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Star Wars Battlefront 2: Credits ausgeben – Wofür ist die Währung gut?

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Wofür gibt es Credits und Kristalle in Battlefront 2? (Spiele und Gaming, Star Wars, Kristall)

Nach Battlefront II Fortschritt-Update: wo kann ich die Credits noch einsetzen?

Hallo liebe Mitspieler!

Seit gestern gibt es das neue Update von Battlefront II mit verändertem Fortschritt-System.

Kisten kann man ja jetzt nicht mehr mit Credits kaufen, ebenso wie man Sterkarten nicht mehr herstellen kann.

Man verdient sich diese nun durch spielen.

Ich bekam diverse Kisten und in vielen waren auch Credits enthalten und zudem auch heute beim Spielen welche verdient.

Wo kann man die denn jetzt noch einsetzen? Leider ist Google da nicht sehr hilfreich oder ich verwende die falschen Suchbegriffe.

Weiß hier vielleicht jemand, wofür die jetz noch eingesetzt werden können?

Vielen Dank!

…zur Frage

star wars battlefront 2 wofür sind die credits?

Ich habe mir das Spiel im Epic games store anfang dieses Jahres kostenlos geholt und habe immer noch nicht gecheckt wofür die credits sind.

. ). Kann mir vielleicht einer sagen was das ist? Und falls es einen Wert hat, kann mir vielleicht einer sagen, wieviel sowas Wert ist?

Danke schonmal im Voraus 🙂

PS.: Sorry das ich keine Bilder habe, alle wurden so schlecht, das es nur aussah, wie ein normaler Stein.

…zur Frage

Violette Lichtschwert-Kristalle bei SWTOR

Hallo, Ich möchte in Star Wars: The Old Republic einen violetten Kristall finden (Ich bin Stufe 20, Jedi Wächter).Deshalb habe im Allgemeinchat gefragt und dort wurde mir erklärt, dass man nach dem Abo von SWTOR ingame einen Brief mit den violetten Kristallen bekommt. Außerdem habe ich gehört, dass man im GHM einen Kristall für 50.000 Credits erwerben kann, aber ich weiß nicht, welcher von den ganzen Kristallen in mein Laserschwert überhaupt passt, btw ich habe das Anfangsschwert von der Schmiede und das Sith-Schüler-Schwert, welches man in der Flashpoint-Mission auf der republikanischen Flotte ,,Die Esseles» vom Endgegner gedroppt bekommt. Kann ich den violetten Kristall auch auf anderer Art und Weise bekommen? Ich freue mich sehr über eine Antwort und wünsche euch einen schönen Tag!

Liebe Grüße!

…zur Frage

1 Semester 14,5 Credits?

Ich komme jetzt in das zweite Semester und habe nur 14,5 Credits. Im zweiten Semester werden es wohl wieder um die 14 Credits sein. Ich habe mich für mehrere Veranstaltungen angemeldet, wurde aber nicht für alle zugelassen. In der Studienordnung steht nur, dass man pro sem. 30Credits sammeln sollte, nun weiß ich nicht, ob es nach dem 2. Sem zu einer Exmatrikulation kommen kann

…zur Frage

Meinemafia. de Credits Cheat/Bot

Ich bin Eigentümer des Spieles USMilitary von
Das Problem ist, dass ich keine Credits verteilen bzw. unendlich Credits habe.
Wollte nur Fragen ob irgendjemand irgendeinen Cheat/Bot/Hack weiß, wie ich Credits bekomme und ob es legal ist mein eigenes Spiel zu hacken ?????

…zur Frage

Kristale in Battlefront2 (funktion)?

Könntet ihr mir sagen was kristale in Battlefront2 eigentlich bringen danke schon mal für die Antwort

…zur Frage

Mindestanzahl für Credits?

Ist es gängig, dass man eine Mindestanzahl an Credits unbedingt pro Semester erreichen muss? Ich schiebe nämlich zwei Prüfungen und werde somit nur 18 von 30 Credits dieses Semsester machen.

Ich habe «gängig» dick gedruckt, weil mir klar ist, dass ihr für meine Hochschule natürlich keine Auskunft geben könnt. Ich möchte bloß wissen was «normal» ist…

(Ich habe übrigens auch schon in der Prüfungsordnung nachgeschaut, da steht nichts, und auf die Antwort vom Prüfungsamt warte ich noch).

