Ps5 standfuss: LED stand for PS5 with disc drive – FINESSE MODS LIGHTING

So klappt das Aufstellen und Einrichten der Konsole

Die PS5 will wie jede Konsole erst einmal aufgestellt und eingerichtet werden.

Mit der PlayStation 5 ist Sony am 19. November 2020 in eine neue PlayStation-Ära gestartet, die dank SSD und schnellerer System-Architektur vor allem auf Geschwindigkeit und natürlich auch bessere Spiele-Performance setzt.

Wer sich Sonys Riesenkonsole zugelegt hat, kommt nach dem Auspacken natürlich nicht um den obligatorischen Setup-Prozess herum. Wir zeigen euch, was ihr beim Aufstellen und Einrichten der Konsole beachten solltet.

Schritt 1: Aufstellen der PS5

Ähnlich wie ihre Vorgänger kann die PS5 sowohl vertikal als auch horizontal platziert werden. Macht diese Entscheidung von eurem verfügbaren Platz unter oder neben dem Fernseher/Monitor abhängig. Wichtig: Lasst an allen Seiten etwas Platz, damit die Luft gut zirkulieren kann und eure Konsole auch bei längeren Sessions nicht überhitzt.

Standfuß anbringen: Den mitgelieferten Standfuß solltet ihr sowohl in vertikaler als auch horizontaler Ausrichtung anbringen. Hochkant erlaubt er nämlich einen leichten Luftfluss unter das Gerät, liegend sorgt er dafür, dass die Konsole nicht wackelt.

Vertikale Position

So sollte der Standfuß für die vertikale Position ausgerichtet werden.

  • Positioniert Ober- und Unterseite des Sockels so wie im Bild oben zu sehen.
  • Stellt die Konsole nun mit der Oberseite nach oben vor euch (am Boden der Konsole sind Logos und Seriennummer)
  • Entfernt die kleine schwarze Abdeckung für die Schrauböffnung und platziert diese in den dafür vorgesehenen Platz in der Unterseite des Sockels.

Diese kleine Abdeckung müsst ihr entfernen.

  • Hängt die Haken des Sockels hinten an die Konsole ein und schraubt dann den kompletten Sockel mithilfe der mitgelieferten Schraube an die Konsole. Dafür benötigt ihr einen Schraubenzieher oder eine Münze.

So schraubt ihr den Standfuß an die Konsole.

Horizontale Position

So sollte der Standfuß für die horizontale Position ausgerichtet werden.

  • Bringt den Sockel in die Position, die oben auf dem Bild zu sehen ist.
  • Stellt die Konsole auf die Vorderseite, das erleichtert euch nachfolgend das anbringen.
  • Hakt die Haken des Sockels an den weißen Seitenflügel der PS5. Die PlayStation-Symbole helfen euch bei der genauen Positionierung.

Achtet auf die PlayStation-Symbole.

Stellt die Konsole nun hin und ihr seid fast fertig. Die besten Tipps von Sony um Schäden am Gerät zu verhindern bekommt ihr hier:


Mehr zum Thema

PS5 richtig hinlegen & aufstellen: Sony zeigt optimale Platzierung

Schritt 2: Anschließen der Kabel

Um zu starten, müsst ihr jetzt noch die Verkabelung der Konsole vornehmen. Folgendes muss dafür getan werden:

  • Verbindet die PS5 mithilfe des mitgelieferten HDMI-Kabels mit eurem Monitor oder Fernseher. Welches Ende dabei an welchem Gerät ist, spielt keine Rolle.
  • Verbindet die PS5 mit dem beigelegten Stromkabel mit einer Steckdose.
  • Solltet ihr eine verkabelte Internetverbindung bevorzugen, müsst ihr mithilfe eines Netzwerkkabel (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) die PS5 mit einem Router verbinden.

Jetzt könnt ihr die PS5 mit der Starttaste an der Vorderseite des Gehäuses einschalten.


