Skyrim geld cheat pc: Console Commands to Spawn Gold in Skyrim

How To Make One Million Gold At Level One

Gold is the most important resource in the Elder Scrolls games. In Skyrim Special Edition, players need gold to do just about anything in the game. Whether it’s buying equipment, crafting materials, ingredients, or some useful potions, players need to have a decent stack of Septims. But earning gold is a long process that requires patience and hard work on the players’ sides. At level one, players will be mostly ill-equipped for their journey ahead, having only acquired only the most basic gear the game has to offer. Thus, the Dragonborn will need large quantities of gold in order to buy better equipment.

RELATED: Most Expensive Items You Can Purchase In Skyrim, Ranked

However, there’s a quicker way to do this than conventional methods. By taking advantage of some glitches in Skyrim Special Edition, players can amass 1 million gold in just a few hours. To ensure the glitch works properly, players must make sure they do not have the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch installed.

Updated on November 26th, 2021 by Talha Bin Rizwan: In the world of Skyrim, players need gold to do just about anything. It is one of the most precious resources in the game that can be hard to accumulate. Players can complete a variety of tasks from completing quests, raiding dungeons, to straight-up stealing to acquire gold. At level 1, players will be equipped with very basic gear that is unsuitable for the journey ahead. They will need a large amount of gold to equip themselves with better weapons and armor that will allow them to face the challenges ahead. Acquiring vast amounts of gold can be tedious, but thanks to a glitch in the game, players can expedite the gold earning process and make upto 1 million gold in Skyrim in just under a few hours.

5/5 Go To Whiterun Gates

First things first, players will need to get to Whiterun after they escape Helgen. This should be an easy task once the Dragonborn makes it to Riverwood. Simply follow the road out of Riverwood to get to the location. Once at the city, head to the city gates, enter, and make an immediate right straight into the alcove. Here, players will find a barrel which they need to jump on top of and position themselves slightly to the right, giving themselves some space from the wall.

Face the wall towards the gate and jump on it. Next, enter sneak mode and immediately start running out from between the gap in the roof and the wall. It’s also possible walk in sneak mode on the wall and head towards the other side, where the gap is bigger.

4/5 Get To Dragonsreach From The Outside

Once players clip through the wall, they will fall into a partially rendered area of Whiterun. Players must then keep close to the walls and make their way to Dragonsreach keep from the outside. Once they reach the area, they will find a few textures missing and will be able to see directly through the terrain. This area is navmeshed, meaning that players will be able to walk across it. Approach the wall and then turn left.

RELATED: Craziest Glitches In Skyrim (& Why They Happen)

One of the rocks next to the wall can be walked through, which will allow players to walk underneath the terrain. Be sure to save at this point, as the Dragonborn can fall through the terrain and be reset into the fully rendered Skyrim areas. Once the game is saved, walk forward and players will be able to see Eorlund Gray-Mane working at the Skyforge above them.

3/5 Jump And Open The Chest

Players will see a chest underneath the area where Eorlund Gray-Mane is working. They must take care because this area is not properly navmeshed, meaning that the Dragonborn can fall through the terrain and be reset. Run towards this chest and jump the last few meters into the air. While falling, spam the interact key to open the chest. It may take a few tries to get it right.

If unsuccessful, players can simply reload the save that they made earlier. Once the chest is opened, loot everything inside, including a large sum of gold. After taking all of the items inside, fast travel back to Whiterun. From there, players can sell the items they took from the chest.

2/5 Repeat As Many Times As Necessary

Players can sell the items from the chests to the two blacksmiths and the general goods merchant in Whiterun. Merchants typically have a few thousand in gold to offer in exchange for the items which means players will have to talk to multiple merchants to sell all items. The items in the chest restock every 48 hours in-game time. This means players can wait and repeat the process again to earn the amount they need.

RELATED: Skyrim Special Edition: How To Duplicate Any Item

It’s possible to earn between 5,000 gold to 10,000 gold per cycle using this method. In just under an hour, a sizeable amount in gold can be amassed using this glitch. However, to speed up the process, players can also use other similar chests hidden in the game world. By using the glitch on these special chests, players can easily make up to 1 million gold in Skyrim in just over an hour.

