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Kostenlose Spiele bei Steam & im Epic Store

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Diese Titel könnt ihr kostenlos zocken

Während sich das diesjährige Weihnachtsfest mit immer größeren Schritten nähert, kommt auch im Online-Shop von Steam so etwas wie feierliche Stimmung auf. Dafür sorgen derzeit gleich mehrere Gratis-Aktionen, bei denen ihr euch verschiedene Spiele kostenlos herunterladen und diese nach Herzenslust ausprobieren könnt. Allerdings sind die Aktionen zeitlich begrenzt, wir geben euch die wichtigsten Infos an die Hand.

Wenn ihr schon immer mal einen näheren Blick auf das Action-Adventure Assassin’s Creed Valhalla werfen wolltet, bekommt ihr im Rahmen der Gratis-Aktion eine besonders günstige Gelegenheit geboten. Ubisoft lässt euch das Spiel nämlich für mehrere Tage genauer unter die Lupe nehmen, es handelt sich dabei um die Vollversion ohne inhaltliche Einschränkungen. Die Aktion läuft bis zum 19. Dezember 2022 um 13:00 Uhr, außerdem bekommt ihr derzeit einen zünftigen Rabatt in Höhe von 67 Prozent beim Kauf des Spiels. Sollte es euch während der Gratis-Phase gut gefallen, könnt ihr somit günstig zuschlagen.

Solltet ihr eher auf Online-Abenteuer stehen, dürfte das MMO New World von Amazon Games genau das richtige Spiel für euch sein. Auch hierfür findet derzeit bei Steameine Gratis-Aktion statt, die euch ausführlicher in das Geschehen reinschnuppern lässt. Ebenfalls bis zum 19. Dezember erhaltet ihr die Gelegenheit, durch das riesige Fantasy-Reich zu ziehen, gegen zahlreiche Monster zu kämpfen und verschiedene Klassen zu testen. Solltet ihr euch danach zum Kauf des Spiels entscheiden, könnt ihr bis zum 5. Januar von einem 50-Prozent-Rabatt profitieren.

Auch lesenswert: Elden Ring Tiefstpreis! Spiel des Jahres supergünstig für PS5, PC, Xbox & Co. bei MediaMarkt (Werbung)

Außerdem beliebt bei PC-Games-Lesern


Konkurrenz chancenlos: Hogwarts Legacy dominiert Steam-Charts!

Es hatte sich bereits angedeutet. Hogwarts Legacy hat zum Launch die Steam-Charts der letzten Woche klar und deutlich übernommen.0

Steam: Neuer Sale ist gestartet — das sind die Spiele-Deals zum Wochenende

Steam startet mit einem neuen Sale ins Wochenende. Über die kommenden Tage lockt die Download-Plattform mit zusätzlichen Deals.

Doch damit nicht genug: Die Sport-Fans unter euch können sich bis zum 19. Dezember im Fußballspiel FIFA 23 austoben und somit passend zur aktuellen Weltmeisterschaft auf Torejagd gehen. Außerdem steht der Stealth-Shooter Generation Zero aus dem Hause Systemic Reaction als kostenlose Probierversion bei Steam für euch bereit. Das Angebot ist somit sehr breit aufgestellt.

André Linken


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SpaceChem and other engineering games from Zachtronics Industries / Sudo Null IT News

I want to talk about five indie Logic / Puzzle games from one developer. These games are remarkable in that they not only make you think, but also have a rather unusual gameplay and engineering component. Two of them have a chemical background, two — electrical, and one — steam. SpaceChem hooked me the most, and initially I wanted to talk only about it. But natural curiosity led to the developer’s site, and as it turned out, Zachtronics Industries has all the games like that.



Windows, Mac, Linux


20$, demo available
SpaceChem is the name of the company in which we will work as a «reactor engineer» on remote colonies. Actually, the name of the company speaks for itself — «Space Chemistry». To provide the colonies with the necessary substances, we will change the available natural resources (methane, nitrogen and others) in a somewhat unusual way — by designing reactors and building chains out of them. Each reactor has inputs, outputs, and two waldos (molecular manipulators, you can say a nanorobot) that we will program. You will have to think a lot, as the puzzles sometimes come across not from the easy ones. Trailer:

Game site:

The Codex of Alchemical Engineering



The Codex of Alchemical Engineering has common features with SpaceChem: there is also a source of «atoms», there are connections between them, there are programmable manipulators, and there is a task — to get certain combinations of them from the elements. Differences in the programming of manipulators and in the alchemical theme, untied from real chemistry. In addition, the game has an add-on of 15 levels (The Magnum Opus Challenge). There is no trailer for the game, there is no tutorial in it, so the following video is recommended for review:

Game page:

Ruckingenur II


Windows (. Net 2.0)


In this game, it is proposed to do reverse engineering at the chip level. You will have to hack various military devices by measuring / setting voltages, reading / writing MS registers and similar tools. Design in pixel graphics, and between missions show uncomplicated cut-scenes. Unfortunately, there are only 4 missions, but there is Ruckingenur CE (level editor + 5 missions).