Mehr zum Thema

Power- & Eject-Knopf der PS5: So schaltet ihr die Konsole an

Schritt 3: Bildschirm-Setup

Das komplizierteste ist jetzt geschafft. Jetzt müsst ihr nur noch die angezeigten Schritte auf dem Bildschirm ausführen, um mit eurer PS5 loslegen zu können. Keine Sorge, das System führt euch Schritt für Schritt durch die Einrichtung. Dazu zählt:

  • Verbinden des DualSense mit der Konsole
  • Auswahl der Sprache
  • Einrichtung der Internetverbindung
  • Anpassung der TV/Monitor-Einstellungen
  • Einrichtung des Ruhe-Modus (optional)
  • Endbenutzervereinbarung akzeptieren.

Habt ihr all das erledigt, seid ihr mit dem Setup-Prozess fertig und landet im neuen PS5-Dashboard. Was ihr jetzt tun könnt? Kollege Hannes hätte da ein paar Vorschläge:


Mehr zum Thema

PS5 gekauft? Diese 5 Features müsst ihr unbedingt ausprobieren

Schritt 4: Neue SSD einbauen

Mit einem neuen Systemupdate aus dem September 2021 ermöglicht Sony es endlich, dass ihr den Slot für die Speichererweiterung nutzen könnt. Dafür kommt aber nicht jede SSD in Frage, sondern ihr müsst auf folgende Spezifikationen achten:

  • Interface: PCIe Gen4 M.2 NVMe SSD
  • Größe: 250 GB bis 4 TB
  • Lesegeschwindigkeit: mindestens 5.500 MB/s
  • Formfaktor: Die PS5 unterstützt ausschließlich die M.2-Typen 2230, 2242, 2260, 2280 und 22110. Die ersten beiden Ziffern stehen dabei für Breite, die anderen für die Länge. Das ist extrem wichtig, weil die SSD sonst nicht in die PS5 passt.
  • Socket-Typ: Socket 3 (Key M)
  • Höhe: Insgesamt höchstens 11. 25mm. Auch die Höhe der SSD spielt eine wichtige Rolle, erst recht in Kombination mit einem zusätzlichen Kühlkörper.

Diese SSDs passen in die PS5:


Mehr zum Thema

PS5-Speicher erweitern: Liste mit passenden SSDs, die alle Anforderungen erfüllen

Das braucht ihr für den Einbau noch: Damit ihr die SSD überhaupt in den Slot einsetzen könnt, braucht ihr auch Werkzeug. Um die Schrauben zu lösen, ist nämlich ein #1 Phillips- oder ein Kreuzschlitzschraubenzieher nötig. Dazu kann eine Taschenlampe, eine nicht leitende Unterlage und ein Tisch mit viel Platz beim Einbau helfen. Bevor ihr den Prozess bedingt, solltet ihr euch zudem noch einmal erden, indem ihr an ein unlackiertes Heizungsrohr packt.

Die ausführliche Anleitung findet ihr hier:


Mehr zum Thema

PS5 SSD einbauen: So funktioniert’s, darauf müsst ihr achten

Mehr Tipps zur Einrichtung eurer PS5

  • So verbindet ihr den Controller mit der PS5 und ladet ihn
  • PS5: Erste Berichte über Fehler & das sind mögliche Workarounds
  • Power- & Eject-Knopf der PS5: So schaltet ihr die Konsole an
  • PSN-Account auf PS5 nutzen: Alles zum Einloggen per QR-Code

Auf GamePro. de findet ihr noch viele weitere Artikel zur neuen Konsole von Sony. Die wichtigsten Infos rund um die Konsole, den Controller sowie Tipps und Tricks zum System findet ihr in unserer großen Übersicht.

Wie fandet ihr den Setup-Prozess der PS5? Seid ihr über bestimmte Punkte gestolpert?

How to Remove the Stand on a PlayStation 5

Written By: Robert Boyd
(and one other contributor)

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  • Completions: 1


Very easy



Time Required

3 minutes



  • How to Remove the Stand on a PlayStation 5
    6 steps



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Follow this guide to remove the stand on a PlayStation 5.

Before you begin, completely power down and unplug all cables from your console. Remember to follow general electrostatic discharge (ESD) safety procedures while repairing the console.

  • Flathead 3/32″ or 2.5 mm Screwdriver



  • Coin




    No parts specified.

