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Die besten MMORPGs, MMOs und Multiplayer-Spiele ab 12

Plattform: Mobile
Release: 03.11.2022
Genre: ShooterModell: Free-to-play

Bei Goddess of Victory: NIKKE handelt es sich um einen Third-Person-Shooter für Android und iOS, welches seinen Release am 03. November 2022 feierte. Ihr spielt als Commander und kontrolliert ein Team…

Plattform: PC
Release: 17.02.2022
Genre: StrategieModell: Buy-to-play

Total War: Warhammer 3 ist ein rundenbasiertes Echtzeit-Strategiespiel. Es gibt im Spiel mehrere Fraktionen, die einander bekämpfen und verschiedene Ziele erfüllen müssen. Im Gameplay geht es um die E. ..

Plattform: Mac, PCGenre: MMORPGModell: Pay-to-play

World of Warcraft, das meistgespielte Online Rollenspiel aller Zeiten, bietet eine riesige, abwechslungsreiche sowie stimmungsvolle Spielwelt. Dort gibt es für jeden Spieler etwas. Quests, Dungeons, R…

Plattform: Android, iOS
Release: 13.08.2020
Genre: MMORPGModell: Free-to-play

EVE Echoes ist eine Mobile-Version des MMORPGs EVE Online, das von NetEase und CCP Games entwickelt wurde. Zwar spielt das Mobile-MMO in einer eigenen Version des EVE-Universums, doch trotzdem soll es…

Plattform: PC, Xbox 360
Release: 09.07.2013
Genre: MOBAModell: Free-to-play

Dota 2 ist ein MOBA, das auf der erfolgreiche Warcraft 3 Mod «Defence of the Ancients» basiert. Aus der Vogelperspektive wird ein Held gesteuert, der zusammen mit 4 Verbündeten gegen eine feindliche G. ..


Ø User-wertung

Plattform: Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Release: 26.05.2020
Abo-Service: Xbox Game PassGenre: Action Adventure, Action-RPGModell: Buy-to-play

Minecraft Dungeons ist ein eigenständiges Spiel, das euch in die Rolle eines Abenteurers versetzt, der Höhlen erkundet und dort gegen Monster kämpft. Im Fokus steht dabei das ständige Sammeln von Loot…


Ø User-wertung

Plattform: Android, iOS, PC
Release: 28.04.2020
Genre: Kartenspiel, StrategieModell: Free-to-play

Legends of Runeterra ist ein Kartenspiel zu League of Legends. Dabei tretet ihr mit einem selbstgebauten Deck aus 40 Karten gegen einen anderen Spieler an. Sofortzauber, das Aufsteigen von Champions u…

Plattform: Android, iOS, PC
Release: 28. 05.2019
Genre: Mobile-MMOModell: Free-to-play

Talion ist ein Mobile-MMORPG für Android und iOS, das aber grafisch eher an einen vollwertigen PC-Titel erinnert. Das Spiel bietet sowohl PvE als auch PvP. In erstem bekommt ihr eine große, schöne Wel…


Ø User-wertung

Plattform: Mac, PC
Release: 11.02.2005 | Dragonflight: 29.11.2022
Genre: MMORPGModell: Pay-to-play

World of Warcraft, das meistgespielte Online Rollenspiel aller Zeiten, bietet eine riesige, abwechslungsreiche sowie stimmungsvolle Spielwelt. Dort gibt es für jeden Spieler etwas. Quests, Dungeons, R…


Ø User-wertung

Plattform: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Release: 30.05.2017
Genre: Action-MMOModell: Free-to-play

Crossout ist ein Action-MMO in der Post-Apokalypse. Darin kurvt ihr als irrer Endzeit-Punk mit einem schwer bewaffneten Kampf-Auto durchs Ödland und ballert die Karren der anderen Spieler (im PvP) ode…


Ø User-wertung

Annotated index of articles of the National Psychological Journal

Risks of psychological security of the individual in the context of the introduction of digital educational technologies at the stage of vocational training

National Psychological Journal

2022. No. 4.


Khudyakova T.L. Gridyaeva L.N. Klepach Yu.V. Petrosyants V.R.

moreDownload PDF


Professional training system for psychologists EMERCOM of Russia

National Psychological Journal

2022. No. 4.


Shoigu Yu. S.

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Labor interests as a key factor in the involvement and effectiveness of educational technology workers

National Psychological Journal

2022. No. 4.


Lobanova T. N.

moreDownload PDF


Psychological predictors of procrastination in psychology students

National Psychological Journal

2022. No. 4.


Boyarinov D.M. Gubaidulina L.M. Novikova Yu.A. Kachina A.A. Barabanshchikova V.V.