…zur Frage

Elite dangerous bester Weg Credits zu machen?

Weiß einer von euch welcher der beste und effizienteste Weg ist Credits zu machen. Ich habe schon viele Videos gesehen in denen gezeigt wird wie man 100 Millionen pro Stunde macht. Die meisten Videos oder tutorials sind schon längst abgelaufen ( ZB die Stationen haben nicht mehr die richtigen Missionen). Kann jemand mir helfen?

. ..zur Frage

Instand Gaming credits bekommen?

Kann man bei Instand Gaming mehr als 50 IG Credits bekommen oder nicht?

Danke Im vorraus

…zur Frage

Wie bekomme ich schnellsmöglich bei jappy credits?

…zur Frage

Wozu braucht man noch die Credits?

Hallo mein Mann spielt star wars Battlefront 2 auf der PS4 er hatte viele Credits gesammelt für Helden kaufen oder Helden Kisten ausgegeben nach den Update hat man nur noch 1 tägliche Kiste zu Verfügung und alle Helden sind frei verfügbar und jetzt fragen wir und wozu braucht man jetzt noch die Credits wir wissen nix mehr damit anzufangen danke

. ..zur Frage

Wofür sind die Credits bei lovoo?

Zb die,die man bei «Tageslogin» bekommt.

…zur Frage

Kostet Trading in Rocket League Credits?

…zur Frage

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes — Guides and Secrets of the game review

Wise Geek → Game Guides → Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes — Guides and Secrets of the game review

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a multiplayer role-playing game for Android in which you have to create a squad of heroes from the Star Wars universe. Everything here is imbued with the spirit of this film, from the locations on which the battles take place and ending with the inscriptions and surroundings. Genre of the game: Role playing. In the article, we summarized tips for leveling from TOP players, developers’ answers to gamers’ questions, guides for beginners from the official site, and our secrets of passing the game. Attention, the Wise Geek website is constantly updated, visit us more often. nine0003

Content of Article

  1. Module guide
  2. Schedule of events
  3. The best squad of heroes
  4. Fighting the right way
  5. Shop, supplies and free cards
  6. Light and dark side battles
  7. How to win in the Squad Arena?
  8. Cantina Battle
  9. Test Guide
  10. Why do we need guilds in the game? nine0012
  11. Quests are a great way to level up
  12. Taking everything from the galactic war
  13. Ships and their correct pumping
  14. Daily login rewards
  15. Mail and chat

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes modules guide

Modules are an additional form of equipment for a character and a good way to increase his power and efficiency in battle. As soon as the user reaches the fiftieth level, modules will become available to him. The module consists of six cells with individual basic characteristics that increase the performance of your hero. In addition, each module has four bonus characteristics. Any module has its own level (from the first to the fifteenth). You can spend a paid level increase, getting nice bonuses from this. Modules available:

  1. Battle for modules — is a table with alternate battles during which you can get modules with 3 stars maximum. But you still need to go through it to the end, since then the best way to get it is unlocked — tests for modules.
  2. Challenges for modules is the best way to get 4 and 5 star modules. They are similar to other challenges in the game. Here, too, not all characters are allowed to fight, but more on that below. nine0012
  3. Module Supplies is a module store where you can buy goods either for crystals or for regular currency. Naturally, the better the module, the more expensive it is.

Tests for modules and kits

There are eight types of modules in the game, which will be discussed below. It is important to know that in order to pass the test for the next module, you need different characters.

Health . You can go for any character. The bonus will be credited if there are 2 or more modules. For the next 2 modules of the fifteenth level, you will receive a bonus in the form of five percent to the health of the character. This kit is the simplest and most accessible to any player. nine0003

Protection . Can be obtained by playing as a Jedi. The set bonus is also credited from 2 or more modules. For the next 2 modules of the fifteenth level, you will receive a bonus in the form of five percent to defense. This will come in handy for tanks. It doesn’t make much sense to specifically stuff it.

