Neueste strategiespiele pc: Die 5 besten PC Strategiespiele 2023

Die 5 besten PC Strategiespiele 2023 Gaming Zubehör

Wir zeigen die beliebtesten PC Strategiespiele und haben uns dazu die aktuellen Strategie-Games für PC Spieler für Euch angesehen und empfehlenswerte ausgewählt. Dazu haben wir Empfehlungen, günstige und preisreduzierte Produkte, sowie aktuell neu erschienene Artikel übersichtlich zusammengestellt. Unser Ratgeber ist eine Entscheidungshilfe, um die richtige Auswahl zu treffen. (Update 01/2023)

Bereitet Spielern das Planen und taktische Spielen Spaß, können sie mit einem Strategiespiel für den PC neue Welten erobern und ihre Macht ausbauen. In vergangenen Imperien, Fantasiewelten oder in der Zukunft nutzen sie ihre Ressourcen, um die Entwicklung ihres Reichs zu beeinflussen und den Gegner zu schlagen.

Unser 5 TOP PC Strategiespiele 2023

Unsere fünf Redaktionstipps zeigen die bei uns beliebtesten PC Strategiespiele in diesem Jahr.

Beliebte aktuelle PC Strategiespiele

Diese Auswahl an Strategiespiele für den PC empfiehlt unsere Redaktion, wir haben sie nach Beliebtheit und Aktualität sortiert. Die hier aufgeführten Produkte haben bei anderen Käufern eine hohe Kundenzufriedenheit hervorgerufen und sind durch Anzahl der Käufe und positive Bewertungen aufgefallen.

Preisreduzierung Strategiespiele für PC

Mit unseren Spartipps für Preisbewußte Käufer, zeigen wir hier die aktuell preisreduzierten Strategiespiele für PC nach der Höhe des Preises und der Preissenkung. Unser Produktcrawler durchsucht Amazon fortlaufend nach allen Preisreduzierungen. (Letzte Aktualisierung fand 30.01.2023 um 19:39 Uhr).

Kürzlich hinzugefügte PC Spiele Neuheiten

Diese PC Spiele sind neu erschienen und wurden neu bei uns gelistet. Neue Produkte verfügen meist über keine Bewertungen, können aber durchaus interessant sein.


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Das sind die Top 20 der besten aktuellen Strategiespiele 2020/2021

Strategie-Charts — 2023

Fabiano Uslenghi

Das Jahr 2023 bricht an und ich bin immer noch ganz melancholisch, dass es in dieser Liste hier keine Aufbauspiele mehr gibt. Ja, sogar Factorio habe ich inzwischen gekonnt ausradiert, das mir zuvor noch durchgerutscht war. Aber euren Adleraugen entgeht natürlich nichts. Ich hätte diesmal sogar fast versehentlich einen neuen Spitzenreiter gekürt, denn das Aufbau-Meisterwerk Dwarf Fortress ist ja endlich aus dem Early Access gestolpert und bekam eine verdient hohe Wertung. Dann ist mir aber aufgefallen, dass dieses Spiel sehr nah an Rimworld liegt und damit wohl ebenfalls in den Aufbau-Charts besser angesiedelt ist.

Und was ist hier passiert? Ebenfalls einiges, wenn auch keine Revolutionen vom Zaum getreten wurden. Obwohl, eigentlich schon! Denn als krönenden Abschluss des Jahres 2022 habe ich Paradox neustem Streich Victoria 3 einen Platz in dieser Liste verschafft. Und hier kann es nur allzu leicht zu jeder Menge revolutionären Trieben kommen! Victoria 3 ist übrigens meiner Meinung nach ein sehr gutes Sinnbild für das gesamte Strategiejahr 2022. Auf den ersten Blick erscheint das nämlich eher unterdurchschnittlich. Doch je länger man hinsieht, umso besser wird es. Es gab zwar keine ganz großen Würfe, die bis in die 90er-Sphäre vorgedrungen wären, aber doch viele Helden aus der zweiten Reihe.