1/5 Alternate Chest Locations


There’s a much easier-to-find chest outside Markarth, the capital of the Reach. To get there, players can talk to the carriage driver outside Whiterun to take them to Markarth. Once they arrive at the location, players must follow the road leading out from the city until they reach a bridge, close to the Salvius Farm. Right next to the bridge, towards the left, they will find a small wall. Players must walk close to the wall, on the side facing the water, while looking at the ground.

They will find a prompt to open a chest as they do so. In case they do not get the prompt, players can go into the sneaking position and repeat while moving slowly. Inside, they will find contents similar to the ones in the chest in Whiterun. Players can then sell off the items to any of the blacksmiths and general goods merchants found in the various cities.

Outside Solitude

Another similar chest can be found in the hold of Haafingar, just outside Skyrim’s capital city. Players can take the carriage to Solitude, and once at the location, make their way to the city gates but not enter. Instead, the player should turn about, facing directly in the opposite direction of the gates, and make their way down the path until they reach the ledge on their left. There will be three rocks near the edge of the ledge, and players must position themselves directly in front of the mid-sized rock. Enter sneak mode and slowly move directly forward while looking at the ground. Players will get a prompt to open a chest that can be looted.

Near Dawnstar Mine

Players can find another easy-to-locate merchant chest in the main city of Skyrim’s Dawnstar hold. As soon as they arrive they must find the mine located in the city. Once they do so, players must position themselves while facing the mine entrance. They will spot a few rocks with some small trees on the left of the entrance which is where the chest is buried. Players must look down towards the ground and make their way to the location slowly and they will get the prompt to loot a chest. Provided they arrived at the right time, they can find the Khajiit caravan in town to whom they can sell all the items they have looted.

At The Blue Palace

The Blue Palace is located in Skyrim’s capital city, Solitude, towards the south-eastern edge of the city. The chest is located inside the building in one of the hallways and to access it, players will need a platter. They can find one on the small table to the left which they can pick up by holding the interact key. Doing so will suspend the platter in the air in front of the players which they can move about. While holding the platter, players must go in the corridor to the left and locate the bench and then position the platter behind it so that it stays suspended up on the wall. Players must then sprint into the platter and clip through the walls into a partially rendered area. They must turn left, walk carefully onto the beam to the end where they will see a chest down below.

It is a good idea to save the game now as it will take a few tries to open the chest. Once done, players must simply walk off the edge and spam their interact key as they are falling while looking at the chest. If done correctly, they will be successful in opening the chest as they are falling and will be free to loot the items. This particular chest will have items suited for mages that players can either keep or sell back to the court wizard in exchange for gold.

This exploit yields up to 60,000 gold per cycle if players find and loot all the chests allowing them to become millionaires within the course of a few hours.

Skyrim was released on November 11th, 2011, and is available on PC, Playstation, Xbox, and the Nintendo Switch

NEXT: Skyrim Special Edition: How To Get Deadric Gear At Level One

Skyrim cheats — onoverwinnelijkheid en oneindig veel geld

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim zit vol verrassingen en wonderen. Om alles te ontdekken met je eigengemaakte held is dan ook een hele uitdaging. En het duurt ook heel lang. Denk met gemak honderd uur. Soms heb je gewoon even zin om te ouwehoeren en daar leent de pc-versie van Skyrim zich het beste voor. Alle cheats, codes, console commands en andere aanpassingen zijn heel gemakkelijk in te voeren. In het consolemenu ligt de hele wereld aan je voeten: verander het weer of leer bijvoorbeeld alle ‘Dragon Shouts’ om je held binnen no-time supersterk te maken. Veel plezier met deze codes!

Het werkt als volgt: het consolemenu open je met de «~»-toets. Er komt dan een menu tevoorschijn waar je simpelweg je code neer typt. Druk op Enter om de cheat te activeren en sluit het menu wanneer je klaar bent. In veel gevallen zie je WAARDE staan achter een cheat. Hier kun je zelf een aantal invoeren. Zo kun je zelf bepalen hoeveel je van iets krijgt, bijvoorbeeld van gold.

