Star wars high republic yoda: Inside Star Wars: The High Republic: Meet Yoda

The use of Yoda in the High Republic era so far feels a little strange – Star Wars Thoughts

The High Republic is full of mostly new Jedi that we’ve never met before, set around 200 years prior to the events of the Skywalker Saga. But there’s one especially prominent Jedi active at this time: Grand Master Yoda.

At the time of the High Republic, Yoda is one of three Grand Masters of the Jedi Order, alongside Lahru and Pra-Tre Veter, and he obviously would still be the Grand Master of the Order two centuries later at the time of the Jedi Purge. The other Jedi obviously have a great deal of respect for Yoda, but by the time of the Great Hyperspace Disaster in the High Republic, Yoda had taken a sabbatical from the Jedi Council, deciding to spend more time training younglings aboard the Star Hopper ship, working alongside Master Torban Buck to train the next generation. Training younglings was not uncommon for the Order’s Grand Master, but Yoda took a more intentional role during this period such that it necessitated the whole of his attention. Nevertheless, Yoda lent his support to the other Jedi during the Great Disaster, aiding Master Avar Kriss and the others in the Hetzal System. Yoda was also present at the dedication of the Starlight Beacon.

After these events, Yoda and the younglings became entangled in a Nihil attack on Trymant IV, with Yoda fighting to defend the other Jedi and the people of the planet. The mysterious Eye of the Nihil, Marchion Ro, was after some unknown artifacts and was in possession of one-half of what he needed. One of the locals, Elder Tromak, asked Yoda to travel with him to Vrant Tarnum to ensure that Ro wouldn’t get the other half of it. The two traveled to the planet together, with Yoda informing the other Jedi not to follow him, but they were shot down over the planet and Ro managed to get the artifact nonetheless (which, unbeknownst to the Jedi, allowed Ro to control the Nameless).

And that’s the last we saw of Yoda in phase one of the High Republic, until he returned at the end of Midnight Horizon to aid the Jedi in defense of Corellia. After that, Yoda issues a recall for all Jedi to return to Coruscant.

He was mentioned in other stories, but nobody knows what happened to him during this time. It seems, in fact, that the other Jedi aren’t even sure if he’s still alive, but they do trust that Yoda knows what he’s up to and can fend for himself. But I’ll just say that it feels strange, as a reader, to just have Yoda totally disappear during this period. The Republic is in crisis, with the Great Hyperspace Disaster, the destruction of the Republic Fair on Valo, and the destruction of Starlight Beacon. The threat of the Nihil is growing, and they have a secret weapon that targets Jedi, disconnects them from the Force, and kills them. So dire are things that at the close of phase one as the Grand Masters recall all Jedi back to Coruscant, since they don’t know what haunts and targets the Jedi.

Entering this brand new era it was obvious that the storytellers would need to use Yoda sparingly in order to establish newer characters, and they have massively succeeded in doing just that. But I feel like we’re bordering the territory of not using Yoda enough; he doesn’t need to be the main character, but it feels a little cheap to not even have him present at all. Again, this is all just my take, but it feels increasingly strange how they’ve used him (or, more accurately, not used him).

However, with all of that said, the storytellers are well aware of this. In a January interview with CNET discussing his book Midnight Horizon (in which there are flashbacks of Yoda training his padawan Kantam Sy), Daniel José Older said this:

“Can’t tell you much, of course, but we’ve had a lot of discussions about this, and what I can say is that Yoda has been going through some very, very rough times. Of course, it would have to be bad for it to keep him out of commission all this time, when the galaxy needs him most. I can’t confirm whether or not we’ll see Yoda again during this particular storytelling era of the High Republic… but the good part is he’s been an active member of so many of our Jedi’s lives, and that’s why it was so important to bring him in with these flashback sequences, like the one we have here.

I respect the fact that these storytellers seem to be well aware of how conspicuous Yoda’s absence here is, and that makes me think that there’s a larger plan for him in this era. So I’m well aware that this story is only one-third done, and thus patience and time is needed. It feels strange for Yoda to be absent, but the fact that the authors are aware of that too is reassuring.

And it seems that their focus on Yoda in this period is primarily on Yoda’s impact on other characters, which I think is a great way to handle him in this time period. He doesn’t have to be the main character of these stories, but we still see just how influential he really is.

