Offline spiele handy: Top 15 besten OFFLINE SPIELE für Android & iOS 2021 –

Top 15 besten OFFLINE SPIELE für Android & iOS 2021 –

Spiele |

Juli 4, 2021

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15 Pako Rumble

Pako Rumble ist einfaches aber süchtig machendes Spiel bei dem du mit einem Auto so lange wie möglich auf einer sich ständig verändernden Plattform fahren musst. Ständig fallen Kacheln, auf denen du fahren kannst, weg und es erscheinen neue. So wird die ganze Zeit dynamisch eine neue Map kreiert. Es gibt einen Links- und Rechts-Button fürs Lenken und einen Button fürs Springen. Du musst mit einer geschickten Steuerung vermeiden, in Löcher zu fallen oder gegen Hindernisse zu fahren. Es gibt auch Powerups und du kannst das Game sowohl im Hoch- als auch im Querformat spielen. Am Anfang ist es ziemlich schwierig aber man wird schnell besser und es macht viel Spaß längere Zeit auf der Plattform zu fahren.  

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos): noch nicht verfügbar

14 FRAG Pro Shooter

FRAG Pro Shooter ist ein sehr guter Egoshooter, der speziell für Mobilgeräte entwickelt wurde und auch offline gespielt werden kann. Das Spielerlebnis ist super. In rasanten Teamduellen steuerst du einen von 80 einzigartigen Charakteren und musst die Gegner bekämpfen und Ziele einnehmen. Du kannst ein Kampfdecken mit verschiedenen Helden zusammenstellen, um unterschiedliche Spezialfähigkeiten und Stärken im Teamduell einsetzen zu können. Im Kampf kannst du dann zu einem anderen Helden wechseln und Vorteile erlangen. Das Spiel kann auf jeden Fall einige Zeit viel Spaß machen.

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos):

13 flocks

flocks ist ein interessantes und sehr gut gemachtes Rätselspiel. Die Rätsel sind schön designt und müssen auf kreative Art und Weise gelöst werden. Sie sind nicht super komplex und langwierig, sondern es gibt einen einfachen Weg sie zu lösen, aber darauf muss man erstmal kommen. Du musst mehrer Leute einsetzen und die Gruppe smart steuern, um die physikbasierten Aufgaben zu lösen. Puzzle-Fans sollten das Spiel auf jeden Fall ausprobieren. 

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenpflichtig):

12 Dungeon: Age of Heroes

Bei Dungeon: Age of Heroes erkundest du Dungeons mit einfachen Tippgesten. Du steuerst deine Helden durch die Fantasywelt, kämpfst gegen verschiedene Kreaturen und Bosse, sammelst Loot, erfüllst Missionen und weichst Fallen aus. Du kannst weitere Helden freischalten und sie verbessern. Das Weiterkommen ist gar nicht so einfach und du musst alle Möglichkeiten, die du hast, geschickt einsetzen. Das Game ist abwechslungsreich und kann gut gegen Langeweile helfen. 

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos):

11 Hungry Shark World

Bei Hungry Shark World steuerst du einen Hai und musst dafür sorgen, dass dieser nicht verhungert. In riesigen Spielwelten gehst du auf Raubzug, musst aber auch vor größeren Kreaturen acht geben, die dir Schaden können. Du kannst bis zu 34 Hai-Arten freischalten und nützliche Gadgets sammeln. Es gibt verrückte Missionen, epische Bosskämpfe und weitere interessante Herausforderungen. 

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos):

10 Todesinvasion: Überleben in der Stadt

Todesinvasion: Überleben in der Stadt ist ein spannendes Actionspiel bei dem du Invasion von Zombies überleben musst. Du musst alle Zombies ausschalten, die sich dir in den Weg stellen. Das geht einfacher und schneller, wenn du mit präzisen Schüssen Headshots schaffst. Zum Überleben in der Zombiestadt, stehen viele Waffen zur Verfügung, die nach und nach freigeschaltet werden können. Es ist ein sehr gutes Offline-Spiel mit top Grafik und es benötigt relativ wenig Speicherplatz.

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos): noch nicht verfügbar

9 Cats in Time

Cats in Time ist ein neues, entspanntes 3D-Puzzle-Spiel bei dem du zurück in die Zeit reist und angefangen im alten Ägypten bis in die Gegenwart Rätsel löst. Ziel ist es in jedem Level alle Katzen, die aus Versehen eine Zeitmaschine benutzt haben, zu finden und zu retten. Die Katzen sind dabei teilweise hinter Türen und um diese zu öffnen musst du Rätsel lösen. Es gibt mehr als 200 Katzen zu retten und das ganze ist abwechslungsreich, da sie sich an ungewöhnlichen Orten gut verstecken. Auch durch die entspannten Soundtracks entseht eine nette und unterhaltsame Spielatmospähre.

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos):

8 Horizon Chase

Horizon Chase ist ein rasantes, wunderschönes Arcade-Rennspiel im Retro-Stil das süchtig machen kann. Mit Vollgas düst du über die Strecken, weichst Gegner aus, überholst sie und sammelst Powerups ein. Der Fahrspaß ist hoch und du kannst auf den verschiedenen Strecken, um gute Platzierungen kämpfen und mit der Zeit dein Auto verbessern und neue freischalten. Du kannst Turniere gewinnen und wöchentliche Challenges. Rennspielfans sollten dieses, auch ohne Internet spielbare Game auf jeden Fall ausprobieren.  

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos):

7 Ice Scream 4

Ice Scream 4 – Rods Fabrik ist ein weiterer guter Teil des beliebten Horrorspiels. Wieder hat der böse Eishersteller Rod deine Freunde gefangen und du musst versuchen, sie zu befreien und aus der Eisfabrik zu entkommen. Du erkundest die Eisfabrik, legst dich mit geheimnisvollen Helfern des Eisherstellers an und entdeckst viele weitere Überraschungen. Du musst witzige Rätsel lösen und die Gegner austricksen. In Zwischensequenzen erfährst du mehr zu der spannenden Hintergrundgeschichte. Neben der schönen Grafik gibt es auch einen coolen Sound. Ingesamt ist es ein wirklich tolles, verrücktes Spiel, das für eine guter Unterhaltung sorgen kann. 

