Persona 5 deutsche übersetzung: Untertitel und Texte in deutscher Sprache angekündigt

Die Persona-Serie kommt auf Xbox und bringt neue deutsche Übersetzungen mit • JPGAMES.DE

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Xbox hat beim Xbox & Bethesda Showcase 2022 angekündigt, dass Persona 3 Portable, Persona 4 Golden und Persona 5 Royal für Xbox und PCs und im Xbox Game Pass erscheinen. Persona 3 und Persona 4 sollen dabei auch neue Übersetzungen bieten, darunter deutsche Texte.

Persona 5 Royal hat mit dem 21. Oktober schon einen konkreten Termin. Die vollständige, bisher nur englischsprachige Pressemitteilung findet ihr unter anderem bei Persona Central.

Laut Pressemeldung steht die Veröffentlichung der drei Spiele für Xbox und Windows-PCs auch im Zeichen des 25. Geburtstags der Persona-Serie. Die Feierlichkeiten halten an! Mit Persona 5 Royal bringt man Persona 5 inkl. aller DLCs auf die neuen Plattformen.

Der Protagonist ist gezwungen, auf eine Highschool in Tokyo zu wechseln und hat einen seltsamen Traum. „Du bist tatsächlich ein Gefangener des Schicksals. In naher Zukunft erwartet dich der Ruin.“ Legt die Maske des Phantomdiebs an und rettet andere vor ihren verzerrten Wünschen!

Mit Persona 4 Golden erscheint ein echter Klassiker im Xbox-Universum. Man sagt, dass dein Seelenverwandter erscheint, wenn du in einer regnerischen Nacht in einen Fernseher starrst. Dieses seltsame Gerücht verbreitete sich in der Stadt Inaba, dem neuen Zuhause des Protagonisten. Und ihr geht einer Reihe von mysteriösen Morden nach. Erstmals wird Persona 4 Golden dabei eine neue Multi-5-Lokalisierung erhalten. Es gibt neue Übersetzungen auf Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch und Spanisch.

Persona 3 wird in der Portable-Version neu veröffentlicht. „Wenn ich sage, dass zwischen einem Tag und dem nächsten eine Stunde ‚versteckt‘ ist… würdest du mir glauben?“ Die „Dunkle Stunde“ wird euch beschäftigen. Persona 3 Portable erscheint mit allen Verbesserungen für Xbox und Windows-PCs und auch hier gibt es erstmals eine Multi-5-Lokalisierung inklusive deutscher Übersetzung!

Es ist derzeit nicht bekannt, ob die neuen Lokalisierungen auch auf die Plattformen gespielt werden, wo die Spiele bereits verfügbar sind. Persona 4 Golden ist beispielsweise bereits für PC-Steam verfügbar.

Fans sollten sich nicht darauf verlassen, dass dies gleich mit dem Start auf Xbox und Windows-PCs der Fall sein wird. Vermutlich hat Xbox für diese Deals auch ein wenig Geld investiert und die Ernte möchte man sicherlich zuerst auf den eigenen Plattformen einspielen. Wir halten euch auf dem Laufenden, wenn es hier neue Erkenntnisse gibt.

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Bildmaterial: Persona 3 Portable, Atlus, P-Studio

AtlusP-StudioPersona 3 PortablePersona 4 GoldenPersona 5 RoyalXbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2022Xbox Game Pass

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Update für Borderlands 3 verfügbar

Valentins-Event gestartet, Level-Cap erhöht & Verbesserungen

Michael Sosinka

Gearbox Software hat ein neues Update für «Borderlands 3» veröffentlicht, welches das Valentins-Event «Herzschmerztag» startet, den Level-Cap erhöht, Verbesserungen vornimmt und noch viel mehr bietet. So kann man zum Beispiel endlich die Cutscenes überspringen. Im Changelog stehen alle Details.

Broken Hearts Day Event

  • Maurice, your sentient Saurian shipmate on Sanctuary III, is continuing his study of humanity’s customs, and has taken an interest in our strange courting rituals. To help him understand the emotional rollercoaster that is Broken Hearts Day, you’ll need to blast the floating hearts that are popping up over baddies’ heads all over the galaxy. Maurice will reward you with sweet Broken Hearts Day loot for your trouble, including two level 53 weapons: Terminal Polyaimorous and Wedding Invitation!

Event Toggle

  • For the Vault Hunter who already has everything, or prefers their gameplay to be more straightforward, you can now disable the Broken Hearts Day Event in the main menu. This highly requested feature will be included for all future seasonal events as well.

