Riddler trophäen: Batman Arkham Knight: Riddler-Trophäen auf Bleake Island 1

Batman Arkham Knight: Riddler-Trophäen auf Bleake Island 1

Es wäre kein Batman-Spiel, wenn der Riddler nicht wieder beinahe manisch überall in der Stadt insgesamt 243 Rätsel, Trophäen und zerstörbare Gegenstände für euch versteckt hätte. Tatsächlich müsst ihr diese finden, um nach der Fahndungslisten-Mission Riddlers Rache zum Endgegnerkampf mit dem Ratekönig durchzudringen. Um diese zu finden, haben wir für euch übersichtliche Karten angefertigt, die euch an die richtige Stelle führen. Die Zahlen führen euch zu textlichen Beschreibungen, wie ihr an Trophäen kommt. Die Buchstaben führen zu den Rätsellösungen, bei denen es sich wie immer um zu scannende Umgebungsobjekte handelt, die der Riddler mit einem Satz beschreibt.

In Orange eingefärbt seht ihr unterdessen die zu zerstörenden Gegenstände. Auf den drei großen Inseln zählen jeweils 5, 10 und fünfzehn zerstörte Schilde des Arkham Knight — mit dem Geschütz des Batmobils draufhalten — als gelöstes «Rätsel». In Innenbereichen wie Staggs Luftschiff vernichtet ihr dagegen immer thematisch passende Dinge. Doch das erklären wir auf der entsprechenden Seite. Die zerstörbaren Objekte sind nicht extra mit Nummern versehen, weil für sie kein Lösungsweg erforderlich ist. Fahrt einfach zur markierten Stelle, richtet euren Blick vermehrt nach oben, und ihr werdet sie in jedem Fall finden.

Batman: Arkham Knight — Karten und Lösungen zu Riddler-Rätsel und -Trophäen — Inhaltsverzeichnis

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Riddler-Rätsel und -Trophäen auf Bleake Island

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Batman: Arkham Knight: Riddler-Trophäen auf Bleake Island, Teil 2 und Foto-Rätsel

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Batman: Arkham Knight: Riddler-Trophäen auf Miagani Island, Teil 2 und Foto-Rätsel

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Batman: Arkham Knight: Riddler-Trophäen auf Founder’s Island, Teil 2 und Foto-Rätsel

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Batman Arkham Knight: Riddler-Trophäen der Panessa Studios, Teil 2 und Foto-Rätsel

Batman Arkham Knight: Riddler-Trophäen und Rätsel der Basis des Arkham Knight

Karte von Bleake Island

Lösungen Trophäen Bleake Island

1. Ganz oben, auf der Rückseite des Leuchtturms

2. Unterhalb der Fahrbahn der Brücke, hinter einem Generator.

3. Fliegt von der Brückenseite im Nordwesten in das offen stehende Gebäude hinein.

4. Die Trophäe ist hinter einer bröckeligen Wand in einem höheren Stockwerk versteckt. So könnt ihr das Explosivgel nicht anbringen. Aber ihr könnt von der Brücke im Nordwesten aus mit dem zu darauf schießen.

5. Nutzt den Stimmsynthesizer — sofern ihr schon das Upgrade besitzt — mit dem ihr Riddlers Roboter kommandieren könnt, um den Roboter aus sicherer Entfernung durch das Glasdach zum Fragezeichen zu beordern. Funktioniert nur, wenn er sich eurer Anwesenheit nicht bewusst ist. Solltet ihr den Roboter zerstören müssen, könnt ihr ihn mit einem Batarang auf den Punkt des Fragezeichens reparieren.

6. Findet einen Weg in den Untergrund, die Trophäe steht offen auf einem Schreibtisch in einem der unterirdischen Büros

7. Kracht von Norden her fliegend durch die dünne Holzverkleidung.

8. An der Südostseite des Gebäudes werft ihr einen Batarang an das linke Fragezeichen. Dahinter stellt ihr euch auf den Knopf und nutzt von hier die Batclaw, um die Trophäe zu schnappen (Bild) . Die erscheinenden Gegner zerquetscht ihr, indem ihr mit dem ferngesteuerten Batarang die Container wieder herunterfahren lasst.