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos):

6 Unmaze

Bei Unmaze tauschst du in eine interaktive Geschichte über Licht und Schatten ein. Du spielst Ariadne, die durch einen Kristall ihren Freund Theseus und ihren Bruder Asterion beobachten kann und durch Anweisungen durch die Parallelwelt führen kann. Das Problem dabei ist, dass du nicht mit beiden gleichzeitig kommunizieren kannst. Wenn du dein Handy ins Licht hältst, was es über einen Sensor erkennt, dann kannst du mit Theseus sprechen. Und wenn du es in den Schatten hältst dann siehst Asterios und kannst ihm Anweisungen geben. Je mehr du dem einen hilfst, desto mehr verirrt sich der andere! Die Schicksale der beiden Jungs liegt also in deinen Händen und du musst die Geheimnisse des Labyrinths entdecken, um sie zu befreien. Deine Entscheidungen und Aktionen beeinflussen den Spielverlauf. Insgesamt ist es durch den Einsatz des Lichtsensors des Smartphone ein völlig neues Spielkonzept und du kannst ein spannendes Abenteuer erleben. 

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos):

5 Towerlands

Towerlands ist ein Mix aus Tower Defense Spiel und Rollenspiel. Du bist Burgherr in einer Fantasywelt und musst deine Festung vor Angriffen schützen und neue Gebiete erobern. Du fängst mit einer kleinen Stadt und einer kleinen Burg an und verbesserst dich nach und nach mit neuen Einheiten und einer besseren Festung. Durch die vielen verschiedenen Einheiten, Waffen, Umgebungen und Feinden wird es auf eine gute Strategie ankommen, um die immer stärker werdenden feindlichen Wellen abzuwehren. 

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos):

4 Cyber War

Cyber War ist ein herausragendes Offline Action-Rollenspiel. Die Stadt wird von einer bösen Macht regiert und deine Aufgabe ist es sie davon zu befreien. Die Kämpfe in der Cyberpunk Welt machen viel Spaß und die Steuerung ist sehr gut. Es gibt intensive Bosskämpfe, viele Waffen und Maps zu erkunden, du musst deine Verbündeten beschützen und das ganze findet in einer tollen Grafik statt. 

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos): noch nicht verfügbar

3 Mad Skills Motocross 3

Mad Skills Motocross 3 hat eine tolle Rennphysik und du kannst auf hunderten von Strecken deine Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen. Auch durch die Grafik und den tollen Sound entsteht ein gutes Spielerlebnis. Es gibt viele Anpassungsmöglichkeiten beim Rennfahrer und dem Motorrad. Die Rennen machen Spaß und bei den spektakulären Sprüngen kannst du riskante Tricks zeigen. 

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos):

2 Huntdown

Huntdown ist ein extrem gutes Retro-Game. Du spielst einen Kopfgeldjäger, der in einer Metropole voller Gewalt und Korruption versucht etwas Ordnung herzustellen. Mit einem kreativen Waffenarsenal begibst du dich in rasanten strategischen Kämpfen gegen tödliche Banden und Gangsterbossen, gegen die du immer wieder neue Lösungen finden musst. Auch die Plattformen, auf denen deine Schlachten ausgetragen werden, sind kreativ und schön gestaltet. Das Spiel ist mega gut umgesetzt und macht gleich von Anfang an viel Spaß.

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos):

1 Krystopia: Nova’s Journey

Krystopia: Nova’s Journey ist ein faszinierendes Puzzle-Abenteuer. Du musst einen Weg durch ein mysteriöses Land finden und dabei Geheimnisse erkunden und auflösen. Du spielst die Weltraumforscherin Nova und wirst auf deiner Reise über den faszinierenden Planeten Krystopia auch dessen Bewohner und deren Geheimnisse und Konflikte kennenlernen. Im Point und Click Stil müssen einige herausfordernde Rätsel gelöst werden, um in diesem spannenden Abenteuer weiter voranzukommen.

Android App (kostenlos):

iOS App (kostenlos):

30 hervorragende Spiele für iOS und Android, die ihr offline spielen könnt

Welche Mobile-Spiele sorgen auch ohne Internetverbindung für jede Menge Spaß? Wir verraten es euch.

Mittlerweile sind auch Handys eine attraktive Plattform für Videospiele geworden. Gäbe es da nicht ein Problem: Viele populäre Titel für iOS oder Android sind Multiplayer-Spiele, können also nicht allein gespielt werden. Andere verlangen eine konstante Internetverbindung, was unterwegs schnell problematisch werden kann.

Deshalb haben wir eine Liste von 30 Mobile Games zusammengestellt, die ihr offline spielen könnt. Dabei haben wir auf eine vielfältige Mischung zwischen mobile Exclusives und Ports von alten und modernen Klassikern geachtet.

Die Spiele sind in keiner bestimmten Reihenfolge angeordnet. Titel auf einer höheren Position sind also nicht automatisch besser. Der Übersicht halber haben wir außerdem die entsprechenden Plattformen direkt hinter den Preisen vermerkt, da die Preise zwischen den Plattformen teils abweichen.

Disclaimer: Gelegentlich können manche Spiele eine Online-Verbindung verlangen, etwa zur DRM-Prüfung oder Datensynchronisierung. Vor längeren Trips solltet ihr die folgenden Games also kurz mit aktivierter Internetverbindung starten. Danach könnt ihr sorgenfrei unterwegs spielen, selbst im Flugzeugmodus.

