One piece die 4 kaiser: Four emperors | One Piece Wiki

Wie würdet ihr die Kaiser in One Piece nach der Stärke ranken? (Filme und Serien, Anime, Manga)

Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


26.09.2020, 23:55

Ich persöhnlich denke das dies vom Bereich abhängt. Der eine ist Körperlich überlegen und der andere mit seiner Teufels Frucht oder Haki.

Körperlich: Kaido

Haki: Shanks

Frucht: Black oder Whitebeard.

Ich würde Shanks favorisieren! Haki ist einfach etwas sehr geiles und es gibts noch Sachen, die wir nicht wissen.

Aber wozu Haki im stande ist beweist wie mächtig es ist. Haki macht das fast unmögliche MÖGLICH. Paar Blitzmerker werden wissen was ich damit meine.

Woher ich das weiß:eigene Erfahrung

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27.01.2021, 01:14

Also ich finde ja man sollte keinen der Vier Kaiser unterschätzen. (Die aktuellen).

Da wären Big Mom, Kaido, Shanks und Blackbeard.

Wir müssten nun alle Informationen sammeln über jeden einzelnen aber das würde ja zu lange dauern. 😉

Im Bezug darauf was wir gesehen haben waren von drei Kaisern das meiste. (Kaido, Big Mom und Blackbeard). Bisher das wenigste Wissen bzw. gesehene ist von einer weiteren Person. (Shanks)

Gehen wir auf Specs ein:

Big Mom (fürchterlich, angsteinflößend, kann jmd töten der angst hat, kann leben verkürzen, seelen nehmen).

Kaido (stärkstes Biest?!, versucht sich umzubringen schafft es nicht, Haut undurchdringlich, sehr stark, kann sich in nen Drachen verwandeln)

Blackbeard (hinterlistig, dennoch strategisches Denken, sehr zäh, gute Ausdauer, zwei Teufelsfrüchte, ebenfalls sehr stark)

Shanks (Keine Teufelsfrucht, alle Hakiarten, sehr stark, sehr guter Schwertkämpfer, strategisches Denken, guter Redner)

Nur ein paar Specs nicht alle.

Wenn man sich dies nun anschaut, finde ich sollte man statt ein normales Ranking ein ,,Zweier Team» Ranking aufstellen, das wie folgt aussieht:

1. Shanks u. Blackbeard

2. Big Mom u. Kaido

Ich denke auch diese Konstellation bringt es am besten rüber da die jeweiligen ,,Partner» doch wohl gleichauf sind. (Ein Shanks kann nicht so leicht ein Blackbeard besiegen aber ein Blackbeard kann ebenso nicht so leicht ein Shanks besiegen, genau so ist es bei Big Mom und Kaido)

Und egal in welcher Konstellation man die Charaktere zum Kämpfen bringt, die beiden können sich nicht so leicht besiegen.

Zwar sind die Kopfgelder bei jedem unterschiedlich, aber das muss ja nicht heißen derjenige der am wenigsten hat ist schwach.

Ist zwar jz sehr lang geworden und ist eine späte Antwort aber dennoch hoff ich ich hab nichts vergessen. 🙂

Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – Seit 15 Jahren Anime Fan — Kenne daher sehr viele Animes


26.09.2020, 23:58

wird recht schwer besonders im Bezug zu Shanks, da wir ihn ja noch nie wirklich in Aktion gesehen haben. Nur 3 kurze Szenen wo er aber definitiv nicht ernst gemacht hat. Allerdings haben wir noch so 2 wichtige Infos zu Shanks. 1x dass er während der Riveri einfach mal so zu den 5 Weisen konnte und das laut Sengoku, seine Crew unschlagbar wäre. Auch hat er nebenbei mal schnell ne Marineflotte versenkt aber das traue ich eigentlich jedem Kaiser zu, in Abhängigkeit von dem was so an Marineleuten auf den Schiffen sich befindet.

Kaido und Big Mom haben wir ja schon bissel was gesehen und da halte ich aktuell Big Mom für den gefährlicheren Part. Denn sie kann ja quasi jeden instant killen, der auch nur ansatzweise Angst hat. Was die reine Kraft aufs körperliche bezogen angeht ist aber dann eher Kaido.

