Neverwinter tipps: Guide for beginners — Official Neverwinter Wiki

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Firstly, aside from the hitch on Playstation due to a third-party, congrats to Cryptic on a successful module launch! As a PC player, I experienced no issues whatsoever; was able to log in, complete my weekly haul, do the main quest + weeklies etc.

Go easy on the grind!
With another mod launch, this one is akin to the Dragon Hunts we had in so much that the currency you can get is capped per week, so while you can farm the arbitrary currency (House Baenre Coins), the ones needed for gear progression are limited per week. You will not be able to gain more than two companion gear pieces (dual stat) per week, nor can you transfer companion gear from an alt if you were considering farming on alts since they are bound to character on pick-up.

While I can understand this won’t be a popular thing for some, I have seen far too many players get burnt out by consistent farming, and once done they have no will to continue playing. So I’m thankful the progression is super chilled, takes less than half an hour to cap your weekly haul, and you’ll have more than you need as you play through the rest of the game.

Single stat companion gear gotcha!
The single stat companion gear in the campaign store can only be bought in 6 weeks (and one weekly haul after reset on the 6th week). So keep that in mind when planning your build! It also requires 3 Master Temple of Spider completions, which can be a challenge if not in a pre-made group. The same is true for other gear that requires the Brilliant Cabochon Gem and can only be earned 3 times a week.

Get your character into the new campaign ASAP!
Until November the 29th you can enter the Northdark Reaches and begin the campaign regardless of your item level, so if your characters are below 50,000 item level, start the quest ASAP so that you can continue to progress in the campaign at your own pace.

Currencies drop from multiple sources!
If it wasn’t known already, the main currency hog (House Baenre Coins) drops from Temple of the Spider as well as from heroic encounters, so no need to do dailies/weeklies and tire yourself out.

Heads-up on fashion drops!
Named mobs across the map in the new zone have a chance at dropping Northdark fashion, however they do not automatically go to your inventory, so make sure you check the ground around the mob to see if you got a drop. The drop rate is rather low.

Easy item level from heroic encounters!
The new rings/pants/shirts drop from heroic encounters, and are a lovely way to boost your characters item level especially if you are a newer player and looking to get into random queues.

Campaign store bindings!
All items in the campaign store, save for overloads, are bound to character! So you cannot transfer items from one alt to another. Keep this in mind when figuring out how you plan to gear your characters.

Careful what you spend your currency on!
You can only earn 100 Bregan D’aerthe Pins per week, or based off of your weekly haul cap. This currency is used for Boons, Companion Gear, vanity pets and a few odds and ends so be sure to plan ahead before spending since you won’t be able to earn more until the next week.

If you have any helpful tips please share them with others!



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Auch wenn der Name anderes vermuten lässt, ist Neverwinter keine Fortsetzung des Party-Rollenspiels Neverwinter Nights, sondern ein Online-Rollenspiel, das auf Dungeons & Dragons, der gleichnamigen Stadt sowie der Romantrilogie von R. A. Salvatore basiert. Darin wählt der Spieler aus fünf klassischen D&D-Klassen seinen Charakter aus und erwehrt sich im Spielverlauf entweder alleine oder im Koop-Modus den zahlreichen Dämonen, Untoten und Monstern, die es allesamt auf Neverwinter abgesehen haben. D&D: Neverwinter verzichtet auf ein klassisches Abo-Modell und setzt stattdessen auf ein Free2Play-Konzept. Neverwinter soll neben vielen Individualisierungs auch die Möglichkeit bieten, eine Dungeon-Missionen zu erstellen und seinen Mitspielern verfügbar zu machen.

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Neverwinter Online Beginner’s Guide


+ Content

  1. Which RAVE select
  2. How to determine class
  3. How to pump account
    1. What campaigns to go to 60 level
    2. How to quickly pump the hero

    Start play

    NEVERWINTER NEVERWINTER NEVERWINTER0028 is an MMORPG game in which you will become one of the wanderers who will protect the world from bandits, undead and monsters.