Onsterfelijkheid, oneindig goud, lockpicks en levendrankjes, level up

tgm — Onsterfelijkheid / God Mode
tcl — Zet de collision detection uit (handig als je vast zit)
player.resethealth — Zet je levensenergie terug naar 100
player.forceav ShoutRecoveryMult 0 — Zet de oplaadtijd van je Dragon Shouts terug naar 0.
player.additem 0000000F WAARDE — Hier geef je aan hoeveel goudstukken je erbij wilt
player.additem 0000000A WAARDE — Hier geef je aan hoeveel lockpicks je erbij wilt
player.additem 00039BE5 WAARDE — Hier geef je aan hoeveel levensdrankjes je erbij wilt
player.modav carryweight WAART — Hier geef je aan hoeveel je bij je kunt dragen (carry weight)
advlevel — Stijg een level
player.setlevel WAARDE — Voer bij de waarde in welk level je held moet zijn
player.setcrimegold WAARDE — Zet deze op nul om vrijuit te gaan
psb — Speel alle magische spreuken vrij

Speel kaarten en plaatsen vrij, ren sneller, vlieg door Skyrim, onzichtbaarheid

tfc — Vlieg vrijuit met de camera
tai — Zet de AI uit (laat tegenstanders bevriezen)
tmm 1 — Alle plaatsen op de kaart worden gemarkeerd
tmm 0 — Geen enkele plaats op de kaart wordt gemarkeerd
player. setav speedmult WAARDE — Zet de loopsnelheid van je held naar de waarde die je wilt (100 is de normale snelheid)
tdetect — Hiermee word je onzichtbaar. Perfect voor dieven.
ignorecrime WAARDE — Zet deze op 1 om NPC’s te laten vergeten dat je ze iets hebt aangedaan, zet deze op 0 om ze weer normaal te laten gedragen
animcam — Draai de camera vrijuit rond je karakter, je kunt nog gewoon blijven lopen
DisablePlayerControls — Je kunt nog om je heenkijken, maar niet meer bewegen
EnablePlayerControls — Zet de vorige cheat weer uit
fov WAARDE — Hiermee geef je aan hoe groot je blikveld (field of view) is. 65 is standaard, groter (tot aan 90) is goed voor widescreen monitors.

Sloten openen, NPC’s doden en tot leven wekken, huwelijken, relaties

lock WAARDE — Zo doe je een object op slot. De waarde geeft aan hoe sterk het slot is.
unlock — Open een object dat op slot zit.
setscale WAARDE — Maak een aangegeven object, monster of NPC groter naarmate de waarde stijgt.
sexchange — Verander het geslacht van de aangegeven NPC.
resurrect — Wek de aangegeven NPC tot leven.
kill — Doodt de aangegeven NPC.
stopcombat — Alle gevechten stoppen, handig als je iemand per ongeluk aanvalt
killall — Dood alles in de omgeving, zowel vriend als vijand
disable — Laat een aangegeven object of NPC verdwijnen uit de game
enable — Direct na de vorige cheat invoeren om het effect weer ongedaan te maken
resethealth — Zet de levensbalk van de aangegeven NPC terug op 100 procent
set killmoverandom to WAARDE — Laat je vaker Kill Moves zien
set decapitationchance to WAARDE — Laat je vaker een vijand onthoofden
addfac WAARDE — Hiermee bepaal je hoe de relaties zijn met NPC’s, de codes zijn als volgt:

19809 — Een NPC krijgt interesse om met je te trouwen. Je hebt nog wel het amulet van Mara nodig en je moet een goede band hebben opgebouwd. Of gebruik gewoon de code «setrelationshiprank player 4.»

000E0CD9 — NPC wordt een bandiet

5C84D — NPC wordt mogelijk een companion

getrelationshiprank player WAARDE — Voer hier in in hoeverre je met een NPC bevriend bent:

-4 = Aartsvijand

-3 = Vijand

-2 = Tegenstander

-1 = Rivaal

0 = Kennis

1 = Vriend

2 = Vertrouweling

3 = Bondgenoot

4 = Geliefde
removeallitems — Haal alle voorwerpen en kleding uit het inventaris van de NPC
removeallitems player — Hetzelfde als bovenstaande cheat, maar dan op jezelf

Quests voltooien, teleporteren

caqs — Alle (!!!) quest stages voltooien
MoveToQT — Naar het volgende deel van de actieve quest springen
GetStage — Dit geeft aan hoe ver je in de quest bent
coc WAARDE — Teleporteer naar welke plaats dan ook, voer bij de waarde bijvoorbeeld Whiterun of Riverwoord in — coc QAsmoke brengt je naar de testruimte

