Nintendo 3ds ohne netzteil: Ich habe mir gerade ein Nintendo 3DS XL-System gekauft, aber es war kein Netzteil dabei. Wo bekomme ich eins? | Nintendo 3DS und Nintendo 2DS | Hilfe

New Nintendo 3DS: Wieso wieder ohne Ladekabel?

Schon beim Vorgänger Nintendo 3DS XL sorgte die Tatsache, dass die Konsolen ohne nötiges Ladekabel ausgeliefert werden, für Unverständnis und Ärger bei den Kunden. Nicht selten standen unwissende Käufer zuhause und wunderten sich, wo denn das Ladekabel ist. Zwar steht es eigentlich nicht gerade unauffällig auf der Verpackung, dass dieses extra gekauft werden muss, aber im Eifer des Gefechts und der puren Vorfreude auf das Gerät, kann dieser Hinweis schon mal übersehen werden. Beim letzte Woche für Europa mit einem Release-Termin versehenen New Nintendo 3DS werden wir wieder das gleiche Spiel erleben. Der kleinere New Nintendo 3DS, als auch die XL Variante werden nur ohne Ladekabel erhältlich sein.

Aber wieso ist das so? Die Begründung ist genau so einfach, wie auch logisch. Seit dem Nintendo DSi von 2009 haben sich die Ladekabel nicht mehr verändert. Das heißt, wenn man noch ein Ladekabel einer der Vorgänger-Handhelds bis zum Nintendo DSi zu Hause liegen hat, dann kann man dieses auch für den New Nintendo 3DS verwenden. Das gilt für die Ladekabel vom Nintendo DSi, Nintendo DSi XL, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL und dem Nintendo 2DS.

“Anstelle die Kosten des New 3DS zu erhöhen, in dem man Konsumenten für eine Komponente zahlen lässt, die sie vielleicht schon besitzen, geben wir ihnen die Option nur einen AC-Adapter zu kaufen, wenn sie einen brauchen” – Nintendo

Neben der Kostensenkung für den Endkunden, wird durch diese Maßnahme auch die Umwelt entlastet. Anstatt zu jeder New Nintendo 3DS ein Ladekabel beizulegen und, weil es womöglich gar nicht genutzt wird, unnötigen Elektroschrott zu produzieren, müssen weitaus weniger einzelne Ladekabel produziert und in den Handel gebracht werden. Sollte man dennoch eins brauchen, weil man keine der Vorgänger-Handhelds besitzt oder das Ladekabel nicht mehr aufzufinden ist, muss man auch nicht wirklich tief in die Tasche greifen. So ist das Original-Ladekabel von Nintendo für 7,99 Euro bei erhältlich.

Man sollte allerdings darauf achten, dass man wirklich ein von Nintendo lizensiertes Ladekabel kauft, da ansonsten die Hersteller-Garantie erlischt, sofern der vorliegende Defekt auf das nicht originale Ladekabel zurück zu führen ist. Auf der Internetseite von Nintendo heißt es wie folgt:

„Bitte beachten Sie, dass Austausch-Ladegeräte oder -Netzteile Nintendos strenge und sorgfältige Qualitätskontrolle nicht durchlaufen haben. Das heißt zwar nicht notwendigerweise, dass das Ladegerät ein Sicherheitsrisiko darstellt, bedeutet jedoch, dass das betreffende Ladegerät nicht Nintendos Sicherheitsprüfungen unterzogen wurde. Bitte behalten Sie im Hinterkopf, dass Nintendos Herstellergewährleistung keine Schäden umfasst, die durch oder in Verbindung mit Ladegeräten oder Netzteilen von Drittherstellern entstanden sind.“ – Nintendo

Also lieber ein oder zwei Euro mehr ausgeben und zum Nintendo-Ladekabel, anstatt zu dem billigen aus China greifen.

Nintendo 3ds xl — kein Ladekabel dabei. Wieso? (Kabel)

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  • Nintendo
  • Kabel
  • Hallo 🙂 Beim Nintendo 3ds xl ist das Ladekabel in der Packung nicht inbegriffen und man muss es für 10 Euro noch zusätzlich kaufen. Wieso? Ich mein, die könnten den Preis doch auch einfach auf den Preis des DS rechnen und es so verkaufen, aber doch nicht einzeln. Lg

    2 Antworten

    Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


    im Thema Nintendo

    28.12.2014, 16:23

    Im 3Ds Xl ist keins inbegriffen, im normalen 3Ds schon, da der Xl hauptsächlich mit dem Hintergedanken entwickelt wurde für überzeugte 3Ds Nutzer eine etwas bessere Version zu bieten (die dann das Ladekabel natürlich schon haben). Wenn ein Ladekabel dabei wäre, wäre der Xl auch nochmal um 10€ teurer.