30. Minecraft Pocket Edition

Minecraft ist das perfekte Spiel für lange Reisen.

Genre: Open World Spiel

Regulärer Preis: 7,99€ (Android und iOS)

USK: ab 6 Jahren

Darum geht’s: Was gibt es noch über Minecraft zu sagen, das nicht schon gesagt wurde? Hier können wir uns kopfüber in gigantische Welten stürzen, sie erkunden, Monster bekämpfen, allerlei basteln und Monumente bauen. Dank des endlosen, entspannenden Sandbox-Spielprinzips von Minecraft vergehen selbst die längsten Fahrten und Flüge in einem Wimpernschlag.

29. Sayonara Wild Hearts

Sayonara Wild Hearts sieht atemberaubend schön aus — und klingt genauso gut.

Genre: Pop Album Videospiel

Regulärer Preis: 4,99€ (iOS, via Apple Arcade)

USK: ab 6 Jahren

Darum geht’s: Ja, ihr habt richtig gelesen. Sayonara Wild Hearts wird als «Pop Album Gone Video Game» beworben und dieses Versprechen hält es. Zu lieblicher Popmusik (stellt euch eine Mischung aus Carly Rae Jepsen und CHVRCHES vor) manövriert ihr die namenlose Protagonistin auf Motorrädern, Booten oder gar einem Hirsch durch rennstreckenartige Level, um ihr gebrochenes Herz zu heilen. Passend zum Soundtrack erstrahlt der Titel in wunderschönen knalligen Neonfarben.

28. Donut County

Ihr wolltet schon immer mal ein Loch spielen? Das ist eure Chance.

Genre: Rätselspiel

Regulärer Preis: 4,29€ (Android), 5,49€ (iOS)

USK: ab 6 Jahren

Darum geht’s: In Donut County schlüpft ihr nicht in die Rolle eines noblen Ritters oder einer zielsicheren Femme Fatale, sondern in die eines Waschbären namens BK. Der steuert wiederum ein ständig wachsendes Loch mit nur einem Ziel: So viele Dinge wie möglich zu verschlingen. Wer in Games gerne (harmloses) Unheil stiftet und Lust auf leichte Kost hat, sollte Donut County nicht verpassen.

27. Die Final Fantasy-Reihe

Klassiker wie Final Fantasy IV könnt ihr mittlerweile auch unterwegs spielen.

Genre: JRPG

Regulärer Preis: 8,99e bis 22,99€ (Android und iOS)

USK: ab 6 beziehungsweise 12 Jahren

Darum geht’s: Ihr möchtet alte Final Fantasy-Teile nachholen? Dann braucht ihr nur ein Handy. Mittlerweile gibt es alle Hauptteile von 1 bis 9 für mobile Geräte und auch zahlreiche Add-Ons sowie Spin-Offs wie Final Fantasy IV: The After Years oder Tactics: The War of the Lions.

Ein Wermutstropfen für Purist:innen: In Sachen User Interface und Grafikstil unterscheiden sich einige Ports drastisch von den Originalen. Als Einstieg eignen sich die Ports für Neugierige dennoch.

26. The World Ends With You: Solo Remix

Nehmt als Neku an einem tödlichen Spiel in einem alternativen Shibuya teilt.

Genre: Action-RPG

Regulärer Preis: 19,99€ (iOS)

USK: ab 12 Jahren

Darum geht’s: Bald steht mit NEO: TWEWY der Nachfolger dieses Nintendo DS-Klassikers an. Die perfekte Gelegenheit also, TWEWY mit diesem iOS-Port nachzuholen oder Erinnerungen aufzufrischen. Protagonist Neku wacht in einem Shibuya in einer alternativen Realität auf und muss am tödlichen Reaper’s Game teilnehmen. Euch erwartet ein einzigartiges Kampfsystem, eine komplexe Geschichte und ein unverwechselbarer Grafikstil samt passendem Soundtrack.

25. Max Payne Mobile

Wer könnte diesem Gesicht widerstehen?

Genre: Third Person Shooter

Regulärer Preis: 3,49€ (Android und iOS)

USK: ab 18 Jahren

Darum geht’s: Die Frau und die Tochter des titelgebenden Antihelden werden wegen eines gefährlichen Geheimnisses von Auftragskillern ermordet — Max Payne wird die Schuld zugeschoben. Unsere Mission in dieser tragischen Story im Film Noire-Stil ist, die Wahrheit aufzudecken. Dabei schießen wir uns in Bullet Time und mit einem gigantischen Arsenal durch die dunkelsten Ecken New Yorks.

24. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Wenn ihr die GTA-Serie mögt, müsst ihr Chinatown Wars spielen.

Genre: Open World Spiel

Regulärer Preis: 5,49€ (Android und iOS)

USK: ab 18 Jahren

Darum geht’s: Ihr habt schon alles in GTA V erledigt und haltet das Warten auf Teil 6 nicht länger aus? Dann solltet ihr dieses unterschätze Juwel aus dem Jahr 2009 ausprobieren. GTA: Chinatown Wars ergänzt die bekannte Serienformel um einzigartige Neuerungen, wie das Kurzschließen von Autos per Minigame, Sterne durch gezielte Crashs von Polizeiwagen loszuwerden oder einen Nebenjob als Drogenkurier.

23. Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley ist das perfekte Spiel zum Runterkommen.

Genre: Farm Simulation/RPG

Regulärer Preis: 4,69€ (Android), 5,49€ (iOS)

USK: ab 6 Jahren

Darum geht’s: Wahrscheinlich liefert kein anderes Spiel auf dieser Liste ein besseres Eskapismusangebot. In Farmsimulator Stardew Valley könnt ihr nach allen Regeln der Kunst entspannen, etwa indem ihr angelt, eure Felder bestellt und Farmtiere versorgt, euch durch Minen buddelt oder die Liebe eures (digitalen) Lebens sucht.

