Steam guthaben hack: Redeem a Steam Gift Card or Wallet Code

Vermutung auf Hack? (Computer)

Letzte Aktivität: 03.08.2022, 23:35
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  • Das wurde mir mit dieser

    Nachricht geschickt.

    dann hab ich diesen Menschen angeschrieben, der hat irgendwas von 134 Reports gelabert. nun frag ich mich ob das so richtig ist, denn ich bin normal auf steam unterwegs, schreibe nichts in denn Chat oder so und spiele eigentlich nur Sims.
    problem ist ich hab ihn meine steam Daten gegeben.

    zum Glück hab ich keine credit karte. Dann sollte ich irgendeine steam 50 karte kaufen.
    naja wie kann ich wieder in meinem account?

    03.08.2022, 01:57

    Ok hat sich geklärt hab zum Glück eine falsche email benutzt.

    4 Antworten


    03.08.2022, 01:45

    Das auf dem ersten Bild habe ich hier vor einigen Wochen schonmal so oder so ähnlich gesehen, das ist fake.

    Junior Usermod

    03.08.2022, 01:43

    Das is´n Scam, ignorier den Typen auf Discord und gut ist.




    03.08.2022, 01:46

    Am besten du resettest dein Passwort und googelst erstmal bevor du sowas machst, denn das ist eine Abzockmasche um an deinen Account zu kommen.

    Aendere dein Passwort sofort und blockier diese Person, oder melde sie nochmal am besten auf Discord (Klick mich)

    Auch wenn du gemeldet wurdest, falls du nichts falsch gemacht hast, dann wird auch nichts passieren.

    Woher ich das weiß:Eigene Erfahrung – Beschaeftige mich seit knapp 5 Jahren mit PCs.

    1 Kommentar


    03.08.2022, 01:44

    Wer drückte denn auch auf so einen link und antwortet auch och das ist doch eig klar das das scam is 😭😭 und gibt dann noch einem fremden Menschen die acc Daten

    3 Kommentare

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    Steam Account gehacked und Geld gestohlen? (Computer, PC, Recht)

    Letzte Aktivität: 20. 11.2022, 22:19
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  • PC
  • Computer
  • Finanzen
  • Fußball
  • Geld
  • Xbox
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  • Recht
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  • Gaming
  • FIFA
  • Diebstahl
  • EA
  • Hackerangriff
  • Hacking
  • Steam
  • zocken
  • EA Sports
  • Origin
  • FIFA 23
  • Ich habe am 20. 9 FIFA 23 bei Steam vorbestellt. Ein Hacker hat sich am 27.9 in mein Account gehacked und hat FIFA 23 zurückerstattet und hat dadurch ein Steam Guthaben bekommen von 69,99€. Er hat sich und seinen Freunden damit sehr viele Spiele geschenkt. Habe ich eine Chance, dass ich mein Geld oder FIFA 23 wiederbekomme?

    Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


    01.10.2022, 16:44

    Das Geld kriegst du nicht zurück aber du kannst dich ja mal mit dem Support in Verbindung setzen und schauen, ob sich die verschenkten Inhalte nicht sperren lassen. Dann hätten immerhin beide Seiten die Arschkarte gezogen.

    2 Kommentare


    01. 10.2022, 16:27

    Nein. Selbst wenn du beweisen kannst dass es Fremdeingriff war wird Steam nichts machen

    8 Kommentare


    01.10.2022, 20:47

    Ich denke mal nicht. Sollte dir eine Lehre sein, 2FA aktivieren und starkes Passwort. Wie ist er den überhaupt reingekommen?

    1 Kommentar


    01.10.2022, 16:29

    Nein, aber ich würde mal den Account besser sichern.

    2 Kommentare

    Common types of fraud in STEAM

    Common types of fraud in STEAM

    Often, users see a message in the exchange window about crediting them with money after the exchange, upon completion of the exchange, they lose all their things.

    It is important to remember that you cannot exchange for anything that cannot be transferred through the Steam exchange window (money, digital keys, game keys, etc.)

    , because the only and safest way to sell items is only Steam Marketplace .

    Often, scammers can quickly replace an expensive thing with a cheap one at the last moment, or even remove it by throwing unnecessary rubbish in order to distract you while you are having a dialogue with him. Exchange only after you double-check all game items in the exchange window, the scammer does this in the hope that you will not notice this.

