Otto ps5 storniert: Angst um Bestellungen – Großhändler storniert massenweise Sony-Konsolen

Angst um Bestellungen – Großhändler storniert massenweise Sony-Konsolen

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Von: Lars Bendixen

Wer sich eine PS5 im Besteller-Chaos sichern konnte, kann sich glücklich schätzen. Doch selbst diese Fans sind noch nicht über den Berg. Es drohen Stornierungen.

  • Die PS5 von Sony wurde nun endlich auch in Deutschland releast.
  • Das Besteller-Chaos machte auch in der dritten Welle Probleme.
  • Ein Großhändler musste nun etliche PS5-Bestellungen stornieren.

Hamburg, Deutschland – Das Besteller-Drama von Sony geht in die nächste Runde. Zum Release der PS5 gab es am 19. November eine weitere Möglichkeit, die PS5 bei mehreren Online-Händlern zu bestellen. Auch dieses Mal sorgte der Verkauf für Verzweiflung bei den Fans und lief alles andere als rund ab. Massen von potenziellen Käufern stürzten sich auf die verschiedensten Websites, welches oft zufolge hatte, dass diese abschmierten. Doch auch die wenigen Glücklichen, die eine PS5 ergattern konnten, müssen nun um ihre Bestellung zittern. So ist mit Verspätungen zurechnen und im schlimmsten Fall auch mit Stonierungen.

Name der Konsole PlayStation 5 (PS5)
Hersteller Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
Typ Stationäre Spielkonsole
Generation 09. Konsolengeneration
Speichermedium Blu-Ray
Release 19. November 2020

PS5: Angst um Bestellungen – Großhändler Otto storniert massenweise Sony-Konsolen

Die Geschichte wiederholt sich – Nach den Dramen um die PS5 Bestellungen in der ersten und zweiten Welle knüpft die dritte Welle quasi nahtlos an. In der dritten Welle konnte die PS5 erneut bestellt werden, war aber ebenso schnell vergriffen, wie die Websites auch wieder down gingen. Das Server-Drama bei Online-Shops löste erneut einen riesen Shitstorm um die PS5 Bestellungen aus. Auf der anderen Seite schossen bei einigen Fans Glückshormone durch die Nervenstränge, da sie laut unserer Umfrage zu den 20% derjenigen gehören, die sich eine PS5 in den Warenkorb gelegt hatten. Doch selbst diese Freude wurden einigen Fans nun wieder genommen.

So bekamen Käufer der PS5 in den vergangenen Tagen teilweise Horror-Mails von ihrem Versandhändler. Diese hatten Stornierungen der Sony-Konsole als Inhalt. Dem angestauten Frust um ihre stornierte PS5 ließen daher viele Käufer auf Twitter freien Lauf. Auch uns erreichte eine Nachricht vom Twitter-Nutzer ConnorMcLoud_. In dieser ist ein Screenshot der Stornierung vom Online-Händler Otto zu sehen. Auch weitere Fans beklagten sich über die Stornierungen der PS5-Bestellungen in den Kommentaren.

PS5: Angst um Bestellungen – Darum sind die Sony-Konsolen storniert worden

Der Grund für die Stornierungen soll laut Otto technische Schwierigkeiten gewesen sein. Diese haben dann dazu geführt, dass PS5-Bestellungen eingegangen sind, obwohl die PS5 bereits ausverkauft war. Dies war auch in einem Teil der Mail zu lesen. Fans, die schon eine PS5 sicher geglaubt hatten, sind nun maßlos enttäuscht und stehen mit leeren Händen da. Besonders bitter: Auch Käufer, die noch keine Mail von Otto (Firmensitz in Hamburg) bekommen haben, könnten betroffen sein. So erfährt man über die Stornierungen der PS5 teils nur über das zugehörige Kundenkonto.

PS5: Angst um Bestellungen – Großhändler storniert massenweise Sony-Konsolen © PlayStation / Pixabay (Montage)

Wie es mit anderen Online-Händlern aussieht, ist bisher schwierig zu erfassen. Zwar verschickten andere Händler, wie beispielsweise Cyberport Mails an die Käufer, jedoch sind dort vorerst nur Verspätungen vermerkt, keine Stornierungen. In Deutschland scheint bisher nur der Anbieter Otto von den PS5-Stornierungen betroffen. Wir hoffen, dass dies auch so bleibt und früher oder später jeder Fan seine gewünschte PS5 erhält. Wer nicht die geduldigste Person ist sollte, trotzdem nicht in Versuchung geraten, bei Ebay Kleinanzeigen oder ähnlichen Anbietern zuzugreifen. Denn die Schwarzmarkt-Preise der PS5 explodieren regelrecht und der Käuferschutz alles andere als gewährleistet.

Otto storniert Käufe in der 3. Welle

Am 19. November erschien die PS5 bei uns in Deutschland und mit ihr kam eine 3. Welle an Vorbestellungen. Die lief erneut chaotisch ab und ließ viele interessierte Käufer enttäuscht zurück. Doch für einige, die eigentlich eine Konsole bei Otto ergattern konnten, gab es heute Morgen eine schlechte Nachricht.

Was ist da los? Im Verlauf der 3. Welle konnte die PS5 bei vielen Händlern gekauft werden, darunter auch Otto. Wie bei vielen anderen Anbietern auch war die Konsole bei Otto jedoch nach kürzester Zeit vergriffen. Bei denen, die eine PS5 ergattern konnten, war die Freude entsprechend groß.

Doch manche von den Käufern bekamen in den letzten 12 Stunden eine schlechte Nachricht mitgeteilt. Denn einige der Konsolen mussten vom Versandhändler wieder storniert werden.

Der Frust bei den Käufern ist entsprechend groß, wie hier auf Twitter:

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Mehr dazu in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.

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Neben diesem Nutzer melden sich derzeit dutzende weitere verärgerte Kunden auf Twitter und Facebook. Der Nutzer @Mike48747365 sagt sogar, dass er lieber gar keine Vorbestellung bekommen hätte, als Vorfreude zu haben und dann im Nachhinein storniert zu werden.