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Chronic stress and temporary self-regulation in sales managers

National Psychological Journal

2022. No. 4.


Shirokaya M.Yu. Gorbatykh M.V.

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Adaptability as a predictor of changes in the functional states of participants in a marine scientific expedition to the Arctic

National Psychological Journal

2022. No. 4.


Simonova N.N. Tunkina M.A. Korneeva Ya.A. Trofimova A.A.

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Contribution of Dispositional Mindfulness to Acute and Chronic Stress Resilience in Medical Staff During the COVID’19 Pandemic

National Psychological Journal

2022. No. 4.


Blinnikova I.V. Matyushin V.V. Gushchin M.V. Lange M.D.

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Self-presentation strategies in author’s texts of specialists with different professional experience

National Psychological Journal

2022. No. 4.


Abdullaeva M. M.

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Meaningfulness of life and professional experience as predictors of professional self-determination of future teachers

National Psychological Journal

2022. No. 4.


Belyakova E.G. Bykov S.A.

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The status of professional identity as a factor in the psychological adaptation of a person in adolescence

National Psychological Journal

2022. No. 4.


Karabanova O.A. Molchanov S.V.

2022. No. 4.


Emelin V.A.

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Current trends in the development of psychological studies of labor and the worker in a dynamic professional and organizational environment

National Psychological Journal

. No.


Barabanshchikova V.V. Kuznetsova A.S.

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How our word will respond

National Psychological Journal

2022. No. 3.


Zuckerman G.A.

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Life with love as the meaning of being in the existential paradigm of relationships

National Psychological Journal

2022. No. 3.


Utrobina V.G.

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Ecopsychological interactions of young children with other subjects of the social environment

National Psychological Journal

2022. No. 3.


Lidskaya E.V. Panov V.I.

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Hi-Fi Rush scored 99% on Steam. «Where were you when Microsoft quietly released a 2023 game?»

Yesterday, Microsoft gave the community a surprise by releasing a new game, Tango Gameworks. The experienced Bethesda team has created a colorful rhythm game that has been translated into Russian.

nine0004 Hi-Fi Rush by Tango Gameworks is suddenly on the market, warmly received and receiving surprisingly positive reviews. There are no reviews from publications yet, but the game on Steam has 99% positive reviews after 277 opinions.

  • «Where were you when Microsoft quietly released the 2023 game?»
  • “I hadn’t heard about this game until today and it was a pleasant surprise for me. 10/10 highly recommend.»
  • “Even though I just started playing, I can already tell that this game is as amazing as it looks. The charm, the personality, the art style, the fights, the story (from what I’ve seen so far) and most importantly the rhythm are fantastic and the combination of all of these things is incredibly good. For a rhythm-driven platformer, this is possibly the best realization and execution of this idea I’ve ever seen.» nine0161
  • “2023 started off on a high note.”
  • «In the world of Last of Us and Forspoken, this game is medicine and light for a better future.»
  • “An unusually good mix of action game rhythm and atmosphere with a really entertaining story. Microsoft could secretly release Game of the Year.»
  • “Microsoft and Tango accidentally released the best game of the year. Sorry Resident Evil 4 and FF16, GOAT [The Greatest of All Time — approx. ed.]». nine0161

Reviews are enthusiastic and promise fun gameplay, but keep in mind that these are only first impressions after a few hours at most, because the game just came out.

There’s no doubt that Hi-Fi Rush is a huge surprise that Microsoft and Bethesda have in store for Xbox and PC gamers.

See the start of Hi-Fi Rush below.

2023-01-26 11:29:48

Dmitry Krivov

Hogwarts Legacy Game Director Reveals Time to Complete Game

The minimum system requirements for the PC version of Redfall have been revealed. The game will be demanding



Space torture. Overview


Space has always attracted mankind, who understood that the Earth is only a temporary shelter. A green planet cannot always remain home to billions of individuals mercilessly pumping out resources, polluting the soil and poisoning the atmosphere. The authors of Ixion offer their vision of the near future, where the descendants of Adam made an irreparable mistake, putting themselves on the brink of extinction.

The price is out of competition. Gaming laptop Lyambda LLT173M01DJNS-BK


The Lyambda trademark is familiar to the public for watch straps, smartphone cases, chargers, power banks and other little things. Recently, PCs have also appeared under this brand, both desktop (monoblock) and portable (laptops), and in this last mobile category, the range includes six different models with Intel 12th generation processors from Core i5 to Core i9.

The perfect remake. Dead Space Remake review


Skepticism, unconvincing previews, rivalry with The Callisto Protocol — Electronic Arts’ remake of the iconic Dead Space couldn’t have been a good one! It seems that all the fans thought about it. But something, fortunately, went wrong and in the end we have an exemplary project.

Already today! How AI is replacing game developers

Artificial intelligence has learned to make games.