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Star Wars Confirms Yoda Had A Padawan During The High Republic

James Osborne

A new Star Wars: The High Republic novel reveals that the Jedi Master Yoda trained with a Padawan during the period of the High Republic.

New Star Wars: The High Republic material has revealed that the Jedi Master Yoda trained with a Padawan during the period of the High Republic. The High Republic is a new and current collection of novels and comics set 200 years prior to the earliest film in the Star Wars series, Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace. The series explores a lesser known part of the Star Wars lore and history, giving fans an insight into many of the events and characters that would go on to influence the Skywalker Saga.

The High Republic has shown readers more of the structure and organization of the Jedi, and one element in particular that the novel series has highlighted is the relationship between Padawan’s and their masters. The Star Wars prequel films and subsequent series like The Clone Wars have also examined what it means to be a Padawan, and The High Republic is adding to that with more examples. Another aspect of The High Republic series that has sparked fans’ interests is the chance to see familiar characters as younger versions of themselves. The most well-recognised Jedi who appears in The High Republic is undoubtedly the Jedi Master Yoda, whose history is being fleshed out by the series. What hasn’t yet been confirmed, however, is any further information about Yoda’s elusive species. So far in the Star Wars universe, keen-eyed viewers have only been able to spot two other members of Yoda’s species: the Jedi Master Yaddle, and The Mandalorian’s Gorgu (aka Baby Yoda).  

Related: What Yoda Was Originally Supposed To Look Like

Now, an extract shared by CNET from the new book in The High Republic series has revealed new information about the mysterious Jedi Master. The book, called «Midnight Horizon,» shows Yoda conducting combat training with his Padawan Kantam Sy. The extract highlights a younger Yoda, who is more active in engaging with young Jedi, as well as showing the reverence that Padawans have for him. Check out a part of the extract below: 

Master Yoda stood inside, back straight, facing the far wall.

For a flickering moment, Kantam wondered absurdly if Yoda was going to challenge them to a duel, as punishment for tarnishing the image of the Jedi Order and throwing all that training out the window.

Then Yoda extended his lightsaber.

Kantam let out an audible gasp.

Yoda chuckled in that Yoda way: raspy, high-pitched, relentlessly endearing. «Many times, have we dueled in this very room, Padawan Sy. No?»

«I . . .»

«One last session,» Yoda said solemnly, then turned and looked up, meeting Kantam’s gaze. «Perhaps?»

Kantam extended their saber. You didn’t say no to a duel with Master Yoda. Even in these fraught circumstances. It just wasn’t done. «Of course, Master. But . . . you know?»

Yoda whipped up into the air in a swirling cartwheel, that bright green blade flashing in fierce spirals around him. He landed in a crouch, one hand out, lightsaber poised above his head.

From any other master, that may have been intimidating. Paired with the implicit understanding that something very real was up, Kantam would’ve normally understood this to be a veiled threat of some kind.

But this was exactly how Kantam and Master Yoda had always found understanding, ever since Kantam was just a tiny youngling. They would spar, and spar, and spar some more, and somehow in that grapple of stick against stick — then later, saber against saber—whatever was troubling Kantam would start to untangle itself; the world would slip back into harmony.

The glimpse into the history of such a well known character is likely to delight the many Star Wars fans who are always keen to learn more about the franchise’s iconic and beloved characters. Readers will no doubt compare the Jedi Master’s relationship with Kantam Sy, to his tutelage of Count Dooku and others to examine how Master Yoda and his methods have changed. For example, the new High Republic extract shows a very different style of training to the one the Jedi Master used when training Luke Skywalker. Luke’s training with Yoda was almost exclusively focused on using the Force, and being in balance with it, rather than combat.

Fans will be hoping to find out more insights into the characters they know and love as The High Republic progresses into the second phase of its run. There is also the tantalizing possibility that the High Republic-era could be examined in Disney+ TV show, though that will depend on the success of the upcoming Andor, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan Kenobi series following the currently-airing Book of Boba Fett. Whether or not Star Wars fans get to see the High Republic series brought to the screen, there is now plenty of Star Wars lore content to explore through The High Republic novels and comics.

