Ni no kuni 2 alle talente: Ni No Kuni 2: Alle Talente

Ni no Kuni 2 Tipps: So verwaltet ihr euer Königreich Minapolis

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Ni No Kuni 2 — Spezialaufträge Fundorte & Lösungen (PS4)

Seiten des Artikels  


Die Spezialaufträge sind der Schlüssel zu neuen Talenten und sie versprechen wertvolle Belohnungen. Außerdem findet ihr dort viele Besessene Monster und Partituren. Unser Guide verrät euch die Fundorte der Nebenquests und mögliche Lösungswege für die Aufgaben.

Die Spezialaufträge in Ni No Kuni 2 — Schicksal eines Königs sind optionale Nebenquests, die ihr hauptsächlich zum Freischalten neuer Talente für euer Königreich abschließen müsst. Auch die Jagd auf Besessene Monster führt zwangsläufig zu den Spezialaufträgen, da ein Teil der Monster nur dort zu finden ist.

Mit Beginn des vierten Kapitels werden die Spezialaufträge verfügbar, ab diesem Zeitpunkt könnt ihr die Aufträge von Bewohnern erhalten. Anfangs ist die Anzahl der Nebenquests noch überschaubar, mit zunehmendem Spielfortschritt könnt ihr dann insgesamt 175 Spezialaufträge absolvieren.

Inhalt des Guides

  1. Aufgaben in den Spezialaufträgen
  2. Talente und andere Belohnungen
  3. Nebenquests freischalten
  4. Trophäen
  5. Fundorte und Lösungen der Spezialaufträge

Aufgaben in den Spezialaufträgen

Die ersten Aufträge sind leicht zu erledigen und auch im weiteren Spielverlauf erhaltet ihr immer wieder Jobs, die sich schnell absolvieren lassen. Diese einfachen Lieferquests machen den größten Teil der 175 Spezialaufträge aus. Meistens müsst ihr für eure Auftraggeber bestimmte Gegenstände beschaffen. Einige Nebenquests sind umfangreicher, weil ihr z.B. für die Suche der Gegenstände längere Zeit benötigt.

Neben den Lieferquests gibt es auch Spezialaufträge, bei denen ihr unter anderem Besessene Monster besiegen, Militäreinsätze abschließen oder Gnuffis finden müsst.

Neue Talente und andere Belohnungen in den Nebenquests

Nach jedem abgeschlossenen Spezialauftrag erhaltet ihr nützliche Belohnungen, die ihr unter anderem zur Entwicklung eures Königreiches verwenden könnt. Viele dieser Belohnungen sind auch zum Freischalten einiger Trophäen erforderlich.

Belohnungen Bemerkung
Talente Bewohner für Minapolis, die mit ihren speziellen Fähigkeiten in den Einrichtungen des Königreiches forschen und arbeiten.
Partituren Sammelobjekte für die Trophäe «Komponist».
Gulden Für Waffen, Rüstungen, Zauber-Verbesserungen und zum Kochen von Gnuffis.
Kronen Für neue Einrichtungen, höhere Schloss-Ränge und Boni in den Militäreinsätzen.
Verbesserungen für Minapolis

Verfügbarkeit der Aufträge: So könnt ihr neue Nebenquests freischalten

Die Nebenquests werden in der Regel beim Erreichen neuer Kapitel freigeschaltet. Sobald ihr im Verlauf der Handlung ein Kapitel voranschreitet, erscheinen dabei auch neue Spezialaufträge auf der Karte. Die Fundorte der Nebenquests werden mit blauen Pfeilen oder Symbolen auf der Karte markiert. Auch die Bewohner, von denen ihr Spezialaufträge annehmen könnt, werden optisch hervorgehoben. Das Symbol über dem Kopf solcher Bewohner hat nicht die übliche Farbe, sondern ist blau wie die entsprechenden Questmarker auf der Karte.

