Starcraft 2 anfänger guide: Reddit — Dive into anything

Reddit — Dive into anything

Why hello there!

I’m glad very glad to have you join this great subreddit. I’m going to assume you have come here to try and learn the basics of Starcraft 2 after you saw all the hype floating around Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void.

In this post I’ll try to help you get through the beginning steps of learning Starcraft 2.

The basics

Starcraft 2 is a very complicated game, it’s very in-depth and has a steep learning curve. But please don’t let that intimidate you from trying to understand everything. Everyone started somewhere in this subreddit, and no matter what we’ll try to help you to the best of our ability.

Before you start a game, you can pick a race from the 3 that are available. You have Terran, the human race. Zerg, the weird creepy aliens and Protoss, the ancient wizards. You can also pick to play as random if you’re up to the challenge, but I recommend sticking with one race for now.

The main objective of this game is pretty simple: kill the opponent’s structures/units. A game can be won by destroying all of your opponents structures but usually players surrender before that since they know there is no way they can win the game anymore (Staying in a lost game can be seen as bad mannered.) But there’s a lot to do before you can even start killing the opponent. The most important thing of Starcraft 2 is macro. This is what the game is all about. I’ll tell you some more about macro later on in this post.

At the start of a game, you have exactly 12 workers, they are there to mine the blue crystals called ‘Minerals’ for you. With these minerals you will be able to build more workers, buildings and ofcourse units. For some structures or units you will also need Vespene gas. You can extract vespene gas from the cleverly named Vespene gas gysers. The only problem being is that you need a structure on-top of these gysers to extract the gas. You can build these structures with minerals.

This game has a supply cap. That means that you need to keep building supply structures or for the Zerg, units. At the beginning of the game you will need to build a supply unit/structure for you to be able to continue building workers and units. Try to keep building up supply so that you don’t get supply blocked later on in the game. The maximum amount of supply you can have is 200.

Now that you know a little more about the basics, let’s go into the deets of the 3 races we have in store for you.


Nice job picking Terran, we already have something in common. (altough I was a dirty Protoss player back in the days.)

Terran is the human race of this series. You will play with an army that has actually humans in it with gigantic space suits.

Since I have a limited supply of text I can put here, I’d like to direct you to this a website that digs into the basics of the Terran race: Click (Warning: Could be a little outdated.)


So you’ve picked Zerg huh? Good choice! You’ll probably be having a lot of fun controling this very aggressive race.

I recommend reading this guide about the basics of Zerg: Click (Warning: Could be a little oudated.)


Nice! You picked the race which LotV is all about. You’ll be able to control the ancient and very cool Protoss.

The basics of this race can be found here: Click (Warning, can be outdated)

Micro & Macro.

Alright, we’ve arrived at the core mechanics in this game. Micromanagement is the process of controlling your units during the game. Macromanagement is the mechanic of getting your economy up to speed and getting a good army.


Macro is basically the setting up, using and stabilizing your economy. From those 12 workers you get at the start you will be able to setup a great economy to make sure you get the money to build structures and army units. You want to make sure you have your game planned before the start of a game. The best way to do this for you newbies is to pick a build-order and sticking to it. With these build orders you will be able to efficiently macro. I recommend picking some from this site: Click! and Click here to learn how to read these build orders.

Build orders are mostly used in Multiplayer, as it might not be as good during the campaign.


While micro might not be as important as macro, it is still definitely something you need to know. As a new player it will be very hard to remember doing actions and doing them at a quick speed. That’s alright, everyone on this subreddit had to learn it just like you.

Micromanagement is basically a term used to describe controlling your units. In this game you want to make sure you use your units abilities, position them right for engagements and use the units you have available as much as you can. Liquidpedia (our very own wikipedia) explains very well what you can do with your units in a game of Starcraft 2. You might not understand all of the terms used, but other then that micro should make a little more sense. Here’s the guide:

Useful links

There is a lot more to learn about Starcraft besides what’s mentioned above and I’ve created a list where you can learn those things:

The r/starcraft subreddit has a nice tutorial for beginning players where you can find a lot of information; Click

There are also subreddits to learn more about specific races:




If you have race-specific questions I recommend posting on one of the 3 subreddits listed above!