Skippable Cutscenes

  • With this patch, you can now skip all cutscenes in the game, whether you’ve seen the cutscene before or not, during solo play or by the host of your party during multiplayer! Simply press any key during the scene and you’ll be prompted to confirm the skip.

Level Cap increased to 53

  • The level cap has been increased to 53, providing everyone with 3 more skill points to aim for! We are looking forward to seeing what interesting combinations the community finds with their additional skills and will have more to talk about in the future concerning level cap increases and character growth.

True Takedown Mode

  • We’re introducing True Takedown Mode to the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite. As of this patch, there will be a way to re-enable the original version of the Takedown scaled to 4 players. Future Takedowns will also launch with both modes enabled.
  • The default setting keeps the Takedown scaled depending on how many people are in your party. To turn back on 4-player scaling, toggle the new switch to the right of the Takedown door.

Guardian Ranks

  • You are now able to turn off individual Guardian Ranks or the whole system! If there are any perks that aren’t playing nice with your builds, you can now disable them! Furthermore, for those who want to enjoy a vanilla leveling experience, you have the ability to disable the entire system. This includes both stat bonuses and all perks.
  • When the patch goes live, the Guardian Rank system will be turned off by default, giving you a great opportunity to look through your perks to see if there’s anything new you want to try! Note: while the Guardian Rank system is turned off, you will not be able to gain ranks.


  • With this patch, Stadia is now caught up to the other platforms! Stadia players can now access Moxxi’s Heist of The Handsome Jackpot, fight through Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite, and take advantage of the QOL improvements that were included in previous patches.


  • Addressed multiple reported crashes
  • Addressed multiple reported memory crashes
  • Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when updating the position of the dueling timer during a level transition
  • Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when there is no player character while spectating in the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite
  • Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur when hijacking a vehicle
  • Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur after extended hours of play
  • Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur during combat in Athenas
  • Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur during combat in Atlas HQ
  • Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur in a multiplayer game in The Droughts
  • Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when loading into a map when Campaign Matchmaking
  • Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when elements react in bodies of water
  • Addressed a reported freeze that could sometimes occur during garbage collection
  • Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when using Iron Bear
  • Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur after respawning a vehicle and then using the CAR station before the vehicle spawns
  • Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when holding both the left and right arrow keys while on the Skills tab of the ECHO menu on PC
  • Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur when quitting to desktop after another user disconnects during multiplayer on PC
  • Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when a host selected Quit to Portal on Stadia
  • Addressed a reported memory leak on map transitions


  • We are continuing to work on additional stability and performance updates for future patches.
  • Implemented multiple performance optimizations
  • Implemented multiple audio performance optimizations
  • Addressed reported performance issues encountered when players are pushed by another user’s vehicle
  • Addressed a reported performance issue when fighting enemies at Lumberton Junction in Floodmoor Basin
  • Addressed reported performance issues when scrolling through Guardian Rank Menu icons quickly


  • Added weight to the Guardian Rank random reward selection to favor reward options with less tokens applied to them
  • Addressed a reported concern that some missions were not awarding their cosmetic item rewards
  • Players should now have the following mission rewards if they completed the associated missions:
    • NOG Mask — Techincal NOGout in Meridian Outskirts
    • Atlas Classic skin — Atlas, At Last
    • Gilded Rage Jakobs skin — Cold as the Grave
    • Signature Style CoV skin — The Great Vault
    • Drop It Weapon Trinket — It’s Alive
  • Addressed a reported concern that players could be granted starting gear that was far beyond their level
  • Addressed a reported concern that a player in spectator mode would occasionally lose functionality when the Takedown host fast traveled to a different map
  • Addressed a reported concern that a Second Wind would occasionally reset the Takedown mission after players had failed the mission
  • Addressed a reported concern that players were occasionally respawning at the incorrect checkpoint in Meridian Outskirts
  • Addressed a reported concern that the player character on the character select menu would be positioned incorrectly when a player late joins a multiplayer game on Skywell-27
  • Addressed a reported concern that the weapon Tiggs Boom was spawning projectiles in the wrong location
  • Increased the chance of Tiggs Boom to spawn a projectile
  • Addressed a reported concern that Anointed Enforcer’s shield would occasionally disappear and make the enemy appear vulnerable when they were not
  • Addressed a reported concern that third-person healing effects could occasionally scale larger than intended
  • Addressed a reported concern that players were occasionally being teleported to random places during cutscenes when standing on specific spots in a map
  • Addressed a reported concern that the incorrect icon was displayed when confirming in Japanese on PlayStation 4
  • Addressed a reported concern that item cards would occasionally remain present on the screen after picking up an item
  • Addressed a reported concern that videos could sometimes appear corrupt on Stadia
  • Addressed a reported concern where certain key inputs would not be accepted properly on Stadia
  • Addressed a reported concern that the joinable status of a game on Stadia could be inaccurate
  • Addressed a reported concern with incorrect key glyphs showing when returning to the Main Menu on Stadia
  • Nativized previous hot fixes