Spiele wie Knights of Honor 2, The Valiant oder Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate — Daemonhunters. Klingt nicht herausragend, hat das Spielejahr aber gekonnt geschultert. Ach ja und mein persönliches Highlight bleibt Total War: Warhammer 3. Klar, der Release war holprig, aber Immortal Empires macht das meiner Meinung alles wieder gut.

Auf ein ähnlich famoses 2023!

Inhaltsverzeichnis: Unsere Strategie-Top-10 auf einen Blick
  1. Into the Breach — Wertung: 89
  2. Desperados 3 — Wertung: 88
  3. Total War: Warhammer 3 — Wertung 88
  4. Civilization 6: Gathering Storm — Wertung: 88
  5. Gears Tactics — Wertung: 87
  6. Age of Empires 4 — Wertung: 86
  7. Total War: Three Kingdoms — Wertung: 86
  8. Inscyrption — Wertung: 86
  9. Shadow Tactics: Aiko’s Choice — Wertung: 86
  10. Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition — Wertung: 85

Wie funktionieren unsere Toplisten?
Auf testen wir alle relevanten Strategiespiele, aber nicht jedes hat das Zeug zum Hit. In unserer Topliste der besten Strategiespiele finden Sie auf einen Blick die 20 Titel, die die höchsten Wertungen eingefahren haben. Die Liste wird jeden Monat aktualisiert: Neu erschienene Strategie-Highlights nehmen ihren verdienten Platz ein und ältere Spiele machen für geeignete jüngere Nachfolger Platz.

Die 100 besten PC-Strategiespiele aller Zeiten ansehen


Fazit zu XCOM: Chimera Squad — Was bei XCOM 2 oft nervte, ist jetzt der größte Spaß!

Entwickler: Firaxis Games | Subgenre: Runden-Taktik | Release: 24. April 2020

Fast drei Jahre nach dem grandiosen War of the Chosen geht es mit der XCOM-Serie weiter. Chimera Squad ist zwar kein XCOM 3, setzt die Geschichte aber trotzdem fort. Denn es beantwortet die Frage, wie es mit der Welt nach dem Krieg gegen ADVENT weitergeht. Die Aliens sind nämlich immer noch da, werden jetzt aber nicht mehr fremdgesteuert. Das bietet tolle neue Möglichkeiten. Beispielsweise dürfen wir jetzt auch selbst Aliens für unsere Truppe gewinnen.

Gefochten wird diesmal ausschließlich in den urbanen Gebiete von City 31. Chimera Squad bricht außerdem mit einer Kerndisziplin von XCOM und wirft den Permadeath über Bord. Im Austausch bekommen wir dafür besondere Agenten, die alle eine eigene Persönlichkeiten haben. Das alles macht XCOM: Chimera Squad sehr spielenswert, auch wenn es ansonsten viele Ressourcen von XCOM 2 wiederverwendet.


Mehr zum Thema

XCOM: Chimera Squad im Test

19. Panzer Corps 2 — Wertung: 82



Panzer Corps 2 im Test: Das erste Strategiespiel-Highlight 2020

Entwickler: Flashback Games | Subgenre: Rundenstrategie | Release: 19. März 2020

Ein Strategiespiel für schlaflose Nächte titelten wir in unserem Test zu Panzer Corps 2. Denn wer sich auf dieses Strategie-Schwergewicht einlässt, sollte viel Zeit mitbringen. Der Erbe der Panzer-General-Serie kann Spieler für hunderter Stunden an sich binden und dann hat man vermutlich noch nicht mal mit den Community-Kreationen angefangen.