BB ist ein Sonderfall. Wir wissen nur, dass er Shanks definitiv verletzen konnte und laut Shanks Aussage war das wirkliche Leistung und nicht so, dass Shanks ihn unterschätzt hätte. Dazu kommt die Aktion war noch bevor BB beide Früchte gegessen hatte. Die Finsternisfrucht erspart ihm darüber hinaus sein Haki zu trainieren bezogen auf Königs und Rüstungshaki, im Gegenteil ein Rüstungshaki würde die Funktion der Frucht außer Kraft setzen. Und wenn man die Funktionsweise der Bebenfrucht einbezieht, kann man die durchaus so benutzen, dass man kein Vorahnungshaki mehr bräuchte (theoretisch).

Wenn ich also alle Infos die wir aktuell haben zusammen nehme dann ergäbe ich sich folgendes Ranking

Black Beard

Big Mom





28. 09.2020, 10:01

1) Whitebeard

2) Kaido

3) Shanks

4) Big Mom

5) Black Beard


26.09.2020, 23:57

Zählst du Ruffy auch als Kaiser er ist ja quasi der 5 Kaiser wen du noch nicht da bist sorry für den Spoiler aber ich würde sagen

  1. Black Beard
  2. Kaido
  3. Shanks
  4. Big Mom

Whitebeard ist schwierig der ist gestorben und Black Beard hat sich seine Frucht geyoinked aber so ungefähr aber wirklich kp

2 Kommentare

Manga-Kapitel 1053 enthüllt neue Kopfgelder, die neuen Kaiser, Infos zu Pluton und vieles mehr

In One Piece ist das Finale einer Arc meist der interessanteste Part in Sachen Informationsgewinnung, denn hier erfährt man fast immer, was sich in der Welt zugetragen hat, während die Strohhüte ihre Abenteuer erlebt haben. Da bildet auch Manga-Kapitel 1053 keine Ausnahme, das zum Abschluss der Wano-Arc gehört.

Und dieses Mal dürften sich Fans ganz besonders freuen, denn die Spoiler zu dem Kapitel, das offiziell am 16. Juni 2022 erscheint, versprechen viele neue Hinweise, Informationen und Wendungen, die teilweise überraschender kaum sein könnten. Naturgemäß enthält der folgende Text allerlei Spoiler zur Handlung, lest also bitte nur auf eigene Gefahr weiter.

Das neue Manga-Kapitel zu dem weltweit beliebten Piratenepos von Mangaka Eiichiro Oda ist so vollgestopft mit neuen Informationen, dass die Spoiler zu den Inhalten schon lange vor der eigentlichen Veröffentlichung kursieren. Mittlerweile wurden einige Eckdaten von ernstzunehmenden Fanseiten bestätigt, weswegen wir sie hier für euch zusammengetragen haben.

Dazu gehören die neuen Kopfgelder von Ruffy, Law und Kid, die gemeinsam schließlich zwei der vier Kaiser besiegt haben. Entsprechend wurden auch zwei neue Kaiser offiziell anerkannt, die neben Shanks und Blackbeard nun zu den mächtigsten und gefürchtetsten Piraten auf der Grandline zählen.

Wir erfahren in diesem Kapitel jedoch auch mehr über den Charakter Hitetsu, lernen Neues über die Superwaffe Pluton und bekommen das erste Mal Admiral Ryokugyus in Aktion zu sehen, außerdem erfahren wir den richtigen Namen des Marineoffiziers. Das Color Spread ist dieses Mal übrigens dem Videospiel One Piece Odyssey gewidmet.

One Piece: Die Schiffe des Anime-Hits und der kommenden Netflix-Serie im Vergleich

Die neuen Kopfgelder

Nachdem es der Allianz von Kid, Law und Ruffy gelungen ist, sowohl Big Mom als auch Kaido zu bezwingen, war klar, dass die Kopfgelder drastisch in die Höhe steigen würden. Alle drei haben nun offiziell ein Kopfgeld von 3 Milliarden Berry. Zum Vergleich: Ruffys Kopfgeld betrug zuvor 1,5 Milliarden, das von Law 500 Millionen und das von Kid 470 Millionen Berry.