    28. 12.2014, 11:54

    Bei mir War einer dabei ließ was auf der Packung steht und wenn dort steht das eins dabei ist und du die Rechnung hast geh zum laden zurück

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    Danke, für alle Antworten

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    Danke für Eure Antworten schon mal im Vorraus 🙂 würde mich freuen wenn ihr eure Quellen verlinkt 🙂

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    Würde mich über Antwort freuen!

    LG Elisa

    . ..zur Frage

    Nintendo 3DS in 2021

    Still life: «Sewn Nintendo 3DS LL and so far the only cartridge in my collection»

    19 293

    Ahoy, filibusters. In this article, I decided to tell you about those games that, in my opinion, are worth buying 3ds for yourself. This is not some personal top bestseller, but just a list of games that are interesting to me personally. Also, this list can help those who are thinking about acquiring this curious device, but do not know why exactly. Or for those who have heard something about hits and classics, but with Nintendo so far on «you». First, it’s probably worth mentioning console revisions, because there were quite a few of them.


    It is easy for an ignorant person to get confused in them. I personally saw on YouTube the history of Nintendo portable consoles from some kind of supermind, so he went in chronological order first Nintendo DS, then 2DS, and then he got to 3DS. I’ll start in order.

    1) Nintendo 3DS. For clarity, they call it Old 3DS, it was released in 2011.

    2) Nintendo 3DS XL (LL in Japan) — the same old 3DS, but with larger dimensions. There is still no second stick and NFC module, you need to buy it separately. I have this exact model.

    3) Nintendo 2DS. Cheaper version without 3d effect. The only revision that has the form of a monoblock. Despite the fact that only the lazy didn’t eat over this shovel, such a design has the right to exist as a console for young children.

    4) New Nintendo 3DS and New Nintendo 3DS XL are significantly improved versions of oldies. There are additional ZL and ZR buttons, a second stick and a built-in NFC module for Amiibo figures. They also turned out to be more powerful than their older brothers, which is why games appeared that are compatible only with new models.

    5) New Nintendo 2DS XL. The latest revision of the 3DS family. The same as New N3DS XL, but without the 3D effect, which made it possible to reduce the cost.

    Is the 3D effect worth paying extra for? Well, it has its advantages, namely:

    • Generation of 3D images by the console itself without any additional accessories such as glasses.
    • Quite believable 3d. Some games are much easier to play with.
    • Ability to turn the effect on and off at any time.

    But there were also disadvantages:

    • Eyes need some getting used to.
    • You need to look at the 3D picture at the right angle, otherwise the effect is lost.
    • This infection quickly drains the battery.

    Is this a gimmick or a killer feature? Decide for yourself. Well, now let’s move on to the games.

    Super Mario 3D Land

    I’ll start with the titles of Nintendo itself. Before us is Super Mario 3D Land — the younger brother of Super Mario 3D World on WiiU. A high-quality, bright, colorful, sometimes shitty platformer, especially on super-worlds. It will be a good experience for those who played mario only on a dandy in their early childhood.

    New Super Mario Bros 2

    Representative of the New SMB line, second part. If those who criticize Nintendo for churning out the same Mario games over and over knew what they were talking about, they would cite the New SMB series as an argument, where there were very few changes from part to part. And yet, this is quite a suitable 2.5d platformer with polished mechanics.

    The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

    Top-down classic Zelda with a heavy focus on exploration and puzzle-solving, the sequel to A Link to the Past. The evil sorcerer of the South is obsessed with beauty and turns princesses he likes into paintings for his personal collection. He also turns into a picture of Link, who got in his way, but Link, using Princess Zelda’s bracelet, can travel between two-dimensional and three-dimensional worlds, which is what most of the puzzles in this game are based on. From the innovations — Link has a special scale of energy spent on turning into a picture and using auxiliary items. Also, most of the items can be obtained at the very beginning of the game, but these items can only be rented. After death, they will have to be rented again, which somewhat knocks down the ardor. In short, the game is crazy, I can’t wait for the cartridge to arrive.

    On the 3DS, by the way, there was some anomalous amount of zeldas, even more than mario games — Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask ported from N64, Hyrule Warriors Legends musou and cooperative Tri Force Heroes. The expanse is straight.

    Mario Kart 7

    Legendary kart racing. The mechanics is simple to disgrace — choose the character you like, put it in a tarantass and go to the track — catch bonuses and put tricks on other such illegal racers. There is nothing more pleasant than to load a kupa shell right in the ass of the finalist, who is already scratching to the finish line, anticipating victory. Mario Kart 7 reveals itself when playing online, which can be difficult in the current difficult time for the 3DS, but you can kill yourself on local. To do this, you just need two consoles, two copies of the game and one more friend bombing nearby. But that won’t stop you, will it?