9. Steigt vor dem Symbol in der Wand in das Batmobil und aktiviert mit Steuerkreuz oben das Sonar. Nun folgt ihr den erscheinenden Fragezeichen bis auf die zerstörte Brücke zu Ace Chemicals. An der Rückseite der Brückenpfeilern könnt ihr ein Fenster mit dem Geschütz zerstören (Bild).

10. Zieht am Gebäude mit der Winde des Batmobils den Ankerpukt aus der Wand und nehmt die Trophäe im Innern an euch.

11. Erledigt die Roboter auf dem Dach einmal, dann Batarang an den Fragezeichen-Schalter, die Roboter noch einmal besiegen, noch einmal den Schalter und dann ein letztes Mal die Roboter zertrümmern. Danach nehmt ihr die Trophäe.

12. Der Käfig öffnet sich für 45 Sekunden, wenn ihr ihr den Windenpunkt auf den Panessa Studios, dort wo ihr vom Leuchtturm aus mit dem Batmobil aufs Dach springt, überladet. Dann müsst ihr nur noch schnell genug sein. Fahrt direkt vom Dach herunter und durch den Innenhof der Panessa Studios rechts. Leider dürft ihr den Super-Schleudersitz erst am Ziel benutzen.

13. Nutzt den Stimmsynthesizer, um den Roboter zu übernehmen, steuert ihn dann auf das erste Geschütz. Er wird es zerstören. Das zweite blendet ihr mit dem Distanz-Hacking-Gerät und lasst dann den Roboter die Riddler-Trophäe nach draußen tragen.

14. Zieht mit der Winde des Batmobils den Windenpunkt heraus und nutzt dann die Distanz-Stromladung auf dem Generator darüber. (Bild)

15. Im Innern des verfallenen Hauses, ihr kommt von der Wasserseite (Süden) herein.

16. An der Unterseite des Piers, von der Bootsrampe aus gut mit der Batclaw zu bekommen.

Weiter mit Batman: Arkham Knight: Riddler-Trophäen auf Bleake Island, Teil 2 und Foto-Rätsel.

Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis der Batman: Arkham Knight — Komplettlösung.

Park Row Riddler Trophies — Batman: Arkham City Riddler challenge guide

Batman: Arkham City Park Row Riddler Trophies

Above: Click for a huge version of the map


You’re going to need to dive bomb from a nearby gargoyle in order to put enough pressure on the Riddler panel to light up the Riddler switch above it. You’ll also need to detonate your shock wave after you land.


This trophy can be seen inside a cage, but proximity mines are blocking the way in. Use your disruptor: mine detonator to disable them and claim your prize.


You need to use the disruptor: firearm jammer to disable the TYGER sentry in this danger zone. After that, just walk around the sentry to find a trophy.


On this roof southwest of the courthouse. It’s behind some bars, which are locked by a hackable console. Use your crytopgraphic sequencer.


You need an upgraded hacker to disable the electricity and open the bars.


There are four Riddler switches you need to activate simultaneously. Locate the caged trophy. The nearest switch to it should be saved for last; find the other three and rig them with explosive gel. Return to the first switch, detonate your gel, then use your batarang to hit this remaining switch.


Locate the liquor store pictured above. To the right is a weak wall that you can blow using explosive gel. Past that, there is a door that can be opened using your remote electric charge. The trophy is just beyond that door.


Near where you might rescue a political prisoner. You’ll have to hop a fence to get here, but once you do, do a running slide to reach this trophy.


On a roof just across from the front entrance to the court house. Step on the Riddler panel to open the cage, then nab the trophy. If only they were all this easy…


Walk around the building just west of the Gotham Casinos and you’ll spot a trophy behind some bars. The soft wood panelling above the bars can be broken if you glide into it from the opposite roof.