Essential Day 9 dailies

We have this awesome guy in the community called Sean ‘Day 9’ Plott. He is someone who shows us players how to improve our Starcraft 2 gameplay through this stream. Here are some essential Day 9 dailies that teach you newbies the essentials of Starcraft 2:

  • Hotkeys, APM and Mouse Movement

  • Dealing with Losing

  • Refining Mechanics

  • Mechanics 2

  • Mental Checklist

  • How to Learn and Improve

  • Stealing a Build

  • Reprioritizing your To-do List

  • Fixing 1 Problem at a Time

  • Optimizing Your Builds

Also, you should totally watch This Day 9 daily #100 where he gives some more insight into the SC2 community. Click


Beginners guide by /u/REInvestor Click

Another great beginners guide: Click

desRow’s LotV beginner guides!

Liquipedia’s Starcraft 2 portal: Click

/u/Meoang’s guides, in video form! Click


LagTV’s when cheese fails

LAGTV’s AI Craft

Day 9’s Funday Monday!

/u/nice__username’s How it looks vs How it feels

Carbot Animation’s ‘Starcrafts’


Starcraft 2 also has a big esports scene. We just got done watching the Grand finals of the Starcraft 2 World Championships Series held at Blizzcon. It was pretty exciting to watch, if I may say so myself.

Starcraft 2’s esports scene is so big that I wouldn’t be able to explain it all in this post, luckily TotalBiscuit was nice enough to make a guide about Starcraft 2 esports in video form. You can watch it here: Click Warning: Could be oudated

Well then, that should be about it, unless I’m missing something really important. Thank you for reading all the way, and good luck in Legacy of the Void! <3


StarCraft 2 Beginner guide |

What is StarCraft 2?

StarCraft 2 is a very complex game, everything counters something and learning what counters what is essential. However, speed is the best counter, utilizing every second you play to be doing something effective will make every game a little easier to win. The StarCraft main series is only available on PC through the Blizzard launcher. If you’re opponent has one Battlecruiser, is it not better to have 20 Marines with 2/2 upgrades? You wouldn’t know just yet so lets get the basics sorted out.

Is there a StarCraft Campaign?

I will always be an advocate for playing through the StarCraft campaigns, not only are they rich in lore and story building, but they slowly trickle in all of the units you need to learn about. Playing through the campaigns can’t hurt your progression as a player and only make the transition into competitive easier.

The way the Campaigns are played is vastly different than playing a competitive match, there is a common joke about players in Bronze and Silver building their bases like a campaign (race). 

Some things don’t translate from Campaign to Competitive, bust most things assist players in learning how the bare bones game works which is a stable platform to take into competitive. All of the Campaigns are fairly lengthy, It really is a good storyline and the more you lose the longer it takes. So tread lightly when starting the campaign and don’t play Brutal or even Hard as a first time player, It won’t help you learn or give you a good experience playing the game for the first time

What are the Zerg?

Let’s start to break down all of the different races and their basic level of play. The Zerg are focused on swarming the enemy with cheap, weak units that overtime can become overwhelming pests that eat everything in their path with relative ease. The trade off for this race is that their units and tech buildings cost a little less than the other races, but are also easier to kill early on.

There are a few other discrepancies but they become more important to know at later ranks. Try and focus on the overall strengths and weaknesses of a race.

Some notable Zerg pros are Serral, Rogue, Dark and Reynor.  Watching their games will assist you a lot in seeing what Zerg are capable of accomplishing in game.

28% of all StarCraft Ranked players are Zerg players, they are currently the least played race (not including Random) and have the lowest amount of players in Grandmaster.

These statistics include a shared pool of the whole World player base.

What are the Terran?

The Terran race is the games version of Humans. They are a more well balanced race where relative power and cost are between Zerg and Protoss. For the most part they require a minimal amount of understanding to be used effectively in a competitive match.

Obviously a more skilled Zerg or Protoss player will beat a Terran player, but again it’s an endless game of rock, paper scissors where ultimately the rock and paper are the individual players’ ability and understanding of their matchup.