Critical Damage . Can be knocked out while playing as Jawas. Enrollment is carried out starting from 4 modules. For the next 4 modules of the fifteenth level, you will be given thirty percent of this indicator. Probably one of the most preferred and priority sets. nine0003

Critical Chance . Can be knocked out while playing as Rogues. The set bonus is credited from 2 or more modules. For the next 2 modules of the fifteenth level, you will have a bonus of five percent to the chance of a critical hit. A very important, even priority set, beneficial for many characters, but not for tanks, that set cannot be useful to them. Tanks are not recommended to get hung up on this set.

Durability . Can be obtained by playing as a rebel. The set bonus is credited from 2 or more modules. For the next 2 modules of the fifteenth level, you will receive a ten percent bonus to stamina. This kit is of little use, it will be useful for several heroes, so we do not recommend getting hung up on it. nine0003

Attack . You can knock out playing for the first order. Bonuses will be credited starting from 4 modules. For the number of modules of the fifteenth level, a multiple of four, you will be given ten percent to the attack. Quite an interesting set, however, it is not popular. Recommended for loot, only in the case of playing for the First Order.

Efficiency . Can be obtained by playing as the Imperials. The set bonus is credited from 2 or more modules. For the next 2 modules of the fifteenth level, you will receive a bonus of ten percent to efficiency. Ambiguous kit, useful only for support. We do not recommend to pay special attention here. nine0003

Speed ​​ . Can be obtained by playing as resistance. Bonuses are credited starting from 4 modules. For the number of modules of the fifteenth level, a multiple of four, you will be given ten percent of the speed. Nice kit, increases the most needed stat in the whole game.

Each challenge has 3 levels of difficulty. Each of which allows characters with a certain number of stars:

  • Simple — characters with 3 stars. nine0012
  • Medium — characters with 4 stars.
  • High — characters with 5 stars.

That is, in order, for example, to play on a difficult level for the protection module, you need to have at least 3 Jedi with 5 stars. It’s hard, but it’s worth it!

Shapes and colors of modules

In the gameplay you can meet modules of different shapes, there are six of them. Each form has its own characteristics. There are square, diamond, round, arrow, triangle and cross modules. And each of these has its own characteristics. For example, a square is for attack, a rhombus is for defense, and so on. nine0127


For increasing the level by a multiple of three, one characteristic is opened. The player received a blue mod with stamina and health. Every third level, one of the characteristics will improve, but at the twelfth level, another indicator will open. Thus, all modules of the maximum level will be gold.

It is worth making a conclusion that modules are an integral part of the game, its priority component, because if they are present, the probability of winning increases. Modules are really worth investing in, here are some tips for that:0003

  1. Try to collect the entire set as often as possible to acquire very useful bonuses.
  2. It is worth noting that the most priority indicator here is speed.
  3. It is highly recommended to purchase only mods in green and better
  4. Mods are completely random. Sometimes you get a gold mod for 3 days in a row, and sometimes you don’t get anything for a whole week.
  5. A very important point — many people confuse such concepts as defense and defense, this is absolutely impossible to do, completely different things! nine0012

Schedule of events in the game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Events are a series of tests that appear according to the corresponding schedule. Active events and the schedule of upcoming battles can be viewed by going to the main menu of this activity. Each test is limited in time. The number of attempts is limited. However, great rewards are given for victory. There are also one-time tests. Some, like «The Rebels,» teach certain skills to play as characters. nine0003

Best Hero Squad in Star Wars: Heroes

According to most experienced players, the best composition is the composition of the characters that are easiest to pump. A large increase in characteristics is given by the stars of the characters, which are very difficult to obtain. Of course, the characters that are available for real money or during promotions are good in battle, but you will also have to upgrade their stardom for money. In this regard, free and easily accessible characters win. nine0003

However, no matter what, the composition of the squad should include 1 tank, 2-3 healers and aggressors. With such a composition, you can even resist opponents who are superior in strength to you and successfully complete most game instances. In the early and mid stages of the game, the best composition will be the following:

  1. Tank — Chewbacca
  2. Healers — Jedi Consular, Talia, Ewok Elder
  3. Aggressors — Java

nine0002 However, you should not balk at collecting these characters if you already have other heroes unlocked. Download what you have! So you can move further and quickly increase the overall power of your squad. It should be borne in mind that some heroes greatly strengthen their fellow tribesmen. For example: Talya removes all negative effects only from the sisters of the night. Others, on the contrary, are good at attacking some enemies. For example: Jawa can only stun drones on impact.