Hitetsu, Robin und Pluton

In Manga-Kapitel 1053 von One Piece stellt sich heraus, dass eine weitere Fantheorie der Wahrheit entspricht, denn bei Hitetsu handelt es sich in der Tat um den ehemaligen Shogun Kouzuki Sukiyaki, dem Vater von Oden und damit Großvater von Momonosuke. Der ehemalige Fürst unterhält sich mit Nico Robin über die Superwaffe Pluton.

Wir erfahren, dass das Porneglyph in der königlichen Krypta unter dem Alabasta-Palast die Information enthielt, dass sich Pluton auf Wa no Kuni befindet. Wo genau diese uralte Technologie jedoch zu finden ist, wurde nicht weiter erwähnt. Die Waffe könnte einer der vielen Gründe sein, warum die Weltregierung so sehr an dem Land der Samurai interessiert ist.

One Piece Film Red: Neuer Trailer verrät mehr über Utas Vergangenheit + Poster

Admiral Ryokugyus

Einer der zwei neuen Admiräle des Hauptquartiers erreicht in diesem Kapitel von One Piece ebenfalls Wano und wir erfahren, dass sein richtiger Name Aramaki lautet. Der Admiral kann Pflanzen erschaffen und die Nährstoffe von Menschen absorbieren, was er auch direkt eindrucksvoll bei den restlichen Piraten von Kaido demonstriert.

Die neuen Kaiser

Nachdem Big Mom und Kaido gefallen sind, entstand natürlich ein Machtvakuum, das nun von zwei neuen Kaisern gefüllt werden muss. Einer davon ist wenig überraschend Ruffy, der bekanntlich bereits viele Territorien unter seiner Flagge hat und viele Verbündete auf seiner Seite verbuchen kann. Soweit ist alles im Rahmen dessen, was zu erwarten war.

©Toei Animation Co., Ltd. ©Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, Toei Animation

Bei dem zweiten Piraten, der nun offiziell als Kaiser anerkannt wird, handelt es sich jedoch um eine echte Wildcard, es ist nämlich niemand Geringeres als Buggy, der Clown. Wie es der 1000-Münzen-Clown geschafft hat, so schnell so hoch aufzusteigen, werden wir wahrscheinlich erst später erfahren, doch mit großer Sicherhheit wurde ihm mal wieder tatkräftig von seinen Untergebenen geholfen.

Died Johan Cruyff — Football

Today, at the age of 68, the legendary Dutch footballer and coach Johan Cruyff passed away.

The cause of death of one of the most famous football players of the second half of the 20th century was lung cancer.

Cruyff spent most of his playing career with Ajax and Barcelona. He is a nine-time Dutch champion, a three-time Champions League winner, a Spanish champion and a silver medalist in the 1974 World Cup as part of the Dutch national team. In addition, he won three Golden Balls. nine0003

As coach, Cruyff won the Cup Winners’ Cup and twice the Dutch Cup with Ajax. He led Barcelona four times to victory in the championship of Spain and once to victory in the Champions Cup.

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    one of the members of the Olympic team that will represent Russia at the Rio Games. «Gazeta.Ru» took a detailed interview with the athlete, who spoke about Russia’s chances at the competition, and about all the intricacies of equestrian sports. nine0003

    The Russian equestrian team will be represented by a record number of athletes in its history at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Two dressage athletes and three triathletes will go to Brazil — for the first time since 1992 they will perform not only in individual competitions, but also in team competitions.

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    Less than three months left before the Games, the riders begin the last stage of preparation for them. Gazeta.Ru talked in detail with Andrey Mitin, one of the members of the triathlon team, before his first trip to the Olympics.

    — How was your way to the Olympics?
    — We have been selected all last year in competitions that give points to the world rankings. It was a three-star competition. I qualified on two horses, Alexander Markov also on two, and Elmira Nabiyeva on one. Together we have a composite team, that is, we will be able to play in the team tournament. nine0003

    In fact, we didn’t really expect such a result, of course. But thanks to the whole team, and the federation, and the ministry, and many people, it all worked out.