Directly across from the Gotham Casinos entrance there is a door just beyond a chain link fence that can be opened using the remote electric charge. Open it to find the trophy.


You’ll need to use your remote electrical charge to activate the transformers in sequence, moving the trophy through the chainlink cage.


Under a car just outside the entrance to the Gotham Casinos. You’ll have to grab it while doing a running slide since the car is too low to simply crouch under.


Use your freeze blast to stop the hot steam, then slide under the fence to nab this trophy.


This gargoyle is riddled with Riddler symbols. Grappling up to it will unlock the Riddler door just below it. Inside you’ll find a trophy.


Here you’ll see what appears to be five blinking panels, but detective mode shows only the far right one to be connected to the cage. Wait for that panel to light up before throwing your batarang.


On this roof there is some soft wooden panelling that you can remove with explosive gel. You can’t miss it in detective mode.


You’ll notice a panel here inside a chainlink cage, right by a caged trophy. Pilot your remote batarang through the nearby duct to activate the panel. Remember to use LT/L2 to slow your batarang down as it rounds the corner.


Use your freeze blast to stop the hot steam, then duck under the fence to nab this trophy.


Look for a caged trophy. There is a Riddler switch just west of it on some smoke stacks. Use your batarang.


On a high roof just northwest of the clocktower you’ll see a pressure pad. Face west and look down. The pad opens a trap door below. Jump down before it closes and use your explosive gel to reach the trophy.


You need to touch all three of the panels surrounding this cage BEFORE you touch the ground. Glide into the highest panel from the opposite building, then press A/Cross to push off and glide in the opposite direction. Touch the next panel, then again press A/Cross to push off, making sure to end your flight on the third and final panel.


Three spurts of explosive gel detonated simultaneously will do the trick here.


In the political prisoner shanty town, look for some soft wood panelling. Since it’s at ground level, you can just punch through.


You’ll need to use your disruptor: firearm jammer on this TYGER sentry gun. After that just slap some explosive gel on the right wall to access the trophy.


You’ll need to chuck your batarang at each panel when it lights up. They light up in a certain sequence, so study the pattern and try to anticipate.


You may spot this trophy long before you can reach it. You need to create an ice platform using the freeze blast, and then use your grapnel to pull yourself over to the trophy.


On the church roof, smack dab in the middle. You only need the cryptographic sequencer to use hack the nearby panel.


In the alley behind the church you’ll see four Riddler panels. Stepping on the first unlocks the trophy cages above, but you need to somehow get over the other three red panels or the cage will close again. Use the line launcher and attach it to the far left wall (the fence directly in front of you won’t work). Turn around and grapple up to claim the trophy.


This one is located south west of the church. Use the remote electric charge to disable the electricity, then use your explosive gel on the left wall.


Turn on detective mode and follow the wiring to find a Riddler panel high above this caged trophy. Hit the panel with a batarang then quickly drop down before the cage closes.


Look for the soft wood panelling at the back of the confessional, near medic Adam Hamasaki. He’s in the northeast corner.


Above the door to the bell tower there is a small area that you can grapple up into. From here you can see soft wood panelling on the other side of the main entrance, but on the same level. Use your line launcher to bust through it.


As you’re making your way up to the bell tower from inside the church, check above this archway for a trophy. Use your batclaw to get it down.


Stand near the back door and pilot a remote batarang through the nearby electric arc, down the stairs, over the bars, and into the fusebox. This will unlock the nearby cell, which contains a trophy.


As you head up the stairs from the courthouse basement make sure to look up. There is a trophy above the door; use your grapnel to get it down.

Park Row:

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The Riddler (Edward Nygma, The Riddler)

The Riddler ( The Riddler ) his real name is Edward Nygma is a supervillain who appears in the DC Comics universe. The character was created by screenwriter Bill Finger and writer Dick Sprang and first appeared in Detective Comics #140 (1948). He appears as one of Batman’s adversaries.