    What race to choose

    In MMOs, the race you choose at the beginning of the game plays a big role in how you play. Each of them has unique buffs. Consider the advantages of each race:

    1. People . Unpretentious in lifestyle and can effectively fight with any enemies. It has 2 points to any skill, 3% to damage resistance and 5 heroic feat points. nine0012

    2. Half-elves . Arose during the union of people and elves. Each hero of this race has: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom or Charisma (selected during the setup phase), 1% to the power of a critical strike, gold and evasion from enemy attacks.
    3. Wood elves . They make perfect archers and trickster rogues. they have: +2 dexterity, +2 intelligence, +1% critical hit, +10% defense against slowing abilities.
    4. nine0027 Dark Elves . They live in hidden underground cities. Have: +2 to dexterity and charm, the unique ability of Trance. It speeds up the regeneration of health and energy outside of combat.
    5. Tieflings . These are people who made a deal with demons. They gained: +2 to Charisma and Intelligence. There are skills Blood Hunt (increases the damage of hitting wounded targets) and Infernal Wrath (reduces the strength of the enemy by 5% for 5 seconds).
    6. Halflings . Undersized brave creatures. They have the following starting passives: +2 to Agility and Constitution, 3% evasion, and 10% status resistance. nine0012

    7. Half-orcs . They make great tanks. Half-orcs get: +2 to Agility and Strength, 10% faster run during combat.
    8. Gnomes . They can effectively use melee weapons and magic. Dwarves have: +2 to Wisdom and Constitution.

    To choose the right race, you need to decide in advance on the class and style of play that you choose. You can fight effectively in close combat if you pump Strength and Constitution, mages rely on Wisdom, and rogues usually have a huge amount of Dexterity and Charisma points. nine0005

    When choosing, rely only on the characteristics, because. passive effects do not have a decisive influence on the outcome of PvP battles and do not help much in PvE campaigns.

    How to determine the class

    There are 8 classes in the game that have different weapons and sets of abilities, so the choice of role will determine your gameplay. Consider each class:

    1. Barbarian . Uses two-handed swords and breaks into the depths of the battle, where he rips apart enemies with the help of AOE abilities. He has skills that can change the course of the battle: Steel Avalanche (deals damage to all enemies near the character), Concussion (slows targets), Roar (knocks back the enemy), Throw (allows you to close the distance to the enemy). nine0012

    2. Warrior . Like the previous class, it only fights in melee, but it relies on strong armor and a shield, rather than huge damage. The warrior can force opponents to hit him while your allies finish off the damage dealer. This character does not have strong offensive abilities, so in PVE you will take a long time to kill mobs, but in PVP battles you will become the most useful player.
    3. Wizard . He controls the elements, so he uses only magic in battle. The hero does not have armor and powerful melee weapons, because of which the wizard is easily killed by a trickster rogue, but the wizard is strong against tanks. With the help of AOE abilities, he will destroy slow tanks and finish off slow warriors. nine0012

    4. Devoted Cleric . This is a support that relies on healing and crowd control abilities. The cleric can hold opponents, restore the health of allies. Most often, the Cleric is taken for the joint passage of dungeons and killing bosses.
    5. Trickster Rogue . This class uses daggers and bows. It has weak defense, so you will have to dodge enemy attacks. Rogues use invisibility to move around the battlefield and backstab. nine0012

    6. Warlock . They use forbidden magic to cast curses on enemies and take away other people’s life energy.
    7. Paladin . Represents a cross between a Warrior and a Cleric. They use divine energy to protect allies.
    8. Pathfinder . Like the Rogue, it relies on mobility and light armor. Most often uses bows to attack at a safe distance.

    When choosing a class, you need to rely solely on personal preference. In the game, all roles are effective in PVP and PVE content. However, you need to understand that the Devoted Cleric is revealed by 100% only in a team, and the Rogue and the Pathfinder require a good reaction and knowledge of the weaknesses of other classes and mobs. nine0005

    For beginners, it is best to play Warrior or Barbarian in order to learn the features of the game, and then move on to another class.

    How to upgrade your account

    Your character’s journey begins on a cliff near Neverwinter, which is besieged by the warlock Makos. You need to kill the Harbinger to stop the enemies. After that, you will meet with Sergeant Knox. He will regularly issue simple tasks for beginners.