Wie schon im Vorgänger, fahren wir in Panzer Corps 2 eine Großoffensive im Zweiten Weltkrieg auf, allerdings ausschließlich aus der Perspektive der deutschen Wehrmacht. Ein Kniff, den sich Panzer Corps 2 wohl nur erlauben kann, da es den Krieg rundenbasiert und relativ nüchtern inszeniert. Die Schlachtfeldpuzzles sind dafür aber dank einer gigantischen Auswahl an Truppentypen und klugen Wechselwirkungen so suchterzeugend, dass man sich eben ganze Nächte um die Ohren schlägt, ohne es zu merken.


Mehr zum Thema

Panzer Corps 2 im Test

18. Victoria 3: 82


Victoria 3 — Test-Video zum gewaltigen Global-Strategiespiel

Entwickler: Paradox Interactive | Subgenre: Globalstrategie | Release: 25. Oktober 2022

Es stellt sich die Frage, wie viele Spielerinnen und Spieler mit Crusader Kings 3 zu Paradox fanden und mit Victoria 3 dann krachend auf die Nase geflogen sind. Denn in gewisser Weise erweckt Crusader Kings 3 nur den Eindruck, komplex zu sein. In Wahrheit findet man sich hier nach einiger Zeit ganz gut zurecht. In Victoria 3 auf der anderen Seite, da könnt ihr selbst nach Monaten noch nicht das Gefühl abschütteln, euch in einem Seminar für Politikwirtschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts zu befinden.

Das mag jetzt schockierend langweilig klingen, die Kunst von Vicky 3 bleibt aber, dass es das irgendwie trotzdem nicht ist. Ja, man verbringt hier wahrlich die meiste Zeit in Tabellen oder Textblöcken. Doch je mehr man sich in die Mechanik einarbeitet, um so klarer wird auch, wie gekonnt alles miteinander verzahnt ist. Die wahre Freude geht dann los, wenn ihr endlich versteht, wie das Drehen einer einzelnen Stellschraube ganze Berge versetzen kann.

Es ist ein unvergleichliches Gefühl, mit eigenen Augen zu sehen, wie sich die minimale Anpassung von Fördergeldern für die Werkzeug-Industrie plötzlich darauf auswirkt, ob die Pop der zugewanderten sozialistischen Stahlarbeiter einen ganz neuen Lebensstandard erreicht. Oder wenn eure Handelsrouten dazu beitragen, dass Preußen den aufmüpfigen Bayern seinen Willen aufzwingt. Solche Lawinen aus Konsequenzen landen einfach zum Staunen ein. Selbst, wenn man dabei zusieht, wie ein Staat langsam aber sicher auf den Abgrund zuhält.


Mehr zum Thema

Riesentest: Victoria 3 ist eine Revolution, die Zeit braucht

17. Hard West 2 — Wertung: 83


Hard West 2: Das Revolverhelden-XCOM lädt im Trailer zur Open Beta ein

Entwickler: Ice Code Games | Subgenre: Rundentaktik | Release: 4. August 2022

Wann ist ein Zugüberfall in einem Western jemals gut ausgegangen? Normalerweise passiert doch immer etwas, das so niemand vorhergesehen hat oder es hat verehrende Konsequenzen. In Hard West 2 passiert beides, denn hier raubt eine Bande versehentlich die Lokomotive des leibhaftigen Teufels aus. Der lässt das nicht einfach auf sich sitzen, will der Seelen dieser Räuber habhaft werden und durch unglückliche Verwicklungen ist die Erde plötzlich in einer neuen Eiszeit gefangen.

Der Vorteil davon: Wir dürfen uns in rasanten Rundenkämpfen durch eines der besten Strategiespiele des Jahres 2022 ballern. Dabei geht es tatsächlich richtig zur Sache, zumal unsere Pistoleros sich nicht nur mit Revolverhelden oder Ureinwohner anlegen. Die übernatürliche Komponente macht Hard West 2 zu einem düsteren Fantasy-Western, in dem es mit rauchenden Colts auch gegen Hexen oder Zombies geht. Ein tolles Setting, mit einem wirklich spaßigen Strategieanteil.