The Riddler enjoys using riddles and puzzles in his crimes, Nygma often leaving them as clues for the police and Batman. nine0011


Edward Nashton was raised in Waterbury. He searched for an answer to every question that popped into his head, Edward constantly asking endless questions to adults who often got annoyed by it. One day at school, Edward heard about the competition from his teacher. The competition was to complete the puzzle in the least amount of time, and the winner would receive a prize. They aspire not only to win and get an award, he wanted to get attention and popularity, Edward, for whatever reason, intended to win the competition. Every night, he sneaked into the school and searched for the solution to the puzzle. He practiced and as a result managed to solve the puzzle in fifteen seconds. After winning the competition, Edward received a book of puzzles and riddles. However, after winning the competition, he attracted the attention of bullies, not those he wanted. nine0011

Years passed and Nashton found itself among the population of the working class. He described it as «being in hell». Edward took up crime as a form of entertainment, but found that he was not satisfied with simply committing crimes. He wanted to create hype and fame by becoming the Riddler (he even changed his last name to Nygma). The Riddler’s first crimes were ignored by the police. In turn, the Riddler plans his next crime, but only this time he made sure that his intentions were known. In his first encounter with Batman, he was defeated, but the Riddler managed to escape, and despite his failure, his fascination with riddles only increased. In his next crime, he needed helpers, but they were hard to find. The Riddler attempted to raise funds for his next crime himself, which leads him to meet his future assistants, Question and Echo, who eventually become his staunchest allies. nine0011

In his next crime, the Riddler uses much more complex riddles and tricks to throw the police off his trail. Despite what Batman saw through his tricks, Nygma had already committed his crime by this time and fled for cover. Batman eventually caught up with him and was able to capture the Riddler and his assistants, though not for long. The Riddler escaped and later met with his assistants. Although he lost most of the money he stole from the bank, the Riddler made a name for himself. When committing another crime, the Dark Knight still managed to stop him and send him to Arkham Asylum. nine0011


The Riddler has outstanding originality in solving and formulating all sorts of riddles. He possesses brilliant deductive and investigative skills that rival those of the Dark Knight. In addition, the Riddler has a huge financial fortune, which he acquired over the years of a life of crime.

Like most of Batman’s opponents (but like Batman himself), the Riddler does not have any superhuman abilities, but is a very outstanding and cunning strategist. He is not a particularly prolific hand-to-hand fighter, and he also occasionally uses weapons such as exploding parts of a Mazaika, a question mark cane (which includes several weapons and computer technology). The Riddler has knowledge in the field of engineering and technology. Nygma used holograms to confuse his pursuers. He is also known as Batman’s smartest adversary. nine0011

In Media

Animated Series

The Riddler appears in the 1968 animated series The Batman and Superman Hour, voiced by Ted Knight.

The Riddler appears in the Super Friends Challenge animated series, voiced by Michael Bell. He is a member of the Legion of Doom and usually gives riddles to the Super Friends to keep them from interfering with the Legion’s plans. The Riddler appears in the episode titled «The Monolith of Evil». nine0011

The Riddler appears in the 1980 Super Friends animated series, voiced by Michael Bell. In «Around the World in 80 Riddles», he uses his new spray (which slowly reduces intelligence to a 2 year old) on Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and Robin where he gives different riddles/clues so they can find the antidote .