If you are so eager to get a specific composition of the best team — open the Squad Arena and take a look at the TOP players. You will see that they have the most diverse sets of heroes. Therefore, do not beat your head against the wall and open the «necessary» heroes. Pump over those that are available, combine them. Read the descriptions of their attacks and abilities and you will be able to create the best squad for yourself. But remember, a harmonious squad is a tank, healers (support) and aggressors. nine0209

A few tips for leveling characters:

  1. Gather experience materials (in battles to train and level up characters.
  2. Equipment sets are used to upgrade a character’s equipment and unlock new abilities. Equipment can be collected or crafted.
  3. By collecting character shards, you can increase their rank in the stars, as well as increase their parameters.
  4. Combining characters of the same category in battle, you can create new strategies. nine0012

  1. New characters can be unlocked by collecting the shards needed for them. Shards can be obtained in battles and events of high difficulty, as well as found in data cards and supplies.
  2. To increase the level of the player and open up new opportunities, you must complete battles, trials and events.
  3. By completing daily quests, you can earn unique rewards.
  4. Achievements can be obtained by participating in selected battles of the light and dark side, completing daily tasks and in other ways. nine0012
  5. Crystals are obtained in battles. With their help, you can open data cards with materials and fragments and do other useful things. Crystals are also sold in the store.

Fighting the right way

  • To attack, touch the icon in the lower right corner.
  • Targets can and should be set by touching enemies.
  • If a special ability is available, tap to activate. For info touch and hold. nine0012
  • Abilities take a couple of turns to recharge. Keep an eye on the counter to use the ability again.
  • Some characters have automatic passive abilities. For info touch and hold.
  • Leader abilities are passive abilities that affect the entire squad. The leadership abilities of its leader are applied to the squad.
  • Speed ​​determines how quickly the travel bar fills up. The progress bar is displayed below the health bar and determines the order of attacks. nine0012
  • When a fight is easy to win, use auto-battle.

Shop, supplies and free cards

In the store you can buy hero shards, equipment items, upgrades for abilities and much more for crystals or real money. You buy a random amount of a random resource, and the range is very wide and can be, for example, from 10 to 330 fragments of one of the 27 heroes. Therefore, there is a great chance to win a small number of fragments of a completely unnecessary hero. And how to collect your best squad at the same time? nine0003

At the end of the list on the right there is a bronzium data card. With this card, you can win 5 times a day: a random hero, shards, equipment or currency. Or more, spending 250 ally points each. The time interval between attempts is 20 minutes. These points can be obtained in battles using the help of an ally.

Here on other tabs you can also buy credits, training droids for crystals. Or the crystals themselves for real money

nine0002 Want to be the best in the game? Visit our site often! In our articles, we summarize the tips of experienced players, recommendations from developers, official guides and our secrets of passing games.

Supplies is a store where you can exchange various currencies for goods. The following currencies are accepted here:

  1. crystals are needed to purchase data cards and items in the store, as well as to refresh energy and reset cooldown timers. Earn crystals by completing battles and earning achievements! nine0012
  2. Credits are needed to increase the level of the character, improve his abilities and star rating. Also, credits are used in the creation of items and for the purchase of items from batches of goods.
  3. Cantina Battle Tokens are used to purchase special items in the Cantina Battle Store.
  4. Guild Tokens . Earn Guild Tokens by participating in Guild Events and Raids. Use them to shop at the guild store. nine0012
  5. Squad Arena Tokens is needed to purchase characters and rare items in the Squad Arena shop.
  6. Galactic War Tokens is the currency used to purchase items in the Galactic War shop.
  7. Other currencies.