Game page:

KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People




Another game on the topic of electrical engineering, the name and logo of which the author decided to associate with the USSR (What does it have to do with communism? You’ll have to play to find out!). Here we will design the IC logic using semiconductor junctions. We have two layers for applying silicon, one for metal, as well as vias, the task is to get the necessary signal at the output. The game has an internal video tutorial, but for review, you can watch a «short» review (10 minutes) in English:

Game page:

The Bureau of Steam Engineering




This game is dedicated to steam, or rather


steam fighting humanoid robots. Moreover, we will fight during the civil war in the United States on the side of the Union (north) with other similar robots. Our task is to connect the robot’s steam boilers to its transmission and weapons using pipes, valves, pressure gauges and containers.

Game page:


I like games of this kind, of which I can only remember Pontifex 1/2. Deciding to find out a little more about the developer, I found the following:
Behind the development of Zachtronics Industries is one person — Zach Barth. I’m not going to claim that he completely did everything alone: ​​there is information on the Internet that he was not the only one who worked on SpaceChem, plus the music in the games was taken from Jamendo (Creative Commons). But that Zach is a locomotive — that’s for sure, for which he is honored and praised!

If someone is interested, more information here:
Of. Zachtronics Industries site and forum
Old wp site (there are some projects that are not on the new site)

Steam Tower from NetEnt — slot machine, play slot for free, without registration

Steam Tower online slot (“Steam Tower”) from NetEnt is a game in which elements of fantasy and features of real technological progress of the late 19th century are intertwined in the plot. The player will have to help the inventor of steam engines to save his beloved from the clutches of the dragon, using ingenious devices for this.

  • About the slot

  • Symbols

  • Pay table

  • Bonus game

  • slot machine interface

  • Advantages and disadvantages

About slot

Five-reel, three-row video slot with 15 fixed paylines. Prize combinations are counted in one direction from the leftmost reel and are collected from 3, 4 or 5 identical symbols. The wild symbol is involved in the combo. If you play Steam Tower for real money in an online casino, the minimum value of a spin is 0.15 credits in the account currency, and the maximum is 150. If you are lucky, you can win up to 300 thousand credits!

The reels are located against the backdrop of a huge steam engine, at the foot of which the main character is always to the left of the reels. His portrait is also used as one of the highly paid symbols. The maximum multiplier of the bet in the standard mode reaches x2000.

Playing field

The slot has an average volatility, so gamblers can count on quite frequent winning combos. Together with a high percentage of return, this makes the slot machine attractive for gamblers who are used to moderate risk. Claimed RTP is 97.04%.

Are you good at slots?

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Only 8 standard symbols are used in the game. The low-paying ones are represented by J, Q, K and A card values ​​against the background of metal gears. As symbols of the upper order, painted portraits of the inventor and his bride, images of a steam tower and a dragon’s eye are used. The last sign is considered the most expensive.

Winnings are calculated by multiplying the line bet by the combination coefficient from the paytable.

Payments in automatic machines table of contents ↑


3 4 5
J 3 10 50
Q 5 15 75
K 7 20 100
A 15 40 150

Steam tower

20 100 300

Inventor’s Bride

25 200 500


30 300 1,000

Dragon eye

40 400 2000

Wild with a boarding cat is one of the special symbols in the slot. The protagonist uses this device to get to the top tier of the tower and save the girl. Wild substitutes for any standard symbols.

There is no scatter in the video slot. Partially, its role is played by a stacked wild with a full-length image of the hero. It is this sign that is responsible for the activation of free spins.

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Bonus game

If, after the reels stop, at least one stacked wild occupies the entire height of the reel, the player is awarded 10 free spins. In the bonus round, the hero fires a hook from a grappling gun and starts to pull himself up. The rise occurs whenever a hook wild appears on the reels. Moreover, for landing one or more special symbols after each spin, the player receives two additional free spins.

Symbol meanings

In total, the brave inventor has to overcome 16 floors of the tower, which are divided into 7 levels. Having reached a new level, the hero finds himself on a special platform where he can take a breath. For rising to each next level, the multiplier increases, which is applied to payouts in the Free Spins mode.

At the first level, the multiplier is x2, and at the seventh it reaches x7. Due to this, during free spins, the Steam Tower gaming machine in the casino allows the gambler to count on large payouts in coins. The amount of winnings in the online casino currency will depend on the bet that was applied to the spins before receiving the free spins.


In the bonus round, two wheels with a counter of floors and platforms appear at the bottom of the screen under the reels, and a scale showing the rise to the tower appears on the right side of the playing field. Having overcome all the levels, the inventor finds himself at the top of the building, where the dragon is holding the defenseless beauty. The hero enters into battle with a winged monster and saves the bride. For this, the player is entitled to a jackpot in the amount of a thousand times the cost of rotation. And the amount of payouts for prize combos during the remaining free spins of the reels is increased by 7 times.

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Game machine interface

The control panel of the device is located on a translucent plate at the bottom of the playing field. The value of the linear bet in coins is adjusted in the Level menu, and the value of the coin is Coin Value:

  • bet per line — from 1 to 10 coins;
  • coin value — from 0.01 to 1 credit.

Clicking the Max Bet button sets the maximum bet value of 150 credits in the online casino currency. The Auto Play button calls up a window with a choice of the number of spins in automatic mode and the conditions for their suspension.

Winning in the automatic table of contents ↑

Pros and cons

The game «Steam Tower» has a complete storyline and original bonus round mechanics. The dynamic free spins mode brings the project closer to casual mini-games, which may be of interest to ordinary gamers.