The Riddler appears in the Batman animated series, voiced by John Glover. The Riddler is dressed in a green suit with a purple mask on his face. He debuted in an episode titled «If You’re Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich?» in which Edward Nygma assumes the guise of the Riddler. Despite the fact that Batman solves his mysteries, he manages to stay uncaught, he later appeared in the episode «What is Reality?», where he locked Commissioner Gordon in a virtual reality world, but Batman outwitted him and defeated the villain. Unlike other villains who escaped from Arkham, the Riddler was released for good behavior. He returns in «The Reformed Riddler» where he works for a toy company and uses his persona as the Riddler to advertise them and make millions. However, the Riddler cannot live without a life of crime and lays a trap for Batman, but the Dark Knight managed to survive and caught him. nine0011

The Riddler appears in The New Batman Adventures, voiced by John Glover. In this version, the character’s design is changed: without hair and wearing a jumpsuit with a large question mark on the chest. In the episode «Beyond», the Riddler was seen on a talk show with other Batman villains. In the episode «Judgment Day», the Riddler was among the victims of the vigilante known as The Judge.

The Riddler appears in the Superman animated series, voiced by John Glover. He appears in the episode titled «The Time of the Night Knight», he is allied with Bane and the Mad Hatter, hoping to use Batman’s absence as an advantage in their plans. However, when Superman (in his Batman costume) and Robin show up, he is quickly caught by them. nine0011

The Riddler appears in the 2004 Batman animated series, voiced by Robert Englund. This version has a gothic look. In the episode titled «The Riddler’s Revenge», it was shown that Nygma and his partner Julie were working at the university on a device to increase the activity of the human brain. Nygma is approached by a man named Gorman, who offered to buy the rights to the invention, but Nygma refused. After the device broke right at the presentation, Nygma accused Gorman of sabotage. Several years later, Nygma tried to kill Ripley, but Batman saved him. nine0011

The Riddler appears in Batman: The Courage and the Bold, voiced by John Michael Higgins. He appears in the teaser episode «The Bat Divided!» against the Riddler and his henchmen

The Riddler appears in the Young Justice animated series voiced by Dave Franco. In the episode titled «The Horrors», he is a prisoner in the Belle Reve prison from which he successfully escapes. In the episode «The Wrong Place», Clarion the Warlock Boy, Wotan, Blackbriar Thorne, Felix Faust and the Wizard split the Earth into two dimensions with a spell that is a diversion so that the Riddler and the Sportsmaster can steal the organism from the STAR Lab.He also appears in the episode «The Usual Suspects», the Riddler joins Cheshire, Mammoth and Shimmer who ambush the Young League. nine0011

The Riddler appears in the Justice League animated series, voiced by Brent Spiner.

The Riddler appears in Batman: Under the Red Hood, voiced by Bruce Timm. He appears in a flashback in which the Riddler tries to rob the museum, but he is defeated by Batman and Robin.

The Riddler appears in LEGO. Batman: DC Super Heroes Unite, voiced by Rob Paulsen. nine0011

The Riddler appears in Batman: Assault on Arkham, voiced by Matthew Gray Gubler. Batman rescues the Riddler from a SWAT team dispatched by Amanda Waller, eventually getting him locked up in Arkham. Waller forms the Suicide Squad, who will have to infiltrate Arkham in order to obtain the memory card (containing information on all members of the Suicide Squad) from the Riddler’s cane. Although in reality, her real motives are to kill the Riddler, due to him being the only person who knows how to deactivate the bombs that are on every member of the Suicide Squad. nine0011

The Riddler appears in The Lego Batman Movie.

The Riddler appears in Batman: The Masked Knights Returns.

TV series

The Riddler appears in «Batman» released in 1960, the role of the character was played by Frank Astin and season 2 (season 2) John Astin (season 3)). He appears as one of the series’ recurring villains.

The Riddler appears in Gotham, portrayed by Corey Michael Smith. This version of the Riddler is a medical examiner who works for the Gotham Police Department and loves to give riddle results. He frequently collaborates with Detectives Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock in processing and presenting evidence on cases they work on. He has a crush on his colleague, Kristen Kringle, Nygma commits his first crime when he kills her friend, Detective Tom Dougherty. He manages to stay uncaught, goes crazy and develops an alternate personality inside of him that is ruthless and aggressive while Nygma is timid and clumsy. Later, he begins dating Kringle, but she is horrified by him when he confesses to her about killing Dougherty. He accidentally kills her while trying to explain his side of the story. In the end, he gets rid of the body and becomes a criminal. nineThe Riddler appears in Batman (1966) and is played by Frank Gorshin. He is one of four villains (Joker, Penguin, Catwoman) who appear in the film. The Riddler annoyed other villains by sending clues to Batman and Robin.