Notable Terran pro players include Maru, Special, and TY. There used to be four players called the “Four Horsemen of Terran” but some of them have fallen off in recent GSL’s. Terran players make up the majority (barely) of all ranked players in the world at 33.26% but have fewer Grandmaster level players than Protoss.

What are the Protoss?

The Protoss are the technologically advanced alien race we all dreamed were real. Their units generally cost a bit more but are fairly strong in the beginning of the game. The Protoss pro players often get a bad rep when they play each other, as usually the games can be pretty boring, but most mirror matches are less fun to watch than cross races.

PvP, PvT, PvZ, TvT, TvZ, and ZvZ are all  the possible matchups simplified where P is Protoss, T is Terran, and Z is Zerg. this is important to note because whenever one watches the pro scene, or is looking up stats related to matchups they will usually be in this style.

Some good Protoss players to talk about would be Stats, Classic, and Neeb, who have all been prominent SC2 pros for awhile now.

Protoss players make up about 29% of all ranked players and boast 35%  of all Grandmaster level players. Oddly enough however they are the least winningest race in recent times With Maru and Serral dominating most of their tournaments.

What is Random?

Each race has so many little bits and pieces to them that some of us just can’t choose, or want an excuse for not being GM. We select the Random race before queuing to allow us to play a random matchup every single game. There are some benefits to this for those who take it seriously.

Playing as a Random race makes it more difficult for the enemy to prepare a perfect opening against you, which can stall them out of a few seconds to a minute of productivity. At higher elos this can be a huge advantage but for some of us, we just want to play all of the races. People like Wintergaming who play Random almost every single game ever type their race in the beginning of the game, most people believe you and prepare an opening for that race so you get the most standard openings which lead to standard matches.

On the other hand, people like to be “cheesie” in StarCraft and play tricks to beat their opponents. This goes for every race but it is arguably easier to pull off as a Random player by not telling your race or by lying and stating another race instead.

There can be some tactics to this that can be beneficial and there is no shame in utilizing them to your advantage, you just might get berated bny the players who fall for your trickery. Again, a lot of people don’t like the advantage you can have, but that advantage isn’t truly relevant until you’re edging into high elo because honestly, we aren’t good enough to abuse Random until we’re about Diamond and by then, players can recover the time lost very efficiently.

Random players make up about 9% of all ranked players, mostly because it is hard to learn every matchup and every race. To emphasize that there are only (as of writing this) 15 Grandmaster level Random players in the whole world. Only one player has ever tried to take Random into a major event, GuMiho qualified for GSL as Random, but was immediately knocked out and now plays as Terran. If you are looking for good advice as a Random player, itmeJP and Wintergaming (who more or less will meme and tell you not to). As a Random player myself, my advice is to practice every single race, for 30 or so games a week, just to hit Platinum.

What is the Objective in StarCraft 2 Multiplayer?

The beginning of the game two players start with their main base, Nexus, Command Center, Hatchery, and a handful of workers. Using these starting units and time players are to build up an army to fight each other. Normally the goal of either player is to destroy the enemies buildings, once all of the buildings are gone on the enemies side, they are forced to lose. Each race has a unit cap of 200 supply which starts low and requires a specific building or unit to be built in order to increase the amount of other units they have.

One of the most prominent parts of StarCraft has always been the “GG” surrender. The community for the most part isn’t toxic especially at higher ranks, everyone is more focused on achieving the next rank so when they lose, instead of monologuing about how broken Protoss is, they tip their hat and GG go next. That’s just what we’ve always done, the game is hopeless we can’t mount the come back, it is more beneficial to leave six minutes before the game would actually end to find a decent spot to cool down and just start a fresh game.

On the other hand, every once in awhile you’ll face an opponent that just wants to beat you using words, they may win or lose the match and still just flame you and yours, this happens in every video game and is easy to get over, just remember you don’t have to be one of those people.

What should I play as?

There are four options to choose from when playing a competitive game, Zerg, Protoss, Terran, or Random. Random players tend to not reach the higher elos as it takes so much understanding of the game and the understanding of so many more matchups than a player that selects one race. It is still a good idea to play around with all the races to find a deeper understanding of how they work, but for the most part sticking to one race has the ability to carry you farther than playing Random.