    Metroid Samus Returns

    A remake of the second part of the Metroid series, which was released on the very first Game Boy. Here, the brave bounty hunter Samus Aran, realizing the danger posed by the metroids, goes to the planet SR388 to completely exterminate these mysterious creatures. On the planet itself, Samus finds suspiciously familiar technologies from the vanished Chozo race (these are bird-like creatures that sheltered little Samus when she was orphaned. Her yellow suit is their job, such business).

    Overall, this is not the best metroid of the licensed parts, but it is definitely a worthwhile game for the Nintendo 3DS. I recommend looking at the review of Rusyaich, he laid out everything in detail there.

    Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

    The famous skit fighting game featuring well-known Nintendo and not only characters. In what other game is it possible, playing as Pac-Man, to clean the snout of Sonic, Bowser or Captain Falcon? In another SSB, yes, that’s right. The mechanics of the brawler is reminiscent of a sumo match — the main task is not to beat the enemy to a pulp, but to throw him out of the arena to hell. No violence, nudity and dismemberment — just pure unfiltered fun.

    Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

    The same game where without 3d it will be hard. We play as Toad — Mario’s old sidekick. Just like the Italian plumber, Toad has to go on an epic journey to save his girlfriend Toadette… and it consists of solving isometric puzzles. In general, such puzzles were found in Super Mario 3D World and 3D Land, but infrequently, here the whole game is built on them. And this is one of the best puzzle games on the platform.

    Resident Evil: Revelations

    «Why are you giving me some childish bullshit, I want blood, swearing, murder and naked boobs!» — Okay, big guy, you heard. Released in 2012, Revelations remained a very serious reason to buy a console for another year. Then, of course, a port to all current platforms and all that. Probably in vain I bought it at one time and went on the PC, because it looks great on 3DS Revelations. Where soapy textures, small locations and long reloads are visible on PC and HD consoles, you don’t notice anything on the portable. In general, I thought that I would suffer without a second stick, but the game is quite passable without it. There is a quick 180-degree turn, grenades, the ability to walk while aiming (which can still be switched to a first or third person view), in short — complete stuffing. If you were looking for a game that would squeeze all the juice out of a not very powerful 3DS, then here it is.

    Bonus point for staring at Jill’s sandwich in 3d.

    Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D

    In general, this is the «Mercenaries» mode from the original parts of Biohazard, released on a separate cartridge. For those who are not in the know, this is a mode that usually opens after beating the game. We choose a character, weapons, skills, go from point A to point B, kill everything that moves and all this for a while. Very short, repetitive and lopsided, but a hell of a fun mode. Especially for those who, for some reason, get high from the combat of biohazards of the 4-5 part sample. Cartridge number 3 in my collection.

    Ridge Racer 3D

    So arcade racing rolled up. High speed, wild drive on the track, and most importantly — a good drift. One thing is bad — Eurobeat was not brought into the game. Although, I kind of saw on reddit some kind of mod on this topic …

    Heroes of Ruin

    The only representative of the diablo-like action rpg on the console. For those familiar with the genre, there is no need to explain anything — we swing, collect loot, bring down monsters, complete quests. All collected loot can be sold in exchange for gold directly from the backpack, even in the middle of the battle, which looks strange, but convenient. The camera behaves a little unusual — it is not static and rotates depending on the character’s movement around the location. The game is damn rare — I never found it for sale for sane money.

    Castlevania: Lords of Shadow — Mirror of Fate

    Part of the Lords of Shadow series and plot bridge between the first and second parts. You can play without knowing the lore of these games, since the game has all the exposition necessary to understand the plot.

    Combat is easy to learn, bosses are simple, puzzles make you think and move at the same time. The plot here is quite dramatic, despite the slightly crap cel-shading cutscenes. They let you steer as many as three characters (Gabriel Belmont does not count, he was only in the prologue), but what is especially nice is that progress is not reset when changing the hero at the end of each act, i. e. no need to download them again.

    The game came out in the spring of 2013, and in the fall of that year it moved to HD consoles and then PC, so it doesn’t make much sense to buy it on the 3DS. But the game is still cool and worth playing on the piece of iron for which it was developed.


    Well, that’s probably all I wanted to tell you about the 3DS. There are other games that I haven’t played that look interesting — Luigi’s Mansion 2, Kid Icarus Uprising, Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, Batman Arkham Origins: Blackgate and others. But I haven’t gotten to them yet, so maybe there will be material for the next article.

    Thank you.

    P.S.: screenshots are already in low resolution, and then dtf jackals them for some reason.