22. Dead Cells

Ihr habt Hades durchgespielt und ein klaffendes Loch in Roguelike-Form in eurem Herzen? Schaut euch Dead Cells an.

Genre: Roguelike

Regulärer Preis: 8,99€ (Android), 9,99€ (iOS)

USK: ab 12 Jahren

Darum geht’s: «Töte, stirb, lerne, wiederhole» heißt es in der offiziellen Beschreibung von Dead Cells. Zugegeben, das trifft auf alle Roguelikes zu, aber auf Dead Cells umso mehr. Wer bereits Hades geliebt hat und sich nach größeren Herausforderungen sehnt, sollte diesem steinharten Sidescroll-Abenteuer mit Metroidvania-Anleihen eine Chance geben.

Doch keine Sorge: Wie bei Hades bleiben nach dem Tod alle permanenten Upgrades erhalten, die ihr bereits gefunden habt.

21. Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy

Gewöhnt euch lieber an diesen Bildschirm. Ihr werdet ihn häufig sehen.

Genre: Kletterspiel

Regulärer Preis: 5,49€ (Android und iOS)

USK: ab 0 Jahren

Darum geht’s: Apropos schwierige Spiele und Frustresistenz: Ihr habt bestimmt schon von Getting Over It gehört, schließlich war das Kletterspiel ein viraler Hit. Wir steuern einen nackten Mann in einem Topf, der per Hammer einen Berg erklimmen muss. Leichter gesagt als getan, denn wir stürzen schneller wieder gen Abgrund, als uns lieb ist. Schöpfer Bennett Foddy sagt: «Es ist ein Spiel, das ich für eine bestimmte Art Person gemacht habe, um ihnen wehzutun.»

Auf der nächsten Seite geht es mit den Plätzen 20 bis 11 weiter.

story-driven, strategy, horror — Gambling

You can turn your nose up at casual games as much as you like, but we have to admit that the most popular gaming devices are no longer computers and consoles. These are smartphones. If only because almost everyone has a smartphone, and almost everyone has run at least some game on it at least once. Yes, these are mostly primitive clickers, runners and other auto-battlers, but… is it really that bad? Are there really no projects on iOS or Android that are worth paying attention to for those who want something more than just killing time on the subway? nine0007

I assure you there is. And it’s not just about mobile versions of PUBG , Call of Duty or World of Tanks . Not about ports like The Walking Dead or Hearthstone . And not even about the heroine of last year Among Us — enough laudatory odes have already been sung to her. Today we are going to talk about some really cool, unusual and — in many cases — exclusive games for mobile platforms.


iOS, Android

Of all the games in this compilation, Blackbar is the least similar to the actual game. In fact, this is just a set of letters in which some words are censored out — closed by that same black stripe. The whole gameplay here comes down to guessing which words were hidden from us. And it all starts quite innocently, but gradually the story becomes overgrown with not the most pleasant details and becomes very gloomy. This project is a clear example of the fact that a good game does not need graphics or music… and the gameplay, in principle, is not really needed either. nine0007

And if Blackbar is your thing, try Grayout , another «word game» from the same author. She, of course, lacks Blackbar’s elegant monochrome visuals a bit, but the original mechanics and not bad story completely atone for this problem.


iOS, Android

I’m sure everyone has heard of 2048 . So: this unexpectedly hit puzzle did not appear from scratch — it was, in fact, a clone of Threes! , and very shameless. At the heart of this game are “tags” with numbers that need to be moved around a square board and combined, only the common denominator here is not a two, but a three. And, unlike 2048, written by a 19-year-old student in a couple of days, Threes! offers not only naked mechanics, but also some light humor, great music, a much friendlier attitude towards the player and funny characters. The very cards with numbers that need to be added together are endowed with faces, voices and even their own characters. It seems to be little things, but they create the atmosphere of perhaps the cutest puzzle in the world. After all, it’s just a lot more fun to play than the cold and indifferent 2048, so don’t pass it up. nine0007

Monument Valley

iOS, Android

Dilogy Monument Valley are extremely original puzzles, and not only by the standards of smartphones. Our task is elementary: to find a way in the simplest labyrinth. That’s just spatial perception here works completely differently than in the three-dimensional world. Visually, the levels of Monument Valley are the works of Maurits Escher come to life, the objects on which are never what they seem at first glance. But, in fact, it is easier to feel it yourself than to describe it. nine0007

In terms of mood, the leisurely creations of Ustwo Games are reminiscent of the unforgettable Journey , or individual — the most melancholic — chapters from books about the adventures of the Moomins. The mysterious wanderings of the silent princess Ida or the journey of Ro with her little daughter is perhaps the best way to get out of the plane … and just meditate alone in the evening with a smartphone in hand. Fortunately, the games are simple and not too long.

Sky: Children of the Light

iOS, Android

And this game is not just similar to Journey — it was created by the same authors from thatgamecompany . In fact, this is Journey, even if in a new wrapper and slightly modified for mobile platforms. Yes, it’s (please don’t wince) a free-to-play online game. But is the distribution model the main thing in games? Moreover, by launching Sky: Children of the Light , you will instantly forget about all worldly conventions. This project is not designed to take care of anything at all. Here you need to soar, relax, explore and just comprehend Zen. Just don’t forget your headphones: tiny smartphone speakers are sure to spoil the fun. “Sound is half the battle,” Sky says at launch. The way it is. nine0007