Die meisten Nebenquests erscheinen allerdings erst, nachdem ihr das jeweilige Kapitel erreicht und einen oder mehrere andere Spezialaufträge abgeschlossen habt. Ein Beispiel: Die Nebenquest 80 «Frischzellenkur» ist zwar ab Kapitel 7 verfügbar. Bevor sie erscheint, müsst ihr jedoch erst die beiden Spezialaufträge 89 «Die Freuden des Essens» und 104 «Balanceakt» abschließen.

Außerdem gibt es Nebenquests, die ihr beim Buchwalter des Auftrags-Express freischalten müsst. Dafür benötigt ihr jedes Mal eine bestimmte Menge an Treuemünzen.

Sämtliche Spezialaufträge können auch nach Abschluss der Handlung noch absolviert werden, sie sind also nicht verpassbar.


Durch das Absolvieren der Nebenquests schaltet ihr vier Trophäen frei. Eine bekommt ihr gleich nach dem ersten Spezialauftrag, für die anderen drei Trophäen müsst ihr insgesamt zunächst 50, dann 100 und schließlich 150 Aufträge abschließen.

  1. Spezialauftragsazubi
    Schließe deinen ersten Spezialauftrag erfolgreich ab.

  2. Spezialauftragsprofi
    Schließe 50 Spezialaufträge erfolgreich ab.

  3. Spezialauftragsmeister
    Schließe 100 Spezialaufträge erfolgreich ab.

  4. Mr. Spezialauftrag
    Schließe 150 Spezialaufträge erfolgreich ab.

Darüber hinaus sind die Nebenquests indirekt auch zum Freischalten anderer Trophäen erforderlich, weil ihr viele Talente und Partituren nur als Belohnungen für die Aufträge erhaltet und zahlreiche Besessene Monster nur in den Nebenquest zu finden sind:

  1. Talentsucher
    Gewinne ein Talent für Minapolis.

  2. Talentmagnet
    Gewinne 50 Talente für Minapolis.

  3. Beliebter Arbeitgeber
    Gewinne 100 Talente für Minapolis.

  4. Legendärer Jäger
    Besiege 50 besessene Monster.

Alle Spezialaufträge im Detail

Auf den folgenden Seiten erfahrt ihr, wo sich die Auftraggeber der Nebenquests befinden und welche Voraussetzungen erfüllt sein müssen, damit die Aufträge erscheinen. Zu jeder Quest könnt ihr euch auch ein Video mit einem möglichen Lösungsweg anschauen.

  1. Spezialaufträge 1 bis 15
  2. Spezialaufträge 16 bis 30
  3. Spezialaufträge 31 bis 45
  4. Spezialaufträge 46 bis 60
  5. Spezialaufträge 61 bis 75
  6. Spezialaufträge 76 bis 90
  7. Spezialaufträge 91 bis 105
  8. Spezialaufträge 106 bis 120
  9. Spezialaufträge 121 bis 135
  10. Spezialaufträge 136 bis 150
  11. Spezialaufträge 151 bis 165
  12. Spezialaufträge 166 bis 175

