Outlast 2 bewertung: Outlast 2 im Test — Das muss man aushalten

Outlast 2 im Test — Das muss man aushalten

Selbst im Licht offenbart Outlast 2 noch ungeahnte Schrecken. Trotzdem zeigt das Horrorspiel im Test ein großes Manko.

Vor uns erstreckt sich ein Kornfeld. Da müssen wir durch. Nur noch ein kleines Stück. Wir haben keine Ahnung, wo es langgeht, also folgen wir zaghaft dem Licht des Mondes. Über unser Headset klingt wirres religiöses Gefasel an unser Ohr. Mit zittriger Hand halten wir die Kamera. Wir werden gejagt.

Plötzlich trifft uns der Lichtstrahl einer Taschenlampe, gefolgt von hektischen Rufen. Blind vor Panik preschen wir durch das Feld, weg vom Licht, das uns immer wieder streift. Dann stoppen wir abrupt: Verdammt, ein Zaun! Fluchend drehen wir um … wenn wir nur wüssten, wo es langgeht! Eine Hand packt uns von hinten. Wir fahren herum. Einen Augenblick später haben wir eine Spitzhacke im Gesicht. Tot. Wir wachen auf. Vor uns erstreckt sich ein Kornfeld.

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Ist das nicht fantastisch? Zumindest auf den ersten Blick und aus Sicht eines Horrorfans. Outlast 2 macht eigentlich alles richtig. Mal lässt es uns in einer wilden Hetzjagd blanke Panik erleben, mal sorgen quälend lange Minuten, ohne dass irgendetwas passiert, für Anspannung.

Denn es passiert ja doch etwas, aber eben nur in unserem Kopf. Outlast 2 spielt gezielt mit unseren Ängsten, manipuliert uns und setzt sie gegen uns ein. Aber genau diese scheinbar perfekte Horrorformel wird im weiteren Spielverlauf zum größten Problem. Denn jeder noch so schockierende Horror verliert nun mal an Wirkung, sobald er zur Gewohnheit wird.

Religiöse Symbole und ihre Zweckentfremdung spielen eine wichtige (und unheimliche) Rolle.

Dabei beginnt Outlast 2 so vielversprechend. Wie im Vorgänger geraten wir schnell in eine brenzlige Situation, aus der es kein Entrinnen zu geben scheint. Statt in eine unheimliche Anstalt zieht es uns diesmal in die Wüste von Arizona. Hier soll sich eine schwangere Frau erhängt haben und wir wollen als Journalist Blake gemeinsam mit unserer Frau im Rahmen einer Dokumentation herausfinden, ob sie in Wahrheit ermordet wurde.

Ausgerüstet mit dem typischen Outlast-Camcorder machen wir uns im Hubschrauber auf den Weg und fallen wenig später aus allen Wolken, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Als wir am Helikopterwrack aufwachen, fehlt von Blakes Frau Lynn jede Spur. Der Pilot scheidet als Hilfe schon mal aus, er hängt gehäutet an einem Pfahl. Das kann ja heiter werden!

Wichtige Momente können wir aufzeichnen, indem wir mit dem Camcorder solange draufhalten, bis sich ein roter Kreis gefüllt hat.

Im Kamera-Menü können wir sie uns dann noch einmal kommentiert von unserem Protagonisten Blake ansehen.

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Blake ist nicht der einzige, dessen Nerven jetzt Samba tanzen. Auch wir bekommen ein mulmiges Gefühl, als wir die Kamera auf die Leiche des Piloten halten und warten, bis sich quälend langsam der rote Kreis füllt. Nur wenn wir lange genug gefilmt haben, können wir uns das Video kommentiert noch einmal in der Datenbank ansehen.

Outlast 2 setzt die Kamera-Mechanik damit cleverer ein als der Vorgänger, weil wir uns wirklich wie ein Reporter fühlen, der im Grunde genommen keine andere Wahl hat, als das Grauen ausführlich zu dokumentieren. Hinzu kommen Nachtsicht und Tonaufnahmen, die es später erleichtern, uns in der Dunkelheit zurechtzufinden.

Outlast ist allerdings ein Spiel, in dem wir gar nicht sicher sind, ob wir überhaupt mehr sehen und wissen wollen: Während wir auf der Suche nach unserer Frau durch ein düsteres Dorf schleichen, finden wir Tierkadaver, menschliche Leichen, verstümmelte Puppen und Blut — mit jedem Schritt durch dieses Gruselkabinett spüren wir die Anspannung steigen. Knirschen, Lichtflackern, verräterische Schatten, alles um uns herum macht uns nervös. Wir warten nur darauf, dass jede Sekunde etwas passiert und machen uns dabei fast in die Hose.


Outlast 2 — Angespielt: Zwischen Angst und Ekel

Plus-Report Teil 1: Wie funktioniert Angst in Videospielen?