Viele sind auch deshalb sauer, weil sie direkt eine Anzahlung über 150 Euro tätigen mussten. Das Geld soll laut Otto jedoch „in den kommenden Tagen“ zurückerstattet werden (via Twitter).

Wie kommt es zu der Stornierung? Wie Otto selbst in der E-Mail zu den Stornierungen mitteilt, führten technische Schwierigkeiten zu dem Problem. So soll die Bestellung irrtümlich eingegangen sein, als die PS5 bereits ausverkauft war:

Durch den großen Andrang kam es zu technischen Schwierigkeiten im Bestellvorgang. Obwohl die PS5 ausverkauft war, liefen noch für wenige Sekunden irrtümlich Bestellungen ein. Leider gehörte Deine Bestellung dazu. Wir können Deine Enttäuschung sehr gut verstehen und möchten uns deshalb in aller Form bei Dir entschuldigen.

Teil der E-Mail von Otto zur Stornierung der PS5

Was führt noch zu Frust? Wie viele Käufer einer PS5 berichten, wurden sie über die Stornierung nicht per E-Mail informiert, sondern haben es erst durch einen Blick ins Kundenkonto herausgefunden.

Das empfiehlt auch der Kundendienst von Otto auf Twitter. So soll das, was im Kundenkonto steht, auch der Wahrheit entsprechen. Wenn ihr bisher keine E-Mail bekommen habt, solltet ihr zur Vorsicht also euren Account überprüfen.

Empfohlener redaktioneller Inhalt

An dieser Stelle findest du einen externen Inhalt von Twitter, der den Artikel ergänzt.

Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mir externe Inhalte angezeigt werden. Personenbezogene Daten können an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden.
Mehr dazu in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.

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Gibt es noch Probleme abseits von Otto? Im deutschen Raum scheint es vor allem den Anbieter Otto zu betreffen. In anderen Ländern gab es aber auch Probleme.

Der Shop Currys PC World aus Großbritannien versprach den Kauf von Konsolen um 9:00 Uhr britischer Zeit. Doch einige Nutzer konnten früher bestellen, sodass es gar keinen Verkauf gab. Wie Pushsquare berichtet, soll der Shop daraufhin den kompletten Verkauf abgebrochen und die frühzeitigen Bestellungen storniert haben.

Wie geht es nun weiter? Derzeit gibt es keinen Händler in Deutschland, der noch Konsolen im Angebot hat. Angeblich soll Amazon noch dieses Jahr Nachschub bekommen, doch eine offizielle Bestätigung gibt es nicht.

Wie es jetzt weitergeht, haben wir hier für euch zusammengefasst:

Bekommt man jetzt noch eine PS5 vor Weihnachten? Das ist der aktuelle Stand

top hardest PC games

In games, as in life, it’s nice to win. But the taste of victory will only be sweeter if it is obtained in a more severe test, which is why many gamers like more difficult games and play them at the maximum difficulty levels.

They improve their skills in countless unsuccessful attempts, so that one day they will find the right path. Get ready for it if you feel like trying your hand at our list of the hardest games of all time that have kept us gnashing our teeth and throwing controllers around for all these years.

Berzerk (1980)

  • Platforms: slot machines, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, GCE Vectrex

Berzerk was a free roam arcade game where the player had to run through mazes, kill robots and avoid the creepy Evil Otto. Evil Otto was a giant smiling face that followed the player through all the maps and was unkillable. The game was indeed difficult, but some incidents connected with it made it perhaps the most difficult in history. At 1981, 19-year-old Jeff Daly died of a heart attack after breaking the record, and in October of the following year, 18-year-old Peter Burkowski also died of a heart attack after two top-ten finishes in points.

Ghosts ‘N’ Goblins (1985)

  • Platforms: slot machines, NES, C64

Ask any gamer from the 1980s what their most memorable experience was about this game, and they will most likely tell you how the main character, Sir Arthur, ran around in his underpants, desperately trying to avoid another crushing defeat. With ruthless enemies, tight timelines, and a final boss that is «a trap created by Satan himself», GnG, even after all these years, remains one of the most difficult horizontal platformers. And that says something.

Takeshi’s Challenge (1986)

  • Platform: NES

As a rule, each item on this list is a great, but terribly difficult game. In this case, this is one of the exceptions. Takeshi’s Challenge is a completely idiotic and annoying game created by Japanese actor Takeshi Kitano. She entered this list for an absolutely incredible scope. Players who embarked on this harrowing adventure would experience (among other things) fighting, karaoke, hang gliding, marriage, job hunting, and gambling.

It may sound funny, but the design, gameplay mechanics, and gameplay were bizarre to the point of being idiotic: random collisions that ended the game, control failures, and an entire level that required the player not to touch a controller for an hour. Apparently, Kitano hated video games, there can be no other logical explanation. It is much more unclear why he even decided to make a video game.

Mega Man (1987)

  • Platform: NES

Incredibly difficult missions required quick reactions and a good memory to remember where the enemies were. The lack of checkpoints, along with the occasional deadly obstacles and nightmarish enemies, have made the Mega Man series one of the most difficult in history.

Nethack (1987)

  • Platform: PC

This game is a single player roguelike that is constantly evolving and many different versions are still being released. Arguably the most famous entry in the genre, it can take several years to fully explore, and players are still finding new ways to play the game more than 30 years after its release. Naturally, there is a final death traditional for a roguelike, so if you are not lucky enough to die, you will have to start from the very beginning.


Contra (1987)

  • Platform: NES

Konami’s Contra originally came out on arcade machines, and later visited almost all platforms, but we know it first of all in the NES version. The player will become a commando armed with a rifle with infinite ammo, and at first everything seems not so terrible. But it is worth realizing that you always die from one hit, and everything becomes much more complicated. After the release of the game on home consoles, many adherents of other rather complex platformers switched to Contra.