Komplette Liste der Nebequests

  1. Tante Marthas Wunderbürste
  2. Ein Traum von 100 Punkten
  3. Ich h-heiße Bo-Boris
  4. Großmutters letzte Ruhe
  5. Birkenstolz
  6. Die behände Schneiderin
  7. Zofe von ganzem Herzen
  8. Die enttäuschte Orakola
  9. Der Omelett-Liebhaber
  10. Der Veteran
  11. Die wortkarge Scharfschützin
  12. Der heitere Rüstungsmacher
  13. Die kleine Lanzenkämpferin
  14. Reisender ohne Gepäck
  15. Hochwertige Rüstung gesucht
  16. Hochwertige Waffe gesucht
  17. Sag’s durch die Schnecke
  18. Der beliebte Zimmermann
  19. Die fürsorgliche Schmiedin
  20. Liebevolle Kindergärtnerin
  21. Der freundliche Schmied
  22. Rotzlöffel auf Streife
  23. Die Leiden des jungen Orakolo
  24. Lehrerin in Gefahr
  25. Tante Marthas großes Mädchen
  26. Verirrt im Dickicht
  27. Ärger im Wald
  28. Ein wahrer Held
  29. Expresslieferung
  30. Mut und Zuversicht
  31. Ilvaars Kriegserklärung
  32. Babygnuffi auf Achse
  33. Gnuffiges Versteckspiel
  34. Militärübung mit Goldorado
  35. Ein Pilz, zwei Pilze, drei…
  36. Aus Alt mach Neu
  37. Fernweh
  38. Sandalenüberdruss
  39. Treter für Matthias
  40. Spit Za und die Edelerbsen
  41. Ein Ring, sie zu binden
  42. Der Geist eines Zimmerers
  43. Der junge Jäger
  44. Das geniale Fischköpfchen
  45. Der ehrgeizige Angler
  46. Der unfreiwillige Frauenheld
  47. Fritz mit dem breiten Lächeln
  48. Die verlorene Stimme
  49. Der Melancholiker
  50. Schicksalhaftes Missverständnis
  51. Skorpias Reifeprüfung
  52. Die kochende Jägerin
  53. Das Dilemma einer Heldin
  54. Der Gärtner im Wald
  55. Süßes Geheimnis
  56. Pilzgefahr
  57. Die Wogen der Liebe
  58. Eine tentaklige Angelegenheit
  59. Am Haken
  60. Mampfsterprobleme
  61. Shrimpränenjagd!
  62. Militärübung mit Quastenfloss
  63. Außen schwarz und innen roh
  64. Notfalltraum
  65. Eine Mutter sein
  66. Der Schussel
  67. Frische Fische für Fritz
  68. Der Fluch der Pfanne
  69. Sörens größter Fan
  70. Eine Frage des Geschmacks
  71. Reisefreiheit für die Aqu
  72. Das Genie
  73. Der eingeschlossene Owen
  74. Die verspätete Lieferung
  75. Man muss ihn einfach mögen
  76. Upgrade für den Schrottkübel
  77. Der Geheimauftrag
  78. Süße Geheimnisse
  79. Ein Herz für die Umwelt
  80. Frischzellenkur
  81. Tapetenwechsel für Josh
  82. Heilende Pfoten
  83. Jäger des verlorenen Beutels
  84. Brüder allein in Quastenfloss
  85. Jobsuche in Mechbaum
  86. Der Spargel und der Schrank
  87. Gibt es die wirklich?
  88. Die Freuden des Essens
  89. Kampf dem Stress!
  90. Fanpost vom Banditenkönig
  91. Gnuffige Langfinger
  92. Freund und Helfer?
  93. Hilfe für Kuz Ha
  94. Hilfe für Bo Xa
  95. Der Faulpelz
  96. Die Meisterschmiedin
  97. Quastenflosser wird flügge
  98. Herzensbrecher wider Willen
  99. Die schüchterne Malerin
  100. Ein Entschluss aus Liebe
  101. Der eifrige Polizist
  102. Magnifique!
  103. Frontfrauen
  104. Balanceakt
  105. Was für ein Theater!
  106. Das Händlergenie
  107. Der dankbare Autor
  108. 1000 Wölfe auf einen Streich
  109. Vergebliche Liebesmüh
  110. Sorge um Dexi
  111. Frisch vom Grill
  112. Schwesterzwist
  113. Die Zukunft der Ernährung
  114. Schraube locker
  115. Das Lied von der Arbeitsmoral
  116. Soßengeheimnis
  117. Stinkstiefel
  118. Minapolis im Fadenkreuz
  119. Der kleine Unterschied
  120. Schmerzhafte Reformen
  121. Ein mutiger Schritt
  122. Der stolze Krieger
  123. Glückliche Fügung
  124. Vergangenheit und Zukunft
  125. Falscher Empfänger
  126. Der Star der Sondereinheit
  127. Pokerface
  128. Der junge Historiker
  129. Das Verkaufsgenie
  130. Die Kraftprobe
  131. Das Rätsel des Ziseleurs
  132. Ein einsames Schwert
  133. Künstlerische Blockade
  134. Es stinkt zum Himmel
  135. Die Hexe von nebenan
  136. Die heitere Bäckerin
  137. Beruf: Lebensversüßerin
  138. Magierin auf Abwegen
  139. Die strebsame Grundbesitzerin
  140. Der exzentrische Schmied
  141. Der besessene Wyrm
  142. Der beste Papa der Welt
  143. Die gibt es wirklich!
  144. Der Preis des Fortschritts
  145. Backfisch für alle
  146. Essenszeit
  147. Showdown mit Ilvaar
  148. Der megacoole Kampfanzug
  149. Sand im Präzisionsbauteil
  150. Unser kleiner Acker
  151. Hauptgewinn
  152. Militärübung mit Katzbuckel
  153. Familienbande
  154. Die Vertrauenskrise
  155. Heimliche Hexereien
  156. Ein Fest für alle Sinne
  157. Der Stern in unserer Suppe
  158. Des Königs neue Kleider
  159. Der verlorene Name
  160. Decarios große Gourmetreise
  161. Das Lied vom wahren König
  162. Ilvaars letzter Brief
  163. Die Wiege des Lebens
  164. Euer Wunsch sei mir Befehl
  165. Gnuffis auf geheimer Mission
  166. Die Freude des Malens
  167. Leuchtende Bäuche
  168. Curry-Fieber
  169. Ein neuer Glanz
  170. Die Ruhe des Himmels
  171. Für den Kanzler nur das Beste
  172. Haute Couture für die Piratin
  173. Ein richtig wildes Outfit
  174. Der Fashion-Minister
  175. Upgrade für Suzie
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Veröffentlicht: 16. 04.2018