Mehr zum Thema

Hard West 2 im Test

16. Warhammer 40.000 Chaos Gate — Daemonhunters — Wertung: 83


Warhammer 40k: Chaos Gate — Deamonhunters — Dieses Spiel ist der Hammer

Entwickler: Complex Games | Subgenre: Rundentaktik | Release: 5. Mai 2022

Auf ein Spiel wie Warhammer 40.000: Chaos Gate — Daemonhunters warten einige Warhammer-Fans schon sehr, sehr lange. Und nicht nur, weil es einen beachtlich langen Titel hat oder weil es einen fast schon vergessenen Strategie-Klassiker nachahmt. Sondern weil die Mischung aus XCOM und Warhammer einfach funktioniert! Chaos Gate macht genau da weiter, wo XCOM aufgehört hat. Es zeigt, wie mitreißend und brachial Rundentaktik eigentlich sein kann.

Dieses Spiel lässt euch als Kommandant über einige der schlagkräftigsten Space Marines überhaupt bestimmen und schickt sie in brutale Kämpfe gegen widerliche Dämonenhorden. Dabei ist Chaos Gate nicht nur taktisch anspruchsvoll und verzichtet sogar auf viele Frustfaktoren, die etwa XCOM plagen, sondern inszeniert seine Kämpfe eben auch mit einem Wumms, dass es uns in manchen Gefechten fast von den Schreibtischstühlen geworfen hätte.