More: Star Wars’ Darth Bane Reveal Makes A High Republic Prequel Show Necessary

Source: CNET

Yoda Star Wars Chronicles

Yoda Star Wars Chronicles

General Info
Super Name: Yoda
Real Name: Yoda
Aliases: Master Yoda Grandmaster Yoda
Publisher: Marvel
Creators: George Lucas, Lawrence Kasdan
Gender: Male
Character Type: Alien
First Appearance of the World movie #167
Appears in issue 253
Birthday: n/a
Death: Star Wars Return of the Jedi #2 — Emperor’s Team
Powers and abilities:

  • Flexibility
  • Space Awareness
  • Dangerous feeling
  • Electrical control
  • Sympathy
  • Energy absorption
  • Salvation Artist
  • Force field
  • Devices
  • Healing
  • Hypnosis
  • Throw Illusion
  • Intellect
  • Leadership
  • Lift
  • Durability
  • Marksmanship
  • Hypnotize
  • hot item
  • Preliminary interrogation
  • Probability manipulation
  • Death of feeling
  • Durability
  • Cunning
  • Super Speed ​​
  • Swordsmanship
  • Telekinesis
  • Telepathy
  • Unarmed combat
  • Voice-induced manipulation
  • Weapon Master

One of the greatest Jedi Masters of the Old Republic. He trained Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Jedi and even encountered the Sith as Count Dooku and the Emperor and lived to tell the tale. nine0003


Yoda is respected as one of the wisest and most powerful Jedi Masters in the history of the galaxy. Yoda is a master of the Force and the Lightsaber. Yoda served as Grand Master of the Jedi High Council for over 700 years.


Yoda is a character from the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. Yoda’s face was partly based off of Einstein, mostly wrinkles on his forehead to make him appear wise and smart. Frank Oz, puppeteer for Yoda in Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and The Phantom Menace, developed Yoda’s voice, his distinctive way of speaking, and even aspects of his personality. nine0003

Character evolution:

From a young age, Yoda trained as a Jedi N’Kata Del Gormo, learning the ways of the Force and keeping the galaxy in balance. Living for 900 years, Yoda worked his way up the ranks of the Jedi Order, becoming a member of the Jedi High Council and eventually a Jedi Grand Master.

Before and during the Clone Wars, Yoda was one of the more powerful Jedi in the entire order. He served as a teacher and master to most, giving wisdom and guidance to Jedi Knights and Masters alike, while also teaching the basics to young padawan students in training. During the Clone Wars, Yoda still served as a teacher, but was divided between being the general war waging throughout the galaxy. nine0003

After the Clone Wars and after Order 66, Yoda went into hiding in the Dagobah System. The planet’s abundance of life masked his presence from the Empire until the arrival of young Luke Skywalker. After the death of Obi-Wan Kenobi, it was left to Yoda to teach Luke more power. After nearly becoming a Jedi Knight, Luke was baited away from Dagobah and fell into a trap that wounded him long enough to put his training on hold. He would return to an aged and dying Yoda, who admitted that his training to become a Jedi was almost complete. Yoda died and became one with the power, giving him the ability to pass on his knowledge in the power itself. nine0003

Main story arcs:


Not much is known about this legendary Jedi Grand Master, it can be assumed that the details are not clear to Yoda either, nine hundred years is a long way to remember to, but some details have been made clear. In Yoda’s youth, he did not know that he was Force Sensitive, nor did the unidentified human counterpart know that he was attuned to the Force as well. The two left their home planet, which was never determined and still remains a mystery, if Yoda remembers the name or what the planet looked like is unknown. Yoda and his friend traveled to the main worlds to find work. En route, their old ship was caught among an asteroid and their ship was damaged beyond their ability to recover, which seemed the most disastrous at the time. nine0003

They would spend days floating around in space, their supplies and oxygen running out faster than the two wanted them to. In an attempt to save their lives, they reset their power systems to get them far enough into the unrecognized star system they were in. crash landed on a swamp planet that can only be guessed as Dagobah, but it was never made clear. with two’s signal for the rescue ship still going strong, all they could do was wait to be taken, hoping they didn’t starve to death in the process. During their stay on the swamp planet, two Force beings were found by Jedi Master N’Kata Del Gormo, who sensed that they were one with the power and showed them that power. To detest detesting at their age, which was clearly not the age most Jedi began training, Master Gormo taught both Yoda and his human friend the mode of strength. Shortly after their training, the two Jedi were taken in by the Republic’s Galactic spacecraft. It is probable that the «salvation» was indeed plotted by Jedi Master N’Kata Del Gormo. nine0003

One of his great feats in his youth was his training as a young Jedi. Most notoriously, he trained Count Dooku into an excellent swordsman, which is a skill that could only be replicated by Yoda and Mace Windu. He also trained Cin Drallig, who was quickly made a master on the council, and was promoted to battlemaster of the council during the clone wars.

