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Sony PlayStation 4 500GB [erstes Modell] schwarz gebraucht kaufen

Sony PlayStation 4 500GB [erstes Modell] schwarz gebraucht kaufen | PS4 Konsolen günstig auf

PS4 Konsolen

Sony PlayStation 4 500GB [erstes Modell] schwarz

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    Erscheinungsdatum: 29. 11.2013

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    PlayStation 4: Die verschiedenen Modelle der Sony-Konsole im Überblick

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    Anniversary PS4 Pro is quieter than the launch model, but hotter — Iron on DTF

    The media shared their first impressions of the console.


    Each Pro is assigned an individual number printed on the front panel

    On August 9, Sony introduced the PS4 Pro Anniversary Edition, dedicated to the sale of the 500 millionth console under the PlayStation brand. The prefix made of blue translucent plastic comes with a stand, gamepad and camera, made in the same style.

    A few days later, copies of the console, released in a limited edition of 50,000 pieces, were sent to journalists. Game Informer and Digital Foundry have already shared their first impressions of it.

    The media especially noted the attention to detail with which Sony approached this model. The company made translucent not only the console itself, but also its box.

    Photo: Game Informer

    Photo: Game Informer

    As noted by Digital Foundry, the collectible set-top box depreciates dramatically in value right at the moment when it is taken out of the package. The console is made of glossy plastic, and microscopic scratches and fingerprints immediately appear on it.

    Photo: Game Informer

    But the new model is interesting not only in appearance. It has a 2 terabyte hard drive. As it turned out, this time Sony preferred the Seagate ST2000LM007, which Digital Foundry called fast and reliable. So the owners of such PS4 Pro are unlikely to have any problems.

    Anniversary Pro refers to the revision of the CUH-7100, which is already available in stores in regular black. It has a new HDMI controller and improved cooling of GDDR5 memory.

    As a result of the Digital Foundry test, it turned out that the CUH-7100 consumes slightly less power than the basic version. The original PS4 Pro used about 170 watts while playing God of War, with an unexpected jump to 177 watts, while the new revision hovered around 167 watts.

    In addition, the CUH-7100 is quieter than the CUH-7000. The old PS4 Pro keeps around 50 decibels with spikes up to 55, and the new one stays around 46-47 with spikes up to 50.

    But the lower noise level didn’t come for free to the CUH-7100 — it got hotter. According to DF’s measurements, the case temperature under load is about 52.2 degrees for the new revision, and 47.4 for the old one. The same applies to the temperature of the blown air — 62 degrees versus 60.

    As Digital Foundry notes, in the case of the PS4 Pro, it is often difficult to judge the characteristics of consoles. Even the consoles of one revision are often noticeably different — for one of the DF employees, for example, the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200bnoisier than the other, although they are both from the same batch.

    PS4 Pro noise has been a popular topic of complaint on gaming forums lately. This is partly due to the fact that the Pro cooler gets louder when covered in dust. To clean it, you need to purge.

    PS4 Pro noise has also become more of a concern since the release of the Xbox One X, which runs almost silently even under load.

    PS4 Slim Disassembly

    Consider how you can disassemble the PlayStation 4 Slim model CUH-2108 or CUH-2116 for cleaning and replacing thermal paste, this disassembly instruction also applies to PS4 models CUH-2008 and CUH-2106.

    To find out what your PS4 Slim model is, turn the console over and on the end where the HDMI output is located, your console revision will be indicated in the recess a little higher.

    At the end of the page you will find a video instruction for reassembling the PS4 Slim.

    Which screwdrivers are needed to disassemble the PS4 Slim:

    • Torx T8 / T9 hex screwdriver
    • Phillips screwdriver PH0 / Ph2
    • Tweezers — will not be superfluous

    You can purchase all the necessary tools on our website.

    If some disassembly steps are not clear from the photo instructions, you can watch the step-by-step video disassembly below.

    How to disassemble PS4 Slim

    Turn over the game console and remove the front panel of the hard drive. It is removed with a slight movement to the side.

    Unscrew one screw that secures the hard drive cage.

    We remove the hard drive from the game console case.

    Remove the warranty seal.

    Next, take a Torx T8 screwdriver and unscrew one screw that was located under the warranty seal.

    You can now remove the cover of the PS4 Slim console. This is done quite simply, take your hands around the corner of the console case and pull it up, split the case around the edges, then lift the cover up.