Mehr zum Thema

Warhammer 40k Daemonhunters im Exklusivtest

New Strategy games on PC (PC) — the best new games released in 2022-2023


Game databaseNewsArticlesReleased gamesCalendarBest gamesVideosTests

Gambling addiction


March 6, 2020

Yes, Your Grace

Nintendo Switch PC Xbox One

Simulation | Manager | Strategy | Adventure | Role play

Gambling addiction

7. 4
Strategy | Simulator

Gambling addiction
? Ranking

October 8, 2019

John Wick Hex

PC Xbox One PS4 Mac

Turn based strategy | Tactics | Strategy

Gambling addiction
? Strategy | Tactics | Role play

Gambling addiction


August 6, 2019

Age of Wonders: Planetfall

PC Xbox One PS4

Turn-based strategy | Strategy | Cooperative

Gambling addiction


July 10, 2019


PC PS4 Xbox One Nintendo Switch

Manager | Platformer | Strategy | Action

7. 8 Ranking

May 23, 2019

Total War: Three Kingdoms

PC Mac Linux

Strategy | Action | Simulator

9000 Simulator

8.1 Rating

April 16, 2019

Anno 1800

PC PlayStation 5 Xbox Series

Strategy | Real time strategy | Simulator

Gambling addiction


February 28, 2019

Space Engineers

PC Xbox One

Action | Simulator | Strategy

Gambling addiction


February 13, 2019


PC Linux Mac

Action | MMO | Strategy | Simulator

Gambling addiction
? Rating

January 31, 2019



Real Time Strategy | Strategy | Role playing game

Gambling addiction
? Ranking

December 6, 2018

Jagged Alliance: Rage

PC Xbox One PS4

Tactics | Adventure | Role play | Strategy | Simulator

Gambling addiction

nine0007 8. 8


December 5, 2018

Beholder 2

PC Mac Linux iOS Nintendo Switch PS4 Android

Simulator | Strategy | Adventure

9000 Strategy | Adventure | Role play

Gambling addiction
? Ranking

November 28, 2018


PC Mac Linux

TCG | Strategy

Gambling addiction


November 15, 2018

Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus


Action | Strategy

Gambling addiction


October 24, 2018

Do Not Feed the Monkeys

PC Mac iOS Android Linux Xbox One Xbox Series

Simulator | Strategy | Adventure

? Rating

October 4, 2018

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics

PC Xbox One PS4 Nintendo Switch

Strategy | Action | Role playing game

Gambling addiction
? RPG | Action | Adventure | Strategy | Simulator

Game Addictions
7. 1 Ranking

September 26, 2018

Deep Sky Derelicts

PC Xbox 3 PS40 Linux 90 | Strategy | Action

? Ranking

August 14, 2018

Phantom Doctrine

PC PS4 Xbox One Nintendo Switch

Strategy | Turn-based strategy | Role play | Action

Gambling addiction


August 9, 2018

Post Scriptum


Action | Strategy | Simulator | MMO

Gambling addiction
7.7 Rating

July 31, 2018

This Is the Police 2

PC Xbox One PS4 Nintendo Switch Mac Linux iOS

Adventure | Action | Strategy

Gambling addiction
? Strategy | Manager | Simulator | Action

Strategy | Real time strategy

Gambling addiction
? Ranking

May 3, 2018

Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia

PC Mac Linux

Strategy | Action

Game addiction
8. 9 Rank

April 24, 2018

Frost9 Nintendopunk

PS4 Switch2 Manager | Strategy | Simulator

7.3 Rating

April 24, 2018


PC Mac Linux

Strategy | Turn-based strategy | Tactics | Action | Adventure

Gambling addiction


April 15, 2018



Strategy | Simulator | Real time strategy | MMO

New games released in 2022-2023 on PC (PC) in the Strategy genre and its subgenres. The best new games on PC (PC) with detailed descriptions, guides and other additional information. Reviews and ratings, reviews of game novelties in 2022-2023 in the Strategy genre. nine0003

Best Strategies 2022 for PC (TOP 15 games) / Sudo Null IT News I hope you find something interesting for yourself.

Lords and Villeins

Lords and Villeins is a city building simulation game where you develop medieval dynasties by watching them build relationships and develop. Get resources and build residential complexes. The game is made in pixel top-down perspective. nine0003

Manage peasant and noble estates. Use a wide range of tools to customize not only the appearance of buildings, but their decoration. Build estates, build churches, warehouses and other buildings necessary for the development and prosperity of the country. The world in Lords and Serfs is procedurally generated.

Look for the best places to build a settlement, experiment and just have fun! Many characters will be tied to a family and passed down from generation to generation. Study the heroes and use their best qualities to develop the family court. The villagers are of great importance for the development of the estate, as they obey orders and extract useful resources and raw materials. nine0012 The game earned ~$180,000.

The game


City-building simulator Stardeus will plunge into the space world, where there are no familiar objects, and, of course, there are robotic systems, spaceships, pumped artificial intelligence that helps in everything. The main character in the role of AI is called upon to restore order on a large space cruiser, along the way building his own colony and introducing automation into the areas of life of the newly built city. nine0003

The protagonist, also known as artificial intelligence, controls armies of drones and robots. He has exclusively peaceful intentions — he helps the human settlement to develop, become smarter and accelerate technological progress. At the same time, a choice is given: the first option has already been said, the second is to keep people in stasis while the revived iron does everything for them. The third is to turn into a bloodthirsty AI, eager to use people as living batteries.

The game earned ~$310,000. nine0703


Prehistoric Kingdom

Build a park of extinct animals in the Prehistoric Kingdom. Dinosaurs, mammoths and rare birds will be discovered among the fauna. You will have full control to change the environment. You are a real tycoon, able to create an extinct animal again. But, they have to be monitored, fed and ensure the park is safe.

Earn in-game currency and reputation through visitors and tourists. People have dreamed of seeing a dinosaur since there was an article in the news recently about building a theme park. Design your own exhibits and hire staff with different characteristics and abilities. Each animal has its own growth process and needs. Some of them are hostile to people and other living beings, which is why strong and high fences are a necessity. nine0003

Creative tools to create any kind of park. Upgrade observation decks, landmarks, fast food kiosks and other objects. Create your own infrastructure with paths, overpasses and fences. Any buildings are placed in an arbitrary shape, curved or arcuate. Terraforming will provide an opportunity to create trenches, hills and in every possible way change the appearance of the earth.
The game earned ~$700,000.