Outlast 2 — Test, Action-Adventure, PC, PlayStation 4 PSN, Xbox One XBL

Das Spiel mit der Angst

rDy2Die schrieb am

Steven83 hat geschrieben: ?19.05.2017 10:40
Leute!!! Lasst euch blo nicht von solchen Testzahlen beeinflussen !
Wie auch jeder Test ist das rein Subjektiv! Ich persnlich fand das Spiel absolut genial….bei weitem besser als den ersten Teil:-).Es gab Passagen(ab dem Blutregenz.B.) bei denen ich echte Angst gesprt habe….einfach Hammer,Was das Trail&Error angeht…klar gab es das…aber gerade die Orientierungslosigkeit hat den Horror in vielen Situationen unterstrichen. Dazu die Story…es gibt 100 Theorien im Netz und ziemlich alle glauben, Blake wrde im laufe des Spiels immer verrckter werden und seine Flashbacks irgendwann mit der Realitt vermischen. Also ich denke folgendes: die Story scheint auf den ersten Blick ziemlich verwirrend, doch man sollte sich bewusst fragen: «Warum habe die Entwickler dieses oder jenes gezeigt? Was wollen sie mir damit sagen?». Ich wei nicht ob meine Theorie stimmt,vll ist sie auch komplett daneben , aber so wie ich das alles verstanden habe, war die Story neben der Atmosphre ein absolutes Highlight!! Einfach berragend gemacht!

Die Story ist ein Witz genauso wie das Ende


rDy2Die schrieb am

Diesem Mistspiel so eine hohe Wertung zu geben nur wegen halbwegs guter Atmosphre ist schon verdammt fragwrdig, wrde alleine wegen dieser Beleidigung von einem Ending 40 geben.


Steven83 schrieb am

Leute!!! Lasst euch blo nicht von solchen Testzahlen beeinflussen !
Wie auch jeder Test ist das rein Subjektiv! Ich persnlich fand das Spiel absolut genial. …bei weitem besser als den ersten Teil:-).Es gab Passagen(ab dem Blutregenz.B.) bei denen ich echte Angst gesprt habe….einfach Hammer,Was das Trail&Error angeht…klar gab es das…aber gerade die Orientierungslosigkeit hat den Horror in vielen Situationen unterstrichen. Dazu die Story…es gibt 100 Theorien im Netz und ziemlich alle glauben, Blake wrde im laufe des Spiels immer verrckter werden und seine Flashbacks irgendwann mit der Realitt vermischen. Also ich denke folgendes: die Story scheint auf den ersten Blick ziemlich verwirrend, doch man sollte sich bewusst fragen: «Warum habe die Entwickler dieses oder jenes gezeigt? Was wollen sie mir damit sagen?». Ich wei nicht ob meine Theorie stimmt,vll ist sie auch komplett daneben , aber so wie ich das alles verstanden habe, war die Story neben der Atmosphre ein absolutes Highlight!! Einfach berragend gemacht!


Kya schrieb am

Rechtschreibschwche? Garantiert nicht.
Meistens schreibt er eh nur Fanboy Bullshit, daher auch keine PN.


Hokurn schrieb am

Kya hat geschrieben: ?04.05.2017 12:52
Meinst Du, Du knntest auch mal Satzzeichen und Abstze verwenden?
Deine Beitrge sind meist grauenhaft zu lesen.

Schreib doch das nchste mal eine PN…
Vllt. liegt ja eine Rechtschreibschwche oder hnliches vor. Man muss einen ja nicht bewusst in Verlegenheit bringen.
Inhaltlich stoe ich mich da ansonsten hufiger mal.


schrieb am

Outlast 2 (Russian Outlast 2 ) is a first-person cross-platform computer game in the Survival horror genre. The developer and publisher of the game is the Canadian company Red Barrels.

The game was released for Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One simultaneously on April 25, 2017.

In an October 2014 interview with Bloody Disgusting, co-founder Philip Morin announced that Red Barrels was working on a sequel to Outlast, Outlast 2. the hero and the plot, but the action will take place in the same universe.