      • If your PlayStation 5 is in its vertical orientation, flip it upside down so the stand is facing up.

      • If your PlayStation 5 is in its horizontal orientation, skip to Step 6.

      • Work on a flat surface to prevent your PlayStation from falling over.

      • Use a coin or a flathead screwdriver to remove the 26.5 mm-long stand screw.


      • If your PlayStation 5 is in its horizontal orientation, rest it on its face with the charing port facing up.

      • Lift the stand straight up to remove it.


    Almost done!

    To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

    Take your e-waste to an R2 or e-Stewards certified recycler.
    Repair didn’t go as planned? Try some basic troubleshooting, or ask our PlayStation 5 Answers community for help.


    To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

    Take your e-waste to an R2 or e-Stewards certified recycler.
    Repair didn’t go as planned? Try some basic troubleshooting, or ask our PlayStation 5 Answers community for help.

    Cancel: I did not complete this guide.

    One other person completed this guide.


    with 1 other contributor


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    PS5 features | New ways to play on PlayStation 5 (Russia)

    Learn more about the PS5 console interface and see some new ways to play.

    Learn more about the PS5 console interface and check out some new ways to play.

    Game Center

    Games now have game centers on PS5. Each game’s hub gathers all the features and elements associated with a particular game, including activities, community broadcasts, new game content. This space is constantly updated and modified depending on the stage of the game.


    Game creators now have the ability to add special features to PS5 games that allow you to navigate to specific missions, modes, quests, and other in-game activities directly from the console’s control center.

    Control Center

    Quick access to frequently used system functions, game content and activities without leaving the game. To see the control center window, just press the PS button during the game.

    Destruction AllStars Coming February 2021

    Game Recommendations

    Find your next adventure with recommendations based on your personal game type preferences 2 .


    Play special game challenges and challenges for supported PS5 games, share scores with friends on PS5, and compete against each other for the best score. If your friend has beaten your record, you will receive a notification on the console and get a chance to win back and take the lead again.

    Chat support with PS4™ players

    Whether your friends have a PS4 or PS5 console, voice chat support with previous generation consoles will allow you to continue chatting as long as you have a PlayStation™Network account. You can also chat with players on your mobile device using the PlayStation App.

    Multiplayer game between consoles of different generations

    Game creators can now add online multiplayer support between PS5 and PS4 players 1 . PS4 players can receive game invites from PS5 players and vice versa.

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    Universal search

    Spend more time playing games and don’t waste time looking for something to play. With PS5, you can quickly find the right game on the PlayStation Store, movies on some streaming apps5, and other gamers.

    Note. The product offerings in the picture are subject to change.

    Game presets

    Players can select saved presets for all supported games, such as invert the y-axis or adjust subtitles.

    Game lists

    Organize your game collection into personalized game lists. You can group games into lists by disc, digital, or broadcast version* or genre, then you can name the lists and access them through the Your Collection tab in the Games Library.

    *The streaming option is only available in certain countries/regions if you are a PlayStation Plus Premium subscriber.


    Connect with friends, get the latest game news and download games to your console from the PlayStation Store using the PlayStation App. You can even remotely manage your PS5 console storage so you’re always ready for your next adventure. 2

    Find out more

    Game Base

    Access a dedicated space to interact with other players through your PlayStation Network account. Share content, schedule game sessions, play games and just chat. In addition, some web and mobile features can be accessed using the PlayStation App.

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    Starting a group multiplayer game

    Start online multiplayer matches from a party in Game Base and automatically invite all participants 1 to avoid sending individual invitations to each player.

    Watch the video
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    Screen sharing with multitasking

    Online players can view the party member’s screen and even continue to play their game while watching another player’s game.

    Watch the video
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    Remote Play

    Access games on your PS5 console 3 by streaming to another PS5 or PS4 console, PC, Apple iOS or Android phone.

    Learn more

    Compatible with external USB sticks

    PS5 consoles can store compatible PS4 and PS5 games on USB drives that support SuperSpeed ​​USB 4 . This means you can save space on the internal ultra-fast SSD and save time by reinstalling PS5 games from an external USB instead of re-downloading or installing them from a disc.