Old World

Old World — The game is a turn-based global strategy in an ancient setting. The gameplay is strikingly different from games of this genre: it is allowed to give several orders to a unit in one move. For additional moves, a resource such as «Orders» is responsible. The more recognition points, the more moves you can make. The resource «order» can be used in different ways: in combat, in construction, in events or diplomacy.
The number of moves directly depends on the number of Order points available. «Legitimacy» is another important tool in Old World gameplay. As you play, you should realize ambitions, among which may be the construction of wonders of the world. As soon as the task of fulfilling the ambition is completed, the leader will receive fame, and with it — points of legitimacy, which will strengthen his authority among the population. Another feature is that the rulers die of old age. Therefore, during the game, you need to have time to prepare a worthy successor for yourself — to get married and give birth to a child. As soon as the new ruler ascends the throne, you need to once again increase your authority with the people, declaring new ambitions. There are 10 of them in total in the game. nine0003

The dynamic event system generates about 1000 unique situations that endow characters with memories or personal traits. Cities are represented by both a populated center and rural settlements. As the territory improves, tombs, tombs, amphitheaters, etc. will become available on it. You will also meet many historical figures and dynasties. The developers put a lot of emphasis on making difficult decisions.

The game made ~$1.2 million. nine0703


NEBULOUS: Fleet Command

NEBULOUS: Fleet Command allows you to immerse yourself in space battles that take place between galactic fleets. Gamers will act as a commander who is forced to control ships, using radars for orientation and engaging in electronic warfare. Vessels will move through a three-dimensional space, where you have to pick up the desired flotilla and face enemies in open space. Military equipment will carry a large number of weapons on board, suitable for different situations. nine0003

Gameplay mechanics in NEBULOUS: Fleet Command are made in the style of tactical strategies, where you have to implement a variety of maneuvers. Players will use the kinetic and beam types of guns that are equipped on the base ships. It is necessary to work out an action plan before the start of the mission, make operational decisions in the process of fights and respond to dynamically developing events, which are introduced due to randomness or unexpected moves by the enemy.

The game is based entirely on combat skirmishes, where there is no need to deal with economic issues. You will have to delve into methodical battles, where you can retreat, make retaliatory counterattacks or act cunningly to defeat the enemy. Users will be able to control each individual unit, down to its individual vehicles. It will be possible to create groups of combat units or separate them, giving each crew a separate occupation or goal. nine0003

The game earned ~$530,000.

The game


Frozenheim is a Viking saga in which the protagonist is expelled from his native lands as blood feud tears apart his family name. He sets off in search of a new home for himself and his devoted subjects. A harsh winter is approaching, and the clan needs to get to the shelter as quickly as possible. The construction of the settlement is a protracted affair and definitely does not suit the central character. But cold and hunger force him to make a quick decision. nine0003

It depends on the user’s actions whether the protagonist is able to become a count and lead his own clan to survival in order to change the pages of history. In the Scandinavian city-building simulator, the gamer will take advantage of well-developed unit control mechanics and many development trees. Improvements will help you get to new objects and materials, providing more options for survival. Research groups are needed to explore distant lands and find rare resources. They will travel on foot or by boat. The collected resources will help create equipment and weapons, and then fight back the enemies. nine0003

The free building system allows you to design your own settlement infrastructure, rotate structures, and control aspects of the city. The passage starts from scratch, and the player receives a lot of subjects under control. They will fish, hunt, grow food, train and build.

The game earned ~$940,000.