Treasure Island Dizzy (1988)

  • Platforms: ZX Spectrum, Amstrad, C64, NES, Amiga, Atari ST

At first glance, this game may seem like a fun ride, but with only one life and an awkward inventory system, finding a boat to bring Dizzy back to Yolkfolk is much more difficult than you think. In addition, this first mission required finding all 30 coins scattered around the island, and the «complete» walkthrough map subsequently released by Commodore Format did not show the location of the coins, which further annoyed many players. But the game was perhaps most infuriating when the player picked up an object underwater, immediately and inevitably dropping the diving tube, which immediately caused Dizzy to drown.

BattleToads (1991)

  • Platform: NES

Released as a competitor to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the game is famous for its fun knockdown attacks and incredible difficulty. Despite the limited number of lives and the need for exceptionally fast reactions (especially at that level on anti-gravity bikes), Battletoads is considered one of the best games on the NES (or Dendy, as most of us know this console). And the battle toads are back — at E3 2018, Microsoft announced a brand new game for Xbox One and PC.

Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels (1993)

  • Platform: NES

In fact, in Japan this game was released under the name Super Mario Bros 2, and the game we know by this name is actually a redrawn version of Doki Doki Panic. Nintendo decided that a Japanese sequel would be too difficult for Western gamers, and it wasn’t until 1993 with the release of the Mario All Stars collection on the SNES that we were able to see for ourselves. And the developers are quite understandable. Despite the superficial similarity to the first Super Mario Bros, Lost Levels is a much more difficult platformer that even has a false bonus in the form of a poisonous mushroom.

Day of the Tentacle (1993)

  • Platform: PC

The game that made Tim Schafer famous is being praised for its unique style and storyline. In addition, this is a point-and-click quest, in many respects typical of its era. The puzzles are weird and confusing, and the solutions aren’t always as intuitive as you’d like them to be. Try to cope with it without a lot of trial and error, without looking into the walkthrough.


Zelda’s Adventure (1994)

  • Platform: Philips CD-i

Legend of Zelda games on the Philips CD-i are notorious for their difficult controls, terrible graphics and no resemblance to the main Legend of Zelda series. Zelda’s Adventure is the worst of them all. The videos are terrible, the gameplay is clunky, the graphics are disgusting — and this is not a threat, but a warning. Zelda’s Adventure is hard because it’s bad.

Discworld (1995)

  • Platforms: PC, PlayStation 1, Saturn

Based on the Terry Pratchett series of the same name, the game was difficult not because it required skill, but because its puzzles were absurd and incomprehensible. And it wasn’t about annoying «pixel hunting». For example, the solution to one of the puzzles was to put a frog in Rincewind’s mouth so that he would stop snoring and startle the butterfly. Catch a butterfly and use it on a lamppost so that the monk will be caught in a storm in the future and take off his robe. And the developers wanted people to think of it themselves!

Stuntman (2002)

  • Platform: PS2, GBA

The game is remembered for its unique gameplay and engine with well-designed physics. She was praised for her innovation, but scolded for her incredible difficulty and the inability to pass a single stage the first time. It was very annoying, despite the fresh style and decent gameplay.

Ninja Gaiden (2004)

  • Platform: Xbox

The first game in the 3D platformer reboot series 1988 was so challenging that many gamers could barely handle its super-powerful first boss. Brilliant hack-and-slash seasoned with hellish complexity. The only way to break through all the levels of Ninja Gaiden is a combination of well-timed, accurate attacks and a huge amount of blocks and dodges.


Dwarf Fortress (2006)

  • Platform: PC

In most games, you have to learn some special jargon. In Dwarf Fortress, you need to learn an entire language. Everything is displayed as symbols here, and until you figure out what’s going on, each symbol can be dangerous. It’s hard to figure out what everything means here, but only after that the real game begins, which is also insanely difficult.


I Wanna Be The Guy (2007)

  • Platform: PC

The game seems to have been specifically designed to tear the player to bloody pieces. There is incomprehensible (confusing, dishonest and cruel) level design and a kind of unique use of objects parodied from other video games. And when it comes to the many deadly objects flying from above, below and from all directions, The Kid, who aspires to become The Guy, simply cannot avoid a terrible end without knowing in advance where they are located. , or by not determining it through trial and error.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (2007)

  • Platform: PC

This gritty survival game sent players into a radioactive zone with limited ammo, food, and light protection. Set in a fictional world where another accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant some 20 years after the first, the player’s survival in the open world is made more difficult by mutated animals, humans, and changes in the laws of physics. The game was originally intended to require sleep and rest, but the potential for death from starvation, radioactive contamination, or bleeding provided enough challenge anyway.


Spelunky (2008)

  • Platforms: PC, Xbox, PS3, PS Vita, PS4

In this game from Derek Yu, we have to go into procedurally generated dungeons and find treasures while avoiding monsters and instant kill traps. What’s the catch? Death is final, so each step through the dungeon must be carefully considered. However, with increasingly difficult tasks being handed out in the Daily Challenges, bravery in the face of new depths becomes imperative.


ArmA 2 (2009)

  • Platform: PC

This incredibly realistic military shooter takes place in the fictional Eastern European country of Chernarus, strongly reminiscent of the Czech Republic, the home of the developers. The exact realism of the game boils down to a simple principle: take a bullet and die. With its focus on simulation, ArmA 2 is definitely one of the more complex examples of modern military first-person shooters.


Demon’s Souls (2010)

  • Platform: PS3

The forerunner of the Dark Souls series after its release in Japan in 2009, it immediately became a cult classic and eventually reached the rest of the world. She created a new world of near-impossible challenges that could only be made easier by clues left by players from other worlds. This community-driven role-playing adventure is remembered for its gruesome, ghoulish bosses and the toughest fights against the undead. But despite the loneliness of the player, Demon’s Souls is filled with fantastic locations, unique concepts, and lively gameplay.

BUY (PS3) Buy Remake (PS5)

Super Meat Boy (2010)

  • Platforms: Xbox, PC, PS4, PS Vita, Wii U, Switch, Android

Super Meat Boy by Edmund McMillen is one of the most famous platform games. And one of the hardest. Once you stumble through one of the game’s 300 dastardly levels, your squelching square meat hero turns into a bloody mess of pikes, swords, and buzzsaws. Perfect controls and a harsh but fair approach to mastering the game should keep you from throwing your tablet out the window. Must.