    When you want to play a PS5 game stored on an external USB drive, simply transfer it back to the internal SSD via the options menu in the library. You can play PS4 games directly from an external USB drive or from an internal SSD.

    Expand your PS5™ memory with an M.2 SSD

    Expand your PS5™ console’s storage by installing a compatible M. 2 SSD.

    You can now play PS5 and PS4™ games and media applications directly from the high-speed SSD, which you can also use to store, download and manage these content.

    Important: Before installing a compatible M.2 SSD, please review the minimum performance and size requirements on this page and install the latest system software update on your PS5™ console.

    3D audio support on built-in TV speakers

    Hear immersive virtual environment sounds with 3D audio support for your TV.

    Enjoy Tempest 3D AudioTech through your TV’s built-in speakers while playing games or watching videos on your PS5 console.

    Variable Refresh Rate (VRR)

    You can improve the visual performance of compatible PlayStation®5 games by enabling Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) on your PS5 console. This allows your PS5 console to synchronize your display’s refresh rate with the PS5 console’s graphics output on VRR-compatible TVs and PC monitors via HDMI 2. 1. Results may vary depending on the TV you are using and the game you are playing.

    Compatible PS5 games will experience smoother gameplay with VRR enabled, as scenes load smoothly, graphics are crisper, and frame rate issues and screen tearing are minimized.

    You can also apply VRR to PS5 games that are not officially compatible, which may improve the video quality of some games. If enabling VRR results in any unwanted visual effects, you can disable this feature at any time.

    Requires a VRR compatible TV or PC monitor with HDMI 2.1. Results may vary depending on the TV you are using and the game you are playing. If enabling VRR results in any unwanted visual effects, you can disable this feature at any time.

    Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM)

    Enjoy smooth, low latency gameplay on your PlayStation 5 console with Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM). With this feature, the PS5 console sends a signal to the TV when you play, so you can enjoy the game even more.

    The ALLM feature is only available on HDMI 2.1 compatible TVs and may also be referred to as Game Mode in the TV settings. This function does not work when a multimedia application is running or you are watching TV, and the screen should be switched to the previous mode after the game ends. You can disable ALLM if Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) is not enabled.

    Video output to HDMI 1440p

    Play at 1440p on compatible screens and TVs.*

    Enjoy crisp images in games that support 1440p native resolution. If you are playing a game at a higher native resolution (4K for example), you can downgrade to 1440p to get better image smoothing. Even in games that do not support native resolution of 1440p or higher, you can enjoy enhanced image quality by upscaling to this resolution on the PS5 console.

    To check if your HDMI device is compatible with 1440p, select Test 1440p Output under Display & Video in PS5 Settings.

    *1440p video output on PS5 requires a TV or screen capable of 1440p/60Hz or 1440p/60Hz and 120Hz. VRR on PS5 consoles supports 1080p and 4K video output, but not 1440p.

    Other videos

    Other PS5 features.

    PlayStation Plus game help

    Create and share

    Multi-user events

    The ultimate experience for PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5

    The ultimate experience for PS4™ and PS5™

    Discover the games, features and experiences that PS4 consoles have to offer and PS5, and learn how PlayStation®5 allows you to push the limits of gaming.

    Discover the games, features and experiences that PS4 and PS5 have in common, and how PlayStation®5 pushes the boundaries of gaming.

    Learn more

    1 Multiplayer games require an active PlayStation®Plus subscription. PS Plus is a paid, renewable subscription and recurring fees are automatically charged at the due date of your chosen payment plan until you cancel your subscription.

    2 PlayStation Network account required. All terms apply:

    3 Remote Play requires a PlayStation Network account, a compatible game, a PS5 console with the latest system software, a high-speed Internet connection, and a compatible iOS or Android device. A wired network connection to the PS5 console is recommended.

    4 Minimum capacity 250 GB, maximum capacity 8 TB.

    5 Availability of streaming services may vary by region. Internet connection, paid streaming subscription and PlayStation®Network account required.

    Controlling PS5 Console from Windows PC | PS Remote Play

    Install the [PS Remote Play] application on a Windows PC, and then connect to your PS5 console.