Later life

Master Yoda was the Grand Master of the Jedi and was respected as the strongest of the Jedi. One of the only beings known to have higher amounts of midi chlorine is Anakin Skywalker. Master Yoda led the decision to turn down Qui-Gonn’s request to teach Anakin, believing correctly, as we would later learn, that the boy was too attached to his mother. nine0003

Master Yoda served the Old Republic for many decades, perhaps even centuries. In this, he would fight against his former padawan Count Dooku. This was one of the most impressive battles Yoda fought and showed the vast power he held in a small body. He became a general in the clone army, He would later battle Darth Sidious in the Senate until fleeing, and he nurtured and expanded the Jedi Order and taught countless younglings. Master Yoda was one of the survivors of Order 66 while he was residing on Kashyyk where he helped the Wookie cause, luckily he sensed 2 clones that came to kill him, quickly dispatched them and left with Chewbacca’s help. nine0003

Escape from order 66

Master Yoda narrowly escaped Order 66, with only a backup plan, and the help of the Woolen Sweaters was him able to escape from Kashyyyk using the escape pod for

system nearst, from which he then went to coursant. Master Yoda probably predicted that the clones would turn on the Jedi, so he had an escape pod backup plan. Without the help of Chewbecca and Tarfful, who accompanied and protected Yoda.

After this, he arrived on the spaceship of Senator Bail Organa, Jedi supporter and soon-to-be foster father of Leia, and Obi Wan, who at the time was the only other Jedi believed to have survived the Purge. Here they realized that the distress beacon at the Jedi Temple was going away and that this was likely luring the Jedi into their deaths. So the 2 masters infiltrated the base and turned off the signal, but it was here where they first realized how far Anakin had descended into the dark side after his slaughter of the younglings. nine0003


Master Yoda died on the Dagobah system at approximately 900 years of age. He died in the presence of Luke Skywalker after Luke asked him to help complete his training.

Powers and abilities:

Yoda was considered the greatest Jedi Master of the era by many, he was one of the most skilled Force users in the history of the entire galaxy. Yoda was so strong in the Force that he demonstrated the ability to easily disarm powerful opponents like Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress with a simple gesture. In addition to this, Master Yoda was capable of easily controlling people and enter into the minds of others and decipher their thoughts with great accuracy. Despite his small stature, Yoda was capable of extreme telekinetic feats, such as lifting huge objects with the Force, such as Luke Skywalker’s X-wing or the giant pillar that had been dropped on Ankain and Obi-Wan Dooku, and even disarming the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress with a simple wave of his hand. nine0003

Yoda was a master of all seven lightsaber forms and could use the Force to enhance his physical attributes greatly, allowing him to carry a cannon box on his back for miles.

“No size questions. Look at me. Judge me by my size, right? Hm? Hm. And well you shouldn’t. Since my ally is the Force and a powerful ally, it is.»


Born:-896 BBY

Deceased: -4 ABY



Height: -0.66 meters (2’2″)

Hair colour:-Brown (later grey)

Eye colour:-green

Notable Masters:-

N’Kata Del Gormo

Notable students:

  1. Dooku
  2. Cin Drallig
  3. Ikrit
  4. Rahm Kota
  5. Ki Adi Mundi
  6. Oppo Rancisis
  7. Luke Skywalker
Other media

Video games

Soul Calibur

Yoda appeared as a playable character in Soul Calibur IV for the Xbox 360.

Star Wars Frontier

Yoda in the Soul of Calibur IV
Yoda in the Soul of Calibur IV
Yoda appeared on the Front Line of Star Wars I & II as a playable hero.

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith video game

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith as a playable character.

Lego Star Wars

Yoda appeared in The Lego Star Wars Trilogy and The Lego Star Wars Saga. nine0003

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Kazdhan Paratus created Yoda’s scrap puppet as part of his scrap Jedi High Council.

A clone of Galen Marek briefly encountered Yoda on Dagobah after Rahm Kota dropped the name of the planet into conversation.