There are many stereotypes that follow each race for some reason or another, from patch to patch everyone from every race finds some reason to complain about a different race being overpowered and their own race being nerfed into the ground. The reality behind this is that while sometimes it can seem that one race is better than the other, the real difference is the players own individual skill and speed. 

What are the maps like in SC2?

Every season there is a map pool, and new maps are added while some older ones are taken away, this helps keep things fresh as some maps are better for a specific strategy for a race and players will exploit that to try and gain MMR. This is important to be aware of if you’re losing a lot on a specific map as you are allowed to semi-veto it, making it so can find more games on other maps that you are better at playing on.

Sometimes though it is better to play on maps that may favor other races, if you can counter their build on that map you may just come out on top anyway. The map pool always hosts a few different styles of maps, in earlier ranks they aren’t exactly worth worrying about but they can have a bigger impact in later ranks if players know how to properly exploit it.

How does vision and Fog of War work?

Just like everything else, Knowledge is power in StarCraft, knowing what you’re opponent is doing and knowing how to beat it increases your ability to play the game effectively. There are many ways to acquire vision in the fog of war, and some maps even host little “Xel Naga Towers” that when controlled by a player gives a small circle of vision in key points on the map.

Terran utilizes Orbital Command Scans and scouting Marines later in the game, but usually send out an SCV to scout what the enemies current build path is early on.

Zerg have Overlords that are a little tricky to use for vision as they also count as the supply cap for  the race. There are some upgrades that increase the movement speed and morphing Overlords into Overseers will help their maneuverability and add other ways to get vision.

Protoss have a few options, but the most basic form of vision is the Observer, a pricey unit but invisible and can only be detected by specific units and buildings, they are visible to the naked eye as the disrupt the ground below them but it is very miniscule and difficult to see amidst all the action.

Are there Streamers and Pro Players?

There is a lot to StarCraft that can be really hard to grasp if you are a new player. Watching streams and interacting with the streamers and community can help you gain a better understanding. There are also plenty of guides on YouTube that are available to get deeper into the gameplay than you can alone. Because of how difficult StarCraft can be to learn, looking for outside help to improve on your game is highly suggested. Learning different openings to start however isn’t the goal for a new player.

The goals for new players are to play each race a few times to get a feel for the game, this is one of the scenarios where playing through the campaigns will help. Ultimately finding a race to learn more about. Learning one opening and repeating it until you can win consistently against players your rank, and being able to play it over and over again until you can play it as fast as possible is the best thing you can do to learn patterns and which units beat which units.

StarCraft 2 often times intimidates new players, because without any experience the game is hard to get into. Because it is an RTS style game, it requires a lot of time and dedication, objectively more so than other styles of games under the MOBA or FPS styles. The skill ceiling is so high, since rank is based off of MMR (Matchmaking Rating) that if a player just indefinitely went on a long enough winning streak they would create so much room between them and the next player that everybody in ranked would just get better and better, or quit playing because they can’t beat anybody.

Luckily even the likes of Flash, Serral, and Maru couldn’t go on such a big enough winning streak to force that scenario, Serral got pretty close at 7300+ but everybody else just learned and improved so the next closest MMR sits at 7025.

How does SC2 compare to other games?

To be clear, every video game is difficult to master and any game that constantly refreshes their game with patches and changing the Meta around takes a lot of time and effort to make it to the top. That being said it is commendable to reach the pro level of any competitive Esport. It takes a lot away from a person to put so much into a game, that it isn’t fair to say one or the other is harder or more notable, especially when considering they’re all different. One of the things that sets SC2 apart is that the 1vs1 style isn’t present in many other games with a pro scene.

While it is an RTS, it is very reminiscent of the game Chess. The game is always evolving as people learn more and more about the different possibilities and as people develop their own play styles. Chess doesn’t have the luxury of evolving as you can’t tweak how much damage a Queen does, or change how fast a Pawn can move. SC2 can make little balance changes that end up making certain strategies obsolete and less efficient than they were before.

How can I practice playing StarCraft?