    • Preparation
    • Installing the
    • application

    • PS5 Console Setup
    • Launching the «Remote Play» function
    • Remote play controls
    • Exiting the «Remote Play» function


    To use the Remote Play feature, you need the following items.

    • You can also use the DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller. Connect the controller to a Windows computer using a USB cable.
    • Voice chat requires a microphone, such as the built-in microphone on a Windows PC.

    Application installation

    The following steps need only be performed the first time you use the application. You can use the same app to connect to both the PS5 console and the PS4 console.


    Download the [PS Remote Play] application and save it to your desktop or other location.
    Review the SIE Application User License Agreement and Privacy Policy. After checking the box, the download button will become available.

    I accept the terms of the «SIE Application User License Agreement» and «Privacy Policy» documents.


    Run the setup file and follow the on-screen instructions to install the application.
    During the installation process, a message may appear stating that you need to download additional software that is required for normal operation of the [PS Remote Play] application. Follow the instructions on the screen to download this software.

    PS5 console setup

    Set up your PS5 console using one of the following methods. The following steps only need to be performed the first time you use the Remote Play feature.

    • From the home screen, go to [Settings] > [System] > [Remote Play], and enable the [Allow Remote Play] setting.
    • To start Remote Play while the PS5 console is in Rest Mode, go to [Settings] > [System] > [Power Saving] > [Functions Available in Rest Mode]. Then check the boxes for [Keep Internet Connection] and [Allow PS5 to turn on over the network].

    Starting the «Remote Play» function

    The following steps will need to be performed each time you connect to a PS5 console from a Windows PC.

    Turn on your PS5 console or put it into rest mode.
    Connect the controller to a Windows PC using a USB cable.
    Launch the [PS Remote Play] app on your Windows PC and select [Sign in to PSN].
    Sign in with the account you use with your PS5 console.
    If you select [Settings], you can set the video quality settings for Remote Play, such as resolution and frame rate.
    Select [PS5].
    The app will search for a PS5 console that is signed in with your account and automatically connect to it. Once connected, your Windows PC will display the PS5 console screen and allow you to use the Remote Play feature. If multiple PS5 consoles are found, select the console you want to use.
    Next time you can select the console you connected to before.
    • Your Windows PC will not be able to find and connect to your PS5 console if more than 60 days have passed since you last signed in. Before connecting remotely from outside your home, make sure your device connects properly to your PS5 console when it’s near it.
    • If the app can’t find the device you want to connect to, if the connection fails or is unstable, see If Remote Play is Not Available.

    Using Remote Play with HDR video quality

    If your TV or display that your Windows PC and PS5 console is connected to supports HDR, you can use Remote Play with HDR video quality.

    On the PS5 console home screen, go to [Settings] > [Display & Video] > [Video Output] and set [HDR] to [Always On] or [On When Supported].
    On a Windows PC, install the HEVC Video Extension distributed by Microsoft.
    Enable the HDR setting on the display.
    In Windows PC settings, select [System] > [Display] > [Windows HD Color Settings], and enable [Play HDR games and applications].
    Launch the [PS Remote Play] application on a Windows PC and log on to the network.
    In the [Settings] section, go to the [Remote Play Video Quality] section and check the [Enable HDR] checkbox.

    Remote play controls

    In addition to the controller, you can use the control panel to control your PS5 console.
    While running the Remote Play feature, hovering your Windows PC mouse over the screen you are using for the Remote Play feature will display the control panel.

    • Create button
      Performs the same function as the (create) button on the controller.
    • PS Button
      Opens the Control Center on the PS5 console.
    • Parameter button
      Performs the same function as the (parameter) button on the controller.
    • Microphone status
      Select [Microphone on] or [Microphone off] to turn the microphone on or off.

      Microphone on
      Microphone off
      Microphone not connected
    • Battery level
      Allows you to check the battery level of the controller.
    • Screen Size
      Allows you to change the screen size in Remote Play mode.

      Switch to full screen mode
      Exit full screen mode

    Exiting the «Remote Play» function

    Click the icon in the upper right corner of the screen you are using to perform the Remote Play feature.
    The message «This Remote Play session will be disabled» will be displayed.