  • Addressed a perceived progression blocker after entering Lectra City from another map after completing the “Collect Batteries” objective of “Kill KillaVolt”
  • Addressed a perceived progression blocker that occasionally occurred during the “Return toppings to Tina” objective of “Hammerlocked”
  • Addressed a perceived progression blocker that could sometimes occur after leaving and re-entering the map during the “Check dead drop” objective of “Going Rogue”
  • Addressed a reported concern where dialog could be repeatedly triggered if the player loaded into another map while on the objective “Take alternate path” during “Footsteps of Giants” on Desolation’s Edge
  • Addressed a perceived progression blocker during the “Loot Vault” objective with Typhon during “Footsteps of Giants”
  • Addressed a reported concern where a player with active missions could start a session with no tracked mission if their previously tracked mission could not be tracked

Hotfix Notes

  • Addressed a reported concern that the “Emergency Response” perk was increasing Shield Recharge Delay, rather than decreasing it
  • Addressed a reported concern that the crowd audio was sometimes coming from a separate location while chasing down Carnivora
  • Added blockers to prevent players from occasionally escaping the map without dying when jumping off the edge of a cliff in Carnivora
  • Addressed a reported concern that players could walk through a wall of rocks in Carnivora
  • Added blockers to prevent players from escaping the map near the Apollyon Transit Station New-U in Neon Arterial
  • Addressed a reported concern that the Gunner could sometimes get stuck in the second area of the Proving Grounds
  • Addressed a reported concern that players could occasionally escape the Skag of Survival boss area in The Proving Grounds
  • Addressed a reported concern that the Siren could escape the map while using the “Downfall” ability in Cistern of Slaughter and the Destroyer’s Rift
  • Addressed a reported concern that the final satellite dish would not appear for the player to destroy at certain distances during “Bad Reception”
  • Addressed a reported concern that players were unable to break an Eridium crystal cluster in Ambermire
  • Addressed a reported concern where aim assist was snapping aggressively on the center of an enemy when fighting the Blue Fire and Red Rain boss enemies during “Slaughterstar 3000”

Quelle: borderlands. com

Borderlands 3PCPlayStation 4Xbox One



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Foreign literature of the XX-XXI centuries. — Elatom village library,

V 55
Vishnevsky, Janusz Leon
Loneliness in the network : [novel] / Janusz Leon Vishnevsky; [translated from Polish by L. Tsyvyan]. — Moscow: AST, 2020. — 427, [3] p. — (Vishnevsky: just about the complex). — ISBN 978-5-17-122558-18

The heroes of “Loneliness in the Net” broke up after a long and passionate romance, and 9 months later Agnieszka and her lawful husband had a son, Jakub. Years go by, Yakub grows up. Now he is 21 years old, he is a computer science student at the university, and one day, thanks to the Internet, he meets the charming Nadia. One day, Nadia discovers that the characters in the book she is reading seem too familiar to her and are somehow connected with the life of her beloved. She shares her suspicions with Yakub. They start searching together and stumble upon a mystery. Now they already have too many questions about his mother’s past… But do they have the right to reveal other people’s secrets?

84 (4 Fra)
Girardot, Maxim
: novel / Maxim Girardot; [translation from French by V. M. Lipki]. — Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2021. — 446, [2] p. — (Modern detective of the highest quality). – ISBN 98-5-386-14131-8

A man is found horribly mutilated in an abandoned building of the Sainte-Anne hospital center in Paris. For Frank Somerset, Crime Commissioner, this is the beginning of a strange and unusual investigation. Strange, because this is not a series of murders in the truest sense of the word: all the victims are still alive, but they were tortured and “locked up” in themselves.
To understand who is behind this, Frank Sommerset will need to delve into the universe of the Internet and digital technology corporations that control our non-material life.

