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New LoL Skins: All League of Legends Skins Released in…

New LoL Skins: All League of Legends Skins Released in 2023

What Are You Most Excited For in League of Legends?

With Champions reworks and new champions set to release soon, we’re wondering what are you most excited for?

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Let’s check out everything about new LoL skins in 2023. Which skins are we getting, and which champions will receive skins?

What skins await us in League of Legends this year? | © Riot Games

League of Legends is a free to play MOBA that has made most of its earnings through the sale of cosmetics for the various champions within the game. As LoL is heading into 2023, and it’s 13th season, we are going to be getting more skins for the 160 champions.

So let’s check out everything we know about the new LoL skins in 2023 and what plans Riot has for their cash cow. Which skins are you most excited about this year?

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LoL: Which Skins Have Been Released In 2023?

We know that there are around 1,400 unique skins in League of Legends at the start of 2023. This year more skins will be added to the repertoire and many more champions will be receiving new and unique looks for League of Legends.

While we had a bunch of brand-new skins in 2022, we do expect some epic new skins, as well as re-runs of some fan-favorites in 2023. Maybe some more Shan Hai Scrolls skins this year? Please and thank you!

Skin Line Champions Release Date LoL Patch
Mythmaker Irelia, Galio, Zyra, Garen, Sivir January 12, 2023 LoL Patch 13.1
Lunar Gods Ashe, Qiyana, Thresh, Kha’Zix, Malphite January 26, 2023 LoL Patch 13.1b
Heartache & Heartthrob Vi, Caitlyn Amumu February 9, 2023 LoL Patch 13.3

What Champions Will Receive Skins in 2023?

There are quite a few champions that have not gotten new skins in ages. Riot will try to make sure that these champions are finally getting some new drip on the rift in 2023:

  • Aurelion Sol
  • Ivern
  • Kled
  • Kalista

What Skin Thematics Will Riot Release in LoL Season 13?

Riot is going to be bringing back the Cats vs. Dogs skin line, which is one of their fun April Fools skin lines for 2023. This skin line will likely include Kled, since a splash art from the thematic was already shown.

Riot is also going to be introducing a new skin line with Fae Magic. Kalista is going to be getting a skin in this thematic, as well as Karma whose concept art was also already revealed.

How Many Skins Will Riot Release in 2023?

In 2022, we received almost 140 skins, the same as in 2021, which is why we believe that in 2023 we will once again be getting around 130 or 140 skins! With each League of Legends patch being released almost every 2 weeks and there being at least 3 or more skins added each patch, we can hope for a lot of new looks.

Prestige skins are back in 2023! | © Riot Games

Which Prestige Skins Have Been Released in 2023?

Prestige skins will once again be making a comeback in 2023. In 2022, the skins team buffed the prestige thematic, adding brand-new concepts to make them feel more exclusive.

Skin Line Champion Release Date

LoL Patch

Mythmaker Mythmaker Sivir Prestige Edition January 11, 2023 LoL Patch 13.1
Porcelain Porcelain Lissandra Prestige Edition January 26, 2023 LoL Patch 13.1b

The Porcelain skins were released in 2022 for the Lunar New Year. Lissandra’s skin will be getting a prestige version for 2023, but Riot has not revealed yet whether it’ll be part of the Lunar Revel event or in the mythic shop to purchase with Mythic Essence.

LoL Mythic Shop: What Skins Are Available?

Since players did not think that Hextech skins were that special or unique, Riot has decided to create ‘seasonal mythics’ which will have a rotating thematic for unique skins in the mythic shop each year.

You’ll also be able to pick up older prestige skins, so if you forgot to play during a specific time period and missed your chance to pick up a prestige Arcade Caitlyn, you’ll be able to get it through the mythic shop which will have a monthly rotation of prestige skins available.

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All Dragonmancer Skins in League of Legends

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What Are Mythic Chromas?

With the introduction of the new Mythic Shop, Riot added new mythic content. One of the newest additions is known as a mythic chroma, which is a new chroma for either a Seasonal Mythic skin or a previously released legendary skin. These Chromas have a new color scheme for the champion, as well as their VFX.

Mythic Chromas will cost 40 Mythic Essence. In 2023, more skins will be getting Mythic Chromas as well as new skins in the mythic shop for you to enjoy and pick up.