Star Wars: Darth Plagueis

No title provided
Darth Plagueis: One of the most brilliant Sith Lords that ever lived. The possession of power is all he desires. Losing him is the only thing he fears. As an apprentice, he embraces the ruthless ways of the Sith. And when the time is right, he destroys his Master — but vows never to suffer the same fate. Because like no other apprentice of the dark side, Darth Plagueis learns to command ultimate power… over life and death. nine0003

Darth Sidious: Plagueis’ chosen student. Under the guidance of his Master, he secretly learns the ways of the Sith, publicly rising to power in the galactic government, first as a Senator, then as Chancellor, and ultimately as Emperor.

Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious, Master and Assistant, target the galaxy for domination — and the Jedi Order to annihilate. But can they challenge the cutthroat tradition of the Sith? Or will there be the desire of one to rule the supreme, and the dream of another to live forever, to sow the seeds of their destruction? nine0003

Written by: James Luceno
Star Wars: Veil of Deception

No title provided
Smeared with greed and corruption, entangled in bureaucracy, the Galactic Republic is collapsing. In outlying systems where the Trade Federation maintains a stranglehold on shipping routes, tensions spiral out of control—while back in the comfort of the Brilliant, the center of civilized space and the seat of government of the Republic, few senators seem inclined to investigate the issue. And those who suspect High Chancellor Valorum of aiding the machinations are baffled — especially when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi foil an assassination attempt on the Chancellor. nine0003

With the crisis rising, Valorum calls for an emergency trading summit. As Humans and foreigners gather, plots sealed with large sums of money run rampant and no one is completely above suspicion. But the biggest threat of all remains unknown to all but three members of the Trade Federation who have entered into a dark alliance with a dark overlord. While the trio will be pretty much more money and less trouble, Darth Sidious has bigger, far more terrifying plans. nine0003

This is a time that tests the character of all those who seek to hold the Republic together — none other than the Jedi Knights, who have long been the galaxy’s best hope for the preservation of peace and justice. Yet despite their most valiant efforts, the meeting will explode into fiery chaos beyond everyone’s worst fears. ..

Written by: James Luceno
Star Wars: Dart’s Sledgehammer: Shadowhunter

No title provided
Darth Maul, a merciless apprentice of evil and one of the legendary Sith, a twisted order given over to the dark side of the Force… Darth Maul, champion of the low Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious… Darth Maul, the legend sprang to life from the nightmares of history, about to be unleashed… In a brand new tale of intrigue and mystery set just before the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. nine0003

After years of waiting in the shadows, Darth Sidious takes the first step in his master plan to bring the Republic to its knees. He secretly meets with his Neimoidian contacts in the Trade Federation to plan a blockade of the planet Naboo. But one member of the delegation is missing, and Sidious doesn’t need his Force-honed instincts to suspect betrayal. He orders his apprentice, Darth Maul, to hunt down the traitor.

On Brilliant, the capital of the Republic, Neimoidian moves quickly to sell what he knows to the highest bidder. For Unfortunate Pavane, the information broker, the deal is too good to pass up. He captures him, not knowing that he has now earned a spot on Darth Maul’s hit list, right behind the Neimoidian defector himself. nine0003

Meanwhile, a young Jedi named Darsha Assant Padoen is on the verge of ascending to the Jedi Knighthood. The only mission will be her test. But a bigger test awaits her. Because in the labyrinthine paths and sewers of Corascant’s own dark side, she will be in traverse chains with Wretched, who is on the run from a Sith stalker, carrying with him vital information that must reach the Jedi Council at all costs.

The future of the Republic depends on Darsha and Lorn. But how can an untested Jedi and common man, a stranger to the powerful ways of the Force, hope to defeat one of the galaxy’s deadliest assassins? nine0003

Written by: Michael Reeves
Star Wars: Shatterpoint

No title provided
Mace Windu is a living legend: Jedi Master, senior member of the Jedi Council, skilled diplomat, devastating fighter. Some say he is the deadliest man alive. But he’s a peace advocate — and for the first time in a thousand years, the galaxy is at war.

