h2-h3) doesn’t count, right? Well, Asylum in h5, back merged with Fortress and Dungeon. (as I already wrote Fortress in h4 is one of two varieties of Warlock from h2-h3 along with Dungeon)

      Post has been editedArugaf: 05 October 2014 — 01:22


      • Top



      Sent by 05 October 2014 — 01:22

      Warlock (h2-h3) doesn’t count, does it?

      Does the fact that this is not an underground faction tell you anything?

      Darkness is the absence of light.