LoL: New Skins in 2023

Let’s go over some League of Legends skin concepts!

Let’s go over skins in 2023. | © Riot Games

League of Legends could be renamed League of Skins with the number of skins that Riot pumps out each year. It’s understandable, though, since the game is mostly free safe for the cosmetic items players can spend money on. So, what new skins can we find in LoL this year?

Riot is known for their skins. With the lack of new in-game modes, this is the only consistent thing left in League of Legends. So let’s check out all the new skins we’ve got in 2023. 

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LoL: New Skins Released in 2023

At the start of 2022 Riot has released around 1,400 unique skins. Which new skin lines will we receive this year? 

Skin Line Champion Release Patch
  • Sivir
  • Irelia
  • Galio
  • Garen
  • Zyra
LoL Patch 13.1
Lunar Gods
  • Ashe
  • Qiyana
  • Malphite
  • Kha’Zix
  • Thresh
LoL Patch 13. 1b
Heartache & Heartthrob
  • Vi
  • Caitlyn
  • Amumu
LoL Patch 13.3

League of Legends Skins: Which LoL Champs are Confirmed for New Skins in 2023?

During the season 13 live stream Riot revealed that a bunch of champions that haven’t gotten skins in a while will be receiving skins. Those champions include: 

  • Kalista
  • Aurelion Sol
  • Kled
  • Ivern

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League of Legends: Faerie Court Skins Revealed

With the announcement that Kalista will be receiving a new skin in 2023, it was also revealed which skin she would be getting. A new skin line by the name of Faerie Court will be hitting the rift in 2023. 

Karma will also be getting a skin in this skin universe as well. Whether Karma is going to be the faerie queen or not is to be decided, but she would fit the concept very well.  

Return of Dogs vs. Cats Skins in 2023

It was also revealed that Kled would get a Cats vs. Dogs skin this year. This is one of those fun skin lines Riot usually releases for April Fools, so expect his skin to be released around that time as well. 

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That’s all the information we have on new skins in 2023 for now, but we hope to see some fun new concepts, as well as some fan favourites, like Coven come back this year. 

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«Ask Riot»: another look for Lux?

Welcome to Ask Riot!

This week we’ll be discussing skins for popular champions, galaxies in TFT, and your MMR.

BUT FIRST… A message from the editor. If you have questions for us, feel free to ask! The more questions we get, the better we understand what interests you, so send them to us. While we’re still considering whether or not to include questions about our new games in the Ask Riot section in the future, for now, you can ask anything. Now let’s move on to the answers. nine0005

Why do some champions like Lux and Kai’Sa keep getting new skins, while others like Bard and Ornn go years without a skin?

We’re releasing more skins for popular champions like Lux and Kai’Sa because they have a huge following. This is a good opportunity to please a lot of people at the same time and at the same time fund the development of skins for champions with a small number of loyal fans. Let’s be honest: our company is first and foremost a business. We support the League with new features and content all the time, and skins for popular champions provide the tools we need to do so. They also partially finance our other projects, such as the upcoming animated series Arcane. nine0005

At the same time, we understand how frustrating it is to wait for a skin for your favorite champion, so at the beginning of the year we promised to increase the number of skins released in 2020.

We’ve mentioned that we’ll be focusing on a lot of the lesser-known champions by naming specific names. Among them were Skarner, Zerat, Mordekaiser, Kindred, Rek’Sai, Vel’Koz, Karthus, Sion, Twitch, Tarik, Pantheon, Nautilus, Trundle, Bard, Orn, and Thalia . This list is by no means exhaustive and does not contain the names of all the champions that will receive the new skins. For example, Olaf, Zyra and Renekton were not originally on the list, and we promise that the surprises will not end there. nine0005

We plan to release more skins over time, and we hope that the time until the appearance of the skin of your favorite champion will be measured in months, not years.

As for Ornn and Bard, we just recently showed skin sketches for these champions — look for them later this year! Here, take a look if you haven’t seen it yet. (And in the latest issue of Riot Pls you’ll get your first look at Party Thalia.)

Bellissimoh, Lead Producer of the Personalization Team

I’ve been playing LoL for over four years now and enjoying it a lot, but last season my MMR went down. I get 17 points for a win and 20 points for a loss. How can I change this?

In short: win more often.