Thankfully to the new player there are a lot of ways to practice for Ranked that aren’t going to impact your MMR. There is a section for practicing specific counter compositions, as well as a rated vs AI that allows for you to learn alongside a computer that is ranked to your current ability.

The practice AI is the best way for new players to practice as it offers a stress free slow play environment that really allows for the player to experiment and learn at their own pace. There are a lot of community made mods that offer more in depth practice as well, some of them are super useful once you have a general idea of how the game works.

On top of all that, you can play 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 with friends, although the overall situations are nothing like you’ll find in a 1vs1 scenario, they can help teach you if they’re a long time player or learn with you if they’re also new to the game.

What should I be practicing?

Practice makes perfect but in SC2 if you don’t know what to practice, it will be hard to progress fast enough. Practice specific builds and practice specific counter plays in order to smooth out your gameplay. Focusing on getting a consistent build path down will give you a clear thing to practice. 

Build Path is the way to describe what composition a player is going for, there is a quick and efficient way to do any composition and getting to the end as quickly as possible is the best way to help secure victory. If you are losing against a specific race or unit composition it is good to go back and figure out what kinds of things you can do to counter them and practice that, now you know two builds. Rinse and repeat.

It is often accepted that as any given race you should put in x amount of games per rank in order to improve. Once you have found that x amount of games isn’t working you then need to identify what issues are affecting you and drilling it into your head so you don’t easily make that mistake, or more easily overcome that position the next time you’re put into it.

What is Macro in StarCraft?

Arguably the most important part of the game is remembering to utilize hot keys and memorizing what’s in them. Being able to look elsewhere on the map while continuously pumping out units at home so that you can control your units in a fight while having stuff ready to reinforce your army if you win or having units to fall back on if you lose will help prepare you for any situation. 

Control groups are hotkeys you set for building types and specific parts of the map that you can look at by clicking that hotkey. Selecting multiple of the same building allows you to use and build from them all at once.

Hotkeys have many other uses as well, such as helping you section off a group of units that are spell heavy so you can filter through them fast in fights. When using them to build units out of multiple buildings you have to have the unit hotkeys memorized to quickly begin the production of units as you select a hotkey.

Hotkeys are fairly difficult for anybody to utilize perfectly and could be considered more useful to learn at a higher level of play, but starting with them early and forcing yourself to use them will increase your skill threshold early on.

Micro is often considered something that goes hand in hand with Macro, but in StarCraft, getting too caught up in Microing units in earlier ranks normally results in  a lack of attention to Macro which means anyone with more production will win a fight and steamroll across the map.

What is the Pro Scene like?

The pro scene in StarCraft is broken up into a few different main events with a bunch of minor ones that don’t get as much attention as they should. The Global StarCraft II League hosts (mostly) the Korean players and has a few different qualifying rounds that aren’t usually streamed, but the main events are streamed in sections. The StarCraft II World Championship Series branches into two main events, WCS Europe and WCS Americas and also has some qualifying rounds that are streamed by the community.

The biggest events for StarCraft 2 are the GSL vs The World tournament and the WCS Global Finals at Blizzcon. The absolute highest level of StarCraft is played at both tournaments and are harder to follow but make for better game ultimately.

Watching any of the WCS or GSL matches will give you a great idea of what high elo play is like. The casters often give great insight to all of the different things that happen in all StarCraft games. Don’t try to emulate what the pros do, just take note of what they are capable of. You can find a whole new appreciation for the game when watching people at the top of the elo duke it out and using the units in a way some of us wish we could.

What is the Replay feature?

After every game you have the option to rewind the game and watch from both perspectives how the game played out. This is one of the most useful tools in any Esport as being able to quickly identify your mistakes or where the game went wrong and then remembering what you can do to change that position will help to ensure you don’t repeat that situation again, or at least less often. Understanding where and how we messed up help create room to grow, filling the room with more knowledge and understanding of what we can do to fix it gives us a huge boost in ability to play efficiently.

Where do I go from here?