Revenant Kingdom. Through the eyes of a child — Gambling


Hayao Miyazaki’s cartoons

Final Fantasy series

The Hobbit (2003)

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

that I don’t see much point in the mechanics of building a city: it seemed that it was screwed on for show. So, I have never been so wrong: in the release version, it turned out that the “Sobyanin simulator” is just as important a task for moving along the plot as character development. And speaking of the whole game as a whole, one must first of all imagine how the kingdom works. nine0003

Need items for a quest? With a probability of 80%, your hardworking subjects can create them. Don’t know which side quest to grab onto? Start with those that will give the city new residents. In fact, several full-fledged games coexist in Ni no Kuni II at once: a jRPG about Prince Evan and his friends, urban management, and even a simple but very dynamic military tactics.

And I will not undertake to assert that it is the role component that is the key here. Level-5 management is so closely intertwined with jRPG that you won’t understand: is it Evan and his team plowing the kingdom, or does Evalania help them move along the plot? Most likely, they have a full-fledged symbiosis.

Launch trailer

Sim City over 9000

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is about what you’d expect from a jRPG, plus a lot more. The jaw does not fall from anything, but each element is made with great love and Japanese care. Take, for example, the development of heroes and combat. In addition to the usual system of items and levels, there are magic abilities that consume mana, a combat equalizer that allows you to increase damage against certain monsters, the party’s resistance to the elements and the amount of experience and loot dropped, and finally, funyashi spirits that can heal and strengthen your party and fire at the enemies. Funyash can be obtained on special altars, produced in the city, improved, combined . ..

Funyashi in their natural habitat

And it’s like this everywhere: one mechanic clings to another, and that leads to a third one. But almost all of them are somehow tied to your kingdom. Fortunately, the game knows how to present and dose all this very competently, without dumping all the information on the player at once. Moreover, for a successful passage it is not at all necessary to pay attention to in general to everything . For example, I almost didn’t pump funyash and didn’t use combat magic at all, but I successfully overcame the plot and punished the final boss. The game, as befits a jRPG, does not give a choice in terms of plot, but it does a great job of compensating for this due to the mechanics of the city. nine0003