Now, after historic events culminating in the Battle of Geonosis, Master Mace Windu must embark on a perilous journey home to his homeworld — to defuse a potentially catastrophic crisis for the Republic…and face a horrifying secret with dire personal consequences. nine0003

The jungle planet Haruun Kal, homeworld Mace barely remembers, has become a battleground in the increasing hostilities between the Republic and the renegade Separatist movement. The Jedi Council sent Depa Billaba — a former Padawan of the Mace and fellow Council member — to Haruun Kal to train the local tribesmen as a guerrilla resistance force, to fight against the Separatists who control the planet and its strategic star system with their droid armies. But now the Separatists have retreated and Depa has not returned. The only clue to her disappearance is a cryptic recording left at the scene of the brutal massacre: a recording that hints of madness and murder and darkness in the jungle. .. a recording in Depa’s own voice. nine0003

Mace Windu trained her. Only he can find her. Only he can study what changed her. Only he can stop her.

Jedi were never meant to be soldiers. But now they have no choice. The Mace must travel alone into the most treacherous jungle in the galaxy — and into his own legacy. He will leave behind the Republic he serves, the civilization he believes in, everything but his passion for peace and his devotion to his former Padawan. And he will learn the terrible price that must be paid when the keepers of the world are forced to wage war…. nine0003

Written by: Matthew Stover
Star Wars: Judgment of the Jedi

No caption provided
“For twenty-four standard hours we shall sit firmly astride the line of communication that connects the worlds of the Republic…. Our control will be the thrust of the dagger directly at the Brilliant. This is the movement that will win the war for us.”

With these ominous words, Pors Tonit, Count Dooku’s ruthless minion, declares the fate of the Republic sealed. Separatist invasion command causes more than one million strong, cunning «financier turned warrior» to lay siege to the planet Praesitlyn, home of a strategic intergalactic communications center that is key to the Republic’s survival in the Clone Wars. Left unchallenged, this decisive strike could indeed pave the way for the overthrow of more of the Republic’s worlds…and the ultimate victory for the Separatists. Retribution must be swift and undeniable. nine0003

But drawing the enemy throughout the galaxy has already stretched Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s armies to breaking point. There is no choice but to navigate against the growing waves of invading battle droids on Praesitlyn with only a small contingent of clone troopers. Their command will be Jedi Master Nejaya Holkyon — hand-picked by the Critical Mission Board. And alongside, skilled young starfighter pilot Anakin Skywalker, a promising young Jedi Padoen, aspiring to be freed from the bonds of apprenticeship — and be bestowed the rank of Jedi Knight. nine0003

Shoulder to shoulder with a rogue Republic officer and his battle-fortified crew, a hulking Rodian mercenary with an insatiable taste for combat and a duo of ready-for-anything soldiers, the Jedi generals take to Praesitlyn-occupied punishing skies and desert terrain—to reclaim their vital position in the Republic. Already outnumbered and outgunned, when faced with an enemy ultimatum that could result in the massacre of innocents, they may also be out of options. If Anakin Skywalker can’t strike the crucial balance between the wisdom born of the Force… and the instincts of the born warrior. nine0003

Written by David Sherman and Dan Cragg
Star Wars: Yoda Dark Rendezvous

No title provided
As the Clone Wars rage on, Jedi Master Yoda must once again face one of his greatest adversaries — Count Dooku….

The Savage Clone Wars have brought the Republic to the brink of collapse. In the midst of the battle, one Jedi Knight escapes the massacre to deliver a message to Yoda on the Shiny. Dooku seems to want peace and demands a rendezvous. The chances are slim that the treacherous Count is sincere, but with a million lives at stake, Yoda has no choice. nine0003

The meeting will take place on Vjun, a planet steeped in evil. The problem could not have been more difficult. Can Yoda bring back his one day budding student from the dark side, or will Count Dooku unleash his sinister powers against his former mentor? One way or another, Yoda is sure of one thing: This battle will be one of the most brutal he will ever face.

Written by: Sean Stewart
Star Wars Labyrinth of Evil

No title provided
Embark on a breathtaking adventure that pairs Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker on a deadly quest for the lord of evil who has torn the galaxy apart…. nine0003

The war that erupted in Star Wars Episode II: The Clone Assault approaches its boiling point as the fearless Separatist forces continue their assault on the swaying Republic — and Count Dooku’s diabolical triumvirate, the Common Grievous, and their Master, Darth Sidious, for sure sets up their conquest strategy. In Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, the fates of key players on both sides of the conflict will be sealed. But first, the watershed events that pave the way for that time of counting unfold in a labyrinth of evil…