The most competitive 1vs1 game indeed. StarCraft 2 has earned that title from its predecessor and held it indefinitely against other games that feature a 1vs1 mode. The depth and complexity the game hosts and the constantly changing Meta along with how players learn and adapt to the game as it goes on really exemplifies the difficulty and glory that comes with the game. The best part is, it’s free to play now, so go try it out and when you reach the pit of despair that is Gold League, come back for our amateur guide!

StarCraft 2 LotV Bronze to Master League

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  1. Articles
  2. Tutorials
  3. Article StarCraft 2 LotV Bronze to Master League

Project Bronze to Master League is back! On this page you will find the largest and only collection of guides in Russian for any level of the game. Some guides are not just translated, but arranged and redone. When using materials, please provide a link to the source. Unlike the previous version, here we will add English-language guides. nine0003

Everyone can help the development of the project (Guides, Tournaments, RSTL), both in money and with their own transfers. For communication, write to Skype: Alizard7 .

  • QIWI: +79514631468
  • PayPal: alizard7@yandex. ru or
  • Yandex wallet: 410012562800880

Guide symbols:

  • Opening (Opening) — The guide includes only actions at the beginning of the game, usually then you can go into many different strategies. nine0007
  • All-in — A strategy aimed at a strong attack that must destroy the opponent.
  • Semi All-in — A strategy in which we will often switch to macro.
  • Style — General principles and combinations of troops, usually without a clear specific build.
  • Build (Build) — A brief description of the strategy, without a full analysis of situations.
  • Guide — The opposite of a build, all the smallest details and various situations are considered here.
  • Hints — General tips on units/games etc.

Date next to the guide indicates the date the guide was created by the author. The translation date is inside the guide.

From to :

A series of articles for beginners covering the fundamentals of the game. The author/translator of the guide is marked in parentheses. The date next to the guide indicates the first appearance of the guide, not the translation. nine0077 Terminology StarCraft 2 (Alizard) — Terms for beginners.
Settings and binds (Alizard) — Set up the game before you start playing.
Race selection (Garm) — Decide on the race.
How to level up (CecilSunkure/Helis) — A bit of theory.
Protoss Units (Alizard) — Small chips and quick tips for using units.
Terran Units (Alizard) — Description of units and add-on options.
Zerg Units (Alizard) — Learn all about the capabilities of Zerg units.
Corks and pylons (CecilSunkure/Alizard) — Basics of the game. nine0077 Skill Pyramid (Budha/Alizard) — What things to train first.
Macro (CecilSunkure/Helis) — How to improve our macro.
Micro (CecilSunkure/Helis) — How to improve our micro.
How to play from an advantage and a backlog (Infinity21/Alizard) — What to do if the game is not equal?
Training Maps (Alizard) — Improve micro and macro with custom maps.
Wall Mechanics (Orek/Alizard) — Complete breakdown of wall mechanics.
Replay analysis (Plexa/Alizard) — Learn how to watch replays. nine0077 How to create your own build (Infinity 21/Alizard) — Learn how to improve and create a build for yourself.
1000 Tips (Alizard) — Tricks and tricks of the game.


  • (Opening) Basic build for beginners (PiG/Alizard) 05/17/2017
  • (Advice) High Unit Warp (gSom) 12/13/2015


  • (Protection) Protection from 12 Pool (PiG/Alizard) 02/20/2017
  • (Protection) 3rd base defense (PiG/Alizard) 02/13/2017
  • (Build) Glaive Adepts + Phoenixes (Gemini/Alizard) 01/30/2017
  • (Build) Glaive Adepts + HT Archon Drop (Gemini/Alizard) 05/8/2017


  • (Opening) Oracle Proxy (PiG/Alizard) 1. 03.2017
  • (Build) 3 bases via robo/blink 9.12.2015
  • (Build) Dark drop (Zest/Aiden) 02/17/2016
  • (Game Analysis) MC vs GuMiHo: Colossi vs Tanks (Artosis/Izzard) 06/27/2016


  • (Build) Stargate herO (Gemini/Alizard) 03/9/2017


  • (Opening/Bio) Basic build for beginners (PiG/Alizard) 05/12/2017
  • (Opening/Mech) Mech opening for beginners (PiG/Alizard) 05/29/2017
  • (Opening/Bio) 2-1-1 opening for all matchups (PiG/Alizard) 05/30/2017