Dark Souls (2011)

  • Platforms: PC, PS3, Xbox

From Software’s Dark Souls welcomes exploration and off the beaten track, but punishes as much as it rewards. The game is famous for its difficulty, enemies that are happy to cripple the player, and bosses that kill him in two hits. Dark Souls will make you fail again and again, but rewards perseverance and teaches patience like no other game. We are still sure that the first Dark Souls was and remains the most difficult, but the second and third parts are also worth the money.


FTL: Faster Than Light (2012)

  • Platforms: PC, Mac, iOS

In this sci-fi simulation, you have to lead the crew of a reconnaissance spaceship, which is responsible for all the nuances of its well-being. Keeping track of fuel and oxygen supplies, containment of fires and other moments of control become an epic test of multitasking, especially when fighting pirates that seriously outnumber you in firepower. To make matters worse, you must give a name to each crew member, becoming strongly attached to them before they find a gruesome death in space. Losing the ship, you start all over from the beginning. The game is strict, but addictive, and here it always seems that next time you will do better.


Hotline Series: Miami (2012-2015)

  • Platforms : PC, PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Android

Hotline: Miami is a fast-paced top-down action game that boasts non-stop action. The game takes place in Miami in 1989, where the player in the role of an anti-hero challenges the rotten underworld.

The gameplay is based on clearing levels, which are divided into floors. On each of them, the player will meet an abundance of armed opponents, and he himself decides how to get even with them. You can go through stealth, use melee weapons, or just shoot everyone. Adds hardcore and the fact that the character himself is not «Rambo» and can die from one wound. The predominance of neon in the picture, a driving soundtrack and quite diverse gameplay helped Hotline: Miami stand out, get tens of thousands of positive reviews on Steam and get a sequel.

Hotline: Miami (PC) Hotline: Miami 2 (PC)

Super Hexagon (2013)

  • Platforms: PC, iOS, Android

The principle of this game from Terry Cavanagh is devilishly simple. You play as a small triangle navigating a spinning hexagonal spiral and must steer your minimalist ship through gaps between fences. The goal of the game is simply to survive as long as possible. Of course, there is this wonderful desire to try one more last time, and you can’t relax for a second.


The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (2014)

  • Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox, Switch, Wii U, 3DS

While technically not the hardest game on the list, it often feels endless. You always need to kill another boss or pass another test, each time more difficult than the previous one. And the roguelike format assumes that you have to repeat these attempts again and again just to get the next task.


Assetto Corsa

  • Platforms: PC, PS4/PS5, Xbox

Assetto Corsa is a racing franchise that, despite its respectful age, still tops the TOPs of the most difficult car simulators in existence. Any arcade racer accustomed to the physics of Need 4 Speed ​​or Forza Horizon has experienced incredible suffering, trying to take the lead in Assetto Corsa, so the game rightfully deserves a place in our selection.

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Bloodborne (2015)

  • Platform: PS4

Although Bloodborne borrows a lot from the previous Souls series, this adventure in the industrial gothic world is much more focused on offense than defense. This meant that Souls veterans had to rethink their tactics, and newcomers were shocked by the extreme violence and amount of murder that comes with their attempt to escape from the grotesque city of Yharnam. But like Souls, Bloodborne values ​​precision and tenacity.


N++ (2015)

  • Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox

N++ is the continuation of the challenging but interesting N+ platformer that required high precision from the players. It is better than its predecessor in every way. You play as a ninja who collects various items and avoids traps. It sounds trite, but everything is done almost perfectly, and the traps here are such that not the slightest mistake can be made in the movements.


Enter the Gungeon (2016)

  • Platforms : PC, PS4, Xbox

Enter the Gungeon is a bagel that is often called the best in its niche in reviews. And it is an order of magnitude more difficult than the same The Binding of Isaac.

As planned, the player goes to a multi-level dungeon in search of the mysterious treasure of the Gungeal. You can choose among 4 characters with different skills, and on the journey itself, the gamer will find an abundance of firearms — from ordinary rifles and machine guns to freezing rays, mailboxes and other creative options.

Difficult game because weapons drop randomly and good ones don’t always come across. Health is low, ammo is limited, and you can die for ridiculous reasons.

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Devil Daggers (2016)

  • Platform: PC

Imagine a first-person Super Hexagon with fiery demons from the depths of hell, and you get something akin to Devil Daggers, the dastardly debut of Australian developer Sorath. You are locked in a small round arena, and legions of horror are advancing on you from all directions, which you must defeat by throwing fiery daggers at demonic skulls. Try to survive as long as possible. Our current record is 90 seconds.


Darkest Dungeon 1-2 (2016 — 2021)

  • Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox, Switch

Party RPG Darkest Dungeon has earned the name of one of the most hardcore in its genre. In the darkest, almost Lovecraftian world, the players’ wards of a group of mercenaries descend into increasingly deadly dungeons, forced to fight not only for their lives, but also for their mental state. On October 26, 2021, a sequel was released in early access, which became a temporary EGS exclusive.

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Buy (Switch)Buy DD2 (EGS)

NieR: Automata (2017)

  • Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox

If NieR: Automata is played on Easy difficulty, it will actually play itself. Special chips allow the main character, 2B, to do everything automatically, so you basically control the movement. But if you increase the difficulty to Very Hard, you will understand why the game is on this list. Any hit can kill you, no matter how strong. Whether it’s a bullet in places where you’re under heavy fire, or a well-placed hit from a weak enemy, you’ll start from the last checkpoint.

And yes, didn’t we say there was no autosave? Long stretches with no save option can put you in an endless loop that you’ll only break out of if you stop playing or gather your strength and get through it.


Escape from Tarkov (2017)

  • Platforms: Xbox, PC

In the tactical online simulation Escape from Tarkov, players are sent to explore a closed city for valuable resources, and then try to evacuate with the loot. The difficulty lies in the fact that other participants in the session do not intend to share the swag, or even strive to take your prey. There are no goal markers, no interactive map, no interface in the game — it all depends solely on your attentiveness and speed of reflexes.