The city develops quite simply: you need to build buildings and plant residents in them. «Siters» are beneficial: a store, a sanctuary and a bakery open their doors to the prince and his friends, farms, sawmills and markets extract resources, and research can be done in other buildings. The latter, in addition to the cost in gold, require a certain level of parameters of the inhabitants working in them, and later also unique features. There are not enough hands for all the work, so you have to constantly transfer residents from one building to another. Is there anything else to explore in the armory? Great, I just need more fruit, all in the garden! A forging specialist has appeared in the city, and now you can learn weapons of the third level? Give us a box of money for research — and everyone back! nine0003

You determine your own priorities and goals: the main story only requires the level of the entire kingdom as a whole, and it only does this twice. As with the same funyash: you can simply not develop a structure for them and not waste time, gold and man-hours on researching new spirits. And in return, free up resources to improve, say, spells.

Our village-state. Nothing, a couple of dozen more quests — and it will grow to a full-fledged city

. .. That’s it! nine0003

The more buildings built and research done, the more money goes to the treasury per unit of time. But do not rejoice: as it should be in a manager, money accumulates up to a certain limit, so you need to constantly withdraw it, and increase the limit as soon as possible. By the way, the materials created in the buildings (ore, wheat, fish, buttons… thousands of them!) can not only be put into pockets (from where they are gradually spent on quests, creating equipment, pumping spirits and spells), but also sold. This is your kingdom — do whatever you want. Nobody will ask you. nine0003

Final Fantasy 9¾

When the player isn’t building a city, they’re immersed in adventure. The story of Prince Evan is quite typical for jRPGs: the evil Pied Piper killed his father and usurped the throne, and therefore the poor boy had to flee the palace with Roland, who came from another, not at all fabulous, world. Having lost the throne, the young prince decides to become king anyway — but not to beat back his state, but to establish a completely new one.

Expecto Patronum! By the way, there are quite a lot of visual solutions inspired by Potter in the game

The theme of giving up trying to get back something old and lost is the key theme in this story. The idea that attempts to return the destroyed only bring pain is repeated more than once or twice: each of the rulers that Evan encounters on his way does it in his own way, but invariably enters the slippery path of evil — and falls on it, painfully beating off his tailbone.

The game world is inhabited by a whole bunch of humanoid races — this is a fairly familiar topic for Japan. There are dog people, upright cats, mice and even fish. They all coexist by no means peacefully, and this is exactly what the main character is trying to change: Evan dreams of a united world without wars, where everyone smiles. And he gives his all to serve this goal: the young king personally runs after every wallet lost by the old woman, sits irreconcilable rivals at the negotiating table and kills off any monster that complicates the lives of ordinary people. Many are ready to take advantage of such generosity, but it is bearing fruit: the new state is growing by leaps and bounds, absorbing the best specialists and technologies. nine0003

The call for unity and the rejection of revanchism are not accidental topics in our day. By the way, this fairy tale begins with an atomic bombing! One would wonder where in the Japanese game there are so many Christian messages about forgiveness, but the entire Ni no Kuni II is built on the material of Western civilization — it even has its own Grail. However, this is typical for jRPGs.

There will be a garden city! It is also a city-fortress and a city-state

A lot of unexpected meanings are hidden in a very childish-looking game: each villain has his own story of temptation, fall, punishment and repentance — only the hook on which evil catches the unfortunate changes. Mice have taken over in fairyland0033 poisoned the king, and drove cats underground — what a delightful shifter! And the kind and best father of our peace-loving hero was called Leopold — I don’t know if this is a joke of Russian localization, a Japanese nod to domestic animation, or just a coincidence.

Behind the childish story lies something more: a huge game world. And here you need to write a special thanks to the designers — both game and ordinary. After all, the fairy tale in Ni no Kuni II is not only the story of the prince who could, and then again and again. It is also important how0033 look like all these adventures.

All sorts of outcasts will become the first inhabitants of our country. It’s good that there are a lot of talented specialists among them!