Overige cheats en codes

qqq — Verlaat de game direct
set timescale to WAARDE — Geef aan hoe snel de tijd in-game verstrijkt (20 is normaal, 1 is realtime)
showracemenu — Nadat je het consolemenu verlaat kun je je personage opnieuw inrichten. Voer deze code niet in terwijl je in first person-perspectief speelt of aan het winkelen bent! Met andere woorden: enkel wanneer je je personage volledig kan zien
tg — Zet gras aan en uit
tm — Schakelt alle menu-elementen (HUD) uit. Ook het consolemenu, dus type tm blind om het effect weer om te zetten
tws — Zet waterreflecties aan en uit
ts — Zet de hemel aan en uit

Skills levelen, ervaringspunten (experience points) krijgen

Met de volgende codes geef je bij WAARDE aan hoeveel ervaringspunten je in een bepaalde vaardigheid wilt stoppen.

Alchemy — player.advskill alchemy WAARDE
Conjuration — player.advskill conjuration WAARDE
Block — player.advskill block WAARDE
One-handed — player.advskill onehanded WAARDE
Illusion — player.advskill illusion WAARDE
Light Armor — player. advskill lightarmor WAARDE
Speech — player.advskill speechcraft WAARDE
Archery — player.advskill marksman WAARDE
Sneak — player.advskill sneak WAARDE
Lockpicking — player.advskill lockpicking WAARDE
Smithing — player.advskill smithing WAARDE
Heavy Armor — player.advskill heavyarmor WAARDE
Pickpocket — player.advskill pickpocket WAARDE
Alteration — player.advskill alteration WAARDE
Enchanting — player.advskill enchanting WAARDE
Restoration — player.advskill restoration WAARDE
Destruction — player.advskill destruction WAARDE
Two-handed — player.advskill twohanded WAARDE

Ook kun je er voor kiezen vaardigheden direct op een bepaald level te krijgen. Dat doe je als volgt:

Alchemy — player.advskill alchemy WAARDE
Conjuration — player. forceav conjuration WAARDE
Block — player. forceav block WAARDE
One-handed — player. forceav onehanded WAARDE
Illusion — player. forceav illusion WAARDE
Light Armor — player. forceav lightarmor WAARDE
Speech — player. forceav speechcraft WAARDE
Archery — player. forceav marksman WAARDE
Sneak — player. forceav sneak WAARDE
Lockpicking — player. forceav lockpicking WAARDE
Smithing — player. forceav smithing WAARDE
Heavy Armor — player. forceav heavyarmor WAARDE
Pickpocket — player. forceav pickpocket WAARDE
Alteration — player. forceav alteration WAARDE
Enchanting — player. forceav enchanting WAARDE
Restoration — player. forceav restoration WAARDE
Destruction — player. forceav destruction WAARDE
Two-handed — player. forceav twohanded WAARDE

Alle Dragon Shouts vrijspelen

Dragon Shouts zijn erg lastig te vinden, soms ontbreekt er nog maar een enkele lettergreep. Met de volgende codes speel je alle Dragon Shouts en lettergrepen vrij maar let wel: om ze te verkrijgen heb je nog wel Dragon Souls nodig.

Gelukkig is dáár ook een code voor:

player.forceav dragonsouls WAARDE — Geef aan hoeveel Dragon Souls je in bezit hebt