Buy (PC)

Cuphead (2017)

  • Platforms: Xbox, PC

The visual style of the game is inspired by 1930s cartoons, but in terms of gameplay it is much more like the slot machine classics. It forces you to identify and memorize patterns of action, perform precise movements, punish mistakes to death, and constantly continue along this path. Cuphead is great — but not everything that’s beautiful is good.


Nioh Series (2017-2020)

  • Platforms: PC, PS4

Nioh is another game that came out of the success of Dark Souls. The plot tells about the traveler William, who arrives in Japan at the wrong time. He will have to fight bandits and supernatural creatures such as Oni and Yokai.

The gameplay is similar to Dark Souls — it is focused on close combat, and even the most ordinary enemy can beat the player. However, a stance system is implemented here — the gamer can switch between low (fast attacks), high (slow and powerful strikes) and medium (in between). Nioh also boasts a dark atmosphere of what is happening.

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Dead Cells (2018)

  • Platforms : PC, PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch

Dead Cells is an indie platform game with roguelike elements. In the role of a resurrected headless warrior, the player will go to clear various levels and kill ordinary opponents and bosses. One of the features of Dead Cells is the non-linearity of locations. Each level will have two exits, and the player himself decides where to go.

Like any self-respecting roguelike, Dead Cells boasts high difficulty, an impressive arsenal, spells, colorful special effects and an abundance of secrets that are not so easy to spot. And when you think that you have already understood the rules of the game and you will reach the end without any problems, the final boss appears, killing both the player and his nerve cells with one or two blows.

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Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy (2018)

  • Platforms : Nintendo 4,0 PC

A collection of remasters about the legendary Crash Bandicoot may have sparkled with new colors, but it remains the same furiously complex. Especially if you want to close all tasks in the levels. The project will take players through three original parts of the franchise, including the legendary Stormy Ascent episode, which will be a real test even for very experienced gamers.

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (2019)

  • Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice was a challenge that surpassed even the hellishly difficult Dark Souls and Bloodborne from the same developer From Software.

Adventures of the Ninja is somewhat a step aside from the previous games of the studio, but the passion for brutal and uncompromising battles is fully preserved here. Few games give such satisfaction and delight, but even the humblest soldier can kill you if you don’t treat him with due respect. And many boss battles, often taking up several hours of your time, become a test for every grain of your skill, patience and perseverance.


Pathologic 2 (2019)

  • Platforms: PC

The Russian studio Ice-Pick Lodge described the remake of the original Pestilence as a survival-thriller, and I must say, it turned out very accurately. In Pathologic 2, you will try to save a very distinctive world from a deadly disease epidemic. With each new day, circumstances will put pressure on the player more and more, and no matter what efforts he makes, it will always be not enough.

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GTFO (2020)

  • Platforms: PC

One of the toughest co-op games on PC will send suicide bombers into an abyss of despair and madness, literally. Fighters forced to perform tasks in the pitch darkness of underground corridors will constantly suffer from a lack of ammunition and creepy monsters that are quick to kill. One wrong move in GTFO can cost the life of the entire squad.

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Squad (2020)

  • Platforms: PC

Online military shooter Squad is more than just a large-scale shooter. There will be no prompts on the screen, and a single bullet can be fatal for your fighter. Players here are divided into specific roles and divided into squads, each of which is controlled by an authorized leader. Singles in Squad have nothing to do — this is strictly a team game in which voice communication is no less important than the ability to shoot accurately.

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Remnant: From the Ashes (2020)

  • Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox

Remnant: From the Ashes is a co-op action game similar to Dark Souls. The events of the game unfold in a post-apocalyptic future, which was provided by monsters and monsters that appeared from another dimension. In the role of one of the few survivors, the player will explore dynamically generated worlds, complete tasks, collect resources, upgrade skills and, of course, fight against numerous enemies.

You can and should go through Remnant: From the Ashes with friends, because well-coordinated teamwork will help you defeat the most terrible and powerful creatures. In battles, emphasis is placed on the use of various firearms. Crafting is not for show here — by making various armor, weapons and improvements, the player will be able to recreate his style of passing.

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Noita (2020)

  • Platforms: PC

Noita’s pixel roguelike will delight players with a variety of insane situations into which they will be driven, if not by the random generation of the world, then by careless handling of magic — for sure. The world in Noita is completely destructible, and different elements react with each other, often provoking spectacular and no less deadly explosions.

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Metroid Dread (2021)

  • Platforms: Nintendo Switch

Metroid Dread is the long-awaited sequel to Metroid Fusion, which follows the adventures of a bounty hunter on the planet ZDR. In the best traditions of the genre, the game does not spare slow gamers, and Samus Aran balances improved mobility with sinister EMMI robots, which are almost impossible to destroy in the usual way, and the most difficult boss fights.

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Returnal (2021)

  • Platforms: PS5

Roguelike third-person shooter Returnal is a very beautiful, perfectly adapted for DualSense, but extremely hardcore exclusive for PlayStation 5. Here, players in the role of explorer Selene Vassos crash on the planet Atropos, where they fall into a kind of loop that loops on, it would seem , the inevitable death of the main character.

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Mortal Online 2 (2021)

  • Platforms: PC

The sequel to one of the most hardcore MMORPGs, in the vast expanses of which outside the cities any of the oncoming players can be your death, and upon death you will lose absolutely all belongings, weapons and hard-earned funds. Otherwise, this is a picturesque and modern game that has absorbed most of the standard activities for the genre, such as multi-stage crafting, collective hunting for world bosses and taming wild animals.

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Pending: Elden Ring

  • Platforms: PC, PS4/PS5, Xbox

Based on an early version recently provided by FromSoftware for feature testing, the most anticipated game of 2022, Elden Ring, promises to be as hardcore as the studio’s previous creations. Before the players will be a huge, open to explore world in the setting of dark fantasy, inhabited by incredible and powerful creatures, and the faithful steed Torrent will help them cover vast distances.