Forgotten Memories

iOS, Android

The Silent Hill series is doing pretty lousy, and it didn’t start yesterday. But while we catch at least some rumors about a possible sequel, fans are slowly creating their own alternatives. Forgotten Memories is perhaps the closest project to the classic parts of the franchise (among mobile games for sure). Here is the plot about the search for a missing girl, and the setting of a strange psychiatric clinic outside of time and space, and a horse dose of old school, which you rarely see on smartphones. For example, the batteries in a flashlight instantly run out, the cartridges run out, and to save the game you need to use ancient computers with far from unlimited floppy disks. Even on “easy” difficulty it doesn’t get too easy here, the atmosphere of an old horror movie is fully conveyed, it’s quite possible to play even without a gamepad, and the adventure ends just in time so as not to get bored. nine0007


iOS, Android

Smartphones are the ideal platform for small tactical games that need polished mechanics more than cinematic production or realistic graphics. Hoplite is one of those tiny masterpieces. It can be called a mixture of Hades (one of the best games of last year, by the way) and Into the Breach . The first journey of the hoplite is reminiscent of the “bagel” basis and the setting of the ancient Greek hell, the second one is reminiscent of the rules honed to the smallest detail, which make a real death chess championship out of immersion in the abyss of hexagonal Tartarus. Strategic leveling, a variety of enemies (each, of course, needs its own approach) and random level generation make Hoplite’s replay value almost endless, and short sessions allow you to cut down demons even on the bus, even in the line for vaccination. Add at least some other plot here, and there would be no price for such a game. My personal favorite in this collection. nine0007


iOS, Android

Florence I already mentioned games about realistic relationships in last year’s material: this is a short, chamber and completely everyday story of one love. He she. Acquaintance, sympathy, falling in love, which develops into a full-fledged feeling. First date, first fight. A routine that replaces recent happiness. Breakup, grief, and finally acceptance. The plot runs in about twenty minutes, but gives such a range of feelings that is not found in every big adventure. Simple mechanics and completely elementary puzzles are ideally adapted for touch control and do not distract from the main thing — emotions. Everything is very cute, slightly naive and incredibly charming. nine0007

80 Days

iOS, Android

The classic plot of «Around the World in 80 Days» is known, perhaps, to everyone: Phileas Fogg, Passepartout, an impossible bet, a frantic race across the globe … One of the best stories of Jules Verne did not appear in any form, but in 80 Days by Inkle she received a new, steampunk reading. Going around the world with steam horses, bathyscaphe trains and coal-fired aircraft is something fresh (although the game isn’t really all that new). By genre, this is a text quest, and the simplest one, with the choice of several answers. But it is adequately diversified by an interesting world, good texts and additional mechanics like route selection or luggage management. By the way, Ink — 80 Days scripting engine — can be used for free to create your own text adventures. nine0007


iOS, Android

By and large, the Oceanhorn series is a clone of The Legend of Zelda for mobile phones (we are talking about three-dimensional classics like Ocarina of Time or The Wind Waker ). There is platforming, and a compact but very rich open world, and racing on hoverbikes, and managing party members, and simple puzzles, and pumping, and sailing, and God knows what else. Yes, everything is implemented at a rather primitive level, but there are still no analogues of Oceanhorn. If you miss 3D classics from PlayStation One or Nintendo 64 , then by no means pass by. Moreover, the first part was already a very large and solid game, and Oceanhorn 2 became even more expensive, bigger and cooler than its predecessor: you can hardly find role-playing games of this magnitude on smartphones. Unfortunately, the second episode bypassed Android, but it is available on iPhone , iPad , Apple TV , Mac and Nintendo Switch .

Shinsekai: Into the Depths


Like many other projects in this collection, Shinsekai: Into the Depths remained an exclusive for Apple Arcade subscription service for a long time, then moved to Nintendo Switch, but never appeared on Android — and, apparently, will not appear. And very sorry! After all, this is a very nice and entertaining platform game in the setting of an underwater retrofuturistic post-apocalypse.

The game runs on a 3D engine, but at heart it remains a classic 2D metroidvania, and a very diverse one at that. Here you will have to shoot at underwater monsters, and look for oxygen, and swim (spending the same precious oxygen on jet propulsion), and build, and unravel the history of the icy world, the only living inhabitant of which is the main character — a silent nameless diver in a deaf helmet … And all this without a single word: Shinsekai makes do with pure gameplay — and does it brilliantly. nine0007

Bleak Sword


Yes, souls-like on smartphones exist. Moreover, they can even have convenient controls — and without any gamepad! Well, by and large, there is only one such game so far: Bleak Sword is almost a complete analogue of Dark Souls , only made in an unusual visual style that combines monochrome flat characters, pixel art and small, but still 3D arenas. Yes, the main character is very limited in his abilities (he only has a roll, a simple attack and an enhanced attack), but these restrictions are so organic that they turn the game into a real tactical puzzle. And the stakes in it are very high: monsters do not like to joke, dying here is no more difficult than somewhere in the backyards of Anor Londo, and every death deprives the hero of experience — just like you-know-where. However, if immediately after death you pass an unsuccessful place on the second attempt, everything lost will be returned back. It turns out a constant balancing on the verge of drive and frustration — an extremely rare and unusual feeling for a mobile game. nine0007


iOS, Android

The Devolver Digital is home to big experts in retro games: had the Witcheye come out 30 years ago, it would have honored both the Super NES and the Sega Mega Drive . Although, of course, the real pleasure from it can only be obtained on the touch screen. The fact is that this is a side-scroller where we play as a flying witch’s eye. You need to control it with the help of swipes (they set the direction of flight) and taps (to stop the movement). At the same time, the eye does not shoot anything, but it bounces off obstacles. The result is a combination of ping pong, billiards and some Space Shooter . A very interesting combination, I must say.