  • (Hyde/Push) $100,000 Tank push TY (PiG/Alizard) 03/31/2017
  • *no translation* (All-in) Aggression (TangSC) 4.01.2016


  • (Advice) Intelligence (Bombs/Alizard) 02/15/2017
  • (Protection) Protection from ravagers from 1 base (PiG/Alizard) 03/17/2017
  • (Opening) BBQ Party (PiG/Alizard) 03/22/2017
  • (All-in) Hellbats/Ghost Push (Blade/Depechelisk) 12/28/2015
  • (Guide) The fastest 1-1-1 and what to do with it (PiG/Izzard) 06/20/2016
  • *without translation* (Build)GuMiho’s Hyperflight Mech(PiG) 04/17/2017


  • (Build) 2 Crow in 3 CC (PiG/Alizard) 03/29/2017


  • (Opening) Basic build for beginners (PiG/Alizard) 05/10/2017
  • (Advice) Muta Upgrades (Orek/Alizard)
  • nine0031


    • (Build) Anti-hellion pressure with Roaches/Ravagers by ByuL (PiG/Alizard) 02/18/2017
    • (Build/Style) 1-Gas Style (PiG/Alizard) 02/10/2017
    • (Build/Style) First review — Lurkers (Blade/Depechelisk) 10/25/2015
    • (Build/All-in) Lingo/rawagers from two bases 9. 12.2015
    • *without translation* (Build/All-in) 1-Base Ravager (PiG) 03/15/2017
    • *no translation* (Build/Style)Dark Shuts Down Mech (PiG) 19.04.2017


    • (Protection) Archon Drop Protection (PiG/Alizard) 03/13/2017
    • (Protection) Protection from the first attacks (PiG/Alizard) 1.05.2017
    • (Build/Style/Macro) Hydro/Lingos/Lurkers (Blade/Depechelisk) 01/31/2016

    ZERG vs ZERG

    • (All-in) Slow all-in with Lings (PiG/Alizard) 1.02.2017
    • nine0013 (Build/Style) First Review — Hydra, Lings, Lurkers (Blade/Depechelisk) 12/7/2015

    • (Build/All-in) 14/14 Lingo/baling 9.12.2015

    Archive of WoL and HotS guides:
    We decided that a fairly small number of people play old add-ons, so we did not restore the archive. Transferred only:

    • HotS Great Book of Protoss Cheeses (TLStrategy/Alizard)
    • HotS +8% gas production (Orek/Alizard)
    • nine0031

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      StarCraft 2 LotV ZvP — Hydro/Lingos/Lurkers

      Hello everyone! A few months later, I finally wrote my ZvP guide. I get asked all the time about the progress of my ZvP guide and I’m happy to say that I’ve finally found a build that I like and that I think would be good enough for a guide. I will talk about defending against certain all-ins, but the focus of this guide will be on my hydro/lingo/lurker macro style with hive transitions and play through drops

      StarCraft 2 Guide — ZvT 1-gas style (PiG)

      Today we have a one-gas strategy for Zerg. The main idea of ​​this build is to produce gas from only 1 gas for a long time. This will allow us to have more drones on minerals and occupy bases faster, which will give us more options in the mid game and strengthen our macro. To fight off early aggression, we will use queens, lings with speed and have a good view of the map. At the same time, we will be pumping up the mineral economy at 3 bases, and then we will drastically take 6 gases and move into technologies. nine0003

      StarCraft 2 LotV guide — ZvT first review Lurkers

      Hello everyone, it’s been a long time, but here’s my first guide for Legacy of the Void! The guide I wrote will be an overview of ZvT. I’ll look at how to defend against some all-ins, the Linga/Bailings/Corraptors/Lurkers move to Hive against a Bio-Terran, and how to deal with the Mech. The guide will include replays of my games on the Korean server using these builds and you will see games with diamonds, ML and GML. Without further ado, let’s get started! nine0003

      StarCraft 2 Terran Units

      The article was created specifically for beginners who have already chosen their race. In this article, you can get acquainted with many chips and the essence of units. I advise you to look at the articles of other races to know what tricks you can expect from opponents.