    False guarantee

    A user is added to you who wants to buy your items for real money.
    Further, he may offer his guarantor, and probably you will refuse him, then he suggests that your friend on Steam be the guarantor, writes that you transfer things to your friend to complete the transaction, and at this moment, the scammer logging in from another account, (for example previously added to you as a friend), changes the nickname and avatar as your friend (to whom you want to transfer items).
    Further, without noticing anything, you offer an exchange to a false account (friend), and you lose everything. nine0007

    Empty exchange

    The probability of getting this plate for an empty exchange is rare, but still it is, if you buy a game item for example for real money, it is advisable to always throw it into the exchange window, instead of any inexpensive thing (card / emoticon/background/box, otherwise the scammer may complain to technical support that he was allegedly deceived, and you may lose your item or get a trade ban. from the computer of the owner of the Steam account.0055

    • This file contains important account information and is used by Steam Guard to avoid unnecessary security checks. As a result, users sent their SSFN file to a fake site.
    • One of the phishing attacks is based on a page made on the (fake) official Steam site, where the user is asked for a username and password to enter the site. But at the same time, this page does not request a five-digit code from Steam Guard, but a special SSFN file located in the local Steam folder on the user’s computer. nine0065
    • You can find this file in the Steam folder, it contains information that this computer has already been verified and you no longer need to enter the verification code from the email.
    • Theft of this file is usually carried out through phishing sites, which may ask the user not only to enter a username and password (these sites are similar only in the design of the original Steam site), but may also ask you to download an SSFN file from your computer. Also, the scammer simply may ask you to send him this file. nine0065
    • A scammer who received your login, password from the SSFN file can gain access to your Steam account, using the money for their own purposes.
    • Today, one of the protection options, in case of a virus penetration, is to enable parental control on Steam by setting a PIN code in Steam. With this feature, every time you log into Steam from a website or client, you’ll need to enter a four-digit code to access your inventory and other features. Bypassing the PIN code has not yet been invented. nine0065

    Invalidity of the item price

    • , throwing a link to the left site of the cost of game items.
    • The real value of in-game items can be found on the Steam marketplace.

    During the analysis of malware in the debugger, the scheme of its operation was established. After running the SCR file, the user will still see the picture, but in the background of malware will perform the following actions:

    • Get the contents of the inventory of the user logged into Steam.
    • Send a Steam client authorization cookie to the remote server.
    • If there are valuable items of CS:GO/TF2/Dota2 games in the inventory, then move on.
    • Creates a virtual invisible desktop. nine0065
    • Will send trade requests with all items of value to one of the scammers hardcoded inside the SteamID (trade requests appear on an invisible virtual desktop).
    • Will send all the gifts (gifts) in the inventory to the same scammer’s SteamID.
    • will receive the list of Steam friends of the infected account and start mass mailing to them a link to download its copy (text random from the program’s dictionary). Incoming message windows are suppressed by displaying on a hidden virtual desktop. nine0065
    • Will remove itself completely from the system.


    The screenshot shows how the scammer wants to exchange with us and asks to evaluate his offer by looking at the picture with his game items.

    Fake Webmoney/Yandex/QIWI

    • nine0065
    • As a proof, he offers to show his screen via Skype, so that you can make sure that he really has such an amount on his account.
    • In fact, as often happens, in this example, it will show you a fake webmoney (the design of the site is exactly like the real one, even when it supposedly transfers money to you, the fake functions will exactly perform everything as in the original official Webmoney site /yandex, etc.
    • If he has already sent any amount before you, go in and check your finances, if the money has not arrived, just wait, no matter what the likely scammer says.0065

    Perhaps the scammer uses a fake Webmoney, be careful!

    Authorization via Steam

    This type of deception is often found on fake trading sites like csgolounge or dota2lounge , or sites selling game items through Steam (sometimes also requires authorization through Steam).

    Always pay attention to the addresses of trading sites if you are a fan of trading your things and betting on sites such as csgolounge or dota2lounge .

    1) Fake (address)

    2) csgoloung. com

    This site (address) csgolounge. com

    Cheats and other hacks.

    • We all know that cheating is any gaining superiority over others through fraudulent programs, including other fraudulent actions. Using cheats, you spoil the game not only for other people, but also harm yourself, because your account, if you used a cheat, it will still be banned and the cs:go inventory will be blocked anyway through the programs provided to them. Unfortunately, many people fall for this and lose their game items / accounts, etc., because in essence, cloning things, etc. on Steam is impossible, it’s worth remembering. nine0065

    Voice Fake programs like Teamspeak/Skype/Mumble

    • This type of deception is quite common, and almost every 2-3 people can become a victim of such deception.

    It happens like this, a tournament organizer is added to us and invites us to participate in the tournament, and to participate we need to download a voice program for communication, which we cannot do without.
    Or vice versa, he invites you to skype, and then starts a dialogue, they say he doesn’t hear you well, and offers to switch to another voice program, and then you, without noticing anything, download the program, and say goodbye to your acc, or things. nine0007

    In exactly the same way, you can get caught in a different way, the next way, a likely scammer is added to us who wants to invite us to the clan / guild, eventually rubs us into trust, maybe even communicates with us on Skype, eventually throws us our fake program for communication, download-lose acc and things.