Fable 3.58

The visuals of the game squeeze involuntary «Nya!» and «Kawai!» Yes, perhaps, in the first part, the immersion into the world of Miyazaki’s cartoons was deeper (Studio Ghibli was no longer working on this continuation of ), but even what is, incredibly warms the soul. Warm colors, familiar elements in the design of characters, monsters and environments, hand-drawn pictures in some videos — often you just want to admire the environment and do nothing. nine0003

And the developers understood this very well! The gameplay is intoxicatingly meditative: I killed a pack of monsters, then the next one, took the chest, found a quest item, gave it to the addressee, got a new resident in the city, went to give him a task . .. oh, and then the money just accumulated, something needs to be built and explored ! One could scornfully grimaced and throw: “Fu, casual!” — but in this case, the game has dozens of bosses and a chance to stumble upon monsters that are much higher than you in level. Do you want tests? There will be! nine0003

There are surprisingly few purely Japanese motives in the game

When the story finally opens up to travel anywhere, it’s a complete delight! The world is big, and it is full of not only dangers, but also rewards: here you can collect resources for this task, and here is a chest — there is a strong monster nearby, but we will quietly sneak up from the back … Oh-pa, yes, they are hidden in this cave gates of trials, where you need to collect magic spheres for a while! Freedom and the spirit of adventure intoxicate in earnest. nine0003

But the path to this very freedom lies along the path of the plot. There are no complaints about the plot tasks: they are exciting, thoughtful and balanced, they contain the lion’s share of the game’s humor. Even rare riddles — and those moderately complex and very interesting. But with side tasks, everything is much worse: they are of the same type in Revenant Kingdom (find, bring, kill), there are a lot of them, and will definitely have to deal with them. After all, for some assignments we get new residents, without which we can’t raise the level of our kingdom and move further along the plot. nine0003

There are not many mysteries in the game, but you will have to tinker with them

The whole game is strongly associated with the third part of Fable , but the secondary tasks there were performed much better. There were few of them, but every second one is a diamond: to be a participant in a tabletop role-playing game, to seduce someone else’s wife so that she agrees to a divorce, to catch possessed gnomes … And what is here?

“In principle, I agree to go to your country, but for this I need black latex knickers, three pieces, otherwise I’m not in the mood to move. ” nine0003

Is it okay that I need to spend a fortune to upgrade the city and the market for your pantaloons, or go farming some obsidian dragon cave?! And in general I am alone, and there are dozens of you. Oh, okay, hold on!

“Oh, what a fine fellow you are. But then I realized that I would need a tungsten mustache comb and a werewolf ilium for them …

If you start sticking to game NPCs when you enter the city, this is a good sign!

Two for the price of one

The fact that the game has two independent combat systems at once makes some variety in additional tasks: an arcade slasher and simple but ingenious tactics. With the first system, everything is clear: we stumbled upon an enemy on the global map, got into the arena — and let’s treat monsters with melee weapons, shower them with spells, fire from bows and pistols, and set funyashes on the enemy. nine0003

The dynamics are excellent, it’s a pleasure to cut enemies. It should be borne in mind that melee weapons are the most in demand here (it’s not for nothing that they are allowed to carry three of them for each character), because scarce mana is restored exactly when the hero shreds someone with rapture. And it is needed not only for spells: without mana, even pistols will shoot five times slower. So they cast a spell, shot — and now, if you please, run around with a sword.

This lady will ask you to get her three powerful magic items. And you can hardly guess why! nine0003

However, this approach does not work with bosses: approaching them at the distance of an outstretched blade is usually deadly. You have to gradually fire at the enemy with ranged weapons, dodging his attacks along the way and actively calling for the help of funyashs. The main story bosses have different attacks, combat phases, and vulnerable points — and they are often easier to deal with than with some unpredictable possessed slug.