Yes, the game swings for a long time and does not put all the cards on the table right away. However, it is worth overcoming the overly easy first half, as you understand: Witcheye is much deeper than it seems at first glance. Here there was a place for a variety of enemies, and original bosses, and a real kaleidoscope of game situations — everything that makes this game, if not great, then certainly original and worthy of attention. nine0007

AI Dungeon

iOS, Android

The strangest game in this collection — and perhaps in the world in general. The fact is that AI Dungeon is a text adventure that is completely invented for us by artificial intelligence. Not a text quest, not a text RPG, namely adventure , because there are no rules for AI. He creates the world, describes the events taking place in it, allows us to somehow react to them, develops history based on our words and actions. No role-playing system, inventory, character generation and laws in general. Whatever goes into the mind of an electronic dungeon master will happen. nine0007

Yes, sometimes these stories without beginning or end are more like the texts of the Neural Defense group than they are intelligible plots. Sometimes in computer brains, the balls go behind the rollers. From time to time, the narrator begins to give out schizophasic nonsense or simply fail. As a matter of fact, he is not even able to set any special goal for the player: our task here is to entertain ourselves on our own in any desired setting and according to whatever laws. It turns out an automated super-sandbox, which is controlled by a neural network. Here it is, cyberpunk. nine0007

Very Little Nightmares

iOS, Android

Games from the series Little Nightmares have always been, maybe not the most terrible, but extremely cute and atmospheric horror. Formally, the dilogy for «large» platforms can be called platformers, although in fact they are more like puzzles, albeit in real time. It is not surprising that the mobile version has completely switched to the puzzle format, but at the same time it has not lost any style, charm or atmosphere. nine0007

Plot Very Little Nightmares precedes the story of the first part, only instead of the underwater Womb there is a creepy mansion Nest, instead of a side view — a cartoonish isometry, broken into cells, and instead of the Sixth — a Girl in a yellow raincoat. There is no point in talking about all this in detail — just know that Very Little Nightmares is worth every ruble spent on it.


iOS, Android

The best way to scare is to transfer the nightmare from the virtual world to the real one. When you yourself are not sure where the game ends and life begins, it is much easier to feel the atmosphere of horror. nine0003 Simulacra does this in the simplest way: it replaces the player’s smartphone with the game character’s smartphone. This is an ordinary mobile phone found on the street: you can climb into the gallery, read your mail and even chat in chat rooms. It seems to be nothing special, but the content of photos, videos, letters and dialogues is as if it was taken from some kind of creepy thread on an anonymous imageboard. And it really does work! But only in the case of the mobile version: if you play on a PC, there will be no immersion effect, and you will get just an amateur indie craft, of which there are millions on the Internet. nine0007

Well, if you don’t want to pay for anything, try a free spin-off titled Pipe Dreams : you will understand what you can expect from the gameplay. Here is a new story, a smartphone and heroes, but the essence is the same — although the atmosphere has already become more comical than scary.



Simon Foreman is a «doctor» of astrology who lives in Shakespearean England of the 16th century. Based on the movement of cosmic bodies, he is able to cure plague and flatulence, reunite lovers, and even find a missing cake. Naturally, such talent should serve people! Yes, that’s bad luck: he has talent, but no license, so the astrologer faces the death penalty. To avoid it, you need to help those in need and collect feedback from satisfied customers. In total, there are a dozen and a half visitors, and each has its own problems and its own story, which will develop from session to session. Sufferers will come, share their troubles, and our task is to randomly choose one of the heavenly signs and somehow explain to the visitor its meaning. All this is absolutely meaningless, but fun — and for the sake of fun, such games are needed. Especially since it looks and sounds Astrologaster is quite up to par. Just get ready for difficult English: Monty Python’s chatter is just the whole point here.

Ryan North’s To Be Or Not To Be

iOS, Android

Another humorous variation of Shakespeare — this time closer to the text . .. but perhaps just a little. This is a classic choose your own adventure, so classic that Ryan North’s To Be Or Not To Be has is not only a mobile or computer, but also a printed version. However, the main thing in «books-games» is not at all gameplay mechanics (they may not be here at all), but, of course, the quality of the text. And with him, the project definitely has no problems, because here Hamlet has become not only comic, but also non-linear — and offers dozens of options for the development of events. Of course, you can complete the game as the Prince of Denmark, following the source as closely as possible. But it’s much more fun to choose Hamlet Sr. and die on the first page… so that next time you can play as Ophelia and devote yourself to scientific experiments. nine0007

The Sailor’s Dream


The first experience with The Sailor’s Dream resembles the first experience with Myst : everything is very beautiful, very calm, very leisurely. The Swedes from Simogo have again made an absolutely fantastic game with a minimum of technology, a completely indescribable picture and a truly artistic sound design. The Sailor’s Dream does not require anything from the player, does not drive him anywhere, does not set any specific tasks or goals for him, does not challenge him. We just watch, just listen, just explore the mysterious islands somewhere in the ocean and just relax. This game is just a sailor’s dream. And that’s enough for her. nine0007

A Blind Legend

iOS, Android

Not so long ago I wrote about how, what and what people with disabilities play. Then I mentioned A Blind Legend , but I did not go into details — and very in vain, because it is really good. This is the rare case when there are no graphics at all in the game: all information here is exclusively audio. Unless some kind of fog swirls on the screen, which lights up with flashes during successful attacks. But, most importantly, this is quite enough to create an exciting fantasy adventure! nine0007

The protagonist is a blind knight who, together with his daughter, is looking for his kidnapped wife. No narrator is provided here (except for rare tooltips). We perceive everything that happens in the same way as our character does, that is, by ear — and the sound design here is one of the best in the history of video games in general. The voices of people, the noise of the wind, the chirping of insects — millions of background sounds create a complete, clear and vivid picture of what is happening, which does not require any visual addition. It is enough to close your eyes and put on good headphones … if you understand English or French well, of course. For obvious reasons, the game does not have a Russian version. nine0007


iOS, Android

Video games have always gone hand in hand with comics: remember at least the hit 16-bit Comix Zone , at least the interactive series Telltale Games . At first glance, Framed really does vaguely resemble Comix Zone in style. Only visually, this is no longer a mainstream superhero, but rather a noir spy thriller, and in terms of gameplay, it’s not a beat ‘em up, but a puzzle. And unique in its own way — and smartly working on the touch screen. Before us unfolds a story made in the format of a graphic novel, there is only one problem: the panels in it are mixed up, and we must arrange them in the correct order. This allows Framed to create a variety of situations: it has a place for stealth, platforming, and action. The second part, by the way, was no worse. nine0007