Light and dark side battles

This is a series of battles in which you can win various useful items for character development. Only light heroes are allowed to the battle of the light side, and dark ones, respectively, to the dark side. You will be confronted by the characters of the opposite side. Therefore, you should collect and pump units of both the light and dark sides. As you progress, the strength of the enemies will increase, but the rewards will also get better. nine0003

There are 2 types of difficulty here. On normal difficulty you can win:

  1. Crystals (first pass).
  2. Items of equipment for upgrading characters.
  3. Training Droids — gives units a certain amount of experience through training.
  4. Battle coupons needed to instantly complete 3-star battles. Get battle coupons also for restoring energy and daily entry into the game. nine0012
  5. Credits .
  6. Experience points , which increases the overall level of the player.

On hard difficulty, in addition to the rewards listed above, you can get shards that unlock new heroes and increase the stardom of existing ones.

During the passage of battles, energy is consumed. It is added for free by 1 unit every 6 minutes, or for crystals. Also in daily tasks you can receive 45 units of energy several times a day (watch the timer). The maximum number is limited and depends on the overall level of the player. If the energy is greater than or equal to the maximum level, the increase every 6 minutes stops. Therefore, it should be spent on time. The further you go in battles, the more this energy will be charged from you. Hard battles require 2 times more energy than normal difficulty battles. There are a total of 381 light side battles and 381 dark side battles in the game. nine0003

How to win in the Squad Arena?

In the Arena, you fight other players’ squads. The higher your place in the standings, the better reward awaits you, which is issued once a day — at 18.00 Moscow time. 5 battles are available per day with a 10-minute interval between battles (why they did this is not clear). You can choose an opponent for as long as you like. After defeating an opponent, you will change places with him. Another statement is also true — if you win, then your place will decrease. After the battle, you can invite the defeated opponent as a friend

5 300 Crystals, 750 unit isnus, 42,000 loans 6-10 250 crystals, 700 units arena 11-20








11-20 Detachments, 30,000 loans 21-50 150 crystals, 650 unit toons, 25,000 loans 51-100 100 crystals, 625 units of the Arena of the detachments, 22 500 500 500 500 500 credits. 0127 101-200 75 Crystals, 600 units areas, 20,000 loans 201-500 60 crystals, 18,000 loans

9012EAL Crystalov, 400 tokens of the detachments, 16,000 loans 1001-2500 40 crystals, 300 units arena, 14,000 loans 2501-5000 35 35 35 pervades, 200 cadets, 200 cranks nine0127 5001-1000 25 crystals, 100 tokens of the detachments, 10,000 loans 10001+ 15 crystals, 50 tokens of the detachments, 5,000 loans

9000 9000 9000 9000

The battle of the cantina resembles the passage of battles for the light and dark sides. During the passage of battles, the energy of the cantina is consumed. It is added for free by 1 unit every 12 minutes, or for crystals. Also in daily tasks you can receive 45 units of energy several times a day (watch the timer). The maximum number is limited and depends on the overall level of the player. If the energy is greater than or equal to the maximum level, the increase every 6 minutes stops. Therefore, it should be spent on time. The further you go in battles, the more this energy will be charged from you. nine0003

There are no battles at different difficulty levels. Any heroes are allowed to battle and you can win the following rewards:

  1. Shards of heroes — needed to unlock new heroes and increase the stardom of existing ones.
  2. Material for improving the abilities of heroes.
  3. Training Droids — gives units a certain amount of experience through training.
  4. Battle coupons needed to instantly complete 3-star battles. Get battle coupons also for restoring energy and daily entry into the game. nine0012
  5. Cantina Battle Tokens — Used to purchase special items in the Cantina Battle Shop.
  6. Credits .
  7. Experience points , which increases the overall level of the player.

Test guide

There are 6 trials in total. There are 2 challenges available every day. All tests are available on Sunday. Each challenge has 3 and 5 attempts. If you lose, attempts do not burn out. You can choose the difficulty of the test and, accordingly, the rewards. Descriptions of passing these tests:

Ability materials. Bosses apply a permanent damage over time effect. Use characters that can interrupt the debuff and/or deal high damage.

Equipment (Only for tanks). Earn tactical gear! Fight Mace Windu with the Split Point skill and try to outsmart him.

Training droids. Battle for experience. Bosses periodically fully restore health. Use characters that hinder health regeneration. nine0003

Bounty hunter. Battle for Credits! Bosses deal a lot of damage, but attack slowly. Use characters that weaken the enemy’s attack.