AH — player. teachword 46B8A
AUS — player. teachword 60299
BAH — player. teachword 6029B
DREM — player. teachword 6029E
DUN — player. teachword 3291F
FAAS — player. teachword 3291A
FIN — player. teachword 32917
FRUL — player. teachword 44253
FUS — player. teachword 13E22
GRAH — player. teachword 3291E
GRON — player. teachword 32919
GUT — player. teachword 602A2
HAAL — player. teachword 5FB96
HUN — player. teachword 51960
JOOR — player. teachword 44251
KAAN — player. teachword 6029D
KAAR — player. teachword 51961
KEST — player. teachword 2F7BD
KLO — player. teachword 48ACB
KOOR — player. teachword 3CD33
KREIN — player. teachword 20E19
KRII — player. teachword 60297
LAAS — player. teachword 60294
LOK — player. teachword 3CD31
LUN — player. teachword 60298
MAAR — player. teachword 3291C
MEY — player. teachword 602A1
MIR — player. teachword 60292
NAH — player. teachword 2F7BC
NIR — player. teachword 60296
NUS — player. teachword 13E24
OD — player. teachword 46B89
OV — player. teachword 6029F
QO — player. teachword 6029C
RAAN — player. teachword 60291
RO — player. teachword 13E23
RU — player. teachword 3291B
STRUN — player. teachword 6029A
SU — player. teachword 3291D
TAH — player. teachword 60293
TIID — player. teachword 48ACA
TOOR — player. teachword 20E18
UL — player. teachword 48ACC
VAH — player. teachword 3CD32
VIIK — player. teachword 5FB97
VIING — player. teachword 46B8B
WULD — player. teachword 2F7BB
YA — player. teachword 60295
YOL — player. teachword 20E17
ZAH — player. teachword 44252
ZI — player. teachword 32918
ZOOL — player. teachword 51962
ZUL — player. teachword 602A0
ZUN — player. teachword 5FB95

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC Cheats

The PC version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim contains cheat codes that add items to your inventory, unlock all spells, and customize the in-game camera, including. Learn how to enter cheats in Skyrim for Windows.

These cheats are exclusive to version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for Windows. For console versions, additional cheats are provided Skyrim .

How to enter cheat codes in Skyrim

Press tilde key ( ~ ) during game to bring up the cheat console, then enter one of the codes below and press Enter, to activate it.

Many cheat codes require additional modifiers, such as an amount or ID code. The player.additem code requires both. For example, to add 999 gold to your inventory, use the following syntax:

 player.additem 0000000f 999 

All items, items and spells have a unique identification code. You can use the player.additem cheat with the appropriate item ID codes in Skyrim, to get all the required potions, ingredients and crafting materials. The Elder Scroll Wiki has a complete list of all ID codes and console commands for Skyrim .

Enter help in the cheat console to see the full list of commands at your disposal. nine0007

The Elder Scrolls V cheat codes

Enter the following codes with their respective modifiers into the cheat console.

Modifiers are in italics. Codes are not case sensitive, but multi-word skills and item names must be typed in one word. Omit all brackets.

effect Cheat code
Add item to your inventory player. additem [ item id ] [ number ]
Add the enchanted item to your inventory playerenchantobject [ item id ] [ bind id 1 ] [ bind id 2 ]
Increase skill level advancepcskill [skill name ] [ number ]
Add perk player.addperk [ perk id ]
Adjust the field of view (default 75; larger numbers decrease, smaller numbers increase) fov [ number ]
Change player height (1 normal) player.setscale [ number ]
Change your gender sexchange
Complete all stages of quest caqs
Copy NPC inventory to your own (target NPC to get NPC ID) item duplicates [ ID NPC ]
Fast travel Coc [ Location ID ]
Switch free flying camera KTF
Toggle God Mode (Infinite Health, Magicka and Stamina) TGM
Set Player Burden player. modav burden [ number ]
Instant level player.advlevel
Change driving speed (100 normal) player.setav speedmult [ number ]
Kill enemy target murder
Kill all nearby enemies and NPCs kill all
List of all console commands Help
Quit the game QQQ
Remove all items of target removeallitems
Reset target’s original inventory reset inventory
Restore target’s HP to full resethealth
Restore the player’s HP to full player.resethealth
Resurrect the target with inventory resurrect 1
Set player weight player.modav in weight [ number ]
Set target glory setpcfame [ number ]
Set target shame setpcinfamy [ number ]
Set player health player. setav health [ number ]
Install player crime gold player.setcrimegold [ number ]
Install magic player player.setav magicka [ number ]
Set player level player.setlevel [ number ]
Set the number of Dragon Souls player.forceav dragonouls [ count ]
Make NPC mortal/immortal (0=mortal, 1=immortal) setessential [ NPC ID ] [ number ]
Set target refraction (0.0 = normal, 0.000001 = invisible, 1.0 = total refraction) street [ number ]
Show race menu showracemenu
Show/hide map markers (0 = hide, 1 = show) tmm [ number ]
Create an item or NPC at your location player.