The point of the ranking system is not to allow players to constantly increase their rank, but to accurately reflect their current skill level. With each new rank, reaching the next becomes more and more difficult. Not only because of the increasing skill of the opponents, but also because you are gradually approaching a rank that matches your skill level. And if you get the same number of points for victories and losses, then your current rank corresponds to the expectations of the system. nine0005

This does not mean that you have reached the limit of your abilities — but now, in order to climb higher, you will have to play better than the system expects. The more often you win, the higher the game will rate your skill level, which in turn will lead to a higher rank.

RiotIAmWalrus, Competitive Game Designer

I really enjoy traveling through the various galaxies in TFT, but why not have the player enter a new galaxy every round? It seems to me that now galactic rounds are rare compared to the usual ones. nine0009

There are several reasons for this.

Many galaxies are attracted primarily not by the depth of study, but by the effect of novelty. Purple Nebula seems very interesting the first time you get into it — but by the twentieth time, this interest fades, as you already roughly know which champion to choose from the first carousel and how to compose around it. And while there were not so many types of galaxies in the game, we deliberately underestimated the probability of hitting them so that they did not repeat too often. nine0005

Also, we don’t want to stray too far from the core gameplay. Galaxies definitely add variety to the game, but if players play only them all the time, it could set a new standard for the typical TFT matchup and make galactic rounds feel less special and normal rounds less interesting.

However, as we add new galaxies, we increase the frequency of their appearance, and in update 10.9 the probability of hitting a galaxy is 65% (previously — 47.5%). We still want regular games to remain the most frequent type of round compared to every kind of galaxy, but since there are more of these kinds, we can afford to reduce the number of regular rounds. nine0005

Riot Axes, Senior Game Designer Teamfight Tactics

Have a question? Go here and enter your text in the box.


Designer ― John Moormann

IamWalrus is a designer from the competitive scene support department. Working on ranked games and Clash mode. If you suddenly need him, look for him in Silver: there he is trying to make Ziggs a support champion.

Riot Axes

Lead Gameplay Designer ― Brian Salvatore

Brian is an experienced game designer and former Draven miner who pretends that Rocket Jump is Rampant Force.

Riot Bellissimoh

Lead Producer for Personalization and Events — Jonathan Belliss

Bellissimoh is the Lead Producer for League of Legends for PC. He also has two Shiba Inu puppies, whose names are Ari and Timo.

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Skins and Events — League of Legends

Hello everyone! This is Bellissimoh, the leading producer in personalization and events. Let’s take a look back at the promises we made at the start of the year, and I’ll talk about our thoughts on skins and events (including themes, ultimate skins, and event skips) and plans for the future.

More looks every year

At the beginning of 2020, we decided to create more looks every year. In 2019, there were just under 100 skins, and this year we wanted to introduce about 120. In the last six months, we have faced serious difficulties due to COVID-19, plus we started working from home, and organizing everything in a new way was not easy.

But despite everything, we are still ready to create 120 looks. Moreover, it looks like we will be able to create even more than we planned before the end of 2020 — about 140 skins.

In the video, we promised not only to make more skins, but also to pay attention to the long list of less popular champions that have been sitting without updates for years. Most of these heroes have already received new images, and, probably, the remaining three will be lucky soon. nine0005














nine0004 Nautilus



Since everything is going so well, we’ve decided to add eight more champions that have been out of skin for a long time. If all goes according to plan, the following heroes will also receive skins by the end of 2020:


Aurelion Sol







  1. Singed

    Despite the fact that many members of the resistance are afraid of Singed, only a few do not recognize his effectiveness in the fight against machines. For him, only one thing is important — by any means to repulse the creations of Victor.

  2. Aurelion Sol

    Aurelion Sol will be made in a new theme, which is currently called «Dracomancers». Aurelion Sol awaits the appearance of a warrior worthy of the power of the storm. nine0202

  3. Zach

    Victor is constantly improving his creations. His new invention is an experimental alloy, which can be either solid or liquid. It is used to produce new zoopagus attack structures (ZAK for short), incredibly flexible and almost indestructible. The ZAKs appear on the battlefield, grabbing and devouring everything that gets in their way.