    Take a Phillips screwdriver PH0 and unscrew 1 screw that holds the PS4 Slim console power supply.

    Turn over the game console and remove the top case cover. It opens very simply, take the case along the edges on the front side of the console and pull up to remove the cover.

    Now remove the power supply from the PS4 Slim console, to do this, unscrew 3 screws with a PH0 Phillips screwdriver, and also remove the WiFi antenna from the power supply housing. Next, take the Torx T8 and unscrew 3 more screws and remove the iron panel from the power supply housing.

    We pry off the power supply with auxiliary tools so that we can grab the case and pull the power supply up.

    Disconnect the 4-pin cable from the power supply, and also disconnect the Wi-Fi antenna from the motherboard.

    We turn the game console over and disconnect all cables from the motherboard by pulling them down, except for the widest cable, to disconnect it, open the connector lock and lift the cable up.

    Unscrew the 30 screws on the iron panel (marked with yellow circles).

    Turn off the fan cable (marked green).

    Disconnect the second WiFi antenna from the motherboard and peel off the antenna from the iron panel of the set-top box (marked in red).

    Raise the iron panel up and see the iron mount on the motherboard, unscrew the two screws and remove the mount (marked with yellow circles).

    Now, in my opinion, the most difficult stage of disassembling the PS4 Slim. It is necessary to disconnect the 4-pin connector from the motherboard (marked in red), the difficulty lies in the fact that you can’t normally take this wire, and the wire itself is fixed quite tightly in the connector. Try to loosen this wire as much as possible and gradually, swinging it around, remove this wire from the motherboard.

    After everything is turned off, the PS4 Slim motherboard can be removed from the case by lifting it up.

    Using a tissue, remove the old thermal paste from the surface of the heatsink and the PS4 Slim video processor.

    Important: if the old thermal paste is very dry and you can’t easily wipe it off the processor surface, use rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab to help.

    Now apply the new thermal paste to the PS4 Slim processor. We distribute the thermal paste in an even layer over the entire surface of the processor chip.

    Now let’s move on to cleaning the PS4 Slim cooling system from dust. We turn over and unscrew the 2 screws on the iron panel with a Phillips screwdriver.

    Turn the console back and unscrew one screw.

    Now lift up the iron panel. On the back of this panel is a heatsink that collects dust. We clean the radiator from dust with a brush.

    Next, clean the fan from dust, to do this, unscrew the two screws and remove the fan from the case.

    The fan can now be cleaned of dust.

    How to assemble the PS4 Slim

    Basic steps — assembling the PlayStation 4 Slim:

    1. Install the fan back into the PS4 Slim case and fasten 2 screws.
    2. Install the iron panel with the heatsink into the game console case and fasten one screw.
    3. Turn the PS4 Slim console case over and fasten the 2 long screws.
    4. Turn the body of the console back over and install the small iron socket with threads inside.
    5. Install the PS4 Slim motherboard, first check that all thermal pads are on the chips.
    6. Connect the 4-pin cable to the motherboard.
    7. Install the iron panel and fasten the two bolts evenly.
    8. Check all the thermal pads on the video memory chips and install an iron panel on top of the motherboard.
    9. Now screw all 30 screws onto the iron panel.
    10. Connect the fan cable to the motherboard.
    11. Connect 4 cables to the motherboard.
    12. Connect the Wi-Fi antenna to the motherboard.
    13. Turn the PS4 Slim console over and connect the second wi-fi antenna to the motherboard.
    14. Now install the power supply in the console case, before that connect the 4-pin cable to the power supply.
    15. Install the wi-fi antenna on the power supply housing and fix it with a screw.
    16. Attach two screws to the PS4 Slim power supply housing.
    17. Turn the PS4 Slim console over and fasten one more screw on the back side, which also fixes the console’s power supply.
    18. Install the top plastic cover on the PS4 Slim case.
    19. Turn the console over and install the iron socket on the power supply housing. Using a Torx T8 screwdriver, fasten 3 screws.
    20. Now install the second plastic cover on the body of the game console.
    21. Screw in one screw on the end of the box.
    22. Install the hard drive and fasten one screw.
    23. Replace the hard drive socket and the PlayStation 4 Slim is fully assembled.
    PS4 Disassembly

    Step-by-step instructions for disassembling the PlayStation 4 to clean and replace the thermal paste.

    Reassembly instructions included.