  • 1 Plot (contains spoilers)
  • 2 Gameplay
  • 3 Characters
  • 4 Endings
    • 4.1 First ending
    • 4.2 Second ending
  • 5 Teaser
  • 6 What’s New
  • 7 Interesting facts
  • 8 videos

Plot (contains spoilers)

A married couple and freelance journalists Blake and Lynn Langermann investigate the brutal murder of an unidentified pregnant woman found on the side of the road eight months pregnant. The trail leads into the Arizona desert, where it is impossible to reach by car. They rent a helicopter, but due to an unknown outbreak, the helicopter’s engine fails and it crashes in the canyons near the uncharted Temple Gate settlement. The locals, the New Ezekiel Testament cult, kill the pilot and kidnap Lynn, while Blake stays by the crashed helicopter. Returning to consciousness, he goes in search of his wife and learns in the city that the «mayor» of the city, Sullivan Knot, has declared the newcomers to be messengers of Satan and demands to kill them. Blake finds Lynn and learns that she is pregnant. Together they try to escape but are surrounded by cult members. However, another group of cultists called the Heretics intervene along with their leader, Val. Heretics kidnap Lynn. Blake continues on his way and finds himself in a church, where he overhears a conversation between Sullivan and a settler nailed to the wheel. By torturing the settler’s wife, Sullivan Noth and Blake in hiding, learn that the Heretics have taken Lynn to the mines. On the way to the refuge of heretics, the protagonist goes to the lake and crosses it on a raft. After another hallucination, the world around him changes dramatically — it starts to rain blood. Soon Langermann gets into the mines. Running away from the local inhabitants, Blake learns that they are the very «heretics». Finally, in the mines, he finds his wife, they get out to the surface and seek shelter from a sudden violent storm. As they descend into the dilapidated building, they are found by Martha, the Chief Inquisitor of the Covenant. The pair try to escape, but Martha corners them. A strong wind rips off the cross from the church, which falls on Martha and pierces her through. Once again looking for shelter, they end up at a church where Lynn goes into labor. She gives birth to a girl, but Lynn does not survive. After a hallucination, Blake sees Sullivan sitting next to a knife in his hands. He says that he is powerless against the newborn and that Langermann has destroyed paradise. Noth urges Blake to kill his child before the Apocalypse begins, and then slits his own throat. Blake leaves the church with his daughter and wanders through a city full of dead settlers killed by Papa Not. After that comes one of the endings.

Blake’s fate cannot be learned from the game. However, from the official comics for the game, it becomes known that the body of the hero was found by Murkoff agents near the Temple Gate settlement. Blake was alive, but in a catatonic state. It was handed over to the Murkoff corporation for experiments, at the behest of Pauline Glick. There was no information about the found child (or at least his body) in the comic. This further confirms that the «baby» Lynn «had» was a hallucination. Like all her «pregnancy» was just a psychosomatic caused by staying near the source of morphogenic conditioning.


As in the previous part of the game, as well as in the addition, the game is built on the Unreal Engine 3, but slightly modified. The player can crouch behind objects and run to hide from pursuers, as well as hiding in various places: barrels, lockers, deep pools of water and under beds. Unlike the previous parts, the hero cannot run indefinitely, and his speed decreases with the duration of the run. The movement system has also been redesigned, allowing players to slide while running. Players can regenerate health by dressing their wounds with bandages. However, this takes a few seconds and requires a stop, and thus cannot be done while being chased by enemies. Filming with a camcorder also has a different appearance. As in the previous parts, there is night vision that helps the player navigate in the dark, as well as a microphone that allows you to hear the dialogue and conversations of enemies from a distance. However, batteries are required to keep these camera functions working, which the player must look for throughout the game. Philip Morin also noted that the enemy AI has been completely reworked and the models will be different from the first game.


  • Blake Langermann is the protagonist of the game. Journalist, cameraman, assistant and husband of Lynn Langermann. Unable to fight, relies on his agility and stealth skills to hide from enemies. As the game progresses, he sees flashbacks of a tragic memory from his childhood and becomes more and more crazy. He was nailed to the cross by the hands and buried alive by the leader of the slain. At the end of the game, he hallucinates the birth of his daughter. Further fate is unknown.
  • Lynn Langermann is a freelance journalist and wife of Blake Langermann. At the beginning of the game, she is kidnapped by cultists, and it is her protagonist who tries to save her. Underwent a false pregnancy, dies at the end of the game.
  • Jessica Grey, Blake and Lynn’s school friend, was murdered as a child by Father Loutermilch, a teacher at the Catholic school they all attended. Memories of this tragic event haunt the protagonist throughout the game.
  • Sullivan Noth is the main antagonist of the game. The violent, highly religious «mayor» of the Temple Gate settlement, leader of the New Ezekiel Testament cult, who orders the murder of the protagonist and his wife, believing them to be messengers of Satan. He raped women and ordered the killing of their children, allegedly to save himself from the birth of the Antichrist. At the end of the game, he kills all the inhabitants of the city and commits suicide.
  • Testament of New Ezekiel — most of the inhabitants of the settlement, faithful followers of Sullivan Noth. Some of them, on behalf of the Pope, hunt the main character, some just went crazy and poses no threat. At the end of the game, everyone is killed by Papa Not.
  • Martha — Sullivan’s lover and confidante Nota, distinguished by particular cruelty. That is why he made her his chief inquisitor. The first and last encountered enemy in the game, which will haunt the protagonist throughout the game. Differs from other members of the cult in high growth and deadly strength.
  • The Affected — a separate group of the Testament of New Ezekiel, all members of which are sick with venereal diseases and exiled to a closed part of the city, their leader is Laird. They pose a threat to the main character and attack him after the first meeting.
  • Laird Byron — leader of the afflicted, henchman of Papa Not. Unlike other members of the church, Lynn does not hunt for the child, but sees in the main character the messiah, whose sacrifice will save them from illness and cleanse them before God. Dies from a fall from a great height due to the stupidity of his people.
  • Nick Tremblay — Laird Byron’s afflicted and closest aide, acting as «mount». Nails the protagonist to a cross, and later buries him alive on Laird’s orders. Dies along with his master after falling from a height.
  • Heretics — a group of people who broke away from the Covenant and those who were stricken, who renounced the faith and believed in another God. They are led by Val. At the start of the game, Lynn is kidnapped into the mines. Due to almost primal instincts, the protagonist is hunted. By the end of the game, they lose the civil war and die at the hands of Covenant members.
  • Val is a former minister of Sullivan Noth and member of the Covenant. He betrayed the faith, because he considered the actions of Nota cruel. Together with like-minded people he went to live in the mines. In opposition to the Testament, it seeks to help the birth of the Antichrist, and not to prevent it. His fate is unknown, perhaps he died along with the heretics at the time of the Covenant’s militia.
  • Ethan is a former Temple Gate settler. Annalee’s father. Helps the main character by hiding him in his house. Was killed by Marta for refusing to reveal Blake’s location.