AND 78
Irving, John
Winemakers’ Rules : [novel] / John Irving; [translated from English by Marina Litvinova]. — Moscow: Foreigner: Azbuka-Atticus, 2018. — 635, [2] p. — (Foreign literature. Big books). – ISBN 978-5-389-16576-2

A classic saga of love and choice from the brilliant John Irving, author of worldwide bestsellers such as Garp’s World and Hotel New Hampshire, The Rules Winemakers» and «Son of the Circus», «A Prayer for Owen Meaney» and «Men Not in Her Life». So, a young doctor comes to a provincial town to work in an orphanage. He helps the women of these orphans to give birth, he brings up the children abandoned by them … This is a book that everyone dreams of a family, especially an orphan. This is a book about the simple life rules that people must adhere to if they want to remain human, about the obligations that real people take on and fulfill, and about the vocation that, whatever one may say, everyone has in life, but not everyone will find.

AND 85
Ishiguro, Kazuo
The rest of the day : [novel] / Kazuo Ishiguro; [translated from English by Vladimir Skorodenko]. — Moscow: Eksmo, 2020. — 300, [4] p. – ISBN 978-5-04-1106621-8

The third novel by Japanese-born British writer Kazuo Ishiguro, published in 1989. Awarded the Booker Prize. The book was made into a movie of the same name starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson. As in other works by Ishiguro, the novel is narrated in the first person: the protagonist, the butler Stevens, recalls the events of his past, while at the same time talking about the present. The Russian translation of the novel was released at 1992 year.

84 (4Ita)
K 12
Kaboni, Christina
The mysterious language of honey : [novel] / Christina Kaboni; [translated from Italian by Yu. N. Galatenko]. — Moscow: AST, 2020. — 351, [2] p. — (Taste for life). – ISBN 978-5-17-103845-8

Angelica lives light, ready to take off and leave at any moment. There is only one place on earth where she feels at home — in a quiet garden among beehives and their inhabitants. Here, enveloped in the quiet vibrations of bee wings and the scent of flowers, she is truly happy and free. Angelica can communicate with the bees in their language and knows all their secrets. She took over this gift from the woman who replaced her mother. A girl can choose for any person a special composition of honey suitable only for him. Lavender — helps to calm the restless soul, and acacia honey gives a reason for a sincere smile.

K 18
Camirelli, Andrea
Treasure Hunt : [novel] / Andrea Camirelli; [translated from Italian
by M. Chelintseva]. — Moscow: Meshcheryakov Publishing House, 2020. — 333, [3] p. – (Detectives Andrea Camirelli). – ISBN 978-00108-656-7

The first letter did not come out of nowhere. First there was a dilapidated inflatable doll and its elderly owner, ready to send all the sinners of Vigata to the next world. Sneaky journalists. Loud reportage. Awakened madness. And only then — a chain of strange letters. How do you like this riddle, Commissioner Montalbano? Do you think it’s just a game, an intellectual duel and a prize at the end? Fear the promised treasure — it will be your reward.

Cao, Irene
I love you
/ Irene Cao ; [translated from Italian by S. Gomanenko]. — Moscow: Eksmo, 2018. — 310, [10] p. – (Italian trilogy. I’m looking at you). – ISBN 978-5-699-73241-8

The final part of the Italian trilogy that conquered romantics all over the world! A life without love, a life full of open relationships, is the new mantra of Elena, who has become a completely different person since she abandoned Philippe’s reliable love and Leonardo’s all-consuming passion. She had everything, now she has nothing. Every night, Elena is ready to spend with a new man, just to fill the void and drown out the pain in her chest. At the most difficult moment, when everyone turns away from Elena, Leonardo will again be there and take the girl to his homeland — the island of Stromboli. Sicily, the volcano, the sea, the eyes of a beloved man can heal her, restore her taste for life, love, art. But there are still many obstacles ahead: Leonardo’s past life gets in their way, and it seems that nothing can be changed…
The «Italian trilogy» series consists of the books «I look at you», «I feel you», «I love you». In the first book, the action takes place in Venice, in the second in Rome, in the third in Sicily on the island of Stromboli. There are three main plot nodes in the trilogy. The first is when Elena and Leonardo meet in the palace. Elena is at this moment restoring a fresco, and Leonardo «accidentally» notices her. This meeting turns their lives upside down in every way. In the second volume, we see how Elena rushes about in doubt, we find her in a situation of choosing between certainty, reliability and passion, that is, between reason and heart. She is engaged, and she needs to make a choice whether to throw herself into the pool with her head or stay. In the third volume, there is another knot: for a certain reason, which is revealed along the way, Elena’s life is chaos, and then at some point there is an awakening, because Leonardo cannot stand aside.