In addition, skins for more popular champions will be available in the coming months — including the legendary skin for Lee Sin. nine0005 Lee Sin is an ascetic warrior with a heightened sense of justice. He ascended the mountain for the thunder dragon’s blessing and returned as a legendary dragonmancer. Li Sin began to mercilessly punish villains around the world — under the vigilant gaze of his dragon patron.

Measuring Success of Skins

When Ezreal skins sell ten times better on average than Ivern skins, you need to look for other ways to measure success. When we take on a look for a lesser-known champion, we are not looking for profit, but for passionate players who love this champion.
So how do we understand that we have managed and managed to please them? One of the main ways is to compare how many times the image was bought by the miners and how many other players bought it. The «High Frequency Accounts» axis in the chart below are miners, while the «Low Frequency Accounts» axis are players who only occasionally pick this champion. Let’s take a look at the recently released Party Waist, for example:

As you can see, almost 30% of the players who play Thalia most often have purchased this skin — if we compare the popularity of skins among miners, this is one of the best indicators in recent years. But Party Jarvan showed poor results — he was not interesting to either miners or other players. Maybe we miscalculated with the topic? Or could not competently implement the idea in the game? Are Jarvan fans interested in the party theme at all? To understand the reasons for the failure, you need to carefully understand each of these issues. nine0005

Let’s take a look at Dunk Master Ivern, a skin that was hotly debated in 2019.

Looking at the graph, we can conclude that the skin was purchased by many miners of the champion. But what if Ivern fans are just hungry for content? Suddenly they acquired an image, because nothing came out for Ivern for several years, but in fact the miners do not like the Dunk Master?

This is where we use other tools like player surveys, which don’t just collect dry statistics (sales and pick frequency), but also reflect players’ opinions: how do people feel about this content? nine0015 When measuring the success of skins for lesser-known champions, we take into account the number of sales and the joy of playing the new skin. Some players liked Ivern Dunk Master, but many fans of this champion still wanted something darker. Most of Ivern’s fans, who have been waiting for a new look for several years, were disappointed with the Dunk Master.

When the right information is gathered, the image teams take a close look at it to understand what can be improved in the future or what elements may have contributed to success or failure. Then all assumptions are checked on new images; it’s all an endless cycle of creation, change, feedback, and improvement. nine0005

New and reimagined themes

Thematic development is the creative process of creating new worlds. We don’t just want to sell images, we want to create memorable content that meets your expectations.

In 2019, we started working on several new themes that were going to be added to the game in 2020. So far, three themes have seen the light of day: Mechanical Realms, Blossom Festival, and Psi Squad. Not every theme is destined to be a hit, but judging by your reaction to the Blossom Festival, it seems we have found a direction that players around the world are interested in. nine0005

We’ve also decided to rethink the annual champion theme a bit. Over the years, the players have warmly embraced the images of the World Cup, so it was important for us to keep their essence, but at the same time refresh and improve. This year’s look uses more elements of the World Cup 2020 style, and we plan to further develop this theme along with the event itself.

Our team is working on new themes for 2021 and updating a few old ones. And another new line of images is waiting for you this year. nine0005

Legendary Skins

In 2019, we received a lot of feedback from players on our Legendary skin animations. In particular, you complained that you don’t notice a difference after improving the walking or idle animation. In the past, when creating a Legendary skin, we used to change the entire animation of the champion, but in recent years it has become much more difficult.

Over the years, the graphics quality of the new League champions has improved markedly. At the same time, the amount of animation for each champion also increased.

For example, the long-released Amumu has a total of 16 animated actions, including skills, emotes, and Return. Recent Sett has 159types of animation. Aphelios has 298.

When we started work on the legendary PROJECT: Pyke in 2019, the team had a hard time reworking all 127 animated actions. Because of this, part of the animation was not created from scratch, but taken from the base image and reworked. As a result, a flurry of criticism fell upon us: the players wanted more noticeable changes in the movements of the character. And we learned an important lesson: it doesn’t matter if you reworked all the animation if the players don’t notice it. Therefore, we have changed the approach to the distribution of time when creating legendary skins. nine0019

As for Cowboy Senna, she was new to the game and most of her animation was already high quality. Therefore, the team added a twist: Senna’s cannon turned into a horse on which she rode. The idea was great and fit well with the cowboy theme, but the team knew that implementation would take a lot of time and almost all the resources allocated to the project. But we took a chance, because the horse cannon will attract much more attention than minor changes in Senna’s animation. And judging by the reaction of the players, we made the right choice. nine0005

However, this does not mean that from now on we will always adhere to this approach. For the last two Legendary skins, Ahri and Thresh, which have much lower animations, we have significantly updated the core animation and allocated time and budget to the transformation animations for both champions.