Best Spy and Scout Games on PC 🕵️

For those of you who grew up with cloak and dagger movies, we’ve put together a list of the best spy games on PC.

Those who are older watched «17 Moments of Spring» with rapture. Younger gamers enjoyed the new parts of Bond, waited for the Mission Impossible sequels and laughed at the adventures of Johnny English. It is not surprising that games about special agents also often appeal to domestic gamers.

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

Topping our list is a game about Japanese shinobi saboteurs. The basic gameplay here is very much reminiscent of the legendary Commandos series — we have at our disposal several characters with unique skills, with the help of which we must complete the task as imperceptibly as possible.

Among the playable characters are a deadly ninja, a clever thief, a powerful samurai, an insidious spy and a well-aimed shooter. The gameplay will be diversified by the presence on the maps of a neutral urban population, which sometimes does not react in any way to our characters, and sometimes is loyal to opponents and hastens to raise the alarm in case of suspicious actions. The game variety is complemented by maps with non-standard conditions — for example, in the snow, enemies will be able to notice the traces of our fighters, and on night maps the villains see not as far as on day maps, but they are more scrupulously looking for spies.

It’s the combination of the classic gameplay loved by many gamers of the early 2000s, with its own original twists and the compelling setting of 17th century Japan, that makes Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun worthy of topping our list of the best spy games on PC.

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Evil Genius

Most of the games on our list make you feel like a secret agent and go to the bad guys from the heart. Evil Genius plays the same situation from a different perspective, and our protagonist is just a villain trying to bend the world to his dark will. All sorts of spies, special agents, saboteurs and other scouts are trying to prevent us from achieving this worthy (by the standards of villains) goal.

Therefore, in order to complete your Doomsday Machine, you will have to create traps, security systems and torture devices — otherwise the next James Bond will blow up everything acquired by overwork. So if you want to feel like Gru from Despicable Me and try to take over this unfortunate world, Evil Genius is a great choice for you.

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No One Lives Forever

This series of games is dedicated to the adventures of a charming spy named Kate Archer. No One Lives Forever earns a place in our selection due to its trademark humor and interesting gameplay that allows you to combine stealth, technical means and a straightforward approach in missions. Kate is equally good at hiding in the shadows, picking locks and shooting from a variety of weapons. But our heroine, unlike her more muscular colleagues in the genre, is not able to drag corpses — here the achievements of spy chemistry come to her rescue.

But the opponents are not out of the blue either — the game uses an advanced GOAP AI system, thanks to which enemy patrols do not just go back and forth according to the script, but try to plan their actions and establish interaction with each other. This greatly increases the difficulty of missions and makes the NOLF franchise much more interesting to play than more primitive spy games.

Where to buy: games are no longer available on official digital services.

Metal Gear 9 series0007

For a long time, Metal Gear had almost no competitors in the field of games about special agents, except for Splinter Cell. It is these games that are considered the founders of the stealth action genre itself. Despite the generally violent atmosphere, humor, pop culture references, and a touch of pacifist philosophy have become a hallmark of the Solid Snake adventure games.

The father of the series can be called the genius of the Japanese game developer Hideo Kojima, who took part in the development of almost all the games in the franchise. The first game about the adventures of the brutal scout Solid Snake was released at 1987, and the last numbered part of the series, namely Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, was published in 2015. After her, Kojima left the Konami studio, so you should not expect new parts of the series in the near future.

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Sniper Elite Series

This series of games is not so much about classic spies who deceive the enemy’s vigilance with the help of forged documents and alien uniforms, but about rear saboteurs who eliminate opponents with well-aimed shots. This is not easy to do — you will have to take into account climatic conditions, the speed and direction of movement of the target, the features of the weapon used and many other parameters.

For accuracy, the player will be rewarded not only with advancement in the story, but also with the opportunity to slow-mo watch how the bullet fired by him destroys obstacles in his path and smears the brains of another evil Nazi officer on the wall. Starting from the second part, thanks to the X-Ray system in the same videos, you can enjoy the destructive effect of the dose of lead sent by us on the body of the enemy and the details of enemy equipment. A similar system then migrated to games like War Thunder and Mortal Kombat X.

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Alpha Protocol

By the end of the 2000s, it was hard to find a spy movie in which the protagonist was not betrayed at some point by his own people. The fashion trend began with «The Bourne Identity» and even reached the classics of the genre — James Bond. It is not surprising that the plot of the game Alpha Protocol, released in 2010, begins to unwind powerfully from the moment when the protagonist Michael Thorton is framed by his own.

Now the young special agent needs to survive on his own, and the acquired skills will help him in this. As in many similar spy games, we have to suddenly attack opponents from the shadows, crack locks and computers, shoot from different types of weapons, unravel conspiracies, beat faces, get the necessary information and make contacts among terrorists, bandits, businessmen necessary for survival. and intelligence officers.

What sets Alpha Protocol apart from many similar games is its solid storyline, well-developed characters, and the ability to complete missions both stealthily and Rambo-style.

Where to buy: the game has been withdrawn from official digital services.

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell series

For many years, the Secret Agent Sam Fisher series of games, along with the Metal Gear series, was considered the benchmark of the genre and topped the top spy games. Now the situation has changed in many ways, but the former merits of Splinter Cell make it worthy of being included in our list.

The first game in the series was simply called Splinter Cell and was released back in 2002. Already in it, we first saw the famous green glasses with three lenses that have become a symbol of the franchise. The basic gameplay is the same in all parts — the protagonist needs to silently and imperceptibly penetrate enemy bases and complete tasks, trying to avoid alarm.

Splinter Cell: Blacklist, which was released in 2013, slightly departed from this concept — in addition to covert passage options, Sam can break into terrorist bases with a machine gun at the ready and crumble all living things into vinaigrette.

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This game is one of the few on our list that manages to combine the usual stealth action of spy games with platforming elements. All thanks to high-tech «hyperpants», in which our hero can survive falls from almost any height and jump onto very high platforms. Another of his superpowers is hacking electronic systems, thanks to which he can change the purpose of various buttons. Most often, this has to be done in order to open closed doors scattered throughout the levels or to deceive the ubiquitous guards.