Capturing Federation Trade Steward and Separatist Council member Nute Gunray is a mission that brings Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, with a team of clones in tow, Cato Neimoidia. But the treacherous Sith ally proves to be as slippery as ever, dodging his Jedi pursuers even as they narrowly escape a deadly disaster. However, their daring efforts lead to an unexpected prize: a unique holotransceiver that has intelligence capable of advancing the Republic, triggers their ultimate career, the ever elusive Darth Sidious. nine0003

Quickly picking up the pursuit, Anakin and Obi-Wan follow clues from the Droid Charros IV factories to the vast worlds of the Outer Rim…every step closer to pinpointing the location of the Lord of the Sith — who they suspect controlled every aspect of the Separatist uprising. Yet somehow, in the escalating chess game of the entire galaxy of strikes, counterattacks, ambushes, sabotage and retribution, Sidious is constantly staying, one is moving forward.

Then the trail takes a shocking turn. As Sidious and his minions set in motion a ruthlessly orchestrated campaign to divide and overwhelm the Jedi forces — and bring the Republic to its knees. nine0003

Written by: James Luceno
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

No title granted
As a ruthless apprentice of Darth Vader, Starkiller has been mercilessly trained in the ways of the dark side, ordered to exterminate the last of the purged Jedi Order, and courted for the Sith’s ultimate pressure: assassination of the Emperor. He served no doubt, slain without remorse, and lost his heart without warning the handsome Imperial fighter pilot Juno Eclipse, never suspecting that he was just a tool in his masters’ schemes — until it was too late to avoid their deadly betrayal. nine0003

Juno mourned Starkiller as dead. ..but now he’s back, purged of all memories and programmed to kill. And as fate brings Juno and Starkiller closer to reuniting with Darth Vader, determined not to lose his killer a second time, they will both have to make a stand. The prize is freedom. The penalty for failure will be eternal enslavement to the dark side of the Force…

Written by: Sean Williams

A new era of Star Wars is introduced — High Republic

In 2019, at the Star Wars Celebration festival, the mysterious project «Luminos» («Lightbringer») was announced. After fans began to wonder if it was about new games or films, the company clarified that it was about new books and comics about a distant galaxy. Lucasfilm today revealed the first details about the upcoming new era of Star Wars. We have collected basic information about it.

On February 24, Lucasfilm revealed the details of the project, which will be called «High Republic» (High Republic). Its action will unfold approximately 200 years before the events of the prequel trilogy. This period in the Star Wars timeline will not overlap with any film or series that has been made, including those currently in production. Thus, the creators are given ample freedom to create new adventures with original characters.

«The High Republic» will show the Jedi at the peak of their power — the authors compare the order of that era with the knights of the round table. But, of course, this glorious era will not be without its threat. One of the starting points for the plot was the question «what can scare the Jedi?». It is known that the antagonists, in particular, will be nihils (Nhil) — a race of space robbers reminiscent of the Vikings. According to the creators, the image of the villains will be as different as possible from the Empire and the First Order.

“We are very happy that we opened up such a rich, fertile era for our authors. We will see the Jedi in their prime.»

Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy

In 2020, the «first phase» of the «High Republic» will begin.

  • The High Republic will begin with Charles Soule’s The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, which comes out in August 2020. Recall that earlier the High Republic was already mentioned twice by Soul: in the new line of Star Wars comics and The Rise of Kylo Ren #2.

  • Into the Dark is a teen novel about the adventures of a Padawan who never wanted to be adventurous but ventures into a dark corner of the galaxy.

  • A Test of Courage by Justina Island is the story of a 16-year-old girl who has just become a Jedi Knight.

  • Star Wars: The High Republic by Kavan Scott is a comic book series that takes place on the Starlight space station, which acts as a beacon to uncharted regions. The series will be published by Marvel.

  • Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures by Daniel José Alder is a comic book series for IDW about a group of teenagers who learn about the Jedi and Nihil.

Previously, all five authors have already been noted for their work on the Star Wars universe. Globally, The High Republic is a massive cross-publishing project involving Titan, IDW, Marvel, Del Rey, Disney Press, Viz, DK, Abrams, Insight Editions, and B&M.

“This was a golden age for the Jedi, and this is also the age of the Outer Rim. So expect rich exploration stories; mapping the galaxy, experiencing new cultures, and figuring out what life was like for the pioneers in the Outer Rim.