Red dead redemption 2 chicks schatzkarte: Red Dead Redemption 2 — So findet ihr das Geld von Chicks Schatzkarte

How to Solve Chick’s Treasure Map

Dalton Cooper

One of the first treasure maps players can find in Red Dead Redemption 2 is Chick’s treasure map, and it leads to a hidden wad of cash owed to the Van Der Linde Gang.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, players can find treasure maps that lead to various riches. One of the first treasure maps players are likely to come across is Chick’s treasure map, and while the game points out the treasure’s general location on the map, some players may still struggle finding the exact location of the loot.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, Chick’s treasure map can be obtained from Chick Matthews, a character who made the mistake of accepting a loan from the Van Der Linde Gang. In Chapter 2, players can accept the mission Money Lending and Other Sins from Leopold Strauss, and one of the debtors they have to run down is Chick Matthews. Chick will try to flee via horseback, but Arthur can take him down with a well-aimed lasso and then interrogate him.

Chick gives Arthur a map that leads to a nearby location east of Valentine. Upon arrival, players will want to look for a large tree and on its north side should be a hole. Upon searching the hole in the tree trunk, Arthur should find a wad of cash that will serve as Chick’s debt repayment.

Anyone still having trouble finding the exact tree should check out this video by GosuNoob:

Compared to other treasure maps in Red Dead Redemption 2, completing Chick’s treasure map is fairly easy. The only difficult part is finding the exact tree to loot, which is understandably challenging for some since players are led to a forested area.

Other treasure maps in the game are a bit more difficult, but they yield greater rewards. For example, players can complete the Poisonous Trail treasure map to get some gold bars that can be sold to a fence for $500 a pop. Players can also get gold bars if they manage to complete the Jack Hall Gang treasure map as well.

The reward for completing Chick’s treasure map is just some cash and story progression, but anyone willing to put in the extra footwork to complete the game’s other treasure maps will be able to get rich pretty quickly.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is out now for PS4 and Xbox One.

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About The Author

Dalton Cooper is an editor for Game Rant who has been writing about video games professionally since 2011. Having written thousands of game reviews and articles over the course of his career, Dalton considers himself a video game historian and strives to play as many games as possible. Dalton covers the latest breaking news for Game Rant, as well as writes reviews, guide content, and more.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Schatzkarten: Alle Schätze finden

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Why the Red Dead Redemption franchise died.

Causes and effects

In early July, Rockstar officially dropped support for Red Dead Online in favor of GTA Online and GTA 6. According to insiders, the studio canceled the re-release of Red Dead Redemption 2 for next-generation consoles. Why did the series die, even though the community is in dire need of its development? Let’s figure it out.

Red Dead Redemption is the brand that brought in over $3 billion to Rockstar and Take-Two Interactive. As of September 2021, the first and second parts have sold a total circulation of 62 million copies. This allowed both games to enter the list of the «50 best-selling games in history.»

But at the beginning of July the brand fell into oblivion. It all started with Red Dead Redemption 2’s online mode.0011 «We don’t want new releases to repeat the success of the old ones» . Remember this saying.

Support «like GTA Online» senior producer Josh Needleman said in an interview with IGN: «We think Red Dead Online will create its own audience, ready for something completely new. However, we ourselves are not sure what form Red Dead Online will take when it gets on its feet. […] And we will work on this together with our incredible community to turn this online experience into something amazing.”

Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online were supported by updates. But on July 14, 2020, the first glaring incident happened. Red Dead Online players dressed up characters as clowns and marched. The demonstration procession was timed to the fact that Rockstar had not released any updates for seven months. «Since we’re clowns who believe in future updates, we should look like clowns» — stated one player.

After that, of course, actions from the company followed. Rockstar launched an add-on that was not ready for release with a lot of bugs — NPCs, animals began to disappear in network mode, and weapons stopped firing. The patch was hastily rolled back, but the community was made clear about what attitude the studio has towards Red Dead Online.

In an attempt to make Red Dead Redemption 2’s multiplayer more successful, it was even separated from the single player campaign to sell for $20 and thus grow online. Alas, Rockstar’s plan didn’t work. The Red Dead Online servers were not empty, the game had a strong community, but this was not enough for the Take-Two Interactive conglomerate — the exhaust was not the same.

In February 2021, Super Data released sales statistics for December 2020 and January 2021. Based on the numbers in the report, the influx of new players in Red Dead Redemption 2 during the winter break was 1.8 million people on PC alone! On consoles, the figure was more modest — 611,000 new players. These are incredible numbers for a game that first came out in 2018.

After the release of the next expansion for Red Dead Online in the summer of 2021, the last event in the game world was the celebration of Christmas. After that, communication with the players, from Rockstar, ceased until the summer of 2022.

In July of this year, the players gathered to bury the network mode of their favorite western. This was announced on July 5 in the RedDeadRDC community and everyone was invited to the ceremony. And Rockstar reacted again, but not in the way the players wanted.

On July 7, the developers released a statement — support for Red Dead Online has ended. No content updates are planned. All due to the fact that the company needs more people to develop Grand Theft Auto 6. In the same statement, the developers talked about the upcoming major addition to GTA Online.