But the plot here is much less original than the gameplay — our protagonist will have to prove that he was framed and he is not involved in any high-profile murder.

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Invisible, Inc

As befits a bleak cyberpunk future, Invisible, Inc’s gaming world is dominated by ubiquitous corporations. No wonder that even such an important thing as espionage is outsourced to private companies in this world.

We have to lead one of these companies (or rather, its remnants, because in the very first mission it is almost destroyed by a joint blow of disgruntled competitors). To revive the former greatness, you will have to send your subordinates on dangerous missions. The key feature of the project is the procedural generation of levels and a huge selection of strategies, thanks to which you can go through Invisible, Inc a lot of times.

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Death to Spies

Death to Spies is one of the few domestic special agent games released by Haggard Games in 2007. The theme of the Second World War, close to Russian developers, was chosen as the setting. The plot is based on the history of the Soviet counterintelligence SMERSH, and the plot is presented to us in the form of an interrogation of the protagonist a few years after the end of the war.

From a gameplay standpoint, Death to Spies belongs to the classic stealth action genre with an emphasis on silent kills. You can bring death to enemy spies with a noose, a knife, a handkerchief soaked in chloroform, and even improvised items. The camouflage system is also well developed — in camouflage uniform, our protagonist is invisible in the forest and thickets, and dressed in a German uniform, he can walk around enemy bases. And if you manage to get the uniform of a German officer, then you can even give orders to German soldiers.


Archives of the NKVD.

Hunt for the Fuhrer

Despite the great attention paid by Russian developers to the topic of the Second World War, domestic studios almost do not release spy games on PC. Therefore, the series of games «NKVD Archives» from the Akella studio definitely deserves to be included in our top games about scouts. These games tell with historical accuracy about the events of the last years of the war, when even at the top of the German command conspiracies were brewing to eliminate Adolf Hitler and put an end to the war that was devastating to the whole world.

Our protagonist will be the Soviet agent Mikhail Ivanov, who has been working in the Gestapo for many years under the name of Standartenführer Gerhard Mayer. The title of hero is a clear reference to the famous Otto von Strilitz, and like him, we will have to show remarkable ingenuity in order to complete the task set by the Center.

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James Bond series 007

The 007 movie franchise has long been a leader among all spy movies. But in the world of computer games, Bond is not so rosy yet, although games in this setting have been released since 1982 years old.

Only the shooter GoldenEye 007, released by Nintendo in 1997 and sold over 8 million copies, was the only success. Unfortunately, no 007 game released since has been able to replicate this success. And this despite the fact that such monsters as Electronic Arts and Activision were engaged in the release of parts of this franchise.

Where to buy: games are no longer available on official digital services.

Murderous Pursuits

If you’ve ever played the legendary The Ship, the concept of Murderous Pursuits will sound very familiar to you. So we went on a cruise on the luxury liner Britannic. But instead of enjoying the bar and ocean views, we need to hunt down and kill one of the passengers without drawing the attention of the ship’s guards. At the same time, the rest of the passengers are also not so simple, and among them there may well be hunters for our head. Therefore, you will have to learn to change your appearance, get lost in the crowd and behave as less suspiciously as possible.

The most interesting thing to play Murderous Pursuits is not against bots, but online, when the ship can accommodate up to 8 thugs stalking each other, controlled by live players.


Velvet Assassin

With all the variety of games about World War II, the developers still return to this setting. In the dry lines of the chronicle of those years, stories of heroism, courage, cruelty, betrayal and love lurk. Velvet Assassin is based on one of these stories — the tragic biography of British intelligence officer Violetta Chabot.

In addition to dressing up as usual for scouts, diverting the attention of patrols and crawling through the shaded corners of military bases, in the game you will have to eliminate opponents in the most cruel ways — cut with a knife, blow up with grenades, burn in puddles of gasoline, kill with an electric shock, and so on.

An interesting plot allowed Velvet Assassin to enter our top, and the lack of own ideas prevented it from taking the line higher — in terms of gameplay, Velvet Assassin differs little from hundreds of other games about stealth killings.

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Children of Liberty

The story of the American Revolution is an increasingly popular setting for stealth action games. So the American indie studio Lantana Games decided to join the trend by releasing Children of Liberty. The game is an evolution of classic platform games in a 3D game environment with an emphasis on stealth. However, you still have to clash with the «red uniforms» — and this despite the fact that its heroes were children aged 8 to 14 years.

Children of Liberty is set in the days leading up to the first battle of the American Revolution, the Battle of Lexington. A group of patriotic «Sons of Liberty» is trying to get the plans for the movement of the British army and is caught. Four children are taken to free the senior comrades and pass on information to the rebels.

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The Saboteur

The Saboteur is an action-adventure stealth game that takes the player to German-occupied Paris during World War II. The protagonist is an ordinary car mechanic Sean Devlin, who has to make an unbearable contribution to the organization of the Resistance.

It is important to make a correction — Sean is not a spy in the usual sense, but he has to do the same job, namely to carry out sabotage, covertly eliminate enemies and quietly liberate entire areas of the city from the invaders. The gameplay resembles a mixture of GTA and Assassin’s Creed, but at the same time The Saboteur does not look like a hacky mixture of these projects — the game has a lot of its own zest, which we recommend to learn about in person.

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SpyParty is a rather interesting competitive game for two people. The idea is simple — one takes the role of a spy and hides at a crowded party. The second gamer, watching the event through the scope of a sniper rifle, needs to figure out a secret agent and make a well-aimed shot. And in the store there is only one cartridge.

Even though the game doesn’t look like it was released in 2018, its idea covers all the shortcomings and allows you to get a new gaming experience. Moreover, an undercover player will not be given animations — on the contrary, it is rather difficult to distinguish a spy from a bot.

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Operation: Tango

Operation: Tango introduces players to a pair of spies: an agent who operates «in the field» and a hacker who works remotely, helping his partner bypass traps and get the right information.

Team interaction is important in the game, voice communication is necessary, and it is better to play with a person you know, otherwise, if there is a misunderstanding, you simply will not be able to progress through the plot. This is a great co-op puzzle game and definitely worth checking out if you are looking for spy games.