Equipment (for healers and support only). Earn agility gear! Take on Savage Opress by finding his weaknesses with debuffs. Choose your treatment time wisely!

Equipment (aggressors only). Earn Equipment for Strength! Take on Grand Moff Tarkin and General Bierce against the clock. Defeat them. until they used their special abilities! nine0003

Why do we need guilds in the game?

Joining a guild allows you to significantly expand your gaming experience, namely:

  1. Shop in the guild store, buy uniforms and hero shards.
  2. Exchange items of equipment within the guild. You can request the desired item and donate the items requested by other players.
  3. Fight bosses together and get good rewards. nine0012
  4. Participate in guild events.
  5. Complete guild missions and receive the corresponding shop tokens for them.

Tasks are a great way to level up

Daily quests are a kind of reminders for various game activities that give good rewards. For example: complete battles on the dark side and light side, participate in cantina battles, complete challenges, etc. Free energy is given here several times a day. Watch the timer and don’t miss your gift. The greatest reward can be obtained if you close all the dailies. As a reward here you can get: crystals, credits, the experience of the main character, training droids and battle coupons. nine0003

In addition to daily tasks, there are other types of tasks here: guilds, protocols, galactic wars, etc. They give out especially valuable rewards: shards and crystals. At the very bottom of the left column there are achievements for which Darth Vader fragments, a lot of crystals and other currencies give. Achievement examples:

  1. Collect 20 dark side characters.
  2. Reach player level: 60.
  3. Collect 10 light side ships.
  4. Purchase items in shipments: 10.
  5. Earn 1,000,000 credits in total.
  6. And others.

Taking everything from the galactic war

Galactic War is a series of battles in which health is not restored between battles. Therefore, healers who heal heroes during the battle will come in handy here like nowhere else. However, here you can put any of the heroes available. Also, don’t forget to open the boxes on the game table between fights, otherwise you won’t go any further. If during the day you could not pass all the tests, then the next day you will continue from the same place and all the heroes will be cured. However, once a day, you can launch the restart button and start over again, receiving all the rewards due for victories in battles. Rewards: Credits, Training Droid, Ability Upgrade Material, Crystals, Galactic War Tokens. nine0003

To win, you need to take tanks and healers to the main squad: 1-2 tanks and 2-4 healers. The rest of the available heroes also need to be pumped — they will help in finishing off opponents.

Ships and their correct pumping

Ships are required for individual battles and special activities. Ship battles are quite spectacular and epic. However, the game does not shine with variety and the mechanics of battles and pumping are similar to the mechanics with heroes. Ship upgrade includes:

  1. Search for blueprints to increase their star rating, like heroes
  2. Level increases similar to hero training.
  3. Pumping attacks and abilities, just like the heroes.
  4. Pumping of pilots — heroes.

Ships are upgraded using elements separate from heroes, which are obtained in ship battles. Leveling pilots is the usual leveling of individual heroes to which the corresponding ships are attached. nine0003

Daily login rewards

Log into the game every day to receive rewards. Rewards are updated every midnight. Lost rewards cannot be returned, so be sure to log in every day. At the beginning of each month, the daily login history is reset.

Mail and chat

The mail mainly receives letters with awards for various activities:

  • Daily rewards for your rank in the Squad Arena.
  • Guild raid rewards.
  • Award for active participation in the affairs of the guild.
  • News from developers.
  • Messages from other players.
  • Rewards for some events and promotions.
  • Other messages and awards.

Don’t forget to check the chat as well. In it, you can not only see the messages of other players, but also see important information in the guild chat: passing raids, adding and removing guild players, requests for equipment for leveling characters. nine0003

The author of the article: Yaroslav I.

141. My own sword (for likes👍)

141. My own sword

Tang Xiao fiddled with the hilt of this sword for a while, but did not understand anything. It had only one button, but no matter how you pressed it, it did not respond.

— This is your future weapon — a lightsaber. Darth Plagueis said blankly.

— But it won’t open, will it?

Darth Plagueis smiled coldly, «He doesn’t belong to you yet.» nine0003

He raised his hand, and with a click, the sword hilt flew out of Tang Xiao’s hand and flew through the air towards him, then naturally disintegrated into more than ten pieces, and among those pieces was a crystal.