In short, when creating legendary skins, we want to spend time on something that will make the champion stand out from the crowd and be noticeable to miners. We will continue to carefully allocate resources and time to create truly memorable images in terms of animation, visual and sound effects, models and more. nine0005

Absolute images and quality levels

By the way, about memorable images: let’s talk about quality levels — in particular, absolute.

Taking on a new image, we usually discuss what level it will be. Answers to the following questions play a big role in this:

  • How far can we go with this idea and its implementation?
  • Does the basic voicing fit the chosen topic or does it seem out of place?
  • What ideas do we have for new animation and visual effects? nine0083
  • What features can we build an image around?
  • How long will it take to bring an idea to fruition?

Take, for example, Spirit Blossom Thresh. It all started with the idea: «What if, by collecting souls on the battlefield, he becomes so powerful that he gains the ability to transform from a demon into a human?» If we tried to make it epic, we would not have time to fully reveal the topic. After a lot of discussion on various fronts, we decided to make this skin legendary and spend a lot more time on it. nine0005

We usually create ultimate skins when we have an idea that can’t be brought to life qualitatively in the allotted time (i.e. within the development window) for epic or legendary tier skins. Sometimes the team comes up with ideas that require much more time and effort to implement — and we think that this is justified.

But you may have noticed that we haven’t released ultimate skins for a long time. One of the main reasons is the expectations of the players: you are used to the fact that the skins of this level always include new technologies. Over the past years, we’ve taken a look at a number of promising ideas for ultimate looks. And while the team was excited about some of them, they relied on existing technology, so they didn’t meet the class’s requirements. nine0005

And then we asked ourselves: what is the most important thing in absolute images? New technologies and code? A full and high-quality disclosure of a topic unique to the champion? Or is it the amount of time and effort spent on creation?

We came to the conclusion that absolute looks should feel really special . New technologies are just one way to achieve this. Another way is to create a striking and elaborate theme that feels unique to that champion. But no matter which approach we choose, absolute images always take more time to think through, create and implement. And most importantly, all this work should be visible to the player. nine0005

“However, we’re excited to announce that we’re working on a new Ultimate Skin that we hope to release before the end of the year.”

Although this image uses new technologies, it is not certain that the same approach will be used in all subsequent images. If new technologies are required to implement an idea, we will definitely use them. And if not, then we will spend time and energy on something else so that you get a first-class image worthy of the title of absolute.


in 2019year you wrote that the quality of events as a whole has fallen. That’s why in 2020 we set ourselves the goal of making events over unusual and memorable , as well as bringing in more than awards .

In particular, we promised to combine major events with special game modes. And so far, everything is going according to plan: during the current Psi Squad event, the All for One mode is available. We’ll talk more about our approach to game modes later.

We’ve also created Spirit Bond, a standalone text-based game that lets you chat with your favorite champions. Some players wanted to get to know Sheep and Wolf better, while others secretly hoped that Cassiopeia would break their bones. In short, the players were delighted with this system. nine0019

While we were impressed by the warm reception of this event, it is important to note that a huge amount of energy was spent on the Festival of Blossom from various League teams. Obviously, players want more of these events, but it took almost a year to create the Blossom Festival and we can’t make every project that big: do not forget that the Blossom Festival affected several games (for example, Legends of Runeterra). However, we are already planning the next major event, which will also take place in several games — we will share the details as soon as we can. nine0005

In general, we seem to have managed to improve the quality of League events. We will continue to strive to exceed your expectations, but remember that not every event will be as big as the Blossom Festival.

Event Pass

Over the past year, players have increasingly been able to access content through Event Passes, including many of the prestige skins for the League. Prestige Editions should be hard to get, but not hard enough to give up on everything else in the store — especially if you need them. However, with the current token system, every item is sold for the same currency, which means you first earn a prestige look and then hope you can get something else. nine0005

It was difficult for us to change the process with the current structure, but we plan to significantly improve the principle of receiving event content next year .