First ending

Ending name What does it mean? How to get?
Good ending In this ending, in the last stage of the school, we see a normal Jessica (without any wounds) To get this ending, in the penultimate stage of the school, when the first meeting with the principal (in his normal guise) takes place, we need to run to Jessica as quickly as possible.

Second ending

Ending name What does it mean? How to get?
Neutral Ending 2/Easter Egg As in the first ending, only Jessica will be dead (she will be white and there will be a noose mark on her neck) The same as the first, only you need to run to Jessica as slowly as possible. That is, before you open the door, you need to go in 2 seconds, as Jessica stops screaming.


And they proclaimed to the angels… chained Babylon fell… fell… All because she made all nations revel in the wine of the fall and carnal perversions… And the smoke of their torment will saturate the air forever and ever… And I looked at this, and there was not a single one on Mount Zion, and only a voice was heard: “Fear God, for the hour of his justice has come!”

What’s new

• New main character, new characters, including enemies, new story

• The main character can speak

• Ability to crawl prone

• Ability to turn around not only on the run, but also on the go

• Microphone

• Wound dressings

• More places to hide (eg barrels or water)

• Possibility to look out of places where Blake hides

• Bolts on doors

• More detailed and smooth animation of door closing

• Possibility to shoot events that the GG will comment on

• Traveling between locations as a hallucination (Temple Gate/St. Sibyl’s School)

• New excellent musical accompaniment from Samuel Laflamme

• When loading the game, photos of locations from the game appear, and verses from the Gospel Nota are written on them

Interesting Facts

• The music in the game menu is called «Hide You in Ezekiel’s Blood» by Samuel Laflammme. This is the song that members of the New Ezekiel Testament sing. In addition, this is the music that plays in the scene where Laird and Nick, amazed, catch Blake and nail him to the cross.

• Many sounds in Outlast 2 are borrowed from the first part. These sounds include, for example, buzzing flies or finding fuses and batteries (when Miles Upshur lifts a fuse for a laundry chute, the exact same sound occurs as when Blake Langermann lifts a battery).

• As in the first part, religion and faith play an important role in Outlast 2, and in the second part it is even more so than in the first.

• If you walk near a fire (such as a campfire), the screen will become blurry, which is very realistic. A similar effect was in the first part, but there Miles Upshur just covered his face with his hand, and the screen became a little blurry.

• By the end of the game, almost all the characters in the game will be dead. Dead characters include Sullivan Noth, Martha, Val (possibly), the entire Testament of New Ezekiel, all heretics, Laird, Nick, and Lynn. Only Blake and his «impossible child» will survive.

• Some phrases of the characters in the game intersect. For example, Martha’s phrase «This way is forgiveness» (Russian «This is the way of forgiveness») and Jessica’s phrase «This way, Blake» (Russian «Here, Blake»).

• The main events of the game take place in the summer of 2017, which can be understood from the vegetation, and the events in hallucinations with the school take place in December 1995 years.

• The whole game is divided into 6 chapters: Exodus, Book of Job, Lamentations of Jeremiah, Book of Judges, Leviticus and Revelation. The titles of each chapter are references to the books of the same name of the Old Testament (the first five chapters) of the Testament and the New Testament (The Revelation of John the Theologian, or the Apocalypse is the last book of the New Testament and the entire Bible as a whole).