This crystal was crystal clear like a diamond, but with a slight white tint that looked less transparent.

«Kyber is a crystal, the power source of a lightsaber. “Darth Plagueis said he could fire a plasma blade and instantly burst into flames at millions of degrees, destroying everything in its path. But the kyber crystal must be crafted for the plasma blade to release in a controlled manner, and it can usually be crafted mechanically, but a lightsaber thus obtained is not truly powerful. » nine0003

Darth Plagueis raised his hand, and the crystal slowly flew up, continuously rotating in front of Tang Xiao’s eyes: «So both the Jedi and we Sith Lords prefer to use our own Force to process the kyber crystal. Only then will it be possible to say that a lightsaber made in this way really belongs to us, is connected with our life, is our own weapon.

Tang Xiao nodded, “So I haven’t processed this kyber crystal yet, and therefore I can’t release the plasma blade?” nine0003

Darth Plagueis nodded, “That’s right. Unfortunately, kyber crystals are highly repulsive to the dark side of the Force, they are more susceptible to the light side of the Jedi Force. After all, the light side of the Force is closer to nature, while the dark side goes against it.

With that, he waved his hand again, and another lightsaber flew from his belt and was dismembered in the air by unseen forces, revealing the complex structure within it and a blood-red kyber crystal: my dark side and it turned red. A red lightsaber will be more powerful than a regular lightsaber, but it will also be more difficult to control. nine0003

— I understand, Your Holiness. I need to conquer this colorless kyber crystal, don’t I? Tang Xiao asked.

«Not only that, but you’ll have to build your own lightsaber your way. It has to be your unique way of assembling it so that in the heat of battle the Jedi Master doesn’t simply disable your lightsaber or even take it apart. «Darth Plagueis said seriously — remember, don’t trust anyone!» The only thing you can trust in the heat of battle is the lightsaber in your hand.» nine0003

He raised his hand again, and the colorless kyber crystal from the previous one again connected with the lightsaber and handed it to Tang Xiao, “Now hit me with that hilt with all your might.”

Tang Xiao hesitated for a moment, and although he already knew what would happen next, he tightly gripped the hilt and hit Darth Plagueis with all his strength with it.

His physique was no longer the same as before, and with the strengthening of his physique by the Force, this blow could be called a blow that destroys monuments! nine0003

However, the moment the hilt of the sword swung up, he suddenly felt a weakness in his hand, and the hilt instantly turned into countless pieces and fell apart. He did not have time to react to the suddenness of the attack, and his body stumbled and fell towards Darth Plagueis.

In the next moment, a large cold hand was on his neck! The Muun’s index and middle fingers were long, and with this, he pinched not only Tang Xiao’s throat, but also the back of his neck.

Darth Plagueis looked at Tang Xiao, seemingly asserting his authority. nine0003

A few seconds passed before he swung and hit Tang Xiao against the rough-looking car behind him.

«The lightsaber is very easy to assemble, I will teach you how to assemble it and how to reforge the kyber crystal using the furnaces here. «Darth Plagueis coldly said this is not a very short process, but for now this Book of Sith is at your disposal to pass the time.»

Pass the time? Do you think The Book of Sith is a comic book or a novel? Tang Xiao swore in his heart. Of course, to be more precise, The Book of the Sith is more like Mein Kampf, well, those who understand this will understand.

As if he could see what was on Tang Xiao’s mind, Darth Plagueis said softly, «While the Book of Sith is essentially biographies of the Sith Lords and their views on the beings of the galaxy, when they left it, they also left your own notes. Each generation of Sith Lords is the highest existence in the galaxy, and their understanding of the dark side of the Force is also different.»

He picked up the Book of Sith that Tang Xiao had just dropped from the ground and tapped on it, “How deep understanding of the Power of the Dark Side you can comprehend from it depends on your enlightenment. If you can integrate their understanding gained from these former Sith Emperors, then your attainment of the Power of the Dark Side will also reach a higher level.» nine0003

— I understand, Your Holiness.


The wild and extravagant party on the planet of the Hunter’s Moon continued, and each participant gave free rein to the deepest desires and ugliness of his soul.