The Wandering Village

Once in the Wandering Village on an infested planet, people have no choice but to go on the back of a giant creature that can move in the process. The city-building simulator is made in a post-apocalyptic setting and offers to lead a small society that was saved by settling on a creature and gradually rebuilding a new world. nine0003

Travel to the virtual universe, the user observes how some toxic substances that appeared due to mysterious plants quickly spread throughout the Earth, giving out poisonous spores. The Anbu became the salvation — a strange creature of enormous size, on the back of which the human village is located. The gamer in the city-building simulator is assigned the role of a leader who is engaged in the rebuilding of the village and its prosperity. Here you have to build, plan, expand the territory, and constantly optimize the village, acting in a limited space. The game will also have to engage in agricultural activities, planting different crops, and harvesting. The very creature that has become the savior of the remnants of humanity must be kept in good health so that it can constantly move around, running away from the rapidly spreading spores. In the process, the user travels through various biomes, gradually pumping his own village. nine0003

The game made ~$1.2 million.


Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2

The Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2 invites you to create numerous armies consisting of hundreds of thousands of warriors and watch them fight on a massive scale. In the battle simulator, the player enjoys insane and sometimes even funny fights, for which the game offers several story Campaigns, there is also a Sandbox mode with unlimited possibilities and a first-person shooter. nine0003

The user will have to independently create the troops that he sends to battle, having previously set different battle parameters. The game also offers a Sandbox mode, in which the gamer is fully able to customize all the battles, form an army with an infinite number of soldiers. There is also an FPS format here, where the user acts as a soldier who has to fight hordes of zombies.

The combat simulator, in comparison with the first part, has a new crowd visualization technology, as well as advanced artificial intelligence, thanks to which all combat actions look as realistic and thought out as possible. Here, each warrior is a separate character who has his own character, ambitions and way of making decisions that tries to act as a team, that is, to interact with other soldiers of his army in order to achieve a result. nine0003

The game earned ~$990,000.


Terra Invicta

Terra Invicta is a space 4X strategy set in the far future. Once upon a time, alien forces invaded our galaxy, dividing humanity into 7 factions. Each union saw its own development of the future. You have to lead one of the seven ideologies to impose it on the whole world. Explore the solar system, expand your territories and fight enemies in tactical duels. nine0003

A galaxy with over 300 asteroids and planets is available for exploration. Your main task is to do geopolitics. Wage war both with representatives of your civilization and with guests from the neighboring system. Each side has politicians, scientists and warriors. Improve the abilities of all heroes by gaining access to new technologies.

Develop space launchers as they have a very important strategic purpose. All ships are based on realistic drawings of popular science fiction writers. The gameplay is fully based on the simulation of Newtonian physics, where concepts such as gravity, momentum and maneuver are respected. nine0003

The game made ~$2.4 million.


Diplomacy is Not an Option

In Diplomacy is Not an Option, the player becomes a feudal lord in the Middle Ages. The main character is going through a midlife crisis. Every day the protagonist comes up with hundreds of ways to improve his own economy, how to properly manage his subjects and competently develop the city. For a long time he lived like this. He was tired of the monotonous and meaningless intellectual tension. nine0003

New adventures in the life of the central character begin when hordes of monsters begin to attack the settlements, and the townspeople collectively rebelled. All these events brought new colors to life, and the schedule has completely changed. The state plunged into hard times, and the mind of the ruler led the kingdom to a crisis and constant riots. The protagonist has long lost his taste for life. When enemies besiege the castle, he enthusiastically accepts the news, takes on the role of commander in chief of the army and wins the battle. nine0003

After that, the feudal lord receives an important mission. Together with the selected people, the user goes to an uncharted continent with precious minerals and gold deposits. He will have to secure his position on other frontiers in order to get to the riches and again enrich his own country. The natives will not be happy with the guests and by all means will try to eliminate them and drive them away from their lands. The new land is inhabited by monsters and magicians who have spells in the necromancy industry.

The game made ~$1.7 million.