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The spy who shot me

The spy who shot me is a spy action parody game, a retro shooter game in which you will fight enemy agents and more, solve puzzles, overcome various levels and smile numerous jokes. The game pleases with a cheerful soundtrack, a variety of gameplay situations and a very funny voice acting of the characters. The best spy action parody since No One Lives Forever.

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Acid Spy

First-person stealth in a neon cyberpunk setting. In the role of an undercover agent, you will infiltrate secure bases and fight your opponents using only a pistol, knife and deadly stealth. Acid Spy combines parkour, stealth and gunplay mechanics to create a thrilling cocktail of non-stop action where every fight is a challenging puzzle.

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Spy Tactics

Turn-based tactics in the spirit of Hitman GO, where you have to perform secret missions in locations full of guards, surveillance cameras and traps. Here you need to calculate every step and carefully make your way through the levels, trying not to get caught. At your disposal will be lockpicks, tools for hacking computers, stealth and the right weapon. The addictive tactical gameplay is complemented by a cute retro-styled art, referring to the classic spy action movies.


Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story?!

A series of humorous simulations Holy Potatoes! expanded with a strategy subtitled A Spy Story?!, in which you will manage an agency that nurtures elite spy potatoes. You have to compete with an evil corporation, and in this fight, all means are good — especially if you are adept at creating all kinds of gadgets and have mastered genetic engineering. Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story?! full of funny jokes and references, and will surely appeal to those who love cartoon management games.

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Agent A: A puzzle in disguise

Agent A: A puzzle in disguise is a beautiful cartoon quest dedicated to the secret Agent A, who has to catch and neutralize the enemy spy Ruby la Rouge. It’s a retro-futuristic 60s style game full of gadgets, exciting missions and clever humor. You will surely want to challenge each of the 35 rooms of the villain’s spy hideout, filled to the brim with puzzles.


Assault Spy

Assault Spy breaks the mold of spies by presenting them as energetic and quite capable fighters who show their «claws» at the first opportunity. This is an anime slasher in which the gamer will choose a character (the spy Asaru or the CIA employee Amelia) and try to uncover the true face of the Negabot mega-corporation, which is behind various atrocities.

The emphasis in the gameplay is not on espionage, but on close combat, which is accompanied by spectacular special effects. The user has access to various strikes that can and should be linked in combination.

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Master Spy

Master Spy is a classic 2D platform game about a spy wearing an attractive cape who manages to bypass traps and find himself behind enemies. The player will have to uncover a network of conspiracies through 50 different levels. In this he will be helped not only by the espionage skills of the protagonist, but also by the «cheat code» in the form of an invisibility cloak, which allows him to hide from prying eyes for a while.

The game is linear and is intended exclusively for a single passage. Pixel art evokes 16-bit era nostalgia, and if you’re lucky enough to catch it, then Master Spy has every chance of liking it.


Phantom Doctrine

Phantom Doctrine is similar to X-COM, but instead of aliens — spies. Welcome to 1983, at the height of the Cold War, in which information is the main weapon — we have to lead a secret organization and uncover a worldwide conspiracy, and at the same time prevent another war.

We will have a whole spy base with different departments where we can hire new agents, send them on missions, unlock new equipment, study enemy dossiers and do other bureaucratic affairs, and when assaulting the game takes the form of an isometric turn-based tactics where we try to execute covert operations and don’t lose your precious fighters.

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Spy Fox Series

Although released in 1997, the series of point & click quests still looks pretty good today — all thanks to the graphics in the style of children’s cartoons. However, this should not prevent adults from getting acquainted with the adventures of the top-secret agent Fox, who saves the world from rather strange villains. So, in Spy Fox in «Dry Cereal» we have to thwart Baby William’s cunning plans to capture … all the milk supplies in the world.

These are kind, addictive and funny games with interesting stories that will definitely appeal to both children and gamers who want to take a break from complex and cruel projects.

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The Big Brother theory is the basis of this dystopian simulation that puts you in a totalitarian state. The good news or the bad news is that you don’t have to fight it.

This is a game about the caretaker of an apartment building, who will have to spy on the apartments of the guests: the authorities require you to eavesdrop on the conversations of the tenants, search their property and report literally everything. Beholder constantly plays on the feelings of the players, because you can listen to your conscience and not follow the instructions of the government, but the hero has a family that needs to be fed and protected.

At the moment this is a trilogy of games — in the second part we spy on the employees of the ministry, and in the third we combine these two «jobs».

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The Solitaire Conspiracy

Unusual game about futuristic espionage, the gameplay of which is presented in the form of… solitaire. But you have never played such «maps» — they use units with unique abilities, and the gameplay itself has a deep tactical element.

In the single player campaign, you will travel around the world to collect the remnants of the global Protego spy agency and save the world. The story is accompanied by in-game videos with actors Inel Tomlinson and Greg Miller, making the game feel like a short film. If you have mastered the rules of this unusual solitaire game, try your hand at the advanced Countdown mode.

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The story of the sunken submarine «Kursk» remains one of the most dramatic and mysterious — people are still wondering what really happened on August 12, 2000. The authors of the first-person documentary adventure KURSK offer their own version of these events: you will play as a spy who must obtain secret information about the weapons of the submarine, and who will be unlucky to witness the tragic events.

The gameplay, unfortunately, turned out to be rather weak — this is a walking simulator in which we are forced to run from one end of the submarine to the other on various assignments. As an intelligence agent, we must balance on the edge, conscientiously fulfilling tasks and simultaneously obtaining secret information.

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Party Saboteurs: After Party

A multiplayer indie strategy game inspired by SpyParty where players are also divided into spies and snipers. The first will have to merge with the crowd at the party and behave naturally, and the second will track down the secret agents and eliminate them. To win, you need to complete missions or just shoot each other.

The atmosphere of Party Saboteurs: After Party is steeped in classic spy movies, but the writers also added a lot of off-topic humor and references — for example, one party takes place at the Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and the other in the throne room from the «Game of Thrones» .