    • In order not to fall for this method of deception, simply do not accept any programs from strangers who insistently assure us that the program works and there is no virus there, use only well-known programs for voice communication. nine0065

    Service for the restoration of things

    One of the following types of deception, unfortunately always relevant! Any newbie can get caught.
    In one of the examples (screenshot from VK), it can be seen that we are offered to cunningly restore things through Steam Supp, writing to Support that we allegedly lost game items or they simply disappeared.
    The following information must be indicated in the letter:

    Feedback of Gifts / Carding

    • For example, we want RUST Gift not for the full price of the game, but for a cheap price by exchanging our gaming (skins / keys for opening Steam chests) for RUST Gift, for example, through the website of traders .
    • At first glance, everything is fine, we exchanged, activated the Gift, went in to play, everything works fine. Going in a day or two, we see this window, indicating that the Gift has been withdrawn.

    • If it so happened that you got this window (above), you need to write a letter to Steam support. with the subsequent provision of the correct data on the exchange with the person from whom you took this Gift, be sure to provide screenshots of the exchange, the nickname of the scammer, and enter the date of the exchange. nine0065
    • Try to convey information about what happened as accurately as possible, do not write too much, emotions have no place here. If you are having trouble writing a letter, you can ask me about it.

    Raffle scams

    In the example, you can see that in order to receive a prize, you need to make a deposit.

    Alas, but people fall for such nonsense, in any case, this section is designed for such people, try not to make such mistakes again. nine0005

    But if you really won a prize, and you are not asked to contribute, then for personal safety, send the group admin a link to an offline trade, where he will throw you the item you won, or give a link to your profile on Steam, where he is, he will add you.

    Free items via SMS

    Fraudsters offer us to get Dota2 or CS:GO gear for free, for this you just need to log in via paid SMS and then connect to a paid service. nine0005

    As a result, you subscribe to a service with an unlimited cost, where you will be charged an amount (daily), and you can already turn off this service only by contacting your mobile operator, and by this time a hefty debt will accumulate on your mobile account.

    I don’t think it’s worth explaining further that you won’t get anything but a negative balance.

    Help with Lost Items/Account


    to Steam Support.

    Group-IB warned about a new way to steal Steam accounts — RBC


    Hide banners

    What is your location ? nine0005

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    Users are invited to a phishing resource through links in advertising and social networks and are forced to enter data, completely copying the interface and two-factor authentication. If the data does not fit, the system will warn about it

    Photo: T. Schneider / Shutterstock

    Group-IB, which specializes in cybersecurity, has discovered a new way to steal the accounts of users of the video game service Steam using the Browser-in-the-Browser technique: it allows you to create a site in a window that is almost indistinguishable from the present, according to a company message received by RBC.

    The new scheme assumes that an attacker creates a pop-up window copied from a real site on a phishing resource. As a rule, it has an interface for logging into an account. To force the victim to go to the resource and use this window, the attackers distribute messages in thematic chats and public pages with an invitation to participate in an esports tournament or vote for one of the teams. Users may also be offered to buy a ticket to an event or receive an in-game item. Some scammers can lure players to the resource by advertising on streams and other videos about the game from bloggers. nine0005

    Authentication on the Steam platform goes through a pop-up window, so the victim may not suspect anything. The window pops up on the same tab, and not on a new one, as it usually happens on Steam, so users are more likely to trust the phishing resource, experts say.

    A data entry box that looks like part of the Steam interface opens up by pressing almost any button on the site, Group-IB says. To increase the chance of success, scammers insert a fake «green padlock» into it — the icon of the organization’s SSL certificate. The link in the address bar of the fake pop-up window does not differ from the real one: it can be selected, copied and opened in another tab. nine0005

    The buttons in the fake window work correctly, the window itself can be freely moved around the screen. The owners of the phishing sites that experts discovered in July also provided for the possibility of choosing one of 27 languages ​​(Steam supports 28).

    The platform will immediately send the data of the user who decides to enter it to the attacker. At the same time, the system will automatically enter this data on the official Steam platform. If the password and login do not match, the resource will give the user an error, and the notification and its interface will be copied in the likeness of the official one. nine0005

    If the user’s account is protected by two-factor authentication, the phishing resource will request the code in an additional window.

    Experts advised players to pay attention to the following aspects.

    • The design of the title and address bar of the pop-up window, the fonts and the appearance of the buttons may differ from those in which the browser is usually designed.
    • Check if a new window has opened in the taskbar. If not, it’s fake.
    • Attempt to enlarge or reduce the window, or maximize it to full screen. You can’t do this on a fake one. nine0065
    • The window is limited to the browser screen: it cannot be moved to elements of the tab that was originally opened in the browser.
    • The fake popup minimize button closes it.
    • «Green padlock» of an SSL certificate on a phishing site is a normal image.