As you can see, there is life outside of Subway Surfers , Homescapes and Candy Crush Saga . Smartphones and tablets, with all their limitations, are able to give a truly new gaming experience: thanks to touchscreens, all kinds of sensors and absolute portability. As a result, there are so many unusual mobile games that I probably missed some. Which of the noteworthy projects worth mentioning in this material? Feel free to tell in the comments! nine0007

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Offline Android games: the best offline games for Android

With the massive spread of smartphones, modern gamers have the opportunity to play high-quality and interesting games anywhere and anytime. Unfortunately, many mobile projects require a connection to the Global Network for their work, which slightly limits the possibilities of players, so we decided to compile the TOP Android games available without the Internet. nine0007

But you have to pay for everything one way or another, and the lack of constant advertising makes studios look for other ways to monetize. Therefore, not all projects included in the TOP offline games on Android are available to gamers for free.

Monument Valley 1, 2

This puzzle adventure duology with cute polygonal graphics takes gamers on an exciting journey through a world where the laws of nature can be very different from what we are used to. The space here takes on bizarre shapes, and in order to move on, the player will have to actively use the imagination and learn to distinguish between illusion and truth. nine0007

The plot of the first part tells about the adventures of a princess, while in the sequel we have to control two characters at once (mother and daughter), which significantly complements the gameplay.

Monument ValleyMonument Valley 2


Square Enix Montreal’s debut work on the mobile offline gaming market boasts not only the use of the legendary Agent 47 skin, but also thoughtful location design and addictive gameplay. You have to complete tasks like killing targets or infiltrating protected areas. To do this, you will have to carefully think over the movements and actions of the Agent in turn-based mode and avoid encounters with opponents. A unique feature of the project is graphics stylized as dioramas with plastic miniatures. nine0007

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Lara Croft GO

Explore mysterious tombs, solve intricate puzzles and help the brave Lara Croft avoid deadly dangers in this mobile adaptation of the legendary franchise. As a reward for successfully completing levels, you will receive not only valuable artifacts, but also unique costumes for your heroine. Unhurried turn-based gameplay and offline mode allow you to fully concentrate on solving puzzles and play only when it suits you. nine0007


Deus Ex GO

This game was created by the same company Square Enix Montreal as 2 other similar projects from our TOP offline games for Android, so here we are waiting for about the same basic gameplay as in mobile versions of adventures Agent 47 and Lara Croft. The saturation of levels with opponents has become even higher, and in addition to guards and traps, we will also be confronted by computer security systems. And the timer added to the game, which limits the time allotted for solving problems, makes the gameplay much more dynamic. nine0007

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Alien: Blackout

Help the crew of a space station survive an invasion by a deadly xenomorph in this atmospheric horror game for mobile platforms. Available resources are very limited, so you need to properly plan the inclusion of security systems and manage the actions of each of your subordinates. In a direct encounter, you have no chance against the Alien, so the key to success will be the ability to track his movements and avoid meeting him for as long as possible. nine0007

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Kingdom Rush

In this classic Tower Defense you have to go to a fantasy universe and help the forces of Good to win back the territories conquered by evil orcs, demons and necromancers. In addition to a set of different towers, you will have brave heroes at your disposal, each of which has unique abilities. To deal with the superior enemy forces, you will need to correctly place defensive towers and learn how to use their active and passive abilities. nine0007


Rayman Adventure

The mobile re-release of the legendary platformer is in no way inferior to the original in terms of the quality of the gameplay, the amount of content, or the graphics. The game boasts a huge variety of available characters (over 55), a large number of levels (about 200) with a variety of designs (from medieval castles to lava fields) and an extensive bestiary.

As a reward for successfully completing levels, you will receive Incrediballs — unique living creatures with useful abilities that can help you with finding secrets, passing traps and fighting. Another advantage of the game is that it is completely free and works perfectly without the Internet. nine0007


LONEWOLF – a Sniper Story

In this neo-noir sniper simulator, you not only have to complete missions to stealthily eliminate a variety of targets, but also unravel the mysterious history of your character’s past. From other similar projects, the game is distinguished by nice graphics, a wide variety of available weapon models and stylish plot scenes, made in the form of hand-drawn comics.



This atmospheric black-and-white platformer was a revelation for PC gamers in its time, and is now available as a mobile adaptation. The gameplay and graphics of the mobile version are no different from the original, and thanks to the fact that you can play Limbo offline, nothing will distract you from the fascinating and slightly frightening story that this game tells. nine0007

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Cover Fire

In this realistic tactical shooter, you will lead a team of professionals involved in counter-terrorism operations around the world. Your subordinates will have unique skills that will allow you to cope with complex security systems and eliminate opponents from a long distance with accurate sniper fire. Successfully completing missions will give you access to more advanced models of weapons and equipment, which you can use not only in the story campaign, but also in other game modes such as zombie mod or sniper competition. nine0007


Soul Knight

This action-packed action game combines the style of console retro RPGs like the first installments of the Final Fintasy franchise with typical Bullet Hell gameplay. Trying to restore the balance of the world, you have to clear many dungeons from the forces of evil, avoiding the magical charges that your opponents launch. With a wide variety of characters and equipment, as well as procedural level generation, each new playthrough of the game will be truly unique. nine0007


Ancient Planet Tower Defense Offline

In this sci-fi tower defense game you have to defend your base on a remote planet from hordes of enemies. At the same time, unlike many similar projects, you can place defensive towers not in specially designated places, but anywhere on the playing field, which gives a huge scope for tactical imagination. A competent improvement of individual types of towers and the base itself will allow you to choose the most appropriate strategy for each specific level. nine0007


Fall of the Vampires Origins

This tactical RPG is very different from anything we’re used to seeing in mobile games. There is no notorious energy counter or typical mobile combat with dull enemy calls or boring auto-battles. Instead, a real atmospheric RPG awaits you, similar to those projects that we are used to seeing on PC and consoles. The game boasts a huge open world, an interesting fantasy story and the ability to make difficult moral decisions, playing a positive or negative character. nine0007


Defense Zone 3 HD

In this futuristic top-down tower defense game, you have to defend your base from invading enemies. To destroy them, you can use various turrets and active abilities. The key to success, as always, will be the correct placement of turrets, the choice of the most well-matched update branches and the use of abilities exactly at the moment when they will be most useful.