Following Rockstar’s announcement, a Red Dead Online mourning procession took place on the game’s servers on July 13th. The players dressed up in black clothes, took pictures in cemeteries, and the inscription “R.I.P. Red Dead Online 2018-2022. Even I visited the game that day, spending a couple of wonderful hours in it with friends. And already on August 1, the game world was empty — all NPCs and animals disappeared in the game, as if marking the death of the project. This is how the online mode of the original Red Dead Redemption died, because no one began to fix the tricks of hackers in the old game.

What’s happening at Rockstar

But Red Dead Online was the first precedent. Immediately after the July 7 announcement, insiders began to reveal more information.

On July 7, user TezFunz2 reported the following: “According to a reliable source, remasters of GTA 4 and RDR1 were on the table a few years ago, but Rockstar decided to abandon these projects. Perhaps the reason for this decision was the poor reception of the trilogy [Grand Thef Auto Trilogy: The Definitive Edition].»

With the following message, the insider also pronounced a verdict on the non-xgen versions of Red Dead Redemption 2, answering a question from another user:

“Is it correct to say that we will never see the release of Red Dead Redemption 2 for PS5/Xbox Series?
— Yes. I’ve been hearing about the development for a long time, as well as improving the editor for the game. Everything has been canceled/frozen.”

Creating a remaster of disgusting quality with the help of an outsourcer studio and neural networks is a disgusting idea. But Take-Two and Rockstar released such a project, sold it for money and put their hopes on it, knowing the quality of the product. Moreover, it judges the desire of players to get a remaster of Red Dead Redemption by the “success” of the curve and oblique Grand Theft Auto Trilogy. The management team of both companies making such decisions is clearly out of his mind.

No one in the company began to refute the statements of insiders, which means that the conclusion suggests itself — Rockstar strangled the Red Dead Redemption series with their own hands. The studio no longer wants to be the «rock star» the industry knew it to be.

On July 27, 2022, well-known journalist Jason Schreier confirmed this by publishing a new investigation. It concerned the development of Grand Theft Auto 6, but this information sheds light on what happened to the Red Dead Redemption franchise.

The studio’s original plan was to create the largest game in the series, spanning North and South America. Then the territory was reduced to the vicinity of Vice City, but the developers plan to expand the game after the release. The decision was made by Rockstar management so that studio staff would not overwork.

If no one wants to overhaul Grand Theft Auto 6, cutting out huge chunks of content from the game, then what kind of passion for the «unprofitable» Red Dead Redemption series can the community expect from the studio? Progressive developers are not interested in the result — they want to relax and have more fun, and not create masterpieces like in the old days.

Why Red Dead Redemption needs a remake (or at least a remaster)

In the era of remasters and remakes, Rockstar has already embarrassed itself with Grand Theft Auto Trilogy: The Definitive Edition. But not releasing a re-release of one of the most successful games in the industry (#44 on the «Best Selling Games» list) is nonsense. There were once rumors that the project code was lost, but Rockstar with its resources could easily remake Red Dead Redemption on the engine of the second part.

I’ve put together five reasons why the original game should not just be ported to new consoles, but redone on the engine of the second part.

  • Sequel to Red Dead Redemption 2. It’s a paradox, but the first part of the series is a continuation of the sequel-prequel. Modern players, most likely, do not know that after the end of the second part there was a full-fledged continuation. And the fact that the modern audience misses it is unacceptable. The story of John Marston, who is chasing former colleagues in a dangerous business, touches to the core even today.
  • There are no Western games on this scale. Even Hideo Kojima praised Rockstar for popularizing the western genre in the gaming industry. Without modern technology, such games were impossible, but the detailed open world of the first Red Dead Redemption is still amazing.
  • Strong story. Colorful characters and dialogues immerse you in the atmosphere of the Wild West. John Marston’s motivation is understandable to any person, and therefore you empathize with such a vile killer and thief. At the end, tears flow down your cheeks to the song Deadman’s Gun performed by the musical group Ashtar Command — you become attached to the main character as strongly as you do to Arthur Morgan in the prequel sequel.
  • The project is almost done — thanks to Red Dead Redemption 2. Rockstar recreated the world of the first part as a side state for a couple of missions and exploration in Red Dead Online. Yes, some places in the second part are different from the first. But recreating them in their former glory, with the resources of the company and almost ready-made locations on the new engine, was once a trifle for the Rockstar studio.
  • The game was not released outside of the Xbox 360 and PS3 — this is the main problem of Red Dead Redemption. A magnificent project is available to the modern gamer only on the Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles, where Microsoft raised the resolution to 4K on its own. Playing Red Dead Redemption today on PlayStation 3 or through an emulator on a PC is spoiling your impression of the project.


The Red Dead Redemption brand is officially dead — it has been sentenced by Rockstar and Take-Two Interactive. The success of GTA Online has dazzled the studios and raised the «Wishlist» to unimaginable heights. Contrary to claims, companies began to measure products by the cash cow. The unwillingness to work and develop the series put an end to the franchise. The death of Red Dead Online, the cancellation of the next-generation versions of Red Dead Redemption 2, the cancellation of the Red Dead Redemption remaster — Take-Two and Rockstar put the brand to the wall and pulled the trigger in cold blood.

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