As for tactical battles, they have nothing to do with the main ones, except that they also take place in real time. The characteristics of the army are not affected by your equipment, and units gain experience separately from the role-playing party. There are four of them at your disposal — they differ in type (archers, swordsmen, spearmen), commander abilities (each gives some unique ability: drop bombs, build a watchtower, paralyze enemies for a while) and levels that grow along with the number of victories . Management on the battlefield is elementary: the entire army moves in a single formation, and units can be rotated around the center. For example, this way you can take archers out from under the blow, and substitute, say, more persistent swordsmen in their place. nine0003

The heroes have already said everything for us

Tactical battles are very diverse: here it is not always necessary to simply kill a horde of robbers. There is an escort mission, and positional defense, and in one task you need to fill up a whole dragon! True, serious cuts very quickly turn into a small pile, where you can no longer distinguish between friends and foes.

Orders are very helpful in such situations: for example, you can speed up your army for the duration of a tactical retreat. Another order can be used to replenish battered units and repair strategic objects on the map (both actions, as well as using unit abilities, consume scarce battle points). In addition, there is an “ult” in reserve — it gives our warriors temporary invulnerability. True, to activate, you must first kill a lot of opponents, so this trump card is usually used towards the end of the battle. nine0003

If you are afraid of difficulties, you can strengthen the army directly with gold from the state treasury. Or you can do the opposite: to strengthen the army of the enemy in order to gain more experience in case of victory, — however, for the same taxpayer money.

Even if you are not a fan of tactical battles, the army should be upgraded as soon as possible. This will save your kingdom and your nerves more than once: some battles cannot be avoided — and it is important that the country is ready for them. nine0003

A quest dragon that offends travelers and hides from soldiers. And in fact: there are a lot of show-offs, but he doesn’t know how to fight!

999 little things

If you didn’t start reading the review from here (well, what if?), you probably already guessed that Ni no Kuni II delighted me. I can’t call myself a fan of JRPGs (grinding and respawning monsters? let’s do it without me!), managers (thanks, I have enough of this in the work of the editor-in-chief!) or real-time tactics, but Revenant Kingdom won me over almost without fight. First of all, of course, because I am not indifferent to the work of Hayao Miyazaki. But another important reason, I think, is that the developers put love into every line of code, every sketch and every animation. Only in side quests they did not invest anything. nine0003

There is a whole state-corporation inhabited by robots and IT specialists. Any coincidence with Apple is not accidental

There is, for example, such a thing in the game — instagram: a magical analogue of instagram, where people post photos and comment on them. You can even like! Well, it would seem that he is and is — he lies among his things, he does not ask for food. But you start to consider — and wow! Here’s a guy newsman — takes pictures of all sorts of incidents. Here friends posted a photo from the next plot task. There is an artist who spams very, very beautiful concept art. So I set up a pub in the city, and one of my subjects immediately took a selfie against its background. And here is a boy who posts photos of places where he hides useful bonuses. And they really lie there — I checked! Yes, it’s just a bunch of pictures. But how much life they add to what is happening! nine0003

Instagram is always aware of what is happening in the game world

The only thing that surprised me more than Instagram was the music. There are compositions just like in Miyazaki cartoons: they just complement the fairy-tale atmosphere well. But there are other tracks too! One is like a composition from “ Allods 2 ” that was not included in the final build. The second one is a lost tune from the old Bulgarian RTS Tzar: Burden of the Crown . And the third one is expected to be found in a collection of relaxing electronic music, but not in a fantasy role-playing game! nine0003

Water is disappointing here: its development was clearly not a priority

In addition to pleasant surprises, there are also minor flaws in the game that do not affect the final score in any way, but in the name of impartiality should be mentioned. Firstly, the player is not allowed to customize the controls himself — you can only choose one of two options. And I would really like to swap the triggers and bumpers: the latter turned out to be much more in demand for me, but it’s not so convenient to reach for them. Secondly, there is clearly not enough filter for materials: manually scrolling through all these pieces of fillet, vegetables and flowers in search of a specific sea dweller is very tiring. Thirdly, the graphics in some places do not reach the rest of the level of the game — especially for sea travel and one scene on the engine towards the end. nine0003

Everything. I have nothing more to show the game. Zakhar, bring the gamepad, I’ll go for the second playthrough!