Cao, Irene
I’m looking at you
/ Irene Cao ; [translated from Italian by S. Gomanenko]. — Moscow: Eksmo, 2018. — 346, [2] p. – (Italian trilogy). – ISBN 978-5-699-70781-2

#1 bestseller in Italy! The first book in a delightful trilogy that will take you on a journey into a world of sensual pleasures, love, art and Italian cuisine. The most romantic city in the world, Venice, will act as the backdrop for this exciting love story. You will get acquainted with the Venetian streets and magnificent castles, learn a lot about painting and art history. Embark on a gastronomic tour of Italy, where spicy, spicy and incredibly juicy aroma reigns.
Elena has never really loved, the world for her is art, the frescoes that she restores in the ancient castles of Venice. Everything changes when Leonardo, the famous chef, appears in her life, in whose hands even pleasure takes shape, color, smell, taste. Elena lets herself be seduced by a rich, handsome man with a dark past and accepts his condition: «Don’t fall in love. » Now none of them should break this rule, no matter what happens … Read the continuation of the trilogy, the books «I feel you» and «I love you.»

K 32
Kwan, Kevin
Crazy Rich Asian Problems : [novel] / Kevin Kwan; [translated from English by N. Vlasova]. — Moscow: Foreigner: Azbuka-Atticus, 2020. — 570, [6] p. : ill. – ISBN978-5-389-16732-2

A mind-blowing state can really drive you crazy! Do you know why? Because someone else has even more money than you, and this someone will casually deprive you of such a privilege as a favorite table in an exclusive restaurant or an emergency call for a personal — the best in the world! — a doctor. But what is surprising — there are people who do not care about such problems! For example, Nick Young, a descendant of a famous family and heir to a grandiose estate in the center of Singapore. The eccentric, due to his marriage to his chosen one, refused wealth and forever quarreled with his beloved grandmother, the powerful Shang Sui, who dreamed of leaving him priceless real estate, but, according to rumors, rewrote the will.

K 35
Keneally, Thomas
Schindler’s List : [novel] / Thomas Kinelli; [translated from English by Ilon Polotsk] / Moscow: «E», 2018. — 476, [4] p. – (Intellectual bestseller. We read the whole world). – ISBN 978-5-699-80130-5

“The one who saved a single life saved the whole world” — these words from the Talmud were written by the prisoners on the ring that they presented to their savior, Oskar Schindler. A man who saved more than a thousand people from martyrdom. “German bon vivant, clever businessman, charming personality, full of contradictions” – this is how Keneally writes about his hero. Yes, Oskar Schindler was not a saint, but he became the Righteous of the World. He is remembered not only by those who owe him their lives, not only by their children and grandchildren — there is no person in the world who would not hear this name and would not bow before Schindler’s modest courage.

C 36
Kermel, Eric de
Owner of the bookshop on Trave Square
: [novel] / Eric de Carmel; [translated from French by I. A. Petrovskaya]; artist Camilla Penshina. — Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2019. — 252, [4] p. : ill. – ISBN 978-5-227-08572-6

Parisian teacher Natalie moves with her family to the south of France, to a small quiet old town of Uzès. There, on Grass Square, there is a small cozy bookstore with vaulted ceilings, like in old buildings. Natalie suddenly decides to buy this bookstore — and the new profession changes her life. Among the buyers, she notices people who are in a difficult situation, and comes to their aid.

C 57
Colgan, Jenny
Bookshop by the lake : [novel] / Jenny Colgan; [translated from English by Tatyana Golubeva]. — Moscow: Foreigner: Azbuka-Atticus, 2021. — 506, [6] p. – ISBN978-5-389-18576-0

Single mother Zoe barely makes ends meet in London. Desperate to start a new life, she responds to a double job offer: in Scotland, three motherless children need a nanny, and the owner of a traveling bookshop needs an assistant. «…a little babysitting work, a little book van work…and she’ll be free most of the time.» Finding herself in a huge, old and rather neglected house on the shores of the famous Loch Ness, Zoe feels confused, and besides, she has a difficult task: to curb impudent tomboys who are used to self-will.

84 (4 Fra)
М 29
Martin-Lugan, Agnès
Happy people read books and drink coffee
: novel / A. Martin-Lugan;
[translated from French by N. Dobrobabenko]. — Moscow: AST, 2019. — 224 p. –
ISBN 978-5-17-084298-8

“Happy people read books and drink coffee” is a novel with a happy fate. Success accompanied him from the first minute. Thirty-year-old Frenchwoman Agnès Martin-Lugand published it on the Internet, on the website A few days later he became a sales leader and very soon aroused the interest of a large Parisian publishing house, Michel Lafont. Since the publication of the book in July 2013, reader interest in it has been steadily growing, half a million copies have long been sold, and 18 countries have bought the rights to translate. Having lost her husband and little daughter in a car accident, Diana completely lost interest in existence. Stopped working, leaving the house, answering the phone.