    If you want to enjoy all the features in the game, you must complete the sergeant’s quests up to level 30. Depending on the number of basic quests completed, your character gets access to chat, auction and mail from other users. nine0005

    The character’s first journeys consist in taking a contract from Knox to kill someone or clear the location of the undead, complete it and talk to a local resident. Then return to the sergeant and receive a small reward. To complete quests, you do not need to have cool equipment or use abilities perfectly, because. they do not deal with killing bosses and PvP content.

    Now Knox has 4 story missions:

    1. In the footsteps of the crown .
    2. Brawl in the Tower quarter .
    3. Difficulties in the Broken Crown .
    4. Grim news .

    Already during the passage of the fourth task, your hero will have level 30, so completing the quest will open all the functions of the game.

    Please note that almost every killed mob drops items (treasures, gems, clothes and weapons). Collect them, and then hand them over to merchants. But you need to leave things that are useful for crafting and improving equipment. If you get a rare item (although the chance is almost 0), then leave it until the auction opens. nine0005

    What campaigns to pass to level 60

    Several interesting campaigns have been created for beginners, for the passage of which horses, weapons, a huge amount of resources, etc. are issued. You should not skip them and get carried away farming mobs, because you will lose the items needed to upgrade the first equipment.

    The first thing you need to do is complete the Staff of Savras campaign. It can be started in the Quest Log. The first mission takes place in the Tower Quarter, and the continuation takes place in the Blackdagger Ruins. For killing enemies and completing contracts, the character will receive Savros symbols (a unique local currency). It can be exchanged for a mount, health stone, retraining tokens, bard, etc. Go to Sibella to buy useful items. nine0005

    Another interesting campaign is Acquisition Incorporated . For beginners, it will seem a little complicated, because. equipment is still not strong enough. You can take the first quest at the Job Fair, and then you need to go to the Protectorate.

    You need to complete tasks in order to gradually climb the career ladder. However, in order to improve the status, you need to regularly complete the Exploration of the Basement mission.

    Each contract gives you items, but there is a weekly limit. In the journal, you can find out how many untaken slots are left. This campaign is important because during it you will receive a dragon heart stone. nine0005

    And in the store you can buy boxes from which drop potions that increase performance. If you want to get donated currency or quickly improve your character, then they will be indispensable.

    How to quickly upgrade a hero

    To quickly level up a hero, you need to use the following tools:

    1. Prayer . It gives a bonus to experience gained. The effect lasts only 4 hours, so you need to complete as many quests as possible. You can first fulfill all the conditions, then pray and go to hand over contracts. nine0012

    2. Equipment with slot for enchantment . At the auction, such items can be taken already at level 15, and they will begin to drop from mobs no earlier than at level 21. Insert crystals into the cells that increase the experience gained. If you collect a complete set of clothes with crystals, then you will speed up pumping by 15-20%.
    3. Azure Stone . It needs to be put in slots.

    Once you’ve completed all of Sergeant Knox’s quests, you need to move on to the next available location, which has the highest difficulty level. Thanks to this, you will get more experience, but you will miss some of the locations and the plot. In addition, you will be able to get stronger equipment with gem slots and rare items for sale at the auction faster. nine0005

    Consider locations in ascending order, starting from level 30:

    1. Neverdet Cemetery .
    2. Helm’s Den .
    3. Black Burial Grounds .
    4. Vellosk .
    5. Pirate Stronghold .
    6. Ice Peak .
    7. Fault .
    8. Rote Valley .
    9. Mount Hotenow .
    10. Whispering Caverns .

    Up to level 60, i.e. before proceeding to Mount Hotenow, you can proceed to grind. Previously, it was enough to complete tasks and clear the location at the same time, but at level 60 this is no longer enough.

    Try to get to lvl 64 and 14k equipment as soon as possible to get into the fight queue. This is the perfect place to grind experience and new gear. With 20k equipment, epic dungeons will open, but for them you need to find a well-coordinated team with supports, otherwise you won’t be able to kill the final boss. nine0005

    When you start to level 60-70, go to the archdruid Zarelight, who is in the Protectorate under the tree of Elements. Take the quest In Every Crack from him, he will give a huge amount of experience and crafting resources that are needed in the late game. Daybreak gives out chains of quests that are not as tedious as the basic campaigns. In addition, they can be combined with a grind.

    You can start playing Neverwinter Online on the official website. nine0005

    Guide author: pechenk

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