If you feed the correct offering to the spirit altar, a new funyash will come out for the collection. The trouble is that the player does not always have everything he needs, and then he is too lazy to return

Even more screenshots from Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom

There is something in these rich and peaceful colors, in love with every element of the game , in the innocent face of a boy who wants to unite the world so that all were smiling. The name of all this magic is atmosphere . The atmosphere of a carefree and safe childhood, where the bright sun shines during the day, and cartoons are shown on TV in the morning: good, kind and slightly wonderful. Ni no Kuni II looks at the world through the eyes of a child — and invites all of us to learn to do the same.


  • good fairy tale;
  • a bunch of interesting mechanics;
  • bright world;
  • gameplay. nine0174


  • boring side quests;
  • optional combat spells;
  • a couple of awkward moments in the interface.

How we played

in what: Game was provided by the publisher

on which: PS4

How much: 45 hours

Achivka editors

“Prince, get off!”

With tears in your eyes, give a pair of golden shoes for the quest — the best that the hero had at that time! nine0003

About localization

Subtitles only. The translation is good, but there are errors and inaccuracies.





A wonderful game about the good and the eternal. A simple and clearly told story, a very cozy world from which you do not want to return to reality, and shamelessly addictive gameplay that is ready to take all your free time. Definitely recommend! nine0003

Unusual but useless talents are discussed online

July 30, 2020


Do you have such impractical abilities?

An interesting new thread on Reddit. User @DaddysGonnaBeatMe asked readers to share the unusual talents they have, but this does not give them any advantages in life. We have collected the most popular and funny answers.

1. I crawl incredibly fast on all fours. I learned about this when I was a teenager in taekwondo, and we had a lot of strange exercises in training. Somehow we had to crawl on all fours to the opposite end of the gym and back, and I was far ahead of the other guys. I remember how the guys laughed at how surprised I myself was at my speed. I tried to do this at home several times, but the carpet starts to burn my hands and feet. —RadioactiveSince1990

2. I do not have such talents, but my husband is simply amazing. Name him almost any deceased celebrity — and he will tell you where this person is buried. Sometimes he can even tell who he or she is lying next to. — canuckbuck2020

3. I can induce vomiting at any moment. It’s nasty and nowhere near as useful as being able to cry on command. — BADartAgain

4. I can distinguish the voices of birds of prey from any other, even if several are screaming at once. — wimpyhunter

5. I never forget faces. Even if I only saw a person once, I will remember him if I see him again. With photographs, it is a little worse, because it is a frozen moment in time. Just for the sake of an example: when I was 12, my father introduced his acquaintance to me, we exchanged a couple of phrases. When, 30 years later, my dad and I were walking around the city, I saw a familiar face, and asked my father if this was the man. It turned out that it was him, and they were able to spend time together again, although they lost sight of each other more than 20 years ago. — CupcakesGalore822

6. I can fold my arms and shoot water in a straight line about three meters. I never needed a squirt gun! — yearighttt

7. My special gift is to perfectly guess what size container is suitable for leftover food. For example, if I cook soup, I do it without a recipe and I don’t know the volume of the pot, but I always choose the perfect container. My boyfriend gets excited about this and always watches, expecting me to make a mistake someday — but it doesn’t happen. – basicgirl

8. I can clasp my hands behind my back and bring them forward over my head without interlocking my hands in the process. —unwantedpossession

9. I solve a Rubik’s Cube in about 9 seconds. And it gives me absolutely nothing, because for records and competitions, the speed must be higher. — mrcomedy37

10. I can laugh quite sincerely, while maintaining an indifferent face. It scares people a lot. — PfhorHunter

11. I very accurately copy the barking of a dog. Sometimes my friends hear barking and turn around hoping to see a dog, but that’s just me. — DoctorRickStudwell

12. I can fold sheets with elastic bands so neatly that it is impossible to distinguish them from ordinary ones. — ENEBZILE

13. For some reason, I am very good at distinguishing between fonts.