M 74
Moyes, Jojo
Happy Steps in the Rain
: [novel] / Jojo Moyes; [translated from Italian by Irina Ivanchenko]. — Moscow: Foreigner: Azbuka-Atticus, 2019. — 477, [3] p. : ill. – ISBN 978-5-389-09785-8

An unforgettable and touching story of three generations of women bound by indissoluble bonds. The relationship between Joy and Kate, mother and daughter, is far from ideal, and Kate, trying to arrange a personal life, runs away from home. Vowing to herself that if she ever had a daughter, she, Kate, would become her best friend and they would never be separated. But history repeats itself. Sabina, Kate’s daughter, has grown up stubborn and defiant, and treats her mother with contempt due to Kate’s string of love failures. And now the circumstances are such that Sabina comes to her grandmother Joy. Joy, who has never seen her granddaughter, is initially overjoyed at her arrival. But they have very little in common.

M 75
Morris, Heather
Tattoo artist from Auschwitz
: novel / Heather Maurice ; [translated from English by Irina Ivanchenko]. — St. Petersburg : Azbuka : Azbuka-Atticus, 2019. — 314, [6] p. — (ABC bestseller). – ISBN 978-5-389-15877-1

Based on the true life of Ludwig (Lale) Sokolov, Heather Morris’ novel is a testament to the human spirit and the power of love to blossom even in the darkest places. And it’s hard to imagine a darker place than the Auschwitz/Birkenau concentration camp.
In 1942, Lale, like other Slovak Jews, was sent to Auschwitz. Once there, thanks to the fact that he speaks several languages, he gets a job as a tattoo artist and fills the numbers with new prisoners at a terrifying speed, and for this he receives some privileges: a separate closet, a little better food and relative freedom of movement around the camp. One day in July 1942, Lale, prisoner 32407, puts the number 34902 on the hand of a trembling young woman. Her name is Gita. Despite their difficult situation, despite the fact that every day may be the last, they fall in love and, against all odds, believe that they will be able to survive in these inhuman conditions. And although the position of Lale as a tattoo artist is relatively better than the rest of the prisoners, it does not protect against the brutality of the SS. Again and again he risks his life to help his comrades in misfortune, and especially Gita and her friends. Despite the constant threat of death, Lale and Gita never stop believing in the future. And in this future, they will definitely live together happily ever after.

84 (4Nor)
H 31
Nesbo, Yu
: [novel] / Yu Nesbo; [translated from Norwegian by E. Lavrynaitis]. — St. Petersburg: ABC: Azuka-Atticus, 2019. — 576 p. — (Stars of the world detective). – ISBN 978-5-389-15875-7

A brutal murder has been committed in Oslo. In this case, Harry Hole plays an unusual role — he does not lead the investigation, but the list of suspects. He himself cannot say anything about this, because he is going through hard times and some events of recent days have completely fallen out of his memory. True, at the time of the murder he has an alibi, but a random find made in his apartment makes Harry doubt him. He is almost convinced that he is guilty, and conducts his own investigation — first of all, this is an investigation into the dark depths of his own «I» … The long-awaited 12th novel in the exciting series about Harry Hole. For the first time in Russian!

Forester, Cecil Scott
Greyhound, or the Good Shepherd: a novel
/ S. S. Forester; translation from English by Ekaterina Dobrokhotova-Maykova. — St. Petersburg: ABC, 2020. — 352 p. — (ABC bestseller). ISBN 978-5-389-15849-8

For the first time in Russian — a classic novel by Cecil Scott Forester, famous for his series of books about the adventures of Midshipman Hornblower. The book, which has been called «perhaps the best adventure novel about the Second World War» (Life) and «the most exciting sea adventure since Hemingway’s «The Old Man and the Sea»» (The Guardian). The action takes place at the very beginning of the Second World War. An international convoy of 37 Allied ships must cross the turbulent and dangerous waters of the North Atlantic. Behind the convoy, like a pack of wolves, follow the trail of Nazi submarines, ready to sink allied ships at the first opportunity. George Krause, the captain of one of the escort ships, is an old sea dog, but he takes part in such hostilities for the first time; on his shoulders is not only the responsibility for a valuable cargo, but also the lives of three thousand people … «I recommend Forester’s books to everyone who can read» (Ernest Hemingway).