    — The selection ended on March 4th. Was there a moment before that when you realized that you would definitely go to Rio?
    — The last start was March 2 in Portugal. We already understood that we were getting there even despite the results of the parallel tournaments in Belgium. I tried not to follow the ratings until the very end. I had to do my job, and then — how it goes. Everything worked out in our favor in the end. nine0003

    — This is the first Olympics for you. Why couldn’t you go to London?
    — I wanted to go to the London Olympics when the selection was easier. Then it was possible to earn points in the Olympic rating on different horses, but now this is not possible. Last time, a year before the start in London, a horse hit my arm and broke it in half. They put a metal plate on me, two months later I went to Italy and broke it there. But I still performed very well. Then they put a new plate on me, and it also did not last long. As a result, I did not go to London. nine0003

    — What are your plans before your trip to Brazil?
    — First you need to choose which horse to ride. We will choose at performances in Minsk. If it works out, then we will go to train in Germany, and then the final choice will be made there.

    — Have you been to Brazil before?
    — I have never been to that continent, neither in South nor in North America.

    — Do you already imagine this trip? Acclimatization will be important for both you and the horses. nine0305
    — So far, I just understand that it will be hard to get used to. After all, we are flying to another part of the globe, where it will not be summer, but winter, not day, but night. It will be easier for people, because horses take on the main physical load.

    As for the opponents, we will be on an equal footing with them. In Europe, a general gathering will be held for all participants, quarantine will be established. After that, in about one day, everyone will fly to Rio.

    — What do you expect at the Olympics? Have you defined any internal task? nine0305
    — For me, the task is to look worthy at the Olympic Games. Worthy for our fellow citizens, and worthy in the eyes of those top riders of the world who will represent their countries. Inessa Merkulova in dressage can count on getting into the top ten, even for a medal: she has a very good horse Mr. X. And we, triathletes, what we can do at the moment, we will try to do. We would be very helped by training with Bettina Hoy (famous coach, bronze medalist of the Olympic Games. — Gazeta.Ru), for which we were allocated money. She is very experienced. She took the Japanese team to the last Olympics, so their guy immediately won the arena test (the first type of triathlon. — Gazeta.Ru). In the future, they showed themselves very well in field trials, where luck is very important. Markov is already training in England, and it would be good for us to go to Hoy in Germany. nine0003



    — You are currently ranked 16th in the world ranking, and Markov is sixth. How objective is this?
    — Of course, this is an important indicator, but among the riders of Europe it is not the most important. It is very strange for them who Andrei Mitin is, if he does not compete in European competitions, but was selected at the starts in Russia and Belarus. But this does not mean that we had a “freebie” during the selection. The level of the competition is determined by technical delegates from abroad, and they put three stars. Speaking in Europe, of course, we would look worse, an order of magnitude worse. nine0003

    — Why don’t you go out and perform with them?
    — For me everything depends on financing. You have to be a wealthy person, like, for example, my colleague from North Ossetia, Vladimir Tuganov, who constantly performs abroad. Thanks to this, he is the best show jumper in Russia. He constantly performs abroad, cooks, let’s say, in that borscht, among riders from Europe and Asia.

    — How much does a horse cost with which you can win big victories? I heard that dressage Totilas was paid €12 million…
    – In triathlon, prices are an order of magnitude lower. And in dressage and show jumping — higher. For the same Mister X, someone from Portugal offered €5 million. There are also rumors about €15 million, but no one says for sure. And in triathlon, everyone is worth hundreds of thousands of euros.

    — What determines success in equestrian sport? From your skills, from a selected horse, from practice — from what?
    — Everything goes together. It happens that a phenomenal horse and a phenomenal rider meet, and the couple fails. If they agreed, then other factors influence: the coach, the training base, veterinary medicine, blacksmiths, equipment, horse breeder, maintenance. But the most important thing is, of course, the rider and the horse. nine0003

    — That is, they must match, and it does not matter which of them is prepared separately.
    Yes. That same Totilas suffered because of this. With the Dutchman Edward Gal, they were superstars, they won everything in the world. And then Totilas was sold to Germany to the best German rider Matthias Rath. They didn’t even come close to the previous results. More precisely, they performed well, but were not ahead of everyone by a huge margin. They sold the horse, changed the rider, and everything just got worse. nine0003

    — Where do the best horses in the world come from? Are there such people in Russia?
    — No, of course not in Russia. The current selection work is no longer the same as before. The last best horses are those that were taken out of Germany after the Great Patriotic War.