    FAQ for firmware — Hack 3DS

    If you found this guide helpful or just liked it, we are accepting donations.

    For hacking and manual inquiries please click here.

    A torrent client such as Deluge is required to use the magnet links in this guide
    To work with format 9 files0146 .7z , .zip , .rar use an archiver like 7-Zip.

    Agree to replace files upon request unless otherwise noted. If the guide says to copy something to a folder, but there is no such folder on your SD card — create it!
    All manipulations in the manual are made with the console’s memory card, unless otherwise stated!

    This is a firmware FAQ that answers questions you will probably have after hacking. If you haven’t started hacking yet, check out the FAQ for non-flashed ones.

    Q: It doesn’t work for me

    A: Look for a solution here

    Q: How can I put a larger card in the set-top box?

    A: Format the new card, then simply copy ALL data from the old card to the new one.

    Q: Can I update the system software on a flashed console?

    A: Yes

    Q: How do I update Luma3DS?

    A: Follow the instructions on the link.

    Q: How do I install games and applications?

    A: Follow the instructions on the link.

    Q: Can I play games from another region?

    A: Yes, you can. Luma is patched to run games in any region. No, they won’t get banned for it.

    Q: Can I run DS games?

    A: Yes, you can, using a special flash cartridge, such as R4 or equivalent. From internal memory, you can use TWiLightMenu++ and nds-bootstrap

    Q: Will R4 or its equivalent run on my console?

    A: Try it yourself. If it does not start, follow the instructions on the link

    Q: How to make a backup?

    A: Follow the instructions on the link.

    Q: How to restore a backup?

    A: Follow the instructions on the link.

    Q: Can I download games from eShop?

    A: Yes. They won’t get banned. On a hacked console, you can do everything that you can do on a non-hacked one, even buy games.

    Q: How do I install 3DS games on my console?

    A: First you need to convert them to CIA. How to do this is described here.

    Q: How do I transfer my saves from Gateway to my console for installed games?

    About: Check out this resource

    Q: Will Nintendo ban me?

    A: Sooner or later — banned. To avoid this, never enable wifi on the console. But if you do not turn it on, then what difference does it make to you whether you are banned or not? 🙂

    Q: How to unban?

    About : Here is the instruction to unban

    Q: Where can I get LocalFriendcodeSeed_B?

    About : Google it. Here I am not your assistant

    Q: How to return the prefix to the factory state?

    A: Follow the instructions on the link.

    Q: Is it possible to remove the update notification at startup?

    A: Yes, for this you need to enter the recovery with WiFi enabled (+++ when loading the set-top box) and when prompted to update the firmware, click “Cancel” (this will delete the update file already downloaded), after which the set-top box will turn off. Then, so that the console does not check for updates in the future, register in the DNS settings of the active connection and . IMPORTANT: Changes to DNS may cause problems accessing the eShop!

    Q: How can I launch the game in Russian on a console without the Russian language in the settings?

    A: Follow the instructions on the link.

    Q: I already have arm9loaderhax, do I need to upgrade to b9s?

    A: Yes. All modern programs work only on b9s

    Q: How do I migrate from a9lh to boot9strap?

    O : Upgrading from a9lh to b9s

    Q: How do I update boot9strap?

    About : Updating b9s

    Q: I have rxtools/cakeCFW/etc, how do I upgrade to b9s?

    About : All firmware using menuhax is morally obsolete and is not considered a full-fledged hack by today’s standards. First of all, because they use high-level vulnerabilities and simply redirect NAND read calls to the memory card to the section with EmuNAND.

    Modern firmware is done differently. They intercept control at the lowest level — at the bootloader level and make it possible to use real custom firmware.

    Yes, and all this is done very simply.

    If you want to upgrade to Luma3DS and modern hacking methods, just keep in mind the simple fact that your console is not actually hacked. Ignore the name of your custom, ignore the presence of an emunand. Just boot into SysNAND and follow the guide.

    At some point, you will be prompted to migrate your existing EmuNAND to SysNAND. As a result, you will get a modern firmware with a modern non-flying hack, located in SysNAND. More places on the map will increase.

    Q: I updated my Luma3DS via the Luma3DS Updater and now the box won’t turn on. The blue diode lights up and goes out.

    A: Please refer to the Troubleshooting section

    Q: How fast is WiFi hopping?

    A: Old3DS and 2DS average 600-800 kbps, New average 1.5-2 mbps. Regardless of the memory card and its class. Everything rests on the data bus and the WiFi module.

    Q: I have lost all data on my SD card. What needs to be done to restore functionality?

    A: Use this guide

    Q: Can I delete the NNID without formatting the device?

    A: Yes, read here.