84 (7Coe)
Sheldon, Sidney
Wrath of Angels
: [novel] / Sidney Sheldon; English translation by T. A. Pertseva. — Moscow: AST, 2021. — 447, [1] p. – (Sheldon – exclusive). – ISBN 978-5-17-087820-8

She is a fashionable, successful lawyer at the peak of her career.
He is the «godfather» of the New York mafia, expanding his powerful empire. They stand in each other’s way — and will not be defeated … This is how the exciting story of the struggle begins, in which there will be no winners. But there will be victories and defeats, high-profile crimes and shocking scandals, big politics and big money… and, of course, love!

84 (7Coe)
Sheldon, Sidney
: [novel] / Sidney Sheldon; translation from English by T. A. Pertseva. — Moscow: Ast, 2021. — 507, [3] p. — (Sheldon — exclusive). – ISBN 978-5-17-087447-7

Kate Blackwell.
A woman whose name is equivalent to the word «success». She was not accustomed to choosing means on the way to the desired goal. She always got what she wanted — power, money, love…
She stopped at nothing — neither lies, nor betrayal, not even crime. .. She achieved a lot — but what did she lose?..

Sheldon, Sidney
Stranger in the Mirror
: [novel] / Sidney Sheldon; translation from English by T. A. Pertseva. — Moscow: Ast, 2020. — 350, [2] p. — (Sheldon — exclusive). – ISBN 978-5-17-087161-2

Meet your true love…
Find a woman who is ready to save you from death…
What man doesn’t dream about it!
And it seems that the most famous American comedian Toby Temple succeeded!
But… can this woman be trusted?
She is clearly hiding something and is ready to do anything to keep her secret undiscovered… One more step and Toby’s life will be in danger. But will he be able to stop? translation from English by A.P. Romanov — Moscow: Ast, 2021. — 414, [2] p. — (Sheldon — exclusive). – ISBN 978-5-17-089551-9

An ordinary hospital in San Francisco…
A small world where intrigues are woven and desperately, to the last, they fight for a place in the sun…
Here a young woman can find her happiness — or become a victim of a beautiful cynical ladies’ man. ..
Also, it looks like a murder was committed here.
The defense claims that a hopeless patient was killed «out of mercy.» The prosecution insists that this is a well thought out crime.
But… what really happened?

W 33
Schwalbe, Will
End of Life Book Club
: [novel] / Will Schwalbe; [translated from English by T. O. Novikova]. — Moscow: Bombora: E, 2018. — 397, [3] p. —
(Secret Garden. Alone with yourself). – ISBN 978-5-04-091811-8

There are only two people in this unusual book club. And one of them will die soon. In order not to talk about death, they talk about books. For one, this is a way to comprehend their rich past, for the other — to understand how to live on.
With each book they learn something new about each other, but how much more will they have time to read? And if every book can be the last, then it must be excellent …
For fans of the legendary «Last Lecture» and the work of Anne Lamotte. The best memoirs of the year according to several authoritative periodicals.

Sh 69
Schlink, Bernhard
: novel / Bernhard Schlink; [translation from German Boris Khlebnikov]. — St. Petersburg : Azbuka : Azbuka-Atticus, 2019. — 250, [6] p. — (ABC bestseller). – ISBN 978-5-389-05364-9

Bestselling novel by the German lawyer and writer Bernhard Schlink. Published in German at 1995, in English in 1997. Translated into 39 languages ​​and received a number of prestigious awards. The Reader is the first German novel to hit the New York Times bestseller list, with a total circulation of several million copies. The novel was made into a film of the same name by British director Stephen Daldry.

U 13
White, Karen
Mansion on Tradd Street : [novel] / Karen White: [translated from English
by B. Bushuev]. — Moscow: Eksmo, 2019. — 475, [5] p. — International Bestseller #1 by New York Times). – ISBN 978-5-04-1-1418-6

Melanie is amazed. Her chance acquaintance with the enigmatic Mr. Vanderhorst resulted in her inheriting an entire mansion from him. The conditions are to live there for a year and restore it in order to become a full-fledged hostess. Melanie doesn’t like old houses. Since childhood, she has an eerie gift to see ghosts, of which there are many in the city. And in Victorian houses — and even more so. The arrogant writer Jack offers her help, which makes Melanie either angry or want to kiss him. From now on, they are bound by a common secret: a cipher, which, thanks to the gift of Melanie, should help them find ancient diamonds.