    Thanks to these stallions, we kept on a decent level. And then there was the collapse of the USSR, the stud farms also collapsed. Now they are trying to slowly recreate them. And abroad, all this work was not interrupted, there the breeds are constantly improving. The best horses from Europe and America. nine0003

    — Similar to naturalization in other sports.
    — Yes, we also have it, all our top riders, as a rule, ride foreign horses. I have one horse that was selected for the Olympics, although it was brought from Ukraine, but his father Cornet Obolensky is considered one of the best producers in the world. It was sold to Ukraine from Germany. At the World Championships, at the Olympic Games, most of all his children performed, and I also have his direct son.

    — If you don’t have your own horses, how would you rate the sports infrastructure in Russia? And in general the state of equestrian sport in the country?
    — Our best riders, as a rule, are from the times of the USSR, they are all old. Young people just fit in. The old school still remains, and the equestrian sport that we are trying to pass on is based on this base. When I was a junior, the USSR school was famous in Europe. We lost a lot of time, but I think we can still catch up.

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    Here we are now at the Bitsa equestrian center, which was built for the 1980 Olympics. Do you see the state of the Olympic facility in the city of Moscow? The last reconstruction was a long time ago, I hope that someday they will take it up.

    — Are there private condominiums?
    — Yes, they are built to the highest specifications. And what belongs to the city of Moscow is gradually being destroyed. For «Bitsa» my heart just hurts, because I’ve been training here since I was ten years old, I live nearby, in Chertanovo. Boris Nikolayevich Konkov from CSKA came to us in due time, who brought up a galaxy of champions in the army club. After that, we began to win almost all competitions. Thanks to him, I got to know equestrian sport. nine0003



    — Why did you choose triathlon?
    — I didn’t really choose it. When I was ten years old, the Bitsa was being built for the Olympics, I ran here, through the Bitsa forest park, saw the riders and ran after them for a long time. One of them just put me on a horse. It turned out to be Ferdinand Kibizov, who is currently the head coach of the Russian triathlon team, and then he was part of the USSR triathlon team. I started coming to the stable, helping, and then I was enrolled in the SDUSHOR. I trained for a year, and then Andrey Grishin, Markov’s coach, took me to triathlon. I performed well in youth, spent four years in the junior team, played abroad — in England, Belgium. He became the champion of the USSR both in the team and in the individual competition. For the last ten years I have been representing North Ossetia. Since Kibizov put me on his horse, 36 years have passed. nine0003

    — What is the main difference between triathlon and other Olympic disciplines — dressage and show jumping?
    — In field trials, the second type of program. Courage is very important in them, without it you can already tie up with sports.

    There is a famous rider William Fox-Pitt, he has tremendous experience, but, he says, there is no courage anymore, it fades with age. And someone does not lose it even at the age of 60, like Mark Todd, who will soon go to the Olympics.

    — How dangerous is this part of the competition? Did you hurt your hand during it? nine0305
    — No, it was at the show before the competition, when the horse is identified, its health is checked. The horse kicked back and hit me in the arm. Another serious injury was at the Russian Championships, then I had surgery on my shoulder. This winter they did two more surgeries. Now everything is fine, the hands are working. By the way, my two-year-old daughter is not afraid to drive a big horse, she already has no fear now.

    — No offense to horses when they inflict injuries out of the blue? nine0305
    — I take everything to heart very strongly. And a good workout, and a bad one, and successful starts, and unsuccessful ones. Maybe it hurts me, and I can be offended. It is said that horses are not offended. But it seems to me that they are offended. They behave differently for me.

    — Tell us about the psychology of horses.
    — For example, one of my horses does not take sugar before training. Doesn’t take — that’s all. And after training takes. And it is not clear why it is so, whether it is in the mood. They are all different.

    I have a horse named Kaiser, I consider him a mega-talented horse. But he does not allow me to compete because of his mentality. He starts to splash out emotionally at the start and breaks down. Excessive emotions interfere with my management. And the mare Gyurza in this regard is very calm and disciplined. Although she is a hot mare, she does not splash out her emotions at the start. She does everything clearly.

    — How can you control the psyche of horses? How much it is subject to the person, whether gives in to trainings? nine0305
    — There are a lot of different options here. For example, if a horse is afraid of a competitive environment, then we model it in training so that it gets used to it: stands, bells, horns. There are also herbal preparations that relax the horse, make it more calm. No, this is not doping, everything is allowed there — all sorts of chamomile. Here’s another oat — it gives energy. We feed many horses with muesli-free, so that there is no extra energy and emotions.