The Riddler appears in Batman Forever, portrayed by Jim Carrey. The Riddler is one of the main villains. Edward Nygma is a researcher at Wayne Enterprises and is discovering a new technology that will allow television broadcasts to be transmitted directly into the brains of viewers. Wayne dismisses the idea, saying it «raises too many questions». This infuriates Nygma, he goes insane, and when his boss tries to complete the project, Nygma uses an invention to kill him, but makes it look like it was suicide. After, he leaves Wayne Enterprises. Taking on the pseudonym «The Riddler», the newly minted villain enters into an alliance with Two-Face. nine0011


  • The Riddler appears in Batman: The Animated Series.
  • The Riddler appears in The Adventures of Batman & Robin.
  • The Riddler appears in DC Universe Online.
  • The Riddler appears in Gotham City Impostors.
  • The Riddler appears in Injustice: Gods Among Us.
  • The Riddler appears in Young Justice: Legacy.
  • The Riddler appears in Lego Batman: The Videogame. nine0188
  • The Riddler appears in Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes.
  • The Riddler appears in Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.
  • The Riddler appears in Lego Dimensions.
  • The Riddler appears in Batman: Arkham Asylum.
  • The Riddler appears in Batman: Arkham City.
  • The Riddler appears in Batman: Arkham Origins.
  • The Riddler appears in Batman: Arkham Knight.

Brief history of DC Comics 9 character0001

Home Comics DC Comics The Riddler: A Brief History of the Character

The Riddler (The Riddler) appeared in DC Comics in 1948. From the first appearance, he showed himself as an intelligent and resourceful criminal with a craving for puzzles. The Riddler’s real name is Edward Nygma, but some comics say that he was originally given the last name «Nashton» by his parents, and later changed his last name to better reflect his personality. nine0011

Edward’s craving for puzzles is so strong that he can’t help but leave clues in the form of riddles that can help the heroes stop him. The Riddler tried to commit a common crime, but failed each time. Nygma himself admits that perhaps he belongs in Arkham.

There was a time when Batman was powerless against Nygma’s mysteries. True, Nygma himself could not solve them either. How so? Once upon a time in an epic event, Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth was torn apart and the laws of truth changed throughout the world. Cause and effect reversed. People considered the riddles of Nygma unsolvable and because of this, the riddles became unbearable even for their creator. nine0011

The Riddler does not specialize in Batman, and is also one of Green Arrow’s (Oliver Queen’s) worst enemies. Once he managed to defeat the Green Arrow and his assistant, Arsenal. Having stolen a magical artifact, he performed a dark ritual, and also hid an atomic bomb in the Star City stadium and threatened to blow it up. To the Riddler’s misfortune, after the completion of the ritual, darkness covered the city, and under its cover, Ollie arranged a «dark» Nygme.

As usual in comics, the Riddler got out of the most difficult situations. When it turned out that he had brain cancer, Nygma sneaked in to visit Ras al Ghul and used his Lazarus Pit to heal him. He even survived after a powerful blow to the head with a mace… however, the blow did not pass without consequences. The Riddler spent a year in a coma, and when he woke up, he abandoned his criminal career and cured his craving for riddles, becoming a private detective. nine0011

After becoming a private detective, the Riddler stopped committing crimes. He helped Batman, saved people, and in general could become a real hero … but the trouble is, when a bomb exploded near Nygma, a shift occurred in his head again, and the craving for crimes and riddles returned.

In the upside down universe of Antimatter, the Riddler there leads an underground society of heroes fighting against the tyranny of the Crime Syndicate.