A classic match-3 puzzle game that lets gamers take part in the renovation of an ancient mansion and surrounding properties. As a reward for completing each of the levels, you will receive a choice of one of the interior items that you can place in one of the many rooms. From time to time, online events are held in the game, allowing you to get unique decor, but in general it is fully playable even without the Internet.


Into the Dead 2

Survive the zombie apocalypse in this dynamic and spectacular mobile shooter. Every day is fraught with new threats, and the only hope for survival is the constant movement in search of new resources and opportunities. A faithful dog will become a travel companion, able to significantly help in battles. The game boasts beautiful graphics and a huge selection of weapons available. You can replenish your arsenal in daily events and through the story campaign.


Nonstop Knight

This project belongs to the clicker genre, which peaked in popularity in the last few years. In 2020, such games are no longer as relevant as they used to be, but Nonstop Knight will noticeably stand out from a number of similar projects, so it deserves to be included in our list. The game features a huge amount of content — you can not only upgrade your hero and get improved gear for him, but also get pets. In addition, unlike other clickers, you can always see the adventures of your character live — the progress in the game is designed as clearing a huge dungeon in the spirit of classic RPGs. nine0007


Blazing Sniper

In this mobile shooter you have to fight hordes of zombies and human traitors to give humanity hope for survival. To win missions, you will have to actively use cover and carefully aim at each of the opponents. Despite not too modern graphics, the game boasts a wide variety of weapons and levels and dynamic gameplay.


Dungeon Cards

An exciting hybrid of the classic roguelike, puzzle and card game, gamers are invited to explore mysterious dungeons full of monsters and treasures. The playing field here consists of 9kart. One of them is your character, and around him, after each move, environment maps are procedurally generated, among which there are opponents, traps, treasures, healers and other items. Your task is to survive and collect as much gold as possible.


Space Marshals 2

The style of the space western that made Firefly famous in its time is still rare in games, especially mobile ones. Space Marshals 2 is a worthy exception to this rule. Here we have to go to the most remote backyards of the galaxy and bring to justice the most notorious space thugs. In terms of gameplay, the project is a classic top-down shooter with the ability to play in stealth mode. nine0007


Skull Towers

In this fantasy tower defense game, you can not only place towers around your base to wait for a wave of enemies, but also go to battle personally, armed with a trusty bow. This combination of classic TD with a shooter takes the best of both genres and gives gamers an absolutely unique gameplay that distinguishes the project from many similar TD and action games.


N.O.V.A. — Legacy

Sequel to one of the best sci-fi mobile shooters allows gamers not only to participate in dynamic online PvP battles, but also to go through a story campaign consisting of 19saturated levels. Moreover, unlike battles against other players, battles with bots are available here even without the Internet. The game also boasts a huge arsenal of weapons, unique characters and stylish futuristic graphics.


Alto’s Odyssey

You won’t find a more atmospheric and relaxing game than Alto’s Odyssey on Google Play. In this action-adventure simulation game, you’ll ride a wooden board through endless deserts and abandoned civilizations, performing spectacular one-tap stunts and enjoying soothing music and stunning background scenery. Not only does it not require an Internet connection, but there is also no donation, and the game itself is free — we think these arguments are enough for you to pay attention to the project. nine0007



Eternium will let you remember the classic Action/RPGs that were completed on old computers, or touch this exciting gameplay. And indeed, everything is classic here: we create a hero and go on adventures in a fantasy world, pumping along the way, putting on better equipment, fighting monsters and going through one story task after another. It is worth noting the spell system, which involves drawing magical signs on the screen. nine0007

If some online features are excluded (which does not affect the gameplay in any way), then Eternium can be completely played without the Internet.


West Gunfighter

A cowboy hat, a revolver and a loyal steed will be your allies in West Gunfighter, an action-packed action game that brings you into the Wild West atmosphere. Freedom of action allows you to embody any story — it is not necessary to be a good cowboy that catches criminals, because no one bothers to become a legendary bandit who kills the innocent. nine0007

The game also boasts a variety of locations, an abundance of weapons, story and secondary tasks and themed mini-games. If you were looking for a GTA in the spirit of the Wild West, or this topic interests you at least, then you should not pass by West Gunfighter.


Ninja Arashi

In Ninja Arashi, a stylish 2D platform game, you play as the shadow ninja Arashi who challenged the devil Orochi himself to get his son back. The path of revenge consists of 45 levels of varying difficulty, where you will find non-obvious traps, battles with enemies and interesting puzzles. nine0007

The game is worth paying attention to for its addictive gameplay with RPG elements, excellent atmosphere and the fact that such a mini-masterpiece is available for free and without the need for an Internet connection.


Ludo King

You don’t have to be connected to the Internet to play a mobile game with your friends — a black mirror can be a substitute for a real board game, and it’s always nice to get together with friends in one place. There are many such projects, and we recommend paying attention to Ludo King, which was created based on the foreign board game of the same name, which is thousands of years old. Haven’t heard of this one? Then this is a great opportunity to broaden your horizons, because the game is considered a real classic in Europe and India. nine0007

Ludo King has fairly simple rules that players of all ages can easily master, while the digital version offers several modes and themes to choose from.