    — In triathlon, after all, a special mood is needed, different before each program. nine0305
    — Yes, you need to set it up differently. But the main thing is that the horse should always be calm. Moderately hot, but calm. And there must be a character of a fighter. One horse can say: “That’s it, I can’t take it anymore, I’m tired” — and stops. Another: “No, it doesn’t matter, I can’t, but I will run until I fall.”



    — Do horses also have favorite types of programs?
    — I think that not so much with horses as with riders. We must have all three types perfect. If you don’t have at least one, you won’t get anywhere. As a rule, we suffer from the first type — dressage. Then we can already cross-country and jump in show jumping. If you lose the first day, then it is almost impossible to catch up. Opponents raise the bar on the first day and keep it up to the last, not yielding a single penalty point. nine0003

    — We touched on the topic of doping. Against the backdrop of numerous scandals in recent months, nothing was heard about problems in equestrian sports. Is it such a pure sport?
    — There are some problems. RUSADA strictly and severely punishes for any manipulation. There is a list of drugs that are prohibited, which are allowed only on the recommendation of a veterinarian, and then not during the competition. Horses are examined, tested for doping the same way everywhere. It’s all very strict.

    In general, there is such an interesting moment. In our sport, the horse must be happy. In dressage, points are deducted from you if the judge sees that the horse is unhappy or is forced to perform elements against his will. In dressage, everything should look like everything happens by itself, the horse does everything with ease and pleasure, and the rider does not do any manipulations from above. Good marks are given for this. It can be seen from the horse if the elements are performed in tightness. And if she sits on doping, it is also immediately noticeable. nine0003

    — Why are there still joint men’s and women’s competitions, why are they not held separately?
    — There is absolutely no difference who will be the rider, a man or a woman. The main athlete is the one below us. The rider needs to merge with the animal, understand it, and the animal must understand it. Both sexes have the same share of risk, the same physics is needed. Everything here is absolutely fair, just as it would also be useless to separate stallions and mares. If in horse racing stallions still ride separately from mares, then in sports everyone is equal, and both can become Olympic champions. There are only competitions for individual breeds, they are arranged in France among young horses. nine0003

    — You separated horse racing and sports. Is horse racing just fun for you?
    — I think horse racing is also a sport. The best horses participate there, set records, go down in history, stallions become producers and improve records. Although, of course, this is a game.

    Even in Soviet times, the only legal sweepstakes was at the Moscow hippodrome. Only there a Soviet person could play for money, only at the races.

    — There are only three disciplines at the Olympic Games since ancient times — triathlon, dressage and show jumping. And at the world championships there are much more medals. What types of programs would you make Olympic? nine0305
    — Yes, there are many other disciplines at the World Championships, but I don’t like all of them. Take, for example, runs. There horses just run at a speed of 120 km. There is no entertainment in this. People have been creating schools for years, passing on experience from generation to generation, and here you just need to calculate the strength of the horse for the distance. Only horses of the Arabian breed can win, they are the most enduring. And for this they then give the title of master of sports, while it should take us years.

    — How do you like vaulting, for example?
    — Yes, it’s a spectacular view. But still, this is just gymnastics on a horse, on a moving support. The horse here has nothing to do with the rider, it just runs in a circle. There are much more requirements for a person, he must be an acrobat, do the elements.

    — Equestrian sports are sometimes compared to motorsports. Like, the horse moves, like the car, and not the rider and the pilot.
    — These are completely different things. The only thing that is common is that the danger is the same — both here and there you can get serious injuries. A car is a piece of metal, how much gas you give it will go. And the horse will still think whether to “gas” it or not, or to stand still. nine0003

    Feeling a horse is much more difficult than iron. You need to anticipate her thoughts. Europeans say that a horse and a rider are always a team, they are one athlete with two organisms, with two hearts.

    Doping, tsunami and the Olympic fire

    Exactly 100 days left before the start of the main sporting event of the four years — the Summer Olympics in…

    April 27 15:49

    — Horses then also need to be awarded medals.
    — They are awarded. They are given rosettes and rewarded with purely symbolic prizes — any kind of carrot. The horses love it. My Gyurza loves awards very much.