84(Kan 7)
W 57
Winter, Evan
Fury of Dragons
: [novel] / Evan Winter; [translated from English
by A. Ageeva]. — Moscow: AST, 2020. — 575, [1] p. — (Fantasy: discovery). –
ISBN 978-17-119964-7

The Omeha people are constantly at war. In every generation, the lucky few are born Gifted: some have the gift to summon dragons, others can magically transform into large, powerful, and fast killing machines. Everyone else is destined to die in endless battles… But Tau Tafari, who was born without a gift, dreams of breaking out of this vicious circle. A brave guy has to go through an unthinkable path and become the only hope of Omeha for a peaceful life.

X 21
Harkaway, Nick
: [novel] / Nick Harkaway; translation from English by Ephraim Lichtenstein. — Moscow: AST, 2020. — 861, [3] p. — (Great novels). – ISBN 978-5-17-113597-3

This is a world where everyone is being watched. This is a world in which democracy has achieved absolute transparency. Every action is recorded, every word is recorded, and the System has access to the thoughts and memories of its citizens — all in the name of the safest society in history. Diana Hunter is a dissident who lives off the grid in a society where the grid is everything. And when she is detained on suspicion of terrorism, Hunter dies during interrogation. But in this world, people don’t die of someone else’s will, the System doesn’t make mistakes, and there’s something incomprehensible in Hunter’s death reports.

X 21
Harris, Joan
: [novel] / Joan Harris; [translated from English by I. Novoseletskaya]. — Moscow: Eksmo, 2019. — 349, [3] p. — (World literature. Foreign classics). – ISBN978-5-699-93135-4

The sleepy tranquility of a small French town is disturbed by the arrival of a young woman, Vianne, and her daughter. They appeared along with a noisy and bright carnival procession, and when the carnival ended, its bright joy remained in the eyes of Vianne, who opened her chocolate shop here. In some miraculous way, she learns about the innermost desires of the inhabitants of the town and offers everyone just such a chocolate treat that makes him feel the taste of life again.
«Chocolate» is a story about kindness and tolerance, about the confrontation between innocent temptations and inveterate righteousness. The Hollywood film of the same name directed by Lasse Hallström (starring Juliette Binoche, Johnny Depp and Judi Dench) was nominated for an Oscar in five categories and a Golden Globe in four.

E 73
Epstein, Francie
Francie’s War / F. Epstein; translation from English by A. Lysikova. — Moscow: AST, 2020. — 224 p. — (Witnesses of the Holocaust). – ISBN 978-5-17-120003-9

In the summer of 1942, twenty-two-year-old Francie Rabinek arrived in Terezin, a concentration camp and ghetto forty miles north of her home in Prague. This was the beginning of her three-year journey from Theresienstadt to the Czech family camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau, to the slave labor camps in Hamburg and Bergen-Belsen. After being released by the British in April 1945, she finally returned to Prague. Francie’s War is the harrowing story of an incredibly strong young woman who lived through the horrors of the Holocaust and survived.

Sega has no plans to translate Lost Judgment from the creators of Yakuza into Russian yet






Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Yakuza in Russian
Lost Judgment


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Company Sega briefly commented on its plans for the near future with the release of today’s financial report. One of the slides in the investor presentation was dedicated to the recently announced adventure game Lost Judgment — the first development from the authors of Yakuza , which will be released simultaneously around the world. The document states that the novelty is planned to be translated into nine languages. Russian is not among them .

Starting September 24, 2021, the game will be available in Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish . She’ll be out at PlayStation 4 , Xbox One , PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S .

The first part of Judgment, which originally debuted in 2019 on PlayStation 4 , was also not translated into Russian, however, after the localization of last year’s Yakuza: Like a Dragon , many domestic fans of Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio hoped that Sega will start releasing all new team games in Russian in Russia.

In an interview with , the producer of Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio , Masayoshi Yokoyama , commented on the possibility of further localizations of Yakuza :

«In the future, we will continue to look for opportunities to please the Russian-speaking audience. Your support means a lot, so if you want to show your interest in our initiative, please play Yakuza: Like a Dragon!».

However, it should be taken into account here that decisions on translating different games into certain languages ​​are often made at the first stages of development, and Lost Judgment was started long before the premiere of the Russian version of Yakuza: Like a Dragon.

Perhaps Sega will decide to please the Russian-speaking audience later — with the release of a detective adventure on the PC (if this ever happens — the PC version is not announced now).