      StarCraft 2 Minato

      Age: August 7, 1993 (22 years old) Location: Ukraine, Ordzhonikidze Last game: WarCraft 3 (Undead) Alternative nicknames: Eolitick

      StarCraft 2 Zerg Units

      The article was created specifically for beginners who have already chosen their race. In this article, you can get acquainted with many chips and the essence of units. I advise you to look at the articles of other races to know what tricks you can expect from opponents.

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      StarCraft 2 Guide — T 2-1-1 Opening for all matchups (PiG)

      I wanted to make an article «Opening for beginners», but in the end I ended up with a guide for more advanced players.
      If you are a beginner who wants to challenge himself then this is a great build for you. It also works for any gold and above players who are looking for a good opening for all 3 matchups. This build requires APM to order units to make the most of this opening. This is a major part of the Terran game as the openings can be super hard and good build execution is vital to a strong Terran game. This style rewards you for good bio-army management and forces you to attack early.

      StarCraft 2 Guide — T Mech Discovery for Beginners (PiG)

      Mech is sometimes considered a «fourth race» or another StarCraft. This guide is for beginners who want to start experimenting with fur.
      There are many nuances and tricks in the fur that are difficult for beginners to understand. This guide will not tell you about all the little things that make the mech powerful and strong. We’re just offering Terran players an alternative style that they can start learning.

      StarCraft 2 Guide — P Basic build for beginners (PiG)

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      By playing this opening you can switch to any strategy or style.

      StarCraft 2 Guide — PvZ Glaive adepts with the transition to the archon drop (Gemini)

      I love to look for new builds in which a well-known style is performed in a new way. Recently, Billowy showed a very interesting opening, which started with a small push with glaive adepts and transitioned into an archnote drop made from templars. This way he was able to get fast storms while being able to harass. I enjoy playing this build on ladder. nine0003

      StarCraft 2 Guide — T Basic Newbie Build (PiG)

      Today I’m going to show you a strong Terran opening that can be used in all three matchups. This build will allow you to build an economy and develop quickly, after which you can switch to any bio-style.
      This opening will allow you to get used to the build sequence. For fur lovers there will be a separate guide.

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      Tips for newbies StarCraft 2 • XC-Life

      Author monk Read 3 min Views 3.1k. Posted by

      In our guide, StarCraft 2 beginners will find useful tips that will allow them to level up their game and make matches more successful. We hope that this collection of tips for novice players will make mastering the game clearer and more fun. nineOl000 allows you to choose one of three races to play. Although all races are balanced, it is better to start training and the first matches with Toss. Due to the fact that the buildings are built by the Toss themselves, less control is required from the player. nine0003

      Study the settings

      Be sure to study the settings. By customizing the game for yourself, you will get the most convenient and enjoyable gameplay. Read more about StarCraft settings in the guide.

      Use the binds and the keyboard when playing

      Be sure to learn the binds and play using the keyboard. Playing with one mouse, you will never get high places in the rankings, but if you learn how to quickly issue commands using the keyboard, then your level of play will constantly increase. nine0003

      Complete campaigns

      Complete missions to get to know and learn units. There are not many campaign units in the multiplayer game, but the basic controls worked out in the story quests will greatly facilitate the PvP game.

      Build a wall

      There is such a thing as a wall in the game. It is usually built when playing for Toss or Terran (less often for Zerg). The wall is being erected in order to protect against enemy runs and reconnaissance. The presence of a wall of buildings, as well as its absence, can decide the outcome of the game. nine0003


      Spare the worker for early scouting. Thanks to timely reconnaissance, you can determine the tactics of your opponent, which means you can defend yourself from it. For example: the lack of barracks at the main base means that the enemy is proxying the barracks and is about to rush.

      Always do macro

      Many beginners forget to build new buildings and produce new units during battles. The constant adjustment of new units (drainage) can decide the outcome of the battle, and in case of losing the battle, it will help repulse the enemy’s counterattack. nine0003

      Constantly wasting resources

      If you are accumulating resources, this is a sign that you either have idle productive buildings or do not have enough of them.