Against the Storm

Against the Storm combines two genres. This is a city-building simulator and part-time roguelike. In this game, the gamer becomes a scout and mayor of different cities. The player is transported to a fantasy world where the rain never stops. The settlements are inhabited by people and humanoid intelligent animals: beavers and lizards.

In Against the Storm, the user, as the queen’s viceroy and pioneer, rebuilds and develops colonies in various biomes, and also satisfies the needs of the population. The point of the gameplay is to survive as long as possible and collect as many resources as possible. They are needed to improve and restore the Smoldering City. It is considered the only place against the backdrop of a developing natural disaster. In between solving problems, the Viceroy will upgrade the Citadel in this metropolis. Through it, a meta-progression is implemented. nine0003

Cards are generated randomly each time. The plot is based on Deathstorm. A natural phenomenon destroys everything in its path and changes the land beyond recognition. The development of settlements takes place in real time. The indie project has a high replay value not only due to randomness, but also thanks to the perk system and building blueprints. They become available gradually. During one game session, it will not be possible to build all the houses. Residents face various threats and lack of necessary resources. This is offset by the ability to change production chains. nine0003

The game made ~$1.5 million.


Settlement Survival

Cubic World Survival of the settlement is full of mysteries, mysteries that the player has to unravel. The game is sharpened for maximum survival in the conditions of urban development. Therefore, a lot of attention is paid to management – ​​it is necessary to correctly distribute the duties of people, provide them with shelter, and guarantee a quality food supply. This also includes protection from various natural phenomena, taking into account well-being, happiness, education and employment. There are various development routes that open up new facilities, opportunities for enriching people. But there are many natural and man-made disasters that are ready to take hundreds of people’s lives — this must be prevented. nine0003

The game made ~$1.8 million.



Cosmoteer is a spaceship constructor, which provides the opportunity to play online with a friend, exploring the expanses of space via the Internet online or locally. The gameplay includes space simulator and construction mechanics. A galaxy filled with planets and enemies is available for exploration. In Spaceship: Architect and Starship Commander, players need to earn rewards and money. The funds received must be spent on improvements and updates. The free multiplayer option lets you build a legendary starship and take on your enemies. Each player chooses the appearance of the shuttle and sets up the modules individually. nine0003

The crew plays an important role in the management of the ship. You will need to hire up to a hundred people to confront opponents. All units must be in their places: control the steering wheel, charge batteries, reload guns and much more. It is important for players to think over the design of the vessel in order to make it as effective as possible in battle. The gameplay is based on the laws of physics. Smaller ships are able to move quickly across open space, while larger shuttles are less maneuverable but can withstand more hits. nine0003

The game made ~$1.8 million.


Dune: Spice Wars

Immersion in Dune: Spice Wars is made in the form of a global strategy, where gamers need to manage one of the factions that are fighting for the territories of Arrakis. On a planet completely covered with desert, protracted battles and constant bloodshed due to political strife take place. The tops cannot achieve a diplomatic distribution of resources, which leads to a war between states and certain sections of the population that find themselves in harsh conditions. nine0003

Players in Dune: Spice Wars will compete for the supremacy of their own faction, trying to wrest power from the enemy and take control of his lands. The main task is the struggle for the extraction of «Spice», an unusual element that allows you to extend the life of people and change the boundaries of perception. Thanks to this material, it turns out to fly between star galaxies and fully travel in the universe. Gamers get the option to take control of House Atreides or Harkonnen.

You will have to go through single missions, moving along the storyline of the story. During the gameplay, it will be possible to meet huge space worms and many other monsters that live in the world. You will have to send harvesters to collect resources and valuable spice in order to discover new technologies and opportunities for the army. Users will control the troops and their movement in the battles that are tied between the two warring houses that started the massacre on Arrakis.

The game made ~$3.2 million. nine0703


Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord

Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord is a role-playing game with elements of medieval warfare, which takes place 200 years before the start of Part 1.